VNM Small Business Magazine Issue 06

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ENVAZINE Issue 06/December 2013

Businesses Now Selling

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The message is very simple. 24/7 access to the web and continuous connection to friends and colleagues means, that today, people increasingly do everything ‘in the moment’.

DONT FORGET YOUR MOBILE By the time the ball drops in Times Square this New Year’s Eve, there will be more mobile devices on the planet than people.

HAVING A PERSPECTIVE Make no mistake. Being successful in business is difficult. It is easy to forget that being an entrepreneur requires one to walk a long, hard and often very lonely road



table of CONTENTS

03 04 06 08


When you are thinking about how to communicate to your prospects?


Why online shopping could become pricey

14 16

MOBILE SEARCH MARKETING Since mobile marketing is a pretty wide category, here we’re going to focus on mobile search.

A LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVE Dont be fooled by overnight success


Making mistakes that can lead to customers ditching your company.

BEFORE YOU BUY A BUSINESS Things you would need to consider before buying a business


BUSINESS’S FOR SALE Find over 90 plus businesses for sale




vnm magazine FROM VNM MAGAZINE// Our articles will uncover answers to age old questions that have plagued Small Business Owners for generations.​ VNM magazine will represent a true perspective of the current market allowing owners to monitor the value of their business and competitors as well as providing a selection of businesses for sale to entice business buyers. As well as all this and more, the magazine can be used as a handy reference for services all small businesses will need such as accountants, shop fitters, loan brokers etc.


KNOW YOUR CUSTOMERS Today, every company needs to understand the different contexts under which an individual is likely to search online, and access your website or other content you have created or generated.

When you are thinking about how to communicate to your prospects and customers, what is your primary consideration? Is it to whom you are speaking? In other words, is your first concern to understand whether your prospects are male or female, the ethnic group to which they belong, their income bracket or their age range? On the other hand, do you first consider your product and service in relation to the challenges and problems that your customers and prospects face? Do you then give thought as to how your offering will assist them with those particular issues? Or instead, maybe, you think of all the benefits that your particular product or service delivers for your clientele, and use these as the basis to deliver some powerful sales messages to them. Of course, all of the above are areas upon which one should reflect in order to ensure that your organisation’s communications are as compelling as possible. However, none of them take into account the most important consideration in marketing today. This is a sphere of thinking, which too many companies still completely ignore, when putting together their communications strategy. Maybe, this is because it is beyond the lexicon of traditional marketing. However, in a digital, web enabled world, it is probably the single biggest aspect to contemplate.

MARKET ING Do you remember when the web was first introduced to the world in the 1990’s and in order for it to be accessed, we had to dial in? Using the web, at that time, was an event. However, after the year 2000, when broadband started to become ubiquitous, the web went from being something to which we had to dial into, in order to go ‘online’, to always being on. As it became easier to access, we started to use it more often. However, even with broadband, most of us could only access the web from behind a desk, whether at home or at work. Consequently, although we would use the web to research and buy products and holidays etc., to find out information or communicate with others, our use, in many ways, would still mirror the way we picked up a book, read a paper or watched a TV show. In other words, it was an activity that prevented us from undertaking other tasks. Then in 2007, Apple launched the iPhone, the first mass consumer smart phone. In the years following the iPhone’s introduction, and with the development of a vast array of

competitor products, the web has gone from a single activity we undertake, to something which we dip in and out of as a seamless part of our lives. From accessing the weather, to getting directions, to seeing what may be going on in a given area, at a particular moment in time, we are constantly flipping between the ‘online’ and ‘offline’ world. Moreover, with the introduction of new products like ‘Google Glass’ this is a trend that is set to accelerate. While these developments were taking place the web was changing in another way. With the introduction of Friendster in 2002, MySpace and LinkedIn in 2003 and Facebook in 2004, social networking came of age. The web went from being a ‘web of content’ to becoming a ‘web of people’. This, combined with the success of smart phone technology, means that today, social platforms are increasingly becoming the single most important channel for staying in contact, communicating and making arrangements with friends and colleagues. The message is very simple. 24/7 access to the web and

continuous connection to friends and colleagues means, that today, people increasingly do everything ‘in the moment’. From deciding where to go next during an evening, to having a conversation which instantly triggers an individual to look for a particular product or service about which they were talking, to seeing who is in a given area at any one time, activities are undertaken instantly. We no longer have to wait for someone to be at home to communicate with them, or be behind our desk to undertake a search on particular facts or items. The context which triggers someone to look for what you do has become the single most important way of ensuring your communications resonate, and are relevant for any particular individual. Whatever your business, there will be a context to a purchase. This could be a weekly buying cycle, like the nightclub. There could be seasonal variations e.g., Christmas etc. Alternatively, there may be other events, not affected by time but rather circumstances, in a particular individual’s life.


“We know just from our Christmas surveying that online (shopping overseas) will grow this Christmas by 20 per cent. Domestic retailers online will also grow, but the big difference between the two of them is one has to pay the tax and the other doesn’t. ”

ONLINE SHOPPING IS ABOUT TO GET PRICEY// MAKE the most of your online overseas Christmas present purchases this year, because next year you may be paying 10 per cent more for them. Major retail companies and the state governments believe the Government will impose the GST on overseas buys as low as $20.

“We certainly think that we are now at the point (where) it’s no longer `Why?’,” said Margy Osmond, chief executive of the Australian National Retailers Association.

“It’s a case of how and when and that governments both state and federal have accepted the need to go ahead with this.’” The states believe they could The current GST-free threshold for share around $1 billion or more in online buys is $1000. GST funds each year if the tax was

applied to online shopping. “It was a very positive discussion, it is clear there are a lot of consensus across the room. We need to do this,’’ said NSW Treasurer Mike Baird. The states and the Federal Government will meet again on the issue next March to discuss how the levy can be imposed, given the huge number of overseas purchases arriving by

air and sea at ports around the country. Mr Hockey has been told by Treasury the collection costs could exceed the revenue. However, Mrs Osmond said research commissioned by her association calculated a collection cost of $34 million in the first year, and revenue of $997 million. “And that’s a lot of hospitals, roads and policemen,” she said. “This is a tax that’s just going to get bigger. We know just from our Christmas surveying that online (shopping overseas) will grow this Christmas by 20 per cent. Domestic retailers online will also grow, but the big difference between the two of them is one has to pay the tax and the other doesn’t. “And in the end run that really is about jobs. There’s a reason why the National Party at its last federal conference voted for a $20 threshold. Because they are feeling the pain in their local communities from small businesses and small retailers who are missing out.’’ Mrs Osmond said the Government could not be accused of introducing a new tax.

“This is just closing a loophole in the tax law that’s been handing around since nobody shopped online,” she said. The retailers agree with the findings of an inquiry in 2011 by former Victorian Premier John Brumby, former NSW Premier Nick Greiner and businessman Bruce Carter. Then-Prime Minister Julia Gillard asked them to review the goods and services tax but their findings were not adopted. Earlier this month Mr Brumby said: “And the beauty of computer technology and the internet is that in the old days these things might have been costly to administer, but I don’t believe that’s the case now.” He said the application of a consumption tax on goods bought

on the internet was “a complete non-issue’’ in Britain, the US and Canada, and could help state finances here.

By the time the ball drops in Times Square this New Year’s Eve, there will be more mobile devices on the planet than people.

mobile search MARKETING// Whether or not you put in the time to develop and execute a mobile marketing plan, your business is already mobile. Why?

Let’s face it. The way consumers search for a great place to eat or shop has fundamentally changed. Foot traffic and word of mouth used to be enough to fill your business, right?

Because your audience is already reading your emails, viewing your website, and searching for you with their phones.

Not any more, Today you need to be listed across the Internet on search engines, directories and review sites.

Since mobile marketing is a pretty wide category, here we’re going to focus on mobile search.

If you’re still not convinced about the importance of having a mobile search marketing strategy

Specifically, why now is the time to get fully on board, how to get started, and how to keep it going.

– consider the following facts.

75 percent of consumers often choose a restaurant to dine at based on search results. According to Google and Nielsen, 73 percent of mobile searches trigger additional action and conversion. 97 percent of consumers go online to research products or services in their local area. 49 percent of searches for local businesses occur without a specific business in mind. 70 percent of those consumers who run local mobile searches act on their search within an hour.

THE ROAD TO SUCCESS STARTS HERE w w w . businessforsale247 . c o m. a u


A LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVE// On the island of Okinawa there grows a unique species of Chinese bamboo. This remarkable tree is different from every other bamboo species in that while most trees grow steadily over period of years, the Chinese bamboo tree doesn’t break through the ground for almost the first four years after it is planted. Then suddenly in the fifth year, an amazing thing happens! The tree bursts out


January 2014 · VNM Magazine

of the ground at an astonishing rate. Within just 6 weeks it surges to a height of almost 90 feet- that is a staggering two feet plus each day! You can almost see it growing before your very eyes. Now I have a question for you. Did the bamboo tree take 4 years to grow 90 feet or did it take 6 weeks to do so?

T “ Most people fail to see the many long years of hard work with no promise of the future that the entrepreneur has to put in before breaking through“

he Chinese bamboo tree story is a perfect metaphor for the way we have been conditioned to view success- especially entrepreneurial success- in our society. The media particularly the tabloid media is obsessed with the glorification of the “overnight success” in business. Stories abound of the lightning fast growth of companies like Groupon and Facebook which give us the wrong impression that business success is a quick affair- just come up with a good idea and in a few years your company will be worth billions. In reality the story is very different. When we focus solely on the period after a business has broken through into the big league, then it is right to say that success was an overnight occurrence. But that is like watching the bamboo tree during the tear away growth spurt and concluding that it takes just 6 weeks to grow 90 feet.

Most people fail to see the many long years of hard work with no promise of the future that the entrepreneur has to put in before breaking through- Years in which everything that they ever believed was tested to the limit- Times when the whole world seemed to fall apart and nothing worked and the only thing that kept them going was a big vision and faith that it would ultimately manifest. Make no mistake. Being successful in business is difficult. It is easy to forget that being an entrepreneur requires one to walk a long, hard and often very lonely road and that it takes an immense amount of mental toughness to succeed. As Napoleon Hill writes in Think And Grow Rich -when success comes it comes at such a rapid rate that one is left to wonder where it all lay hidden during all those lean years.

Indeed It takes many years to set the foundations and develop the maturity to handle the rapid growth at the end. That brings us to the second great habit of highly successful entrepreneurs- Having a long term perspective!. Without a long term perspective it is impossible to have the faith to keep going – or as Napoleon Hill says to “keep on keeping on”. Almost every great and enduring entrepreneurial story (except perhaps Groupon and it is too early to tell) is one of maintaining long term focus during the hard years. Conversely a common thread amongst almost every entrepreneurial failure is a short term focus- a desire for immediate gratification. Today Starbucks has almost 17 thousand stores globally. Certainly this is one of the greatest business success stories in recent years. Yet for most of its history- for the first 13 years- it had only 5 stores. Then suddenly after 13 long years like the bamboo tree it exploded into growth all over the world.

Conversely a common thread amongst almost every entrepreneurial failure is a short term focus- a desire for immediate gratification.

Walmart is the world’s largest retailer and it has made the Waltons the richest family on the globe. Yet for the first 7 years it had just 2 stores- a mere 2! It is almost impossible to believe this looking at Walmart today. In 2010 Apple brought out the Ipad and on the day of launch it sold almost $160 milion dollars of product. No other product in history has ever sold so much at launch. Yet did you know that the ipad was a colossal failure for over 12 years? Its fore runner the Newton was a failure from day 1. It




“ Walmart is the world’s largest retailer and it has made the Waltons the richest family on the globe.“

took many years of focus and constant improvement to bring out the ipad. Or take the case of the Marriot Brothers. It took them nearly 30 years of running root beer stands before they even entered into the hotel business. Today they are the largest hospitality group on planet earth owning many thousands of the finest properties around the globe.

Do not be fooled by the myth of overnight success. It takes many years of sweat and toil and long term planning to achieve the personal growth that sets the foundations for rapid growth. Ray Kroc of Mc Donalds was once asked how it felt to be an overnight success going from an ice cream machine sales man to a net worth of over 500

million in just 8 years. Almost without hesitation Kroc replied- “If 25 years of hard work and preparation is not counted then yes I am an overnight success”! In 1974, the Harvard sociologist Edward Banfield wrote a book titled, “The Unheavenly City” in which he described his findings after one of the most in depth studies on success ever conducted up until that time. Banfield set out with the goal of finding out how and why only certain people achieved financial independence during the course of their lifetimes while over 95 percent barely made it by. Initially Banfield started out with the hypothesis that factors such as education, family background, intelligence and influential connections played a dominating role. To his amazement what he finally discovered had nothing to do with these factors. The major reason for success in life he found was having

a particular attitude of mind that he successful. Banfield concluded called a “long time perspective.� that the essential key to success in setting priorities is having a According to Banfield, time long time perspective. perspective referred to how far one projected into the future when The Japanese have mastered this making a decision about what one art of a long term perspective. was going to do or not do in the Companies like Sony, and Toyota present. He said that people who are famous for setting business were the most likely to move up plans that were centuries long. economically were those who took Kiichiro Toyoda is known to have a long term view of the future into set business plans for Toyota well consideration with every decision into the mid twenty-first century they made in the present. in the years before the Second He found that the longer the World War in 1939! While this period of time someone took into may seem far-fetched and almost consideration while planning and crazy, a long term perspective acting in the present, the more makes one more conscious of the likely it was that they would be power and value of every decision they make today.


Warren Buffet is one of the richest men in the world. The sage of Omaha as he is commonly known is considered the greatest investor of the twentieth century ( and perhaps for the twenty first century too.-the way he is going he may yet see this century out!) Yet until 2007 he drove a 1973 Volkswagen. Even though he could easily afford to buy a decent sized auto manufacturer, Buffet refused to buy a new car because when he viewed it from a 20 year perspective he found that it cost over a million dollars in opportunity cost when compared with an investment in his company Berkshire! In studying the stories of the most successful entrepreneurs, I have found that they all balanced

a long term perspective with a day to day sense of urgency. And this so is where the real secret for success lies-Merely having a long term perspective without acting urgently in the present leads to the biggest cause of entrepreneurial failure- the habit of procrastination. On the other hand, a focus on the short term alone without a long term perspective results in a lack of persistence when the inevitable temporary failures and roadblocks surface. Making day to day decisions with a focus on their long term impacts leads to better investment of time and resources and greater long term equity value creation. So there you have it. Habit 2 of the 7 Habits of Highly successful entrepreneurs- A long term perspective. The next time you are in the process of making a decision about doing something in your business consider its long term impacts. It might save you considerably and lead to a better outcome for your business.

Edy Wilfling

Business Coach

Mobile: 0400 578 710 Office: (03) 9708 2881 Email: Website:

THE ROAD TO SUCCESS STARTS HERE w w w . businessforsale247 . c o m. a u




efore you go blaming poor performance on a rough economy or high Aussie dollar, it may pay to check you aren’t making mistakes that can lead to customers ditching your company. Fiona Adler founded Word of Mouth Online seven years ago after trying to find a variety of tradespeople to complete a renovation. It has since grown into a hub where customers can post reviews of over 300,000

businesses, however she said plenty of companies still make the basic mistake of focusing on new customers at the expense of existing ones. “Rather than focusing your efforts on chasing new customers, looking at why customers aren’t returning can be eye-opening and may require just a few tweaks to your customer communication to make a world of difference,” she said. Here are seven of the major reasons your customers might be leaving. Make sure you’re not guilty of them.

1. You’re playing hard to get “If you are too hard to contact, don’t answer the phone, or never have room in your schedule, then customers will get over you,” Ms Adler said. Not having a website and failing to answer your phone or return messages is a major time-waster for potential customers and they will soon get frustrated. “Most people lead very busy lives and if a customer puts aside time to call up to make a booking, but can’t lock it in within a reasonable time frame, most are not going to work around you. They are on the phone now calling someone else because clearly it is just too difficult,” she said.

2. They feel unloved Customers often like to be made a fuss of and there are plenty of low-cost, simple gestures that can show people you care. Ms Adler said sending e-cards on birthdays or discounts on special occasions can make people feel special.

by a better deal,” Ms Adler said.

4. You kept quiet about your best assets People don’t know all the different things you can do unless you tell them. Make sure you keep your customers informed of everything you can do.

5. Assuming you know best Ms Adler said it’s important to research what people want by finding out what they are saying online, what your competitors offer and how to build a more positive reputation.

6. Someone else did it better It may sound like hard work, but keeping customers happy means continually impressing them. “You need to look good, provide fabulous service, please them with your price points, and always keep things new and fresh,” Ms Adler said. “If you play old music in your shop or leave a mess, your customers will be bored and unimpressed which of course results in them looking towards greener pastures. Don’t fall into the trap of regarding customers as ‘just a regular’ - (you should) ‘wow’ everyone who walks through your door.”

“It comes down to your customer service attitude, but remembering their name, likes, dislikes and interests can go a long way to show you care,” she 7. They forgot about you said.

3. They were seduced by someone else While businesses are always focused on attracting new business, this shouldn’t be at the expense of your existing ones. “More importantly, you can safely assume your competitors are trying to woo your customers with fabulous offers too. If you don’t give customers a reason to be loyal, they’ll soon start looking around at other offers and could easily be seduced

People are busy with a lot on their plates, so won’t necessarily remember the last time you fixed their car or gave them a great haircut, Ms Adler said. “It’s a good idea to call, email, or send a letter reminding them that you looked after them last season or last month, and that you’re available for them again. Unless you follow up, chances are they’ll be looking around for another supplier. Set up a program of regular communication and your customer retention will improve dramatically.”

“It’s important to understand what’s involved in running a business and knowing whether you’re suited to owning a business”

THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE BUYING A BUINESS// So you’ve made the decision to start your own business. Congratulations! Before you get started there are a few important things you need to consider. Get your business off to a flying start with our top 5 planning tips, and help your business not only survive, but thrive.

seem like an easy question, but there’s more to owning a business than just working for yourself. As a business owner, you need good management skills, relevant industry experience, technical skills, a sound knowledge of finance and a long-term vision to grow and succeed.

Consider the following before starting a business: • your reasons for getting into business • will the business satisfy your needs • your level of skills • your business goals • the advantages and disadvantages of establishing It’s important to understand your own business Tip #1 - Decide if you’re ready to what’s involved in running a • time requirements and start your own business business and knowing whether commitments. Asking yourself if you’re ready may you’re suited to owning a business. Your business has a better chance

• what product or service you will provide? is your idea feasible? • how will you protect your idea? • is there a market for your product or service? • what skills do you need? • who are your competitors? • what difference will you bring to the market? • do you have the financial capacity to own a business? Putting the effort into researching your idea will help you determine whether you can turn your idea into a profitable business.

new business or buy an already established business. Both options have their challenges and benefits. The benefits of starting your own business include: You get to be your own boss, you have total creative control, you have flexible hours, it generates a new source of income and it can be rewarding to watch your business grow. The challenges of starting your own business include: It can require a significant amount of time and money, you need to research the market place and you need to establish your contacts. The benefits of buying an established business or franchise include: The business already has stock, there is an existing customer base, the business already has an established income stream, established suppliers and with franchises an established brand. The challenges of buying an established business or franchise include: It can require a significant amount of money, you can inherit a poor public image from the previous owner, you may not have as much control, especially when purchasing a franchise and it may not be as flexible as with starting your own business.

Tip #3 - Choose your type of business and business structure Once you’ve established that your business idea has potential, you then need to decide what type of business to start, and whether you’ll open a brand

Depending on what type of business you want to start, you may not need a physical business location. Home-based and online businesses are becoming increasingly popular and offer many advantages.

of succeeding if there is a good match between your idea, and your skills, interests and motivations. Tip #2 - Conduct market research into your business idea Before you venture into your new business it’s important to conduct some market research to see if your idea is feasible. You need to find out if there is a need for your product or service and who your competitors are, their strengths and weaknesses and how your business will differ from theirs. Some questions to consider are:

Aside from choosing what type of business to start, you also need to decide what type of business structure external link you’ll need. Business structures include: sole trader - an individual trading on their own partnership - an association of people or entities running a business together, but not as a company company - a legal entity separate from its shareholders trust - an entity that holds property or income for the benefits of others. There are advantages and disadvantages for each type of structure and it’s important to consider whether your activity is a business or a hobby. Each structure can have different tax implications, so you may want to consult a professional business advisor, accountant or solicitor for advice. The size and nature of your business, compliance requirements, insurance and establishment costs are common factors that may influence your choice of business structure. Tip #4 - Write a business plan for your new business. Investing time and focus in creating a detailed, well-structured business plan will give you direction and help your business become a success. Your business plan is essential for your business. It sets the direction for your business and keeps you on track once it’s up and running. You’ll also need a business plan for securing finance for your business.


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Businesses Now Selling


Absolute Business Brokers To find out more about absolute business brokers Visit

South Eastern Butcher P.O.A.


Taking- $6,500 p/w Rent $558 PW Lease of 5x3 For all enquiries please contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

Inner North Hair Salon P.O.A B11412

Taking- $2,500 PW Rent- $1,487 PCM Lease- 3x3x3x3 For all enquiries please contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

Jewellery/Gifts/Homewares $22,950 B11391

Taking- $3,000 PW Rent- $810 PW Strong Lease Inspect today with George Christou (03) 9566 7300

Health Food Torquay P.O.A. B11420

Taking- $15,000 PW Rent- $3,939 PCM Lease- 3 x 5 For all enquiries please contact Vikki Malmberg (03) 9566 7300

Stunning Cafe/Restaurant $99,000 B11395

Taking- $6,500 p/w Rent- $1733PCM Seating 38 inside and 45 in the courtyard Inspect today with Damon Ambatzis on(03) 9566 7300

Health Food Ocean Grove P.O.A. B11422

Taking- $12000 p/w Rent- $2,804 PCM Established for 6 years For all enquiries please contact Vikki Malmberg (03) 9566 7300

Businesses For Sale

P.O.A. B11348

Eastland Quality Meats $399,000 B11332

Taking- $50,000 p/w Rent $18,900 pcm incl GST and C.M fees Good Lease Inspect today with Leo or George (03) 9566 7300.

ProfessionalHairReplacement P.O.A B11370

Taking- $120,000 p/a Rent- $800 PW New Lease Inspect today with Chris Panagiotidis 9566 7324 or 0433 582 533.

SpecialistsComputerRetailers P.O.A. B11335

Taking- $1,500,000 PA Rent- $76,000 PA Lease- 6 Years Inspect today with Chris Panagiotidis 9566 7324 or 0433 582 533.

IT Services/Electronic Sales P.O.A. B11355

Taking- $800,000 PA Rent- $40,000 PA New Lease For all enquiries please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

Essential Beauty Franchise $119,500 B11339

Taking- $7,000 p/w Rent- $8050PCM INC GST 3 Treatment Rooms and 1 tanning Room Inspect today with Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

Essential Beauty Franchise $219,500 B11340

Taking- $13000 p/w Rent- $16,615 PCM INC GST 6 Treatment Rooms and 1 tanning Room Inspect today with Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

VNM Magazine 路 January 2014


Absolute Business Brokers To find out more about absolute business brokers Visit

Mechanical Workshop P.O.A.


$130,000 B11373

Fully Managed Hair Salon P.O.A.


Taking- $380,000 p/a Rent- $660 PW New Lease Inspect today with Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

Taking- $320,000p/a Rent- $6,000 PCM Strong Lease For all enquiries please contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

Taking- $3,000 p/w Rent- $2,200 PCM 5 days per week Inspect today with Chris Panagiotidis 9566 7324 or 0433 582 533.

West Gippsland Cafe

Pizza Business Surrey Hills

Salon In Keilor East



Taking- $8,000 p/w Rent- $521 PW 10-12Kg coffee per week For all enquiries please contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154


Fashion Retail St Kilda

January 2014 路 VNM Magazine

$90,000 B11380

Taking- $5,000 p/w Rent- $620 PW Lease- 2x3x3x3 For all enquiries please contact Damon Ambatzis on (03) 9566 7300



Taking- $3,500 p/w Rent- $1972 PCM Lease- 3x3x3 Inspect today with Chris Panagiotidis 9566 7324 or 0433 582 533.

Businesses For Sale

Cake Decorating Shop Business

Young Cafe In High Profile Location

P.O.A. B11329 This fantastic opportunity is ideal for someone who has a passion for cake art and is ready to take their experience to the next step and become their own boss! The shop features a high profile location on a major road through the east Long established the business has been serving it’s loyal customers for 11 years & vendor now needs to move on due to family commitments The business features a shop featuring everything required for cake & sweet creation & decoration The business also offers cake decorating classes 3-5 nights per week 6 casual staff currently in place Taking $9,000 per week open Monday to Saturday Perfect for a cake decorating enthusiast to grow their passion & make money from it! For further information please call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

$350,00 B11333 This young and trendy cafe offers a fantastic opportunity to take over a growing business & reap the benefits! Only established 6mths ago the cafe is already taking $15,000 per week Located on a major road through the affluent inner east it has parking & public transport at the door & a major hospital nearby Currently open 7 days closing at 3.30pm weekdays & 4pm weekends have your evenings to yourself! Cafe is well staffed which will make an easy transition for the new owner Full commercial kitchen 55 seats inside Currently going through 40-45kg coffee per week Cheap rent of $814 per week for location Long lease of 5x5x5 2 private carparks included with the premises For further information please call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

Pizza/Pasta Restaurant In Regional

Keilor Park Wheel And Tyre Specialists

P.O.A. B11342 This fantastic pizza restaurant is located in a rural town in Victoria’s west and offers a great opportunity for a country lifestyle & excellent business! Established 3.5 years the business has a strong following & is well loved by the locals Business is taking $28,000 per week Full commercial kitchen Located in the heart of the shopping precinct in town Seating for 100 indoors & 24 outdoors Fully licenced until 11pm Dine in or takeaway option Wine cellar Long lease of 5x5x5 with rent of $51,000 pa For further information please call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

P.O.A. B11347 This business has been established and successfully run under management for over 8 years! Specialising in Wheels and Tyres, Wheel Alignments, Exhausts and Suspension, Brakes and Batteries, Log Book Services, Roadworthy Certificates. This business focuses on all aspects of wheel and tyre service however has the capability to expand general mechanic service for both car and motorcycle- allowing endless potential for future growth and direction! Business Currently Takes- $25,000 per week. The owner only overlooks on Part Time hours and has 3 Full Time staff members employed. Rent of $ 12,000 PCM with New Lease of 5x5x5 large work area, office/ reception area and show room. Trading 5 1/2 days per week:Closed Sundays, Mon- Fri 8:30am-5pm, Sat 8:30am- noon Inspection by Appointment Only Please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326 to arrange appointment.

Absolute Business Brokers To find out more about absolute business brokers Visit

Photo-booth Rental Business for Sale

Online Hampers Business

$150,000 B11326 There’s something about stepping into a photo-booth, drawing the curtain & playing up to the camera with a few props. It is a very clever concept that involves photo-booths hired out to Weddings, Corporate Events, 21st and 18th birthday parties etc. A husband/wife team could run this business with minimal staff due to being able to run office, operations and attending events on their own.This particular business is the Leader in Photo-booths in the Geelong Region. The best aspect of this business is that there are Very low to NO overheads No Landlord to pay Rent All start up expenses have been paid and the business now runs very smoothly Business turned over $129,000 last financial year with a HUGE Nett Profit Currently Business is running with 3 Booths You will have your weekdays free and main working hours are on Friday & Saturday and in most cases the Booths can be left at the venue and collected later.


Genuine buyers are strongly encouraged to register their interests by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202.


Melbourne based online

Coburg Jewellery Retail Store P.O.A. B11334

Family run jewellers success-

business that distributes hampers Australia wide.

fully established and operated in Coburg for

A wide selection of gift hampers for all occasions.

over 20 years. Specializing in handmade

Owner established and successfully operated for 6

products and jewellery repairs – reputation for

years on a part-time basis!

unique and quality pieces. Situated in a

-Ideal for buyers with family or other business

multicultural precinct with easy access in terms


of available parking and nearby tram stops. Self

- Business can be relocated to suit new buyer

maintained and fully equipped workshop with

- Suitable for buyers with only basic English Skills

Masters and designs for a vast selection of

-5,000 and growing database

jewellery pieces of all budgets.

-Liquor License

This business is ideal for those looking for

-Taking $55,000 per annum

something that can stand the test of time and

Take the time to look at this business as the future

continue the legacy created.

of online retail is upon us now.

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on

For further information please contact Chris

9566 7326.

Panagiotidis on 0433582532 or on 9566 7326.

Businesses For Sale

Pizza Business For Sale

Home Based Wholesale Baking Business

$120,000 B11362 This great Pizza Business for Sale boasts full commercial kitchen, Conveyor pizza oven and high profit margins. This lovely well established Pizza Business for Sale serves a range of pizza, pasta and more. It is located in an upmarket area near the beach with many loyal local customers as well as a some visitors. Enjoy high foot traffic created by supporting businesses in this busy little shopping strip. This Pizza Business For Sale boasts the following features: Evening trade only. Average takings of $5,000 per week Very good rent of $481 Per Week. Excellent lease of 5X5x5 with 9 years remaining. Full commercial kitchen with all the equipment you need to provide a wide range. This is an outstanding opportunity for new owners to secure a well performing business that still has loads of capacity for increasing takings. The owners must move on for family reasons. All genuine offers are invited. Call Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 for more information on this Pizza Business For Sale

P.O.A. B11365 This remarkable business has been established for over 4 years and has over this period established key relationships with clients both commercial and private. Providing top quality slices, cakes and sweet treats to Cafes, delicatessens and private functions (predominately in Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne). Standing out from its competitors- this home based business is able to compete with attractive pricing and quality! Using only the finest ingredients- quality is not spared on the recipes ensuring loyal and happy clients with excellent word of mouth exposure. The business is currently operated from home by the owner 6 days a week 11am-3pm. Closed Sundays.All customers are loyal and repeat orderstaking $2000 per week. Recipes, nutritional panels and cake box labels included as well as support and training! For further information and to discuss skill requirements please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Builders Cleaning Business For Sale

Eco Decking Suppliers and Distributers

P.O.A. B11368 The business has been successfully run for over 14 yearsbuilding up to repeat business with several builders over the years- allowing for steady income and solid foundations for growth! The business currently trades by appointment- 5 days per week with an average of 5 hours per day. Owner operates Part Time with the assistant of 1x Part Time staff member. Main income generated by servicing cleans to homes newly built before keys exchange to new home owners. No furniture and residents allows for routine cleans that can be performed successfully with little fuss. Currently run in the South East areas of Melbourne where there are countless new estates popping up- the demand and serviceability is high! Potential to further grow by expanding team size to allow for multiple cleans at one time and potential to increase radius of service across Melbourne. Builders Cleans are very popular and sought after in the industry and this business will not last- please call Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

P.O.A. B11377 This business specializes in the supply of quality easy to install timber look decking. Unlike most of competitors who use bamboo powder, this product is made from recycled wood combined with new and recycled plastics to give a beautiful, strong, natural looking sustainable alternative decking that requires no oiling and no more trees to be cut down. Green Decking is a UV stable, non-splinter, salt and chlorine resistant and insect and rot resistant wood plastic composite decking and cladding ideal for salt or chlorine swimming pool and spa surrounds and all outdoor spaces. The beautiful finish of wood is combined with the stability, longevity and ease of care of plastic‌ Plus all the ongoing advantages to the environment of this elegant minimal maintenance recycled decking and cladding. The hidden clips leave long elegant lines of straight decking with no ugly nails or screws to keep coming out.! Established in 2009 the owner only works 2.5 days out of the week to achieve takings of $90,000 per year! For further information please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326 today.

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Retail Store Under Management With Residence P.O.A. B11356 This retail store offers a high profile location on a very busy shopping strip in the inner suburbs with immense potential for further growth! Established 5 years the business is currently run under management with casual staff. Business trades 7 days from 11am with a stylish, spacious store that is well laid out and offers 3 change rooms Taking $5,000 pw the business has no online presence so there is a HUGE untapped market to move it into. Premises includes an apartment upstairs that can be sublet to reduce your rent or just live onsite! Long lease of 5x5 and outgoings are included in the rent Currently stocking a range of fashion & accessories, the range could easily be altered or expanded. Ideal opportunity for someone with a love of fashion to become their own boss with all the hard setting up work completed for you! For further information please call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

Cafe for sale in Belgrave

Retail Sporting Goods Business

$119,500 B11360 This Cafe /Takeaway is situated in the Dandenongs. Ideally set up for Husband /Wife team. Complete Kitchen with excellent equipment. Taking average $7,000 pw Trading 7 days Main Street Exposure. Rent. $445 pw inc gst Long Lease, Seats 36, Cool room ,grease trap Great potential to increase profit Trial available. Your opportunity is here and now. For details and an inspection for this Cafe / Takeaway , contact George Christou on (03) 9566 7300

$90,000 B11361 Successful Retail Sporting Goods Business For Sale This highly attractive sporting goods and apparel business has an excellent location in Stockland The Pines shopping centre in Doncaster East. Operating for a little over a year, this retail business has already shown an excellent turnover with plenty of potential to keep growing! Currently taking $320,000 per annum, Rent $50,000 per annum Excellent 5 year lease. Fit-out only 1 year old High volume foot traffic. Open Shopping Centre Hours Vendor selling due to other business commitments For more information on this excellent opportunity, or to arrange an inspection, please call Damon Ambatzis on (03) 9566 7300

Businesses For Sale

Long Established Restaurant Business P.O.A.


Serving its loyal customers for 40

Football Sporting Specialty Retail Store P.O.A. B11338

This specialty retail football &

Bentleigh Cafe In Excellent Location P.O.A. B11344

This cafe is any aspiring or

experienced Barista’s dream!

years this restaurant offers a great location and

sporting store offers a fantastic opportunity for

excellent turnover! The restaurant offers pizza

someone looking to become their own boss & has

delivery as well as seating for 50 inside & 6

a love of sports! Located in a very busy shopping

muters eager for their first morning coffee.

precinct in the south east of Melbourne this

The business is a family run operation that requires

business offers a prime location. Also features a

enthusiasm and energy to uphold the reputation

comprehensive website which caters for online

and service of the current owners.

outside. High profile location on a major road through the west in a busy shopping area. Full commercial kitchen. Trading only 6 nights per week and generating approximately $20,000 per week. Well staffed with full & part time staff as well as drivers which will allow a smooth transition

sales expanding your customer base. The business is well staffed which enable a smooth transition

Surrounded by bus stops and train station- this cafe has been known to draw crowds from com-

Established by the owner and his wife for 5 years- the business has grown to taking $8000 per week and has been featured in many reviews and

for the new owner. Currently targeted primarily at

local Melbourne blogs for its excellence in coffee

football clothing, accessories & products the range

and service! 2 bedroom residence upstairs. Fully

of products could easily be expanded . Taking

Licensed until 11pm. Seats 20 patrons inside and

well loved by the locals, fantastic opportunity to

$750,000 per annum. Established 3.5 years and

8 outside front shop. Hot and cold food served

take over a thriving business with great reputation.

showing steady growth. Open 7 days, only open 4

for the new owner. Liquor licence until 11pm Cheap rent of $611 per week and long lease of 3x3x3. Long established & profitable business

hours on Sunday

during trade with potential to further expand menu! Rent of $2636 PCM with New Lease of 2x5 options.

For further information please call Senior Business

For further information please call Senior Business

Call to discuss with Chris Panagiotidis on 0433

Broker Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533

Broker Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533.

582 533 or on 9566 7326

Absolute Business Brokers To find out more about absolute business brokers Visit

Custom Trophy And Engraving Business P.O.A.


Established for over 30 years this

business has become a trusted supplier for local sporting clubs and teams for personalized trophies, awards and memorabilia.

Sunbury Takeaway Shop P.O.A. B11348

This business has the equipment

and set up to achieve almost any menu! Currently producing and selling an average of 300-350 chickens per week on rotisserie. 280 kg of chips per week (average of 23 boxes per week)-

Very easy to operate and run- making ideal for any

this business is one hot potato! Owner operates

buyer or investor. Very short hours and trade- Your

with assistance of 3x casual staff members

weekends are free. MON-FRI 9am- 5pm. Rent $300 per week with options of 5x5x5

Trading 6 days per week- Closed Sundays Mon- Fri 10am-8pm Sat 10am-7pm Ideally positioned on a busy shopping strip

Website in place with future growth and potential

surrounded by public transport, banks and ATM’s

in setting up online shopping and orders.

and bottle shop. Customers can park at the front or

Located in an area surrounded by sporting clubs,

there is a main car park only meters away!

teams and community organizations- resulting in years of proven success and sustainability.

Excellent foot traffic and bustle ensure this takeaway shop has been a favorite for lunch and dinner for over 30 years! Rent of $3,700 pcm with

No experience necessary- assistance can be

option of 5x5. Taking $8000 p/w with potential


to grow! Ideal for all buyers with enthusiasm and eagerness to work in a rewarding business that has

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326

been a favorite within the community for decades. To inspect please call Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Vinyl Vehicle Wrap &Digital Signage and Stickers P.O.A. B11349 John Evans is known for his creative flair, historically airbrushing unique designs onto many great motor vehicles. In 2002 John saw an opportunity in technology and digital printing to be able to offer this to a broader audience, FLEETING IMAGE was born! Fleeting Image is the best in the business, the first business of its kind. Do you have a passion for, Design? Technology? and all things Automotive? ‌ This business is for you! Fleeting Image offers digital design and vinyl wrapping. Latest In-house creative design facilities. Latest, large-format digital print technology. Trained and approved vinyl application specialists. General signage, point of sale banners etc. Wake Board Boats, Ski Boats, Personal Water Craft and Fishing Boat Vinyl Wrapping. Car Wraps, Truck Wraps, Bus Wraps and even Helicopter Wraps! Custom Vinyl Banners and display ads. Corporate, Commercial and Private Fleet vehicle Vinyl Wrapping With long lease terms, strong turn over, consistent growth, reliable staff, repeat customers and fleet contracts this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! For more information, please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533

Businesses For Sale

Bikes / Cycle Business for Sale P.O.A.


Holding the best reputation in

Jewellery Shop in Hastings P.O.A. B11351

The Jewel Shed was founded by

Melbourne this iconic cycle shop could be your

Dermot O’Toole in 1986, located in Hastings on

dream come true! Located in Dandenong,

the Mornington Peninsula. The Jewel Shed has no

spacious premises with excellent main road

direct competition in the area, repeat customers

exposure and ample parking. Stocking a great

and great community support. Over the years the

selection of highly sought after brands of bikes,

business has grown steadily, with new display

accessories as well as providing servicing and

cabinets and recently relocating to larger premises

bike repairs. Established in 1977 generations of

in the main street of Hastings. Why not make it

customers just love what this business has to

your own?

offer. Be your own boss live your passion!

Rent of $1300 pcm with options 4x4x4

Established 35 years, Long lease 2 x 3 x 3

Trading 6 days- closed Sundays

Vendor works full time in the business

The business has primarily focused on jewellery

Taking $30,000 per month

sales and repairs. Here is a great opportunity to

Fantastic opportunity for an owner operator or a

continue the legacy of this local icon and expand

partnership. Great range of brands, Rocky Moun-

the services and sales into watches and possibly

tain, Jamis, Avanti, Felt, Bauer and Mongoose.


For more information, please contact Chris on

For more information, please contact Chris on

0433 582 533 or Vikki on 9566 7300

0433 582 533 or Vikki on 9566 7300

Cafe and Patisserie Business For Sale P.O.A. B11357 On a busy main road surrounded by attractive retail stores and banks that attract foot traffic. The business has plenty of street parking as well as back lane parking for staff. Surrounded by public transport and walking distance for many schools in the area. As well as providing hot breakfast and lunch the business is well known for providing fresh and tasty treats such as donuts and slices- perfectly accompanying the coffee! Business also caters to functions by providing custom orders of dessert and cakes for weddings etc. Potential growth in setting up a web site where consumers can order birthday cakes etc to be made and delivered. Business seats 12 inside and 6 outside. Currently taking $6500 per week with ability to further expand menu and introduce further savory takeaway options for lunch and breakfast. Rent $3700 PCM with 3x3x3 options. Trading 6 Days (Closed Sunday). Mon 8:30am-4pm Tue-Fri 7:30am-4pm Sat 8am-1pm. Currently owner operates .Please call Chris Panagiotidis to discuss further details 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Absolute Business Brokers To find out more about absolute business brokers Visit

Segways Hire Business Fully Relocatable

Coastal Pet Store and Grooming Business

Beauty Salon on Excellent Corner Location


P.O.A. B11359 Located on the main road of Cowes- surrounded by hospitality and retail businesses as well as service station to maximize exposure. The business carries specialty feed and pet care products as well as an expansive range of accessories, toys and grooming products for a large variety of animals. The business has been known for the last 4 years of operation to provide many homes for loving creatures of all shapes and sizes from- Puppies, Kittens, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hermit Crabs, Birds, Mice and Fish. The business carries out grooming services on the request of clients. The vendor who established the business in 2009 currently works full time in the business with the assistance of 1x casual staff member. Currently taking $5,200 p/w with potential to grow by introducing online shopping on the existing web site and possible introduction of home service grooming to maximize exposure. Rent of $2647 PCM inc GST- inspection by appointment is recommended to view the space and surroundings! Please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or 9566 7326.

P.O.A. B11363 A salon with space to maximize all beauty treatments and potential. Spacious private beauty rooms, large make up studio and large nail spa that can accommodate several clients at one time. Currently run under management with 2x Full Time staff members with added assistance of 1 casual staff member. Taking $6,000 with boundless potential. Located on the corner of two high level traffic zones and stones throw from train station and bus stops. This business is suitable for both qualified or training beauty therapist and novices looking to invest in this industry. Inspection is a must and will not disappoint- owners have put a lot of money and thought into the design and set up! Rent of $49,500 per year with further lease options. Currently Trading 5 days (closed Monday and Sunday). Open until late to ensure commuters from public transport can stop to sneak in a treat-


This is an amazing opportunity

for those looking to impact the market with something fun, unique and active! Hours of fun for all ages- this business includes 10 Segways in excellent condition i2 Model from U.S . Custom built trailer designed for the 10 Segways included and can recharge using power to ensure Segways can cover more then 40km per charge- more then enough for a day even at a fair or carnival! Business can run on private property or be hired out for Birthdays and corporate social activities. Potential to expand business with structured guided tour packages for a modern take on tourist tours. Excellent sporting ideas with introduction of Polo Segway and many more popular new games! No special training or skills needed- business can be run under management! Segways currently based in Betley and inspections and opportunity to test ride is welcome with appointment! Call Chris Panagiotidis today on 433 582 533 or on 9566 7326 to discuss Segway models.

ment before heading home! Established for 13 years. Please call Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Businesses For Sale

Cafe On Busy Street With Excellent Foot Traffic P.O.A. B11366 Situated on a very well known strip in Mornington with ample public car space, public transport and services! This location is well known for high levels of foot traffic and lively social lifestyles. Plenty of retail shops, banks and real estate offices ensure demand for good quality food and beverage is at a high year round! The business stands out from competition due to its excellent presentation and newly fitted equipment and style! Due to its outstanding presentation and liquor license until 1am- this business has huge potential to promote functions. Seating capacity of 40 inside and 24 outside ensures the space has capacity and potential to further grow. Trading 7 days 8am-5pm with weekends being very popular with breakfast and brunch. Taking $7,500 with 8kg per week coffee Vendor works only two days a week in the business with 2x Full Time staff and 4x casuals staff members. The business must be inspected by appointment with the agent and can be arranged by contacting Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Fully Licensed Cafe RestaurantNextToCinemas P.O.A. B11367

Situated in the Reading Cinema

Complex of Chirnside Park- this business has been a date night favorite for over 14 years! With excellent modern decor with throwback to cinematography nostalgia- this business can cater to fancy dinner before a movie as well as lunch with the family! Excellent growing selection of fine wines with liquor license until 1am makes this venue a growing favourite for personal and corporate functions. Seating capacity of 180 inside and 26 outside accommodates to demand and facilitates in potential further growth of the

Milk Bar In Ideal Location P.O.A. B11369

This milk bar is in a perfect

residential location directly opposite a well maintained park and playground! Along with the obvious benefits of being positioned opposite a well maintained park and play area- the business is part of a strip of shops. Next door being a coin launderette and Hair Salon-ensuring patrons visit the milk bar to pick up their latest magazine while their laundry is being washed or their hair blow waved! The business has ample on street parking at the front ensuring customers can easily access and is walking distance from many homes, bus stops and schools. The business enjoys a steady

business. Menu makes the most of local fresh

yearly income- taking $6000p/w Rent of $2263

produce and is based on an Italian/ Modern

PCM inc GST with long lease of 3x3x3- boasting a

Australian cuisine which is easier to master and

3 bedroom residence, rear car space and storage

very effective in terms of taste! Taking $20,000 per

shed. Established for over 40 years this milk bar

week. Owner works Full Time with the assistance

has the ideal location to withstand the test of time

of 4 Full Time, 3 Part Time and 7 Casual Staff

and ensure future longevity and continuing

members.. Trading 7 days from 11am each day.


Inspection can be arranged by contacting

Please contact Arthur Tsolakis to inspect on

Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326

(03) 9566 7300

Absolute Business Brokers To find out more about absolute business brokers Visit

Florist In Fitzroy Business For Sale P.O.A. B11371

This florist is an ideal business

for first time business owners or those looking for a business that is easy and enjoyable to run! Established on Smith St for over 15years- this florist not only generates its $3000p/w income in store but out in markets 3 days out of the week! Trading 7 days 9am-5pm owner runs full time with the assistance of 1 x part time staff member who assists mainly with market days when business trades in both places. Vendor is very keen to sell and all offers will be considered and are invited! We highly recommend an inspection to appreciate the location and access with both parking and public transport! Huge potential to expand by introducing a web site and promotion for further growth. Rent of $2850 PCM with further options Please contact Chris Panagiotidis today on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326 to further discuss this opportunity!

Accredited Smash Repair and Towing Plus Freehold P.O.A B11374 Established for over 37 years this panel beating and towing business has seen generations of repeat and loyal clients. The business is situated in an ideal industrial location of Morwell with a reserve across the road to maximize exposure and advertise the business to local sports and spectators of the community. Exceptional opportunity to purchase the business and freehold to fully maximize profits, Huge site ensures security for sustainable growth and capacity to meet any future expansion requirements. Fully accredited with excellent and long lasting relationships with major insurance companies. 2 Tow Trucks with 24/7 towing service and valuable licenses included. Excellent service provided to all clients with the owner having 4 loan out cars as well 2 work utes for staff included in this excellent opportunity to obtain nearly 40years of hard work overnight! 2x owners work Full Time with addition of 6 Full Time Staff and 2 Subcontractors. Taking over $1 923 000 per year with huge room and potential to further expand! For Further Information please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533

in.Cube8r Gallery Master Franchise P.O.A. B11375

This is the opportunity for all

investors to sit up and take note - the business needs absolutely no experience and generates well over $180,000 per year simply by renting out space for local Australian artists to house their handmade products with scope and potential for much more to add on as well. The business has been created and operated by the founder for 6 years-artists rent a small cube of space in the store and all proceeds go directly to them- this is such a unique concept that the business is rapidly growing through word of mouth in the industry! Owner currently overlooks on Part Time hours with assistance of 2x Part Time employees. The flagship gallery is on Smith Street Fitzroy- the ideal location to capture the target market for those looking to purchase one of a kind eclectic pieces of art or craft, as well as an optional existing outlet (currently run as franchise) in Brisbane to be taken over. To arrange a meeting please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533.

Businesses For Sale

Towing Business For Sale P.O.A.


Florist in Inner West P.O.A. B11434

Beauty Salon Business P.O.A.


Taking- $125,000 PA Truck and Trailor Corparate contracts For all enquiries please contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

Taking- $1,800 PW Rent- $824 PW Inc GST New Lease For all enquiries please contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

Taking- $2,000 PW Rent- $19,800 PA INC Outgoings Male and female waxing Inspect today with Chris Panagiotidis 9566 7324 or 0433 582 533.

Industrial Cafe In Keysborough

Commercial & Domestic Kitchen Supplier

Commercial & Domestic Kitchen Supplier

$18,000 B11438

Taking- $3,000 PW Rent- $3079 PCM 6am-3pm weekdays Inspect today with Chris Panagiotidis 9566 7324 or 0433 582 533.

$20,000 B11448

Taking- $90,000 PA Rent- $64,466 PCM Lease- 3x3 Inspect today with Chris Panagiotidis 9566 7324 or 0433 582 533.

$199,500 B11451

Taking- $330,000 PA Good Rent Toorak Road location Inspect today with Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

Absolute Business Brokers To find out more about absolute business brokers Visit

Icon Of Reservoir Cafe/Lounge For Sale $169,500 B11381 This iconic business has been a favorite hang out for patrons for over three generations! Fully licensed until 1am with very large floor plan has allowed the business to also grow popular with functions such as birthdays with the young and young at heart! The business is well equipped with activities to ensure hours of entertainment and repeat clients! Trading 7 days per week 6:30pm - 11pm with Sundays opening 8:30pm- the business sees excellent and growing profits of $12,000 per week takings with 40% on average coming from the 4 coin operated Billiard Tables which are in excellent condition! Producing 28 kg of coffee per week there is excellent potential to increase income by introducing more food options onto the menu. The space also allows for further promotions of functions, special events on the timetable to attract patrons throughout the week as well as the room to introduce new activities to entice. Inspection is highly recommend to fully appreciate the scale of the business and potential. Please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326 to discuss.

Specialist Supermarket In Brunswick P.O.A. B11383

Situated on a bustling shopping

Clothing Alterations Business P.O.A. B11398

This very successful clothing

strip of Brunswick this supermarket is in the hub of

alterations business has been established in

multiculturalism and supplies specialty produce

Mentone for 14 years and has been run by the

and goods from Asia and around the globe! With

current owner for 13 of those years.

rare items stocked- competition is not an issue for

The business produces very high quality altera-

this business and is ideal for foreign buyers or those with little English skills. The owner currently runs the business Full Time with the assistance of

tions as well as retail and business clothing alterations, garment making for ladies, leather work and

1x Part Time staff member. Trading 6 Days per

being a dry cleaners agent. The business currently

week Mon- Sat. with no late trading making it ideal

trades Monday to Friday in addition to Saturday

for those with young families! Very good rent for

morning and takes $1,800 per week with excellent

the area of $1500 PCM with New Lease in place.

net profits. The rent is $1,970 per calendar month

The supermarket has been established for over

including GST with lease terms of 5x5 on a newly

15 years with a very loyal customer base that is always growing- room for further growth by introducing new and rare products as the market is always changing and new items are constantly

commenced lease. With the current vendor looking to retire, this is an excellent opportunity for the right buyer to purchase this business. Great

being introduced to buyers!

opportunity for further growth.

To inspect this very impressive business with huge

To obtain further information about the business

room for growth please contact Chris Panagiotidis

please contact Chris Panagiotidis on

on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326

Businesses For Sale

Hair Salon for Sale in Mentone P.O.A.


This Boutique Hair Salon for Sale

is the one with the lot. The location is the best in Town. Right next to the Train and Bus stations and local school with commuters walking past the business on a daily basis. Luxurious Decor within the Salon ensures clients enjoy both service and surroundings. 6 Workstations and 2 Washbasins 1 Beauty Room which is Rented out for $800 pcm 1 Spray Tanning Room. Plenty of room to facilitate further growth and expansion. The owner enjoys low overheads and great staff as she only works about 20% of the time on the floor. Currently turning over on average $9,000 p/w Rent of $2,025 pcm incl. GST, with office New 3x3x3 Year Lease in place Current Owner wants to stay back and work for 2 days per week for the new owners. For further details and to book an inspection please call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

Cafe For Sale Growing Berwick Area P.O.A B11404 This busy Cafe for Sale is located at the entrance to one of Melbourne’s busiest Coles supermarkets. High coffee and smoothie sales guarantees good margins and caters for a steady income flow all year round. This profitable Business for Sale is ideal as a family

business or for a single owner to run with capable staff. Takings of $13,000 per week Low rent at well below the 10% benchmark. 35-40kg coffee a week Lots of foot traffic New developments in the area ensure future growth potential Easy to run The owner of this Cafe for Sale wants to retire and enjoy the money made over the years from this profitable business. If you want to know more about this awesome opportunity, Call Phil Booysen now 0429 006 921.

Cafe2u Port Melbourne P.O.A. B11408

Recently awarded best value

franchise system by Smart Investor Magazine, a Cafe2U Franchise has no hidden costs including the Mercedes Benz van, all inclusions and set up costs! Over 100 Australians are now running their own successful mobile coffee van business using Cafe2U’s mobile coffee franchise system without the hassles of landlords, staff or rent.This particular business holds the EXCLUSIVE right over Port Melbourne which is a beautiful, vibrant location where there are many parks, sporting events and community fairs and fundraisers year round!Currently the owner works very short hours only 5 days per week! Business comes with fully equipped Van, coffee machine and all the gear needed to run the business with coffee and hot and cold snacks provided! Currently owner takes $2,000 per week with an average of 30 hours a week! Full support and training is provided! Call Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or 9566 7326 to learn more!

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Hand Car Wash and Detailing Business P.O.A.

Restaurant on Glenferrie Road

Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

P.O.A. B11389 Located between Princess Hwy and metres from the train station- this business is in the perfect location on Glenferrie Road. The business boasts 2 rooms upstairs that can be used for office, storage or easily converted to two intimate function spaces or one large space or further entertainment. Downstairs 65 comfortable seating capacity with an additional 6 in the private courtyard. Owners have established and worked in the business for over 9 years Full Time with the assistance of 1x Part Time and 2x casual staff members. Trading Tue- Fri for lunch and dinner 12noon- 3pm and 6pm- 9pm. Saturday 6pm to 9am. Menu is Italian based with Takeaway available and can be further promoted with potential for delivery in the area to service many new apartments and residence. Currently taking $12,000 per week- this business is ideal for a partnership or those experienced in hospitality. Rent of only $4, 654 PCM with solid lease options of 5x5x5. Contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326 to discuss arranging a time to inspect!

Online Art And Unique Decor Business

Italian Restaurant For Sale

P.O.A. B11390 A rare opportunity to own one of Australia’s leading nursery and home dÊcor brands. Almond Tree Designs has been a leading provider of artwork and homewares to retail stores and homes around Australia and New Zealand over the last 4 years.Almond Tree Designs launched 4.5 years ago creating and selling a range of Australian made homewares. As an established online business, the trading is 24/7. The current sales are split evenly between direct to public and wholesale customers. With the business operating online, geography is not an issue, as it can easily be managed from home, with established customer and supplier base. The sale includes a stylish designed website, with fully automated shopping cart facilities, full content management, and domain names. This business can be operated from home with very little over heads, and no leasing or storage costs. A finalist in the 2013 Kids Fashion Review Style Awards, this brand continues to be featured in a multitude of magazines including Inside Out, The Herald Sun, Real Living and more. With over 200 stores around Australia and New Zealand purchasing from Almond Tree Designs on a regular basis. Call Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

P.O.A. B11392 Immaculate Italian Pizza Restaurant For Sale Restaurants like this don’t come along every day! Located in the North-Eastern suburbs, this is an immaculately maintained restaurant with a gorgeous fit-out in a highly visible and dominant position with ample parking for your customers! Currently run as a family business, this restaurant boasts short hours, solid turnover with plenty of potential to improve and presents the smart buyer with a fantastic opportunity to snatch a beautiful restaurant and start building upon the already solid foundations. Only trading 5 days Wednesday - Sunday, Rent only $3,590 per calendar month, Fully Licensed until 11pm, Full commercial kitchen, Seating for 60 plus 12 outside, Wood-fire pizza oven, Prominent position on a main road with ample parking, Highly rated by diners on Urbanspoon Genuine inquiries and offers are welcome.Inspection will impress! Call Damon Ambatzis on (03) 9566 7300


Located in Richmond and surrounded by luxury car

dealerships, this hand car wash over the past 20 years has VIP repeat clients with high end luxury cars where attention to detail always counts. Off a very popular road the building is on a corner and has very large space to ensure the capacity to handle further growth and demand. Walking distance to cafe, retail and car dealerships and gym. The business is near a multi level car park and surrounded by appartments and residence ensuring maximum exposure. Trading 5 Days per week Monday to Friday 8am -5:30pm. Saturday 8am to 4pm with demand for service on Sundays. No Special skill necessary business already taking $7,000 pw with room to grow. For further information and to discuss skill requirements please contact

Businesses For Sale

Gippsland Bakery & Cafe

Inner North Cafe Business

P.O.A. B11396 With a prime location in the heart of a bright West Gippsland town this bakery & cafe offers not only a profitable business but a place within this close knit community! A spacious shop in a prime location on the main road of this delightful town is what this opportunity presents. Serving sweets, savouries, sandwiches & coffee as well as providing bread for the community this business is well loved by the locals. Seating inside for 58 people and outside for 16 people. Well equipped with 2 ovens, 6 decks, large cool room, large prep area & large dry storage. Taking $16,000 per week using 14kg coffee & 500kg flour. Well staffed which will enable a smooth transition for the new owner. Established 2 years the business has shown excellent growth & developed a strong reputation in the community Open 7 days, Long lease of 5x5x5. Great rent of $900 pw for such prime premisesThis is your opportunity to not only take over a thriving business but join in the country lifestyle & become a part of a great community! For further information please call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

P.O.A. B11397 This long established cafe offers a prime location in the heart of this Coburg shopping district on one of Melbourne’s most traversed roads! Established 40 years this business is primely located on one of Melbourne’s major thoroughfares from the country to the city. Abundance of foot traffic, public transport & parking at the door. Currently going through 5-6kg of coffee per week the business offers enormous potential for growth Taking $4,000 pw. Cheap rent of $1,570 pcm & long lease 5x5. Good size premises with booth seating for 40 people, simple menu easy to prepare & easy to operate business. Currently trading 7 days closing at 4pm all days except Sunday closing at 1pm. Ideal family business, easy to operate & potential for growth. For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

Hair Salon In East Keilor

Sports Supplements Manufacturers

P.O.A. B11403 Years of excellent service and reputation has ensured an easy to run and profitable salon with stable income. Rent of only $870 PCM for a very large space that has capacity to accommodate future growth for new owners to further excel in the local market. Off a very busy square of shops of all types ensures this salon has foot traffic exposure of all sex and ages. Walking distance from a popular park and playground provides further exposure and advertising to those living in the area. Currently taking $2,000 per week with potential to further grow by possibly introducing nail station or make up artist to provide full service of grooming for clients. The fit out of the business is well presented and needs no immediate attention making this business an ideal choice for first time owners or those who a looking for a low maintenance business. Owner operates Part Time with assistance of 1 Apprentice and 2 Part Time Staff as well as leasing a chair 2 days a week. To inspect and further discuss please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

P.O.A. B11405 Platinum Industries (Aust) P/L is one of Australia’s leading independent/contract sports supplement manufacturers. Offering new product development, formulation and innovation – with excellent service – for all sports nutritional products, tablets, liquids and powders. With over 25 years of experience within the sports/health nutrition marketplace, Platinum Industries has a broad range of product development and proven problem-solving expertise, with an emphasis in formulation, analytical development, process development and manufacturing in the following areas, . With rent of $2308 PCM for both retail and manufacturing sites. Excellent following and impact in the market with no global limitations of market exposure! Website allows for online shopping to help maximize product exposure and further stability in growing in this very rapidly expanding and popular industry of health and performance. To inspect the facilities and discuss current operations please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

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Deli And Liquor Outlet In Reservoir

Bottle Shop Fully Under Management

P.O.A. B11407 Established for over 50 years- this delicatessen has always been a reliable source of income and growth for the owner. Rent of $2200 PCM boasting a 2 bedroom residence upstairs with its own private kitchen- new owners can choose to live in it or sublease. Trading 6 days a week 8am-6:30pm closed Sundays with the owner working full time with the assistance of 1 Full Time staff member. Taking $9,000 per week this business also specializes in selling alcohol contributing to almost half the takings with minimal stress and very easy to manage. Little to no experience is needed and this business is ideal for those looking for a very profitable business that either a husband and wife can work together in or a single owner with a young family who can find residence in the area above the shop. The business ticks all the boxes for anyone looking to invest in a business with low maintenance and very good profit margins that have proven reliable for a long history of over 50 years.To inspect please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

P.O.A. B11409 This business is an excellent investment for any astute investor! Fully run under management and taking over $20,000 per month! Excellent investment for overseas buyers with no skills or language limitations! Location is ideal on a very busy main road linking to several popular surrounding suburbs of Glen Waverley to allow for maximum exposure and attract customers from a larger grid! Trading 7 days a week from 10am-11pm with extensive collection of products ranging from specialty spirits, beers and a boutique range of wines from across the globe! The business has been established for many years and has always enjoyed a loyal and growing customer base. All equipment and presentation is excellent condition with very large cool room and 3 bedroom upstairs that is currently subleased for $1500 PCM! This business is truly and investment for the future and is an excellent opportunity that will not last long! To make an offer please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326

Trendy Retail Fashion Business

Corner Beauty Salon In The North



Trendy quality branded fashion outlet for sale in high

profile shopping precinct in Moonee Ponds. Catering to all ages with an expandable range of fashion retail and takings of $5,000 per week with scope to improve significantly. New owner has areas to improve moving the business to the next level. With a captured clientele this business is ready for a new vendor to take advantage and grow profits. Strong lease in place as current vendor has negotiated low rental per month and trading six days With option for seven days trading. Fantastic opportunity with a fantastic location offering lots of foot traffic. For further details please contact Arthur Tsolakis on (03) 9566 7300

P.O.A. B11415 Ideal opportunity for a therapist looking to move her business into a beautiful salon in a high profile location and GROW! This bright beauty salon is located on a high profile corner in the northern suburbs in a busy shopping precinct Parking & public transport at the door, right near a major shopping centre Established 14 years, Great set up with 5 beauty rooms Open Tuesday to Saturday the business operates with 2 part time staff & the vendor working part time, Cheap rent of $2,200 pcm & new lease to be provided to the new vendor Taking $2,500 per week there is enormous potential for growth Excellent opportunity for the new owner to make a smooth transition into the business whilst the business keeps running with familiar faces to the clients. For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

Businesses For Sale

General Hardware Business

South East Butcher Business For Sale

P.O.A. B11425 Nestled in the picturesque township of Upwey in Melbourne’s outer-east, this hardware store has been serving the local community for more than 50 years! Located miles away from any of the large hardware chains, this small business is a staple amongst locals and preferred by many to the major hardware retailers Taking a respectable $4,000 per week with a very reasonable rent of $520, this business operates 6 days per week with no Sundays. An easy to run business with working hours that allow for a comfortable lifestyle, this business would be ideal for a semi-retired person looking to be their own boss or former tradesperson/ labourer/handyman. Vendor requesting an urgent sale due to health and family issues. For more information on this excellent opportunity, please contact Damon Ambatzis on (03) 9566 7300

P.O.A. B11431 This long established butcher offers a prime location and the vendor’s retirement gives you the opportunity to take over! Established 30 years, the vendor has run the business for 9 years Trading 6 days the business runs with the vendor full time & 2 casual staff High profile location on a major road through the south east in a busy shopping precinct , Taking $14,000 per week. Very well equipped premises including long display case, cool room, freezer, rail system, large boning room. Shop has 2 entrances, main road and rear large carpark which is shared with supermarket and could be utilised as a second shopfront. Lease of 3x3 with rent of $3995 per month. Business has large corporate clients which cater for major events such as Melbourne Formula 1 Grand Prix, Flower Show and other festivals. For further information please call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

Migration And Consultancy Agency

Patisserie/Cakes Business

P.O.A. B11415 Established for over 15 years this agency has a very wide spread reputation for excellent service and efficiency. Specializing in 457 visa applications- the agency has on average over 150 files on the go at one time! With over 200 regular clients- this business generates over $800,000 per year with excellent further potential! Currently the agency deals mainly with Europe- predominantly UK, Ireland and London as most common areas of interest. The owner who has established the business currently practices on a Part Time basis and has 2 Full Time and 1 Part Time employees to assist with the 9am-5pm 5 days per week trade. After working tirelessly for over a decade the owner is seeking to retire and thus on offer is a fully registered agency with staff in place, large loyal clientele, excellent reputation and years worth of name recognition and exposure! To obtain further information please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

P.O.A. B11418 Primarily baking quality cakes and sweets, a clever operator will note that this business has plenty of ability to incorporate things such as catering or further baking within the industrial-sized kitchen! Currently taking $7,000 per week, Solid 5 x 5 x 5 lease, Huge commercial kitchen, Spacious cool-room and freezer, 8 door oven, Loads of bench space and storage. Seating for 14 inside and 12 outside Heaps of parking for customers. An excellent location near a very busy service station, a thriving carwash and a 24 hour McDonald’s restaurant provides a great deal of added exposure to the business.With a setup that’s sure to impress, this business is still loaded with potential and waiting for a smart buyer to take over and take this business to the next level. For more information or to arrange an inspection, please call Damon Ambatzis on (03) 9566 7300 before you miss out on this opportunity!

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The Outdoor Furniture Specialist Narre Warren

Independent Travel Agency And Cruises

$420,000 B11411

P.O.A B11413 This independently owned travel agency located in Point Cook is known for its years of service and expertise within the local community and across Melbourne! Affiliated with Jestset Travelworld Group- the agency is known for its competitive packages and special deals! The consultants have over 80 years combined experience, offering worldwide knowledge within the travel industry. They can tailor a holiday to suit personal needs whether it be a tour, a cruise or independent travel. The agency also provides on hand assistance with French, Greek, Arabic, German and Italian consultants on certain days throughout the week. Potential to increase languages and introduce consultant to specialize service to large Asian market and demand! Currently generating over $2.7 million per year the business has endless future potential and growth! Full website showcasing packages and tours also ensure high levels of exposure to the public and increasing ability to reach consumers. To obtain further information on the business and to inspect the site please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

As Australia’s only true outdoor

furniture specialist retailer, The Outdoor Furniture Specialists prides itself on its position in the marketplace as top of mind for quality outdoor furniture. Business has a very large space for room to showcase an excellent range and selection of stock for rent of $183,000 per year with excellent further options. The showroom is situated in the target location in the lifestyle and home maker centre- surrounded by free parking for customers and attractive retail! Established for 9 years the owner works Full Time with the assistance of 5x Part Time staff. Trading 7 days per week on an average of 9:30am- 5pm each day. The franchise is well known for very good quality products and unique design that is very competitive in the market and holds a very high reputation. Full support and training is offered and no major skills are necessary. To arrange an appointment to inspect please contact Chris Panagiotidis today on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Party Supplies Business In South East P.O.A. B11414

Off a busy main road connecting

to many freeways, highways and suburbs of Melbourne- the business is situated in a block of retail and service businesses that ensure high exposure and attraction. Established for over 8 years this business currently generates $4,000 per week with potential for future growth by introducing more costumes, expanding online shopping and orders and potential to introduce event design and planning! With festive holidays and celebrations over the year and growing trend for consumers to entertain- this business has the capability to sustain excellent earnings and growth over the years. Currently trading 6 days per weekthe option to trade on Sunday is available if desired! With no late night trading this business is ideal for those with family commitments- with a daycare and kindergarten next door! To inspect and obtain further information please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Businesses For Sale

Seaside Fish and Chip Business Lorne P.O.A.


The Salty Dog Fish and Chips is in

the main street of Lorne directly opposite the beach and parks. Loved by locals as well as holiday makers and featured in Trip Advisor and The Lonley Planet. Fish and Chips is the perfect snack!

Candy Kids Photography P.O.A. B11423

Excellent opportunity to own a

brand of photographic studios well known for family and children shoots! Studios currently in Footscray, Epping Plaza and a pop up studio in Melton. Pop Up in excellent location outside a busy retail giant known to attract the target

Great rent of $4465 ex gst per month and 3 x 5 x 5

audience- the site is a casual lease with no lock

lease in place, Seating for 24 inside and 24 outside

ins- known to generate excellent profit margins

Equipment recently updated, fryers are for both

during festive season! The business is fully set up

chicken and fish! Two owners work in the business

with excellent and qualified staff member in place.

with up to 4 casuals in peak times, operating 6 days a week. Established for over 25 years, taking $16,000 per week. This ever growing popular fish

Full interactive web site , along with social media networks to further promote and exposure the business. The brand has been established for over 12 years and has been expanding since- currently

and chip eatery in a costal hotspot comes with a

taking over 1.3 million per year! Well known for it

beach lifestyle along the Great Ocean Road!

creative, fun and unique photography- clients are

Take advantage of this great opportunity maybe

known for repeat business and on going loyalty.

just the change you are looking for. If you would like to know more please call Vikki Malmberg (03) 9566 7300.

Opportunity to move quickly and enjoy highest profit margins during festive season- be quick! Contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326 for further information.

Beauty & Nail Salon Business Eltham P.O.A. B11427 Sure to impress, this elegant beauty salon has been operating for over 10 years with excellent net profits! Ideal business for a beauty therapist seeking to take over a firmly established business with loyal clientele in an affluent area. Taking a very respectable $6,000 per week with only 3 staff including the owner. With 2 nail stations, a private beauty room, a private waxing room and a spray-tanning area this small business makes excellent use of every inch of space. Located in a busy arcade shopping strip with plenty of pedestrian traffic. Excellent rent of only $1,600 per calendar month! This business currently enjoys an exclusive zone agreement with Napoleon Perdis Cosmetics keeping any local competitors from selling these products! Inspection on this business is a must for all beauty therapists looking to get into an excellent and profitable beauty salon. If you would like more information on this business, or to arrange an inspection, please phone Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989

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Bacchus Marsh Cafe P.O.A. B11428 Ideally situated on a busy connecting main road running through Bacchus Marsh. Currently open early 5:30am with fresh brewed coffee and hot breakfast from Monday through to Saturday. The cafe stays open Monday to Friday until 3pm serving lunch both hot and cold. Saturdays open until 1pm! The business has a reputation for excellent service and friendly atmosphere- with potential to stay open for dinner and later trades on weekends. The business already has a good reputation and menu in place and simply needs a new owner who will continue the passion for service and take the business to its next stage with new ideas! Excellent presentation and kitchen set up with all the facilities and equipment in place to continue capacity for further growth and success! Don’t live in the area but love the idea of a country laid back lifestyle? This business has a residence to ensure anyone who sees the potential for a long and profitable lifestyle can invest! To obtain further information about the business and residence simply contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Beauty Salon in Excellent Location P.O.A


Situated in the heart of

Brunswick Street Fitzroy, the ideal location surrounded by cafes, shops and local amenities. Public transport is also in close proximity and street parking available. The day spa currently offers beauty services, as well as cosmetic services performed by a visiting Doctor and Nurse. Fully equipped with 4 treatment rooms, 2 microhydrabrasion machines, 1 x laser machine, 1 x Spray tan booth. A great working space with rent of $650 per week and a new lease. Open 5 days a week Tuesday - Saturday, this business is suited to beauty therapists, make up artists and all business minded individuals that know how to seize an opportunity! Taking $2,500 per week, with a set up that is sure to impress this business is loaded with potential. For more information or to arrange an inspection , please contact Business Broker Vikki Malmberg on (03) 9566 7300

Stunning Bayside Hair Salons P.O.A. B11436 Offered for the first time, two of Melbourne’s most chic and prestigious salons for sale together. In these iconic salons is your opportunity to become a leader in the Melbourne hair scene. Situated in two of Melbourne’s most affluent Bayside suburbs, both on main shopping strips with high exposure and continuous foot traffic, these immediately recognisable salons with veritable household names boast the following: Combined income of approx. $26,000 p/w. Excellent leases with options to renew Rent of $6,700 pcm and $4,500 pcm respectively 16 and 11 stations respectively Both Luxuriously appointed Immense computerised database of clients State of the art on-line presence Fully managed by dedicated and experienced staff Both of these exceptional salons offer a full range of hair services for men and women and are long standing with a full database of loyal clientele. These businesses are prime candidates for expansion for a visionary buyer wanting to take to the next level and build on and expand to further locations. Sale price includes goodwill fixtures & fittings, client database and a team of great stylists. Inspections are a must and will surely impress. To obtain further information, call Leo Peters or George Christou on (03) 9566 7300

Businesses For Sale

Takeaway/Fish & Chips/Pizza Shop $99,500 B11439

This Mixed Takeaway Business is

Stunning Hair Salon and Cafe Business P.O.A.


This highly profitable Business

located in the heart of town right next to the Post

for sale brings together two customer oriented

Office, Schools and amenities close by as well. It

industries. The attractive cafe acts as a front to

offers clients the complete take-away and dine-in

bring in customers while the immaculate Hair

experience catering for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, specializing in Pizza and fish & Chips. The business has experienced huge growth over the past 13 years and is currently not run by the

Salon, neatly located in a separate area in the rear of the building, is a beacon to all those who want to look fabulous. Well trained and experienced staff provides excellent and professional customer service, allowing the owner to focus working ON

owners due to Ill Health. Average Weekly takings

the Business rather than IN it. Its corner location

of $5,600 p/w. Very Low Rent of only $11,093 p/a

with attractive frontage and ample parking draws

Long Lease available, Double decker Stone Ovens

new customers into the cafe for sale. Key Features

Seating 35 inside, 2 Double Deep Frying unit and

$30,000 takings per week. Ridiculously low rent,

Grill. Tourism - gateway to the high country.

less than 5% of takings, Corner location with am-

Would suit Husband and Wife team. Great

ple parking, 5X5 lease options with 8 years left

opportunity to buy a business in a growing Town as there is still a lot of room for improvement and increase in turnover. For further information please don’t hesitate to contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

11 years with the same owner, Large range of Hair salon services, Top Brand Products like Matrix and Global Keratin, Easy but top quality Breakfast and Lunch menu in the cafe, High coffee sales Suits either owner operator or business investor Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921

Chinese Medical and Wellness Clinic P.O.A B11445 Ideally located on a very busy main road of Bentleigh- this clinic has excellent exposure and access both on road and through public transport. Presented in a high quality fit out and decor. Clients feel as though they have entered a zen like atmosphere reflective of the Eastern methods of relaxation and wellness treatments provided. Currently well known for its excellent service and results from a team of qualified practitioners and therapists- this clinic is ideal for those with experience in herbal and Chinese natural medicine. Impressive web site in place that captures and depicts the philosophy of the clinic and treatments provided. Trading 6 days per week Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm. Turnover of over $90,000 per year with potential to increase with introduction of new services and products.Rent of $3,304 PCM with solid lease option- the site is large enough to accommodate higher demand and future growth! To inspect please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326 today.

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Salon in Vermont

Managed Reception Function Venue

P.O.A. B11433 Excellent business established for over 5 years with an excellent reputation and loyal, growing list of clientele! The owner currently has 3 Full Time Staff members working in the business and generating an average of $6,000 per week! On a strip of retail and services the salon has the best of both worlds with plenty of off street parking and at the same time the maximum exposure of being on a very busy connecting road in Vermont - right across a bus stop! Currently closed Monday and Sunday - operating 5 days per week. Currently there are 8 chairs that allows for further growth capacity and potential, 2 wash basins and a barber chair! Rent of only $31,000 per year with very solid lease option offered. The business is very well presented and will leave even the fussiest of buyers speechless! To arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

P.O.A. B11435 Behind a leafy outlook sits this fully managed, beautiful wedding and reception venue in Geelong in Victoria’s west. Established over 40 years ago this classic building offers an elegant surrounding for special events with exceptional service and modern fare. The graceful premises offer 2 reception rooms each with a bar, one which seats 70 guests & one which seats 150 guests as well as 2 smaller rooms which can be used for smaller functions or as a lobby for the main event. All areas are embellished with glamorous chandeliers, open fireplaces, high ceilings and gorgeous antique furniture. Fully managed the business is run entirely by staff so it will make a fantastic investment or addition to a party/event planning business. Rent of $7,000 per month and long lease of 4x4 Full commercial kitchen of spacious proportions well equipped with state of the art equipment and appliances to create any fare Taking average $8,000 per week but has plenty of potential for further growth. Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

Salon In Bacchus Marsh

Print/Design In CBD



This well presented salon in Bacchus Marsh is an ideal

$780,000 B11132

Printing business in an excellent location in the CBD,

business for a single owner to operate with the support of staff. Currently

surrounded by offices and Melbourne’s biggest Universities. Specialising in

run 5 days per week Monday- Friday 9am-5pm. These trading hours for a

digital and offset printing. Complemented by an online store for IT

salon is rare! Those with young families can enjoy the perks of owning their

Consumable products. Solid repeat clientele both corporate and retail.

own business but be home in time for dinner with the weekends free!

Currently operated by experienced management or can be owner operated

Owner currently operates Full Time with the assistance of 2x Full Time Staff

if you wish. With multiple income streams, this business is a true money

and 1 Part Time employee. Taking over 155,000 per year, Provides full hair

maker. Excellent opportunity selling only due to serious family situation.

dressing treatments with 4 stations and 2 basins. Cheap rent of only $660

This business has all the hard work done, come in and start to make money

PCM with 2x2x2x2 lease options.To arrange an inspection please contact

day 1 and continue to grow this great investment. Be quick and call Chris

Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Panagiotidis Senior Business Broker on 0433 582 533 or (03) 9566 7326.

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