Vnm small business magazine issue 021

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ISSUE 021 APR 2018

The Big Switch Why Are So Many People Leaving Their Office Jobs And Starting Their Own Business?

Emerging trends 2018 INDUSTRY SPECIALIST


e v i s u l exc

S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR t n e t n co















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ive s u l c ex

S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR t n e t n co

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Keep Your Business On Top Of Emerging Trends Owning a business is a very time-consuming task. It engulfs you whole. You need to keep track of the critical work such as customer service, managing staff, tracking the budget, marketing and sales. This leaves you with little time and energy to focus on the larger trends currently occurring in the industry you are in. Staying on top of the continuously developing industry trends is extremely important for the business to stay relevant and experience success. It will help you innovate, adjust the market forces in your favour, and strengthen your business process. This is not a difficult thing to do. In order, to properly be able to stay on top of trends you just need to:

Subscribe to Business Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers Subscribing to the publications that report the development of the hottest trends could mean big dividend results for your business. Keep these publications where you spend most of your time so that you can easily access them and make sure to flip through them on a daily basis.

Engage on social media One of the fastest ways to connect with your customers is through the use of social media. Through LinkedIn and Facebook, you can exchange tips with those within your industry. You can also speak to your customers directly, creating polls for them to relay their opinions and tastes. Google+ has communities where you can find what’s trending and ask other small business owners about industry patterns they are seeing. Network to find gatherings of others in your industry where you can discuss business trends with other people.

Delegate You can employ the members of your team to keep their eyes and ears open. Start a company-wide email thread where team members can share interesting findings or articles.

Keep an eye on your competitors If you have spotted a trend and are not sure whether it will catch on, observe your competitors and what they are doing with that trend. Sure, staying ahead of the competitors is necessary, but knowing what they are up to is also very important.

Scan and engage in forum and discussion boards


Scan an applicable forum or discussion board to be alerted about the possible changes taking place in your industry. Often it happens that engaging in a discussion group which is made up of professionals can be very enlightening.

Talk to your customers

You can employ a research and development team which could go into the field and speak to your customers. Devise well thought-out and descriptive questionnaires that you can use to get a comprehensive idea of how your customers think and what they want. There are a lot of sources which will give you deep insight into all the trends that are emerging and how you can be a part of it. Or in fact, make them a part of your business to be able to stay ahead of the game. Put a creative spin on the trends and you can be the one to start a trend yourself for others to follow!

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Subscribe to Business Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers..............

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How to Be Unfazed...

Any business whether new, old, big, or small will face competition. And competition is always daunting. Competition is something that gives your customer choice while also being something that threatens to push your business out of the industry. Every day, week, month, or year a new competition will rise from the corners of the city, country, or globe and try to dismantle you. Everybody loves their business. They have worked hard on it; their sweat and blood has gone into that business. But the customer does not see that. All they look for is a brand that can offer them their desired product of high quality and low price. You will even have instances of businesses erupting with a completely different way of producing a product that you have already mastered in manufacturing. Or they might be offering the service or a product with an advanced twist that you can’t acquire in your own product. Take Nokia and Apple for example; there was once a time that Nokia’s phones were the most reliable and in demand ones on the market. Then Apple came along with their smartphones and Nokia went down in popularity. But the thing is, this is a norm in the business world and you cannot just shut down your business because you are intimidated by the competition. You need to, instead, learn to find a way around it. The first thing to do, is to actually look at your competition .You need to see how they operate, what is their organisational culture, what are they offering and where do they stand in the industry? It isn’t expected that all competitors will fare well. But do make sure to learn from them, vnm magazine 06 New Competition about their ideas and what makes them stand out. The second thing is your research. Either hire people who are good with research or learn the art of doing good research yourself. Your research skills will help you learn a lot about your surroundings. You will get to know who your competitors are and what are they offering. You will learn about the industry you are in, how is it evolving, how many competitors it is garnering, how many start-ups it is introducing, and what do the customers think about it. And lastly, you will get to know about your customers. You will get to know about the changes in the taste and lifestyle that they are experiencing, and you will get to know whether they like your competition, why and why not.Thirdly, you need to find a way to be unique to your customers. You need to find a competitive advantage, a feature of your product or service that only you serve, and advertise it to the fullest. When a lot of brands are identical the customer may find it difficult to choose, and might end up picking one at random, but if you have a competitive advantage then there is a sure chance the customer will come to you. Lastly, develop your brand online. Digital media has become the platform for dozens of businesses to prevail. You need to come up with creative ideas and employ different digital media bases to place your business in the public eye. When faced with new competition all you have to do is remain calm and focus on how you can use this to your advantage. vnm magazine 07

OrganiSational Hacks to Pave the Way to Success Giv



s r e d r o b d n a p x E



Build trust

g n i n n a l P Vision and

e n w

o e iv


There are many important elements to running and managing a firm. No matter what size the organisation is, the leaders have several roles to play. They need to ensure that things run smoothly and that everyone does their jobs. Effectively managing your staff can be the key to success for the company. Disorganization and confusion are irritating and can be extremely bad for business. It is basically like a formula: increasing chaos equals decreasing profit. The key to avoiding that is good office management. Regardless of what your current organisational structure looks like, its way of functioning should work towards empowering its leaders. Successful leaders are able to perform to their full potential when they work in an environment which fosters creativity and doesn’t stifle progress.

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p i h rs

This occurs when less emphasis is placed on the hierarchical structure and more on empowering the right people in the right place. This sort of empowerment enhances the performance of the leaders and encourages behaviour that earns the respect of followers. This type of respect allows the leaders to build partnerships within the organisation that encourages open, two-way communication and fosters a sense of loyalty. There are a lot of ways you can have an organisation so well structured that it can reach its full potential. True ownership occurs in the organisation when there is contribution and sharing from the bottom up and system-wide. If the ownership is not shared then the structure is self-serving and not at all empowering. People wish to have ownership of their work and sense of belonging to a great cause. Ownership holds everyone on the team accountable for their decisions and actions. Owners need to ensure that the employees are serving in the right roles and are given ownership of their work. Do make a point of celebrating their successes to keep them motivated. You define the organisational structure rather than it defining you. Your organisational structure should be a blueprint of the open boundaries to grow and succeed. It should give the people the freedom to do their tasks the way THEY deem fit. Let the employees be more flexible about how, when, where, and with whom they work. Involve them in the decision making process and designing and managing of their work tasks. The support needed to successfully achieve organisational goals is gained via trust. You need to develop relationships within the organisation through trust and commitment. The organisational structure can enhance or impede factors such as open communication, management follow through, accountability, consistency, and concern for employee interests, all of which foster a sense of trust. Building trust needs to be considered a deliberate action and not something that should be left to chance. This is the most important aspect; your organisation needs to have a clear vision. Without any vision, you would remain stagnant. You need to design a clear organisational vision that will help guide your organisation towards a goal. Create a well-organised and structured business plan and communicate it to the entire staff. Once you have done that follow it up with plans. You can make achieving a thriving organisational structure easy for yourself. It will allow the leaders to be encouraged to perform better and ignite organisation-wide harmony.

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YOU CAN BE A BUSINESS WOMAN AND A GREAT MOTHER Running a business is not easy at all. But then trying to take care of a family and running a business seems like a nearly impossible task to do. Young children need continuous attention and care from their parents. This is when the child is highly dependent on them. Not being around the child/children can have a negative impact on their behaviour. Also being a new mother or mother, in general, makes one wish to be around their offspring all the time. But when you have a business to take care of too, you have a lot on your plate and it is natural to feel overwhelmed by it all. When you are walking down the street with your 3- year old, they might see something bright across the street and without looking here or there they may rush to get to the bright object. Or imagine a stranger pulls up in front of your child, luring them in with a chocolate or an ice cream---one needn’t Similarly, your business is almost as fragile enough to get into the wrong hands or go down the wrong path if you don’t keep your eye on it. Hence it makes sense why managing your business and being a good parent is such an incredibly difficult thing to do. But abandoning even one of them is not a choice in your life. You love them both, have nurtured them and spent your days and nights in bringing them into this world. As impossible as this notion seems, managing a successful business and bringing up good kids is possible. Lots of entrepreneurial mothers tend to share their advice and tips on to run a business alongside taking care of their family.

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You need to learn to say no. As your business will grow you will get a lot of calls for professional reasons asking you to invest time and energy…things that you are already short on! You will need to say no so that you can give some time to your children and not be all about the business. If you say yes to every request or opportunity then you would be busy 24/7 with no time to spare for your family. Try to have childcare that is reliable and learn to outsource household work intelligently. There will be times when you need to attend a meeting or visit a supplier for which you will need childcare for your children. Try to also outsource as much household work as you can so you can give more time to your children and significant other, or your dating life. Try to train your focus to be present in the moment and not the future. Even though both your children and business are very sensitive and delicate you need to give attention to one of them at a time. Keeping your focus elsewhere will cost you as a mother and a businesswoman. Entrepreneurial mothers are often very protective of their “me time.” They try to take out a fraction of time for themselves where they can focus on their own well being. These mothers are often very protective of their quality time. They realise that they too need a break once in a while. Most importantly, working mums always make sure to cut out toxic people from their lives. These are the people who not only refuse to believe in them but also fail to support them. These mothers realise that what they are doing is already tough; they don’t need someone else telling them it is impossible.

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The Big Switch

You are in control........... When it comes to setting up your very own business, deciding which property to set it up at is just one side of the picture; the other side is how are you going to get access to that property. Decide whether you should go ahead and just buy the commercial real estate or opt to lease. Research done on the current situation of the job market dictates that many millennials wish to start their own business rather than work for someone else. In fact, not only the millennials, but people of the previous generation are also shifting towards starting their own business. Almost every other person you speak to about what they are doing or what they are planning for the future, will tell you that they are working towards opening their own business, soon.

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Why Are So Many People Leaving Their Office Jobs And Starting Their Own Business? Better pay.......... These people are mostly the independent-minded people

This might be especially difficult to accept when you

who wish to be their own bosses and employ their skills

start a job. You have to work on other peoples’ timing and

into something they are very passionate about.

oftentimes you can’t say no to some work. You have less

Leases often confuse many small business entrepreneurs.

independence over your timing and possibly a small salary.

Perhaps, one reason for this is that most people are

With your own business, no one tells you when to come

skeptical of renting houses because of the whole “rent

in, when to work, who to work with etc. You manage your

money is dead money” school of thought, and this

own timing and your own tasks. If you loved the feeling of

thinking sometimes also makes its way into commercial

satisfaction that one gets after building something out of

real estate. While both buying and renting property have

building blocks, then you will certainly enjoy the feeling

their own benefits, if you are just starting out it is best

of building your own business and seeing it thrive. Seeing

you rent the property. A lot of people who are currently

your business flourish after having worked for a long

working corporate jobs seem to be unhappy with their

time on it is incredibly gratifying. Small businesses are a

position. They dread having to work 9 to 5, or even longer

major source of employment in the economy. There are

sometimes. They dislike the fact that they have their boss

a lot of people who may not be hired in giant companies

continuously on their backs to meet the deadline, and one

for several reasons.Usually, the small businesses have a

major discouragement is that the work that they do is not

lot of job vacancies and make a significant contribution

theirs to claim – it is all a part of the business. When one

to decreasing the levels of unemployment in an economy.

owns a business, it is as if they had a baby that they will

If you play your cards right, there is a huge chance that

nurture into something even better. They usually work

your business will flourish and result in a substantial

on something they are passionate about. When you are

profit. This may be even better than working a corporate

working a corporate job, there are high chances that you

job which would require you to work several years before

are in a job you didn’t exactly dream of getting into. So it

getting promoted and earning higher pay.There are massive

might be a good idea to quit your job now and start up your

payoffs of owning one’s own business; all you need is a

own business for the following reasons; A lot of people

little patience and a lot of dedication.

don’t like being told what to do.

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www.absolutebusines UNIT 7, 18-22 LEXIA PL MULGRAVE, VIC 3170

vnm magazine 014 PH: (03) 9566 7300

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TRY THESE HELPFUL TIPS TO BE ABLE Managing one’s time, deciding on what to prioritise, and planning accordingly can be one of the toughest things to do. It is an art, a skill that you need to acquire. There are things that you face during the day that demand your constant attention, which can result in difficulty when prioritising what should be done first. It is important to realise that priorities can change rapidly and you need to be able to re-evaluate situations and respond appropriately. Excessive work and pressure are now considered to be status symbols. But over time it can be very detrimental, to the person and the stakeholders around them. If we work less it is possible that we would make less errors and have a better quality of life. Tired surgeons are often much more prone to slip-ups, and exhausted soldiers to more missed targets. You need to learn to prioritise your work according to importance so that you work less and enjoy your life more, all the while keeping room for accomplishment. Prioritising should not be that difficult, once you set up your mind to start prioritising you will immediately get the hang of it. Here are some tips to help you out:

Know exactly what your work is: Draw up a list of everything you want to do, along with the deadlines that you have. Don’t rely on your memory, instead write it down. This will help you retain the idea; also the act of writing forces you to ask yourself which task is more important.

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TO PRIORITISE AND WORK LESS Know exactly what your work is.

Break it down Once you have written down all that you have to do, you will start to categorise your worklist into the following terms:

Single Tasks These are the tasks that you do tomorrow or when you have ample time at the office after your important tasks are done. If you have tasks that have a longer deadline then you need to schedule them for tomorrow. Eventually, when you make such a list, you will discover that you have now created a backlog. This backlog will contain all the single tasks that don’t need to be done urgently. Each day you should chip away at each task.

Recurring Tasks There are certain tasks that are bound to occur every single day. You do not need to list them down unless you find it extremely necessary. You can create a list of weekly tasks for yourself to do and tick them off as you work on them.

Projects These are the tasks that you consider to be the most complex or time-consuming. List them according to the urgency and work on them daily as long as needed.

Assess tasks according to urgency, value and estimated effort Work on the tasks that hold the shortest deadlines, are the most valuable to the business and require maximum levels of effort. This will be the work holding highest priority for you and you need to complete first

Give yourself a break This is very important. Take 5 to 10 minute breaks between your work so you don’t get drained and commit unnecessary errors. Prioritising can do wonders in helping cut back unneeded work. It will prevent you from employing extra efforts and allow you to save more time.

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SELLING YOUR BUSINESS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD We employ the utmost ethical standards and perform our role with integrity, honesty and complete openness. We use our experience & industry knowledge to market your business appropriately to thewidest audience, as well as working in conjunction with migration agents, to find the right buyer for your business. We are Melbourne-based, and Victorian specialists. We know our area, we know our industry. Our agents have had busine sses in Victoria so we know YOUR area. Our goal is not to be the biggestjust the best. OUR SENIOR BUSINESS AGENTS ARE FULLY LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND ALL OUR TEAM HAVE BEEN BUSINESS OWNERS BEFORE. WE KNOW THE INDUSTRY AND WE HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. WE ARE NOT SALES PEOPLE, WE ARE INDUSTRY SPECIALIST.

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... and so many more

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Businesses For Sale

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Businesses Now Selling



$ 6 9 ,0 0 0

REF: B13058

This business for sale offers a prime location in an affluent area on a major road. Highly sought after position on a major road through the affluent area of Camberwell. Elegant salon in immaculate condition, well laid out with 7 stations & 2 basins as well as a garage & kitchen. The salon operates Tuesday to Saturday with a late night Thursday, the vendor runs the salon with the assistance of a casual staff member, so this is an ideal opportunity for a hairdresser to take over & make it their own. Long lease of 3x5 remaining & cheap rent for such a location of $495 per week! Excellent opportunity for a hairdresser to move in & take over with nothing more to do, high exposure location which brings new clients daily & no online presence so enormous potential for growth! Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or


P.O. A .


Fitness franchise business for sale. If you are looking for investment or want to be your own boss? Time to get an awesome opportunity by joining the fastest franchisee, Australia’s biggest HIIT fitness community. The business offers a group training facility offering 45 minutes of high intensity interval circuit training classes. There are currently no franchise opportunities available in Melbourne area. 2 Years established South East Location. Current premises: 1x3 lease remaining with rent of $923 per week. Experienced trainers on board. Approx 150 sqm studio. Huge data base. Short hours, huge profits. Fully equipped with over $100,000 worth of equipment. Current premises has 1x3 lease remaining with rent of $923 per week. Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or


$2 8 , 0 0 0

REF: B13063

This Butcher For Sale is located in a suburban shopping strip, close to rail station and surrounded by other supporting businesses including a supermarket. Locals flock to the area for their day to day shopping needs. There is lots of foot traffic and ample parking area in front of this clean and well-presented Butcher shop. The Butcher for sale is well equipped with a walk in fridge, freezer and all the other equipment needed to run a successful butcher. Sales : Averaging $5,000 PW. Boning room. Rent of $3,264 pcm. Well equipped. Well Presented. Opportunity to grow. Are you looking at breaking away from being a employee to becoming your own boss, then this is an ideal opportunity for you. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


$ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0


This Business has a waterfront location overlooking the harbour. It is located in the South East in a stunning marina setting. It has a strong focus on fresh and exciting seafood and always offers fresh quality produce. It is the only restaurant in the shopping centre that has a permit to be a seafood restaurant. Has a large dining room with seating capacity for 35 inside and 35 outside on a modern alfresco deck. Both inside and outside dining areas have panoramic views and patrons can enjoy some stunning sunsets. Fully licenced until 11pm. Strong turnover of $9,500 per week. Rent of $1,250 per week for a stunning location. Secure lease of 3x5x5. Has live music entertainment on Sunday. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

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. A . O P.


REF: B13034

ing depot. Long established business with strong and solid takings of approximately $17,000 per week. Rent is $13,300 per month, which includes outgoings and stor-

This business has an excellent location in Melbourne’s CBD. There is huge amounts

age space. Lease options of 8 years. This retail business trades 7 days per week,

of daily foot traffic. This Lotto shop and newsagency also sells a huge range of sta-

Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm and Sunday 12pm to 5pm.

tionary, cards, calendars, ink cartridges, art supplies, party goods, phone cards and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

cigarettes. Also offers copying, binding and laminating services. Is also a dry clean-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


some Organic Grocer sells the highest quality 100% certified Organic, fresh fruits, vegetables, produce and groceries, combined with friendly service and advice,

Located in the heart of a bustling town in the most beautiful Mount Macedon

and competitive prices. Goods are of the highest quality available, sourced from

region, this 100% Organic Grocer is a must-see opportunity. Solid sales averaging

Australian farms and specialist suppliers to ensure a good variety.

$21,000 pw. Low rent of only $ 705 PW. 3×3 lease in place that may be extended.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

State of the art equipment – Cool room with highest quality refrigeration. This awe-

or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

. A . O P.



$45-50,000 per week. Low rent of around $2,200 pw (Only about 5% of takings). Long lease of 5x5 in place. 400 patrons on the liquor license. Liquor license till

This Amazing Restaurant currently focuses on Vietnamese/ Chinese cuisine

3am. Full stage for music and other performances. Due to some family issues the

with opportunity to expand. The large kitchen features 10 Wok stations, 2 walk in

current owner regretfully wants us to sell the highly profitable business.

Chillers and a walk in freezer and all the additional kitchen equipment required to

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

handle the demand. 7 Nights only (huge potential for daytime Yum Cha). Takes


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. A . O P.



therapy, electrolysis, IPL treatments for skin rejuvenation and hair removal, facials, nails and massage. Good solid turnover of $10,000 per week. Rent of $4,000 per

This Beauty Salon and skin care business for sale offers beauty, skin care and spa

month for modern premises. A new lease is available. Has a comprehensive

treatments in a lovely, serene and tranquil atmosphere. Located in Balwyn close to

website and makes good use of social media for marketing.

the junction of 2 main roads through the area.This Business for Sale is Set up to

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

offer a wide range of beauty and skin care treatments such as waxing, LED light

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A



ica’s and Europe’s leading bridal designers. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm and Saturday 10am to 3pm. Has a beautifully designed website and

This Bridal Gown Business for sale is located in Melbourne’s Eastern suburbs and

uses social media for marketing. Turnover of approximately $285,000 per annum.

sells bridal wear, bridesmaids and flower girl’s dresses and debutante wear. This

Rent of $2,859 pcm. Secure lease of 3x3x3x3.

wedding wear shop also stocks an extensive range of veils, tiaras, jewellery and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

shoes. It offers quality gowns for every budget. A leading stockist of some of Amer-

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 5 $1



Fully licensed (on premises). 2 full time staff and 2 Casual staff, owner only works a few hours per week. Solid turnover of $8,500 per week. Rent of $1,100

This 5 Day Industrial Cafe Business For Sale is located in Melbourne’s South

per week for a very large premises. Lease options of 5x5x5. This cafe has an

East in a large industrial estate. Has a striking and eye catching shopfront.

excellent reputation in the area for fantastic customer service and food.

Bright and nicely fit out interior. Big cafe with seating capacity for 50-60. Still

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

further capacity for outside seating. Plenty of car parking for customers .

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 023

0 ,00 0 2 $2


REF: B13045

deliveries and does the rounds among the factories. Annual turnover of $732,000. Rent of $4,759 per month for a large premises. Secure lease of 5x3x3. The build-

This 5 Day Industrial Cafe/Takeaway For Sale has an excellent location on a main

ing has solar panels on the roof, which helps to keep electricity costs down. The

road. This cafe has a large premises with seating capacity for 60 people and plenty

van and solar panels are included with the sale of the business.

of storage space. Has a commercial kitchen and huge cool room. Has a new

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

commercial oven (1.2 metres). Has added benefit of a mobile food van which does

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 5 $3



elegant premises over two storeys, well equipped with a full commercial kitchen, cool rooms & a bar. The premises offers seating over 2 levels as well as outdoor

Located in this large town in northern Victoria, right near the border of NSW, this

seating, with 90 inside & 90 outside! Turning over $680,000 per annum. Long lease

beautiful restaurant and tapas bar business for sale offers a prime opportunity for

with 1.5x5x5 remaining.

locals or someone looking for a country change to take over a well established

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

business & make money from day one! This fantastic restaurant offers spacious

0416 000 154 or

0 ,0 00 $6


REF: B13049

a neat and welcoming fit out with 7 stations, 2 basins and a beauty room. Turnover of $5,000 per week. Good rent of approximately $865 per week plus gst. New Lease available for new owner. Owner selling due to desire to retire. This salon has huge

This hair salon for sale has been established 20 years by the current owner and has

potential - new owner can easily increase turnover by simply trading more days.

become an icon in the area. It’s excellent reputation attracts clients from all over Mel-

Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

bourne. The salon is located in a very busy area in Mount Waverley The salon has

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 024

.A. P.O


potential to be turned in to a beer garden. An added bonus is a food truck which is used for catering events and functions. The truck can be hired for private functions.

On offer is a Restaurant and Bar for sale serving American Southern Style cooking

Turnover of $14,000 per week from the restaurant and bar plus $75,000 per annum

as well as fresh seafood and smoked meats and fried chicken. It has seating

from the food truck. Rent of $1,245 per week. Lease options of 3x3.

capacity of 90 inside and 20 outside. Has a commercial kitchen, a walk in cool

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

room and freezer. Fully licensed until 1am. The premises has a courtyard with

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,9 50 9 $2



unique in that it caters for a wide variety of healthy fast food options including Salads, Sandwiches, Wraps, Baguettes, Panini and Breakfast. It also offers a tasty

This Franchise for sale is located in a prime position within the food court of a pop-

Coffee blend developed specifically for the Franchise. ith over 80 Stores nation-

ular shopping centre in Melbourne’s North West. Sales of $19,778 PW average.

wide and growing, this secure investment opportunity is a must see.

Under full management. Modern premise with new Fit out. Long Lease in place.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

Unlike most other franchises who specialises and limits itself, the concept is quite

or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202..

. .P O.A



is an ideal investment. Generating turn-over of approximately $7,500 per week, this business demands an astute business minded operator to achieve maximum potential on such a potential driven site. Cheap Rent of $300 p/w with excellent

Arguably one of the best cafes/takeaway in Upwey. This is an extremely exciting

lease terms.

opportunity to invest in a thriving cafe business for sale that offers profitability,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Harry Hatzipanagiotis on

networking & an incredibly unique venue! Currently running 6 days a week this

0421 000 247 or email

vnm magazine 025

. A . O P.


REF: B13053

ness is operated by the vendor full time so this is ideal for an owner operator. Large warehouse well organised with an enormous array of products, workshop & office as

This unique business for sale operates out of a large warehouse in Melbourne & offers

well as parking onsite. High visibility on a main road & spacious premises. This is ideal

reclaimed building supplies furniture & homeware/hardware. The business sources

for an owner operator with interest in the building or salvage industry.

building products such as timber, roof tiles, steel, doors, windows, pavers etc from

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

building demolitions & renovations & onsells them. Turning over $221,000, the busi-


0 ,0 00 $8



business operates from Mordialloc marina, an easily accessible location, just off the Nepean Highway, a short 35 minute drive from the CBD. Plenty of parking is

On offer is a long established Melbourne business that is run under management.

available. Has a large fleet of 24 boats. Turnover is approximately $200,000 per

Bluey’s Boat Hire has a 100 year history and long tradition of providing hire boats

year. Rent of $30,000 per year with lease terms of 9 years.

in Melbourne to locals and visitors. It has the largest fleet of hire boats in Victoria,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

ranging from sturdy Classic boats to top of the range Extreme boats. This boat hire

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at



0 9,0



setup is less than two years old so all the equipment is still in an immaculate condition. The food price range is middle to high with focus on quality, suitable for the location. With

This stunning 6 day Restaurant with its tantalizing atmosphere is located on a busy road

64 seating capacity, a BYO Liquor license and a beautiful seating area with a relaxing

with lots of traffic passing by every day. The eye-catching frontage draws ample interest

atmosphere, this is a real crowd pleaser and fits in well with the area.

and new customers. Solid $12,000 PW takings and growing. Low Rent of only $5,300

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

PCM. Long 5x5x5 Lease in place. Well equipped commercial kitchen. The near new

Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323

vnm magazine 026

. A . P. O



8:30am to 2:30pm. Which makes it an excellent lifestyle business. Turnover of approximately $480,000 per year, with rent of $1,176 per week for a large premises.

This is a large cafe with seating capacity of 24 inside, 20 outside and 12 in a foyer

And secure lease options of 5x5 years. Turnover could be increased by simply

area. This food business is well equipped with a commercial kitchen and a walk

extending opening hours and introducing a dinner menu.

in coolroom. Owner works part time in the business with help from 8 casual staff.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Has short trading hours, 7 days: Monday to Saturday 8am to 3:30pm and Sunday:

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A



and 2 casual staff. Turnover of $5,000 per week with reasonable rent of $1,160 per week for a large premises and secure lease terms of 3x3x3x3. This large premises with large dining

Well equipped restaurant with full commercial kitchen, walk in cool room and elegant bar

room and commercial kitchen has unlimited potential, so bring your ideas and realise your

area. A magnificent near new set up with a seating capacity for 60 inside and 30 outside.

dreams in this highly sought after location.

Trading 6 days per week: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 8:30am to 5pm, Thursdays to Sun-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on

days 8:30am to 10pm. Liquor license till 11pm. Run by the owner with help from 1 full time

03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A



2 walk in cool rooms and a walk in freezer. Fully licensed until 11pm. Has a website in place with an online ordering facility. Currently taking $20,000 per week with rent of $1,880 per

It is a very large restaurant with 3 seating sections: a beautiful, modern main restaurant, a

week (for a very large premises) and secure lease of 5x5x5. This restaurant has so much

separate area for families and a terrace balcony. Seating capacity is 240 inside and 70 out-

potential. It can be fully run under management as there is experienced staff in place.

side on the terrace. The restaurant has spectacular views of the surrounding areas. Plenty of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on

parking available for customers. Restaurant is well equipped with a full commercial kitchen,

03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 027

. A . O P.



room. Large walk in freezer room. Large outdoor storage areas (multiple). Includes a large 2 bedroom residence with separate access and a large secured yard with

This business for sale ticks all the right boxes. Fantastic location on a busy main

double doors and car access.Turnover of $10,000 per week. Rent $2,150 per

road with huge amounts of passing traffic daily. Located metres from Cheltenham

month which includes a 2 bedroom residence. Lease options of 2x2x2

Station walk way. Immaculate fit out - with stool seating inside and also has a

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

permit for 3 tables and 9 chairs outside. Spacious prep area. Large walk in cool

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A



children and adults alike. There are vehicles for recreational as well as commercial use. Huge potential in this business.Turnover of $9,000 per week. Has an office

This online business for sale, sells and distributes a speciality recreation product.

and warehouse in Craigieburn with rent of $2,330 per month and lease options of

It is an official distributor and premium dealer of Berg Pedal Go-Karts, parts and


accessories. Designed to be robust and built with high quality materials, these

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

go-karts last a long time and provide endless hours of fun and adventure for

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


0 0,0




cartTurnover is $2,000 per week and rent of $3,300 per month for a high profile location on the main road with lease options of 3x3. There is huge potential for

This retail and online business sells a range of unique and inspirational

developing the online side of this business - By making use of social media,

homewares, gifts and accessories; as well as bags, wallets and jewellery

this business can be given a higher online profile.

and a variety of products for babies. Some of the products sourced are from

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

limited edition collections. It has a well designed website and online shopping

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 028


0 5,0




have been updated 2 years ago including electrical tables, new dryers and medical grade stainless steel crates. Shop divided into grooming area and wet area with

An excellent opportunity exists for buyers looking to obtain a performing and prov-

also a front reception and retail section. Software system with 4000 clients as

en dog grooming salon in a high class location. Turning an average $3,600 weekly.

database. Ideal as owner-operator or partnership business

$550 per week rent inc. G.S.T with good leasing options available. Established

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

and operated for over 22 years in the same spot! Quality fixtures and fittings that

0404 146 202 or

. .P O.A



loyal client base because business adheres to such high standards of quality, health and safety and uses products from industry leaders. Has a good turnover of

This business offers nail treatments as well as beauty treatments such as tanning,

$5,500 per week. Rent of $1,276 per month for a large premises with a high profile

eyelash extensions and threading, facials and waxing. Shop has a bright, clean

location on a busy main road. Lease of 2x5x5 remaining.

and vibrant fit out with 3 Beauty/treatment rooms, 6 nail stations and 4 massage

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

chairs. Just over 2,000 people on the customer database. Developed a large and

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or email

0 ,8 00 $4



area. High exposure location. Lots of parking / foot Traffic. Fully Under Management. Rent $2,146 PW. 5x5x5 lease in place. Are you looking for a prime business spot to

This 150 m2 business premises is located on the ground floor of a prominent

either run an Asian Grocer or any other business from, then this Business for sale is

Docklands Building. Surrounded by many supporting businesses, and offices in the

worth looking into.

area, foot traffic is ample. It’s running as an Asian Grocery store for the last 5 + years

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

but could well be changed to suit your needs for this high foot traffic and sought after

Lynn Mu 0430 880 323.

vnm magazine 029

. A . O P.



ing capacity of 56 inside and seating for 24 outside. Commercial kitchen with good equipment. Less than a year old and already has a turnover of $16,500 per week.

This Business for Sale in Caulfield is less than one year old and serves breakfast,

Rent is $1,442 per week for a highly visible corner location. Secure lease of 6x3x3.

lunch, coffee and nutritious snacks. Occupies a huge exposure main road, corner

With an outstanding location and a new bright and modern fit out and equipment.

location in a very popular shopping and dining area and very close to a school. Well

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

serviced by public transport. Serves a simple to prepare menu. Large cafe with seat-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. A . P. O



$2,250 per month which includes a 2 bedroom house at the back. Secure lease of 3x2x5. This business has an excellent reputation in the area, but still has plenty of

This long established fish and chips business for sale is located on a busy main

potential. The business does not have a website and has not used social media

road in the Bayside area. Easy to run business selling fish and chips as well as

for marketing. It also does not offer delivery.

hamburgers, souvlaki and a selection of snack foods. Long established business

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

of 30 years, with current owner for 5 years. Turnover of $8,000 per week. Rent of

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 5,0




tradies in the area as it offers sandwiches of all types. Takings averaging $6,000 per week. Early closing by 3pm daily. Great cheap rent of only $343 per calendar

This Cafe business for sale would be great for a first time business owner as it has

week inc GST and outgoings. Seating 14 inside and 10 outside. Hige social media

all the right attributes like short trading hours and low rent. This business been set

following of over 3200 on Facebook and over 1810 on instagram

up as Vegan/Healthy/Vegetarian style and makes great margins on all its products

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

like Raw cakes, Smoothies, Coffee etc. The cafĂŠ also has a large following from

0404 146 202 or

vnm magazine 030

. A . P. O



outside. Run Under management with 5 part time staff. Fully licensed to 11pm. Also offers catering. Turnover of $5,000 per week. Rent of $71,791 per week.

This Mexican inspired restaurant for sale is in the heart of Hawthorn, very close

Secure lease of 5x5x5. This business has a basic website in place and has a high

by to the university campus. This restaurant serves grilled chicken with South

profile on social media.

American flavours. Has a large dining area with a near new fit out that is filled with

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

vibrant colours and has seating capacity for 45 people with further seating for 4

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A



Internet. This is an easy to run business where you can work from home at the hours that suit handling the day to day operations.This is a very profitable business with 36

This is a rare opportunity to purchase a long established Australian owned and operated

distributors, 120 therapists and 14 retail stores in the database. This business has a

business. PRO-OILS is a leading wholesale supplier of high quality aromatherapy oils,

turnover of $325,000 per year with good net profit.

selling a huge range of essential oils, massage oils, spray mists, body lotions and beauty

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

apparel to Distributors, Practitioners, Retail Shops, Hospital / Nursing Homes plus the

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 1 $1



using locally sourced produce. Serves breakfast, lunch, coffee and drinks and is particularly busy for weekend breakfasts. Fully licensed to 11pm. Has a 3 Bedroom

This little gem is located in the heart of Richmond on the city fringe. Surrounded

house upstairs with a separate entrance. Solid Turnover of $9,000 per week. Rent

by complementary businesses and close to the train station with trams passing

of $970 per week which includes the upstairs residence. Secure lease of 5x5.

out front. It has seating capacity for 22 inside, 8 outside and 14 in a covered

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

private courtyard. It has an intimate and relaxed dining area. Offers a simple menu

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 031

0 ,0 00 0 $3



4 Bedroom dwelling upstairs. High profit margin. Well-known local business for 15 years. This business is ready for the next level and with a great location hurry as you

Discount varity store business for sale. With takings $20,000 per week. Excellent

might miss out on this unique opportunity. Call now to express your interest.

exposure between supermarkets, train station and large public parking facility. This business is a unique opportunity to purchase an easy to run discount variety store in

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or

the heart of St. Kilda with high population density. Very heavy foot traffic.

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

00 0 , $50



burgers, souvlaki, kebabs, dim sims, spring rolls. There is potential to introduce sushi to the menu. Seating capacity of 20 inside and 8 outside. Turnover of $5,500

Fish and Chips takeaway business for sale located within a busy shopping centre

per week. Rent of $1,856 per week for a busy shopping centre location. Long

anchored by a major supermarket group in Healesville. There are plenty of visitors

secure Lease of 10 years

to this town as they go there to enjoy the many attractions in the area one of which

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or

is the Healesville Sanctuary. Sells fish and chips and other takeaway offerings like

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .




rotisserie. Average takings $10,000 per week. Rent is $1,439 per week including G.S.T and outgoings. 6 Days trading closed Tuesdays. The set up of the shop is

Located in a huge growth corridor in a shopping strip surrounded by residential

excellent, being fully equipped and very clean. There is a seating capacity for 10

housing, this chicken takeaway business for sale boasts enormous potential! The

people inside and 6 people outside for those that wish to dine it.

shop is quite large and has excellent exposure as well as great equipment with

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

2 walk in cool rooms, 3 fryers, pressure cooker, large salad bar and 20 chicken

0404 146 202 or

vnm magazine 032

. .PO.A



bar and an open kitchen. Fully staffed and run Under Management. Solid Turnover of $22,000 per week. Rent of $1,721 per week for a main road location and large

This Italian Pasta Restaurant for Sale is located on a busy main road through

premises. Secure lease options of 5x5. Fully licensed to 1am Offers dine in, take-

Windsor/Prahran. This restaurant has a fantastic business model concept of

away, delivery and catering.

serving healthy fresh pasta meals cooked to order. This restaurant has a trendy

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

vibrant dining room which seats 40 inside with further seating for 8 outside and has

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


Run Under Management with 1 full time and 3 part time staff. Seating capacity of 8 inside and 12 outside. Turnover of $5,500 per week. Rent of $2,123 including

Fish and Chips takeaway business for sale located within a busy shopping centre

GST per week for a busy shopping centre location. Long secure Lease of 5

anchored by 2 major supermarkets and a major retailer. Sells all the traditional

years. With short operating hours, this business is a great business for a family.

takeaway fare such as fish and chips, burgers, fried chicken, wraps and rolls.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Open 7 days: 10:30am to 8:30pm, with a later close on Fridays and Saturdays.

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A



the business is run by the vendor & has 3 casual staff/drivers. Potential to take on more work & expand services on offer, already a well established profitable

This long established local & interstate transport business for sale is ready for its

business with an excellent reputation. Vendor is ready for retirement so this is a

new owner! Serving its loyal customers for over 40 years, this transport business

rare opportunity to take over a thriving business.

is equipped with 5 trucks including prime movers & offers both interstate & local

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

transport for various types of freight. Turning over $1.1M with great net profit,

0416 000 154 or email

vnm magazine 033

. A . O P.



staffed and run Under Management. Solid Turnover of $14,000 per wee. Rent of $1,456 per week for a main road location. Secure lease options of 5x5x5. Trades 7

This Italian Pasta Restaurant Business for Sale has an excellent location in Cam-

Days: Sunday to Wednesday 12 to 9pm & Thursday to Saturday 12 to 10pm. Fully

berwell. This restaurant has a fantastic business model concept of serving healthy

licensed to 1am. Offers dine in, takeaway, delivery and catering.

fresh pasta meals cooked to order. It has a trendy vibrant dining room which seats

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

35 inside with further seating for 6 outside and has an open kitchen and bar. Fully

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A



side. This store was opened 14 years ago. Business does a solid turnover of $2.7 million per annum, with excellent net profit. Rent for Kilmore location is $120,000

This bakery cafe business occupies 2 locations in the north of Melbourne. The

per year and Wandong location is $16,000 per year. A new lease is available for

store in Kilmore has an excellent corner location. All food is produced on site. Seat-

the Kilmore location and the Wandong store has secure lease options of 3x3x3.

ing 46 in and 50 out at this store. The second location is in Wandong, is close to

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

the train station and a school. Seating capacity at this store is 24 inside and 10 out-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 5,0




large storage area at the back. Long lease of 5 years. Short trading hours 6 days per week: Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm. This business has loads of potential. There

This picture framing business is located in Canterbury on a busy main road. The

is an attractive website in place with the beginnings of an online shop to sell framed

business offers Custom Framing of Artwork, needlework, memorabilia, medals,

art pieces so a new owner could develop and expand this part of the business.

watercolours and mirrors. Also sells artwork and mirrors. Currently turning over

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

$150,000 per annum. Low rent of $577 per week including GST which includes a

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 034

. A . P. O



customers. The brand has developed a very large social media following and an online store. Online sales have skyrocketed. The business is run under manage-

On offer is a well established ladies Fashion, Clothing and Accessories shop

ment. Strong Turnover of $12,000 per week, with rent of $992 per week inclusive

with online store. This business is an exclusive supplier of some top locally and

of gst for a high profile area. Lease options of 2x4.

internationally sourced labels. The business has a store in trendy Albert Park,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

which is easily accessible by public transport and has ample parking available for

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

0 ,0 00 $5



ers and have a database of approximately 1,000 active, wholesale customers. Solid turnover of $600,000 per annum. Warehouse located in Deer Park, west of Melbourne.

Established 27 years, this family run business has a strong ethical policy at its core.

A New Lease of 5x5x5 is available, with rent of $950 per week including GST. Asking

The business model is to buy from small scale producers who use largely natural ma-

price of $50,000 plus stock of approximately $300,000.

terials and traditional techniques to produce beautiful and interesting articles. All their

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

products are fairly traded. Owners have built up good relationships with their custom-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

0 ,5 00 8 $5



$26,000 pw. Under management. 5 Beauty rooms, 4 wash basins and 12 cutting stations. Waiting area. Excellent location. Plus staff area/kitchen, color-mixing

Located in the booming south eastern Shopping Centre of Fountain gate in a very

room and lockers for staff. Rent of $22,342 pcm inc G.S.T and outgoings. This

prominent location, this hair salon business for sale has been under management

would be a great business for an investor or hands on operator.

for the last seven years and has steadily grown over this time. The fit out is excep-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202

tional with it being specifically designedfor this very busy salon. Average takings of


vnm magazine 035

. A . O P.


Is contracted to 12 service stations. Currently the work is sub-contracted out, the owners do not do the work themselves. Current owners do not have a website or

This home based garden and landscape maintenance business for sale has been

make use of social media to advertise their service so huge potential to increase the

operating for 28 years in Melbourne’s South East. This service business offers

business profile. Trailer and vehicle can be sold with the business at extra cost.

maintenance of gardens, parks and outdoor areas. Currently has 40 customers per

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

fortnight all year round. 75% of these are commercial customers and 25% private.

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

il M 5 . $1



condition monitoring of the equipment. Customers include industrial and commercial clients, with contracts in place, nationally and internationally. Strong and solid

Established 10 years, this contracting business for sale offers a multi-disciplinary

turnover of $2,6 million per annum. Rent is $1,096 per month with lease options of

service to its customers - offering Air conditioning, refrigeration and mechanical

2x2. Run under management with 15 qualified and trained full time staff.

services to it clients. This business sells and installs air conditioning and refrig-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

eration equipment and provides regular maintenance and servicing, repairs and

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .




vendors are of retirement age. The business could run under management, or ideal for a hands on operator to take over & extend the services on offer. Turnover of $1.5M per

This wholesale manufacturing business for sale offers a variety of services including

annum which has shown consistent growth each year, Great profits! New lease for the

shop fitting services with stainless steel, cleaning for commercial food machinery as

new owner, fantastic opportunity that has established itself in the field.

well as repairs, service & maintenance & sales of kitchen equipment online. Estab-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

lished 17 years ago, this business now has staff doing majority of the work as the

0416 000 154 or email

vnm magazine 036

. A . O P.



gourmet catering, spit roasts and hampers. Cosy dining room with seating capacity of 24 inside and 8 outside. Dining room has a near new fit out. Owners work in the

This cafe and takeaway business for sale has a fantastic Bayside location. It is on a

business with 6 casual staff. Fully licensed until 10pm. Turnover of $6,000 per week.

busy main road through the area, just off the beach and opposite to a train station.

Rent of $3,241 per month. Secure lease of 5x3x3.

Also sells wholesale, particularly vegan cakes, protein balls and muffins to other

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

businesses. Business also offers catering services - corporate or private catering,

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


area for storage and 2 car parking spaces. Turnover of $3,500 per week. Rent of approximately $762 per week including GST, for a great corner location.Secure

Charcoal Chicken and Takeaway Business for Sale in South Melbourne. Occupies

lease options of 3x3x3. Lots of potential in this business - new owners could offer

a corner location with excellent exposure and street frontage. This business not

delivery and boost the business profile by making use of social media.

only offers charcoal chicken, it also sells burgers and a selection of Asian dishes as

Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos on

well. Has seating capacity for 13 inside and 8 outside. Also has a cool room, large

03 9566 7300 or via email at



0 0,0




Awesme range of equipment, Walk in Chiller, Walk in Freezer, 3 kebab machines, 3 Deep Fryers, 3 Grills, Chicken Rotisserie. 12 seats inside (But mostly takeaway busi-

This Takeaway Shop for sale is located in the busting and growing town of Drouin on a

ness . Opportunity to expand delivery side of the business. Huge opportunity to grow,

busy main road location with great exposure, ample parking and loyal customer base.

very little online presence.

Kitchen is huge with opportunity to add or change the product range to suit any buyer’s

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

preferences. $7,000 pw Takings. Low rent of only $544 pw. 3x3x3 lease. 6 day only

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 (

vnm magazine 037

. A . O P.


licence until 11pm. Cheap rent of $680 per week and new lease available. Long established & profitable business well loved by the locals, fantastic opportunity to take

Serving its loyal customers for 40+ years this Pizza Pasta Restaurant Business For

over a thriving business with great reputation. New owners do not need experience,

Sale offers a great location and excellent turnover! The Restaurant has a casual

as there are experienced staff in place. Could easily be placed under management.

atmosphere with seating for 50 inside & 6 outside.The business is dine in and also

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

does delivery. Has a website with online ordering. Full commercial kitchen. Liquor

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

0 ,0 00 2 $2


This business generally only needs one person to man it, so labor cost can be kept at a minimum. The large store of around 275 sqm display area plus another 25

This stunning gift and homeware business for sale is located in the heart of a busy

sqm storage area offers a wide range of gifts, Homeware & accessories. A 3x3x3

South Eastern Melbourne Suburb, with great front exposure and lots of foot traffic.

lease is in place.

Many supporting businesses help attract people to this area. The owners of the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen now on

last 12 years is looking at moving on, leaving this great opportunity open for you.

0429 006 921 or Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323


0 8,0




Alimrose. Large range of craft/colouring sets, puzzles and toys to keep the little ones happy & amused. Children’s play area with kitchen, toys and change room. Large front

This long established children’s focused retail store has been established for over 11

window for display/exposure on busy Nepean Hwy location. The business currently

years. It is the only children’s focussed store within 15km radius is located in busy

turns over $160,000 per annum with cheap rent of $1,862 pcm inc GST.

Chelsea. Exclusivity in area to highly sought after brands in children’s clothing, hats

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

and giftware, including Rock Your Baby/Rock Your Kid, Oobi, Toshi, Tiger tribe and

Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 038

. A . O P.


agement with 3 full time staff and 17 Casuals as needed. Fully licensed till 1am. Has a 2 bedroom residence upstairs. Solid turnover of $36,000 per week. Rent of $1,012

This Business for Sale is located in the North of Melbourne. Enjoys a busy main road

per week for a large premises on a main road and a 2 bedroom residence. Lease

location with plenty of passing foot and vehicle traffic. Selling mainly burgers and set

options of 5x5. Has a well designed website, set up for online ordering and delivery.

up like an American style diner, there is a large dining room which seats 50 people

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

and a well set up bar. Established 4 years by the current owners. Run Under Man-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


crossing and warehouse in Campbellfield. The business has a well designed website and makes good use of social media for advertising. Turnover of $2,58 million

This business imports and sells a huge range furniture - mattresses, beds, bed-

per annum. Combined rent of approximately $269,000 per year for all 3 premises.

room furniture, bedding, lounge suites, dining room tables and chairs, as well as

New lease available for 2 of the premises and the third has lease options of 2x2x2.

manchester and homewares. The business runs out of 3 locations - 2 retail stores

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

and 1 warehouse to store stock. The shops are located in Essendon, Hoppers

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 5,0




ating hours just 4.5 hours per night currently! Very cheap rent of just $350 per week Very long secure lease. Opportunity to operate longer hours and incorporate lunches.

This kebab shop for sale is primely located on a main shopping strip in a busy suburb

Quality and attractive set up makes this a turnkey business which you can operate

in Melbourne’s North West. This business is ideal for a couple or partnership which can

easily from day one!

operate the business without relying on a lot of staff so you can maximise the profits.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989

Currently generating $4,500 - $5,000 turnover per week average. Fantastic short oper-


vnm magazine 039

.A P.O



$1,437 per week for a this city fringe location and large premises in this area. Lease options of 5x5. Fully licensed till 11pm. Lots of potential in this business, as the

This Cafe for sale is nestled in the heart of South Yarra - right at the entrance of

liquor licence is under utilized. If you have a passion to own and run you own food

the Prahran Market. The cosy dining area has seating for 45 with a further 14 seats

business, realise your dream now at this superb Prahran location.

outside for alfresco dining. Owners run the business with the help of 3 part time staff.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300

Easy to run cafe with a simple menu. Turnover of $13,000 per week and rent of

or via email at

0 ,8 00 2 $4



15 plus boxes of beef, 800 kgs plus of chicken, 180 kgs plus of sausages on average. Owner only works 4 days per week. Great weekly rent of only $898 inc GST

This business has been built on reputation to supply the best quality meat and has

and outgoings. Established more than 11 years ago. the owner runs the business

capitalized on their ability to maintain high customer service standards. It is known

with a combination of full time, part time and casual staff.

as a high grade gourmet butcher shop. Currently turning over $40,000 per week on

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

average. Ageing Fridge. Weekly: 25 plus lambs, 5 plus pigs, 5 plus bodies of beef,

0404 146 202 or


0 5,0



type of Asian cuisine or cafe. Full commercial kitchen. Averaging $4,000 p/w takings. Rent $2,185 pcm no GST. Seats 50 inside. BYO license at the moment with planing

Located in the heart of bustling Beaconsfieldl, this restaurant and takeaway business

permits for full license in place. Major supermarket accross the road. Only 400m from

for sale has been established for over 22 years. Boasting a fully equipped commercial

train station. The owner runs the business with the help of 2 full time and 2 casual staff

kitchen. The restaurant part has 50 seats for customers that would like to dine in but

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

there is also a lot of takeaway trade as it is in a very busy location. This would suit any

vnm magazine 040


$ 4 9 ,0 0 0

REF: B13102

This well presented Hair Salon For Sale is located in the heart of a main street in a busy South East Melbourne Suburb. For the last 5 years this salon provided personal and professional service in a family friendly environment to a broad range of clients. The business runs part time under management allowing the owner to spend time with her young child. The salon also features 2 extra beauty rooms currently sublet to a beautician. Partly Under Managemen. Solid $4,000 pw takings. 6 Work Stations. 2 Basins. 2 Beauty rooms . 6 Day Trading. New lease available . Ample room to Grow and expand. Training and assistance can be provided This is a great opportunity for either an investor or an owner operator who wants to take it to the next level. Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or


$ 9 9 ,0 0 0

This long established Coin Laundry for Sale is located in a strategic location between 3 core suburbs, providing it with a good ongoing customer base. This Laundry is only coin operated with no services or Drycleaner pickup arrangements, leaving it with a huge amount of growth potential Key Features of this Laundromat for sale: 10 Washing Machines, 6 Dryers, Security Cameras, Timer locks on 2 doors, Parking at front and back of shop, Potential to expand business significantly by offering value added services New Lease Available Minimal outgoings . This is an ideal investment opportunity for anyone who values their precious time. Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or


$8 0 , 0 0 0

REF: B13108

Located in the heart of Moonee Ponds, this restaurant occupies a fantastic location amongst a busy restaurant strip. With hundreds of new apartments being built only a few steps away, this densely populated area is prime real estate for any kind of restaurant, meaning this business can continue to trade with an Indian cuisine, or be converted to suit the buyers style of cuisine and easily attract customers through the doors! Currently generating around $7,500 per week. Excellent rent of just $3,371 per month currently. 6 years lease still remaining on the existing lease (3x3). Seating for around 40 customers. BYO license currently available. Reasonably large commercial kitchen with a large canopy. Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or


$ 1 8 8 ,0 0 0


This absolutely magnificent 6 day CafĂŠ is located in a shopping complex with no other cafĂŠ around. Solid takings of $7,000 pw. 6 Day only. Very Reasonable Rent of around $800 pw. Spacious Setup and great atmosphere. 15-020kg Coffee PW. Huge car park area and supporting businesses. Customers can leisure out front in the sun or under an umbrella or sit inside in the welcoming spacious dining area. Customers from all age groups visit the business and with many supporting businesses around, it maintain a steady flow of customers throughout the day. Opportunity exists to start earlier and/or to open on Sundays, capturing the many visitors to the other businesses in the shopping complex. The food range is simple but effective. Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

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$2 0 0 , 0 0 0

REF: B13078

Here is your opportunity to take over a well known Hudsons Coffee cafe franchise business in the heart of the CBD! This Hudsons Coffee cafe has been established 2 years, and offers a prime location in Melbourne’s bustling city right next door to a major theatre & major city train station, & close to major educational institutions. This cafe offers a great set up seating approx 40 (with capacity to increase to up to 60 seats) and no food currently prepared onsite. Potential to apply for a liquor licence, as some other stores in the franchise offer liquor sales.Turning over $8,500 per week, there are 3 staff in place & the business runs under semi-management. Alternatively run it yourself to put more profit back in your pocket! Long lease remaining of 3×5 with outgoings included in rent. Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or


$7 5 ,0 0 0

This Electronics & Hi Fi Repair Business for sale is a long established and successful niche business with a well established customer base! Established in 1985 by the current owner. Generating around $120,000 turnover per year. Great location in the Surrey Hills, Box Hill, Canterbury area. High Exposure on a main road shopping strip. Rent only around $2,200 per month. Current 3 year lease with another 3 year option. The business currently offers service and repairs on all audio-visual equipment including speakers, amplifiers, receivers, televisions and much more! Warranty repair contracts with Yamaha, Pioneer, Sherwood, Onkyo, Integra and more! With a long history and a fantastic reputation, the business is only for sale as the current owner is looking to retire. Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or


P.O .A .

REF: B13082

This Business For Sale is located on a busy main road, with high profile location. Plenty of parking available at the rear of the store. This business for sale supplies everything fish related: a large range of live fish, fish tanks, custom tanks, custom fish orders, tank cleaning services. Also sells live budgies and hermit crabs. And a large range of pet supplies for all other pets (dogs, cats, rabbits and birds). The store has an excellent reputation and many regular customers who travel from far away to buy at this store. Turnover of $4,000 per week. Low rent of $513 per week for a main road location. Lease of 1x3 remaining. Has a well designed website in place and a large social media following. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


$ 4 5 ,0 0 0


This Hair Salon For Sale in is located on the Mornington Peninsula in beautiful Mt Eliza. The salon is run under management with the owner not working on the salon. This hair and beauty salon has an immaculate set up with 6 stations and 2 wash basins. It also has a separate area with beauty room and colouring station. Averaging $3,000 per week turnover. Rent is $2,660 pcm inc GST. Lease is 3x3x3. Private parking at back. Kitchen area for staff. This would make a great first business for someone that is looking to start out on their own or it can be a business that an established group is looking to add on to their portfolio as it has staff in place and owner is not working in the business. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

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P.O. A .

REF: B13090

This Chicken Takeaway Business For Sale is located in a growing and expanding shopping strip in Frankston. Located next to a busy bottle shop, tatts, newsagent and major super market with plenty of parking for customers. Long established business, with current owner only working a few hours a day a as he has other work commitments. The business operates 6 days per week from 10:30am to 8p.m and has solid takings of $3,800 per week and growing. Run mostly by staff. Great husband and wife business. Averaging $3,800 pw takings and growing. Rent is $2,200 pcm. 2 rotisserie ovens, full commercial kitchen and 2 walk in cool rooms. Private parking. Good lease of 3x3 with rent of $2200 pcm for a large premises which has seating inside and out. It also has a 2 bedroom residence so owners can live on premises. Further infromatiom can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


P.O. A .


This boxing gym fitness business for sale offers a terrific opportunity for a fitness or boxing enthusiast to become their own boss & follow their passion. Established 6 years ago in the eastern suburbs, this fitness gym offers great fitness training specialising in boxing fitness. Prime position on a major road through the east, highly visible with easy accessibility including train station just a few metres away! Good size premises with toilets, showers & change rooms. Vendor works in the business part time & 3 subcontractors take on personal training for members as well as take fitness classes, so this would be ideal for a hands on owner to take over & grow further. Lease remaining of almost 2x3, gym is well equipped with fitness equipment to continue the business operation. Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or


$7 8 , 0 0 0

REF: B13098

This beauty is located in a busy Arcade linking a Large Carpark Area with the Main Business Strip. Lots of foot traffic linking the street and the Parking area ensures a good steady flow of Customers. Massive amount of opportunity exists in this to tap into the daytime traffic if the new owner wants to extend into daytime hours or even consider adding CafĂŠ style service for the daytime. It only trades for 5 hour or so per day, for 6 Days a week. Takeaway, delivery and eat in services are catered for. The Vendor is suffering from an injury that affects his ability to run the business, hence creating this great opportunity for an entrepreneurial buyer to take this business to the next level. $5,000 PW takings. Liquor Licensed. Brand new lease available. 49 Seating capacity Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or


$ 9 5 ,0 0 0


This Business for Sale is located in the heart of busy Prahran. Has a warm and quaint dining area, with seating capacity of 72 (35 inside and 37 in a beautiful courtyard for alfresco dining). The unique dining space is very popular for functions. Liquor licensed until 10:30pm on Sunday to Thursday and until midnight on Friday and Saturday. Turning over $11,000 per week, with rent of $1,162 per week including GST and secure lease options of 4x4x4.This business can easily be put under management as experienced staff are in place. Has a well designed website and good following on social media, with over 1500 followers on Instagram. Also uses Uber Eats for delivery. Lots of potential in this cafe for sale. Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 043

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