VNM Small Business Magazine Issue 018

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ISSUE 018 JULY 2017


e v i s u l exc











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ive s u l c ex


t n e t n co

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Is It the Right Time to Invest in the Australian Business Market? Although the Australian business market hasn’t been doing well for the past couple of months, this does not mean that investing here could leave your potential revenues plummeting. Australia is one of the most lucrative markets for investors from around the world. In fact, several European countries target Australian lands as a way to diversify their businesses.

Investment! Royal Mail conducted a study last year, in which they found

badly and that the only way to get back up is if the space

that BREXIT has actually opened more doors for business in

capacity declines while the demand rises. However, John

Australia. A staggering number of companies were keen to

Fraser—Treasury Secretary—rejects the assumption with

take their investments to Australia, finding it a lucrative land

strong words. According to him, you cannot just make a

for business. Yet, you cannot deny the fact that the business

forecast based on a flat line. Despite such downturns, there

market in Australia has been on a downward spiral for more

is still hope for the Australian business market. A recent

than a year now. . A lot of experts say that this is because

report revealed that Australia might just be on the verge of

the business cycle in Australia has been affected

bouncing back in terms of investment. This is an inevitable

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In Small


fact in the economic world. Fortunately, the days of steep

should be. According to Gareth Air from CBA, there is

negative declines are over. The Australian Bureau of

not much that depicts a “lift in non-mining Capex�. While

Statistics revealed new figures in the first week of June

non-mining investment may still be potentially stagnant,

2017 which marked the first ever sign of upward inclination

comprehensive plans are being made to counter the matter.

in Australian business investment. To be more precise, a

Australia is still growing at a 2.8% rate. This is likely to rise

0.3% rise was witnessed. The good part is that this was no

with the non-mining investment coming in. On the bright

news to investment experts. In fact, the rise was expected

side of the story, as mentioned previously, there has been a

to be higher than a mere 0.3%. This depicts that the market

meager growth seen in the Australian business market, which

is slowly beginning to bounce back to where it belongs.

implies that things are headed in the correct direction.

Investments in the mining sector have recently increased by

In addition to that, since it is only the beginning of a new

0.4%. Expectations for the days to come are set quite high by

business era for Australia, the market is long from being

experts. The growths we mentioned above might be meager,

saturated. This gives you the opportunity to invest in a non-

but they depict the direction that the Australian business

mining business in the country and enjoy a monopoly before

market is moving in. While expectations with the mining

other investors inevitably flood in.

industry are quite high for the future, not everything is as it

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Investment Why is it important?

Managing your money properly is the key to ensuring your financial wellbeing in the future, as financial troubles can pop up unexpectedly from time to time. It is therefore wise to build up an adequate pool of wealth which will help you get through difficult times. Investment creates wealth which you could use in times of need or for raising your standard of living. Investing your money also helps you to achieve your long term financial targets and to ensure that you have the support you need when you are unable to work anymore. It is never too late to starting investing in opportunities that could help you later on in life. It is also not enough to simply save money by keeping it in a safe place as inflation will deteriorate the value of your money over time. The only way to increase the value of your money and beat inflation is by investing it. If you have excess money lying around that you will not need anytime soon, the best idea would be to invest it in an asset or enterprise that would generate a satisfactory return for you. There are many opportunities for investing money. The most popular investment choices are stocks, bonds, and real estate. Ambitious people prefer investing in stocks because it is possible to secure very healthy returns on their investments. By purchasing the right stock, you can get dividends at regular intervals which can serve as a steady source of income for you. You could also invest in bonds and certificates issued by the government or by private businesses. An interest rate is paid over a period of time in this case until the bond or certificate matures.

MONEY Although the return on investment might not be as high as the returns achievable for some of the other investment options available, this option does ensure that you get returns on a regular basis with little or no risk. Another way of achieving high returns is by investing in the property market. The risk associated with this option is relatively low. Property prices generally tend to grow over long periods of time and real estate investments provide an excellent long term growth opportunity for your money. Investing in the right rental property will, on the other hand, allow you to get a regular income source that will gradually increase with time.

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It is first important to understand the risks associated with investing though, as you might not always get a return on your investment. For this reason, it is necessary to diversify them. Don’t place all your eggs in the same basket. Spread your investments around. This will help your chances of getting a good overall return on your investments. Smart investors place their investments into several options to make sure that they safeguard themselves against economic uncertainties.

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Are Australians Investing? And If So, Where? Australia has been successful in preventing the global financial situation from derailing its economy and dragging down the standard of living of its citizens. The country’s economy has been growing at a healthy rate and Australians have been investing heavily in both local and foreign markets. With the country’s GDP expected to grow 3.1% in 2017 and 3% in 2018, it is safe to say that investing in Australia is not a bad idea at all. The Australian government has been actively working to attract local and foreign investors. The standard of living in Australia continues to rise. It is expected that investors looking to invest in Australia will continue to find plenty of good investment opportunities in the near future.

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The investment climate in Australia is ideal for both small and large investors. Excellent investment opportunities are available in different sectors of the Australian economy. In recent times, most of the investment has gone into three main kinds of assets: stocks, property, and fixed income certificates. The big Australian investors have invested heavily in the stock market and in real estate. The Australian stock market has done quite well in recent times and those investing in equities have received healthy returns on their investments. Investing in equities is not suitable for small investors because their value can vary unexpectedly from time to time. Large variations in the stock market can wipe out all the money invested by small investors. Most Australians investing in the stock market are wealthy and they have enough spare cash to risk. Property investments have been rising steadily over the past couple of years. Many Australian investors have poured billions of dollars into the property sector and they have been rewarded with high returns on their investments. The returns gained by real estate investors during the past few years have been great. The yearly returns on investments made in Australian residential properties have been around 8% on average over the past decade. Property prices have also risen dramatically over the past decade and it is predicted that they will continue to rise for the next couple of years. This makes the property sector an ideal investment destination for investors. Many Australians have also been investing in fixed income assets like certificates and bonds. This investment option has been exploited mainly by the small investors. They find the fixed income assets attractive because of the stable returns that they yield on a regular basis. There is little or no risk involved and the amount invested stays protected. The fixed income bonds and certificates have yielded a good yearly average return of 6.2% over the past decade. However, the interest rates have remained low for a few years now and it is not the primary target of large investors. Investing in term deposits is a good idea when you want to diversify your investment portfolio to minimise the risk of losing money if the economic conditions deteriorate.

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Now What? What Are Australians Planning For Retirement?

READ MORE A large number of Australians in the middle age bracket do not seriously think about what they are going to do when they retire. They prefer to live in the present and not worry about how they’ll deal with the issues associated with retirement. That is not a good idea at all! It is never too early to start planning for your retirement. You might be fit and healthy now. You might have an excellent job and a wonderful social life. However, things change as your age. Your health problems increase as you grow older and a time comes when you find it hard to work and support yourself. It is a good idea to make a plan for all the things that can make life difficult for you when you grow old. There is growing awareness amongst Australians that they need to have a clear direction for their lives after retirement. People who are aware of the challenges that retirees face are engaging in positively planning for the later stages of their lives. The main idea is to keep yourself engaged in activities and to lead a wholesome life which is pleasant for you and beneficial for others. The first thing to do is to make a list of all the goals you wish to achieve after retirement. These goals could be things that you wanted to buy, but never did. Your goals could also be to engage in activities or tasks that you find enjoyable, like a trip to the Bahamas, or a visit to an exotic land. Your desires should guide you in your goal creation. The main aim of your planning should be to ensure that your physical and mental health is not compromised in any way and that your life continues to have meaning. What you must keep in mind is that nothing comes for free.

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Most Australians who try to create a retirement plan realise this. It is necessary to make arrangements to meet your financial needs when you are no longer in a position to work. A large number of people who are retiring these days are doing so in a phased way. An abrupt retirement usually comes with a shock for the retirees as they need to suddenly adjust to a new lifestyle that they are not familiar with. In a phased strategy, they can gradually cut down on their working hours until they are in a comfortable position to let go of their professional lives. Elderly Australians receive pension support when they reach the retirement age, but the amount they receive is only sufficient to meet their basic needs. The best way to ensure your financial well-being after retirement is to invest in attractive opportunities. Many people invest in fixed income bonds which provide a steady income stream. You could invest in real estate, or in the stock market. These options have risks in the short term due to variations in the market, but they can yield good returns on a long term basis. Another good idea is to take out insurance policies that will help you cover your medical bills and any unforeseen accidents that you might face. The premiums you’ll be paying will totally worth it. Being smart about how you manage your money is crucial for the success of your retirement plan. Make sure that you start planning for your retirement as early as possible. You need to give yourself enough time to build up the financial resources you’ll need to meet the objectives set out in your retirement plan.

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IDEAS Always keep a level head on your shoulders. Don’t go diving into a business opportunity.........

WHERE SHOULD YOU START? Investing in a small business can be quite a satisfying experience if it is done right. As a small business owner, you’ll be creating jobs for people and contributing to the economic growth of the country. However, you’ll have to invest your money wisely and work hard to ensure that your business survives in today’s competitive world. It takes good planning, determination, and hard work to establish a successful business. Smart investment decisions and a good business strategy can help you get a very attractive return on your initial investment, but be aware of the risks involved. There is always a chance that you’ll end up losing some, or all, of your hard earned money. Sometimes, having a good plan and putting in a ton of hard work is not enough to earn you success. You also need a little bit of luck to make things go your way. Always keep a level head on your shoulders. Don’t go

Blindly investing in any business can hurt you financially.

diving into a business opportunity until you know what

Secondly, study the market trends and the prevailing

you are getting yourself into. Before deciding to invest in

economic conditions. This will help you determine the

a particular business, there are a few things that you will

amount of money that should be initially invested and the

need to consider. Let’s have a look at what you need to do

level of risk that you’ll have to factor into your investment

before you make your choice. First of all, you must always

plan. Hold back on your investment if the conditions are not

consider investing in a type of business you are familiar

right. A hasty decision could end up costing you a lot.

with. This minimises the risk that you’ll be taking because

After you’ve done your initial research, make sure you have

you’ll already have a little bit of an idea of how that

the required amount to fund your business and to cover any

business works. If you are an absolute newbie, make sure

short losses that might occur.

that you do your homework before investing.

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Investing In A Small Business

SMALL BUSINESS It is not always easy for entrepreneurs to get financing from banks. If you are using your personal savings for the investment, be careful. Turn to family and friends for loans to help you start your business. You could even partner up with another investor to get the money you need. Finally, prepare yourself for all kinds of possibilities. It could take months for your business to generate healthy profits. If you do not have enough cash in hand to support you during this period, you could find yourself in a financial hole. Hopefully you’ll find these tips to be helpful in taking the first step towards starting a small business of your own. By combining smart thinking with hard work and dedication, there is a very good chance you will be successful in your business endeavor.

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www.absolutebusines UNIT 7, 18-22 LEXIA PL MULGRAVE, VIC 3170

vnm magazine 016 PH: (03) 9566 7300

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WHAT IS RETIREMENT EXIT FO Once you get started, you could become so involved in the daily workings of your business that you forget about how important it is to have a retirement exit strategy. If you fail to properly plan for the retirement or the sale of your business though, you will not be able to gain the best value for it. Therefore, it is necessary to have a clearly defined and well planned strategy in place before you decide that it’s time to retire. It is not a bad idea to get in touch with a professional consulting agency when planning your exit strategy. An experienced consultant can help you make your business attractive for potential buyers and improve its value before selling it. A business broker will also be able to advise you about the best time for selling your business and guide you through the negotiation process with the buyers. Often, small business owners are the ones who do not plan an exit strategy for their business as they are more focused on actively competing with their rivals and ensuring future business growth. A consultant can then develop a retirement exit plan for them.There are several exit strategies that you could adopt for your business. The most common way is to just sell off all the assets of the company. This strategy is suitable for single owner businesses and small companies. If you are selling a running business, you are also likely to get more money for it. If you do not find the first strategy suitable, you can also consider keeping the business in the family by transferring its control to your spouse or children.

It is never too early to start planning for your retirement.

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S YOUR OR YOUR BUSINESS However, the adoption of this strategy can lead to disputes between family members. If you do not put much thought in choosing the correct person to take control of your business, you could end up with someone who has little or no knowledge of running a business and this could become a disaster for your company. The strategies mentioned above are suitable for small businesses, but if you own a large company, you could make an IPO (Initial Public Offering). This exit option enables you to earn a huge profit, but the downside is that the process of going public is not cheap and it also requires a lot of time.On the whole, make sure that the retirement exit strategy that you choose for your business is the one which is most suitable for it. It should be in alignment with your vision and personal objectives. Money is not the only thing that people have on their minds when deciding to exit their business. Some people also look for an exit strategy which helps preserve their legacy and the things they have achieved for themselves and their communities. Start planning your exit strategy well in advance. Remember, it is never too early to start planning for your retirement.

The most common way is to just sell off all the assets of the company

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What impact is this having on small businesses and the market? Baby boomers are the people who were born between 1946 and 1964. As a demographic group, the baby boomers represent the wealthiest generation ever who contributed to the tremendous growth in consumerism. However, the era of the baby boomers is coming to an end as more and more of them are reaching the age of retirement. Unfortunately though, most of the baby boomers are not sufficiently prepared to deal with the issues they’ll be facing after retirement and lack adequate financial resources for the troubled times ahead.

According to the Pew Research estimates, there are 74.9 million baby boomers alive today. Now, as the baby boomers age and drop out of the workforce, the economic growth will tend to slow down. The knowledge and experience that they will take away with them will also have an impact on the sectors of the economy which require skilled or specialised labour. When the baby boomer generation was at their peak, they were making a significant contribution to the growth of the global economy. Consumer spending was at a very high level and it was driving rapid economic growth. The baby boomers also played an important part in supporting the real estate sector and the home ownership figures grew rapidly. The effects of the retirement of the baby boomers are however, now being felt by the market and especially by the small businesses. It is a well known fact that the economic contribution of the people who retire goes down and they become more dependent on other people, or on government support. The dependence ratio will thus, continue to rise as the baby boomers drop out of the workforce. As consumer spending falls, the small businesses are the ones that will be hurt the most as they do not have large financial resource pools to support their businesses during times of sluggish economic activity.

What is it like outside Australia? The situation in the U.S. is not too bad because the percentage of the workforce with people over the age of 65 years is not as high as it is in some of the other countries of the world. So the negative effects of the retirement of the baby boomers on the U.S. economy will not be profound.

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74.9 MILLION BABY BOOMERS ALIVE TODAY As the baby boomers retire, they will also not be spending as much as they used to. This will have a negative effect on the GDP growth rate as well. However, the impact will be lessened because as living standards continue to rise, the average lifespan of people will also increase. As more and more people are living longer, it is expected that some of the baby boomers will continue working even after passing the retirement age.

BABY BOOMERS vnm magazine 021


Businesses For Sale

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Businesses Now Selling



P.O. A .

REF: B12793

This Cafe and Wine Bar For Sale has a main street location in Inverloch and has a bright, modern fitout with a relaxed atmosphere. There is seating capacity for 50 inside and 25 outside. There is a fully equipped commercial kitchen and a coolroom, as well as a pizza oven. All equipment is owned, not leased. Fully Licenced until 11pm. Fantastic turnover of $600,000 per year with low rent of $38,000 per year and a long lease of 5x5x5 in place for peace of mind for new owners. This is a great lifestyle business, operating 5 days per week. Open for lunch and dinner on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturdays and for breakfast and lunch on Sundays. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


$1 0 3 , 9 0 0


This is an operational accounting practice with around 700 active clients on the database. It is a great opportunity to work from home. The current operator has not worked the database to its full potential and has turned over roughly $54,000 in the last 12 months meaning there is huge amounts of potential left to maximise this business. Tax Store is a unique franchising opportunity designed for individuals who have an interest in offering financial and business services. With a few successful outlets throughout Australia, Tax Store is fast becoming the top name in professionalism and service excellence. For further information and to book a time to meet the franchisor contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


P.O .A .

REF: B12809

This Hair Salon has good exposure being on a main road through the area with plenty of passing traffic as well as being well serviced by public transport with a tram stop at the door. It has a clean and sleek fit out with 10 work stations and 2 wash basins, as well as a kitchen area and 2 car parking spaces at the back of the salon. Solid turnover of $7,000 per week, from only 4 days of trade per week and for 50 weeks of the year. The salon closes for 2 weeks over December. Low rent of only $36,000 per year for a large premises and good location. A new lease is available to new owners. The Hair salon is run by the owner with the help of 2 Full time staff (including a manager) and 2 part time staff. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or email


$ 9 5 ,0 0 0


Excellent and rare opportunity to invest and acquire a top ranking online business with soaring growth trends and profit margins. The business is fully online and can be relocated to anywhere in Australia with ease- first established in Melbourne and now recently moved to Queensland, the owner has indicated first hand the relocation has zero hindrance to profit margins or turnover. The owner currently only spends 5-10 hours on the business in total per week and operates from home with storage of a guest room closet to hold stock. This is a truly exceptional and impressive business that will excite any savvy investor- please contact agent immediately as business is expected to SELL FAST! Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

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.A P.O


REF: B12774

own business or grow their business model. Good profit margins and solid return for owner operator available. Great Rent of $3550 per calendar month. Owners are

Boasting a prime location on Melbourne’s famous Oakleigh, this Bakery presents

averaging $10,000 pw takings. Are you looking for an established Bakery Cafe with a

an excellent opportunity for buyers. This Bakery built up a great reputation over the

strong customer base? Then this is an Ideal Business for you.

years of its existence. There are no real competitors in the nearby area.Bakery is

Further information can be obtained by contacting Harry Hatzipanagiotis on

fully equipped and ideal for someone with baking background looking to own their

0421 000 247 or


.A P.O



in place with rent of only $1750 pcm with rear and side parking, 2 bedrooms with kitchen as well as full commercial kitchen set up for the business with 15 seating

Located in a prime position on a busy intersection with high exposure as well as

capacity.The business is immaculate with sparkling clean set up - new owner will

meters from a major bus stop! Only 5-10 minutes from Melbourne CBD. The busi-

be able to continue trading without requirement of any changes or further expense.

ness has been established for over 20 years and the current owner has success-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

fully operated 4 years with a turnover of $6,000 per week. Long and secure lease

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


0 0,0





kitchen, walk in cool room as well as 120 seating capacity in total (70 downstairs and 50 upstairs). Owner is only selling because they must return overseas - this is

Run under the management, this fantastic restaurant is perfect for an investor

a fantastic opportunity to purchase a successful business and earn a good passive

looking to expand or owner operator looking to work minimal hours with no cooking

income. Operating 6 days per week for lunch and dinner.

experience necessary. Located in Hawthorn East - the restaurant is in prime loca-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

tion with long secured lease and turn over of $10,000 per week. Full commercial

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

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.A P.O


opportunity for a hairdresser to take over & take on more clients to improve turnover & profits, or continue only part time hours & have a great work/life balance!

This long established boutique hair salon for sale offers a prime position on a

Long lease of 2x3 remaining & cheap rent of $258 per week! No website & very

major road through this pretty bayside suburb.Established over 28 years, this busy

little online presence, plenty of potential for growth!

salon is elegantly laid out with 6 stations & 2 wash basins. 2 full time staff in place

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

doing most of the work, the vendor is only in a couple of days a week. Excellent

0416 000 154 or


.A P.O



years for $16,320 pcm INC GST for over 2,000sqm! The business is run entirely by staff - perfect for investors to consider or anyone looking for a passive income

Located in Melbourne’s South East suburb of Hallam - this centre is over 2,000sqm

with limited or no operational hours required by the owner. Currently has a healthy

of pure potential! 12 state of the art badminton courts - finest USA imported set up

turnover per week with huge potential to grow.

only 2 years old that cost over $700,000 to complete! Premises is over two levels-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

with ample office space on second floor with very long secured lease of 10x5

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


0 0,0




Average takings of $12,000 pw. Under management. 4 Beauty rooms, 4 wash basins and 11 cutting stations. Waiting area. Excellent location. Rent of

Located in the booming suburb of Cranbourne in a very prominent shopping

$12,100 pcm inc G.S.T and outgoings Inspections will impress as this is one of

centre location , this hair salon for sale has been under management for the

the best hairdressers in the area.

last two years and has steadily grown over this time. The fit out is exceptional.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

Near new only two years old it has been specially designed for this premises.

0404 146 202 or

vnm magazine 025


.A P.O


REF: B12780

selves. Very reasonable rent of only $60,000 per year inc GST for jewel Acland Street St Kilda location! Solid lease of 3x3 which ensures new owners peace of

Located in the heart of St Kilda on busy Acland Street - 24/7 foot traffic, trams

mind. Turnover average of $17,000 per week - this is not a business to overlook if

passing by and surrounded by motels, residence and shops! This convenience

you are seriously on the market to buy!

store is run under management by the staff which is perfect for an investor or an

Further information can be obtained bu contacting Michael Lucas on 0402 075 611,

international buyer to earn a good income without operating the business them-

Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O



commercial kitchen & bar, the business sits below a large amount of apartments. Liquor licence in place, currently serving a beautiful array of authentic Italian fare.

This idyllic beach front restaurant for sale is located along the Geelong foreshore.

Turning over $18,000 per week. Long lease of 5x5x5 for security in this incredible

This spacious restaurant operates over 2 levels. Substantial amount of seating

location. Highly sought after location & a thriving business.

overall (upstairs could be used for functions as the business continues operation

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

downstairs), licensed to seat 175, currently seating 120 inside & 30 outside. Full

0416 000 154 or


.A P.O


planter boxes, mirrors, clocks and furniture. There is a showroom where a selection of products is on display, as well as a website, which show cases many designs. Solid turnover of approximately $550,000 per year with very high profit margin. Rent

A rare opportunity to buy a Metal art and design business.This Business has a

of only $36,347 per year and long lease options of 3x3x3.

professionally equipped factory in Clayton South and produces a range of unique

Further information can be obtained by contacting Michael Lucas on 0402 075 611 or

design concepts. The products include decorative screens, sculptures, mailboxes, or Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7300.

vnm magazine 026

.A. P.O



- 1 Spray Tan room - Averaging $3,000 p/w takings

This elegant beauty salon/day spa business for sale offers a prime location and

- Rent of $564 p/w inc G.S.T

amazing set up which is only 2 years old. Nothing to do but take over & incorporate

- Commercial Lease of 3x3

your own experience & knowledge!

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202

- 4 Beauty rooms of which 1 is a double and has the spa in it



.A P.O



and factories, hotels and apartments and the fast food industry. This business has a web site outlining all the services they offer and prospective clients can

This business specialises in servicing and maintaining commercial air conditioning

get quotes online. Current turnover is just over $1,700,000 per year with rent of

and plant equipment, as well as HVAC and refrigeration. The Factory is based in

$44,000 per year. A new lease is available, or premises are available for purchase.

the North West, but services the wider Melbourne area. Their clients include prop-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

erty management companies, hospitals and nursing homes, commercial offices

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


8 8,8




easily adapt to include a deli or CafĂŠ. The Owner received their PR and is keen to move on so make us an offer. Low Rent with residence inclusive is only $2,291 pcm with a 3 year lease in place with options to extend.

Located in an excellent corner position in Moorabbin, boosting extras such as

The vendor wants a quick sale so all offers will be considered.

immaculate 2 bedroom apartment upstairs with external entrance and Balcony,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

courtyard and potential to grow. The business runs mainly as a milk bar but can


vnm magazine 027


.A P.O


REF: B12787

further 40 people for private parties and Karaoke. Full commercial kitchen with quality equipment and coolroom. Solid takings of $15,000 pw with strong profit margin. Rent

An exceptional opportunity on the market. This Restaurant, takeaway and cafe

of only $3,400 per month for large premises, and lease options of 3x3.Trades 7 days

Business For Sale has a very prominent street location in Footscray Central. This

per week, 9:30am to 10pm, this restaurant is run by 1 FT owner, 1 FT and 3 PT staff.

Restaurant For Sale has a beautiful set up with seating capacity of 52 inside and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

16 outside. With the addition of an upstairs private room with seating capacity for a

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O



kitchen including multiple cool rooms. The business boasts two levels of club/ event space complete with dance floors, seating, multiple bars, and segregated

Sensational Oriental themed nightclub and bar for sale in Moonee Ponds! Current-

areas which can be dedicated for private functions. The rooftop beer garden has a

ly operating just 2 days per week. Turnover $773,000 per annum. Rooftop beer

fantastic layout and appearance with its own dedicated bar.

garden. 4 well-appointed bars throughout the venue. Licensed till 3:00am inside

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on

and 12:00am out in the beer garden. Licensed for 375 patrons. Full commercial

0402 225 989 or



0 0,0




options of 5x5x5. This Cafe Business for Sale has a liquor licence until 11pm, so there is huge potential to extend opening hours and boost turnover. Owners work part time in the

This cafe and takeaway for sale has a location second to none, on a busy main road

business, with the help of 2 full time staff and 2 part time staff. New owners can choose

in Armadale. Well fit-out cafe which can seat 40 inside, 20 outside and 14 on the side.

to work in the business or run it under management.

Has a commercial kitchen to prepare the simple but wholesome menu. Solid takings

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos

of $8,000 per week and rent of $4,065 per month for a large premises, with long lease

on 9566 7300 or

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. A . P. O


exceptional fitout with state-of-the-art kitchen. Has a full liquor licence. Website with online ordering in place. Strong consistent sales of $8,000 per week and

This restaurant for sale is the go-to for authentic specialities, all served up in a

increasing. Long lease with options of 2x5x5x5 in place to give security of tenure.

sleek and sophisticated setting. Prime location in one of Richmond’s most iconic

All the hard set up work is done

shopping precincts. Ideal venue for functions with seating for 80 patrons on the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

ground level and a further 150 patrons on the first floor. This restaurant has an

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O


until 7pm (shorter day Sunday) the business turns over $400k per annum. Cheap rent of $700 per week inclusive of GST for a great location & new lease for the new tenant.

Established 2 years, this florist business offers a prime location on the city fringe in an

Great online presence with a lot of online sales, this is ideal for a florist to take over & run

affluent, trendy area. High profile location on a major road through the area & public transport

themselves to pocket more profit, or keep it as a part time side income & let it run as is.

to the door, make this business easily accessible & highly exposed. The business has staff in

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

place that are florists & create the designs, the vendor only works part time. Operating 7 days


.A P.O



the models it sells to ensure ongoing sales to customers. The Store has great reputation in its 24 years of trade and no real competition. Long 3 x 3 lease in place, Highly desired location,

This hobby and toy shop for sale sells toys model trains decorations anything you need

High road Traffic and parking, Plenty of potential left in the business Excellent stock tracking,

to build your own model train station and much more with an extensive range of kids toys

POS and job schedule software in place.

paints tools to create your own model. Hand made model trains and tools to put you on the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Harry Hatzipanagiotis on 0421 000 247 or

model train map. This Hobby shop business for sale carries spare parts for most, if not all,

vnm magazine 029


.A P.O



a very well equipped automotive servicing and tyre business with 10 parking spots, 2 hoist stations, toilet, kitchen, office and lounge/waiting area for customers. Very

This Automotive servicing and tyre business for sale offers a range of services

reasonable rent of $1,450 per month. A New Lease is available to new owners.

such as auto service, tuning, batteries, tyres, wheel alignment and balancing. It

Currently turning over $6,250 per week.

is a VicRoads Licenced Vehicle tester and does RWCs for cars and bikes. It’s

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

reputation and excellent customer service has built up a regular client base. This is

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O



the restaurant is run by 4 full time and 3 part time staff. Rent is $130,000 per year with long lease options of 5x5x5.

This noodle restaurant for sale is located on a busy main road on the city fringe.

Owner only selling because he wants to retire, so perfect opportunity for new own-

Plenty of passing foot and car traffic and easy access with public transport.

er to take over this very popular and well known noodle restaurant.

This long and well established noodle restaurant of 25 years, has solid turnover of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

$20,000 per week and very good profits. Open 7 days per week from 8am to 9pm,

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .




outside heating and security cameras and is liquor licensed. Handsome takings of $9,000 per week with rent of $85,000 per year, for a large premises, which

This Business For Sale is located in busy and expanding South Yarra. This

includes a spare room and long lease of 7x5x5. This Business has a website in

Restaurant and Bar has a modern, vibrant, on trend fitout. There is seating

place that allows online reservations.

capacity of 70 inside and 50 outside. There is a very well equipped commer-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

cial kitchen, and cool room, as well as a bar, with storage, an air conditioner,

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 030

. A . P. O


all of them from well know international brands. Well Established website with

This long established business has been run by the same owners for over 12

showrooms and warehouse area, is big enough to accommodate further growth yet

years. The couple wish to retire from this successful and consistent business. The

small enough to be cost effective. $1,900M Takings. Reasonable rent

business focuses on Refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, ovens,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen now on

stoves, electric kettles, microwave ovens, rice cookers and other small appliances,

0429 006 921 or Lyn Mu on 0430 880 323.

shopping cart and a long running eBay store is included in the sale. The 1700sqm


.A P.O



accessible with public transport (including tram) to the door & parking. Turning over $7,000 per week the business is well staffed & the vendor only works part time.The

If you’re looking for a franchise opportunity business for sale in a high profile

restaurant seats 70 & holds a liquor licence until 11pm. Rent of approx $700 per

location then this one is for you! Join the Taco Bill family with this long established

week & long lease of 2x5 remaining.

restaurant providing authentic Mexican meals & atmosphere. Located in a high

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

profile position on a major road in this affluent inner suburb, the business is easily

0416 000 154 or


.A P.O



inside and 20 outside. Fully licensed. Plenty of parking available for customers. Low rent of $2,800 per month and long lease options of 6x7x7 This is a fantastic lifestyle

This Cafe for sale is currently run under management with 2 full time staff and 3 part

business, with short operating hours of 5 days per week from 7am to 3pm, allowing

time staff. New owners can keep the cafe running under management or choose

the new owners to have a good work/life balance.

to work in the business, but staff in place will ensure a smooth transition for new

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

owners. Near new fit out with a full commercial kitchen and seating capacity for 30

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or email

vnm magazine 031


0 5,0




including 3 Bedrooms + Lounge + Kitchen + toilet. Lease 4×4 Commencement Date 28/11/2016. Very well equipped. Unlimited future




Inspection will not disappoint

Long established business with HUGE POTENTIAL, Takings $ 2,500 per week

Further information can be obtained by contacting Michael Lucas or

ONLY 6 nights per week: 5pm – 9pm, closed Mondays. Rent $ 896 per week

Chris Panagiotidis on 0402 075 611 or by email at



8 8,8




breast and 18 boxes of chips p/w. Rent of $3,700 pcm inc gst. Commercial lease of 5x5x5x5. Trading 6 days per week from 11 am to 8pm, closed on Sundays.

This Charcoal Chicken Business For Sale is located in the densely populated area

Business and area are growing at a steady pace making this a solid investment.

of Bentleigh. The business is very well set up with 2 walk in cool-rooms, freezer, 2

Owner is happy to train to make it a smooth handover for next owner.

hot bay marries and one cold. Averaging $10,000 p/w turnover. 250 - 300 chickens

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

p/w. 120kg of lamb and 40kg of chicken p/w for souvlaki bar. Also 10kg of chicken

0404 146 202 or Phil Booysen on 0429006921.

A .P O .




years. This fashion boutique opens 6 days per week, 9 to 3:30pm on Monday to Friday and 10am - 3pm on Saturday. It is run under management by 1 Full time

A rare opportunity to enter the ladies fashion, accessories and handbag market.

employee and 2 Casual staff. The brand has a comprehensive web site in place

This Business For Sale stocks an Australian designed brand. On offer is the

and wide social media presence to market and expand the brand.

flagship store in Berwick, an affluent and expanding area. This store currently has

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

turnover of $4,700 per week, with low rent of $2,800 per month and lease of 2x2

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or email

vnm magazine 032

. A . P. O



sual Staff. The Business enjoys short operating hours of 5pm to 10:45pm, 7 days a week, allowing you to have your days free for other activities. Enjoys consistent

This Takeaway Pizza Shop Business for Sale is located on a busy main road with

takings of $7,500 per week. Rent is $4,220 per month which includes a 3 bedroom

plenty of passing foot and car traffic. This takeaway pizza business comes out top

residence which can be used by the new owner or be rented out, to reduce costs.

in Menulog searches for this area and has a lot of online orders. This pizza shop is

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Liko-

semi-managed with the owners only working part time with the help of 7 to 10 Ca-

poulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O



of mind for new owners. Well designed website in place which allows online ordering of retail products as well as bookings. Also has a large social media following. Opens 6

This gem of a cafe has a bright, modern fit out with seating for 27 people inside and a

days per week, Tuesday to Sunday from 8a to 7pm, it offers breakfast, lunch and dinner

further 21 people outside. It also boasts a full commercial kitchen and is fully licenced

as well as catering.

until 11pm. This business has a solid turnover of $26,000 per week, with low rent of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

$2,450 per month for such a good location. Long lease terms of 5x5x5 will ensure peace

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O



ation and the process of filling and maintaining the machines could be completed in 4 days, allowing for a 3 day weekend every week! Currently generating a turn-

This vending machine business for sale has been well established for 12 years &

over of $400,000 per annum, the business has low overheads (renting warehouse

provides a large variety of vending machines to offices and work places throughout

space for $365 per month on a monthly basis) and makes an excellent profit.

Melbourne. The machines are fully electronic with note readers and coin mecha-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

nisms, which are capable of giving change. The business is a relatively easy oper-

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 033


0 0,0




work your own hours. No rent to worry about and no landlord to pester you. Website has great site traffic and strong google ranking for key words. Also has a large social

Established 10 years ago, by the owner this online business for sale provides a

media following. Takings of $137,000 per year, with plenty of potential to increase

product that every woman wants and is a leader in the hairpiece industry. This busi-

sales, by using reps to visit hair salons.

ness is supported by numerous celebrities and entertainment personalities around

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or

the world. This is a unique opportunity to work from home and have the flexibility to

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

000 , 0 $19



looking into. This business for sale features the following: -$18,000 PW Takings

This Fruit & Veg Shop for sale is located on a great corner spot with loads of free

-Low rent of only $ 938 PW

parking and ample foot traffic. It stood the test of time with a huge and loyal fol-

Excellent opportunity in this growing area.

lowing supporting the business. Are you a serious business person? Then this one

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7300

is for you. Located in Melbourne’s far South East, this Business for sale is worth

or Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

A .P O .




micro-dermabrasion & light therapy. This salon is currently being run by the staff, operating from Monday to Saturday with late nights Wednesday & Thursday.

This business for sale offers a prime location in an affluent suburb & an immacu-

Immaculate fitout with 7 treatment rooms set out over a 2 storey premises, plus an

late elegant fitout with nothing more to spend! Established 10 years ago, this salon

offfice. Lease remaining of 5 years & rent of $1045 approx p/w including outgoings.

specialises in high end skin treatments & age management in a nurturing spa

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

environment. Services include IPL, peels, collagen induction therapy, injectables,

0416 000 154 or

vnm magazine 034

. .PO.A



low rent of $715 per month and long lease terms of 5x5x5 for new owners peace of mind. Still potential to increase sales, by using social media or a website to

This well established fish and chip and takeaway business is located in a prom-

increase exposure. Owner only selling because of the wish to retire.

inent country town in West Gippsland. The shop has a good corner location and

An inspection will definitely impress.

plenty of car parking. This business has a neat and bright fit out and operates 7

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

days per week from 11am to 8pm. Fantastic takings of $10,500 per week, with

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O



ous materials offering sophistication & contemporary elegance. Turning over $165,000 per annum, this easy to operate business requires no experience. The

This home decor online business for sale can be operated from anywhere with

vendor only dedicates part time hours to earn a great profit. Flexible, work the

only part time hours required! Relocatable to wherever you live, all you need is

hours you want, options to expand the range of products & grow the business.

some storage space in your house or garage! Established 2.5 years ago, this

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

business specialises in unique home decor, some handcrafted, with luxuri-

0416 000 154 or


.A P.O



of $12,500 per week and rent of $3,865 per month. A new lease is available to new owners. Business is run under management by 4 part time staff. Simple

Busy main road location with plenty of passing traffic and parking spaces avail-

menu and staff in place will make a smooth transition for new owners or choose

able. Only 100 metres to the station. The business has a simple menu of Greek/

to work in the business yourself and save on staff costs.

Mediterranean Food, with a tidy fit out with seating for 25 inside and 10 outside.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

This souvlaki business has a website which allows online ordering. Solid turnover

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or email

vnm magazine 035


0 5,0




floor to ceiling windows & seating for 42 inside & 18 outside. Small basic kitchen, the business is focused on minimal cooking. 3 casual staff in place to ensure a

This trendy cafe offers prime position & easy accessibility! Public transport to the

smooth transition!Rent of $812 per week inclusive of GST with long lease of 3x3x4

door including a train station, plus an abundance of parking. PLUS surrounded


by apartments as well as shops, so enormous amount of passing foot traffic daily!

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

The business currently utilises 7-8kg of coffee per week. Bright premises with

0416 000 154 or


0 5,0




by a couple of hours a week. Takings averaging $3,000 p/w. Rent is $2,300 pcm inc G.S.T. Commercial lease of 5x5x5 starting April 2015. Fully set up for baking,

Born from the desire to provide pure, healthy and clean foods to the public, this

sandwiches, cake & pastry production. Located in the centre of Hastings and

organic cafe would be a great business for the first business owner. Open only 5

surrounded by other bustling businesses.

days a week from 8am to 3pm Monday to Friday, this business has huge potential

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202

to boost its taking by just opening on the weekends and extending trading hours






per week and low rent of $36,000 per year, for such a good location, and long lease options of 3x3x3. Short operating hours, Monday to Friday 8am to 2:30pm and

Excellent location on a main road just metres from park and sea. This Business has

7:30am to 3:30pm on weekends. The owner works in the business with the help of 8

a commercial kitchen and is very easy to run. Serves breakfast and lunch, a very

staff, which will help for a smooth transition for the new owner.

easy menu. No chef is required, just general cooking skills. Seating capacity for 20

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

inside and 40 outside. This cafe is also a general store. Average takings of $20,000

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or email

vnm magazine 036

. A . P. O



to get their name known. Solid turnover of $650,000 per year with rent of $3,068 per month and long lease options of 2x2x2. Trading 5 days per week Monday to

Located in Dandenong, this Business for sale provides a complete range of

Friday from 8am to 4:30pm. Owner works in the business with the help of 2 Full

services including device installation, diagnostics, wiring, repair and maintenance.

time staff and 1 part time staff.

Established for 34 years, it has built up a fantastic reputation for great service and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

expertise at great prices. There is a website in place and good use of social media

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O



Trading 5 days per week. Rent $755 per week with lease options of 5x5x5. Semi-under management, Unlimited future. Huge potential

Excellent opportunity to purchase a most immaculate cafe-bar located on busy Glen-

The vendor must sell, all offers will be considered

huntly Road. Commercially equipped. Seating for 50 guests. Potential to use the courtyard for 25 more guests. Liquor license in place. Takings

Further information can be obtained by contacting Michael Lucas on 04 0207 5611 or

$12,000 per week



0 0,0




serving a simple menu. Currently taking approximately $1,800 pw and with low rent of only $2,145 pcm and a long lease of 5x5x5. The owners work in the business

Want an ideal lifestyle business? Then don’t miss this 5 Day Industrial Cafe Busi-

with the help of 1 full time staff. No experience or past industry knowledge required

ness for Sale. Located in the Mitcham industrial area. This business opens at 7am

to run this business.

and closes 3pm Monday to Friday, so you get your weekends & evenings off! Very

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

tidy and neat set up with seating capacity for 15 inside and 8 outside. Easy to run,

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 037


.A P.O



to classy and rustic designs which are fast growing in popularity! The business operates from a sizeable factory location in the eastern suburbs. Current rent for the

This business specialises in renting out marquees, equipment and props for func-

factory site sits at around $43,992 per year. With an excellent reputation and many

tions including corporate, weddings, birthdays and much more. Fantastic business

great client relationships developed over decades.

with takings of $600,000 per year with a huge range of marquees, event equipment

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on

and a wide variety of furniture encompassing everything from cheap and simple

0402 225 989 or Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7300


0 0,0





allocated lot of only $3666.50 pcm ING GST! The car wash is fully independent. All branding, signs, state of the art European Equipment and set up included in

Excellent and extremely rare opportunity to acquire a state of the art hand car

sale- car wash is WATERLESS allowing for minimal overhead expenses and huge

wash business in the heart of Port Melbourne. 21 allocated car spaces in a

profit margins! No marketing or price increase since opening under 3 years ago.

secured undercover car park off Little Bay St with brand new European quality

Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

cleaning equipment and show room flooring. Secured lease in place for the entire


A .P O .




month. A new lease of 5x5 is available for new owners. Business has a well set out, detailed, informative website in place.This is a long established business of 20 years

This is a rare opportunity to buy such a well established and reputable tattoo business

which has built up an excellent reputation in the industry. A perfect business for some-

located in the city fringe. Currently the owners work in the business with 4 sub contrac-

one passionate about body art. An inspection will definitely impress.

tors, which will make for an easy transition for the new owners. This tattoo business

Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

for sale has a solid turnover of $250,000 per year, and enjoys low rent of $2,293 per


vnm magazine 038


.A P.O



per week. Excellent 3x3 Lease. 25 seating capacity inside and 10 outside. Alcohol license, menu log ,eat now ,delivery hero.This is an excellent opportunity for new

Here’s a fantastic Pizza & pasta business located in busy Oakleigh that’s been

owners to secure a well-performing pizza business in Oakleigh.

operating for more than 10 years! This business has a conveyor pizza oven, sizeable

All genuine offers are invited and inspections are encouraged.

commercial kitchen, and loads of storage space to work with. 6 Day Evening Trade

Further information can be obtained by contacting Harry Hatzipanagiotis on

Only. Average takings of $3,500 per week. Good Rent of only $625 inc out goings

0421 000 247 or


0 9,0




dwelling, Lease of 3x3x3, No experience necessary ,training available Keen vendor to sellAll offers will be considered.

Excellent opportunity to buy an established homeware and gift retail business. Well suited for a hands on owner/operator. Operation in a very pleasant environ-

For further information and to arrange an inspection please contact Michael Lucas

ment Located next to a busy South East train station On a busy main road with lots

on 0402075611 or email

of foot traffic daily. Huge potential Rent of $882 per week, includes a 1 bedroom

A .P O .




Rent of $986 per week which includes 4 bedrooms upstairs, which are separately leased for $2,800 per month, Lease of 3x3x3, Huge potential to grow this business

Unique opportunity, Busy Chapel Street location, Easily accessed by public transport,

The vendor operates the business part time. All offers will be submitted to the vendor,

with a tram stop outside the door and only steps away from a train station, Commer-

Make an Offer

cially equipped kitchen and bar, Warm and welcoming fitout with seating for 25 guests,

For further information and to arrange an inspection please call Michael Lucas on

Liquor licenced until 3am, Takings of $4,000 per week

0402 075 611 or email

vnm magazine 039


.A P.O


rooms. It uses state-of-the-art systems for all the treatments on offer. Turnover of $3,000 per week with rent of $2,663 per month and lease terms of 3 years. Currently

This Laser Hair removal and skin therapy business for sale is located in the North

trading for 5 days per week, Tuesdays to Saturdays, with a half day on Saturday.

East, situated on a main road through the area, with public transport running past the front door as well as plenty of parking available for clients. It offers a comprehen-

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or

sive range of skin care services in stylish and welcoming premises with 5 treatment

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or email


0 0,0





The clinic has 3 classically styled treatment rooms. Operating only 4 days per week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 11am – 7pm and Saturday 11am – 3pm. Solid

On offer is a renowned laser and IPL clinic business for sale. This business is well

takings of $8,000 per week with low rent of $2,400 per month. A new lease will be

equipped with medical grade equipment and offers many years of professional ex-

available to new owner.

perience in dermal therapies and laser treatments. Located in an upmarket suburb

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or

north of Melbourne on a busy main road, it is easily accessible by public transport.

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or email

A .P O .



seating capacity – 40 downstairs, 45 upstairs, 15 on the front deck and 30 in the Beer Garden. Very popular for private functions and small receptions. Fully licensed to 1am.

This Restaurant Bar Cafe Business For Sale is well located just 100 metres from the

Solid takings of $16,000 per week and rent of $4,606 per month with a secure lease of

foreshore. It is hugely popular with the many thousands of visitors to Phillip Island.

5x5x5. An inspection will impress.

A long established business of 29 years, with current owner for 9 years. It has built a

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or

good reputation. This restaurant has an elegant casual dining room. It has a very large

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or email

vnm magazine 040


.A P.O



for the past 5 years and has a very simple but tasty hearty menu as there are a lot of trades customers. Very short trading hours from 8am to 3pm, 10am to 3pm on

This takeaway and cafe business for sale is located on a main arterial road in pictur-

Saturday and closed Sundays. Full commercial kitchen with walk in cool room, 3

esque Beaconsfield Upper. Its customers can enjoy beautiful hill views from its deck

Bedroom residence, Averaging $6,500 p/w in takings, Cheap Rent of $1,560 p.c.m

or dine in. There have been various businesses at the premises for the past 105

inc. G.S.T. 3x3x3 commercial lease For further details and to make a time to inspect

years and its doors have never been closed. The current owner has run the business

contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or


.A P.O



food! This franchise store was established 4 years ago & is located on one of the trendiest roads in Melbourne, in amongst the entertainment & dining district in this

This franchise Vietnamese street food business for sale offers favourites straight

exclusive inner city area. Turning over $9,500 per week. Lease remaining of 6

from the streets of Vietnam & delicious healthy Vietnamese classics. As a major

years & rent of $1,428 per week inclusive of GST.

franchise, you will receive enormous support & training from the franchise so this

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker

would even be a great opportunity for a first time business owner with a love of

Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

A .P O .




There is a covered area in the courtyard as well. And further seating for 4 out in the front. This Cafe has been established 12 years and has been run by the current owner

This Cafe, sandwich bar and takeaway business for sale is located on a busy Main

for 5 years. Trades 7 days per week from 7am to 5:30pm. An easy to run business

Road through Balwyn. There is a lot of passing foot and vehicle traffic with parking

with a simple to prepare menu. Turnover of $11,000 per week and rent is $6,000 per

nearby as well as a tram stop at the front door. Has a bright and cheery inviting dining

month, which includes one bedroom upstairs.For more information and to arrange an

room with a seating capacity for 40 inside, with a back courtyard with capacity for 25.

inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

vnm magazine 041


.A P.O



This travel agency is part of a well know franchise of travel agencies- popular within Chinese community. Business has a professional website in place that allows for

Excellent opportunity to buy an established Franchise Travel Agency with excellent

full online booking of flights, holiday packages and tours as well as trip advice. Also

reputation and well known trusted name. This travel agency is located in the heart of

offers Chinese translation to allow for rapid growth and customer base.

Springvale where there is huge amounts of passing foot traffic ensuring lots of ex-

For more information contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

posure. A well known and easy to access location, well serviced by public transport.


0 9,0




shop up again! Currently turning over just $3,000 per week, this business is easily capable of doing more! The current owner has almost no online presence and no

Fantastic long established pizza shop with a highly visible prime location in the

online ordering and has not promoted the business in any way in well over a year.

heart of Diamond Creek! This owner operated takeaway pizza business for sale

Rent of $2,200 with a new lease with negotiable terms available!

has been run by the current owner for the past 6 years and now needs a new own-

For information on this fantastic pizza business opportunity, and to arrange inspec-

er with dreams and drive to take over and build this once highly successful pizza

tions, please call senior business broker DAMON AMBATZIS 0402 225 989

A .P O .




Trading 6 days, Modern high quality fit-out, Excellent COMMERCIAL KITCHEN cooking facilities, Seating 35 currently with potential for up to 60. This cafe business

Fantastic CAFE business for sale boasting a prominent CORNER LOCATION on a

has HUGE POTENTIAL for a buyer looking to buy a business with plenty of scope for

busy intersection in FITZROY NORTH! Operating UNDER MANAGEMENT by the


current owner, Taking $5,500 per week, Rent approx $4,700 per month Large and

For more information, or to arrange an inspection, please call senior business broker


DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989

vnm magazine 042


.A P.O


place! Loyal customer base from word of mouth & passing foot traffic, enormous potential for much further growth! No competition in the centre. Good size premises

This business for sale in the south east offers a variety of services including Indian,

with commercial kitchen, large shopfront with floor to ceiling windows, great expo-

Sri Lankan & Mauritian groceries, takeaway hot food & catering. Prime location in

sure. Seating inside & outside. Established 13 years. Lease of 1x5x5 remaining and

a local shopping centre with easy accessibility & plenty of parking, the business

rent of $850 per week.For further information please contact Senior Business Broker

currently sees turnover of $400k per annum with no online presence or website in

Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


.A P.O



attracting the locals, but also the huge amounts of visitors to the area. Very popular for people to buy their fish and chips and sit on the beach to eat. Fully Licensed to

Not only a Fish and Chips shop, this business sells market fresh seafood and

sell beer and wine for takeaway. Averages $15,000 takings per week with rent of

sushi as well as fish and beef burgers. A takeaway business only, but there is

$4,800 per month and lease options of 5x5x5x5.

seating capacity of 26 inside and 20 outside for informal dining. Located just on the

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or

beach on the Mornington Peninsula, this business enjoys huge exposure, not only

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or



8 8,8




Full commercial Kitchen, In the heart of Melbourne CBD, Huge growth opportunity. This business is ready to take to the next level. Prime location waiting for the next

Amazing CBD opportunity now available Do you want to own your own CBD hospitality


business? Become part of this well known and established Sushi Brand now. 5 Day operation allowing you to have your weekends off. 5 Day Business

Do you want an established 5 Day Sushi Restaurant for sale, then this is a must to

Well Established over 10 years, 35 plus seating with potential to double that

see. CALL Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921 or Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323

vnm magazine 043


.A P.O


rant can also be used for private functions where the upstairs area has standing room for 210 people and the downstairs area has standing room for 250. It is fully

This Restaurant bar business has a location second to none – located in Flinders

licensed. Restaurant has 2 bars, 2 commercial kitchens and a coolroom.

Lane in the Melbourne CBD, the heart of a very popular dining district. A spacious

Strong takings of $2,000,000 per year with rent of $19,000 per month, for such a

restaurant with a very classic and expensive set up. Upstairs restaurant has seat-

large premises and fantastic location. Lease options of 5×5.

ing capacity for 155 people. Downstairs bar area can seat 140 people. This restau-

Contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O



gifts and other products and generates $8,000 turnover per week and has a long

This variety shop business for sale is located in Dandenong, in a shopping centre

lease of 5×5 years in place to ensure peace of mind for the purchaser. The busi-

anchored by a well know supermarket chain. Lots of parking, and other supporting

ness trades 7 days per week from 9am to 6pm with late nights on Thursdays and

businesses in the shopping centre as well. Located along a main road leading

Fridays.Run under management by 1 full time staff and 1 part time staff.

south, it is a popular stop for commuters needing to pick up groceries and other

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or

items on their daily commute.This business sells a large variety of homewares,

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


0 9,0




Key points: $5,000+ PW Takings, Large 460sqm shop, 3×3 lease, Opportunity to expand, Ample parking, Main road location, lots of traffic, Easy to run, Long established

his long established Video business for sale has front access to busy main road,

business, Under Management, 12,200 odd Videos in store

ample parking at the back and an impressive 240 sqm internal area. Part of a well

Come and see this Video and DVD rental Business for sale today

know Video and DVD rental Franchise chain. Lots of opportunity to utilise the space for

If you want to find out more about this awesome opportunity, call Phil Booysen now on

alternative use, like restaurant, cafe, retail or whatever the buyer see fit.

0429 006 921 or Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323

vnm magazine 044


.A P.O


potential for continued growth. Easy to run business. Business is currently run under management by 2 full time staff, one is a sales rep and the other does the accounts,

This business is an importer and online wholesaler of mobile phone and tablet

and 2 part time staff. A new lease is available for the 700 square metre factory, which

accessories. Has built a large customer base and strong relationships with its cus-

has office space upstairs, with rent of $5,500 per month.

tomers by providing customised services and great customer support. Business has

For more information contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300

been established 5 years and has strong turnover of $650,000 per year with huge



0 8,0




Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30am to 2pm. Bright and modern set up in a fairly new building, with inside and outside seating. Currently turnover is $2,000 per week,

Priced for a Quick Sale!! On offer is a 5 day cafe and takeaway business located

with rent of $4,200 per month and lease options of 5Ă—5. This is an easy to run

on a busy main road in Sandringham. Area is a mix of residential and business/

business with a simple menu.

light industry. This is a growing area, with a lot of new apartment blocks being built

Call Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

nearby. This business currently has short trading hours for only 5 days per week.


.A P.O



ous materials offering sophistication & contemporary elegance. Turning over $165,000 per annum, this easy to operate business requires no experience. The

This home decor online business for sale can be operated from anywhere with

vendor only dedicates part time hours to earn a great profit. Flexible, work the

only part time hours required! Relocatable to wherever you live, all you need is

hours you want, options to expand the range of products & grow the business.

some storage space in your house or garage! Established 2.5 years ago, this

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

business specialises in unique home decor, some handcrafted, with luxuri-

0416 000 154 or

vnm magazine 045


$3 8 ,0 0 0

REF: B12796

Prime location on Victoria Street, in the heart of Richmond. Close to North Richmond train station & trams, with heavy foot traffic and regular customers daily for breakfast and lunch. This Business for sale is a popular local cafe and bakery with large premises. Specialises in pastries and sweets, such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, pies & coffee. Bakery fully equipped to make own products. Serves the finest coffee with comfortable seating for 10 inside. Two allocated parking spaces at the back of the shop and plenty of parking in the area. Open 7 days per week and taking $10,000 per week, with still huge potential for growth. Perfect for a family team to operate, an inspection is a must. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


$6 3 ,0 0 0


This well presented Hair Salon For Sale is located in the heart of Chelsea Village with lots of foot traffic and supporting businesses. With a focus on the top end of the market, margins are guaranteed. - 7 Work Stations. - 2 Basins - Computer based POS system with full database - 6 Day business (no nights) - 3x3x3x3 lease - Very reasonable Rent The owner is looking forward to retirement, making this Gem available to you. Please contact Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or


P.O .A .

REF: B12827

Outstanding clinic with excellent location in one of Melbourne’s most sought after suburb Richmond. Excellent systems and procedures in place providing full support to staff and owner. New owner can be a qualified beautician - full training will be provided included in the sale of the clinic! State of the art equipment included in the sale (4 medical grade laser level 4 super intense pulsed light machines, 1 diode laser hair removal machine. Very low rent of approximately $25,000 per annum inc GST. Great lease of 1x5x5 remaining. 1 car spot at the rear. 4 treatment rooms. Currently taking an average of $350,000 per annum - the business has very good profit margins. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


$ 5 7 ,0 0 0


Commanding a strong location in the heart of Croydon, this takeaway fish and chips business for sale has a lot to offer! The location, size and variety of equipment in the business offer plenty of potential for someone looking to buy a business that’s got the potential to become something really special! Taking $5,500 per week average. Rent $55,000 per year. Great cooking facilities including charcoal rotisserie! Cool room and loads of prep and storage space. Spacious customer service area with room for plenty of seats! New lease available with negotiable term length The vendor is keen to sell and all reasonable offers will be considered carefully, so don’t miss out on a great opportunity here and make an enquiry now! Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or

vnm magazine 046


$ 4 8 ,0 0 0

REF: B12831

This High Foot Traffic Business for sale is located on one of Melbourne’s busiest pedestrian streets. Under full Management with lots of opportunity to grow for a working owner or it can potentially be changed to another concept utilizing the awesome high foot traffic location. A wide range of Yogurt, toppings and smoothies provide ample choice for the many pedestrians passing by every day and evening. Great tasting Yoghurt is made in store, providing great quality product and high profit margins. Be part of the move towards the healthy option without sacrificing great taste. High profit Margins. Are you an astute businessperson with an eye for opportunity? Then this business for sale is for you. Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or


P.O. A .


This Barber Shop Business For Sale has only been established 2 years, but has built up great reputation for good service and quality cuts and styling. It has earned 4.5 Star Google reviews. It occupies a fantastic corner location just metres away from the train station as well as plenty of parking available. Clean, crisp fit out, well suited to the clientele, there are 4 work stations. Currently run under management by 3 full time and 2 casual staff. No experience is necessary as staff in place will ensure a smooth transition, new owner can choose to keep under management or work in the business themselves. Current turnover is a good solid $8,000 per week, with rent of only $1,500 per month and lease terms of 2×2. For more information and to arrange an inspection call Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or email


$9 9 , 0 0 0

REF: B12834

This established Burger Takeaway Business for sale is located in the heart of Melbourne CBD in one of the highest pedestrian areas, just outside the entrance to a main Train Station. Constant foot trafiic day and night leaves ample opportunity to exploit further opportunities. The main focus in this business is Burgers and Chips . Part of a new and upcoming Franchise with great support structure in place. Takings of $7,000 per week, High Foot Traffic, Lease 6 years, Full commercial kitchen, Ample growth potential, Easy to run If you want to have a look at this excellent opportunity please CALL Phil Booysen NOWon 0429 006 921


1 4 0 ,0 0 0


Located in the south east, this pizza and takeaway business for sale is located on a busy road giving it excellent exposure in a booming area. Serving an extensive range of pizza and pastas as well as chicken schnitzels and chicken parmigianas and BBQ ribs and wings. The business has a full commercial kitchen as well as a conveyor oven, pans and grill and a walk in coolroom, allowing plenty of options with the type of food that could be served. Trading 7 evenings per week for the dinner trade only, the sales are 40% delivery. The vendor has the assistance of 6 casual employees to assist with operations of the business.Currently taking $6,500 per week with a lease of 5×5 years in place and very cheap rent of $395 pw plus G.S.T. To obtain further information and arrange an inspection please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 047


SELLING YOUR BUSINESS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD We employ the utmost ethical standards and perform our role with integrity, honesty and complete openness. We use our experience & industry knowledge to market your business appropriately to the widest audience, as well as working in conjunction with migration agents, to find the right buyer for your business. We are Melbourne-based and Victorian specialists. We know our area, we know our industry. Our agents have had businesses in Victoria so we know YOUR area. Our g oal is not to be the biggest just the best. OUR SENIOR BUSINESS AGENTS ARE FULLY LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND ALL OUR TEAM HAVE BEEN BUSINESS OWNERS BEFORE. WE KNOW THE INDUSTRY AND WE HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. WE ARE NOT SALES PEOPLE, WE ARE INDUSTRY SPECIALISTs.

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