VNM Small Business Magazine Issue 017

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ISSUE 017 APR 2017

ONLINE VS SHOPFRONT FIRST TIME BUYERS GUIDE latest social media trends ive s u l c ex












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ive s u l c ex

S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR t n e t n co

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Online vs. Shop Front

Having an online shop has its own perks and having one with shop front has its own. In case you are wondering which one would be most suitable for your small business here are some pointers for you to consider. Benefits of Having a Shop Front Business:

The success of your shop front business is also greatly determined by the staff you hire and how efficiently you manage them. Hiring the right people for the right job and investing in some security measures should be one of the top priorities for any entrepreneur who wishes to set up their shop front business. Benefits of Having an Online Business:

One of the biggest advantages a shop front business gets to enjoy is all the face-to-face interaction with the customers. Your target audience can come into your shop and check out the products/services for themselves, all and any queries regarding them can be answered right there and then, the product can be bought at that very instant as well. Not to mention all that you get to do to your shop during the holiday seasons or big retail events like Black Fridays and Cyber Mondays. From decorations to discount coupons, having a shop front business definitely has some solid benefits in its corner.

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Having an online business means getting to cater to a much wider clientele. Your webpage can be visited by anyone who has an internet connection, they can learn about what you are about and what you deal in. You would not need a store manager, but for your online business you may need some help to build your brand’s online presence. You will need to get more active on the social media scene which is a great business tool and allows you to connect with customers, answer their queries and do business like nothing else.

Small businesses based in Australia can build for themselves a stronger international presence by doing a number of the following things.

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The Balance: With the rise in online shopping these days, there is hardly any shop front business that does not have an online presence as well! Why not get the best of both worlds and launch your small business online too? Setting up an online business is a research intensive process. You will have to study the behaviour of your target audience to see which social media platform they use the most, what time of day are they the most active on it, how to market your product in a way which speaks to them etc.

Getting a digital marketing agency to help you with this task is definitely a worthwhile investment to consider. The thing with online businesses is that there is just so much competition out there that you have to make sure that your online business stands out from the remaining bunch. Getting professional help for that can make things somewhat easier. At the end of the day, a successful entrepreneur is one who gives their shop front business and their online business the same amount of attention. It is not a matter of which out of the two requires you to do more, both have their unique sets of challenges and their own benefits.

cessful Balance that’s r You vnm magazine 05

Top 5 Biggest Industries in the Small Business Market Starting your own small business in Australia can be an exciting venture. Naturally, when one is setting up their own business they want to do it well. Identifying what the top industries are and positioning your business among them can help ensure that your venture is a profitable one. Following are the top 5 small business industries that you can explore:

1: Corporate Relations Industry Australia has been witnessing some changes being made to its workplace laws recently. These updated workplace laws would obviously be having an effect on how things are done in organisations. Starting up a small business which comprises of consultants who know what these laws are, whose knowledge can help other business owners effectively deal with these changes is a good area to explore.

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2: Pet Services Industry A lot of importance is placed on pets in an Australian household. Australians are particularly attentive to the needs of their pets. For this purpose they have absolutely no issues paying good money to people who can ensure that their pet’s needs are well taken care of. As a small business owner considering venturing into the pet services industry, you have two options. Either you can set up a business which actually provides pet care services or you can also have a small set up which deals with providing pet care products only.

3: Technology Services Industry Can you think of any house in Australia which does not have access to the internet? Neither can we! And it is not just the houses which have access to computers and internet, almost every other organisation needs internet to efficiently function. Think about so many people, so many businesses with that many computers and laptops and other related devices that at some point will definitely need some help with some technical issue they are facing. And this is where your set up can step in and save the day. If you know what to do to fix issues such as/faults in internet related devices then this is an immensely profitable industry to go into.

5: The Online Retail Industry

4: Food/Drinks Industry This is one small business industry which will perhaps never be a bad idea to invest into, primarily for the reason that people, whether they are in Australia or elsewhere, are never going to completely stop eating or drinking. By running a small restaurant which prepares delicious, scrumptious snacks or refreshing drinks, you can do quite well for yourself. Other than having great culinary skills, you also need to keep in mind the importance of the hygiene factor.

And we have saved the best for last. With more and more people shopping for almost everything online, the online retail industry is extremely promising. Why not set up a small online based retail store as a small business idea? You have plenty of options to choose from as to what you would like to have in your online retail store.

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What You Need to Do Your Business for M Step 2:

As an owner of a small business, one of the very first things you need to do is to come up with a marketing plan for it. After all, you do want your small business to grow but without an effective marketing plan, it will be quite impossible to achieve.To devise the perfect marketing plan for your small business, just follow the steps mentioned below:

Finding the right people to have on your team is the next step which should be on your business plan. After all, achieving those goals we spoke of in step 1 would be difficult without having the right assistance. Whether you are recruiting workers or managers, see to it that these people are not only a competent bunch but are also able to adjust to the workplace environment you provide them with. A good way to see if your employees are adapting to the corporate culture or not, is to focus on how they interact with their colleagues.

Step 1: Step 3: To devise the best marketing plan for your small business you should start with focusing on setting goals. What would you want these marketing strategies to achieve for your small business? Make the goals according to a certain time line. For example, in the first year of your business you should have made x amount of sales, in the next 5 years this much, and so on.

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In the third step of building an effective business plan, you will have to shift gears from setting goals and observing colleagues’ relationships, to having a look at your small business’ infrastructure. As your business grows, you will be required to invest more into maintaining it as well. However, there are still some ways you can cut back

on this maintenance. A good example to demonstrate this is the cloud computing. Rather than investing money into having fully functional IT units that overlook data management duties, you can simply opt for cloud software. Step 4: The marketing plan should not just be covering the infrastructure budget, but should also cover the marketing budget. Before you go on to decide how much money you’re going to invest to market your small business, it is essential to do some homework on what kind of marketing strategies work best for the industry in which your small business is set up in. Additionally, knowing the target audience and their behaviour will also give you a sufficient amount of knowledge into deciding what marketing channels and strategies you should actually be investing in to get your message across to the right people.Your small business will only thrive when proper amounts of dedication, love and respect are put into it. When it is time to make crucial decisions, always put the best interest of the business before your own interests.

Do to Prepare Market

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Latest Social Media Trends All Businesses Need to Follow Businesses, no matter how big or small, are aware of the crucial role played by social media in making their growth and success a possibility. Having said that, the world of social media itself is one which is rapidly changing. While some social media trends have been in action since practically forever, several of these trends come and go like the seasons and if you do not keep up with will be left behind. And it will cost you big time, have no doubts about that. So, if you are a business owner, here are this year’s social media trends which your company needs to keep an eye out for.

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1: The Rise of Chatbots How satisfied your customers are with your services/products says a lot about your business. Customer Care is an aspect which cannot be taken lightly. Social media allows customers to get in touch with the sellers like never before. Whilst that is great, the not-so-great thing is that business owners have to work twice as hard to make sure that the continuous influx of customer queries get answered right away. Chatbots can help you take care of this problem.

2: An Investment You Can’t Afford to Miss: Promoted Content. Notice how difficult it is becoming to see relevant posts on our social media feeds? The reason for this is that the feeds are constantly being bombarded with one post after another, resulting in a very cluttered social media page. This is something to think about for business owners using social media to promote their business. If your target audience does not even see your posts on their feed, it kind of defeats the purpose doesn’t it? This is why more and more business owners are turning to promoted advertisements of their services/products. This is definitely a worthwhile investment.

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SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDS Keeping up with socisl media trends ensures you will be ahead of your competitors

3: Social Media Coursework This year a lot of business owners will be seen getting their social media team formally educated on what social media is about and how to best use its various platforms.The reason for introducing social media courses is that the social media teams working for several companies actually have no formal education on this subject. Hence, they lack proper understanding of how to effectively use social media tools and sort of just follow the whole trial and error thing. While that does work, a large number of potential clients and sales are lost in the process which businesses could otherwise have attained if they knew exactly how to get them and what to do when they get them. 4: Analytical Data: See the Results 2017 will also be the year where special importance is given to the analytical data which will reflect how well your social media strategies are actually doing.And we think it makes perfect sense to determine the percentage of people who actually find your strategies effective. For example, if you find out that by promoting an advertisement during a certain time of the day, it is only seen by so and so many people, you might want to change it to a different time to see if it gets more views ? This way, you would be able to make smarter decisions regarding which social media strategies to keep and which ones to change or discard completely.

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First-Time Buyer’s Guide to Buying a Business It sure has its perks, but being an entrepreneur is extremely hard work. Making decisions, calculating risks, benefits and what not---the job can definitely be quite a lot to handle. And speaking of decisions, at some point in your career as an entrepreneur you might come across the possibility of deciding on buying an already established small business. When it comes to being a first timer at anything, you need all the help you can get to have the maximum amount of confidence in your abilities. So if this is the first time you are thinking about buying a small business, here are some things to pay special attention to, to get the most out of the deal.

Trumps victory has the potential to grow the worlds economy just as he has grown the TRUMP empire.

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Q1: Do You Really Need It? Before you buy an established small business in Australia the first question you need to be asking yourself is whether or not you actually need to buy that business. Try to be as honest as you can while answering this question. Buying an established small business does not only mean owning the business, but now you also own any issues that may be attached to the business. They are your responsibility now. You might have to compromise on a few things when you go for an established small business. Are you prepared for those compromises and that extra work, or would you rather set up your own business? Q2: Is this the small business for you? Before buying an established small business it is essential that you consider the pros and cons before making a final decision. As an entrepreneur, we are sure this comes naturally to you but when we talk about the pros and cons of buying a particular small business here are some things you must particularly focus on.

What you need to do: A critical analysis of the small business that you have your eyes on. From looking at its image, to its customer/client base, the suppliers and distributors and everything else in between, needs to be weighed in to see if it works in your favour or against and then a decision should be finalised. Q3: What is the tax history of the small business? The legal framework of the small business you intend to buy is also of importance. Under the Australian law, small businesses are required to follow certain clear instructions regarding the taxes they have to pay. It is not just the tax history you should be looking at, but rather the entire legal history of the small business you wish to buy. Knowing their legal standing would help you avoid trouble later when and if you actually do end up buying the business. And while you are looking at the legal matters, have a look at some of the important documents too. Agreements with management, with the distributors, tenders, claims etc are all important documents which you should not risk overlooking.

Q4: Is it going to profit you in the long run? You need to think about the expected value of the small business that you want to buy. After all, while the business may be small it is a big investment for you. For this purpose consider getting in touch with firms that will conduct due diligence of the small business for you. This will let you know the commercial potential of the business in question. Hopefully, by following these steps you will be choosing the right small business for you to buy.

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The 5 Most Commo Time Business Own What happens when you invest in something, without really calculating if you would actually be able to keep up with its demands? The investment turns into a massive loss. Following are some of the mistakes which most first time small business owners make in their business which ends up costing them an arm and a leg, not to mention their peace of mind

Knowing your target audience is not just enough, you need to know what the ideal audience/customer/client is going to be like. This knowledge will help you devise the best, most effective marketing strategies which are going to bring you maximum result.

1: Making Hasty Decisions:

Let’s face it, without the proper marketing where will your business stand? Nowhere! First time small business owners make the mistake of assuming that the business will come to them. This will only happen when your small business is so good that it is just impossible to ignore. And that requires plenty of hard work and time on your part before you get to that position. With so many different types of marketing strategies that we have out there, it can be difficult to pick one which works best for your small business. And what is more, there are hardly any black and white rules as to what works and what does not. It all depends on the type of industry your small business is affiliated with and the kind of customers your small business caters to.

Hasty decisions rarely ever lead to anything good. If you invest in a small business without having done the required homework, there is a chance that you will realize the mistake of skipping it soon enough. Several first time small business owners invest in a business without having any idea about the business’ potential. 2: Having a Vague Idea of the Ideal Customer/Client: Some small business owners have either no idea of who their target audience is, or only have a vague idea of who they are. Remaining vague in this regard is going to do you more harm than good.

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3: Not Paying Enough Attention to Marketing:

4: Saying No to Help: Small business owners also take it upon themselves to do everything on their own. They want it to be a one man show and while there is nothing wrong with that, if you are a first time small business owner you will need help if you wish to build your business. The mistake of assuming that you will be able to execute all the duties on your own in just your first time around the block is a very silly thing to do. Hence, first time small business owners need to think about building a team of qualified competent professionals who would help them in taking their small business to the next level. 5: Having a Lack of Confidence: The only way you can persuade people into buying what you are selling, is when you yourself have enough faith in the product or service. Having a lack of confidence in one’s own self and in what one does (their business) is another common mistake made by first time small business owners. Learn from these mistakes and build your small business into a solid, successful one.

on Mistakes First ners Make

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Ways to Update Your Business on a Small Budget A successful business is one which is built on a strong foundation. And to ensure the strength of this foundation it is essential for business owners to keep up with the latest trends that are being introduced in their industry, and the ones which are no longer of any use. While finding out what the trends are in your industry is a relatively easy task, incorporating those trends into your business plan especially when you are on a small budget can be somewhat challenging. As challenging as doing that may be, it is important for the growth of your business that you keep it updated. Here are some useful relatively cheaper tips and strategies that you can make use of which would help you grow your business in the long run.

1: Adopt the Inbound Marketing Approach: A good way to update your business on a small budget is to cut back on the things that are not bringing your business any value and opt for more effective ones. Rather than spending money on hiring people to make calls to potential customers, it might do your business a lot of good to invest in inbound marketing strategies instead. An extensive amount of research suggests that inbound marketing is more effective in not only just reaching your target audience, but also in having that target audience take action i.e: buy your product/or avail of your service. 2: Stay Very Active on Social Media: Part of updating a business successfully depends on knowing what changes need to be made in order for the update to take place successfully. One of the easiest and cheapest ways of knowing what you need to do to revamp your

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business is to stay on top of your social media game. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other popular social media platforms are free of cost. All you need is an account to study not only consumer behavior, your target audience, but also your competition! You could take some solid pointers from what your competition is doing and then figuring out a cheaper way of doing it to update your business. Having a strong online presence will help you get your customers to reach out to you. The business will be brought to you, not the other way round. 3: Inexpensive Marketing Strategies: No business is successful in achieving its objectives if it does not do proper marketing for itself. And while some marketing strategies like having a classy advertisement done for your business is going to cost you major bucks, there are some cheaper ways of getting the word about your business around and about as well.

Getting business cards made, offering free seminars/classes on the area of your expertise etc. are just some of the relatively cheaper ways of marketing your business. 4: Time is the Actual Money: While you can grow your business even while being on a tight budget, it is important to remember that you cannot skip on the time and effort it requires to get significant results. A good example to demonstrate this is that suppose you have a blog for your business which is a cheap way to connect with your target audience and keep them in the loop of whatever is happening, if you update the blog once in a blue moon and that too with repetitive content it is hardly going to do anything for you. You do not have to spend a lot of money if you do not have it, but you must not compromise on time and effort.

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Businesses For Sale

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Businesses Now Selling



$ 7 5 ,0 0 0

REF: B12683

Exceptionally located across from Melbourne’s most iconic market in North Melbourne’s Victoria Street, this business arguably has one of the best spots for exposure! The business has impressive website and social media accounts to ensure the high levels of exposure remain high on the internet realm too.Established and operated by the owner for the last 6 years. Selling only because they are moving overseas, the owner will provide handover support to ensure smooth transition. Currently operating 6 days 10am-7pm by appointment only with the assistance of 2 staff, the business is ideal for a sole operator looking for flexible hours. New lease in place includes 3 bedroom residence upstairs! Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or at


P.O. A .

This takeaway cafe business for sale boasts a number of excellent features and is perfect for first time cafe buyers looking for something easy to run with minimal liabilities! The business currently generates around $2,800 per week in turnover and boasts an excellent, cheap rent of just around $285 per week! Low outgoings and overheads also keep the liabilities low, allowing an owner to pocket more profits. With almost no cooking required, this takeaway cafe currently offers coffee, a variety of sandwiches and focaccias, milkshakes, cakes and sweets, and a simple breakfast menu, so even a buyer with minimal experience in hospitality will be able to pick everything up quite quickly! A new owner with new ideas and a drive to succeed will see the potential this business has to offer. Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or


$6 8 , 0 0 0

REF: B12695

This Cafe business for sale would be great for a first time business owner as it has all the right attributes like short trading hours and low rent. The owner only works 1 day per week and the Cafe is run by staff the reminding days. It is located in the Marriott Waters Shopping Centre in Lyndhurst which is one of the highest growth areas in Melbourne at the moment. The Cafe is surrounded by Restaurants, Gym and a Major Supermarket. This Cafe for sale has been set up as Vegan/Healthy/Vegeterian style and makes great margins on all its products like Raw cakes, Smoothies, Coffee etc. Average weekly takings of $5,000 per week, Rent is $410 pw inc. outgoings and G.S.T. Owner employs 5 casual workers. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or


M.A .O .


Opportunity to buy an online business that has established itself in a niche market. This business makes timber cubby houses, sheds and animal houses to order and delivers to the whole of Australia. There is no rent to pay, as the vendor works from home, and this business can be relocated anywhere. Well developed website that showcases all their products and allows for quoting and ordering. This business has a turnover of $137,000 per year. Great lifestyle business as work is done to order. Fantastic opportunity for a handyman who wants to become their own boss. Huge potential to further grow the business by adding to the product range. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

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years of operation. Turning over more than $800k per annum. Operating out of a showroom in the inner suburbs, the business has a high exposure location on a

This business specialises in medium to high end door hardware including handles

major road through the area with tram & parking at the door. Basic online website but

& locks, as well as bathroom accessories such as taps both wholesale & retail.

plenty of scope for further marketing online potential. New lease to be provided.

Catering to the medium to high end market, the business is an exclusive distributor

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 15

of some high end European brands & has developed a stellar reputation in its


. .P O.A


additional 120 people upstairs! In addition to this, the there is a liquor licence that runs until 3am, with no cap on the patronage! A very impressive turnover

The iconic Copacabana International is being offered for sale for the first time

of $2,000,000 per annum with excellent net profits mean this is an outstanding

in twenty years! The business is known right across Melbourne for it’s fantastic

business proposition for any astute business person.

Brazilian food as well as the quality show and dance floors. The premises is

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

extremely large, with a seating capacity for 550 people downstairs and an

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. A . O P.



this business and propel it to the next level. Cheap rent of just $3,300 INCLUDING OUT GOINGS per calendar month and a good lease makes this business a

Located in Altona’s busiest shopping streets, this deli enjoys an abundance of

complete package and upon further inspection, will not disappoint.

passing foot a vehicle traffic with excellent exposure. Trading only 5 days with very short hours this Deli business for sale generates handsome net profits. Able to be

Further informaton can be obtained by contacting Harry Hatzipanagiotis on 0421

run with only 1 staff this business demands an astute owner operator to acquire

000 247 or

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patients ranging from children to the elderly. Very cheap rent of $916 per calendar month and a 5 year lease option is available. The business has a website in place

Established for 9 years, this myotherapy business has an excellent reputation and

but little social media presence, that could be used more actively to expand brand

built an extensive client base. The business is operated by the Vendor on a part


time basis, with the assistance of a full time employee. Offering a range of services

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

including myotherapy, chiropractic service, nutrition and exercise therapy for

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


across Australia. Approximately 90% of the turnover comes from parties, however the remaining 10% comes from online purchases that are distributed in the post.

This successful online and party plan business sells a range of adult entertainment

The website is fully set up to showcase the range of products and has various

products across Australia. Currently taking over $70,000 per annum with huge

payment options including credit card, PayPal and direct deposit.

room to grow with product range and promotions. Established for 10 years, the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

business is based in Melbourne and has 60 consultants operating party plans

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 4 $2


40% being pickup. The business employs 5 casual employees as drivers & 3 part time employees in the store. Long lease terms of 5x5 years to give the

This is an excellent opportunity for an astute business owner to acquire a

purchaser peace of mind as well as very good rent of $3,060 pcm.

successful and well established pizza hut franchise business for sale. Located in a busy shopping strip in Narre Warren, the business enjoys excellent support

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

and marketing from the franchisor as well as a high volume of foot traffic.

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

Currently taking $15,000 per week with 60% of the business being delivery and

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Italy. The restaurant is very well sized, with a seating capacity for 60 people inside and 16 people outside as well as a full liquor licence until 11pm. Outstanding

Located in an affluent bayside suburb, this iconic Brighton restaurant for sale is

takings of $25,000 per week and long lease terms of 4x4 years add to the appeal

an outstanding opportunity for you to own your own business! Established for 30

of this outstanding business opportunity.

years, the business is a traditional Italian restaurant that boasts an Italian style

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

fitout and traditional Italian food that makes you feel as though you’re dining in

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. A . O P.


potential to promote dinner in future as well as private functions. Currently turning over an average of over $7,000 per week with long and secure lease in place. Rent

Excellent and rare opportunity to purchase an immaculate cafe with 3 bedroom

of $5,400 per calendar month includes 3 bedroom apartment dwelling upstairs!

apartment residence upstairs.Full commercial kitchen with walk in cool room ensures the cafe will suit most investors requirements and allow for a vast culinary

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

menu and catering expansion. The cafe seats 50 inside and 10 outside allowing for

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or at

0 ,0 00 0 $3


REF: B12682

capacity for further growth and development available. The bakery’s average turnover is roughly $14,000 PER WEEK and lease is in place with rent of $8,800 PER CALENDAR MONTH. Inspection to view excellent location and exposure will

Located in a high foot traffic position near car park entrance of a busy Northcote

be sure to impress any serious buyer!

centre- this business is not one to overlook! Open 7 days - the bakery’s sales are

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

made up 50% of selling bread and also sandwiches, drinks and hot pies, ensuring

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or at

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ice cream in the hot months, but also sells soup in the colder months of the year. Currently taking $6,250 pw, with a long lease of 3x3 in place and rent of $4,166

This juice and ice cream business is located on a busy main road in an affluent

pcm. This also includes a one bedroom residence, above the shop allowing for

Bayside suburb.Support and training will be provided to ensure a smooth transition

further options to new owner and potential!

however no prior experience is necessary for potential new owners! Long

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

established business of 15 years, it has stood the test of time as it not only serves

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 5 $1


shop on the ground level which sells unique merchandise. Currently taking $8,000 per week, there is a long lease in place for piece of mind to the new owner. A turn

This Cat Cafe Business offers a great opportunity to be the owner of a one of

key sale including everything you will need to continue operation smoothly and

a kind business in the heart of the Melbourne CBD! This very unique business

successfully- inclusive of 16 new furry friends!

concept has been established for 3 years and growing rapidly as the popularity

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

takes off world wide! The cafe has 2 floors, with seating on both levels and a retail

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A



part of a well know franchise of travel agencies- popular within Chinese community. Business has a professional website in place that allows for full online booking of flights, holiday packages and tours as well as trip advice. Also offers Chinese

Excellent opportunity to buy established Franchise Travel Agency with excellent

translation to allow for rapid growth and customer base.

reputation and well known trusted name. Located in a busy shopping centre in

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

Sunshine, an area with high growth and new developments. This travel agency is

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

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. A . O P.


REF: B12691

provide further potential to expand the business. Takings of $66,000 pcm with rent of $11,950 pcm for large premises (3 factories). New Lease available to new owners or

This highly profitable business is a wholesaler and distributor of high quality premium

there is the option to purchase the premises. Opportunity to acquire freehold with sale

building fitouts, supplying fixtures and fittings as well as flooring and tiles to the building

of business - contact us today to explore further.

industry. Located in Brooklyn, it is well placed to supply the expanding residential

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

suburbs in Melbourne’s West. The Business has a well developed website, which will

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


per week, the salon operates shopping centre hours with late nights on Thursdays and Fridays only. No website or online presence, so huge potential for growth by

This Hair Salon is located in a busy shopping centre in the rapidly expanding

using a website or social media to improve the business exposure. The current

western suburb of Sunshine - exposed year round to consistent and high volume

high level average of $7,000 per week is a testament to location exposur.

foot traffic! It is a well presented, modern and bright salon with 7 hair stations and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

1 wash basin allowing new owners to move right it and keep trading. Taking $7,000

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .



operation. Business trades 7 days per week, with half days on Saturday and Sunday, great for those with families or want a work/life balance.

This Cafe has an excellent high exposure corner location, in a busy shopping mall. It is

Business is fully licenced, has seating for 30 inside and 14 outside and has a full

also close to a train station and has ample parking available- making it a very easy and

commercial kitchen.

highly accessible location! Excellent takings of $8,500 per week with low rent of $550

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos

per week, and long lease of 5x5, and with experienced staff in place, this is a turnkey

on 9566 7300 or

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0 9,0



well as polishing, removal of minor scratches & interior cleans including steam. Well equipped to be able to provide the best possible detail, the vendor takes pride

This car wash detailing business is an ideal opportunity for a first time business

in providing a prestige detail & top customer service.New lease will be provided to

owner or someone with a passion for cars & cleanliness! With a prime location on

the new owner, with excellent rent of $566 per week.

a major road through Hawthorn, the business operates out of sizeable premises

Further infomation can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

which also offers a residence upstairs. The business specialises in full details as

154 or

. .P O.A

CHINESE RESTAURANT REF:B12700 A Full Liquor License, great eating area and awesome food, gives customers an experience Located in a sought after area with a fast growing Asian population, this business is a must

to come back for. Solid $25,000 PW takings. Long 5x5x5 lease in place. Low Rent of only

see for an entrepreneurial businessperson. Full Asian Commercial Kitchen with 6 Wok

$1,345 PW (Only 6% of takings). Well-equipped commercial kitchen.

stations, 4 gas stove top and a steaming station. 2 Walk in Fridges, 1 walk in chiller and large

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921 or

dry food storage room completes this large and efficient kitchen.

Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323

. .P O.A



Fantastic opportunity for those looking for a lifestyle change and a profitable business that is a delight to run. Rent of only $2,585 pcm for a spacious premises spread over 4 levels-

On offer is a boutique business, selling modern and unique home decor as well a cafe

allowing for excellent freedom of growth and direction to new owners.

serving light meals and sweets. It is located on the main road through a beautiful town in the Yarra Ranges. This rare treasure of a business has 4 spacious levels of beautiful home

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on

furnishings as well as seating to enjoy in and out dining with excellent potential for functions.

9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 029

. A . O P.


renovated and freshly painted, with an amazing Aqua-Ponic garden for relaxation and client use, All this with a long lease and many options. Extremely flexible

The salon is well situated in the very sought after suburb of Northcote, with

hours and short trading ensures this is an ideal investment for those looking for a

parking out the front and the 86 tram passing the window every 20mins, the

semi-passive income and high profit margin operation.

train station one street away. You will have an instant and guaranteed income, a

Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos on 95667300 or

stunning salon to work from and a three bedroom Victorian home that has been

. .P O.A



including tram to the door. Running under full management, the business is run by competent staff 7 days a week. Turning over more than $1.25M per annum with

This managed prestigious high-end fabric retail business offers a range of luxury

high net profits. Cheap rent of $1,270 per week for a spacious shopfront in a highly

top quality fabrics for bridal & evening wear & a fantastic income for its owner!

sought after location, and long lease of 2x5 remaining.

With a large elegant shopfront, the store holds a prime location on a major road

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

through the district with an abundance of daily passing traffic & easy accessibility

A .P O .



for 155 people, inside and outside, over 2 levels, with 2 bars. Licensed until 1am. The owner has spared no expensed in equipping this business - with a

A Restaurant and Bar with a point of difference, this is a modern and

freezer, coolroom and commercial kitchen. Owner has done all the hard work of

contemporary restaurant that offers international food. Located between the

setting up and establishing this business, move right in and reap the benefits.

Geelong waterfront and a sporting and entertainment venue, this restaurant is

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

well placed to attract large crowds. Spacious premises, with seating capacity

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 030

. A . P. O


and one at the back which is used as a boning and storage room. The boning facility is also leased out once a week to a wholesaler. New 3x3x3 year lease in

Very strong turnover averaging $22,000 per week and operating 5 1/2 days. The

place which only started last year. Very well equipped with 3 walk in cool rooms,

shop is located in the main street of town and has all four major banks within 200m

walk in freezer and 2 store rooms.

of the shop. Cafes, restaurants, hair salons all next to it and the train station is only

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146

2 minutes walk away.There are also 2 premises, one at the front of the main street

202 or

. .P O.A


move in! Turning over $7,000 per week the salon operates Monday to Saturday, with late

This long established spacious beauty salon offers a prime location & an amazing

nights Wednesday to Friday. Rent of $808 per week for such a prime location & big

set up! This salon holds a prime position in a busy area in Essendon. Easy

space, lease remaining of 3x3. Ideal opportunity for a therapist looking to become

accessibility with train station within walking distance & parking at the door.

their own boss & make money from day one. Further information can be obtained

Spacious salon laid out with 10 treatment rooms. Nothing to do but take over &

by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 15 or

. .P O.A


you choose, this is ideal for an owner operator who is hands on. The business sale includes $140k of equipment for tree services offered & plenty of scope to expand

This tree services business for sale operates out of the outer south east in the west

the services on offer. This business has long established relationships in place &

Gippsland area. Established 11 years ago by the vendor, this business has no

plenty of potential for growth.

advertising in place and turnover of $333k per annum with regular clientele, so there

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

is enormous potential for growth with some marketing! Work from home the hours

154 or

vnm magazine 031

. A . O P.


for routine cleans that can be performed successfully with little fuss. Servicing the greater Melbourne area. There are countless new estates popping up- the demand

The business has been successfully run for over 17 years- building up to repeat

and serviceability is high! Builders Cleans are very popular and sought after in the

business with several builders over the years- allowing for steady income and solid

industry and this business will not last.

foundations for growth! Main income generated by servicing cleans to homes newly

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

built before keys exchange to new home owners. No furniture and residents allows

Likopoulos on 9566 7326 or



0 5,0



commercial kitchen. 10-12kg coffee per week. Ample growth potential - Easy to run

This well established Takeaway café for sale is located on a main road with

- Located on a busy road with ample parking and exposure.

ample parking for customers. The main focus in this café is on pre-made food and takeaway coffee making it a very simple and easy business to run. Takings of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006

$11,000 per week. Lease 5x5. Low rent at only $3,820 pcm inclusive of GST. Full

921 or

A .P O .



the bar. It boasts an impressive set up with stylish and elegant seating areas. Full commercial kitchen makes it easy to get the food out fast. It sits 140 inside and

One of the best locations in the area as thid restaurant for sale is right next to

20 outside. Liquor License in place as well. Impressive weekly takings averaging

Village Cinemas and the local Gym which brings huge foot traffic to the precinct.

$28,000 and a rent of $13,047 pcm including G.S.T and outgoings.

The restaurant is under management and run with 6 full time staff and 13 casuals

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146

with the owner only coming in 3 days per week to do paperwork and helps out at

202 or

vnm magazine 032

. A . P. O



turnover of $10,000 pw and low rent of $808 pw. Trades 6 days a week with short trading hours, Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and Saturdays 8am to 4pm. Allows

This long established bakery business for sale is located in the Northern suburbs

new owners to have a great work/life balance.

of Melbourne. It is located on a busy shopping strip through the area, in a busy fresh food market, which attracts lots of shoppers. Trams are only steps away and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

there is plenty of car parking. Operating for 21 years, it is still going strong with

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 1 $1



become their own boss, take over an established business with database, retain staff initially to keep on familiar faces & grow the business your way. Turnover of $311k per

This beauty salon in Camberwell runs completely under management & offers a prime

annum, staff run the business & service all the clients. Great premises with 6 treatment

location on a major road through the area. Surrounded by a busy shopping strip so

rooms. Rent of $1164 per week with lease of approx 3.5x5 remaining.Plenty of potential

it sees a lot of foot traffic. The main services offered are waxing, laser hair removal,

for growth. Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416

tanning & lash/brow services. This business is perfect for a therapist who wants to

000 154 or

0 ,0 00 2 $1


established business with database, retain staff initially to keep on familiar faces & grow the business your way. Turnover of $371k per annum operating 7 days

This fully managed beauty salon business for sale offers a highly sought after

with a shorter day on Sunday. With 6 treatment rooms, the sale includes all the

location in the heart of the CBD. Established 10 years, the main services offered

equipment to provide the services. Rent of $1,558 per week with lease of 5x5.

are waxing, laser hair removal, tanning & lash/brow services. This business

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

is perfect for a therapist who wants to become their own boss, take over an

154 or

vnm magazine 033

0 ,9 00 $3


is perfect for a therapist who wants to become their own boss & take over an established business with database. Retain staff initially to keep on familiar faces &

This fully managed beauty salon for sale is located in a modern shopping centre

grow the business your way. The salon is bright & fresh, set up with 3 waxing rooms

in Point Cook. Established nearly 3 years, the salon is run purely by staff & offers

& a tanning room. Turning over $194k per annum. Rent of $1038 per week.

a highly sought after location in a continually expanding area. The main services

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

offered are waxing, laser hair removal, tanning & lash/brow services. This business

. .PO.A


options of 3x3x3 for piece of mind for new owners. This well presented salon has 12 stations and 3 wash basins. Enjoy short trading hours, 6 days a week - Monday

This long established (37 years) Hair Salon for sale has built a reputation for great

to Thursday 9am - 5:30pm and Friday 9am - 9pm, Saturday 8:30am - 5pm.

service at great prices. The mall is serviced by tram lines as well. This hair salon

Low rent for such an excellent location.

is well staffed, with 4 Full Time and 6 Casual employees. Handsome takings of

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

$14,000 pw with low rent of $3,250 pcm for such a good location. Long lease

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or



0 0,0



coffee p/w. 36 seater including 8 outside. $12,500 pw takings average. Rent is $3,147 pcm inclusive of G.S.T. Plenty of parking. Great local trade. Surrounded by

This Cafe for sale is under management and well located on a very popular, high

busy shops. Great location with train station trade.This would be a great business

foot traffic shopping street. This business has a very strong 9 year lease of 3x3x3

for an investor or hands on operator.

and has been well established for over 5 years. Full commercial kitchen with a

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146

simple menu so staff can manage the business for the owner. Averaging 28-30kg’s

202 or

vnm magazine 034

. .PO.A



ensuring a smooth transition for new owners. This Florist Business For Sale has a comprehensive website in place, which showcases their work beautifully. Provides

This Florist For Sale has been established 10 years, and been with the current

floral styling for weddings, functions and corporate offices and events.Solid

owner for 6 years. It has an excellent location in a busy shopping strip in

turnover of $3,000 pw with a fantastic low rent of $1,133 pcm.

Essendon. There is plenty of parking at the door and just steps away from the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

train station. It is run under management with 1 full time and 2 casual staff,

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


people go to for all their homeware and hardware needs. It is on a busy main road through the area and there is plenty of parking. Solid turnover of

Long established Clark Rubber Franchise For Sale. This store in Dandenong

approximately $28,000 pw and rent of $10,604 pcm. Also a long 8x5 lease in

has been established 20 years. Clark Rubber sells pools and spas, foam and

place, for peace of mind for new owners.

bedding, rubber components, flooring and floor coverings. This store is well

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

located as it is surrounded by supporting businesses and is the area where

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


$2.1M per annum, the vendor runs the business with the assistance of a team of experienced staff. Spacious restaurant with seating for 220 inside & 100 outside,

Get your foot in the door with this Hogs Breath Cafe Franchise business for

full commercial kitchen & bar. Liquor licence in place. Currently operating 7 days

sale in the west! Specialising in slow cooked steaks, this franchise is Australian

until 9.30pm-10pm. Rent of $23,000 per month.

owned & operated since its inception in 1989. This store is attached to a large

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

busy shopping centre in the west & has been established 8 years. Turning over

154 or

vnm magazine 035

. A . O P.


office suite and dual roller door access with potential to negotiate lease. Freehold is available for sale if investors are interested to acquire business and premises in

Excellent opportunity to purchase a business run entirely by staff - owner has

dual sale. Owner is based interstate and business run solely by a team of staff 4

owned for almost 20 years and does not work in the business. Located in South

days week Tuesday-Friday 7:30am-3pm.

East suburb of Melbourne- the business specialises in wholesale and manufacture

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

of curtain hardware and window furnishings. . Large factory of 900m2 including

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,9 50 $8


valued over $40,000 , including 3.6m guillotine that cuts up to 6mm. Operates only 5 days per week 8am-5pm, closed weekends. Excellent for those already in the

Long standing steel fabrication business for sale- established for over 35 years.

industry looking to expand or first time buyers looking to enter the market.Owner is

Located in Thomastown - large comfortable premises with $1210 pcm with

negotiable and must sell- all serious offers will be considered

option to negotiate new lease. Full Time staff member available for training and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

assistance to ensure smooth hand over. Included in the sale is quality equipment

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .




very good profit margins. This is an outstanding business for those looking to enter into a very popular and lucrative industry- with full support and training provided and

Outstanding clinic with excellent location in one of Melbourne’s most sought after

excellent size and position with minimal overheads.

street suburb in Bayside. State of the art equipment included in the sale. Very low rent with a new lease option. High traffic location. 1 car spot at the rear. 5 rooms plus

Further information can be obtained by contacting Harry Hatzipanagiotis on 0421

staff room. Currently taking an average of $350,000 per annum - the business has

000 247 or

vnm magazine 036

. A . P. O



and sausage rolls and some cakes. Also serves rolls made to order. Has seating for 24 people inside and 16 outside. Takings of roughly $10,000 PER WEEK and

Located on a busy main road through the area, close to train station and trams.

long lease of 5x5 is in place with rent of $11,800 PER CALENDAR MONTH.

Close to parks and racecourse. Lots of passing foot and vehicle traffic. Current

Inspection to view excellent location will be sure to impress any serious buyer!

owner has successfully run for 15 years with a supportive and helpful team of staff

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

(3 full time and 3 part time). Open 6 days – the bakery bakes it’s own bread, pies

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,9 00 $9


the constant flow of foot traffic insured a good stable income to the current owner of 4 years The business is Run under management with very little involvement of

This well established Ladies Retail Fashion Business For Sale focuses on a

the owner, leaving great opportunity for anyone who wants to manage the business

range of very high margin items, directly imported from China. All connections and

themselves. $20,000 takings per Month. Loyal customer base

arrangements will be handed over to the buyer to ensure the smooth and profitable

Further infotmation can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

continuation of the Business. Located near the main entrance to a very busy mall,

Lynn Mu on: 0430 880 323.

. .P O.A


and boxes to suit most client needs across Australia. Aside from professional printing and logo design the business also wholesales the supply of plain bag,

Excellent opportunity to purchase a home based online business established for 13

boxes and paper across the country. Currently turning over an impressive average

years. Owner operates part time with flexible hours. Excellent website and social

of just under $300,000 per year with huge potential to grow.

media accounts included in sale as well as full training and hand over support

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

offered to new owner. Business specialises in wholesale custom printing of bags

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 037

. A . O P.


and outside. Easy to run, serving a simple menu. The owners work in the business with the help of 1 part time staff. The business is easy to run, serving a simple menu.

This 5 Day Industrial Cafe Business For Sale in the northern suburbs is the ideal

Currently taking approximately $7,500 pw and with low rent of only $1,240 pcm and

lifestyle business. This industrial cafe & takeaway business for sale opens at 6am

a long lease of 3x3x3x3.

and closes 3pm Monday to Friday, so you get your weekends & evenings off! Well

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

equipped with near new equipment and a good set up, there is seating both inside

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,9 00 4 $1


pumps & new vacuum cleaners & a new air compressor. The sublet portion of the premises is a mechanic which complements the business & offers you a steady

This busy coin operated car wash for sale is located in the inner suburbs & offers

income to minimise your rent cost to less than $1k per week! Rent of $1481 per

a great income with only part time hours. Part of the premises are sublet for $2160

week with lease of 1x5 remaining.

per month which will reduce your rent costs substantially! Set up with 4 washing

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

bays, a dog wash & 2 vacuums, this business was just recently fitted out with new

154 or

A .P O .



boasts 2 premises which are beautifully presented, a customer database of over 8000 clients and is located in the booming suburb of Cranbourne. Averaging weekly takings

Located in the heart of town off a busy main road connecting to many freeways and

of over $7,000, Rent is $2,859 pcm including G.S.T for both premises.

highways. The business is situated in a block of retail and service businesses which

With very little competition around.

compliment each other and ensures high exposure and attraction. This party supply

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

business for sale has been built on great service and premium quality products. It

vnm magazine 038

. A . O P.


run under management or converted to an owner operator model. Very low rent of $60,000 per annum plus outgoings which is exceptional for the high profile food court

This is an opportunity to acquire a successful, well established food franchise

location. Ample customer seating, with 10 seats reserved for customers as well as

business for sale in a prime position in the main food court of a major shopping

the rest of the food court available for seating.

centre.Currently taking $12,000 per week and run under management, the business

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

model is a very easy one to run, leaving it open to the option of continuing to be

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. O . A M.


to do is walk in & take over! Boasting a beautiful, modern fitout with a seating capacity for 40 people inside and 12 outside. Currently trading very short hours.

Located in the north west of Melbourne, this cafe and juice bar business for sale

70% of the business is derived from smoothie & salad sales, however the business

has been established for just one year, and is very well located on a busy shopping

also sells 6kg of coffee per week. Excellent rent of $39,000 per annum.

strop and within a short distance to two train stations.Established for just one year,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

with all the hard work establishing the business having been done. All you need

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or



0 0,0



Currently turning over $17,000 per week and run under management, the business could continue in this manner or be easily converted to an owner operator model,

An excellent opportunity is on offer to acquire a busy and successful franchise

with all of the systems and procedures already in place. Very low rent of $66,000 per

business for sale that is located in a major shopping centre, with prime food court

annum given the excellent location in a busy shopping centre food court.

positioning. The franchise chain was established in 2000 and has carved a solid

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

place in the fast food industry, with a focus a filling and healthier version of fast good.

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 039

. A . O P.

24 HOUR GYM REF:B12739

of 950m2. Clients can access the business when it is not staffed, however it is staffed during most days by 1 part time owner, 1 part time employee and 4 casual

Located in the western suburbs of Melbourne, this 24 hour gym for sale has been

employees. The business boasts rent of $65,000 per annum excluding GST and long

well established for 5 years and has excellent foundations in place. Boasting 900

lease options of 3x3x3 years.

active members as well as a database of 2,400 contacts, the business is fully

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

equipped with excellent quality gym equipment in an excellent sized building

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


supported by 6 employees including 2 Part time chefs and 3 part time baristas. All food is made on the premises and the cafe provides catering for local schools,

This Licensed Cafe For Sale is located on the busy main street of this large and

medical centre and businesses.Fantastic turnover of $8,000 per week and low rent

busy town in the Macedon Ranges. It is a well presented cafe with seating for

of $750 per week and lease terms of 4x4 years.

66 inside and 12 outside. Opens 7 days a week with short hours - 8am to 3pm

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

daily, but has a liquor license until 11pm. The owner works in the business but is

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .



apartment could be rented out to further reduce your overheads. Trades 7 days per week, from 12 noon to 10pm and has solid turnover of $11,000 per

This Burger Franchise For Sale located in the heart of Williamstown has been

week, and long lease of 4x6 remaining - giving you long term peace of mind.

established for almost 3 years and has already built up a handsome turnover. It is

This is a solid business opportunity located in a sought after area.

well located on the foreshore, with plenty of parking outside. Seating 22 inside and 16

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

outside. A 2 bedroom apartment upstairs is included in the rent of $4,600 pcm. This

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 040

0 ,9 00 $9


weekends for yourself. Takings of $5,500 per week. Rent of $2,070 pcm with lease options of 3x3x3e 3x3x3. Full commercial kitchen

This long established café for sale is located in the heart of a busy South East

- Ample growth potential

Melbourne industrial area with ample parking in front. The main focus in this café is

- Easy to run

on pre-made food and takeaway coffee making it a very simple and easy business

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

to run. The business only operates during the daytime 5 days a week, keeping the

. .P O.A


the locals.Fully licensed for 45 patrons trading 7 days 11am to 9 pm with a loyal customer base, healthy turnover and increasing yearly. Long term lease with a

This semi-managed restaurant cafe business for sale in a prime bayside location

further 9 year option. Recently refurbished with modern looks and décor operating

offers an excellent opportunity for a hands on operator! This business offers an

with well-maintained quality branded equipment.

excellent opportunity for a hands on operator or family managed. This business is

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

well established for 8 years & is popular and well known and highly reputable with

154 or


0 9,0



business has a liquor license & a commercial kitchen for preparation of meals so is currently targeting restaurant goers that enjoy the retro vibe. Turning over $2,000 per

This business for sale is ideal for an owner operator looking for a cafe or restaurant

week. New lease will be provided to the new owner with rent of $2,000 per month.

in an industrial area with a vision that could include Monday to Friday operation, or utilising some clever marketing to continue operation as is & grow the business! Ideally

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

located for an industrial takeaway/cafe that could operate Monday to Friday only, the


vnm magazine 041

0 ,8 00 4 $1


Walk in Cool Room and Freezer. Large Prep area at back. 5 Fryers, Grill, Gyros machine. Growing area with lots of families

This Fish And Chips Shop for sale has been in the same location in Langwarrin for

This is an excellent business opportunity for anyone looking to get into a business

over 30 years. Great family business as it operates only 6 days per week, would suit

with a reliable location that’s also capable of high growth!

husband and wife team. Averaging $7,000 per week turnover Low rent of $1,810

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

pcm inc. GS.T with Lease of 1x5x5. Plenty of parking and also private parking at rear


0 ,9 00 $3


to Saturday with a shorter day on Saturday. Cheap rent of $238 per week with a new lease to be offered to the new owner.

This busy florist business for sale offers a prime location in the heart of a pretty

Perfect opportunity for a florist looking to become their own boss & hit the ground

town at the foothills of the Victorian Alps. Spacious shopfront that offers a range

running by taking over a business with an established client base & reputation.

of floral designs & bouquets as well as providing blooms for special events & a

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

delightful range of gifts. Turning over $135k per annum the shop operates Monday

0416 000 154 or

A .P O .



Fully licensed ​both inside and out. The interior has lots of character and charm and has seating for 43 inside and 44 outside. Currently has fantastic turnover of $13,000 pw,

Iconic Cafe and Restaurant Business for Sale in Bayside with a location second to

with rent of $9,106 pcm for a brilliant location with a long lease of 5x5 to ensure peace

none. This cafe is located just opposite the pier and is one of the first stops for people

of mind for new owners.

coming off the cruise ships. Open 7 days per week from7am to 9pm, the cafe and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

restaurant serves mainly Italian food, including pizza. Sells 18 kg of coffee per week.

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 042

. A . O P.


$4,000 pcm for a large premises, which includes 2 huge coolrooms of 12mx6mx4m. Well designed website in place displaying products available, and business makes

Fantastic opportunity to purchase this Food distribution business. This long

effective use of social media. This is a good lifestyle business, with short operating

established business of 29 years, is on the market for the first time. Impressive

hours. The business operates 5 days per week from 9am - 5pm.

turnover of $3,000,000 per annum. This business is run out of a factory in

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

Campbellfield. A new lease is available with lease options of 5x5x5 and rent of

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


required. Incorporated in the business is an outdoor cafe style seating area which provides coffee & sales of cooked meats for consumption. Using 12-15kg of coffee

Established 50 years ago, the current owner has had the business for the last 15

per week, the business also holds a packaged liquor licence to sell packaged

years. This business is one of only 4 retail butchers in Melbourne that is a fully

liquor. Turning over $990k plus pa. Rent of $1654 per week.

accredited licenced retailer to sell certified grain fed and grass fed Angus beef.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

The certified Angus beef is received packaged so there is no de-boning & such

0416 000 154 or

A .P O .



accessible by public transport. Great lifestyle business with short hours opening 6 days per week – Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm and Saturdays 9:30am to 4pm. Good

This Retail Business for Sale sells ladies swimwear, activewear and lingerie. It is a long

turnover of $8,000 per week and lease options of 3Ă—3 years.

established business of 17 years and has built a good reputation in the area. Located on a busy main road through an affluent Bayside suburb, close to numerous schools.

For further information contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

It has lots of passing foot and vehicle traffic with parking for customers and is easily

vnm magazine 043

P. O . A .


REF: B12725

This Auto Repair and Servicing Business For Sale is located in Frankston has been established 25 year. This business does not only offer car servicing, repairs and roadworthy certificates (business is licensed to do roadworthy inspections) , it also does dyno tuning of vehicles, modifications and improvements. A comprehensive website is in place, giving this business excellent exposure and marketing. Fantastic turnover of $280,000 per year with low rent of only $350 pw and a new lease of 5x5x5 is available. Trading 5 days per week - Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm. Perfect opportunity for a mechanic to become their own boss, do the work they love and still have time to attend motoring events and shows on the weekends. Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


$2 2 0 ,0 0 0

Located in northern Victoria, this pizza and fish & chip business for sale has been established for 13 years and is a favourite amongst the locals. The rent of $3,900 per calendar month includes a large, clean 4 bedroom residence which could be used to reside in, or sublet to reduce overheads. Long lease terms of 3x3x3 years add to the appeal of the residence. The business is fully equipped with a walk in cool room and ample storage area, that is approximately the size of a 4 car garage is located on the lower level. Prices haven’t been raised in 7 years, meaning a small increase in prices could assist in increasing revenue. Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


P. O . A .

REF: B12750

The Vendor wants to sell due to Family issues and is open for offers in order to get a quick sale for this Café for Sale. This well-known Franchised Business for Sale is located right outside the entrance to a major retailer in a prominent South Eastern Melbourne Shopping Mall. Lots of foot traffic and ample seating capacity allows for a constant and steady stream of customers. - Near new Fit out - Busy area with great ambiance - Long lease in place - Fast Growing Area Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921 or


P. O . A .


Boasting a prime location in a busy shopping precinct in Mount Waverley, this top location cafe for sale is an excellent opportunity for buyers looking for a medium sized, profitable and long established cafe! - Generating revenue of around $8,000 per week on average - Seating 40 inside plus up to 10 in front of the shop - Rent around $4,480 per month - 3x3 lease in place - Serving 15kg coffee per week on average - Commercial kitchen facilities Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or

vnm magazine 044

0 ,0 00 2 $1


often a stopping point for fisherman & boaters on their way to the water. Sizeable shop including a kitchen area for the takeaway food, and a 3 bedroom residence at

This general store takeaway business for sale is located in a small town only located

the back for you to live in!The business has been serving the locals for 40 years &

an hour from Melbourne’s CBD at the head of Western Port bay. This business

has a large loyal customer base.

offers a variety of income streams including sales from its general store, liquor sales,

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on

takeaway food & bait. The business is located near a busy pier & boat ramp, so is

0416 000 154.

0 ,5 00 $3


& a spray tan room, as well as an upstairs residence that is currently rented for


$1400 per month to reduce your rent cost. Turning over $3,500 per week, the

This elegant beauty salon business for sale offers a prime location in a busy

vendor runs the business herself with the assistance of a casual.

affluent suburb. Serving its loyal customers for over 12 years, With a high profile

Rent of $652 per week with a new lease to be issued to the new owner.

location on a major road through the area, the business is easily accessible by

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on

public transport & offers parking at the door. Elegant set up with 2 treatment rooms

0416 000 154



0 9,0



established and owned by the current owner for a little more than 2 years. With a


generous 5x5x5 lease in place, the current rent is a very reasonable $66,000 including

Located in a prime position outside a busy shopping centre in the northern suburbs,

GST for a large premises with plenty of parking space for vehicles. The business

this excellent Magic Hand Car Wash franchise business for sale provides an excellent

operates with a two car capacity wash tunnel and three detailing bays, allowing for

opportunity for a buyer looking to take over and grow an already profitable franchise

high turnover hand washing and detailing.

business! Currently turning over around $300,000 per year, the business has been

For more information on this excellent franchise business opportunity, please contact senior business broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

vnm magazine 045

0 ,0 00 1 $2


Rent of $748 pw inc. GST, there is a CBA ATM in the shop which the owner gets $134 pw inc GST for, making the rent even cheaper. Commercial lease of 5×3

This well set up Coin Launderette for sale has been operating in a very busy strip

Average weekly takings of $2,000. Owner only comes in once a week to collect

in Springvale. This Coin Laundromat business for sale trades 7 days a week from


7 am to 10 pm. The Coin Laundry has 18 Dryers of which 8 are large, 12 washing

For Further information call Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or

machines. Equipment is in excellent working order. New coin change machine

. .P O.A


There is a front private courtyard and seating capacity for 58 inside and 30 outside.

This is a bright and trendy cafe Business for Sale located in Melbourne’s busy and

Good turnover of $4,500 per week and rent of $3,750 per month for a large

densely populated suburb of Fitzroy. It is surrounded by lots of businesses and

premises with long lease options of 5×5 years.This cafe for sale has a basic

residences. And is close to public transport. The current owners have spared no

website in place and has a large following on social media.

expense in the fitout of this cafe for sale. It is bright, modern and on trend. There is

For further information contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300

a full commercial kitchen, baby change room and wheel chair accessible toilet.




0 5,0



owner operator with the help of another staff member. The business features multiple income streams with Gifts and Homewares sales supplementing the core Curtain,

This long established curtain retail business for sale has been run by the same

Blind and Shutter sales, including a small on site workroom. Located in the heart of

owners for over 15 years. The couple wish to retire from this successful and consistent

one of Victoria’s fastest growing South East Melbourne suburbs. If you want to find out

business. This type of opportunity does not come around often so be sure to call me to

more about this awesome opportunity, call Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921

find out more.This easy to run 5 ½ day business is ideal for a working couple or single

vnm magazine 046

0 ,8 00 $4


businesses in the area with a Health Food store next door. A very easy to run business as all produce is delivered, so you do not have to do market runs.

Fruit and Veg business for sale in a prominent position in Chelsea! Prime position

The business has short opening hours of Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and

with a highly visible location and very large premises with plenty of room to improve

Saturday from 8am to 4pm. Good steady turnover of $4,500 per week and rent

the turnover! Very close to train station. Large shop with 2 Entrances, one off

of $3,177 pcm. For further information and to book an inspection contact Chris

Nepean Highway and one from back carpark. There are plenty of complementary

Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


of children’s retail items for sale in a cafe environment designed for parents with children to be able to enjoy a coffee or cold drink and a snack while their children

Do you love children’s retail? Looking for a business that caters to parents with

are able to play in an area specifically created to entertain them while mum and/

young children? This children’s retail and cafe business for sale located in the

or dad can relax. Taking $2,500 per week average. Rent $610 per week. Lease

heart of Croydon is a unique business to the area. It’s an ideal business for a

3x3x3, If you’re interested in this business opportunity, please call senior business

buyer looking for a business that caters to children and parents, with a variety

broker Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 for further details today!


0 0,0



month for a double shop premises, including a huge coolroom and back entrance for deliveries. Shop is bright, clean and well fit out. Long lease of 5×5 for peace of mind for

Fruit and Veg Shop with Asian Grocery business for sale in a prominent position in

new owners. Open 7 days and currently run under management with 2 full time staff

Brunswick! Prime position with a highly visible location and double shop premises

and 1 part time staff, so no experience needed. For further information contact Chris

with plenty of room for both Asian Groceries and Fruit and Veg. Trams running right

Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

passed the door. Fantastic turnover of $50,000 per month and rent of $3,537 per

vnm magazine 047

0 ,5 00 $4


about lease extensions, in this business you are your own boss. Great site traffic, strong google ranking for key words. Database of 2900+ online clients and Database

Launched in 2005, this online business for sale has been a leader in the boutique

of 200+ wholesale clients, Facebook: 4943 followers, Instagram: 1814 followers

baby soft soled leather footwear market. Over 12 years of hard work has built a solid

Takings of over $85,000 per annum.

reputation in the industry, well known among peers, supported by media and is a

To find out more about this great opportunity contact Ismar Muratovic on

trusted Australian boutique brand. No rent to worry about, no landlord to pester you

0404146202 or

0 ,5 00 $3


and heated.The sheer size and layout of the business lends itself to a variety of business options, with the ability for a new owner to continue to operate the

The business itself is quite large, with 6 spacious treatment rooms spread across

business as it’s running now. Current revenue approx $2,000 per week. Flexible

two floors, bathroom facilities upstairs and downstairs, a waiting and reception

new lease available. 6 large beauty/consultation rooms.

area with an office/filing room, plus a large kitchen and staff room! Furthermore,

For more information on this amazing and affordable business opportunity, please

all six rooms are fully plumbed with wash basins and the building is air-conditioned

call senior business broker Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989



0 8,0



Currently the business is fully under management so may suit either an Owner operator or someone who wants to invest. Currently sedlling mainly Chicken and some

This Poultry Business For Sale is located in a busy Shopping centre right at the

fish but this can be expanded to include fresh Meat for further growth potential.

entrance to a major Supermarket chain. Great exposure and huge foot traffic. Well

Key Features: Sales : $11,000 PW, Fast growing area, Long 5Ă—5 Lease.

established 10 year old business with a recent refit. So it stood the test of time and

Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921 to find out more about this Poultry Business

look bran new at the same time.

for sale.

vnm magazine 048

0 ,8 00 9 $1


$8,000 per week. Business sells 150 chickens and 210 kg of chips per week. Also sells 35 kg of lamb per week, as well as spring rolls, dim sims, drinks and salads.

This Charcoal Chicken Business For Sale is located in the growing and expanding

Good lease of 3×3 with rent of $4,162 pcm for a large premises which has seats for

business district of Dandenong. Long established business of 25 years, current

16 inside and 7 outside. And a walk in coolroom and freezer.

owner has run the business for 15 years and is only selling due to retirement. The

For further information and to book an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

business operates 7 days per week from 10am to 7:30pm and has solid takings of

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


been in operation since 1946. Solid turnover of approximately $1,600,000 per year and rent of $12,500 per calendar month. Also long lease options of 5×2 in place,

Long established Clark Rubber Franchise Business For Sale in Frankston. This

for peace of mind for new owners. On offer is a long and well established business

store in Frankston has been established 40 years, and has been owned by

with all systems in place, take over and reap the profits from day one.

the current owner for 6 years. The Owner now wants to retire, so you have the

For further information contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300

Opportunity to be a part of this well established Australian Franchise which has



0 0,0



is seating for 10 people inside and 4 people outside. The business is currently on average serving 130 chickens per week. Good steady turnover of $5,000 per week

This Charcoal Chicken Business For Sale is located in the densely populated area

and rent of $2,690 per month which includes a one bedroom residence at the back.

of Murrumbeena. It is on a busy main road and close to the train station. There are

Long lease options of 4×4.This is a long established (20 years) and steady business.

many supporting businesses around and new apartment developments in the area.

For further information contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

The shop is a very well presented shop doing a mainly takeaway business, but there

vnm magazine 049

. A . O P.


from all over to buy and enjoy! Included in the sale of this gem is a high end website equipped with full shopping cart interaction, social media with over 7,000 database

Located in the prestigious bayside suburb of Elwood this lifestyle and interiors

of followers and highly coveted television exposure through the recent episode of

business is a gem for a savvy investor, designer or interiors enthusiast to

Postcards- sure to bring continuous growth and avenue of promotion to the new

successfully operate. With carefully selected and exclusive products the business

owner. For further information and arrangement for private walk through please

boosts modern art, gifts, fashion, furniture and homewares that have buyers coming

contact Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or at

0 ,9 00 $4


operating as a daytime only Café / Restaurant with a very basic and simple menu for such well equipped kitchen. PRICED TO SELL, call now. Up to 175 seating

This fully licensed Café Business for sale is located on the ground floor of a

capacity, Full commercial Kitchen, Liquor license 7am – 11pm include off site

high-rise building in the heart of Melbourne CBD. The Liquor license allow for up

catering, Ground floor in the heart of the CBD, Reasonable rent of only $10,000

to 117 internal seating capacities and another 58 outside. Combining this with a


well equipped commercial kitchen, the sky is the limit. Currently the business is

CALL Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921 or Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323

.A P.O


which is easily re-locatable and can be run from home. Fantastic business with takings of approximately $150,000 per year and no rent to pay. Plenty of potential, with over 50

This is a rare opportunity to buy a Prop and Furniture Hire Business. This is a well

future bookings made already. This business for sale has a well designed website in

established business, established by the current owners 6 years ago. This business for

place and a large following on social media.

sale rents out props for functions such as weddings, birthdays, corporate functions . It

For further information contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

specialises in vintage furniture and one of a kind pieces. It is an easy to run business

vnm magazine 050

. A . O P.


cafe, with a seating capacity of 70 inside. It has a near new fitout, approximately 1 year old, and a full commercial kitchen. Only open 5 days per week Monday to

This Cafe Business For Sale is located in the heart of the busy business district of

Friday from 7am to 4pm, this is a fantastic lifestyle business. Have your weekends

Dandenong. It is surrounded by offices and close to a serviced apartment/hotel. And

and evenings free.Solid takings of $8,500 per week with rent of only $6,522

it is within 500m from the train station. It services the commuters who come off the

per month and long lease options of 5×5. For further information contact Chris

trains and head to their offices. This Cafe is a Fresh, bright, modern and spacious

Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 $2


tap shoes). Established 15 years ago by the current owner it has a solid turnover of $8,500 per month and low rent of $1,711 per month. Long lease options of 3×3

This retail business for sale sells dance wear and active wear. Located in a major

years. Owner only selling due to retirement.

shopping mall in Pakenham, a rapidly growing area. There is plenty of parking and it is very close to the train station. This retail business for sale sells all dance wear,

For further information contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300

costumes and accessories as well as dancing shoes (ballroom, ballet, jazz and


A .P O .



was the first salon in the area and has built a good reputation. The salon has exclusive machinery that is only available in 3 salons around Melbourne. Turning over $6,500

This long established beauty salon business for sale offers a prime location on a busy

per week the salon operates 6 days per week, Monday to Saturday, with late night on

main road in Ivanhoe. It has a high exposure location with an enormous amount

Thursday and half day on Saturday. Rent of $587 per week and lease of 5×5.

of passing traffic daily and ample parking at the back of the shop. Serving its loyal

For further information contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

customers for over 17 years, this salon has built up a large regular local client base. It

vnm magazine 051


SELLING YOUR BUS INESS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD We employ the utmost ethical standards and perform our role with integri ty, honesty and complete openness. We use our experience & industry knowledge to market your business appr opriately to thewidest audience, as well as working in conjunction with migration agents, to find the right buyer for your business. We are Melbourne-based, and Victorian specialists. We know our area, we know our industry. Our agents have had businesses in Victoria so we know YOUR area. Our goal is not to be the biggestjust the best. OUR SENIOR BUSINESS AGENTS ARE FULLY LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND ALL OUR TEAM HAVE BEEN BUSINESS OWNERS BEFORE. WE KNOW THE INDUSTRY AND WE HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. WE ARE NOT SALES PEOPLE, WE ARE INDUSTRY SPECIALIST.

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