Vnm small business magazine Issue 022

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ISSUE 022 JUL 2018



e v i s u l exc

S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR t n e t n co








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ive s u l c ex

S E S S E N I S U B SALE FOR t n e t n co

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If You Are A Man You Need to Take Annual Leave Immediately! Managers often encourage employees to take annual leaves once a year. The effects of everyday tensions and stress-inducing elements can have a significant impact on one’s mental and physical capacity. This especially happens when a person goes months, or even a few years without taking a day off other than at the weekend(s). It is obvious that those two off days are never enough for anyone to completely unwind and relax. The managers work equally as hard as their subordinates throughout the year. Even if they are not hands-on with the projects, they are still required to make important decisions, attend meetings, and supervise their employees to make sure that they are on the right track. The performance of the employees is their responsibility. This requires a lot of mental contribution, which is extremely exhausting as well. Hence the managers also deserve, and should take, annual leave whenever they can. Reasons why managers don’t take leave.. The reason that the managers often do not like to take a day off is that they overload themselves with work. Everything is urgent for them and if not fulfilled could put the company or their job in great jeopardy. Whilst this is true for a lot of the projects that they handle, it does not have to be every project. Another reason that the managers are hesitant to take an off day, is because of the question of whether the employees will be able to take care of the work while they are gone. These questions should only have to be be asked when the employees are new to their position. If they have been trained and have spent several months in their role with the company then they are highly likely to stay on track without requiring any supervision, at least for a short while. Alternatively, the company may assign the team a temporary supervisor in their absence. This leads into the next reason why managers don’t like to take a vacation; they might be afraid that they can be bested by their temporary replacement. This is a valid reason to not take leave, but if the manager has always devoted a lot of their passion, energy, and time to the company then there is a chance that they are likely to stay. Reasons to take leave..


When you work too hard for a long period of time, chances are that you can reach a severe burnout. This means that you are not able to mentally invest in your tasks even though you really want to. This happens because your mind has become tired and is asking for a good rest. Lack of sleep, poor appetite, and dehydration are also common contributors to this burnout. When you return from annual leave you will find that you are much more productive than you were before. The trick here is that your brain has had time to rewire itself thanks to the change of scenery and the shedding of stress. One of the biggest benefits of taking annual leave is that you will add more years to your life by reducing the risk of heart disease. Stress can cause more damaging effects to your health than you can imagine. If the prolonged stress of the current level keeps occurring then there are possible chances that you may become a victim of long-term health problems.

Reasons why managers don’t take leave...................

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The Problems with How to De Overstaffing tends to occur when a business hires more employees than it can afford. This

is more common with small businesses, which may hire a lot of employees in an attempt to increase their revenue. However, unbeknownst to them, overstaffing can end up costing the business much more than they possibly might have anticipated. Labour is one of the priciest expenses that a company has to pay for. This results in a significant decrease in the company’s profit margin. It gets even worse when the company hires staff that need to be trained from scratch which affects the company’s ability to maintain its volume to meet the demands of the consumers. Rather than leaving the problem to fester, here are some ways you can identify that the office is overstaffed: You are employing far more than your competitors. Once a year it is important that you, as a business, conduct a thorough analysis of the staff. Though there can be some differences in the structure between you and your competitors, tthe majority of things are bound to be homogenous. Conduct a survey of your area and see what employing techniques your competitors use. If you find that you are, in fact, employing more people, then have a look at how your competitors are able to meet demands without such a high volume of staff.

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h Overstaffing and eal With It Y

ou have a hard time retaining employees If there is not enough work to keep your employees busy, they will look to other sources to help them grow in their career. If they are made to wake up early every day to just laze around, then employees will become frustrated and bored and leave the office. When you overstaff, people are quick to get confused between who to report to and who is on what project, this then leads to a lot of communication lags which can make the company suffer. How to deal with overstaffing. Hire temporary labour. Rather than having too many full-time employees, businesses can hire a temp or part-time employees. The advantage of doing this is that temp and part-time employees will not demand as much salary as full-time and can offer flexibility. This can be specially implemented for lower level workers; the short span of time given to them will also lead them to speed up their work. Relocate departments or cross train employees. If employees in one department are sitting idle while others are overrun with work, then you can send more to the other department’s until they catch up. This is better than hiring new personnel for a department which is overworked, the employees from the other department will be familiar with the office and its rules so not much training will be needed. Cutting hours. You can reduce the number of hours the employees work each day, and their salaries accordingly. This will give you the option of not having to lay off anyone and reduce the cost of labour at the same time.

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Choosing Between Second-hand or Brand-New Equipment I

t is often considered a good business habit to

do a fit-out at least once every few years. Many highly acclaimed companies such as Google and Facebook often do small or large scale fit outs at least once every few years. The reason why companies consider fit-outs an important investment is because it improves layout. A company may get inspired by a current trending office design or as the business starts booming they may find a lot of new clients and employees walking in. It is always important to make a solid first impression to facilitate a lasting brand image. Re-designing the layout may also increase the efficiency levels of the office. By getting good electronic equipment, furniture and/or kitchen appliance, you may help speed up the process of work. This will work best in the interest of human ergonomics. Motivate employees. The staff of the company is its backbone. They are often stuck in the office for more than 8 hours a day. This can be exhausting and discouraging if the office feels like a mundane grey coloured container. The staff also needs to feel as if it holds some importance in the eyes of management and so renovating the office or adding some things to it will help boost their morale. This would, in turn, improve their productivity which just adds to the long-term benefits for the company.

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hat is a Fit-Out? Now that we have talked about the reason why companies should and do get fit-out, let us look

at what fit-outs really mean. When the owner of the business does a business fit-out it means that they are designing the business in a way that is suitable for the occupants and the business. This involves aspects such as kitchens, different furniture, carpets, blinds, painting, bathrooms, windows, etc. Though doing a fit-out for the company is a good idea, many companies are mostly torn between whether they should buy the items second hand or brand new. Buying second-hand might have a lot more benefits than you know. The first benefit, the one that stands out above the rest is the reduced price. Furniture that has been bought and used previously are bound to be sold at significantly lower price thanks to the concept of depreciation. Other than that, if your business is centred around eco-friendliness, then this again is a suitable option for you that you can even market. Buying second-hand will diminish the process of cutting down trees and using other natural resources, allowing you to set your name in the market as one of the ecofriendly companies. Another benefit is that you will save a lot more time than when you make the decision to buy new furniture. It often takes up to 15 days or more for the new furniture to arrive at the office since it is being custom made. The benefit of get new custom made fitouts is that you can get the components made exactly according to the ambiance you are going for. Buying new office furniture will let you employ the latest office design trend along with your own design preferences to make the perfect set of equipment for your office. Newer office equipment is also less prone to quick deterioration than second-hand furniture is.

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arketing is one of the most obvious and crucial aspects of any business. Without marketing your business will fail. It is marketing that will let your customers and other stakeholders know of your existence. Marketing sets the ball rolling for the company in the industry. During the initial stages of the business, marketing creates awareness, it later goes on to create a brand image and spreads the name of the company. This brand image is what helps associate the customers with the company. However, advertising can be much trickier than you think. Budgeting is at the core of any business promotion. It can be expensive or inexpensive depending on the size of the business and/or its objectives. A small business may spend less or more depending on the capital at hand or their revenue, if they have made any at that point. Some companies are known to spend only 1% of their overall budget on marketing, whereas other companies may spend as much as 50%. It is, however, suggested that companies hoping to make a moderate level impact should spend up to 5% and companies planning on making a high-level impact should spend at least 10%. Nonetheless, a lot of factors come to into play, such as the type of industry they are in, the level of competition, the type of product or service being promoted, how much revenue/capital they have at hand, and whether they are planning on growing and gaining market share or maintaining the awareness levels. There are several different means of marketing that the business can use, but we will talk about two of the major ones here: vnm magazine 010

Word-of-Mouth Word-Of-Mouth marketing is when the customer speaks to people they know about the company’s product/ service and would or would not recommend potential customers to give it a try. However, people often don’t just speak about a brand and its products, sometimes they can be “encouraged” by the company. This means that the business may sometimes offer incentives like discounts or a free product in exchange for a good review. They may even send a sample to people who are well-known for doing product reviews, such as vloggers and bloggers. This is one of the best ways of promoting one’s products since studies have shown that people are much more inclined to buy a product when it is recommended by someone who has tried it already. Paid advertising is most common. Companies who offer paid advertising often come with advanced tools which would help the client’s business reach the customers, bring awareness, and make sure that the company’s name stays in the minds of the customers for longer periods of time. Other than TV, radio, newspaper, and magazine, the social media has become a renowned platform for a lot of businesses to advertise on. SEO and Google ads have allowed for any company’s name to pop up in searches or on the sidebars regularly.The Search Engine Optimization enables articles that have the name of the company to be included in the top responses that show up after certain keywords are typed. Google now tracks the search session of the user and then posts an advertisement of products on the sidebars of the pages the users further visit.


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Share live events Since the social media platforms have come into play businesses have been using them to reach out to their younger audiences. It is a way for businesses to reach a massive audience, free of cost (in most cases), in less amount of time, and in very creative ways. It began with Facebook, and then slowly other social media platforms followed. You can say the companies now take more advantage of the social media than individuals themselves. Similarly, Snapchat has also had substantial growth since 2011. It is the newest of all the social media applications now boasting up to 173 million daily active users. As with all the other social media websites businesses have started to target this platform as well. Though it first began as an application for friends to use amongst themselves, Snapchat has since then made a lot

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The new social media platform

of changes for the viewers to view the media with greater

A contest could be “the first 10 people to register will get

ease. It has also started to dabble in the news, advertising,

free products”. You can also offer promo codes on certain

and photo stories, all of which can be used by businesses

products. This is often typical of YouTubers who would take

to reach a wider audience. It also allows the business to

pictures and videos of themselves using the products and

do light hand creative designing on their posts thanks to

provide their viewers codes that the users have to type in to

Snapchat’s font, and filter features.

receive a discount..

Snapchat’s live share feature can help businesses share their

You can have well known social media influencers appear on

live events with their viewers, which allows the companies

your account and advertise your product or let the viewers

to acquire a bigger audience that they might not have been

know that they will be partnering with your business. This

able to accommodate physically. This works well during

would work well with celebrity endorsements as well. Other

product launches, trade shows, and award ceremonies.

than that, there a lot of social media influencers who create

You can also give your audience a sneak peak of an in-

series online. You can have them create some series around

progress even or a production of something surprising

your brand and then publish it on Snapchat. This would

coming up. If you are making a product you can even record

work well with keeping your audience hooked to your profile

tidbits of videos that show the product being made or

because 1) they will be seeing their favourite social media

packaged. This allows the consumers to feel closer to the

personality for a longer amount of time and 2) they will want

business and they might even get more invested as you

to know what happens in the story. This might help you get

keep sending those updates.

more followers.

You can even offer giveaways of your new up and coming product either as a part of a contest or for a discount.

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www.absolutebusines UNIT 7, 18-22 LEXIA PL MULGRAVE, VIC 3170

vnm magazine 014 PH: (03) 9566 7300

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keep making payments to the warehouse where your now hat is Cashflow? Cashflow refers to keeping a record

of the money flowing in and out of the business under the label of income and expenditure. The cash inflow is from the customers and account receivables. Cash outflow is from the business when it pays for it expenses such as rent, raw materials, carriage inwards, carriage outwards, etc. When there is more money coming into your business, it means that you have a positive cash flow, your business is running at a surplus and can immediately pay off its debts or expenditures. If there is more money going out than coming in, then your business is running at a negative cash flow. When you rush to meet the rising demands of the customers you might gather a lot of materials beforehand, but demand can go down in an instant. When this happens, you will be left with stock that is present in high volume and not selling. You are then left to pay off the debts to your suppliers and also have to

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obsolete products are stored. There will always be certain debtors who will ask for longer time between repayments. This will lead to you running out of cash soon, especially if the majority of your debtors insist on paying at a much later date. When you don’t keep track of your cash flow you often make the mistake of expanding quicker and farther than your reserves might actually allow. It is easy to get a little carried away and move to bigger locations or hire more staff when extra income comes in but you must keep in mind the fixed costs such as rent and salaries which you will have to pay even during times of low revenue. Stay on top of your cashflow, There are certain ways that you can manage your cashflow adequately, so you don’t drown in debt:

CASH FLOWS TO KEEP OUT OF TROUBLE? Manage cash flow regularly: There are a lot of different ways that cash might be flowing out, some in big amounts and some in smaller ones. Often, we are so focused on the bigger cash outflows that we fail to keep track of the smaller cash inflows that may make a big impact if properly controlled. Upon careful inspection, you might even discover that you are just spending money unreasonably. If you have equipment lying around that you are no longer using, then your best bet would be to sell it off for more cash. This is one of the swiftest ways to generate cash sometimes. On some occasions, you may find that leasing the equipment may help you maintain cash. This can be when you get equipment or lease it out to others. Leasing equipment to your debtors will help you generate fast cash without having it tied up.

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SELLING YOUR BUSINESS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD We employ the utmost ethical standards and perform our role with integrity, honesty and complete openness. We use our experience & industry knowledge to market your business appropriately to thewidest audience, as well as working in conjunction with migration agents, to find the right buyer for your business. We are Melbourne-based, and Victorian specialists. We know our area, we know our industry. Our agents have had busi nesses in Victoria so we know YOUR area. Our goal is not to be the biggestjust the best. OUR SENIOR BUSINESS AGENTS ARE FULLY LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND ALL OUR TEAM HAVE BEEN BUSINESS OWNERS BEFORE. WE KNOW THE INDUSTRY AND WE HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. WE ARE NOT SALES PEOPLE, WE ARE INDUSTRY SPECIALIST.

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... and so many more

Free postage* *conditions apply

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Businesses For Sale

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Businesses Now Selling



$ 9 0 ,0 0 0

REF: B13121

This long established hair salon business for sale in the east has been servicing the locals for over 15 years! With a prime location opposite a train station & on a major road through the area, the premises is in a small shopping centre & offers plenty of parking onsite & easy accessibility! A bright modern salon laid out with 8 stations, 2 wash basins & a spray tan room, this salon is ready for a new owner with energy & vision to grow it further! 2 full time qualified hairdressers in place, the vendor only works part time. Ideal for a hairdresser to take over & take on more clientele to grow the business while keeping on familiar faces! Turning over $6,500 per week. No online presence or website, enormous potential for growth! Lease remaining of 4 years with CHEAP rent of $328 per week! Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or


$1 0 8 , 0 0 0

This Cafe, takeaway and food business for sale is located on a main road in the Gisborne area. It is a favourite among the locals, especially for their take home meals and catering options. Tidy and well fit out premises with seating capacity for 16 inside and 12 outside. Has a commercial kitchen. Restaurant is suitable for groups, families and parties. Currently has short opening hours of 5 days Monday to Wednesday 9am to 5pm, Thursday and Friday 9am to 6pm, closed on weekends. Turnover of $4,000 per week (approximately 10% from catering, 20% eat in and 70% from take-home meals). Owner works in business with help from 3 part time staff. Low rent of $1,390 per month. Secure lease of 3x3x3. There is huge potential in this business as it currently does not serve coffee. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


P.O . A .

REF: B13130

Takeaway Charcoal Chicken Business for Sale is located in Melbourne’s Eastern Suburbs. Excellent location on a very busy main road which connects the area of Heathmont with the rest of Melburne. Excellent supporting businesses around. Plenty of parking available for customers. Also schools and parks nearby. A clean and tidy shop with walk in cool room and prep area at the back Trading 5 days: Tuesday to Saturday 11am to 7:30pm, closed on Mondays and Sundays. Solid turnover of $4,000 per week. Rent of $2,390 per month. Secure lease of 5x5x5. Double car parking at the back. Makes a great business for a husband and wife team or a family to run. Has short trading hours so makes a great lifestyle business. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


$ 6 9 ,9 0 0


Due to an interstate opportunity for the Vendors family we need to sell this excellent 5 day Industrial café. Call me straight away if you don’t want to loose out. Takings of $4,300 pw. Long Lease in place 5x5. Low rent at only $637 PW. Huge kitchen leaving ample growth opportunity. 50+ seating Capacity. Very presentable café with both indoor and outdoor seating. 5 Day only for Work Life Balance. Under Utilized Liquor License for even more Potential. This long existing café for sale is located in the heart of a well established Industrial area in the South East Melbourne Suburbs. This is a must see 5 Day Café opportunity. Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

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0 ,0 00 1 $1


REF: B13117

expanded menu. Huge warehouse area behind business can be used for storage, rented out or would be ideal space for someone wanting to turn the business into

This bar for sale is a surprise packet with a bundle of features. It currently offers

a microbrewery or import/export. Reasonable rent of $51,000 per annum with 3x5

craft beer and wine and has a small but dedicated client base. Sizeable residence

lease. Enclosed beer garden! The bar currently generates around $2,500 per week.

above the business can be utilised or rented out. Chilled tapping system with 6 taps

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on

currently. Commercial kitchen currently only minimally used, can easily support an

0402 225 989 or

0 ,0 00 5 $1


courtyard that has seating for 16. Easy and simple to prepare menu. Offers takeaway and catering and the chic dining room is ideal for small parties or functions.

Under Management Cafe for Sale located on busy main road in Brunswick. Run

Established 3 years and showing solid turnover of $9,000 per week. Cheap rent of

under management with 2 Full time staff and 4 Casual staff. Trading 7 days: 8am

$600 per week. New Lease is available for new owners.

to 4pm. Very busy during lunch on Mondays to Fridays and busy for breakfast

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

on the weekends. Seating for 20 inside and 6 outside. Also has a lovely covered

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

0 ,0 00 $7



runs the restaurant with 5 casual staff. Has well designed website that allows for online reservations and ordering. Offers takeaway and delivery through Uber eats,

This Asian Restaurant for sale is located on a busy main road in Richmond, metres

MenuLog and foodora. Turnover of $6,500 per week. Rent of $1,675 per week for

away from a train station and tram stop.Has a bright relaxed and modern dining

a fantastic city fringe location. Secure lease of 3x3x3.

room with seating capacity for 48. Fully licensed to 11pm. Trading 7 days: Saturday

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

to Monday for dinner only and Tuesday to Friday for both lunch and dinner. Owner

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 022

0 ,5 00 3 $1


A clean and tidy shop with near new fit out, with seats for 4 inside and 4 outside. Trading 6 days: Tuesday to Sunday 11am to 8pm, closed on Mondays. Solid turn-

Takeaway Charcoal Chicken Business for Sale located in Melbourne’s North West.

over of $8,000 per week. Extremely good rent of $1,430 per month including GST.

Excellent location on a busy main road through the area and in a shopping centre

Secure lease of 3x3x3. Vendors work in the business with 2 Casual staff.

that has a major supermarket and many supporting businesses around. Plenty

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

of parking available for customers. Also a school and parks and reserves nearby.

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 5 $1


half years, but showing solid turnover of $10,000 per week. Run under management with 2 full time staff. Trades 7 days: Monday to Saturday 8:30am to 6pm,

This Florist For Sale has an excellent location in an affluent Bayside suburb. And

Sunday 9am to 5pm. Rent of $1,659 per week including GST for a prestigious

there is ample parking for customers.This florist business offers the usual floral

location.Secure lease of 3x5x5.

arrangements, bouquets and flowers for all occasions, but specialises in indoor

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

plants and floristry. Has a bright and well laid out shop. Established only 2 and a

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

.A P.O


with 4 part time staff and 3 casuals. Has a well designed website with shopping cart and large following on social media. Trades 5 days - Tuesday, Thursday,

This Florist Business for sale is located in one of Melbourne’s iconic Markets.

Friday and Sunday 7:30am to 4pm, Saturday 6am to 4pm. Solid turnover of

It has an brilliant location within the market with excellent exposure, as visitors

$11,400 per week. Rent of $2,016 per month. Secure lease of 3x3x3

to the market pass the shop on their way in and out of the market. This flower

Perfect opportunity to acquire a business in on of Melbourne’s iconic Markets

business offers loose bunch flowers, floral arrangements, flowers for corporate

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

functions and weddings, plants, terrariums and vases. Run under management

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 023

. .P O.A


REF: B13125

3 years and showing solid turnover of $10,000 per week. 75% of turnover is from food and 25% from alcohol. Run under management with 3 Full time staff and 5

This Asian/Vietnamese restaurant and takeaway business for sale has an excellent

Part time staff. Large storage area upstairs with 3 rooms. Rent of $1,269 per week

location in Windsor/Prahran - a well known dining area. The beautifully fit out din-

for a city fringe location. Secure lease of 5x5.

ing room has seating capacity of 75 with seating for 12 more outside. Has a liquor

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

licence until 1am. Trading 5 days per week nights only, 5 to 10pm. Established only

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 $4


mowers, chainsaws, zero turn mowers, walk behind mowers, slashers, chainsaws and brushcutters. Provides chainsaw sharpening, weld repairs and more. Also

This business is a one stop shop for all outdoor equipment sales and service.

hires out outdoor equipment. Turnover of $250,000 and low rent of only $330 per

Selling mowers, ride on mowers, edge trimmers and chainsaws and all accesso-

week including GST. A new lease is available for the large shop premises.

ries, safety gear and spare parts for them. The business also services all brands

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

of 4 and 2 stroke equipment including generators, farm and household pumps,

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

.2m $1

m 1.5 $ -


REF: B13129

Large Coolrooms. Averaging $100,000 p/w. Rent $ 16,500 pcm inc G.S.T. Commercial lease 5x5x5 years. Retail 80%, Wholesale 20%. All equipment in great condition. Special range of fruit and veg stocked in shop.Juicing Cold Press Machine. Potential

This business is exceptional! It is located on a very busy street in a well sought after

to add deli. Owner runs the business with 4 full time staff and 10 casuals.

shopping strip with surrounding businesses boasting 3 banks, Post office,cafes,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

restaurants etc. Organic fruit and veg section. Huge car park. Full P.O.S System.3


vnm magazine 024

000 , 0 $15


7 days: Sunday to Thursday 11 am to 10pm, Friday and Saturday 11am to 12pm. Run under management with 5 part time staff. Well designed website in place with

This business offers a different food concept which is perfect for takeaway as

online ordering and delivery using Uber Eats. There is a 3 bedroom residence

well as dine in and for the many students in this area. Fit out is near new with

upstairs which is currently rented out and offsets the rent.

seating for 17 people inside and 6 outside. Just over a year old and has turnover of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

$10,000 per week. Rent of $3,600 per month. Secure lease options of 5x5. Trades

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 8 $4



jumbo washers and 7 dryers. Also offers alterations and repairs. Long established in the area. Turnover of $6,000 per week. Rent of $570 per week including GST for

Excellently located Dry Cleaning and Coin Laundry Business For Sale in Reservoir.

large premises with plenty of storage. Secure lease of 3x3x3. Owner works with 1

Just a short walk from the train station and along a bus route. And within a high

full time and 1 part time staff.

density residential area.This is 2 businesses in one - a coin laundry and a dry

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

cleaning business. The coin laundry has 12 Washing machines, of which 3 are

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A



pairs. Sells tyres and provides tyre services. And are specialists in European cars. Equipment includes 4 hoists, wheel balancing equipment, and timing machine. Solid turnover of $400,000 per year. Rent of $1,760 per month and secure lease

This business is located on a busy main road in Hoppers Crossing. It offers brake,

of 2x3x3x3.

muffler and suspension repair and servicing as well as general auto repair and ser-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

vices, including roadworthy certificates, log book servicing and auto electrical re-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 025

0 ,0 00 5 $2


REF: B13135

with high turnover of $14,000 per week. Low rent of only $362 per week. Secure lease of 3x3x3. Established 4 years. Run under management with 3 full time and 2 casual

Award winning business for sale that sells fish and chips, burgers, souvlaki and

staff. Excellent investment opportunity if you are looking at expanding your business

more. This business is located just off the beach and close to the train station. People

interests, as this business is run under management with experienced staff in place.

coming from the train station walk passed this shop on their way to the beach. Mainly

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

a takeaway business but there is seating for 7 inside and 12 outside. Very busy shop

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

0 ,0 00 8 $1


the back (currently rented out to offset the rent). Secure Lease of 5x5x5x5. Owner works in the business with 5 part time staff. Simple to prepare menu. Excellent

Cafe for Sale in Seaford. Located just off the beach and close to the train station.

business with short hours and staff in place to ensure a smooth transition for new

Business established 2 years. Seating capacity of 30 inside and 20 outside for

owner. Or new owners can choose to run the business under management.

alfresco dining. Short trading hours: 7 days from 7am to 3pm. Excellent turnover

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

of $9,000 per week. Rent only $2,850 per month includes a one bedroom house at

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at



0 0,0



passing traffic daily and easy accessibility by public transport. Turnover of approximately $480,000 per annum. With rent of $2,750 per month including GST and secure lease of

On offer is a unique, specialty retail business for sale selling all things sewing related.

2x4x5x5. With a beautifully designed website showcasing their products and services

This Business is a stockist of carefully selected local and international fabrics for

there is enormous potential to increase sales by simply adding a shopping cart.

patchwork, quilting and dressmaking. Well located in an affluent beachside suburb

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

of Melbourne, the store holds a prime location on a major road with an abundance of

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 026


0 0 , 5



for a good size shop in a shopping centre, it has lease remaining of 1x3x3. Vendor runs the business part time with a casual staff member so this would be ideal for a

This retail gift shop business for sale offers a prime position within a busy south

hands on operator with a love of home accessories & gifts to take over & make it

east shopping centre. Turning over $195,000 per annum, the business sells a

their own.

variety of elegant homewares, giftware & accessories! With no website or online

Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

shopping set up, this business has enormous potential for growth! Low weekly rent

0416 000 154 or

. .P O.A


$20,000 p.w and higher in summer. Great 5x5x5x5 year lease in place. This business has already established itself as one of the places to eat after the beach, work, lunch or clubbing.

We are proud to offer this magnificent takeaway business for sale in the best and busiest

It has also been voted best takeaway on Menu Log in the area. This business is continuously

spot in Frankston. Not one dollar has to be spent on the business, as its presentation is

growing as the area of Frankston is booming in population.

excellent, all equipment is in great condition. Upstairs available, which is not being, used

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

right now. Excellent Rent for the location being $2,550 i.n.c. GST p.c.m. Takings averaging

0 ,0 00 4 $1



nature reserves, which bring lots of people to the area. Seating capacity for 12 inside, but mainly takeaway business. Turnover of $10,000 per week. Rent of $1,426 including GST per

This takeaway for sale sells a range of fast food - fish and chips, charcoal chicken, burgers,

week for a busy shopping centre location. Long secure Lease of 5x5 years. Great business

souvlaki, salads and more. Located within a busy shopping centre in Caroline Springs - an

for a family or husband and wife team to own and manage.

area of Melbourne currently enjoying rapid expansion and growth. There is plenty of parking

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on

for customers. This shopping village is surrounded by schools, churches, sports fields and

03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 027

. .P O.A


oven & small kitchen & cool room. Long lease of 5x5x5 for security & rent of $755 per week. Fantastic opportunity, easy to operate business with no experience

This busy takeaway for sale offers a prime position on a major road through the

required, vendor is happy to train. Basic website in place, enormous potential for

south east. Established 7 years, this business serves a traditional & gourmet range

growth with online marketing & ordering.

of pizzas & pasta. Claimed turnover of $9,000 per week. Good size premises with

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

yard & large storage area at the back. Well equipped with double decker conveyor

0416 000 154 or

. .P O.A



loads of potential - turnover can be increased by simply increasing opening hours. Current owner only does hair, huge potential to introduce other beauty services.

This business for sale offers a prime position just off the main road in Burwood.

New owners could increase turnover significantly with clever marketing to the

Clean, immaculate set up which is only 4 years old. 5 work stations and 2 wash ba-

social media following. Excellent opportunity for a hairdresser looking to own.

sins. Turnover of $1,500 per week. Cheap rent of $327 per week and lease options

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

of 2x2. Has large social media following and basic website in place. This salon has

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .




between 2 to 12 years old. It is a well established brand across Australia and New Zealand. This is a true lifestyle business as you can work full time or part

Perfect opportunity to purchase a Grasshopper Soccer Franchise Business in

time. This particular franchise has 7 trainers in 7 locations with 200 children in

the Bayside area and become part of a long standing, well recognised brand

the program with the freedom and flexibility to build your own business.

with extensive support network and training. Grasshopper Soccer has over

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

20 years experience offering a non competitive soccer program for children

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 028

A .P O .



warehouse, so can be easily relocated. Well designed and informative website in place with an online shopping cart. Well suited for someone with a passion for

This business is the largest supplier of 3D printers in Australia and supplies

technology or a tech savvy person. Currently turning over $370,000 per annum this

government agencies, universities, schools and small to medium businesses. It

business has unlimited potential and will allow you to work from home.

carries a wide variety of brands. In addition it is the exclusive distributor of some of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

the top 3D Printer brands. The business operates online and out of a home office

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 0 $2


do, the boxes & stock are purchased through the franchise & all you need to do is maintain them. This business currently has many boxes placed but there is poten-

This snack franchise business for sale is perfect for someone looking to become

tial for many more for a driven operator.Work from home, work your own hours

their own boss with flexibility & freedom to work from home doing the easiest job

Currently taking $420,000 per annum with good profits.

around! This business offers 2 territories ranging from the south east through to the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

north within this snack box franchise. Super easy business to run & effortless job to

0416 000 154 or

. A . O P.


Turning over $30,000 per week & rent of $2,200 per week for a large premises, with a new 5x5x5 lease available. Website in place with an online ordering system,

This busy restaurant and cafe offers a fabulous location in Point Cook. The restau-

and large social media following. Potential for growth by joining up with other online

rant has been established 3 years and has a bright modern fitout. Seating capacity

ordering services that offer delivery services.

for 65 inside and 35 outside in the courtyard. Has a commercial kitchen and a walk in

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

cool room and walk in freezer room. Liquor licence until 12am. Also offers catering.

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 029

0 ,9 00 $6


without any involvement by vendors, so this would be ideal for an owner operator to

This busy Thai restaurant offers a fabulous location in the heart of South Melbourne

take over & run themselves to reduce wages. Turning over $10,000 per week & rent

on bustling Clarendon Street & is fully managed by staff. It has been established

of $1,538 per week with long lease remaining of 4x5.Website in place with eatnow

for 5 years & currently serves a variety of traditional Thai meals. Liquor licence until

that offers online ordering, basic Facebook page not being utilised much. E

11pm. Currently operating 7 days; Monday to Friday from 5pm to 10pm & Saturday

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

to Sunday 10am to 10pm. The business operates under 3 full time staff & 4 casuals

0416 000 154 or

. P. O



$596 per week for good size premises, offering seating for 30 inside & 20 outside, with a basic kitchen & prep area. No website in place so enormous potential for

This thriving cafe business for sale offers a prime position on a major road through

further growth! Vendor works part time & the business has 3 full timers & 3 part

the affluent suburb of Malvern, and excellent turnover of $18,000 per week! They

timers in place.

operate 7 days for breakfast & lunch only & serve a range of quality, easy to pre-

Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

pare meals as well as pastries. Using 40-45kgs of coffee per week. Cheap rent of

0416 000 154 or



0 0,0



days, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and 8am to 2pm on Saturdays. The wholesale side of the business runs for 7 days. Well staffed with 8 experienced and qualified

Boasting a prime location in Surrey Hills, this bakery business for sale has been

staff members. Low rent of approximately $857 per week with secure lease options

operating successfully for 20 years. Well equipped bakery with both retail and

of 3x3x3.

wholesale sales. Also has coffee and tea sales. Turnover is approximately $10,000

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

per week - average 60% from wholesale and 40% from retail. Retail side trades 6

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 030



0 8,0




lunch. Simple web site in place with potential to add online ordering. Turning over $10,000 per week. Low rent of $762 per week for an excellent location with secure

When it comes to location, this cafe business for sale has it all. It is well located in

lease of 5x5. Excellent business with short trading hours and no weekends, with

the busy shopping and dining Camberwell area. Magnificent set up with seating

plenty of potential.

capacity 50 inside, 4 outside. Has a courtyard for alfresco dining. Liquor licensed.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Has a walk in cool room. Simple, easy to prepare menu serving breakfast and

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A



factory spaces in Melbourne’s North West. Very well located to allow for easy distribution of the products by rail, road or air. A new Lease of 10x10 is available for the new owners

This manufacturing and wholesale business for sale is a long established business of

with rent of approximately $4,230 per week for large premises. Has a well designed

20+ years. The owner is now only selling due to retirement. It is run under management

website in place to showcase its products and allow customers to get further information.

with fully qualified and experienced staff. Solid performing business with approximately

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

$3.2 million turnover last year. Business is based in large premises encompassing 3

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,5 00 7 $1


Owners have mainly built this business with walk ins and reputation so there is huge potential to boost the business with some online marketing. Turnover of

This Asian Restaurant for sale is located on the main road in Rosebud. Offers

$10,000 per week on average over the year. Rent of $4,308.34 pcm inc G.S.T and

customers both spacious inside and outside seating with capacity of 54 inside

also includes the 3 bedroom residence upstairs. Secure lease of 3x3.

and 12 outside. Fully licensed to 10pm. Open commercial kitchen with Dual Wok

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

(waterless), huge back preparation area and back parking for owners as well.

0404 146 202 or

vnm magazine 031

0 ,5 00 $5


Fully licensed until 11pm. Experienced staff in place: 2 full time, 1 part time and 3 casuals as needed. Turning over $9,500 per week. Rent of $3,623 per week for a large

Thie busiess is located in busy shopping centre in Wantirna South - a high growth

shopping centre location with lease terms of 2 years. This Cafe Business for sale is

area East of Melbourne. Boasts an immaculate fit out. This is a long established

well worth inspecting as it has an excellent location in a busy shopping centre

business but was refurbished a year ago, so the fit out is new. Seating capacity of 80

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or

inside and 15 outside in food court area. Commercial kitchen. Big walk in cool room.

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

00 0 , 5 $52


rent of of $1,259 per week including GST. A new lease is available for new owners. The business has a solid turnover and has shown strong year on year growth.

This Business for sale specialises in the sales, installation and service of exhaust

But there is still a lot of potential in the business and current owners have already

systems/mufflers. Also offers sale and installation of towbars. Well located in Mel-

identified growth avenues.

bourne’s south east, this business occupies a high exposure main road location,

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis or

with huge amounts of passing traffic daily. Turnover of $1,5 million per annum with

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .



for indoors & outdoors, a florist with floral arrangements, a cafe & a nursery garden centre with a wide range of flowers & plants. The business is registered with Inter-

Surrounded by the beauty & serenity of the Yarra Valley, this nursery, florist,

flora & has a website that allows online ordering of floral arrangements. New lease

giftware & cafe business for sale is a fabulous country business opportunity! Out-

with rent of $1250 per week for spacious 1855 square metre premises.

standing reputation already in place & well staffed for a new owner to slot in easily

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

& continue its success. The business incorporates a gift shop selling unique gifts

0416 000 154 or

vnm magazine 032

0 ,0 00 9 $1



vendor only working part time. Seating for 40 inside & 10 outside with 3 car spaces onsite, good size premises includes a walk in cool room & walk in freezer. Long

This business for sale offers an ideal work/life balance operating only Monday to

lease of 2x3x3x3x3 with rent of $673 per week.Fantastic lifestyle opportunity, new

Friday until 3pm. Located on a major road through the south east surrounded by

fitout & consistently growing business.

industrial & commercial businesses this cafe offers easy accessibility. Turning over

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

$6,500 per week the business has 2 full time & 2 casual staff in place with the

0416 000 154 or

0 ,0 00 9 $1


suburbs. There are 2 facets to the business. Predominantly Distribution along with Festivals & Events. Ideal for a savvy owner operator, this business offers

This unique business offers the supply & distribution of an ice cream product.

flexible work hours & much more room for growth.New lease will be provided at

Supported by a national company, this business provides a niche ice cream prod-

the factory for the new owner, rent of $392 per week.

uct & distributes throughout territories in Victoria. This business currently turns

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

over approx $340,000 per annum. Operating out of a warehouse in the inner

0416 000 154 or

. A . O P.


$14,000 p/w takings. Rent of $72,000 per annum plus GST for both premises. 32-15kg Coffee sales p/w. New Commercial Lease available for both premises.

This Bakery/Cafe for sale is rich in history, it was established in the early 1970s

Very busy pie and sausage roll shop. Seating 75. Walk in cool room and freezer,

and has established it self as the main Bakery and Cafe in town.The business

rack oven, deck oven and combi oven available.

consists of two premises. One, which is for customers to buy and enjoy the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

products and the other where the manufacturing goes on. Currently averaging

0404 146 202 or

vnm magazine 033

0 ,0 00 $7


presented dining area is inviting and comfortable and provide a good experience to the customer. Long Lease in place 5x5x5. Rent only $4,847 for this prime location.

This cafĂŠ for sale is located on a bustling main road in Malvern. Offering a mix

Full Commercial kitchen leaving ample growth opportunity. 30+ seating Capacity. 6

of quick coffees, delicious pastries, and toasty rolls to Thai iced tea, flavorsome

Day only for Work Life Balance.

curries, and staple Thai dishes. Full commercial kitchen leaves ample room to

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

grow or change the cuisine to whatever the buyer feels comfortable with. The well


0 ,5 00 $5


a spray tan room. Operating less than one year and already has a good turnover of $4,000 per week. Rent of $2,500 per month for a good location on a busy main

This Nail and Beauty Salon for Sale has a great location on a busy main road.

road. Lease of 3x3. There is easy access by public transport as well as parking

Offers manicures, pedicures, eyelash extensions and waxing and spray tans using

available for customers.

natural, organic and non toxic nail and skin products. Luxurious and modern fit out

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

with 4 stations for manicures and 4 stations for pedicures. Has 1 beauty room and

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .




Run Under management with 2 full time staff and 7 part time staff as needed. Rent of $5,600 per month which includes a 3 bedroom apartment upstairs that is rented

A very busy Asian Noodle Bar and Restaurant Business located in Richmond. Well

out, reducing rent costs. Secure Lease of 3x3. Perfect investment opportunity as the

located on a main road through the area with easy access by public transport - a

restaurant is run under management and experienced staff are in place.

tram stop is just metres away from the door. Very busy restaurant turning over

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

$85,000 per month. Trades 7 days: 9am to 10pm. Seating capacity of 45 inside.

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 034

A .P O .




and staff are Aveda trained. This salon has built a database of approximately 3,000 clients. 3 basins and 6 work stations. 2 manicure stations and 2 pedicure stations

This Business occupies a fantastic main road location in Richmond. It is a Hair

3 beauty rooms in an upstairs area. Turnover of $7,000 per week. Rent of $912 per

salon and a full service beauty salon offering nail treatments (manicures and

week for a large premises. Secure lease of 3x3x3

pedicures), spray tan, waxing, facials and massage, IPL and laser skin treatments,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

laser tattoo removal and hydro dermabrasion. They use all natural Aveda products

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


of 4x4. Full commercial kitchen. Seating 25 inside and 10 outside. Surrounded by offices, park and other very busy establishments. Ideal location for fast food takeaway

This fabulous and new set up business for sale offers a prime location in the affluent

or restaurant. This is an opportunity that does not come along often as the business

area of Oakleigh. There is on premise liquor license from 7am – 11pm except public

is ready for an operator to either keep going as is or turn it in to their own dream and

holidays. The equipment is only months old and the owner has spent months fitting

creation.Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

it out and has not spared a cent. Current rental is $2,920 plus GST pcm and a lease

0404 146 202 or

0 ,9 00 $9


Rent of only $1,456 pcm. Long 5x5x5 Lease in place. High profit margins. Easy to run. Beautifully presented shop. Near New Equipment. Great work / life balance

This Ice Cream Business for sale is located in a small country town along a major

opportunity. If you are looking for a great easy to run business that provides a

Tourist route with international. With about 3,5 Million Visitors passing through a

balanced work / Life opportunity?Then this business for sale is for you.

year, business is guaranteed.A wide range of scoop Ice Cream, cover the likes of

Further information can be obtained bu contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

all age groups. A selection of Lollies and a coffee machine rounds it off well. Low


vnm magazine 035

0 ,0 00 3 $1


room, prover, sheeter, moulder, multiple mixers, hot and cold display fridges, 4 door double-deck bakers oven and much, much more! Serving an average 12kg coffee

Boasting a prime location in thriving Bundoora, the business itself occupies a large

per week. Seating for 20 inside and 12 outside.The beauty of this business is that it

premises in a busy shopping centre with little in the way of competition nearby.

lends itself to buyers looking to run a cafe, or a patisserie, or a bakery, or all three in

Currently generating around $9,000 turnover pw on average. Rent of $3,716 per

one! Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on

month for a large premises. Generous 3x3x3 lease. Excellent facilities including cool-

0402 225 989 or Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

0 ,5 00 $7


some cakes. Big potential in this business to introduce coffee sales. Turnover of $5,000 per week. Rent of $483 per week. New Lease of 3x3 available. Trading 7

This Bakery For Sale has an excellent location in an arcade, next to the post office.

days Monday to Friday 7am to 5:30pm and Saturday and Sunday 7am to 2:30pm.

The arcade is on a busy main road through Burwood. It has been established over

Good opportunity for a baker to take over a well established business or expand

30 years in this location and is a very well known bakery in the area. Well equipped

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

and very easy to run business. Sells majority bread, pies and sausage rolls with

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 0,0



conveyor oven, deep fryer, grill & a cool room. Seating outside for 12 people. Run it as a Monday to Friday daytime cafe to service the local industrial area, or open for

This industrial cafe pizza takeaway business for sale in the south offers a pristine set

evenings as well to service the residences, the choice is yours. Nothing to do but take

up in a great central location in Mordialloc! Not currently trading but with as new set up.

over, get stock & start trading! Cheap rent of $415 per week with long lease of 4x4x4.

Located within a good size premises in an industrial area, this business has the best

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

of both worlds, Spacious premises with an immaculate set up including a single pizza

0416 000 154 or email

vnm magazine 036

0 ,5 00 $9


tan room. Run Under management with 1 full time manager and 4 part time staff. Turning over $6,500 per week.Good rent of $923 per week for a corner location and

This hair and beauty salon business for sale is a long established business of 30

secure lease of 5x3x3.This long established business has developed a large and

years and has been with the current owner for 5 years.Offers all hair services as

regular customer base. Has a large social media following

well as hair extensions, waxing, spray tans and make up. The fit out is beautiful and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

elegant with 10 stations and 3 wash basins. There is also 1 beauty room and a spray

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


eyebrow sculpting and nails. Also sells beauty products. The elegantly fit out shop has 1 spray tan room, 1 beauty treatment room, 2 manicure stations and 2 pedi-

This Beauty Salon for Sale is located in the heart of Essendon. The train station

cure stations.Turnover of approximately $4,000 per week, with cheap rent of $660

and tram stop is nearby and it is surrounded by plenty of supporting businesses

per week for such a quality location. A new lease of 2x2x2 is available.

(cafes, chemist, hairdresser) and schools nearby. Offers a whole range of skin and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos on

beauty treatments including spray tan, waxing, injectables, make up application,

03 9566 7300 or via email at



0 0,0



the vendors only 5 nights a week at a very busy arterial road parking lot. Turning over $6,500 per week on average. Street trading permit only $1,800 per annum (Roughly

This fantastic opportunity offers you flexibility, mobility & an entry into the growing pop-

$35 per week). Truck and equipment is in excellent condition. No landlord to worry

ularity of food trucks! Established 5 years ago, this takeaway food truck business for

about, no harsh and unfair leases, you choose your own hours.

sale specializes in kebabs, HSPs and falafels. Offering ultimate flexibility & a constantly

Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

changing environment to keep things interesting, this business is currently being run by


vnm magazine 037

. .P O.A


with 1 full time staff and 8 subcontracted drivers. Has a turnover of $1,050,000 per year and rent of $1,315 per week. A new lease of 5x5x5 is available for new owners.

On offer is a long established transport and cartage business for sale. The business

Business is being sold with 2 trucks and one trailer which are valued at approximate-

offers the haulage of goods to and from the airport and the docks, working closely

ly $100,000. Subcontracted drivers have their own trucks.

with clients to optimise their supply chain. Also offers warehouse space for long or

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

short term storage of goods for customers. The business is fully under management

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

0 ,5 00 $7


kg of coffee pw. Low cost rent for area of $410 pw with a secure long-term lease. Low maintenance modern building recently cleaned, painted and with alarm and

This Cafe for sale is a hidden gem located in the built up residential area of

CCTV systems. Price includes business, furnishings, fridges, cash register, securi-

Parkdale, with no cafe competition within a 1km radius. Steadily busy with loyal

ty system, CCTV system and negotiated price for current stock at handover date.

clientele. Full ownership/management rights including using current suppliers or

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

procure your own. Currently turning over approx $4,000 pw and using approx 25

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .



$750 per week for a main road location. Secure lease options of 3x3x3.Trading 6 days: Monday to Friday 8am to 5:30pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm, closed on Sundays.Huge

This long established dry cleaning business has been in operation for 25 years.Has an

potential to increase turnover as this business has no online or social media presence.

excellent main road location in Wantirna South in a busy shopping strip with supporting

Short trading hours makes this an ideal business for an owner/operator.

businesses around. This business also offers extra services such as alterations,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

repairs and same day service. Currently turning over $2,700 per week, with low rent of

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 038

. .P O.A


in industrial Thomastown with high exposure to traffic. Trading Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30am - 5pm - no weekends currently. Brand recognition: Repco autho-

Looking for a top notch automotive mechanics workshop? You’ll find it hard to fault

rised service license. Servicing all vehicle makes and models for general servicing,

this one! Turnover: $1,000,000 plus per annum. Rent: $5,400 per month. Lease:

exhausts and more.

5x5x5x5. Facilities: 4 hoists including a 5.5 tonner for small trucks. History: Estab-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on

lished in 1987 and run by the same owner ever since! Location: On a main road

0402 225 989 or

. .P O.A


frames are manufactured & put together. The premises also features 2 residences, a studio apartment at the rear & an apartment upstairs. Live onsite in a central lo-

This business for sale has been established nearly 20 years & is ready for its

cation, or rent out the residences to reduce your rent! Great rent of $754 per week

new owner! Loyal database of customers & established reputation! The business

and lease remaining of 1x5.

specialises in hand finished timber frames custom made for each requirement. The

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

shop features a shopfront with street frontage & a sizeable prep area in which the

0416 000 154 or



0 0,0



sines: Chinese, Malaysian, Singaporean, Indian - catering to all tastes in the area. Large dining room allows for catering for large groups, corporate functions and parties.

This Restaurant For Sale has an excellent location in Caulfield, with the racecourse

Has a well designed website and is on Ubereats and Menulog. Turning over $10,000

and university campus nearby. A Magnificently set up dining room with a well equipped

per week with rent of $1,237 per week for a large premises and secure lease of 5x3x3.

kitchen and includes a walk in cool room. Seating capacity of 60 inside and 15 outside.

Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Fully licensed until 10:30 pm. This business serves a variety of South East Asian Cui-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 039

. .P O.A


ting & locksmith services. Turning over $280,000 per annum the business operates Monday to Saturday. The vendor runs the business full time with assistance from a

This long established hardware retail store business for sale offers a long standing

casual staff member. Basic website in place but no online shopping set up. Lease

base of loyal customers & a prime position in the shopping heart of Prahran.Serving

remaining of 1x5 and rent of $910 per week.

its loyal clientele for over 50 years, this business has the branding of a well kanown

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

hardware retailer & offers a range of hardware products & tools as well as key cut-

0416 000 154 or

. .P O.A


includes items imported from Japan (such as wallpaper)for an authentic Japanese relaxation experience. The business is running under management with staff

In the heart of the city, this stunning managed business for sale offers a fantastic

operation. Turnover of $800,000 per week operating 7 days per week. Long lease

investment for a savvy investor. The spacious premises has been fitted out in a

of 8x5 remaining for security.

stunning Japanese theme over 2 levels. A total of 8 rooms upstairs & 4 rooms

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

downstairs, 2 of which hold floatation spas. Very extravagant high quality fitout

0416 000 154 or

A .P O .



an authentic Japanese relaxation experience. The business is running under management with staff operation, so this is a perfect investment for someone looking for cash

In the heart of the city, this stunning Japanese spa & natural therapies business for

in their pocket from day one. Turnover of $1.2M per annum operating 7 days per week.

sale offers a fantastic investment for a savvy investor. The spacious premises has

Long lease of 4x5 remaining for security.

been fitted out in a stunning Japanese theme over 2 levels. A total of 7 rooms upstairs

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

& 8 rooms downstairs. Very high quality fitout includes items imported from Japan for

0416 000 154 or

vnm magazine 040

. .P O.A


be opened. There is a 3 bedroom residence with 3 toilets and 2 showers upstairs. Currently turning over $6,000 pw. Rent of $1,600 pw which includes the upstairs

This Gelateria is located in the heart of Lygon Street in Carlton. This Italian inspired

residence, which can be rented out to lower rent costs. Secure lease options of 5x5.

gelato shop sells gelato made on the premises, as well as ice cream cakes and other

This business shows solid turnover already, but has much potential

dessert specialities. This cosy shop has seating capacity of 20 inside and 12 outside

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

for alfresco dining. The shop front has bi-fold windows so the whole shop front can

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


its services. Loyal customer base already established & constantly growing. Turnover of $230,000 per annum, the vendor runs the business himself so this is ideal

This business for sale has been established 4 years & offers a prime location on

for a hands on operator with technical knowledge of bicycles. Be your own boss &

a major highway out of the south east of Melbourne. Offering high-end bicycle

expand the services! Cheap rent of $415 per week with lease remaining of 2.5x3.

services & repairs, this business is ideal for someone with a passion for cycling &

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

some technical knowledge of bike repairs to take over the loyal clientele & continue

0416 000 154 or



0 9,0



pastries. The business is mostly run by staff, as the owner only spends part time hours in it and has 1 full time staff and 9 casual staff that run the business for him. Great Rent

This fully set up Cafe and Bakery business for sale is located on the historical street in

of $854 pw. Great weekly takings of $16,000 on average and growing. Averaging 1000

lovely Kyneton with ample foot traffic and a great reputation. It is the go to part of town

pies per week, 16 kgs of coffee per week. Seating capacity for 30 customers

for fine dining and tourism. The owner is running this cafe and bakery business to be

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

able to manufacture all the food onsite, including sour dough bread, cakes, pies and

Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

vnm magazine 041

0 ,0 00 $7


cafe and bakery. The business is mostly self run as the owner only spends part time hours in the business and has 3 casuals that run the business for him. Great Rent of

This fully set up Cafe and Bakery business for sale is located in the historical Town

$715 pw. Takings of $5,000pw on average and growing. Averaging 500 pies pw and

of lovely Castlemaine, a town with a rich gold rush history and growing reputation

4 kgs of coffee pw. Has 30 seats inside and 10 outside for customers

as a fine food destination. Being just 90 minutes drive north west of Melbourne,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

Castlemaine attracts many weekend and day trip visitors. The setup is suitable for a

or Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

0 ,0 00 $9


independent labels. Stocks women’s clothing, jewellery, footwear and accessories. Staff carefully select the stock to be able to offer unique items. Has a well designed

This Business for sale is well located in a prominent Mornington shopping centre.

website with online shopping cart and large social media presence. Currently turn-

The store has a sleek and elegant fit out and stylists offer a fantastic in-store

ing over $500,000 per year with rent of $1,346 pw and lease options of 2 years.

shopping experience to customers. This business has been established 9 years

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

and offers high quality women’s clothing featuring Top Australian designers and

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .



the premise. This restaurant also features three stunning private dining rooms each designed to showcase the various cuisines on offer. Strong average weekly turnover

This Chinese hot pot Restaurant for sale is located in a high profile pocket in one of the

of $30,000. Solid weekly net profit. Restaurant seats 140. Liquor licence to 1:00 am.

fastest growing suburbs in Melbourne. This restaurant for sale specialises in modern

Great size commercial kitchen and preparation area.

Szechuan street food. The setup of this restaurant was to provide a modern twist to

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

the Asian decor by using concrete steel & wood to add maturity and timelessness to

Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323.

vnm magazine 042

. .P O.A


Beautiful website showcasing all the wedding gowns and dresses that the store stocks. Offers a unique high tea experience for brides-to-be and their close family

This Wedding Gown Retail Boutique For Sale occupies a High profile location in

and friends to view and try on wedding gowns. Turning over $480,000 per year with

Hawthorn/Camberwell area in a modern building with full glass shopfront. Stocks

rent of approximately $1,289 pw and secure lease of 5x5.

designer brands including Pronovias Priveee, Mori Lee, Victoria Jane, Madeline

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Gardner New York and more. Offers free wedding gown alteration service to clients.

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


Turning over $400k per annum, the business operates 7 days with a shorter day on Sunday & no late nights. The vendor runs the business with the assistance of 2

This business for sale offers a great business in a the beautiful town of Heales-

part time staff, so this is ideal for an owner operator to take over & make their own.

ville, an hour east of Melbourne. Fantastic opportunity for a country change to

Cheap rent of $392 per week for a good size shop & new lease for the new owner.

one of the top tourist destinations in Victoria! This bright retail business offers a

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

beautiful range of exclusive ladies fashion including clothing, shoes & accessories.

0416 000 154 or

A .P O .



60 regular properties, including 6 commercial sites. And 20 builders as customers for builders clean jobs. Run under management with 1 full time manager and 12 staff. This

This business offers a wide range of services among them being domestic cleaning,

mobile service business for sale has a turnover of $400,000 per annum, with no lease,

commercial cleaning of factories and warehouses, retail outlets, shopping centres,

no rent and no landlord.

moving in or moving out cleans. Also builders cleans - cleaning newly built homes or

Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

cleaning up after renovations, leaving premises spotless for new owners. Currently has

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 043

. .P O.A


very busy for breakfast on the weekend and serves 15 kg of coffee per week. Rent is $819 per week for a large premises so close to the beach with lease options of 3x3.

Well located in the prestigious Melbourne suburb of Sandringham, this busy Cafe

This Business has established a reputation for good food served with excellent

For Sale boasts weekly turnover of approximately $9,500 per week.The cafe occu-

customer service and has built up a large loyal customer base.

pies a prominent spot, just steps away from the station. Big premises with seating for

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

40 inside and 16 outside. Boasts a well equipped commercial kitchen. This cafe is

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

0 ,9 50 4 $1


full management. Currently the business operates with 9 casual staff. Walk in cool room and 3 wok set up. Turnover of $11,000 per week on average. Franchise fees

This business for sale is located in a busy court in the bayside shopping centre

6% plus 2% marketing. This business is well worth inspecting and would make a

in Frankston. This business has been established 1 year and has already built a

perfect husband and wife team business

good reputation for authentic Thai food in the area as it uses proven recipes and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

systems supplied by head office. Set up is brand new and only 1 year old. Under

0404 146 202 or

A .P O .



driven business owner to run or manage. Established in this location for 16 years. Run Under Management with 1 full time manager and 6 part time staff. Turnover of $11,500

This Subway Franchise for sale has an excellent location on the main road in Camber-

per week with rent of $1,550 per week including gst. New lease is available for new

well - a very popular area for dining and shopping. This is your opportunity to become

owners. Seating for 7 inside and 6 outside.

part of one of the world’s largest restaurant chains and most recognised brands. The

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Franchise provides full support and training and would be an excellent investment for a

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 044

. .P O.A


customers from the wind. The restaurant is large enough to accommodate small private functions and also does catering for corporate and private groups. Fully

This Cafe Restaurant for Sale has a beautiful location on the banks of the lakes in

licenced to 11pm.Run under management with 1 full time chef and 4 casual staff.

South Morang. Has a large customer base of people who enjoy the alfresco dining

Turning over $9,000 pw with rent of $830 pw and secure lease of 3x3.

overlooking the lake and reserve. The cafe has a large premises with indoor seating

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

for 44 and covered outdoor seating for 40. There are also glass panels to shelter

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A



for 30 inside and seating for up to 100 outside in a common area. Turning over $13,000 per week with rent of approximately $1,442 per week for a prestigious

This Tokyo Sushi Kitchen Franchise Business for Sale has an excellent location in

location. A new lease is available for new owners. Run under management with 2

Melbourne.This Japanese fast food restaurant serves sushi rolls, sashimi, Ramen,

full time staff and 6 part time staff.

Udon, Bento and other hot foods, as well as doing catering. This is a 5 day busi-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

ness which is run under management. This franchise location has seating capacity

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .



anese sushi experience. This business is run under management and trades 7 days: 9am to 8pm. This franchise location has seating capacity for 30. Solid turnover of

This Tokyo Sushi Kitchen Franchise Business for Sale has an excellent location in Lily-

$22,000 per week with rent of approximately $1,539 per week for a fantastic shopping

dale - inside a busy shopping centre. This Japanese fast food restaurant serves sushi

centre location. A new lease is available for new owners.

rolls, sashimi, Ramen, Udon, Bento and other hot foods, as well as doing catering.

Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Toyko Sushi Kitchen has developed a menu that provides a unique fresh tasting Jap-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 045

0 ,0 00 $8


business has turnover of approximately $4,500 per week with cheap rent of $300 per week. New Lease available to new owners. Owner works in the business with 2

This Newsagency For Sale sells a huge range of typical newsagent products -

casual staff (one of which does newspaper delivery). There is Huge potential in this

newspapers, magazines, stationary, cards, calendars, art supplies, party goods,

business as the business does not sell cigarettes and is not a Tattslotto shop.

phone cards, MYKI cards and top ups.It is located on the Main road through the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

town of Yarragon in West Gippsland and is directly opposite the station building. The

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


ness has been established approximately 30 years and is run under management with 2 full time qualified and experienced staff. Well equipped workshop with 5

UltraTune Franchise business For Sale in a great location in Port Melbourne. Has

hoists. Turning over approximately $9,000 peer week. Commercial Lease of 5x5x5

a high profile location at the intersection of 2 busy main roads. UltraTune is a long

available. Rent approximately $1,346 per week for a huge exposure city location

established Australian owned franchised automotive servicing and roadside assist

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

company with over 275 centres across Australia. This UltraTune Franchise busi-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .



who go there to browse the shops on weekends and public holidays. It is well serviced by public transport and there is plenty of parking available for customers.This business

This Retail Business for Sale sells beautiful gifts, homewares and carefully selected

had a turnover of approximately $770,000 last year and has shown steady year on

furniture. The business has built up a large loyal customer base who keep returning

year growth. Rent is $2,346 pw with lease options of 2x2.

for all their styling and homeware needs. This long established business of 16 years

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

is located in historic Williamstown - a popular destination for both tourists and locals,

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 046

0 ,5 00 $4


for the new owner. Good size shop well equipped with a cool room & freezer room, also set up for coking fish & chips however is currently only selling fresh fish. As new

This business for sale offers a prime location in a busy eastern shopping centre! Cur-

set up, perfect opportunity to take over a business that has shown continuous growth

rently selling fresh seafood it is already equipped to serve takeaway as well! Turning

& grow it much further! Long lease remaining of 9 years & cheap rent of $634 pw.

over $5,000 per week the business operates 7 days. There is a part time staff

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

member that works alongside the vendor which will assist with a smooth transition

0416 000 154 or

0 ,8 88 3 $1


tons Square Shopping Centre. The shop is quite large and has excellent exposure as well as great equipment with 2 charcoal rotisseries, walk in cool room, walk in

This Charcoal chicken business for sale has the best location you can ask for.

freezer, double fryers and large salad bar. Average takings $10,000 per week.

Right near Dan Murphys “one of the busiest stores of its kind in Australia�. It also

Averaging 450 chooks per week.

is on the outside of the shopping centre facing the busy parking lot making it very

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

accessible for customers. It gets even better as it is positioned in Morningtons Ben-

0404 146 202 or


0 9,0



purchase to their clientele. This business is highly regarded by locals and already has a regular and repeat customer base. Fully Under management. Easy to run business

This thriving Costume for Hire business is located in a popular pedestrian walkway

No competition within the local area. Professional websites. It is ideally suited for an

with good exposure. It has been going for 3 years and as there are many opportunities

owner operator or an energetic entrepreneur.

throughout the year from birthday parties, themed events, Halloween to Christmas and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

end of year events for this business to offer a wide range of costumes for hire or for

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

vnm magazine 047

. .P O.A


80 people. Strong and solid turnover of $12,000 per week made up of 80% alcohol sales and 20% food sales. Fully licenced until 3am. Lease options of 5x5x5. Rent of

This Bar for sale is well located in South Yarra. This business serves a great bar food

$15,000 per month for huge premises. The kitchen is rented out to a catering busi-

menu and has fast become a sought-after night spot. Seating for 60 inside, a cellar

ness, which reduces the rent. Run Under Management with 7 staff members.

area that seats 15 as well as a courtyard for up to 20 people plus outside seating for

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

up to 30 people. There is also a large function room upstairs that can accommodate

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

0 ,9 00 $9


around $10,000 per week in turnover, while a low rent of $2,672 per month and reasonably low overheads and outgoings keeps the profit margins high. Buyers

Established for over 40 years in this location, this small independent butcher shop

looking to get into a business before Christmas can capitalise on the massive

business for sale is a fantastic example of a small, family run business. Selling the

Christmas turnover enjoyed by all butcher shops!

usual beef, lamb, pork and chicken, the business also has a small seafood element

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on

and offers some fresh seafood to customers. Currently the business generates

0402 225 989 or


0 5,0



outside with a further lounge area that can seat 15 people. It is very sought after for functions especially weddings. Turnover of $8,000 per week. Rent of $1,165 per week.

This Business for Sale has stunning views of the Waterfront and Marina. With its

Lease options of 4x4. Trading 6 days: for lunch and dinner. Opening hours are noon to

large picture windows and outdoor seating, diners can enjoy the beautiful waterfront

3pm and 6 to 9pm on Tuesday to Sunday. Closed on Monday. Fully licenced to 11pm.

views while sipping on cocktails and dining on the delicious meals that are prepared

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

in the kitchen. The dining room has a rustic elegance and seating for 70 inside and 20

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 048

. .P O.A


mounted. Rent of $761 pw inc. GST , there is a CBA ATM in the shop which the owner gets $134 pw inc GST for, making the rent even cheaper. Commercial lease

This well set up Coin Launderette for sale has been operating in a very busy strip

of 5x5. Average weekly takings of $2,000. Owner only comes in once a week to

in Springvale.This Coin Laundromat business for sale trades 7 days a week from

collect money. Excellent business for those looking to invest in a passive income.

6 am to 11 pm. The Coin Laundry has 18 Dryers of which 8 are large, 12 washing

Further information can be obtained by contacting Harry Hatzipanagiotis on

machines.Equipment is in excellent working order. Large coin change machine wall

0421 000 247 or

. .P O.A


site. No early morning starts as baking starts at 8:20 am. Turnover of $4,000 per week Rent of $738 per week for a CBD location. Lease options of 3x3. Run Under

On offer is a Japanese Sponge Cake Bakery Business For Sale located in the

management with 2 full time staff (one staff member bakes the cakes and the other

Melbourne CBD. Great location close to Southern Cross Station. The area is full

works in the front of the shop) and 1 casual staff when needed.

of students, office workers and tourists. Shop has a near new modern and sleek

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

fit out. Has a commercial kitchen. Easy to run business with all cakes baked on

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .



not wanting to travel in to the city. Solid turnover of $23,000 per week. Rent of $2,115 per week for a very large premises. Secure lease of 5x5 years. Business is run with

This Business for Sale is located in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne. Not just a

3 full time staff which includes 2 chefs and 1 manager. There are also 7 casual staff.

sports bar, as it also offers delicious lunch and dinner menus. This bar and restaurant

Owner only works part time in the business . Liquour licenced for up to 200 people.

has a huge premises with massive television screens showing live sport, pool tables

Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

and soft tip dart machines. A popular venue for people looking for a great night out and

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 049

.A P.O


Elegant salon with high quality fitout laid with 8 stations & 2 wash basins. Vendor works part time with staff in place that are happy to stay on, so this is an ideal oppor-

This pristine modern hair salon business for sale in the south east offers a top

tunity for a hands on hairdresser to take over & make their own. No website in place

location in the affluent suburb of Bentleigh. Great location in the busy shopping area,

so enormous potential for growth with some clever marketing. Inspection is a must!

easy accessibility as walking distance from the train station along with street parking

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on

& a car park across the road. High volume of foot traffic passing by daily!

0416 000 154.

Absolute Business Brokers are at the forefront of the industry, utilising the latest technology and leading the way in professionalism. We have researched, tested and adopted the latest and most effective marketing strategies to reach the peak number of potential buyers to enable a quick and efficient sale at the best price. Contact us to find out how we can help you!


(03) 9566 7300 vnm magazine 050


$6 8 0 , 0 0 0

REF: B13139

This very busy and impressive restaurant business for sale opportunity offers a long-standing modern restaurant, which offers its customers a vide variety of Pancakes, burgers, parmas and others, in a bustling Cinema precinct in the south eastern suburb of Frankston. The main product that is being sold is pancakes which is a very high profit low cost product. The restaurant is under full management and run with 10-15 casuals with the owner not working in the business only doing paperwork side of things. Full commercial kitchen makes it easy to get the food out fast. It sits 120 inside and 50 outside. Liquor License in place as well. Impressive weekly takings averaging $30,000 plus and a rent of $ $15,200 p.c.m including G.S.T and outgoings. Recently Renovated fit out Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


$ 4 9 ,5 0 0

This well established gym training fitness business for sale is located in the Mornington Pensinsula area & offers a range of fitness solutions. Established 6 years ago by the owner, this business offers a range of fitness solutions including personal training, group training, health & fitness assessments, diet/eating plans & more. Currently the owner runs 32 hours worth of sessions per week as he is near retirement age so there is ample of potential to grow. Great on site parking for clients. Averaging over $100,000 in takings with minimal input. Rent only $2,852 pcm inc G.S.T. The business operates out of a spacious studio in an affluent bayside location of Frankston South. Top of the range equipment and ideal for Functional training. Fantastic opportunity for a qualified fitness enthusiast to take over a thriving business. Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


P.O . A .

REF: B13143

Online stay at home business, handyman looking to expand or investor business for sale, Huge growth industry, Pet doors and pet products business which has been operating both online and providing installations. This business for sale has specialised in both the supply only and installation of dog and cat doors into timber doors, fly screens, walls and glass windows/doors establishing many repeat and referral customers to both trade and general public. Easy to run from home. Great turnover of $408,000 per annum and constantly growing. Online sales of products is constantly increasing. Great money maker from Installs. No rent No Landlords to worry about. Imports most of stock directly from Manufacturers with great relationships established Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


$ 1 2 0 ,0 0 0


This long established laundrette business for sale offers a prime position on a major road through the east. Established for 35 years, this business comes well equipped with 9 dryers & 11 top loaders, soap machine plus a double load front loader & triple load front loader. Brands include Speed Queen, Maytag, Dexter & Primus. Easy passive income with nothing to do but some basic maintenance, this is a great side income earner. Highly visible location on a major road within a shopping strip in a busy shopping area, easy access with public transport & parking at the door. Nothing to do but take over, cheap rent of $316 per week with 3x3x3 lease. No advertising in place, potential for a lot of growth with some clever marketing. Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

vnm magazine 051


P. O . A .

REF: B13147

This awesome Modern Asian Style Restaurant for Sale is located in the Fast Growing Point Cook Suburb in Western Melbourne. This Restaurant, was designed and set up by the current owner who is a well renowned and experienced Chef. The 3 Wok Station, Gas stove top and Combi oven provides an ideal workspace for any serious Chef. A Walk in cool room provides ample storage room and an innovative preparation area allows a lot of flexibility to the new owner. The beautiful corner location creates an open and inviting atmosphere for all. The current owner reluctantly wants to sell this awesome opportunity due to other business commitments that doesn’t allow him to focus his attention on this Gem. Sales of $10,000+ pw and growing. Modern premise with near new Fit out. Long 5x5x5 Lease in place. Reasonable Rent Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323.


$3 9 ,0 0 0

Looking for a small, easy to run business that you can run on your own with a minimal upfront investment? This Asian grocery business for sale could be a smart investment if you’re looking to be your own boss and run your own small business, especially if you’re working with a small budget and looking to build something up. With minimal rent, outgoings and overheads to worry about, you can focus on developing the business and building your profits to turn this easy to run Asian grocery into a profitable small business. Rent only $356 per week. Main road location with ample customer parking and access to train station. Quality near new POS system. Business started by the current owner in 2016. Selling a range of Asian and Indo-Asian grocery products. Generating around $2,000 per week revenue. Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or


$1 9 9 , 0 0 0

REF: B13166

This long established Gift Shop For Sale is located in a busy shopping mall in the South Eastern Melbourne Suburb. The owners of the last 12 years is looking at retiring, leaving this great opportunity open for you. This easy to run business is ideal for owner operator but can also be placed under management providing a good work life balance. The 2 part time owners are supported by 3 Casual staff as and when necessary. Taking $25k plus per week, it is a good money maker Located in a high foot traffic area this busy Dollar Store for sale offers a wide range of gifts, Homeware & accessories. There is ample room for a buyer to grow the business from its current stable levels. Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323.


$2 7 5 ,0 0 0


This well set up Coin Launderette for sale has been operating in a very busy strip in Somerville. This Coin Laundromat business for sale trades 7 days a week from 7 am to 10 pm with automatic doors opening and closing. The Coin Laundry has 10 Dryers of which 3 are large, 10 washing machines of which 7 are 10kg and 3 are 14kg and all are top of the range Speed Queen. Equipment is in excellent working order only 2 years old. New coin change machine Rent of $721 pw inc. GST , and water costs are shared among other businesses in the strip which is a huge bonus for a coin Laundromat Commercial lease of 6 years. Average weekly takings of $2,000 Owner only comes in a couple of times a week to collect money and clean up Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

vnm magazine 052


$ 6 5 ,0 0 0

REF: B13198

This Cafe for sale would be great for a first time business owner as it has all the right attributes like short trading hours and low rent. It is located on a main arterial road that connects the Westernport and bayside area in the mornington peninsula. It is in a thriving shopping strip in Tyabb. This Cafe has been set up as Vegan/Healthy/Vegetarian style and makes great margins on all its products like raw treats, Smoothies, Coffee etc. The café also has a Yoga studio at the back of it which the owners own and rent out to a Yoga instructor and get $400 per month, which decreases the shop rent to only $1,100 per months inc G.S.T. Takings averaging $6,000 to $6,500 pw. Great cheap rent of only $1,500 per month inc GST, Owner gets $400 per month from yoga studio at back. Seating inside and out.. Courtyard at back Further infromatiom can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


$5 3 0 , 0 0 0

It is located in picturesque Mornington on the main road and walking distance from the beach.The set up itself is immaculate, no shortcuts have been taken, inspections will definitely impress. It has two properties that give clients seating inside or a quick takeaway service as well. This cafe has steady weekly average takings of $30,000 per week with rent of $11,600 pcm plus G.S.T for both properties.Full commercial kitchen with walk in cool room. Same owner for over 17 years and it is the first time this business is on offer for sale. Liquor License. Sells 30-35 kg’s of coffee per week on average. Seats 80 inside and 30 outside ( can seat more inside). Has a juice bar. Huge breakfast trade, coffee and cake deals. Most Equipment is less than 2 years old. Manager in place. Short trading hours. Further infromatiom can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202


$1 0 9 , 0 0 0

REF: B13126

This Beautiful Café for sale is located on a prominent corner location in a shopping complex with lots of supporting businesses around. Solid takings of $7,000 pw. Beautiful setup with great views and atmosphere. Great corner location and exposure. 12kg Coffee PW approx.Huge car park area and supporting businesses. Liquor license that is hardly used. Over 60 seating capacity. The more than 20 seating capacity outside in the front of the shop creates a relaxing outdoor feel where customers can enjoy the fresh air while enjoying the unique views from the slightly elevated verandah. During the winter times customers can flock to the inside of the cafe where large windows on two sides allow the morning sun to heat them up while they dine in comfort. Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or


$ 1 1 0 ,0 0 0


This charcoal chicken takeaway business for sale boasts a prominent location in the heart of Boronia, with excellent exposure to high levels of pedestrian traffic and plenty of parking for customers. Fantastic turnover averaging around $8,000 per week with plenty of room for improvement! Rent around $4,400 per month. Fantastic external shopping centre location close to supermarkets, chemist, medical centre, post office, banks and more, providing potential customers all day long! Excellent facilities allow for a wide range of cooking, with everything kept in excellent condition by the current operator. Large and spacious prep area with extra storage space, good sized cleaning area and two cool rooms for peak trading periods! Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or

vnm magazine 053


$9 9 ,0 0 0

REF: B13172

Located in the heart of Melbourne CBD’s legal district, this Food Business for sale is nestled on Little Collins Street in a busy food court on the ground floor of a corporate tower. Perfect location, in one of the best spots in Melbourne’s CBD. Long Lease. This Business is surrounded by array of support businesses, hotel guests, office workers and shoppers. It is currently run under management thus creating a huge opportunity for the an owner operator to grow and expand this business. A long lease is available for the purchaser at a rental of $1,200 per week. This business currently specialises in Chinese cuisine with special focus on Dumplings, however it could be converted to another type of take-away food outlet if desired. The commercial kitchen is currently setup with 3 Woks, 4 Burners and 1 Steamer. Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323


$1 3 0 , 0 0 0

This beautiful café for sale is ideally located on a busy street in the heart of Camberwell. It is surrounded by lots of supporting businesses and it is exposed to high foot traffic. Solid takings of $5,500 pw. Quaint, warm and cosy place. Fantastic location, high visibility on Burke Road. 10kg Coffee PW approximately. Opportunity to increase the hours and change the menu. Seats 30 plus inside & 20 outside. The café’s ambience is relaxed and comfortable. This café for sale has an all day menu that offers a variety of scrumptious breakfast and lunch selections which includes dim sims, bagels and roti. The display fridge is always stacked full of their freshest produce i.e. salads, sandwiches and homemade bakery delights such as muffins, pastries and tasty cakes. Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323..


$6 8 , 0 0 0

REF: B13209

This Restaurant for sale is located in the heart of Sandringham. It is within close proximity to the train station thus this location provides high volumes of foot traffic and visible exposure to this venue all year round. It is currently operating as a Nepalese Indian restaurant but there is massive potential to convert the venue into another type of food oriented business. Quaint, warm and cosy place. Fantastic location, close to Sandringham train station. Good foot traffic and good business visibility. Commercial standard kitchen. Restaurant Seats 24 inside and 6 outside. Liquor license till 11pm The restaurant decor is simplistic and the atmosphere of the place is homely, relaxed and comfortable.This restaurant for sale is perfect for an entry level to hospitality Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or


$ 4 8 ,0 0 0


This beautiful Cafe for sale is ideally located on ever popular Chapel Street. It is surrounded by good supporting businesses (corporate and retail occupants). It is close to a tram stop and exposed to constant high volumes of foot traffic. With new developments happening close by, this cafe has a potential to become a favourite amongst the locals. Modern fit -out yet still quaint, and cosy. Fantastic location, high visibility and good foot traffic. Commercial grade/ standard kitchen. Easy to operate menu. Seats 11. Simple systems and procedures can be put in place. Ideal for either for 1st time owner/operator or an experience operator. The cafe’s décor is modern and simple yet the ambience it provides is warmth, cosy and comfortable. Further in formatiom can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

vnm magazine 054


Commercial & Industrial Cleaning T: 0423 280 746 E: vnm magazine 055

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