VNM Small Business Magazine Issue 012

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exercises can improve your business

Melbourne Most liveable city

e v i s u l exc


Women taking over small business sector Latest summer craze Food Trucks

top business ideas for 2016

Inside This Issue .... 08 Women taking over small business sector

Australian women are starting small business at twice the rate of men.

10 Impact of terrorism on business and the economy

Terrorism is designed to create power where there is none.

12 T Sheets

06 Melbourne most liveable city

Best attendence time employee systems for 2016.

Melbourne knows how to live. Voted out of 140 cities.

Flinders Street Station Melb Victoria

ive s u l c ex


26 Over 90 Businesses for sale.

$85, 000


14 Latest summer craze- Food trucks Food trucks are the latest sumer craze.

16 7 ways exercises can improve your business We all know fitness is important to our health, but did you know it can also be good for your business.

22 Top business ideas for 2016

Did you know it is the year of the entreprenuer.

Centum metus vitae justo pretium semper. Nullam imperdiet auctor metus, ac tincidunt

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(03) 9566 7300

Businesses For Sale

Businesses Now Selling

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most liveable city

Flinders St Station

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Eureka Tower

Melbourne night lights from Yarra River


elbourne’s a city that knows how to live. Choose from fine cuisine, indie rock gigs, plays, festivals and blockbuster sporting events, all across a city that’s packed full of parks, gardens and historic architecture. Explore historic arcades and laneways lined with fine dining restaurants, chic cafes, hidden bars and boutiques, or head to one of the many lush gardens throughout the city….is there really any surprise that we are the most liveable city? Once again for the fifth consecutive time Melbourne has been voted the world’s most liveable city, achieving a near perfect score on the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) liveability survery of 140 cities .The survey rated cities out of 100 in the areas of health care, education, stability, culture and environment and infrastructure. Melbourne again achieved a score of 97.5, just two-and-a-half points shy of perfection. While celebrating the ranking, the Victorian Government said it would “never be complacent”, investing $20 billion in transport infrastructure and $5.4 billion in health and education to create a stronger economy. “Melbourne has the best of everything and this title proves it,” Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said. “Perfect scores in health care, education and infrastructure, culture, environment and sport are all proof there’s no place like Victoria.” Melbourne Mayor Robert Doyle said he was “very proud” that seven of the top 10 scoring cities were in Australia and Canada.The report said civil unrest and acts of terror had triggered stability declines around the world including in France and Tunisia. The “ongoing actions” of Islamic State had created a further heightened threat of terrorism in many countries. The Syrian capital Damascus saw the biggest fall in liveability scores over a five-year period. Zimbabwe’s capital Harare was the most improved city in the EIU report.

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Women taking over small business sector.

Jacqueline Arias


ustralian women are starting small businesses at twice the rate of men. Research by BankWest using Bureau of Statistics data revealed strong growth in the rate of women starting up businesses over the past five years (7 per cent) compared with men (1.9 per cent). One of the real trends that came out of the report was stronger growth in the number of women running their own business compared to men, particularly the growth in women running a small business by themselves, often part-time at first while raising children,’’ said the report’s author, Tim Crawford, a senior analyst at BankWest. In NSW, women make up about one-third of the state’s 650,000 small businesses, according to the NSW Department of Trade and Investment. Jacqueline Arias, who launched fair trade coffee company Republica Coffee in 2006, says she did so to follow her passion and stay true to her ethics. The Colombian-born Ms Arias now has five employees and her business made last year’s BRW Fast 100 ranking of the fastest-growing companies. She won a City of Sydney small business award in 2009. Her coffee - organic and ethically sourced from Third World countries - is for sale in supermarkets and served on Jetstar flights. Ms Arias, who had her daughter, Nicola, just before starting out, believes that entrepreneurial women still lag behind men because it is impossible to do it all - particularly without a supportive partner.The truth is that we can’t do it all. You can work bloody hard but then you’re not doing a great job at home. Or if you’re doing a great job at home you can’t do a great job at work, and that’s just a fact of life … I do have a great partner who has given me the opportunity to focus on the business.

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Founder and Managing Partner of Company Capital Partners

When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow”

Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as a survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught me business is not financial science; it’s about trading: buying and selling


93.3 percent of Australian women business operators are working in small business and current data suggests the number of women business owners is increasing across our nation. Labour force data shows women account for around a third of our nation’s business operators. This data from January this year shows there were 406,400 women running a business. It is important to remember that women participate across the entire spectrum of our work force – from the highest echelons of the private sector to showing great spirit by starting up home based businesses. Walt Disney told his crew to ‘build the castle first’ when constructing Disney World, knowing that vision would continue to serve as motivation throughout the project. Oftentimes when people fail to achieve what they want in life, it’s because their vision isn’t strong enough.

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Impact of Terrorism on the economy and business. “Terrorism is designed to create power where there is none or to consolidate power where there is little. Through the publicity generated by their violence, terrorists seek to obtain the leverage, influence and power they otherwise lack to effect political change on either local or international scale.” ~Professor Bruce Hoffman


n the article “Trends in International Terrorism Against Business

ing the tragic attacks in Paris, heavily armed police and soldiers pa-

Targets” Andrew Lee writes; One of the key contemporary chal-

trolled key intersections, subways were closed and many stores shut

lenges facing international business is how the effects of interna-

their doors in Belgium’s capital following reports that one of the Paris

tional terrorism can be managed, particularly when the terrorism

suspected attackers was seen crossing into Belgium.

threat is unpredictable and indiscriminate. In addition, attacks

on an international business may be based on what the organization symbolizes in the minds of the attackers rather than the actual nature of the business. International terrorism attacks against business targets account for 18.28% of all attacks; Direct attacks on business infrastructure targets account for less than 10% of all international terrorism targets, suggesting that attacks on infrastructure are less likely to occur as an indirect attack on business targets. The most widely used tactic in international terrorism against business targets is bombing, currently averaging approximately 39 incidents per year globally. All other forms of attack average less than five incidents a year each. However, the use of bombing is declining in favor of other tactics, particularly armed attack…In late November of 2015 follow-

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Economists in the United States, with the assistance of the Centre for Policy Studies (CoPS) at Monash University, have investigated the impact of a terrorist attack on a region’s economy.

The United States has spent more than $1 trillion on the “war on terror” since 9/11, and a recently released Congressional report says: “Adjusting for inflation, the outlays for conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere around the world make the “war on terrorism” second only to World War II. World War II cost $4.1 trillion when converted to current dollars, although the tab in the 1940s was $296 billion. World War II consumed a massive 36 percent of America’s gross domestic product — a broad measurement of the country’s economic output. The post-9/11 cost of the conflicts is about 1 percent of GDP…”In addition, there are billions of dollars spent by global businesses for both the threat of, and damage from terrorism: Productivity and growth decline in areas where the threat of terrorism escalates, heightened threat of terrorism creates uncertainty and increases costs of doing business and slows down growth. With the threat of terrorism, normal businesses require more time and extra security for their business dealings, and there is a general slowdown in economic activity. The true cost of terrorism or the threat of terrorism is enormous.

Impact of Terrorism on the economy and business vnm magazine 011

Best Attendance and Time Employee Systems for 2016 Track time from any location, using any device, in real time.


e know that different businesses have different time-and-attendance system needs. We researched and reviewed dozens of time and attendance systems and came up with a couple we think is great for a variety of business types.


est Time and Attendance System for Small Businesses: stratustime. Stratustime offers everything small businesses need in a time and attendance system. The cloud-based solution has a comprehensive assortment of time-tracking options, with employees able to clock in and out via traditional time clocks, Internet-connected computers, mobile devices and telephones. The system also manages paid time off, generates employee schedules, monitors overtime hours, integrates with a wide range of payroll services and features a variety of mobile services. We were highly impressed with the system’s easy-to-use online portal, the company’s customer service and the system’s affordable monthly cost

Keeping Managers in the Know and Employees on the Go Best Time and Attendance System for Very Small Businesses: uAttend The uAttend time and attendance system is a perfect fit for very small businesses because it is cloud-based and requires no special software to install. The system is very flexible, letting employees clock in and out with time clocks, Web browsers, mobile devices and telephones. uAttend’s time clocks are plug-and-play ready, send data in real time to the system, include lifetime guarantees and are among the cheapest we found. Besides being able to record when employees come and go, the system also manages paid time off, tracks how long employees work on specific projects and creates office-wide schedules. Best Time and Attendance System for Businesses with a Mobile Workforce: TSheets. TSheets provides just what businesses with a mobile workforce need from a time and attendance system. This service allows employees to clock in and out with laptop computers, smartphones, telephones, text messages and Twitter. Additionally, the system records not only exactly where workers start and end their shifts, but also their locations throughout the day. The pricing is extremely affordable, and the customer service is among the best we encountered.

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Latest Summer Craze- Food Truck Food Truck Sensation


OP up food vans are offering Australians the chance to sample delicious food. Food trucks are a street-food sensation in other global cities like Los Angeles and New York- the idea is gourmet-quality, affordable food in places where options have previously been limited, especially late at night. Mel-

bourne remains the birthplace of the Australian food truck movement with custom-fitted vans serving up mouth-watering creations to patrons across the city and suburbs. Mumbai style curries, steamed buns, tacos, burgers you actually want to eat, Cajun flavours and southern gumbos are just some of the offerings available. For those with a sweet tooth the frozen yoghurt on wheels concept – Yogurddiction is sure to please. Social media and tracking websites like are helping Australian’s locate their nearest food truck. With the late days of Summer here- Melbournians are enjoying the balmy nights under the lanterns of a food truck stop more then ever! Here are our top 5 picks of the best trucks to look out for from the - Massive Wieners: The lads at Massive Wieners pride themselves on having the biggest… everything, and the same goes for their hot dog food truck, or should we say food bus. You can eat in it or on it. Pappa Pita: Greek treats both sweet and savoury are on the agenda here, and we’re never one to turn down a feast. Start with a skewer full of roast meat, end with a tub of loukoumades (Greek donuts). The Brûlée Cart: I mean really, what more do we need to say? Just the thought of a truckful of crème brulee would have any sane human being drooling at the drop of a hat. Lavender and honey has us hooked, but the salted caramel is also certainly worth pursuing. Trailer Made: If you want restaurant-quality food made from seasonal produce, this is the food truck for you. Inspired by trekking around Europe and the Middle East, the fare here is vegan, vego, coeliac and carnivore-friendly. Dude Food Man: Dude food was made to solve the modern man (and woman’s) hangovers, and this Melbourne food truck does just that. Think double cheese and bacon burgers, pork sliders, fat hand cut chips and garlic aoili. Bliss. See more at:

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“We started off in trucks because we wanted to literally park ourselves where the action was. In your neighbourhood.” – Daragh Kan.

Traditional Kalamaki (Greek Street Food) served up in Melbourne’s greatest food truck

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7 ways exercising can imp We all know fitness is important to our health, but did you know it can also be good for your business? Elizabeth Robinson, a Philadelphia-based personal trainer and creator of VitFit mobile app notes 7 key points to keep in mind next time you cant be bothered to get moving

Everything changes with exercise 1.

Build your network.
Whether working out at the gym or participating in a team sport, fitness can help you network with prospective clients or strengthen existing business relationships. Robinson met several of her business investors and clients through fitness activities. “A lot of barriers break down when you’re working out with somebody,” says Robinson. Fitness challenges open a window into individuals’ personalities and allow you to communicate with others in a very different way and consequently learn more about each other than would normally be possible over a cup of coffee.

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prove your business

3. 2.

Get your creative juices flowing. 
Exercise not only tones muscles, but improves brain power. A 2012 study by the Montreal Heart Institute showed aerobic exercise increased cognitive function. This is because exercise increases blood flow to your brain, meaning a jog might be just what you need before a brainstorming session.

Reduce stress.
Physical activity reduces stress hormones and increases the production of endorphins that give you a natural high. Getting in a workout, whether before work or during the workday can allow you to approach your work with a calmer mindset. “The more stressed you are, the more unable you are to make really good, rational business decisions,” says Schembri.


Boost your confidence.
Whether building a business or going through a rough patch, even the smallest fitness win can help you gain the confidence you need to achieve larger goals in your business life. “Having a great workout translates into every area of your life, making you feel more accomplished at the end of the day about everything that you do,” says Robinson.

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7 ways exercising can im

Everything changes with exercise 5.

Overcome business challenges. 
Training for a fitness challenge such as a marathon can help entrepreneurs re-learn the importance of goal-setting and determination. Schembri participated in her first triathlon when she was 58-years-old and says the vigorous training regime she underwent to achieve her fitness goals helped her to be a more tenacious entrepreneur. Removing the word “can’t” from her vocabulary made her view obstacles as simply another challenge to be overcome, she says.

The marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kilometres (26.21875 miles, or 26 miles and 385 yards),usually run as a road race. The event was instituted in commemoration of the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, a messenger from the Battle of Marathon to Athens. The marathon was one of the original modern Olympic events in 1896, though the distance did not become standardized until 1921. More than 500 marathons are held throughout the world each year, with the vast majority of competitors being recreational athletes as larger marathons can have tens of thousands of participants.

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mprove your business


Improve your energy. 
Ditch your morning cup of coffee and head to the gym instead. A 2008 study published in the Journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics concluded that inactive individuals who normally complained of fatigue experienced increases in energy of up to 20 percent and decreased fatigue as much as 65 percent by participating in regular, low-intensity physical activity. “Exercising regularly helps you sleep better, and if you sleep better you’ll have more energy during the day,” says Schembri.


Learn to let go of control. 
“A lot of business owners think that they have to do it all, [but] there’s a lot of stress that goes along with that level of control, power and decision-making,” says Schembri, who argues power-hungry entrepreneurs can benefit from a personal trainer. “When you hire a trainer you’re acquiescing to someone else, accepting that you’re going to let them direct you,” says Schembri. Participating in team sports can also teach control-freak entrepreneurs about the importance of entrusting others with important tasks, proving they don’t have to do it all on their own to have a successful business.

Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It is performed for various reasons, including strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, and merely enjoyment. Frequent and regular physical exercise boosts the immune system and helps prevent the “diseases of affluence” such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity. It may also help prevent depression, help to promote or maintain positive self-esteem, improve mental health generally, and can augment an individual’s sex appeal or body image, which has been found to be linked with higher levels of self-esteem. Childhood obesity is a growing global concern, and physical exercise may help decrease some of the effects of childhood and adult obesity. Health care providers often call exercise the “miracle” or “wonder” drug—alluding to the wide variety of proven benefits that it can provide.

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How to bring out the best in your employees? Every boss wants his or her employees to use their talents to the fullest capacity. But realistically, it’s not possible for this to be done 100 percent of the time; everyone has ups and downs in their work output, and any team member is bound to go through a brief dip in productivity from time to time. As an employer or manager, it’s your job to help your team power through those slumps and bring performance and engagement levels back to their peaks. There are a number of ways to express that you want greater results from your staff, but barking orders and demanding that everyone puts in more effort won’t get you very far. An open, honest two‐way conversation will help you get to the root of any performance problem, even if it’s minor or temporary. “Clear communication and consistent feedback are the keys to success,” said Cord Himelstein, vice president of marketing and communications for employee recognition company Michael C. Fina. “People always appreciate straightforwardness and genuine interactions over management gimmicks. Setting a tone of sincerity and giving the employee a judgement-­‐free space to articulate their challenges is the best way to elicit an honest dialogue.”

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Top Business Ideas For 2016

It is the year of the entrepreneur. Thanks, in part, to social media, crowdfunding and alternative lending options, and the constant evolution of technology, it’s a great time to start a business. And with new trends popping up constantly, there are plenty of ways aspiring entrepreneurs can capitalize on them. Here’s a list of 5 business ideas to inspire your entrepreneurial spirit in 2016

1. Box Subscription Box subscription services are popping up everywhere in the food, beauty and even pet product sectors, ready to deliver goods right to your door each month. One of the perks that keeps customers coming back for more is the idea that these subscription boxes are carefully curated just for them based on their likes and interests, and each month, the boxes’ contents are a surprise. Find a unique product category that’s still untapped by the box subscription industry, or find a way to put a new spin on an existing service, and you could have a lucrative business on your hands.

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2. Kids Apps Kids are your future customers, so gaining their loyalty now isn’t a bad idea. JWT Intelligence also cited the connectivity of kids as a big trend for 2015. According to Common Sense Media, three-quarters of kids have access to a mobile device. This spells a big business opportunity for anyone who can create products or design apps just for kids. And, if they also happen to be educational or promote good health, you’ll win their parents over, too. You can start small by designing a few kid-friendly apps and see where your business goes from there.

3. Food Truck A truck is a much less expensive investment than a brick-and-mortar restaurant, and according to Mobi Munch founder Josh Tang, the failure rate for food trucks is just 10 to 20 percent (as opposed to 60 to 90 percent for restaurants). With the right equipment and some great recipes, you can have your mobile eatery up and running in no time.

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Top Business Ideas For 2016

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4. Travelling Salons As people live longer, there’s an increasing need for senior services of all sorts, and not all of these needs are related to health care. One service that has nothing but growth potential is a mobile salon that travels to customers’ residences to do their hair or nails. As aging baby boomers move into the senior-citizen category, there will be a growing need for these mobile services that help keep them looking good without requiring them to make a trip to the salon.

A vending machine is a machine that dispenses items such as snacks, beverages, alcohol, cigarettes, lottery tickets to customers automatically, after the customer inserts currency or credit into the machine. The first modern vending machines were developed in England in the early 20th century and dispensed postcards.

5. Healthy Vending Machines More and more health-conscious and time-strapped Australians are looking for quick food on the go that is healthier than the soda and chips you usually find in vending machines. Interested entrepreneurs can either open a franchise from an existing vending machine business or sell vending-machine friendly products to help stock up schools and offices with healthier, affordable snacks.

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Businesses For Sale

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Businesses Now Selling


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Established 6 years ago by the vendor, this business is run from home. The vendor organises the jobs & performs general admin, while 3 technicians go onsite

This is a fantastic opportunity to obtain a profitable, flexible business that can be

to do the installations & 2 sales reps go out & bring in more work! The business

run from home. Only operated part time from home by the vendor, this multime-

has contracts in place with vehicle dealerships which ensures ongoing work.

dia installation business for sale offers after market technical products for vehicle including sat nav, bluetooth, cd/dvd players, cameras, security systems & more.

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


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all around to let the natural light through. High profile location on the street in this shopping centre, easy accessibility & plenty of parking at the door. The shop stocks a

Located in a busy shopping centre in Melbourne’s south east, this grocery retail store

comprehensive range of spices & ingredients from India & South East Asia

business for sale offers a wide range of Indian & South East Asian products & has

Taking $7,000 per week, Rent of $1,223 per week.

shown consistent growth since its inception a couple of years ago. Well equipped with a 6 door fridge, 13 door freezer & great POS system, large storage area and windows

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154


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allowing for excellent profit margin and reward! Trading 6 days per week mainly 10am-5pm.The business has a website in place to allow for further virtual

Excellent opportunity to obtain a magnificent business that has provided over

exposure and online shopping! Very reasonable rent of $2,200 pcm . 30 years

30 years of service and quality to customers over the generations. Located

reputation. Taking over $150,000 per year.

in the sought after Mailing Rd precinct of Canterbury, this is an excellent and

Contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos for more details on 9566 7300 or

rare opportunity to enter this location! Perfect for a sole owner to own and run,

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$1 2 0 , 0 0 0

REF: B11741

This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking to purchase a well established tree removal and maintenance business. The business has been successfully operating for 15 years and affords an excellent work/life balance with Monday to Friday operating hours. Currently taking approximately $400,000 per annum with excellent net profits and very few overheads, including NO RENT! Currently run by 1 full time and 1 part time owner with the addition of 4 subcontractors, which will allow for a smooth transition for the new owner. Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.


$8 5 ,0 0 0

REF: B12196

This barber shop has been a staple of the community in Moonee Ponds for over 35 years! Boasting a great location in the heart of Moonee Ponds and a local favourite, it has been providing mens hairstyling services to 3 generations of clients. It is generating an average turnover of $4,200 per week with excellent profit margins. The rent is $23,500 per annum with a generous 5x5 lease with over 8 years remaining. The vendor is only selling due to the desire to retire, however they are able to offer buyers a transition period to help the new owner retain their many loyal clients.

Please call DAMON AMBATZIS: 0402 225 989



REF: B12198

Located on one of Inner East Melbourne’s most prestigious streets, this unique food business is growing fast! With a business concept that has elements of a deli, cafe, takeaway, convenience store and more, this business is targeting clients who are timepoor but still prefer to eat healthy, high quality foods. Customers are offered a variety of take home meals and are also provided with a dine in or takeway ‘ready to eat’ meals option. Minimal cooking is required as the take home meals are constructed on site from products brought into the business, with only heating and light baking carried out on site. Currently taking $7,000 per week and growing, with a competitive rent of $66,000 per annum and long 5x5x5 lease in place. Please contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


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Located on a main road with plenty of parking available, the business is highly visible and accessible to many passers by within the Bayswater district. Established for just under 40 years, the business runs smoothly and efficiently with the support of a trained team of staff. Full training and assistance will be provided to new owners to ensure an easy transition. Takings of $8,000 per week and Rent of only $1,629.74 per calendar month with lease option of 3x3. This is an excellent business for a baker looking to own their business with nearly 4 decades of goodwill included! Those enquiring are advised to have pastry and French patisserie experience. To arrange an inspection please contact either Lee Panagiotidis on 9566 7300 or Elle Likopoulos at

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REF: B12191

An impressive set up and well presented fish and chip takeaway business for sale with no competition in residential area with Retirement Village. Established 10 years ago it has been a sound and stable business. The current owners have updated all equipment only 12 months ago so no more money has to be spent on the business. Operating 11am to 8pm 6 days a week. Business generates $7,000 per week Rental of $3,019 pcm inc. G.S.T. Commercial Lease of 5x5 Full kitchen with walk in cool room, walk in freezer and 6 deep fryers.

To inspect this exceptional business for sale contact Ismar Muatovic on 0404146202.


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REF: B12216

Great location on Glenferrie Road Hawthorn is this Asian Restaurant business for sale mainly concentrating in the Malaysian Cuisine. Trading 5 days per week with full liquor license. Asian menu- Malaysian with large commercial kitchen and walk in cool room with Wok set up. Seats 50 inside the business comfortably. New 3x3x3 year commercial lease and the owner is sub letting upstairs apartment cutting the rent nearly in half. Rental is $5,600 pcm. Currently taking $5,000 per week with capacity and potential to grow! Ideal location for fast food takeaway or restaurant

To arrange inspection please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or Elle Likopoulos on


$ 52,000

REF: B12217

This is an excellent small business for sale that has been in operation with the same owner for over 15 years Trading 6 days 5pm- 9pm and later on weekends- liquor licensed BYO.Asian menu- Thai with large commercial kitchen and walk in cool room with 3 Wok set up. Seats 30 inside the business comfortably New 5 year commercial lease available for the next owner with rent of $715 pw inc. G.S.T. Currently taking $3,000 per week with capacity and potential to grow! Staff in place - ideal for first time business owners or partnership. To arrange inspection please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or Elle Likopoulos on


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Nestled within a busy shopping hub in an affluent bayside suburb sits this footwear retail store business for sale. VERY reasonable price under $50,000! Established 2 years ago by the vendor, the business stocks a great range of quality footwear for both kids & adults such as Skechers, Rockport, Cushe & more. Ideal opportunity for someone with experience in retail looking to become their own boss with an established, easy to run business & some great ideas with a drive to grow. Alternatively, take over this top location & turn the shop into your ideal business! Taking $2,000 plus per week, the business has no online presence apart from a Facebook page, so a website & smart advertising will grow your exposure enormously as well as expand your customer reach if you incorporate an online store! Rent of $785 per week for a great position, and long lease of 3x5. Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

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REF: B12235

Excellent opportunity for astute business investors to consider a Timepiece. Business has been owned and established for over 6 years with current annual turn over of $4.5million per year. Specialising in exclusive distribution of reputable brands of timepieces with excellent supplier relationships and future avenues. Ideal for an investor looking for a good return and growth. Excellent systems and business model in place- investor will allow for full potential to be released and take the business to the next level. For further information of investment details please contact Lee Panagiotidis on 9566 7300 or Elle Likopoulos at


P.O . A .

REF: B12236

An excellent opportunity to acquire a unique business specialising in the natural and spiritual healing of the mind, body and soul. The business has been established for 5 years and offers a wide range of services and workshops to suit a diverse range healing methods, readings and guidance. A well presented, calming environment with 6 rooms allows for the business to cater to number of clients at the one time as well as hold workshops, group activities and special events. The business has an impressive turn over of over $650,000 per year with appointments booked into 2016! For full information on services provided and details please contact Lee Panagiotidis on 9566 7300 or Elle Likopoulos at


P.O.A .

REF: B12242

Excellent business established and run by the owner for nearly 20 years. Owner has built the business to now have exclusive dealing with Capricorn and also RWC for VicRoads.Average turnover of $50,000 per month with very good profit margin. Owner operates in the business full time with the assistance of staff- new owner needs to have some industry experience but full hand over, training and assistance will be provided.Very good rent and lease terms available to new owner Excellent location in Melbourne’s South East suburb of Hallam. Contact Lee Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or at for further details.


P. O . A .


This well set up Coin Launderette for sale has been owned and operated by the current vendor for over 10 years. This Laundromat business for sale trades 7 days a week from 7 am to 8:30pm with fully automated doors. The Laundromat has 10 Dryers, 5 Commercial Front Loaders and 10 Top loaders as well. Equipment is in excellent working order with most equipment younger than 5 years. Low Rent of only $474 pw with a new commercial lease available and takings averaging $2,000 pw. Excellent business for those looking to invest in a passive income- very little expense allows for high profit yields for your investment! For Further information call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

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P. O . A .

REF: B12252

This remarkable International Delicatessen and Café business for sale is located in a busy central spot in the south eastern suburbs. Taking $5,500 per week. Rent of $4,369 pcm including GST with very large premises. Good lease of 2+5 years High traffic location in a busy central CBD Frankston location. The business has been fully renovated about a year ago. Plenty of scope for further growth given great location & well-equipped shop

For further information please call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


$ 1 8 8 ,0 0 0

REF: B12257

This fully licensed Café Business for Sale is located on a great corner location with 2 main roads. Ample parking and supporting businesses ensures a steady stream of loyal customers supporting the business. The current owners built up a great number of loyal catering clients. All the hard work has been done. The large and well equipped kitchen can support all the work with capacity to spare. Takings of $7,500+ per week. Trading only 10.5 months per year (Opportunity to extend). Good lease in place . Busy road and ample parking .Ample schools nearby New developments in the area ensure future growth potential. Ample growth potential . Liquor Licensed Are you looking for an easy to run business making good money, then this is worth looking into, CALL Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921


P. O.A .

REF: B12271

A delightful and unique business opportunity to own a truly inspiring establishment that provides unique variety of product and service. Established for 7 years the business based in an urban suburb of Melbourne is ideal for anyone looking to own something unique with limitless potential for growth and direction.Providing a range of natural and hand made toys for children of all ages as well as haberdashery. The business has a website in place for excellent platform of exposure.The location is great with excellent rent and 2 bedroom residence upstairs with separate entry that can be sub leased. Please contact Lee Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos for further details on 9566 7300 or at


P.O . A .


Located in a trendy affluent suburb in the inner north, this successful home, gift & kitchenware business for sale has been trading for over 25 years. A staple in the local community, customers have been frequenting this business for nearly three decades for all their kitchen, home and gifts needs. Selling a wide range of quality kitchenware, modern and attractive homewares, plus an assortment of quality giftware. Taking a fantastic $11,000 per week on average A new lease is available for a new owner, so buyers can negotiate term length and options with a rent of approx. $48,000 per annum. Prime location in a busy shopping strip surrounded by an affluent community that prides itself on loyalty & support of its local businesses. Parking & public transport at the door. For further information on this excellent retail opportunity, please contact Senior Business Broker PETROS MARGARITIS on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 031


P. O . A .

REF: B12274

Excellent location on one of Brighton’s busiest and most popular streets! This BBQ Chicken takeaway business has been established and successfully run for 5 years- owner is now selling as they wish to move interstate. Ideal business for sole owner/operator or partnership, to run comfortably with the assistance of a few employees.Open 7 days from 10:30am - 9pm and currently trading an average of $5,000 per week with great potential to grow. Business is very well positioned in the heart of Brighton with excellent foot and vehicle exposure. Very reasonable rent and terms available for the area. To obtain further details and inspect please contact Lee Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


P. O . A .

REF: B12275

Excellent opportunity to buy a stunning salon within a new complex in Bundoora. Surrounded by heavy foot traffic both from customers of large surrounding retailers, university students and residents of upper level dwellings- the business is in the heart of a bustling community. Trading 6 days with two employees- the business is perfect for someone looking to manage or work shorter hours. Modern, sleek building with excellent fit out just over 2 years old! Very good rent for 98sq metere space and long lease options To arrange for private inspection please contact Lee Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or at


P.O.A .

Excellent concept and business model- ideal for those looking for an owner operator small business! Owner has run the business over the last 5 years working only a few hours per week! Income generated is on average $70,000 per year, with roughly 5 hours per week of input! Business provides unique advertising and promotional packsspecialising in Automotive and Real Estate Industry with potential to grow! Packs are frequently distributed to a large and growing database of target market audience to ensure clients receive excellent brand exposure. A unique concept within a growing and evolving market trend- ideal for someone looking for something special to grow. To obtain further details and inspect please contact Lee Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


P. O . A .


This fully licensed Café Business for Sale is located in an well sought after South Eastern Suburb of Melbourne. Lots of new apartment developments going up all around, ensuring ongoing and growing business for the future. The owner of 12 years is ready to slow down towards her retirement. The large and well-equipped kitchen can support all the work with capacity to spare. 6 Days only, Liquor License in place . Ample parking. Rail Station Nearby. Ample growth potential with under utilised Liquor License. 38 Seats Are you looking for a great opportunity? Then this one is for you. CALL Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921

vnm magazine 032


P. O . A .

REF: B12298

Ideally positioned in the heart of Carlton - with foot traffic consisting of main target audience - city dwellers, cycle enthusiasts and students.The business has been established for the last 75 years and has become an icon of Melbourne’s urban lifestyle.Excellent range of bikes, clothing and vast range of accessories has allowed this business to adapt and evolve within its niche, ever popular market! Perfect for someone looking to own a business that comes with a lifestyle. Retail experience or business experience is not mandatory but passion for the industry will help! Rent for idyllic Lygon St position is $6,283 pcm- high exposure and foot traffic flow as well as walking distance to major universities and student dwellings. To arrange an inspection please contact either Lee Panagiotidis on 9566 7300 or Elle Likopoulos at


P. O .A .

REF: B12299

Located at the gateway to the Dandenongs and Yarra Valley on the busy main street of Lilydale this Florist Business for Sale offers a range of fresh flowers, arrangements and giftware. This Florist stands out from competition due to the quality, freshness and personal service provided to each and every customer. The owner has done a fantastic job in building a great name in the community as the business is very steady and has also established a great reputation in the wedding department as well as it does an average of 52 weddings per annum. Commercial Lease 3x3 Rental of $2,360 pcm including G.S.T. Takings $6,500 pw on average. Walk in Cool Room. Large work space. Interflora . Current owner is happy to stay on a work part time Inspection will impress, call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


P. O.A .

REF: B12307

Excellent opportunity to purchase a successful butcher shop establishment. Located within a shopping centre in Melbourne’s Vermont South suburb.Very good rent for centre location of only $28,000 per year with long lease options of 4x4x4! The business has excellent exposure, foot traffic and no near by competition! Currently owned and operated by 2 full time owners with assistance of casual staff. Trading 6 days 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and 8am-3pm Saturdays. No restriction of trading hours in the lease, you can pick your hours!

To arrange an inspection please contact either Lee Panagiotidis on 9566 7300 or Elle Likopoulos at


P.O . A .


Excellent modern establishment with brand new fit out ! Located in corner location within Cranbourne’s busy shopping centre - opposite front entry and major retailers! Full exposure and high level of foot traffic with maximum potential! Business currently generates an average of $35,000 PER WEEK- selling a range of fresh produce and flowers. This is a very impressive set up with large coolroom, storage and sparkling prep areas! Buyers looking for a business with huge potential in a booming growth suburb- look no further!

To arrange an inspection please contact either Lee Panagiotidis on 9566 7300 or Elle Likopoulos at

vnm magazine 033


P. O . A .

Excellent establishment located on one of the busiest strips in South Melbourne! Specialising in modern Mexican cuisine the menu is unique and very popular! Trading only 5 days per week mainly lunch and dinner on weekdays and Full day Saturday including Breakfast! The business has an excellent reputation with very large social media following and online reviews. Seating 50 inside and 25 outside the growth capacity is excellent! Liquor License from 8am-11pm - there is a demand for longer trading hours if new owners wish to further grow! Currently owners operate on part time basis with assistance of a full time manager and 3 chefs. Very good rent of $50,000 per year with 5x5 option. To arrange an inspection please contact either Lee Panagiotidis on 9566 7300 or Elle Likopoulos at


P. O . A .

REF: B12312

Located in a bustling shopping dining hub in the heart of this affluent suburb, this booming charcoal chicken and burger bar business for sale has been going 10 years strong. Operating 7 days per week from 11am to 8-8.30pm, this busy chicken shop offers a range of foods including delicious charcoal chicken, burgers, chips & salads. Easy preparation & a popular choice of takeaway. The business has been serving its local loyal clientele for 10 years. The vendor only works part time alongside 2 full timers, a part timer & a casual staff member. Taking $11,000 per week. Rent of $4,500 per month with long lease of 1x3x3x2.

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


P.O.A .

REF: B12304

Located in the heart of Brunswick, this busy bar and live entertainment venue has been serving customers great drinks, tasty meals and many good times for around 15 years! Great sized venue of around 220 square metres in total with the main bar and common area on street level, a function or special event room upstairs, and a good sized beer garden in the rear of the business. Currently taking around $7,500 weekly Liquor and live music permits in place. Rent of $4,124 per month with a 3x3x3 commercial lease. Commercial kitchen with cooking facilities on site. Separate bar upstairs for function/special event room. Seating for 80 on the ground level, 50 in the upstairs area, 50 in the beer garden and 10 on the street in front! Interested buyers should contact DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989


P. O . A .


Located in the heart of Geelong, this kebab shop business for sale boasts amazing presentation! No expense has been spared on the fitout of the shop with high quality fixtures & fitting as well as equipment. Taking $6,500 per week, the business has been established for 3 years and is located very close to Geelong’s main night club. In addition to this, there is no direct competition nearby! The business has a seating capacity of 28 inside and permission to have 6 chairs and 2 tables outside. Excellent lease available with a rental of $24,000 pa, including outgoings, and lease options of 2x2x2x2x2x2. Further information about this excellent opportunity can be obtained by calling Lee Panagiotidis on 9566 7300 or Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine 034


.A P.O


REF: B12088

owner. Good RENT of $95,000 per annum for an enormous venue and property Current owner has MAINTAINED the business with a high degree of care, includ-

Amazing INDOOR and OUTDOOR play centre business for sale located in the

ing recently REPAINTING the indoor and outdoor party rooms. This business is

NORTHERN SUBURBS. THREE attractive and spacious indoor PARTY ROOMS

ready for the next level.

perfect for children’s BIRTHDAYS, MOTHERS GROUPS and other FUNCTIONS Taking around $300,000 per annum with huge potential for growth under a new

Interested buyers should contact DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989



business, thanks to an established network of reliable subcontractors. Takings are approximately $600,000 per annum. Excellent business for those looking to semi-

An excellent opportunity to acquire a property and garden maintenance business

retire and seeking a steady business with a constant income stream and very high

with long standing repeat clientele and contracts in place with real estate and

profit margin.

property management agents. Owner’s role is mainly managerial - no need for

Please contact Elle Likopoulos at or Petros Margaritis on

new owners to have any special skills or qualifications to successfully run the

0416 000 154 for further details.


.A P.O


REF: B12186

ness. This is great for anyone looking for a business they can grow. If you have your own connections overseas to bring in product would only add to the range of

This import distribution business specialises in the hair and beauty industry. It

products. This is an exciting opportuntiy for the next owner to take to the next level.

imports many products from China and sells Australia wide. Located and run in

Call and register your interest today as this opportunity wont last long.

Melbourne, Victoria, it operates out of a warehouse with great rental of $44,000 per annum and turned over $587,000 last financial year. Great opportunity for owner operator or investors as current owner is happy to stay back and work in the busi-

Further information and to book an inspection, call Ismar Muratovic 0404146202.

vnm magazine 035


.A P.O


REF: B12190

per annum. Long lease options of 4x4 in place, with rent of $1,057 per week. No

Exciting opportunity to take over a retail, pawn broking and lending business

experience required as highly trained staff and the vendor are able to assist the

established 16 years ago, with a strong cash flow, variety of income streams & long

new owner with a smooth transition. Learn as you go whilst pocketing profits from

established reputation and customer base. High profile location in Melbourne’s

day one! Rare opportunity, ideal for the savvy investor.

outer South East, on the corner of a major intersection with large shopfront and

Contact Senior Business Brokers Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

enormous exposure. High cash flow business with great profit, turning over $1.2M

Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


0 9,0



of $1,586 per week. Ideal owner operator business with no experience required.

This busy American burger takeaway business offers a highly sought after location

With some clever online marketing & utilising the surrounding businesses for

in the bustling hub of South Yarra’s trendy shopping and dining district. Located

promotion, this business has enormous potential for growth.

within a food court in a busy centre, this easy to operate business serves delicious takeaway American style meals, specialising in quality burgers. Established 1 year ago, the business is taking $30,000 per month with a long lease of 5 years & rent

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


0 9,0




REF: B12199

month with excellent lease options of 4x5x5. Pristine premises, only fitted out

This charming, elegant restaurant is only blocks from the beach in idyllic

a year ago, include a spacious kitchen in immaculate condition & a cool room.

Albert Park.It offers a top location with parking & public transport to the door,

Seating 35 inside & 12 outside, further seating could be added. The premises

surrounded by a great combination of residences & shops. Quality restaurant,

have been tastefully decorated with simple elegance and the restaurant

well targeted to the affluent, social lifestyle focused population serving Italian

operates 6 days per week. Liquor licence in place.

inspired meals. The business has been established a year, already taking $8,000 per week & showing continuous growth. Rent is $4,600 per calendar

vnm magazine 036

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


,0 99



Established 6 years ago, this business has shown constant growth. Showing tak-

This business offers a retaining wall & excavation service, to both residential &

ings of $1.2M per annum, the vendor organises the jobs & gets the sub contractors

commercial customers throughout Melbourne. Sale price includes all equipment &

to actually perform the work. Huge potential for growth, only currently offering

vehicles to continue operation seamlessly. A great opportunity to take over a well

sleeper walls so there is scope to add rock & block retaining walls to the services.

established business that you can relocate anywhere in Melbourne! Sub contrac-

For further information please call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on

tors do the work so you just need to organise the business!

0416 000 154.


.A P.O


REF: B12201

of a studio, as well as hiring out prime local venues for well established outdoor

If you have a passion for fitness & want to find a way to make money whilst you

sessions. You can choose to rent out the existing studio or relocate to a more

live your passion, this is the perfect business for you! This well established group

suitable location for yourself! Taking $196,000 per annum, with a high profit margin

training fitness business, is located in the north east. It offers a range of fitness

and a current database of 390 people, it is a fantastic opportunity.

solutions, including personal training, bootcamps, boxing, group outdoor training,

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on

health & fitness assessments, diet/eating plans & more.The business operates out

0416 000 154.


.A P.O


REF: B12202

exposure next to road crossing and popular Cafes. The salon includes 7 Hair Stations, 2 Wash Basins and a back room. Rent of $500 p/w incl. GST and outgoings. New Lease available.

This Hair Salon business is located in the busy and popular Burgundy Street, Heidelberg. The owner has run this business successfully for over 16 years and is

To book an inspection and get further information call Ismar Muratovic on

putting this business on the market for the first time. Great location, with plenty of

0404146202 or Elle Likopoulos on

vnm magazine 037


.A P.O


REF: B12205

Prime location in the hub of this busy inner city suburb, the shop sees an enor-

This fresh fish & seafood business is one of the oldest in Melbourne, a family run

mous amount of passing traffic (both vehicular & foot). Taking $1M+ per annum,

business established 98 years! With a prime location in the inner suburbs, this rare

with a new lease for the new owner and a great rent of $750pw. The premises also

breed of business would be a fantastic investment for an energetic owner operator

include an attached residence.

to continue its longevity! With an emphasis on quality fresh fish & prime customer service, this business is ready for the next owner to carry on its stellar reputation.

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


.A P.O


REF: B12206

Large well presented cafe in Thessaloniki, Greece. An excellent establishment with

Ideal business for investment or lifestyle change. Full Team of staff in place.

multi-level seating both indoors and out. Takings of over $450,000 Euro per year. Lease of $4,500 Euro per calendar month.

To enquire about this business please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or

Team of well trained staff in place.

Elle Likopoulos at


.A P.O


REF: B12207

ensure the cafe can be run under management for international investors. Rent of $7,000 Euro per calendar month for excellent high level foot traffic location.Takings of $7,000 Euro per week with trail option available.

Excellent location in the heart of Agias Sofia Thessalonki Greece. Outstanding presentation and decor all included in the sale! Spacious with plenty of seating

For further details please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or

both inside and out. Full Bar set up for late trade. Full Team of staff in place to

vnm magazine 038

Elle Likopoulos at


.A P.O


REF: B12209

Gates or Sliding Gates. Fences are manufactured at the factory. The business has an annual turnover of $1,200,000 and employs 1 Full Time, 1 part

This business specialises in Colorbond and Timber Fence supplies. It offers a

Time and 2 casual staff. The rent of the factory is $3,340 per calendar month.

complete service when it comes to supplying fencing products and installing fences. Services include, Colorbond and Timber boundary fencing, Pool Fences, Garden

For further information and to book an inspection call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146

Fences, Industrial Security Fences, Privacy Fences and Screens, Matching Swing

202 or Elle Likopoulos at


0 5,0



REF: B12210

good size factory in Cheltenham in a busy industrial area with plenty of parking

This easy to operate and high profit margin business, is a great option for a first

onsite. Rent is $2,200 per month inclusive of GST, with a new lease for the new

time business owner. It specialises in top end vehicle detailing. Established 10

owner. Taking $3,000 per week and operating Monday to Friday 7am - 4pm &

years ago, it services local car yards as well as loyal private customers. Offering

Saturday 7am - 2pm.

end to end detailing from $200 up per detail, the business prides itself on quality service proven by its longevity in today’s market.The business operates out of a

A .P O .

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.



REF: B12214

decades! Very strong Turnover of around $19,000 per week. Sensible and affordable Rent

This butcher shop has been operating successfully for over 60 years in a prominent position

of $31,755 per annum with a solid 5x5 Lease. Currently trading 5.5 days per week, the owner

in the Box Hill area. The current vendor has owned the business for 18 years and is

works and manages the business alongside an excellent team of reliable staff. Register your

regretfully looking to retire after a long and successful career in the industry. With a reputation

interest today.

for serving a wide range of high quality meats, poultry and small goods, the shop enjoys a regular and extremely loyal client base, many of which have been frequenting the shop for

Please contact DAMON AMBATZIS for further information on 0402 225 989

vnm magazine 039

. A . P. O


REF: B12215

Australia and has earnt its reputation on its excellent customer service and knowl-

This is one of Australia’s Giants in the Fishing Tackle Industry and it is offered

edge. The business turns over in excess of $2,411,000 per annum and has a great

for sale for the first time. Not only does it boast a 200m2 Retail outlet, it is one of

rental of $42,000 per annum. This is a great business for the Fishing Enthusiasts

Australia’s biggest online sellers Australia Wide and Internationally. This business

or an Investor looking to reap the benefits of this fast growing business.

operates a Wholesale, Online (largest EBay store of its kind in Australia) and Retail Outlet. It is also a huge exhibitor at every major fishing and boating show around

For further information call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


.A P.O


REF: B12218

pickup is currently 20% delivery and 80% pickup, with a $5 charge for all deliveries. Due

This family owned and operated pizza business is located in Geelong. It offers a wide

to high demand, the business has recently expanded their delivery zone.Trading 7 days

range of menu items using the highest quality ingredients, that have kept clients coming

per week, the owners work in the business for approximately 25 hours per week with the

back for in excess of 20 years. Located on a busy arterial road within Geelong, the

assistance of 10 part time employees.

business enjoys excellent exposure. Current Takings are $6,500 per week, with Rent of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or

just $1,246 per calendar month and long lease terms of 3x3x3x3. The ratio of deliveries to

Elle Likopoulos on


.A P.O



to produce commercial quantities of GELATO and Refrigerated Van with low kms.

Located in the NORTHERN SUBURBS of Melbourne, this large business offers

Huge potential to increase the CATERING and WHOLESALING side of the busi-

buyers BIG potential! Part LICENSED CAFE, part EUROPEAN PATISSERIE, part

ness which is still currently in its infancy! TAKINGS of $12,000-$15,000 per week.

CAKES & SWEETS WHOLESALER, this business is all of that and much MORE!

RENT of $5,836 and secure LEASE of 4x4.

Facilities Include:SEATING for 46 patrons; Commercial Kitchen; WOOD-FIRE piz-

If you would like to find out more about this excellent business opportunity, please

za oven; Large BAKERS KITCHEN with MASS-PRODUCTION facilities; Facilities

call DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989

vnm magazine 040


0 4,0



Sales are over $8,000 per week with a reasonable rent of only $3,701 per calendar month.

This well presented Yarra Valley Butcher shop is located in the main mall. With ample foot traffic and parking at the front of the store it is a business

If this sounds suitable for you, call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921

with great potential. The business also owns a refrigerated van that is un-

to find out more about this great opportunity.

der-utilised, leaving ample scope to grow the wholesale part of the business.


0 8,0



REF: B12223

providing service better than most competitors. Excellent stock tracking, POS and

This Hobby shop is located on a main street with ample parking and exposure.

job schedule software in place. Takings of approx $1,300,000 per annum. Long

It sells all things radio controlled. The experienced staff know the products and

3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 lease in place with rent of $5,682 per calendar month. Highly

services, so no special skills are required for buying this business.The business is

desired location.

easy to learn. It carries spare parts for most, if not all, the models it sells to ensure

For more information on this fantastic opportunity or to arrange an inspection, call

ongoing sales to customers. The store has an unmatched service department,

Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921

A .P O .



REF: B12224

in transition of owner will be provided as well as any training necessary to

Wreckers located in Bayside area of Melbourne. Specialising in Nissan 4WD

continue to run and operate. This business can be run under a management

parts, both used and new. Huge ebay site and store established as well as

model or owner run.

website with online cart, ready for new owner to further develop and increase

If you would like to obtain further information and obtain a price guide please

domestic and export sales. Currently turning over $40,000 per month in sales

contact Elle Likopolous on or 9566 7300 or

with very high profit margins. Rent is $44,000 plus GST per annum. Assistance

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 041

. A . P. O


REF: B12225

Excellent opportunity to obtain a reputable long standing business with good name

reasonable rent of $1,350 plus GST per month. All equipment and set up included in the sale as well as years of goodwill and client relations passed on.

in the industry. Ideal for a mechanic by trade looking to own their own business either to further expand or someone looking for a foot in the door. Excellent loca-

For inspection please contact Ismar Muratovic for further details on 0404 146 202

tion in the heart of Melbourne’s South East. Business currently turns an average

or Elle Likopoulos on

of $9,000 per week with excellent profit margins. New lease in place with very


.A P.O


contractor for the Victoria Police building. Last financial year the business turned

This business enjoys being the only plumbing business in Melbourne’s Major

over $940,500 and it does not pay rent for its space. Great opportunity for a sharp

Entertainment Complex.The owner has had the contract for the last 7 years and

operator to buy themselves a steady business with constant income stream- with

is selling it with a new 3-year contract in place. Not only is it ongoing work for

clients that always pay on time.

this Major Entertainment Complex but the business also does the plumbing work

For further information and to book a time to chat with the owner call Ismar Mura-

for various Restaurants in the complex as well. The business is also the current

tovic on 0404 146 202.


0 8,0



REF: B12229

this cafe has plenty of growth left in it, especially for a new and re-energised owner!

Are you looking to get into a cafe business, but don’t have much experience with

Great RENT of $450 per week. Secure LEASE of 4x3x3. Short hours, operating only

food? This simple to run cafe offers a great little opportunity for someone looking

5.5 days per week. SEATING for 27 patrons. With a PRIME LOCATION on a busy

to buy a business with NO COOKING required! Serving customers coffee, cakes


and sandwiches assembled on site, this is the kind of EASY-TO-RUN business that

To find out more about this great little cafe, please contact DAMON AMBATZIS: 0402

can be operated by an owner or partnership. Currently TAKING $3,400 per week,

225 989

vnm magazine 042


.A P.O


Currently trading an average of $4,000 per week with room to grow online presence further! This is a perfect business for someone looking to invest in something

Delightful children’s boutique that offers a wide range of clothing, gift and accesso-

rewarding that will provide a lifestyle as well as income!

ries including toys and decor. Excellent position in Melbourne’s suburb of Moonee Ponds. Ideal business for owner considering to run - looking for short hours and

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7300

requires something easy to manage. No experience or qualification necessary!

or Elle Likopoulos on


.A P.O



a massive yard & storage area. High profile location on a busy road with plenty of passing traffic & parking at the door. Taking around $2.9M per annum combined, one

A magnificent thriving tile flooring retail business for sale that has been developed

site operates under management and the vendors run the other site. Rent of $7,022

& nurtured by the vendor since 2007, this business operates out of 2 locations in

per month for both sites combined, with long leases for both.

Melbourne. The business offers a complete design service concept with qualified, experienced staff leading the way. Site two offers a showroom & a trade centre, with

.A P. O

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154



- 5pm. KITCHEN and food preparation area with cooking facilities. SEATING for up to 81 customers . TWO ROOM MEZZANINE LEVEL with plumbing facilities already

The business has been OPERATING for the past 23 YEARS and has an excellent

installed, CURRENTLY UNUSED by the vendors but has the capacity to be used for

and extensive customer base, with second generation children now even coming to

something such as SUB-LETTING to a children’s hairdresser or similar.

play! Strong TAKINGS of around $5,000 per week on average. RENT of $3,750 per month. Great 520 SQUARE METRE (approx) facility located in an industrial area

For more information on this opportunity, and to arrange inspections,

Excellent commercial LEASE of 3x3x3x3. Currently TRADING 7 DAYS per week 9am

please call DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989.

vnm magazine 043


0.0A. 0 , O 8 5 P.



location gives the business a high volume of passing traffic daily, both foot traffic & car traffic.Trading 7 days per week from 8am to 7pm and a new lease to be

This Asian grocery business for sale has been established for 18 years and

negotiated with the purchaser.

owned by the current owner for 9 years, cementing itself as one of the premier retailers in the area. Located on Victoria Street, the business is surrounded by a

To arrange an inspection please contact either Lee Panagiotidis on 9566 7300 or

large variety of restaurants, discount clothing shops and gift stores. The prominent

Elle Likopoulos at

.A P. O




from 10am to 5pm, the Vendor operates the business on a full time basis, with the assistance of 3 casual employees.Rent of $2,250 pcm and lease terms of 2x2 years

This beautifully presented retail business for sale is located on a small shopping strip,

add to the appeal of this business.

surrounded by a variety of cafes, restaurants & retailers that sits along side of the Yarra River. The business stocks a wide range of clothing, clothing accessories, can-

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or

dles & soaps as well as gourmet foods and children’s toys. Trading 7 days per week

Elle Likopoulos on

(03) 9566 7300

vnm magazine 044


.A P.O



p/w. RENT of $2,000 plus GST per calendar month and 3x3x3 Option. Full website

Looking for a business that can be both financially rewarding and create an excellent

with online shopping as well as social media sites included- all with very impressive

lifestyle too? This business is not one to miss! Situated in one of the best locations in

following. A business such as this is truly rare to find for sale and will be sure to

Sandringham - surrounded by heavy foot and vehicle traffic as well as easy access

create a lot of buzz!

to parking. High Ceiling building with beautiful presentation both inside and out. The

Contact Elle or Chris Panagiotidis for further details on 9566 7326 or at elle@

space is ample and able to accommodate a range of products. TAKINGS of $4,000

. A . P. O



an excellent stream of ongoing clientele and grown over the years through word of mouth and referral due to excellent and honest service.Current office based

Excellent opportunity for a registered accountant or accountancy firm to further

in Inverloch with lease of $440 per week inc GST. Turning over an average of

expand or excellent first step for someone newly starting out. Over ten years

$239,000 per year this is an excellent opportunity to purchase a solid and profita-

practising the business has grown to include over 370 clients on file with equal

ble database.

distribution to sole and company clients. Established since 2006 the firm has built

Contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202, Elle Likopoulos

A .P O .



both imported & local products. Taking $1M+ per annum, the business currently operates from 8.30am - 4pm Monday to Friday out of a factory located in the inner

This long established electrical distributor business for sale has a stronghold in the

westNew lease to be offered to the buyer or relocate! Rent of $4,862 pcm incl GST.

industry, supplying to major electrical wholesalers such as Middy’s. Established

Basic website in place listing stocked items

36 years, the business has been developed & nurtured by the vendor from day one, and specialises in distributing products to electrical wholesalers. Providing

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 045


0 9,0




prove in this business, so if you want to get into a business where FUN is part of the equation, then this is the right business for you! Currently taking $8,700

This gorgeous party supplies Business for Sale is located on a busy shopping

per week. Strong 3 x 3 x 3 lease Plenty of potential left in the business!

strip in one of the best South East Melbourne Suburbs. Currently this business sells a wide range of party supplies and personalized balloon arrangements

For more information on this fantastic opportunity or to arrange an inspection,

and has a wide selection of costumes for hire. There’s plenty of room to im-

call Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.


.A P.O


Excellent rent of only $450 per week. Stocking a variety of modern, fresh fashion and trending homewares and decor. Large Upstairs area with 3 rooms- huge potential!

Located in the lovely town of Warragul- with excellent freeway access to Melbourne and

Kitchen area out the back for staff. Separate back entrance for staff and owners

short drive from Pakenham and surrounding suburbs. The business is one created from love of customer service and passion for quality. Ideal business for someone looking for

Please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

a lifestyle business or first time owner operator starting out.

Elle Likopoulos at


0 8,0




If you appreciate the value of Location/ Location , then this one is for you. Long Lease in place . Huge amounts of foot traffic. Sought after area. Fully equipped

This busy Cafe Bakery Business for Sale is located in one of Melbourne’s busiest

Commercial kitchen including bakers ovens and mixers . Training & Support can

foot traffic shopping strips. This truly is the place to be. This long established

be Provided. 14 inside seating, 14 outside seating. 2BR Accommodation

Business built up a large and loyal customer base. A full Commercial kitchen with regularly updated bakery equipment in place, provides endless opportunities.

vnm magazine 046

Please call Phil Booysen NOW!! on 0429 006 921


0 0,0



or partnership operation. Seats 20 inside comfortably and 8 outside. Very good rent and long lease options Easy to learn popular menu Inspection is highly recommend-

Centrally located on a busy spot with plenty of foot traffic and exposure. The cafe

ed and will not disappoint!

has been newly renovated with excellent clean modern fit out- new owner will not need to do a thing! Operating only 6 days with very short hours of 8am-4pm and Sat-

Please contact Lee Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 and at

urday 8am-3pm. The cafe is ideal for owner operator and comfortable size for single for further details.

. .PO.A


making this an amazing opportunity as the business has just been granted their re-registration renewal for another 7 years. A very lucrative professional field

Established for over 8 years this business has had all the initial expense and

with excellent potential and growth. Located in excellent inner city location- ide-

leg work of building a registered training academy completed! It is a state of

al spot for a Hair Dressing academy- with excellent exposure and access.

the art facility spanning 500m2 of floor space with millions spent on fit out. Not only that there is also another 200m2 floor space left for future expansion

A .P O .

Book an inspection today call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.



major road through the south east, within a busy shopping strip. Parking & public transport at the door Good size premises well laid out with a variety of groceries

This busy indian grocery retail store business for sale offers a high exposure

including Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan & South Asian foods, as well as Bollywood

location on a major road through the south east & enormous potential for growth.

DVDs & cards. One private car spot for the tenant.Cheap rent of $584 inclusive of

Established 1 year this business has shown steady growth, currently taking

GST per week for the great location, and long lease of 1x3x3

$3,500 plus per week, operating 7 days 10am to 9pm. High profile location on a

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 047

. .PO.A



area rapidly develops & more families move into the vicinity. High profile location in a busy local shopping centre, with public transport accessibility & plenty

This bright florist business for sale offers a prime location in a busy shopping

of parking onsite. Surrounded by residential properties with the area still ex-

centre with a steadily growing residential area in the outer south east. Estab-

panding The business comes with a 2 door & 3 door glass fridge. Taking $4,500

lished 19 years and 5 years under the wing of the current vendor, the business

per week & growing, Cheap rent of $2,100 per month with long lease of 3x3.

has developed a large loyal customer base that is continually growing as the

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


.A P.O



exposure. Aside from the excellent position and presentation the salon also has a unique feature of private parking for the owner and a back entry to the store

This Hair Salon Business for Sale is located on trendy and busy Swan St. Rich-

which backs on to 100’s of car parks for its clients, 7 Stations, 2 Wash Basins

mond. The salon has been operated by the same owner for the last 5 years and

Rent of $3,758 pcm incl. G.S.T. Takings of $7,000 pw

has established itself as a high end specialist colour salon. Recently renovated with modern and sleek fit out ensure it stands out and really impacts passing

Call Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 to book a time and get further information.


.A P.O


Chef in place and assistance of staff ensure the transition should be smooth for any new owner. Very good rent with long lease options. Seats 40 inside, 9

Opportunity to acquire a beautifully presented cafe with excellent decor and Med-

outside and 20 in courtyard. verage of 10 kg of coffee per week. Turn over of

iterranean court yard ideal for warmer months! Trading 7 days for breakfast and

$8,000 per week

lunch 7am-3:30pm with Sundays open until 2:30pm.This business is perfectly

Contact Lee Panangiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7326 or at

suited to an owner operator or partnership looking for daytime hours only. for more details.

vnm magazine 048


.A P.O


then visit once a month to take the money & restock! The more workplaces you can source to place a box, the more money you make! This business currently

This mobile snack franchise business for sale is perfect for someone looking to

has 750 boxes placed but vendor wants to slow down, so this would be ideal

become their own boss with flexibility & freedom to spend the day on the road

for an energetic go getter! Currently taking $127k per annum with very high

doing the easiest job around! This business offers 2 territories within this snack

profit margin, this business has been in place for 8 years.

box franchise, you simply put your box of snacks in as many places as possible

Please call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


.A P.O


The business operates Monday to Friday & includes three trucks for freight deliveries. Two of the trucks have cranes for deliveries but can also be used instead of

This transport freight delivery business for sale was established nearly 7 years ago

hiring a vehicle with a tailgate. Trucks are less than 18 months old Currently taking

& has established a large loyal customer base in Melbourne. The vendor delivers

$485k per annum.

3 days a week but hiring of subcontractors enables the business to take on work from other transport companies as well as maintaining their own customer base.

A .P O .

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.




the high exposure location & turn it into your meals of choice! Currently taking $4,000 per week. Premises offers seating for 28 inside, and includes a full commercial kitch-

Established for 7 years, this cafe/takeaway offers a great range of Thai food

en with 2 wok cooker, 4 burner stove, fryer & warmer, as well as a cool room

Operating 7 days from 11am to 9.30pm weekdays & 5pm to 9.30pm weekends, the

Rent of $1085 per week with a long lease of 5x5

vendors run the business with assistance from a casual staff member. Ideal owner operator business, perfect for a chef who knows Thai food! Or alternatively take over

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 049

. A . P. O



for everyone. The shop opens from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday taking $333k plus per annum. A new lease will be issued to the new owner, cheap

A major retailer in this busy Gippsland town, this large retail store business for

rent of $670 for prime location & big premises. No official website so there is

sale offers a range of products including ladies fashion, school wear & giftware.

enormous potential to grow the business much further.

Established 60 years, this amazing term of operation is a testament to the business. A well known & popular store in the town, the business offers something

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


0 0,0



CAFE BUSINESS REF:B12259 Coffee sales around 20kg pw. 2 function rooms upstairs. Sunny courtyard This Cafe business for Sale is located in Sandringham and gives its customers a huge

Seating 18 outside with bay views. Located centrally in Sandringham within walking

variety of comfort with Bay views from outside seating, sunny courtyard, upstairs func-

distance to the beach making this a summer hotspot and growing area with major

tion rooms and spacious Cafe seating as well. Great 3x3x3 Commercial Lease

residential development adding to the already strong customer base.

Takings averaging $9,000 pw. Rent of $1,043 pw incl GST. Full Commercial Kitchen

To get further information call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


.A P.O



to add more services. Currently operating 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, keep your evenings & weekends free. Operated solely by the vendors, this is the perfect

This busy print business for sale has been servicing the locals in this Central

family business or partnership. Currently taking $170,000 per annum. Cheap rent

Victorian region for the last 8 years. Established 8 years ago, the business is

of $240 per week with new lease to be issued.

located near the centre of town & has no shops in competition in the town. A close knit town & a much utilised service offered by the business, there is huge potential

vnm magazine 050

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


0 8,0



high flow of traffic. Turning over an average of $1,800 p/w. Great rent of $1,100 pcm Commercial Lease of 3x3x3 in place. This business is ready for someone to take to

This is a great opportunity for a start up or working from home Hairdresser who

the next level. Register your interest today so you dont miss out as this business will

wants to expand to buy themselves an established salon with clientele. As you

sell quick.

can see by the photos the Salon is in immaculate condition. The Salon has 4 Work Stations, 2 Wash Basins. Fantastic location with ample parking for customers and a

For inspections and further details please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


.A P.O


position.Trading 7 days very short hours - mainly 9am-5:30pm. Currently comfortably trading $250,000 per year with opportunity to further grow and expand trading

Excellent business opportunity to purchase a Trampoline Gelato establishment lo-

hours.Business also has fully equipped bike that allows for off site mobile exposure

cated in Melbourne’s Parkville. Owned and established for 4 years- owner is selling

and sales- excellent opportunity to further grow this avenue!

to move onto other interests. Business is run under management by an employed

Contact Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or or

manager and 2 casual staff members.Very reasonable rent for the location and

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 for further details.

A .P O .


JUNIOR SOCCER PROGRAM REF:B12270 Grasshopper Soccer Moreland is an easy to run soccer school with an established Grasshopper Soccer Moreland has been successfully teaching kids between the ages

database of enrolled kids and community connections ready to go n’ grow!

of 2 to 12 soccer for nearly 4 years in the Moreland and surrounding areas. Currently

Long term training and support provided on all aspects.

operates 3 locations in Pascoe Vale, Strathmore, Coburg and not forgetting School

Please contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

holiday programs, birthday clinics and merchandise sales plus more!


vnm magazine 051

. A . P. O



AREA with a comfortable and warm atmosphere, this EASY TO RUN play centre is a favourite of local children and parents alike. Current TAKINGS of

This is a fantastic opportunity to own a gorgeous CHILDREN’S PLAY CENTRE

around $15,000 per month and GROWING. 5 YEAR current LEASE

and CAFE in one of Melbourne’s outer-eastern suburbs. With THREE PARTY

Excellent $3,500 per month RENT for a large premises

ROOMS decorated with unique stylings, an excellent children’s PLAY AREA

Buyers looking to find out more information on this excellent opportunity are

with extensive activity equipment including a JUMPING CASTLE, and a CAFE

encouraged to CONTACT DAMON AMBATZIS: 0402 225 989.


.A P.O



SEATING capacity of 36 and room for 40 – 45. Large COMMERCIAL KITCHEN. BYO LICENSE currently in place. Buyers looking to buy a PIZZA RESTAURANT with

This fantastic pizza restaurant has been successfully trading for more than 40 YEARS

a lot of potential to increase the value of the business should call today. Great business

in this spacious and primely positioned shop! CURRENT TAKINGS of $4,500 per

opportunity for a first time buyer or family business.

week on average. Buyers will receive a NEW LEASE with negotiable term lengths with an expected RENT of around $2,300 per month Spacious restaurant area with current

Contact DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989 for further information


.A P.O


having built the business up to a stage where it is partly managed. The business runs with 3 casual staff members and has an annual turnover averaging

This is truly a business that is different, specialising in toys that bring back

$430,000. Great 5x5 year commercial lease in place and a rental of $66,000

happy childhood memories. Toys like, Spinning Tops, Jack in The Boxes, Ka-

inc G.S.T per annum.

leidoscopes, Pop Guns, or Just a Bag of Wooden Blocks. Toys that bring back

For further information please call Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

happy childhood memories. The owner is only at the store on a part time basis

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 052


.A P.O



sistance of a casual staff member, the business offers IPL hair reduction treatments & rejuvenation treatments, microdermabrasion & teeth whitening.The premises offers

This beauty salon business for sale in a high profile location in the south east, focus-

2 treatment rooms & a modern, clean fitout, with a bright elegant shopfront. Currently

es on IPL treatments & so is ideal for a therapist qualified or working towards their

taking approx $4,500 pw operating 5 days a week. Cheap rent of only $298 pw.

IPL. qualification. Take over & hit the ground running with an existing business in place. Established 6 years ago by the vendor who operates the business with the as-

For further information please contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


.A P.O



return for owner operator available.Large kitchen with walk in cool room and all equipment needed for baking and production of finest quality.

Excellent bakery with long standing reputation in Bendigo for sale. Specialising in a range of cakes- including special occasions and weddings.Bakery is fully equipped and ideal for someone with baking background looking to own their own business

To find out more please contact Chris Panagiotidis or

or grow their business model into Regional Victoria. Good profit margins and solid

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or at

A .P O .



and much more, this restaurant is equipped with a kitchen that any chef would quickly fall in love with! The current TURNOVER is an excellent $9,500 per

MEDITERRANEAN cuisine RESTAURANT with an excellent location in an

week on average, a fantastic figure for such short hours! LIQUOR LICENSE

affluent suburb in Melbourne’s east. With RECENT RENOVATIONS and fan-

in place and SEATING for up to 66 customers. Rent $1,000 per week and a

tastic cooking facilities including a WOOD FIRE PIZZA OVEN, extensive pizza

comfortable 3x3x3 lease in place.

bar, 12 burner stove with 2 ovens, GYRO ROTISSERIE, 20L dual basket fryer

Please contact DAMON AMBATZIS: 0402 225 989

vnm magazine 053

. .P O.A


SEATING for 46 patrons. Commercial Kitchen with cooking facilities. WOOD-FIRE pizza oven. Large BAKERS KITCHEN with MASS-PRODUCTION facilities. RENT of $5,836

Located in the NORTHERN SUBURBS of Melbourne, this large business has a great

per month , Currently serving 12-14 kg COFFEE per week , Currently TAKING $12,000-

deal to offer buyers looking for a business with BIG potential! Part LICENSED CAFE,

$15,000 per week .

part EUROPEAN PATISSERIE, part CAKES & SWEETS WHOLESALE, this business is all of that and much, much MORE! Facilities Include:

Please call DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989

. A . P. O



Currently TAKING $3,500 per week trading only about 35 hours per week. Stacks of potential to open longer hours as there is plenty of foot traffic during the day and excellent

Located on one of the busiest strips in the CARLTON AREA, this fantastic business

night trade! Affordable RENT of $2,700 per month. Great customer loyalty after having

gives buyers the opportunity to take over a trendy BAR/RESTAURANT with a gorgeous


fit-out! FULLY LICENSED venue with the liquor license allowing 40 SEATED patrons OR up to 90 STANDING. Certified for live music performance with APRA

Interested buyers are encouraged to contact DAMON AMBATZIS: 0402 225 989.


.A P.O



it’s clients. Male/Female toilets and a bathroom has been built by the owner. It also currently caters for 3 personal trainers that use the facility in the evenings

Located in popular Chapel St South Yarra is this established Personal Training

and pay the owner rent. With commercial lease terms of 3x3 years available

Studio business for sale. The owner has done a great job for the past 8 years

and rent of $32,000 per annum including outgoings. Takings were averaging

at the same location. The gym is fully set up for personal training and has a

$83,000 with the gym only being open 6 a.m to mid day.

floor area of roughly 87m2 and is well laid out to ensure the best service for

Further information call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 054


.A P.O



3 bedroom apartment upstairs! Established in 1960, this milk bar remains an icon in its local area, serving the usual array of daily products such as bread, milk & lollies! Good

This is one of those hard to find milk bars still in operation & serving its loyal customers

size shop, easy to expand or alter the range of products on offer. Currently open 7 days

in this western suburb. Surrounded by residences & located within a shopping strip,

until 8pm, opening 6.30am weekdays & 7am weekends. Cheap rent of $415 per week

this milk bar business for sale has been operating for over 55 years and continues to

with long lease of 3x3x3 for 2 level premises

see a steady stream of locals through for their daily needs. The premises also offers a

Please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


00 , 0 5



plenty of parking at the front of the shop as well. The business has a turnover of over $1,400,000 on average per annum. Rental of the premises is $4,100 pcm

This Authorised Newsagency business for sale is located in the inner city

including G.S.T and there is a New Commercial lease on offer for the person

suburb of Clifton Hill. It has been established for over 60 years at the same

that purchases this business.

location with the current owner running the business for the past 13 years. Very busy location with Cafes and Restaurants surrounding it and most importantly

A .P O .

For further information call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.




for rapid growth and customer base.Full team of friendly and experienced staff in place to ensure new owner can transition comfortably- no experience required! Call to register your interest today.

Excellent opportunity to buy established travel agency with excellent reputation and well known trusted name. Located in South East suburb of Dandenong with very good foot traffic and exposure. Business has a professional website in place that

Contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos for more details on 9566 7300

allows for full online booking and trip advise as well as Chinese translation to allow


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vnm magazine 056

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