VNM Small Business Magazine Issue 016

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ISSUE 016 JAN 2017 ISSUE 016 JAN 2017

TOP 5 FACTORS That affect the value of your business

trumps triumph What will happen to the stock market in Australia.

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the past the present stay connected










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S S E N I BUS SALE FOR tent con

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How Can Small Businesses in Australia Compete Globally? Small businesses in Australia can grow a lot by showcasing their brand and products on an international level. However, that is easier said than done. To be able to compete globally, there are several things which small businesses need to keep in mind. Fortunately, Australian small businesses have an edge over small businesses based in other countries in terms of having good brand name recognition overseas. They make quality products and international consumers are aware of this. Small businesses based in Australia can build for themselves a stronger international presence by doing a number of the following things; Internet to the Rescue: Using the internet to get the word about your business out on a global platform is not something unheard of. Still, several small business owners complain that despite having a functional website, they are not being able to attract that many international customers.

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The fault actually lies in not using the right search engine optimisation strategies. These strategies are specifically designed to increase the website’s visibility in search engines, which consequently gets more visitors. Getting the Right Distributors: Another tip which has proven to be very effective for small business owners in building their clientele in other countries is working with the right distributors. You have a foreign country that you want to launch your product in but you have no idea how to go about it, so look for a reputable and reliable distributor who will buy whatever it is you are selling and then sell them in that foreign country in which you wish to launch yourself in. Getting the right distributors can be tricky as cases of fraud in this field are not at all unheard of. So, always run a background check on the distributors that you are interested in working with. Better yet, try to obtain references about the distributors which you want to work with.

Small businesses based in Australia can build for themselves a stronger international presence by doing a number of the following things...

Small businesses in Australia can grow a lot by showcasing their brand and products on an international level.

Know Your Customers:

Joint Ventures: A Good Idea:

Before you hire a particular SEO company to start working on your website or start looking for distributors that will launch your product or service in foreign countries, try finding out if the consumers in that region would actually need your product. There needs to be a demand for the product that you are selling so for this you need to study the consumers. You will also need to study their income levels to figure out if they would be able to actually afford your product or not. Knowing your consumers helps a lot in figuring out a launching strategy for your product locally or even at a global level, so this is one step which should not be ignored at all.

Another simple way Australian small businesses can compete globally is to establish joint ventures with companies that produce things complementary to theirs and are already selling them to the consumers in the areas they are interested in launching in. Joint ventures have another huge benefit to them as well; the company that you will ultimately partner with already knows what the packaging/labelling regulations for that particular region are, hence you will be saving time in figuring that out.

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Top 5 Factors that Affect the Value of Your Business Your Business

Business owners often complain about how, regardless of the steps they take, the value of their business is either decreasing or has come to a complete stop. The reason why this happens is because the things you are focusing on are not exactly the things which determine the value of your business. Hence, it is essential that you know what those things are that really and truly affect the value of your business. Here are the top 5 factors that you should be focusing on in order to increase the value of your business.

1: Forget the Past, Embrace the Future Many business owners make the biggest mistakes of focusing on how their business/did in the past, completely missing the fact that the value of your business is determined by how its future performance is set. The only time you are allowed to dwell on the past is to be aware of what you did back then which you shouldn’t do now which can possibly jeopardise your business’ future.

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2: The Cash Flow Consumers and buyers tend to be more inclined towards businesses that show growth as compared to those that just keep on adjusting themselves trying to keep up with inflation. So, how can a company grow itself in order to increase its value in the eyes of the buyers? Acquiring new customers, retaining the ones you have already, increasing market share are all things that eventually add up to making your business’s value increase.

3: Doing Quality Business This is something very obvious, that if you want to increase your business’ value you need to do quality business. Ensuring that your business does quality work you need to have a really focused management team, you need to have a strong balance sheet, you need to lower customer concentration and if you cannot improve profit margins and revenues, then at least they should be stable.

5: External Environment of the Industry

4: Size of the Company Buyers presume that if a company is bigger in size it probably has less risk attached to it. Let’s elaborate on this a little. For example, if you have a company whose gross revenue is higher than$10 M, it will always be considered as a better option as compared to a company which is relatively smaller in size. And if you are wondering how a company is being able to earn that much gross revenue, they do so by doing quality business, something we just spoke about.

Doing quality business, increasing the size of your business, focusing on the future etc are all things which are in your control i.e. internal factors. However, there are certain external factors which also affect your business’ value. And unfortunately, nobody really has control over these external factors. For example, the mad cow outbreak served as a huge blow to the cattle industry. The fear that that outbreak brought with itself, really brought the beef prices down. The fact remains that there will always be certain external factors present in your industry that will affect the value of your business. However, they don’t always have to be that bad. Sometimes, the turn of events can actually help your business grow. An effective example of this would be the unfortunate 9/11 attack after which businesses related to security witnessed growth like never before.

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Finally the long-awaited US presidential elections of 2016 have reached a conclusion: Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America

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Trump’s Triumph What will happen to the stock market in Australia?

Finally the long-awaited US presidential elections of 2016 have reached a conclusion: Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America. And while the world is still reeling from the somewhat shocking results, let us have a look at what Mr. Trump’s win could do to the global economy. Australia is one of those places where the economy is immensely tradefocused. And if you have been keeping up with the kind of trade policies Trump has in his back pocket, you would know why many Australian investors are preparing themselves for sadder days to come. Many notable economists have compared Trump’s protectionist trade policies to that of a previous US President, Herbert Hoover’s. If he goes along with his plan of putting up tariffs and cancelling trade agreements, the global financial market will receive a massive blow. Why are his protectionist trade policies so frowned upon? Well, to start things off, the protectionist tariff hikes

that he plans on implementing are more than likely to start a trade war of sorts where the consumer prices would be sky rocketing. Earlier, the AMP Capital chief economist, Shane Oliver, predicted that if Trump wins, his victory will trigger a fall of up to 10 percent in stock markets globally, while other safer options like the US dollar and even bonds can be expected to rally. This is definitely not good news for the investors who feel very strongly about Trump’s protectionist trade policies, especially the Australian investors who are well aware of how vulnerable the shares already are, given their high trade exposure. The former Australian foreign minister, Bob Carr also gave his two cents on what the traders and markets in Australia should expect now that Trump will be taking over the main seat. He said that while Trump is not likely to pick a trade fight with the Australian market directly, he might pick a few with China. We all saw and read how Trump repeatedly attacked China during his presidential campaign for

stealing American jobs. So, according to Carr, if Trump continues to proceed on the same track with China it can have a knock-on effect locally. The reason is simple; China is the world’s second-largest economy, and if you pick a trade war with them, the economic shock would be so huge that its after-effects will be felt greatly even in Australia. Currency strategists at the Commonwealth Bank have also made their own set of predictions to what will happen to the Australian dollar, once Trump takes over. The Australian dollar will likely fall, which would mean having to deal with more expensive imports. However, what will happen and how the Australian economy will respond to Trump’s presidency depends on what he actually goes through with. Even if you have been staying in the loop with his policies, you would know how he keeps on changing things that he had said on earlier occasions. So while the experts can predict definite risk which the Australian stock and market will have to face due to Trump, how much that risk is is something we will have to wait and see for ourselves.

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atlantis the palm Atlantis boasts an extraordinary and vibrant nightlife. You will find a lively mix of places to chill out, party on the beach or dance the night away. It also plays host to the hottest international artists and DJs around. So why not join us for a great night out?

Imperial Club is the perfect choice if you are seeking additional luxury and comfort, with additional benefits over USD 800 per day.

Atlantis The Palm, Dubai - Witness the amazing sights and sounds of Atlantis The Palm, Dubai. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Live wherever you are. Undoubtedly one of the most iconic sights in Dubai, Atlantis has captivated guests the world over with its aweinspiring beauty. And now thanks to our friends at EarthCam, you can immerse yourself in the wonder of Atlantis, The Palm whenever your heart desires Check out the amazing thrills happening every minute from the top of the Tower of Poseidon at Aquaventure Waterpark. Or for a view that you will truly never forget, watch day turn into night from one of our luxurious rooms in the majestic Royal Towers. The choice is yours.Whether you’re planning your dream Dubai holiday, or just yearning to witness the splendour again, our two webcams will give you a breathtaking view of Atlantis that will both charm and delight. Take a look for yourself, and Check Into Another World.

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Dubai is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).[ It is located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf and is the capital of the Emirate of Dubai, one of the seven emirates that make up the country. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are the only two emirates to have veto power over critical matters of national importance in the country’s legislature.[ The city of Dubai is located on the emirate’s northern coastline and heads up the Dubai-Sharjah-Ajman metropolitan area. Dubai is to host World Expo 2020.[5] Dubai has emerged as a global city and business hub of the Middle East.[] It is also a major transport hub for passengers and cargo. By the 1960s, Dubai’s economy was based on revenues from trade and, to a smaller extent, oil exploration concessions, but oil was not discovered until 1966. Oil revenue first started to flow in 1969.[] Dubai’s oil revenue helped accelerate the early development of the city, but its reserves are limited and production levels are low: today, less than 5% of the emirate’s revenue comes from oil.[]

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The emirate’s Western-style model of business drives its economy with the main revenues now coming from tourism, aviation, real estate, and financial services.[ Dubai has recently attracted world attention through many innovative large construction projects and sports events. The city has become iconic for its skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, in particular the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa. Dubai has been criticised for human rights violations concerning the city’s largely South Asian workforce.[] Dubai’s property market experienced a major deterioration in 2008–09 following the financial crisis of 2007–08,[ but the emirate’s economy has made a return to growth, with a projected 2015 budget surplus.[As of 2012, Dubai is the 22nd most expensive city in the world and the most expensive city in the Middle East.] In 2014, Dubai’s hotel rooms were rated as the second most expensive in the world, after Geneva.] Dubai was rated as one of the best places to live in the Middle East by U.S. global consulting firm Mercer.[

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The Past and the Present Just by one click, you can reach out to millions of potential buyers, connect with them, figure out what they want, solve their queries and really build your business’ image and presence. Social media is allowing business owners to understand their customers better

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Staying up to date with all that is happening and no longer happening in your relevant industry,

Whether it is Twitter or Instagram or the social media giant of them all, Facebook, customers are now using these social media platforms and influencing small businesses like never before. And it’s just not the customers that are using social media to influence small businesses, small business owners are also doing much better at their work because of social media. It is these social media platforms that have enabled small business owners to thoroughly study their target audiences, consumers and their behaviour. The information and insight they end up gaining really allows them to give the consumers what they really want, consequently increasing their revenue. Just by one click, you can reach out to millions of potential buyers, connect with them, figure out what they want, solve their queries and just really build your business’ image and presence. While on one side social media is allowing business owners to understand their customers better, it is also becoming hard to maintain them. With a new small business popping up every now and then, just to be able to hold the interest and attention of your existing clientele has become a big challenge for many small business owners. Going Mobile:

Small businesses have changed a lot in the past 10 years. Many of the changes have occurred because of technology, bringing business owners closer and making them more connected to each other than ever. Virtual businesses which we see everywhere today were just a concept 10 years back. While there are many developments in the way things are done now compared to 10 years back, the set of challenges which small business owners face are also of a different sort now than what they used to be. They too have become more difficult.

Fierce Competition: For starters, the competition is insane. On one hand the abundance of information that we have thanks to the internet has made starting a small business very easy, but so has it increased the competition too. It is easy to start the business but difficult to stay in business. Customers and Social Media: By far, the biggest change that has occurred in small businesses in the past 10 years is in terms of the influence customers now have and it is all thanks to social media.

Staying up to date with all that is happening and no longer happening in your relevant industry, has also become so much easier than it was 10 years back. The reason being that most businesses have now gone mobile, you do not have to wait until you find a computer or a laptop to know that the stock market has dropped, if you have a mobile and a working internet connection you are already in the loop. SEO Services: Small businesses using SEO services, is also something which was not that really heard of 10 years back. Now, small business owners are also realising that if they really want to do a profitable business, doing so without the help of the right SEO strategies is next to impossible.

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interest rates % The Truth About Interest Rates: Are Low Interest Rates Really That Helpful?

Your business can only do well as long as it is functioning in a healthy economic environment. Interest rates are a huge factor in determining this economic environment, they can either help you expand your business or completely hold it back. So understanding how these rates work is crucial for business owners. How do Interest Rates Work? When interest rates rise, businesses are charged more by the banks for the loans they take. This results in the company making less profit as most of their earnings are used to pay that interest on the loans. If you are a clever business person, you would refrain from starting new projects when the interest rates are higher. This way you save your profit, but your company stops growing because you are not initiating any new projects. On the contrary when interest rates are low, businesses can borrow more loans, start new projects, promote the growth of the company and still make more profit.

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This is how it works; when the interest rates are low, you can take more loans with which you can start newer projects. Newer projects will help you make more money which you can use to pay the interest on the loans you took and still have some remaining as your profit. Higher interest rates make it extremely difficult for businesses to buy and invest. Sales also get affected immensely. If your company makes a product but the product comes with a high interest, fewer consumers are going to buy it because they will have to pay more for it. Fewer products sold would mean fewer sales made. On the other hand, if the products have low interest, consumers are more likely to buy them resulting in more sales being made. Lower investment rates encourage businesses and consumers both to invest more, to spend more. However, the duration for these interest rates is a crucial factor. Short-term interest rates are generally recommended and keeping

them too low for a very long time can end up doing more harm than good. Do Lower Interest Rates Always Encourage Economic Growth? Lower Interest Rates encourage investment but discourage the incentive to save. If you are constantly borrowing loans because they have low interest, you will not be saving anything. So while lower interest rates can stimulate growth of businesses and eventually the economy, if you have interest rates that have been at an all time low for a long time, the economy’s growth trickles down to a stop. Take Japan’s economy for example. Their interest rates have been around zero for almost 10 years. The central bank’s balance sheet has approached 70% of GDP, it has a huge proportion comprising of government bond and equities but have these economic policies restored growth? Not really. Savers and retirees are not the only ones pouting about lower interest rates. Pension funds have unfunded liabilities to make up for, debt levels are rising, financial markets are being distorted, so are lower interest rates always that helpful? You decide.

Will Trump’s Victor Good to the Austra No matter what steps and policies Trump ends up implementing, it is important to keep in mind that the Australia-US relationship is bigger and more stable than the Presidency itself.

Trumps victory has the potential to grow the world’s economy just as he has grown the TRUMP empire.

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ry Bring Something alian Economy? Donald Trump’s victory in the recent US Elections has sparked mixed reactions all around the world. And it is not just the people who are waiting to see what his rule will bring; the entire global market too is waiting with bated breath to see how it will get affected by America’s 45th President and his policies. One reason that the global financial market is finding it difficult to make up its mind regarding Trump’s win is because nobody saw it coming. The people, stats and polls all predicted Clinton’s victory but now since he has stepped forward as the winner, let us be a little optimistic and evaluate the positives which the Australian economy can expect to experience during his run. America happens to be Australia’s 4th largest trading partner. Five percent of all of Australia’s exports is taken by the US. So, when a new US President is about to step in, it is only natural to get a little apprehensive about things. However, with regards to Trump as a President, things get a little more complicated since much of what Trump says regarding his trade and business related policies so far, hardly ever remains consistent to what he says about them at another time.

Still, there are some good points that work in Australia’s favour. Experts predict that while the interest rates will hike up, the Australian dollar is expected to go lower which means that no such big changes will be made in the overall monetary policy conditions. A lower Australian dollar can be seen as “stimulatory” for growth but the housing market will not benefit from this at all. In the policies that he has stated, Trump has emphasised a lot on the infrastructure which can be good news for mining stocks. Healthcare stocks can also expect to reap some benefits from some of Trump’s policies. During his campaign, Trump promised that he would revoke Obamacare and not just that but will also be leaving the drug companies alone regarding in matters of their pricing. If he sticks to his word, the healthcare stocks will benefit from this. Many experts compare Trump’s victory to the Brexit... both are considered as risk events. Vivek Dhar, a commodity analyst at Commonwealth Bank of Australia, says, “Brexit showed us that this outperformance was most acute after one day and was largely diluted after just one week. The lack of a

sustained price reaction likely reflects the considerable uncertainty surrounding Brexit, a fate that will await a Trump election victory too.” No matter what steps and policies Trump ends up implementing, it is important to keep in mind that the AustraliaUS relationship is bigger and more stable than the Presidency itself. While Trump’s plans about starting a possible trade war with China may be nearer to the truth, Australian economists urge the investors to always keep Australian business interests in mind and continuously push for them.

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Businesses For Sale

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Businesses Now Selling



$ 3 6 ,0 0 0

REF: B12609

This small computer repairs and IT business for sale is an excellent business opportunity for someone looking to take over an already established small business with a view to growth! The business currently turns over around $70,000 annually with the owner working in the business on their own. Rent for the business is a very cheap $970 per month and the business holds an excellent position with a visible frontage and plenty of parking for customers. The business itself comes with the equipment currently utilised by the vendor in the course of his work, plus a database of around 1000 clients. A buyer with the knowledge and drive will easily be able to grow this little corner repair shop and take it to another level. Further information can be obtained by calling Damon on 0402 225 989 or


$ 5 0 ,0 0 0

This simple and easy to operate retail fishing and tackle supply busines presents an excellent business opportunity for a buyer looking to purchase a small business and be their own boss! Currently generating around $85,000 per year in turnover, the owner enjoys excellent profits. Rent is a low $2,178 monthly rent with low overheads and outgoings, with a 3x3 lease currently also in place. Trading 6 days per week, this business currently sells a variety of freshwater and saltwater fishing rods, tools and accessories including lures, lines, reels, hooks, sinkers and more. The business also sells fishing licenses and a variety of bait, ideal for bringing customers through the door regularly. A new owner can easily continue growing the business by incorporating a wider variety of equipment Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


P.O .A .

REF: B12625

Located in the outer south eastern suburbs in a huge growth corridor, this Cold rock Franchise Business for sale is an exceptional business proposition. Surrounded by local businesses such as supermarkets, takeaway restaurants, dine in restaurants and cafes as well as a school and large sporting complex, the business is extremely well positioned to maximise passing customers. Currently turning over $6,000 per week, the business trades 7 days per week from 11am to 10pm. The business has been established for 5 years, all of which has been with the current owners. A long lease of 5x5 years is in place to ensure peace of mind for the purchaser. Excellent franchise support is offered including training in all facets of the business. Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


$ 1 4 0 ,0 0 0


This profitable children’s educational services franchise business offers buyers the chance to take over a firmly established business which can be operated either as a full time business or as a side business with minimal contact hours necessary for an owner to run the business! The business can be run from home and as such there are no rent, outgoings or overheads that would usually be associated with an office or shop location. Currently the business generates an annual turnover of around $250,000, with excellent profits after all expenses. A new owner with the drive and available time to spend growing this business will be able to take this already excellent business to another level! Further information can be obtained by calling Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or

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REF: B12608

the vendor of the business as well. Currently turning over an average $16,000 per week. Rent of around $6,780 per month. An existing sub lease agreement to rent out

This successful Schnitz franchise is an excellent opportunity for a buyer looking to

an unused portion of the premises brings the payable rent down by around $2,000

purchase a franchise business with a strong track record and loads of potential still

per month plus outgoings. Currently operating with 9 staff.

left in it! Buyers also receive comprehensive training from the franchisor to enable

Further information can be obtained by calling Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or

them to operate and manage the business, and further training can be provided by

0 ,00 0 5 $1


tion area & upstairs training room that can seat 12 students.Open from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm, the business offers cake decorating classes weekly.

This busy cake retail services business offers a range of income streams, from

Turning over approx $450k per annum. Cheap rent of $820 per week for spacious

the sale of cake supplies, to the provision of quality cakes, to training on cake

premises! Comprehensive website in place with online shopping cart.

preparation & decoration.The shop features a high profile location on a major road

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

through the east. It is well laid out with a retail store, enormous kitchen/prepara-


0 ,5 00 $4



shop inside, the gift shop is run by a third party & the vendor takes a percentage of sales. The cafe is brightly designed with seating for 24 inside & 4 outside, and

Right in the heart of an enormously busy street on the city outskirts, sits this bright

goes through 4-5kg of coffee per week.Rent of $773 per week inclusive of GST for

cafe business for sale. With thousands of cars passing daily & tram to the door,

such a high profile location, and long lease remaining of 1x5x5.

the cafe offers high exposure. Trading 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday! Established

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

nearly 5 years, the cafe offers a full time canteen for a local school & has a gift


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& total building space of approx 650 square metres. The premises are located in an industrial area in Mulgrave. The business turns over $1.3M approx per annum

This is a rare opportunity to obtain a profitable business for sale & prime freehold

& operates Monday to Friday until 4.30pm. The vendor works part time now with 8

real estate all in the one transaction! This business is a major wholesaler for

full time staff in place.

frames to the industry for both picture framing & home furnishings. This opportunity

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

offers both the business & the freehold as a package. Land of 1943 square metres


. .P O.A


business is predominately from the retail aspect, but 5% is from wholesale. The business is currently turning over $8,000 per week and using 500kg of flour and

Located in the bustling inner city suburb of Malvern, this bakery business for sale

selling 300 pies per week. The business is fully equipped and very well set up.

boasts excellent main road exposure with a very high volume of foot and vehicle

An exceptional opportunity to acquire a very well established, successful business.

traffic passing on a daily basis. The business has been very well established for 30

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic or Elle Likopoulos

years, with the previous 6 years being with the current owner. The turnover of the

on 9566 7300 or

0 ,9 00 9 $1


product mix but at the same time leaves ample room to grow with additional and related products. This business can be run from home or a small industrial

This Wholesale Business has been around for over 30 years, supplying a

site, depending on the buyer’s situation.

number of Australian OEM’s and large and small businesses with electronic modules, diesel control systems and custom designed instrumentation. This

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006

mature business has already secured its place in the market with the current

921 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

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0 ,8 00 $5


REF: B12616

lishment 28 years ago. Huge growth potential as the business does not currently have an online presence. Creating and investing in a website that is has very good

This is an excellent opportunity for a driven and motivated individual or partner-

SEO rankings and use of social media could greatly increase the potential of the

ship to acquire a successful home based business for sale. Selling first aid kits to

business. The vendor is operating the business on a part time basis.

clients across Victoria, the business has very little competition and a long list of

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic or Elle Likopoulos

established clients, some of whom have been with the business since it’s estab-

on 9566 7300 or

0 ,5 00 7 $1


setup was done by a very experienced operator, efficiency and growth potential is thus a given. A Long lease of 10 years is in place. This secures a key position in a

This busy Takeaway is located in one of Melbourne’s busiest foot traffic areas,

Street where Council plans are underway to turn the whole street into a pedestrian

drawing a large number of train commuters as they leave and enter a major Train

shopping strip. Business owners are falling over each other to get into this area.

Station. A well equipped Commercial Kitchen with both a walk in Chiller and Freez-

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

er forms the heart of this operation. All the equipment is virtually brand new and the

0 ,9 00 9 $2


REF: B12619

full management with ample opportunity to grow, this one is a must see. The easy menu focuses on getting people in and out as soon as possible, allowing for higher turnover and quick service. No rocket scientist required, just simply making

This Café for sale is located near the entrance to Flinders station, with loads and


loads of foot traffic pouring past day and night. This business is ideal for a number of

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

buyer. Solid $14,000 PW takings with a long lease in place. Near new fitout. Under

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00 0 , $58


Rent is $3,890 p.c.m inc G.S.T. Commercial Lease of 5x5 .Owner happy to train if required This is an opportunity that is not to be missed as the fitness industry

This reputable Supplements business for Sale has hit all the target markets pos-

is booming and there is an abundance of potential to grow this business to a

sible. Located centrally in Berwick it has 21 Gyms surrounding it within a 5km


radius. The business provides fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts with the best

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

health and well being supplements on the market. Takings averaging $10,000 p/w.

0 ,5 00 $1


business can even potentially be relocated. Selling direct to public paints.

This automotive and industrial paint business presents buyers the perfect op-

ness to another level and keep growing both the turnover and the profits!

A new owner with a good work ethic and some drive will be able to take this busiportunity to purchase an easy to run retail business in a niche industry with plenty of growth potential! Generating $390,000 turnover per annum. Factory site rent

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

currently $52,304 annually. A new lease can be negotiated by the buyer or the


0 ,8 00 $5



are processed. The website has a wide range of baby gifts including toys, nappies, gift sets and keepsakes as well as a secure online payment portal for Visa, Mastercard, Amex & PayPal. The vendors are currently working in the business

Currently operating from a warehouse, the business would be perfect to operate

themselves on a part time basis with takings of $150,000 per annum.

from home to minimise overheads and maximise convenience.The business spe-

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic or Elle Likopoulos

cialises in baby gifts and has an extensive website in place, where all transactions

on 9566 7300 or

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. A . O P.


REF: B12624

further 4 outside currently, with ability to increase outdoor seating. Large upstairs storage area above the business can be used as storage, office space, or potentially even

Boasting a prime location in the heart of Warragul, this fantastic deli cafe business for

private function space. This is an excellent opportunity for buyers looking to take over a

sale offers an excellent opportunity. Currently taking an average $13,000 per week.

firmly established business and strong turnover and profits!

Rent of around $3,500 per month. Cafe/restaurant liquor license on premises, plus an

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

additional limited liquor license to allow patrons to take away. Seating 50 inside and a

. .P O.A


a take away liquor licence. The premises is an excellent size, with 4 different seating areas. There is a seating capacity for 100 people downstairs and an additional

Located in the inner city suburb of St Kilda, this restaurant specialises in authentic

30 people upstairs. In addition, there is a three bedroom unit upstairs which could

fusion Japanese cuisine. Well located, the business is currently generating a turn-

be used to reside in or sublease to reduce overheads.

over of $15,000 per week. The restaurant itself has an amazing set up with a fully

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic or Elle Likopoulos

equipped, full commercial kitchen. The business has a full liquor licence as well as

on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .



4 beauty rooms, 1 tan room, 1 hydro spa & 3 rooms not currently in use spread across 2 levels to ensure sufficient space between clients. The business has excellent street

Located in the east of regional Victoria, this hair and beauty salon is an excellent set

frontage, making it a prominent business in the shopping precinct as well as 9 car parks

up that is well run under management. Established for 24 years, the business has

at the rear for staff parking. A new lease will be negotiated with the purchaser.

established a solid reputation in the community and has an impressive turnover which

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic or Elle Likopoulos

is in excess of $16,000 per week. The salon is well equipped with a total of 18 stations,

on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 028

. A . P. O


machines and 2 irons as well as a large space to allow for plenty of room for work to be carried out. The business is currently turning over $4,000 per week and is

This clothing alterations business for sale has been established for 12 years and

currently run by the two owners on a full time basis. Trading Monday to Friday from

has an excellent reputation in the local area for quality repairs and alterations. Well

9am to 5pm as well as Saturday from 9am to 2pm.

located in Berwick, this business is surrounded by at least 8 schools in the area,

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

where uniforms often require altering. The business is fully equipped with 9 sewing

0 ,8 00 6 $1


capacity for 53 people inside and a further 10 people outside. In addition there is a fully equipped commercial kitchen and liquor licence. The business enjoys a huge weekend

Located in the picturesque south eastern suburb of Berwick, this beautiful cafe has been

breakfast trade as well as great customer reviews online. It is currently turning over $8,500

immaculately set up and has achieved the wow factor with the presentation and ambience of

p/w and has a long lease of 5x5 years in place to ensure peace of mind for the purchaser.

the cafe. The business enjoys plenty of passing traffic, being nearby to a major supermarket

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic or Elle Likopoulos

and plenty of customer parking nearby. The premises is an excellent size, with a seating

on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A



The business operates 7 days per week between 8am and 5pm, and the turnover has been growing steadily since the business first opened. A new owner will be able to continue grow-

Located in a prime position outside a busy shopping centre in the northern suburbs. Currently

ing the business by continuing to provide excellent service and further building the reputation

turning over around $300,000 per year. A generous 5x5x5 lease in place, the current rent is

of the business with new and existing clients.

$66,000 including GST for a large premises with plenty of parking space for vehicles. The

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

business operates with a two car capacity wash tunnel and three detailing bays.

vnm magazine 029

0 ,8 00 9 $1


be run from anywhere. All that is needed is a phone, internet connection and close proximity to a post office. Since the business is in the Education sector, there are

This Distribution Business has been around for 50 years, targeting the education

some seasonal fluctuations, leaving ample time for either a break, website mainte-

sector. It is a mature Business with limited competition and established systems in

nance or to spread the workload out during the slower months.

place to ensure its longevity. As a Direct Mail / Online business, distributing across

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

the whole of Australia and some international customers as well, this business can

. .P O.A



are prepared is an extremely low $840 per month with a current 5 year lease. The business also incorporates a cafe which runs under management away from the

Currently generating turnover of around $834,000 per annum, this catering busi-

main site with a current 10 year lease and rent of $400 per month.

ness has an excellent reputation and a large number of repetitive clients due primarily to the quality food, service and reliability the current owner has maintained

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

while running the business. Rent for the commercial kitchen where catering orders

A .P O .



turnover parking for customers. High foot traffic area, plus hundreds of residences within mere meters! This is an excellent opportunity to purchase a new

Currently taking around $9,000 per week on average. Reasonable rent of

and growing convenience store/mini mart business packed with potential for a

$4,723 per month. Current 5x5x5 Lease in place since 2015. New fit out

new owner to capitalise on.

includes quality shelving, display refrigerators and freezers, POS system,

Further information can be obtained by calling Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989

security system and much, much more. Fantastic location with plenty of high


vnm magazine 030

. A . P. O


6 days per week from 6am to 4pm. In summer, the business opens Sundays as well. Offering a large range of pies, sausage rolls, pasties, sandwiches, bread and

Located near the entrance to Phillip Island, this popular bakery business boasts

drinks including 12kg of coffee per week. A new lease is available for the purchaser

a prominent corner location that gives it huge exposure! The business has been

to negotiate at very reasonable rental, given the exposure the location offers.

established for 16 years and has a solid reputation amongst locals and visitors

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

alike. Currently generating a turnover of $11,000 per week, the business trades

los on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


unique business model and has several franchise stores across Victoria. A 5 year lease is in place at a very reasonable rental and as previously mentioned, excellent

Located in the south eastern suburbs, this franchise cafe has been very well es-

main road exposure. This is an excellent opportunity to acquire a well established

tablished by it’s current owners for 6 years. Located at the foot of the Dandenong

business with an excellent business model in place.

Ranges, the business enjoys a high volume of traffic passing on a daily basis. The

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

business enjoys excellent support from the franchisor, which has established a

los on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


sale of 140 chickens and 150kg of chips.The set up of the shop is excellent, being fully equipped and very clean. There is a seating capacity for 15 people inside and 4

Located in a huge growth corridor in a shopping centre surrounded by residential

people outside. Trading 6 days per week (closed on Mondays) for varying hours and

housing, this charcoal chicken business boasts enormous potential! The shop is

is run by 2 full time vendors, with the assistance of 1 casual employee..

quite large and has excellent exposure as well as a long lease of 5x5x5 years in

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

place. The business is currently turning over $4,000 per week which includes the

los on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 031

0 ,9 00 $3


shopping & extend your consumer reach. Very reasonable vendor, potential to take over the prime positioning & alter the shop’s products or services to suit your vision.

This good size retail shop is located in a busy shopping strip with an abundance of

New lease will be offered to the new owner, rent of $2,500 per month.

parking at the door & direct access from public transport. Affluent area with a focus

Turning over approx $6k per week.

on presentation & style, the business has no online presence so there is enormous

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

potential for growth by targeting the local market! Possibilities to also add online

. A . P. O


market value for this business! Currently generating $35,000 per week turnover on average! Rent and outgoings totalling around $3,500 per week. Vendor is happy to

This is your opportunity to take over a strongly performing and profitable butcher

provide a trial for a genuine buyer! Business has been established more than 15

shop at a bargain price! Due to some unfortunate personal circumstances, the cur-


rent owner of this business is very regretfully needing to sell and as a result buyers

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154,

are presented with an opportunity to take over a business at a price well below the

Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or

A .P O .



with shopping cart to enable online purchases. The business is currently generating a turnover of $950,000 per annum and trades 6 days per week, being closed

This kitchen products retail business for sale is in an excellent location, with a huge

on Sundays. Staffed by a full time and part time owner as well as 5 casual employ-

shop that boasts great exposure. Established for 18 years, the business stocks a

ees to assist in day to day business functions. A long lease of 5x5 years.

wide range of chefs uniforms, bakeware, cake tins, glassware, cooking sets and

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

much more. In addition to the huge retail location, the business has an online store

los on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 032

. A . P. O



plants, flowers, hardware, bulk soil & mulch supplies as well as gifts. Great location, the business has plenty of street exposure & not much online exposure so

This long established nursery garden centre business for sale is located in the

there is enormous potential for growth! Rent of $770 per week with new lease to be

northern suburbs on a spacious allotment. Serving its loyal customers since 1980,

provided to the new owner.

the vendors are now wanting to retire. Turning over $430k per annum. Spread out

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

on a spacious allotment of approx 1400 sqm, the business incorporates sales of


. .P O.A



has a pedicure area, makeup area with LED lighting, 4 separate beauty rooms, 1 spray tan room, IPL, LED, skin care. The business turns over an average of $5,000 per week,

This stunning Hair and Beauty Salon is located in the Macedon Ranges region. The

rent of $2,260 pcm plus GST and a great 5x5x5 year lease which started in 2013. The

owners have not spared a cent on the recent fit out having also invested money in the

owner runs the business with 2 part time and 2 casual staff members

latest equipment as well to run a successful business. There is two parts to the business

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429006921 or Ismar

which is the Hair part which consists of 8 Stations and 3 wash basins. The Beauty part

Muratovic on 0404146202.

. .P O.A


to be negotiated. There is a lovely 3 bedroom residence upstairs that can be included in the lease. The residence has it’s own entrance, allowing it to be leased

Located in the north west of Victoria, this fish and chip business for sale is an icon

separately should you not want it included in the lease. The business is currently

of the area, having been established for 58 years! The business is turning over

trading 6 days per week, being closed on Mondays, from 11am to 8.30pm.

$12,500 per week and selling 30 x 12kg boxes of chips, 40kg of hake, 780 pieces

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

of flake, 40 steaks and 150 burgers per week. A new lease is available with terms

los on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 033

. A . O P.


ing & delivery/pick ups of the bins, so this an ideal addition to an investors portfolio. The business currently utilises a site in the outer northern suburbs to store their

This managed bin hire business services the northern suburbs & comes complete

equipment, where a new lease can be provided to the new owner at $600 per month.

with trucks & bins ranging from 2 cubic metres to 23 cubic metres in size. The busi-

The business can be relocated to a site that suits the new owner.

ness offers waste removal for trade, commercial & domestic clientele. The business

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

turns over $375k per annum. It employs experienced staff that carry out all the book-

00 0 , $78


porary European cuisine made with fresh Australian produce and the restaurant has a full liquor license. The business has a seating capacity for 86 people inside

An excellent opportunity exists for an astute business person or investor to acquire

as well as 9 people outside. Currently trading 5 days per week (closed Sunday &

a beautifully presented restaurant business for sale in an outstanding location.

Monday) for lunch (12pm to 3pm) and dinner (6pm to 10pm).

Located on a busy intersection with public transport nearby and prominent street

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

frontage, this business is perfectly positioned for success. The menu is a contem-

los on 9566 7300 or



0 5,0



by public transport & plenty of parking nearby. Turning over $300k per annum the salon currently opens Monday to Saturday with late nights Wednesday & Thursday.

This bright beauty salon offers a brilliant location in an busy shopping area within

Ideal for an experienced therapist to take over, nothing to do but move in & start

an affluent bayside suburb. Established over 21 years, this day spa offers a wide

pocketing the profits. Rent of $681 per week with long lease of 3x5x5.

range of treatments in 6 treatment rooms, including IPL. The salon offers a prime

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

location in affluent Beaumaris within a busy shopping precinct with easy access


vnm magazine 034

0 ,5 00 8 $2



manufacturing, automotive, packaging, food and beverage.Takings: $500,000 PA New Lease available at Market Rents. Long Established with secure customer

This Manufacturing Business For Sale is an Australian owned and operated com-

base. 5 Day Business .Exciting and interesting Industry

pany, specializing in the field of solid flexible and semi-rigid Plastic products. Established over 49 years with a broad range of products and services that caters

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

various industry needs such as logistics, engineering, mining, laundry, printing,


9 ,9 99 $4


the northern Suburbs of Melbourne, this business is a must see. The Vendor is looking forward to his retirement. New Lease available or relocatable. Long

This Wholesale Business For Sale markets a full range of wheels and casters for

Established Business. 5 Day Business. Exciting and interesting Industry. Ample

medium and heavy duty Industrial applications. It also provides a range of other

room to grow

products to Industry for various applications and/or raw material for manufactur-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

ing. Established for over 25 years and located in an Industrial Warehouse in

or at

0 ,0 00 5 $5


plenty of parking onsite. Liquor licence in place until 11pm, seating for 50 people & using approx 37kgs of coffee per week. Simple contemporary designed prem-

Turning over $20,000 per week, the business currently operates 7 days closing

ises with full commercial kitchen. Great reviews online Long lease of 2x5x5x5

at 4pm all days but Friday, and Friday opening for a dinner service from 6pm to

offers security for a great location.

11pm. Top location in a very busy hub that has become increasingly popular as

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

a meeting place for coffee & dining, and easily accessible by public transport or

154 or

vnm magazine 035

. A . O P.


as well as a foosball table & some video games. There is a long lease in place of 5x5 years to ensure peace of mind for the purchaser. T

This playcentre has been established for 13 years and brings with it a long trading

Expansion potential exists with the possibility of extending trading hours for after

history and excellent reputation. The updates include new table and chairs, a fresh

school play or a disco for school aged children on Friday evenings.

coat of paint, new counters & couches as well as new toddlers toys. The centre

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Liko-

caters for all ages, with a separate toddler area, large slides to cater for bigger kids

poulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


also boasts 150,000 office workers within a 10 minute walk. Currently turning over $14,000 per week.The current set up seats 65 people inside as well as 40 people

Located in the bustling Melbourne CBD, this restaurant has been established for

outside and has an open kitchen and bar area. A long lease of 3x3x3 years is avail-

just 1 year and has a brand new fitout and equipment. With Southern Cross Station

able to ensure peace of mind for the new owner.

and outlet shops across the road as well as 2,500 apartments above, there is a

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic or Elle Likopou-

huge amount of potential clientele in a small area. The location within the CBD

los on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .




week from 9am to 9pm, the business is run by the vendor on a full time basis, with the assistance of another part time vendor & a casual employee. Long lease terms of

Located in the heart of Cranbourne with excellent street frontage, this halal butcher

3x3x3 years available at a very reasonable rent of $2,831 per calendar month. The

& supermarket business for sale has been well established for 3 years. Currently of-

shop is well set out and fully equipped and also boasts parkin.

fering a wide range of Halal meat & chicken, the business also trades as an Afghani

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic or Elle Likopoulos

supermarket selling a range of other food & non food products. Trading 7 days per

on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 036

. A . P. O



fee per week as well as food, all of which is simple to prepare and can be prepared on the bench (minimal cooking). Very cheap rent of $1,597 per calendar month

Located at a busy north eastern shopping strip, this cafe enjoys a high volume of

with long lease terms available. No website in place and minimal use of social

passing traffic, both vehicle & foot, due to the nearby train station, schools, army

media at present, both of which could be used to boost customers for the business.

barracks & surrounding businesses. The shop seats 16 people inside as well as 16

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Liko-

people outside and the cafe has a lovely ambience. Boasting sales of 25kg of cof-

poulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


easy accessibility. Turning over $7,000 per week using 15kg of coffee, the business opens 7 days closing by 4.30pm at the latest. The premises has a full commercial

This busy cafe business for sale offers a prime location in the shopping heart of Bentle-

kitchen & offers seating for 46 inside & 12 outside. Easy business to run, breakfast

igh, surrounded by shops & dining. High exposure on a busy road through the south

& lunch menu with plenty of potential for growth. Rent of $1005 pw & long lease of 4x5.

east! Established over 10 years, this cafe sits on a busy shopping strip with plenty of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

parking & public transport past the door. Enormous volume of traffic passing daily &


. .P O.A


area and provides a wide range of beauty services including facials, male and female waxing, eyebrow & lash tinting plus more. The salon is an excellent size and

This beauty salon is well located in the northern suburbs at a busy strip of shops

fully equipped with 4 treatment rooms as well as kitchen facilities. The business

that enjoys an excellent volume of passing traffic on a daily basis. With a school

does have an online presence which could be expanded.

across the road and ample customer parking, it is highly visible and accessible for

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Liko-

clients. Established for 20 years, the business has become very well known in the

poulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 037

0 ,8 00 9 $1


cense, that covers both inside and out, this is a must see. Solid $10,000 PW takings. Low Rent of only $770 PW. Stunning Courtyard . Well equipped commercial kitchen

This absolutely magnificent 5 day Restaurant with its beautiful garden courtyard is

This business is run under management and trading only 5 days.

located on one of the main arteries leading into Melbourne CBD. This location is in high demand with thousands of people passing by in car, foot and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

Tram every day. Seating capacity of 80, full commercial Kitchen and full liquor li-

. .P O.A


Spacious premises seats 70 inside & out with a pretty outdoor courtyard area. Full commercial kitchen & liquor licence until 11pm, currently using around 20kg of cof-

This spacious cafe restaurant bar business for sale offers a prime location in a

fee per week. Nothing to do but take over & continue operations to profit from day

busy shopping hub in the beautiful bayside area of Frankston. High exposure

one. Long lease of 1x5 remaining.

location in the bustling shopping hub of Frankston, high volume of traffic passing

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

by with public transport & parking at the door. Turning over $10,000 per week.

154 or


0 5,0



full time basis with the assistance of 1 full time employee. The salon has a sleek and modern fitout that keeps in step with the trendy area it’s located in. A very long lease of

Located at a busy Bayside strip of shops, nearby to the train station, bus stop and

3x3x3x3 years is in place to ensure peace of mind for the new owner, with reasonable

an all girls school, this hair and beauty salon also boasts a high volume of residen-

rent. The salon does boast an online presence that could be expanded further.

tial housing nearby, including new apartment complexes. Fully equipped, the salon

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

boasts 4 chairs, 2 washbasins & 1 beauty room, the salon is run by the owner on a

los on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 038


$1 6 0 ,0 0 0

REF: B12636

Located in the Geelong region of Victoria, this kebab shop business for sale is beautifully set up, with an as new fitout that is just 1 year old. The business is trading 7 days per week from 10am to 2am (open until 3am on Friday & Saturday) and boasts impressive takings of $10,000 per week. A long lease of 5x5x5 years is in place to ensure peace of mind from the purchaser. The vendor is currently working in the business on a part time basis and has the assistance of 5 casual employees who are capable of ensuring operations are maintained in the vendor’s absence. The business currently has a seating capacity for 30 people, however this could be easily increased to 50 - 60 people. In addition to this, there is car parking for 60 cars. Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


P. O . A .

This limousine business prides itself having some of the best presented limousines in Melbourne. The business provides chauffeur driven limousines for functions such as weddings, debutante balls, formals and any special occasion. The workload is mainly on Friday and Saturday’s, however the business can operate during the week if the demand is there. The business is currently turning over $140,000 per annum with future bookings in place for the new owner to continue with. Minimal overheads, with no office space required to rent, meaning the business can be relocated anywhere you desire! Very good Google rankings for the well set out website, making it easy for the business to be found by potential clients. Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


P. O . A .

REF: B12647

This cafe and restaurant business has excellent exposure with plenty of passing traffic. Established for 14 years it has built a solid reputation amongst the local community. which includes selling 16kg of coffee per week. Currently turning over $7,500 per week, the business trades 7 days per week and is run by the Vendor on a full time basis, with the assistance of 1 full time and 6 part time employees. The venue itself has a seating capacity for 50 people inside, 16 people outside and 18 people in the courtyard. The business has a full liquor licence until 11pm, offering the opportunity to increase trading hours to include dinner or private functions. Upstairs is a 4 bedroom residence, that with a little TLC, could be used to live in or sub-leas. Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


P. O . A .


Located in the south east of Melbourne, this restaurant has been established for just one year, but has built a solid reputation for quality burgers, milkshakes and ice-cream. Being just one year old, the fitout is almost brand new and of the highest quality. Well located in a shopping centre on a very busy road, there is plenty of customer parking and prime position next to Coles gives the business a high volume of foot traffic. The business is currently taking $10,000 per week and is selling 120-150 kg chips, 600 - 700 burgers and 20kg of onion rings per week! The business could be converted to an under management model if so desired. A long lease of 5x5x5 years is in place to ensure peace of mind for the purchaser. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 039


SELLING YOUR BUSINESS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD We employ the utmost ethical standards and perform our role with integrity, honesty and complete openness. We use our experience & industry knowledge to market your business appropriately to the widest audience, as well as working in conjunction with migration agents, to find the right buyer for your business. We are Melbourne-based and Victorian specialists. We know our area, we know our industry. Our agents have had businesses in Victoria so we know YOUR area. Our goal is not to be the biggest just the best. OUR SENIOR BUSINESS AGENTS ARE FULLY LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND ALL OUR T EAM HAVE BEEN BUSINESS OWNERS BEFORE. WE KNOW THE INDUSTRY A ND WE HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. WE ARE NOT SALES PEOPLE, WE ARE INDUSTRY SPECIALIST.

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