VNM Small Business Magazine

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APRIL 2014











10 To make 2014 your best year yet, here are four hot marketing tips that will help you generate more leads and sales. There is nothing worse than reading someone’s blog or following someone on Twitter when all they do is sell. People love to buy, but they hate being sold to. Are you guilty of selling to your audience rather than engaging with them and creating an atmosphere conducive to buying?


NEW PRIVACY LAWS: ARE YOU READY? Now is the time to get your head around the new legislation or face fines of up to $1.7 million.

CHINESE BUY UP BIG IN AUSTRALIA 13.YOUR HEALTH YOUR personality colours the lenses through which you view the world, and now a new study suggests it could also have an impact on your health.


CHINESE investment in Australia almost doubled last year as the world's second-largest economy flexed its economic muscles abroad, according to new data from the Ministry of Commerce


16 THE NEW KID ON THE BLOCK. CLA 45 AMG Yes, yes, it’s the AMG version of the new CLA. But does it really deserve the AMG letters or are they just putting that badge on everything willy-nilly these days?


It’s a new year, which means now is a good time to flag some common accounting problems in order to chart a positive course for 2014.





One of the main reasons businesses fail is because there isn't a good bookkeeping system in place that would provide warning signs the business could run out of cash.

As a small business owner, I’ve realised that work life balance is essential for business success. Here are six nuggets to help you achieve it.

7..DO YOU HAVE THE X-FACTOR We’re told running a successful business is all about growth, profit, measurement and accountability. ROI, KPIs and Big Data mean that everything we do is measured to the enth degree and constant reviews of the business and our performance within it are critical to staying on track.


CHINESE INVESTORS CHINESE investment in Australia almost doubled last year as the world's second-largest economy flexed its economic muscles abroad, according to new data from the Ministry of Commerce.


Recent Chinese investment in Australia includes the sale of Australia's largest cotton producer, Cubbie Station, to a Chinese-led consortium, approved by the Foreign Investment Review Board on Friday. Chinese companies - both private and state-owned - invested a total of $3.2 billion in Australia in 2011, an 86 per cent increase from 2010. Australia is the third-most-popular investment destination behind the European Union and the ASEAN countries. The total Chinese overseas investment increased by a modest 8.5 per cent to $US74 billion ($71 billion) last year as the deteriorating global situation put a brake on its rapid expansion. Previously, Chinese investment expanded by 45 per cent every year between 2002 and 2011. In the field of mergers and acquisition, the mining industry remains a hot favourite for Chinese investors, followed by manufacturing, electricity generation and logistics. Chinese investment activities expanded again for the first seven months of this year in the non-financial sector, increasing to 53.8 per cent from a year earlier. Most went to the ASEAN countries and the US, which represented 36 per cent and 30 per cent of the total capital outflow respectively. A senior trade official, Shi Ziming, said the Chinese private companies were likely to lead the next wave of Chinese investment abroad despite the present dominance of state-owned enterprises. Private companies accounted for more than 50 per cent of Chinese investment abroad last year. ''Private enterprises will definitely play a more and more important role in the process of the nation's outbound investment activities,'' Mr Shi said.

fact. The total Chinese overseas investment increased by a modest 8.5 per cent to $US74 billion ($71 billion) last year as the deteriorating global situation put a brake on its rapid expansion. Previously, Chinese investment expanded by 45 per cent every year between 2002 and 2011.




We’re told running a successful business is all about growth, profit, measurement and accountability. ROI, KPIs and Big Data mean that everything we do is measured to the enth degree and constant reviews of the business and our performance within it are critical to staying on track. For the most part this has made us focused and disciplined, which is a good thing. But along the way there are some elements that we've forgotten: I call it the X-Factor. As Albert Einstein said, “Not everything that counts can be counted; and not everything that can be counted, counts”. As a result of this obsessive focus on numbers, we tend to measure everything, even if it isn’t really an indicator of anything worthwhile. But at the same time, there are some aspects of business we don’t and can’t measure, but which deliver a huge degree of intrinsic value.

do. It started when we expanded across the country and wanted to make sure who we were wasn't being diluted or distorted across our national and regional offices. We spent time thinking about what lexicon best reflected the organisation we thought we were, what we wanted to be and how we wanted to be perceived. The second aspect is your environment. When we moved into new offices - a refurbished warehouse space in Sydney’s CBD - architectural design firm Rolf Ockert created a space that reflected our values. We tried not to provide too tight a brief, except to say the overall effect should be “funky” and consistent with our values. The result has been an environment people feel inspired by, which has won awards and is an instant talking point.

We have learned intangible and mercurial aspects of business, we call the X-factor, can deliver huge benefits. I am advocating an approach that encourages people's passion and it’s really working for us. There are three aspects to creating a winning X-Factor culture:

Finally, there is attitude. We identified in the creation of our X-Factor that our team was overwhelmingly committed to caring about the customer. Not in a way that could be measured by customer satisfaction surveys; and not even in a way that could be tracked in customer retention dashboards or other metrics.

The first is around values. When we articulated what our culture had become we didn’t realise it would be so important. We have found it to be very powerful as it has become ever-present in everything we

You can retain your customers by simply staying ahead of your competition - in price or in customer service. But we discovered our people wanted to commit to something above and beyond that.



Jonathan Rubinsztein

We defined this in terms of seeking to always delight our customers. Our customers appreciate it, and it is borne out in our revenue figures and overall success. But more important than all of this the pride my colleagues have in the workplace, its professionalism and passion. I was surprised how much the X-Factor has impacted our business. Nowhere in my MBA studies was this kind of “fluffy stuff” recognised as powerful and differentiating. We weren't taught how to create it or cultivate it as leaders and managers but I now know that our company wouldn’t be what it is without it. It seems today we lean so heavily on the left side of our brain, we forget how much the right side can contribute.





YOUR PERSONALITY Specifically, conscientious people have a lower risk of having health problems a decade later than their less-conscientious peers, and highly-neurotic people are more likely to consider themselves as having poor health. The findings suggest that personality traits can be assessed during doctor visits so that doctors can help to “develop a more effective preventive health care plan that will result in a much healthier life,” study researcher Salomon Israel, Ph.D., of Duke University and Duke University Medical Center, said in a statement. The study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, included examination of the “Big Five” personality traits: extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism and openness to experience.



UR HEALTH The study included 1,037 people from a New Zealand study who were born between 1972 and 1973 and were followed by researchers until they were age 38.

study developed health problems — such as inflammation, hypertension, overweight and high cholesterol — at age 38, compared with 45 per cent of the least conscientious people.

When the participants were age 26, their personalities were assessed by having a person close to them describe them with the “Big Five” personality traits.

Interestingly, researchers did not find an association between neuroticism — which has been linked in past studies with health problems — and poor health at age 38, though high neuroticism study participants were more likely to self-rate their health as poorer later in life.

Their personalities were again assessed when they were age 32, but at this time point, they were evaluated by a clinical receptionist or nurse (even though the nurse and receptionist weren’t aware of the point of the study, their assessments of the participants’ personalities was similar to the ones given by the close family/ friends). Then, the participants underwent physical exams at age 38 to check blood pressure, liver and kidney functioning, vascular inflammation, lung and heart fitness and periodontal disease. Researchers found associations between personality and health at age 38. Just 18 per cent of the people who were the most conscientious in the

and nervousness, University of Rochester Medical Center researchers found that people who are high in both conscientiousness and neuroticism are more likely to fully weigh consequences — and have lower levels of a biomarker for inflammation.

YOURPERSONALITY YOUR personality colours the lenses through which you view the world, and now a new study suggests it could also have an impact on your health.

“Although we demonstrate that observer ratings of personality predict future health, we do not rule out the potential of self-report measures to provide equally valuable inferences,” the researchers wrote in the study. “Thus, although the association between Neuroticism and health appears less robust than Conscientiousness, the extent to which self-reports of Neuroticism predict objective health remains an open question.” With regard to neuroticism in particular, past research has shown that there is such a thing as “healthy” neuroticism. While neuroticism is usually associated with worrying, moodiness



MARKETING TIPS There is nothing worse than reading someone’s blog or following someone on Twitter when all they do is sell. People love to buy, but they hate being sold to. Are you guilty of selling to your audience rather than engaging with them and creating an atmosphere conducive to buying? Apply “VVVS” to your marketing, which is value + value + value + sell. Add value three times for every sales pitch. The greater the value, the easier it will be to prompt your target market to take action when you ‘sell’ to them. And it doesn’t have to be a hard sell either. If you’ve given people enough value, all you have to do is present the opportunity for them to buy. Are you offering value, or just plain selling? Chances are I can buy what you offer (or close enough to it) from someone else. You need to have a clear reason why I should buy


from you rather than your competitors. What makes your business unique? List the ways you’re different from your competitors. Then, once you’ve got a full list, cross off all of the things that your competitors also say they do! It doesn’t matter whether they actually do it or not, if they also say it, it’s not unique in the eyes of your target market. Whatever is left is your point of difference – your Unique Selling Proposition. Once you’re clear on what makes you different, ask yourself “Is this actually important to my target market?” If it isn’t, put some work into making yourself stand out. Remember, if you’re perceived to be different to your competitors, they’ll no longer be in competition. Cool huh? As with Social Proof, if prospects are on the fence, a guarantee is a great way to push them all the way over. Don’t just guarantee things for the sake of it though. Use guarantees as a way of handling





TO KICK START 2014 objections. Is there a common objection that you hear from your prospects when it comes to buying? Are they unsure whether your product will do what it says it will? Is money an issue? Something else? If you create a guarantee that takes away your prospects’ biggest objection, you’re moving them closer to a sale. If it takes more than three clicks to find out how to buy from you, you’ve lost potential customers.

Once you’re clear on what makes you different, ask yourself “Is this actually important to my target market?” If it isn’t, put some work into making yourself stand out. Remember, if you’re perceived to be different to your competitors, they’ll no longer be in competition. Cool huh?

Whether it’s from an email campaign, your blog or even from the homepage on your business website, people need to be able to purchase within three clicks. How many clicks does it take from your homepage to your sales area? Is it clear and easy to get there? And during clicks one and two, are you giving people enough information to be able to make a decision? Go and check!





some tips to help you achieve a healthy and productive work life balance.


Having clear goals and setting tasks in advance makes life easier because it gives you control and a sense of direction.


In writing down your goals and tasks for the week, make sure they are: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. By making sure your goals are ‘SMART’, you are more likely to achieve them. Enrol in a course or research books related to maintaining and achieving a healthy work life balance. Whether it is time management, goal setting, maximising productivity or stress management, there are endless resources available to help you.


unning your own business gives you the flexibility to work your own hours, but it can also mean that your personal life is placed on the backburner. Many business owners struggle to find a balance between business and life, especially now that technological advancements allow them to be connected 24/7. If you find yourself in the above category, here are

There are many studies that prove exercise is important in anyone’s daily routine. Not only does it make you feel good about yourself, it gives you a fresh mind – meaning you’ll function more efficiently and complete tasks in less time. Multi-tasking may seem like the best way to get more things done, but in reality it helps us accomplish very little – instead we end up with several half completed tasks, and nothing to cross off our to-do lists.

As we’ve talked about a lot, January is the ideal time to make resolutions, set goals and create marketing strategies for the year ahead. I usually do these things, but this year I didn’t get around to it.

Many business owners struggle to find a balance between business and life

Working non-stop throughout the day is not the most productive approach when it comes to completing your work. Take frequent, short breaks to maintain energy and focus. Make sure you get away from your desk every so often to stretch your legs too. If you feel you have all the right systems in place but are still struggling with finding the right balance between work and life, consider investing in a business coach. That way you can find out sooner rather than later how to get rid of bad habits, and can implement strategies to help you succeed. Remember, work life balance involves all components of life, including: work, non-work activities, life responsibilities and leisure activities.

Using the justification that long-term change starts with small steps, this year I’m wimping out of ambitious New Year’s resolutions altogether, and settling for more manageable New Week resolutions. Using that well-worn acronym of S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting, I’ve made a list of five Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely goals for the week ahead to kick-start improvements in my business and personal life this year. Business: • I will write my daily to-do list and plan my work day the night before • I will turn off phones and email for at least three hours per day to ‘eat that frog’ • I will tidy my office to within an inch of its life (including the horrifying top drawer) Personal: • I will do 3 x 1 hour exercise sessions this week • I will skip the evening beer for seven days. Goodbye holiday happy hour! • I will get my daughters’ kites to fly higher than 3 metres off the ground

Work life balance is good for you, and good for your business.

Whenever possible, focus on one task at a time.





CHOOSING THE BEST BOOKKEEPING SOFTWARE One of the main reasons businesses fail is because there isn't a good bookkeeping system in place that would provide warning signs the business could run out of cash. You can choose to set up a bookkeeping system manually (using accounting books), electronically (spreadsheets) or use accounting software. Unless you want to get familiar with bookkeeping practices, accounting software is the most efficient choice. What to consider Every business will have different requirements from an accounting software. When choosing an accounting software consider the following: • • • • • • •

does the system calculate all payroll requirements (PAYE, annual leave, long service leave etc) does the system track stock, work in progress, orders, jobs and other task management requirements will the system handle multiple bank accounts does the system need to handle foreign currency does the system track separate financial records for each business or department within the business does the system allow for interface with other computer systems such as online payments does the system keep detailed records on customers

Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia Chartered Accountants are trusted professionals in society and business who provide high-quality advisory services and create value in our economy. The Institute of Chartered Accountants is the only professional accounting body that is an accredited Higher Education Provider in Australia, with a membership program leading to a postgraduate degree qualification.Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).

including what they buy, how often they buy, when they buy etc (often referred to as a Customer Relationship Manager system). Software options There are many software packages on the market that allow business managers to successfully control records without an accounting degree. Some commonly used accounting systems used by small businesses are: • • • • • • •

MYOB Quicken (Reckon) Sage Xero - online Saas - online Cashflow manager Nominal

Getting advice If you're unsure which to choose talk to your accountant or business adviser. If you don't have one use Find an Adviser to find one in your area or with financial expertise. It's also a good idea to ask other business owners what they use. If you don't know any, the Business Victoria Facebook group is always happy to answer questions.

When you set up your financial records you need to make sure they meet any compliance requirements such as GST or other tax compliance. This is done through setting up classifications, also known as a chart of accounts. A chart of accounts is a listing of all the accounts needed to cover the financial transactions of the business. Classifications are used to separate profit and loss calculations to show where a business is making or losing money. It is also used to determine the overall financial position of a business in a balance sheet. How to set up a chart of accounts When setting up a chart of accounts you will need to: define the various accounts to be used in the business, such as different classes of assets, liabilities, expenses and sales revenue make a list of all of these under the financial classifications as noted above – that is each different type of account for assets, liabilities, sales revenue and expenses it can be useful to allocate a numbering system for each account within the chart of accounts, such as all asset accounts will have been classified under the 1000 number and all liability accounts will be classified under the 2000 number etc you will then allocate various sub accounts under these main accounts depending on the level of information you need in your business, each sub account may also need further sub accounts. The chart of accounts is very important to the overall effectiveness and accuracy of your bookkeeping, so if you don't feel you understand it enough, then you should discuss with your bookkeeper or accountant before you set up your bookkeeping records.




THE NEW KID ON THE BLOCK.. CLA45AMG Yes, yes, it’s the AMG version of the new CLA. But does it really deserve the AMG letters or are they just putting that badge on everything willy-nilly these days?

It’s an AMG through and through, from the sound right down to where it touches the ground. Sure it doesn’t have a stonking great big V8, and it’s the first time AMG has offered a four cylinder, but just like the other AMG cars its engine is assembled completely by hand and by one bloke – probably called Gunter. The car also sits on AMG sports suspension, AMG speed sensitive steering, AMG twin-spoke alloy wheels and AMG ventilated and drilled brake discs. Oh and then there’s the tough AMG body kit. Did we mention it’s quick?

How quick is quick? Very. Benz claims the CLA 45 AMG has the most powerful series production four cylinder in the world. The 2.0-litre inline turbo four makes 265kW and 450Nm, which is, frankly, astonishing. All that grunt can hurl the little thing from 0-100km/h in 4.6 seconds.


That’s quicker than a Porsche 911. Okay, sounds worthy of wearing the AMG badge. So what’s it going to cost me then? Well, that’s the thing. It’s not exactly cheap at $86,900. But it’s a luxo speedster for HSV money. Oh and in AMG terms it’s a bargain. Wait a sec, what’s the 45 refer to? As in CLA 45 AMG? Thought you’d never ask. The number has nothing to do with the engine size, but everything to do with celebrating the 45 years AMG has been making Mercs faster and louder. Rigthto, so when can I have one to call my own? It’s on-sale now. The waiting time will probably depend on the dealership and the size of your bribe.

THE NUMBERS 1991cc turbocharged four-cylinder, AWD, 265kW, 450Nm, 7.0L/100km, 0-100km/h in 4.6secs, 250km/h max, 1585kg

THE PRICE $86,900 THE VERDICT Can AMG do anything wrong? CLA 45 AMG is another cracking effort from Merc's tuning gurus .



1 Untamed. The all new CLA represents a particularly expressive and challenging interpretation of pioneering Mercedes-Benz design. The four-door coupé is a clear statement of avantgarde, sporty influences in the executive segment. The charismatic diamond radiator grille will excite you right from the start. The roof line results in a streamlined silhouette. These together with other measures give the all new CLA wind resistance properties that are unique in series production vehicles and a perfect shape. The sporty character of the exterior is carried over into the vehicle interior through the striking horizontal line. The continuance of design elements such as the dynamic side line in the door panelling creates a link between the exterior and interior.



Breathtaking engineering. Distinctive design. Refined interior. Untamed. Following the Mercedes-AMG premiere in the A-Class, the exceptional vehicle concept now moves on to the new CLA-Class.


With every step towards the CLA 45 AMG the sense of anticipation grows. Then you open the door. And are met by racing emotions: you have arrived. Made in Affalterbach.


The CLA 45 AMG is equipped with a performance-oriented 4MATIC all-wheel-drive system as standard.A multi-disc clutch with AMG-specific electro-hydraulic control allows a variable torque split – depending on the handling situation, from plain front-wheel drive to a split of 50 : 50.





Men outnumber women in entrepreneurship with nearly 90 per cent of growing venture capital firms in the United States founded or led by men. Dr Alison Brooks of Harvard Business School and colleagues tested whether entrepreneurs’ gender and physical attractiveness influence investment decisions. Sixty experienced angel investors were shown video recordings of 90 randomly-selected verbal pitches made by entrepreneurs from various business sectors. They also looked at non-professional investors and found that they also preferred the pitches of male over female entrepreneurs, regardless of pitch content.


And, again, they found that physically attractive males were more likely to be persuasive than less attractive males. The researchers write: “We find that investors prefer entrepreneurial pitches presented by male entrepreneurs compared with pitches presented by female entrepreneurs, even when the content of the pitch is the same. “This effect is moderated by male physical attractiveness: attractive males are particularly persuasive, whereas physical attractiveness does not matter among female entrepreneurs.” Compared with men, women

are likely to have fewer employees, lower growth projections, and lower levels of internationalisation. In the United States, men engage in entrepreneurial activity at almost twice the rate of women. Among high-growth-potential ventures, only 11 per cent of US firms with venture-capital backing, past and present, have been founded or led by women, and women-led ventures have received only seven per cent of all venture funds. The research is an article ‘Investors prefer entrepreneurial ventures pitched by attractive men’, published in the journal PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences).


The most critical aspect of growing a small business is cash flow. It’s an old cliché but cash really is king, and most often, businesses fail due to poor cash flow. The greatest business idea in the world isn’t really worth anything until it generates cash. Learning to manage the cyclical flow of cash in and out of your business can be a real art. Once it gets out of hand, the downward spiral can be difficult to reverse, which is why it’s important to keep on top of it from the beginning. Here are my tips to help with cash flow: • Manage your customers’ expectations. • Present clear and upfront payment terms to encourage earlier payment of your invoices. • Offer payment services that suit your customers. • Try to use cloud-based, online invoicing and accounting systems such as Xero. They integrate well with payment providers such as PayPal. • Prepare a carefully considered budget for the year ahead.




Chronologically speaking, a side aspect of the growth phase comes about when third party investors want to share your journey by investing in your business. This can be a great boost for businesses in the growth phase that have the correct legal structure in place to facilitate such an opportunity. This reinforces why it’s critical to create the right legal structure, one that accommodates for long terms goals such as allowing new investors to become stakeholders in your business. Fresh ideas that align with your own can be as beneficial to your business as the extra cash that investors bring. Being a soloist can be a wonderful experience filled with exciting learning curves, and if you avoid these common accounting problems, you’ll avoid some costly headaches.


Every business must start with the most appropriate legal structure in place. Much of what follows in setting up a new business revolves around it having the correct legal structure, so it’s important to get it right at the outset. Finding the proper balance between initial cost, personal goals (both short and long term), income tax minimisation and asset protection can be a delicate balance, but it’s important to achieve it. When starting out it’s important to know your long-term, big picture goals. When in doubt, expert advice about the correct legal structure can protect you from expensive future problems. One area where many soloists and small business owners fall down is managing their finances and paperwork. When you create a virtual “too hard” basket for your paperwork, it only delays and heightens the pain. Here are my tips to help you manage your finances: • Work with your accountant. • Know your key dates and obligations to the key bodies, namely the ATO, ASIC and Superannuation requirements. • Develop regular routines to manage the administrative side of the business.



The big changes relate to how businesses handle, use, and store personal information and engage in direct marketing. These are the largest reforms to privacy law in more than 10 years. If your business is affected, you need to comply or face the legal consequences. So now is the time to update your privacy policy, procedures and systems to ensure your business complies. Do privacy laws apply to my business? Your business will be affected by the changes to the privacy laws if you handle personal information and you generate more than $3 million in annual turnover or generate less than $3 million but you fit under a second set of criteria. Of this second set of criteria, the one which is most likely to affect small businesses is “trading in personal information�. Does your business trade in personal information? Many small businesses trade in personal information. This is information that identifies, or could reasonably identify, an individual. This includes names, addresses, dates of birth and bank account details. Trading in personal information includes collecting or providing personal information to a third party for a benefit, service or advantage. Are you collecting personal information then providing it to a business to manage your direct marketing? Are you using customer data to cross-sell products from a partner business? If so you may be trading in personal information. What are the key reforms? The key reforms relevant to small businesses, particularly in the online space, require: that your privacy policy addresses specific topics. that you have procedures and systems 20

NEW PRIVACY LAWS: ARE YOU READY? in place to ensure you comply with the new law. The other big change is that there are fines for breaching the news laws for serious or repeated breaches of the Privacy Act. Companies face fines of up to $1.7 million, sole traders and entities that are not companies face fines of up to $340,000. So these fines are a strong incentive to comply with privacy laws.

How do I comply? Our key tips for small businesses to comply are straightforward and easy to implement: Do a quick audit: review your business to identify where and how you deal with personal information. Get a system in place: establish or revise procedures and systems so your staff that handle personal information comply with the privacy law changes.


Provide a privacy notice: when you collect personal information, inform individuals of details including your organisation's name, contact details, the purpose of collection and to whom it will be disclosed. Sort out your privacy policy: make sure your privacy policy addresses the required topics. These includes what personal information you collect, how you collect it and the purposes for which you use and disclose it. If you disclose personal information to parties overseas you need to disclose that and, if practicable, specify the countries where those parties are located. Finally, you need to set out how you secure and store personal information. How do the changes affect direct marketing? You can use personal information for direct marketing if your business collected it, you disclose

The Privacy Act has been around for many years - it's just had a revamp. Complying is not difficult. Follow these tips to get your privacy policy in order and have procedures and systems to comply with the new law.

that you may use it for direct marketing and you provide a way for people to unsubscribe. What if the personal information was provided to you by a third party? You can use it for direct marketing if the individual consented to that use, and you provide a way for people to unsubscribe. The third party who collected the information needs to obtain consent. What rights does an individual have? These are clear and obvious. You need to give individuals the right to access their personal information and correct out of date or incorrect information. You need a process to deal with complaints about your compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles. If you send direct marketing material, you need to give each individual a way to opt-out.

Ursula Hogben is the co-founder and legal practice director of LegalVision ILP, an online business legal services provider. This information is a summary and general overview. It is not intended to be comprehensive and it is not legal advice.




Find over 28 pages of businesses for sale in this next section of VNM Magazine. Here there are businesses ranging from your every day Cafe or you might find something unique that you have been looking for.

Advertise Your Business For Sale With VNM MAGAZINE If your a business brokers or a business brokerage firm and would like to advertise in our magazine you can send us an email at We have many different packages we can offer and custom fit and design your listings .



Businesses For Sale

Hair & Beauty Salon

Ladies Fashion Boutique

Bakery/Cafe Business

$80,000 B11485

$29,900 B11489


Taking- $7,000 p/w Rent $2,767 PCM Beauty rooms sublet and helps pay for rent. Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921

Taking- $2,500 PW All genuine offers will be presented Strong Lease Inspect today with Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989

Taking- $20,000 p/w Rent- $2,675PCM 30 kg Coffee p/w and 500 kg flour p/w Inspect today with Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

Fitzroy Beauty Salon P.O.A B11522

Taking- $95,000 PA Rent- $264 PW Lease- 3x3x3x3 For all enquiries please contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

Pizza Shop In The East P.O.A. B11544

Taking- $6,000 PW Rent- $719 Pw Lease- 5 x 5 For all enquiries please contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

Gourmet Sweets Business P.O.A. B11552

Liquor Licence Rent- $1,500 PCM Lease- 3 x 3 For all enquiries please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


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WreckerInTheWesternRegion P.O.A B11454

P.O.A. B11470

Taking- $391,000 PA Rent $2,246 pcm Good Lease Inspect today with Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

Taking- $2,800 p/w Rent- $424 p/w Lease- 5x5 Inspect today with Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154



P.O.A B11474

Taking- $2,500 p/w Rent- $277 PW New Lease available Inspect today with Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154


Pizza & Souvlaki Takeaway

P.O.A. B11483

Taking- $1,750 p/w Rent- $751 pcm Clean Salon For all enquiries please contact Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989.

Dog Grooming Salon P.O.A. B11471

Taking- $1,500 p/w Rent- $3150PCM INC residence Lease- 4x5 Inspect today with Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989.

HairSalon For Sale $69,500


Taking- $3000 p/w Rent- $22,000 PA New 3x3x3 year Commercial Lease Inspect today with Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

Businesses For Sale

Garden Supplies In Gembrook P.O.A. B11555 Nestled in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges, just one hour’s drive from Melbourne, you will find Gembrook. Gembrook is a town located near the large ever expanding growth corridor of Pakenham. Gembrook itself has a new subdivision, with new residential construction. This business has been established for over 35 years, and is well known in the area. It is an excellent site with plenty of room for expansion, with main road exposure. It is a purpose built site with 25 concrete bays with a further 6 bays for mulch. The business is well equipped with 2 trucks, a loader with pressure scales, forklift, workshop, huge sheds, and equipment too numerous to mention. There is potential and demand, to expand into Mini Mix concrete (stca). For the last three and a half years it has been operated by a husband and wife. Current lease for 5 years with a further option of 5x5x5x5. To arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

Gippsland Cafe Business For Sale P.O.A. B11505 A fantastic opportunity for a country change, this delightful cafe is located in the heart of a bustling Gippsland town! Established 14 years, the cafe has been serving the locals with quality fare including Greek delights Currently taking $1.2M per annum Seating 70 the business also offers an outside dining area Licensed until 11pm An abundance of traffic including foot traffic as it sits in the heart of the shopping area of town and plenty of parking onsite No website or online presence so this already thriving business has much further potential for growth! Rent of $1,066 per week including GST and long lease of 5x5x5 Join the close knit community and become one of the locals, or maybe you already are! Invest in a lifestyle as well as a profitable business! Business employs 1 full time staff & 10 casual staff which will enable a smooth transition for the new owner For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154


Absolute Business Brokers To find out more about absolute business brokers Visit


Training Organisation Work From Anywhere

Hair Salon In Ringwood East

This is a rare opportunity to invest in an easy to operate business that offers a range of training in MYOB software that requires no initial experience and allows you to work your own hours. The business operates out of offices within a prestigious building in the CBD area with easy access and valet parking. The business offers a variety of training courses on the MYOB product, training is scheduled twice a month and enrolments are automated via the extensive online website. Their website had been optimised since it began offering an excellent Google ranking creating great exposure for the business. Vendor simply coordinates training dates & takes enrolments, training is conducted by contractors路 Business was established 6 years ago by the vendor, but the vendor is now looking to move away so this is a great opportunity for a business savvy person to take over! Currently taking approx $95,000 per annum based on only 6 days a month worth of business! Rent of $1000 per month including GST with a secure 2 year lease in place. Included in the sale are all an excellent range of equipment, laptops, desks, all the tools of the trade. For further information please call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

$35,000 B11452 This very brightly presented salon is an excellent investment for both new and experienced hairdressers alike! Boasting excellent decor, fully set up web site with services and menu, very short trading hours and in a bustling location! Situated a stones throw from a train station, surrounding bus stops and neighboring retailers that all add to the high volume of foot traffic and exposure during the hours of trade! The salon currently operates Tuesday-Saturday with short hours- ideal for those with families! The salon has 2 wash basins and 5 chairs with potential and demand to easily introduce a sixth chair which should see increase of takings almost immediately! Established in the area for over 20 years- the salon has many regulars as well as walk ins due to the high level of exposure! Currently taking $2600 per week for only 5 short days of trade! Rent of $1320 PCM (Including GST and Outgoings). Currently run in a partnership with a casual employee assisting through the week. To inspect please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Fashion and Retail Moonee Ponds

Iconic Melbourne Bike Shop for Sale

P.O.A. B11453 Fashionable Menswear store servicing loyal customers for the past 28 years in the prime shopping precinct of Moonee Ponds. From casual clothing to formal attire, including shoes! Taking $3,900 per week with a great net profit .Currently no online presence, scope to improve significantly with online marketing . Close to public transport, and surrounded by large companies such as Foxtel and the ATO. Great lease of 2 x 2 x 2 for such a prime location! Including TWO car spaces. Easy to operate retail business - the current owner works full time. Ideal first business or would suit a husband and wife team. The perfect opportunity for someone who has a love of fashion or a range or supplier they want to introduce. Call Vikki Malmberg on (03) 9566 7300

P.O.A. B11464 This long established and well known Bike shop for sale is located in the Bayside area with customers from far and wide. Loyal clientele built up over many years . This leading bicycle retailer and service centre has been in Melbourne for the past 27 years. Stocking both top quality and cost effective brands for the Serious Cyclist, the Casual and the young. Bicycles purchased from this Bike shop for sale are fitted to the rider, as part of an going service and support to customers. The Service centre provides maintenance packages for a range of needs. Approximately $13,000 takings per week on average. Low Rent of only $1,900 PCM. Multiple income streams from both sales and service. Long established and recognized Bike Shop . Huge database of customers. Excellent online presence. Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921

Businesses For Sale

Retail Homewares Business For Sale

$75,000 B11450

Be a part of a fast growing well

established franchise, Good Housekeeping! A leading kitchenware and cookware franchise with over 20 stores across Australia. Stocks an extensive range of well known quality premium brands. No experience necessary! Very easy to run

Automotive Aftermarket &Motorsports Distributors

P.O.A. B11449

Appointed distributors of two of

the world’s leading automotive aftermarket and motorsports manufacturers. Specialists in their

Melbourne CBD Day Spa $220,000 B11446

Ideally located in the bustling

Melbourne CBD- surrounded by corporate offices and accommodation filled with tourists looking to unwind! The spa is beautifully

fields and continue to lead in performance,

presented to ensure clients enter a world of

durability and applications against their

tranquility and state of relaxation. A warm, friendly and modern environment is tailored to

Located in a busy shopping centre in the northern

competitors. The owner has established and


created an excellent reputation and strong

Open 7 days

networks with dealers- resulting in over $900,000

incorporates wet and dry therapies, steam

per year and growing! Excellent business for those

rooms, a nail and make-up studio, relaxation

Established for 4 years Offers a range of products and services suitable for every day needs.

looking for a business with flexible hours without typical restraints of trade associated! Ideal

meet all your beauty and massage therapy needs, for both males and females. The spa

space and retail corner. Walking distance from a train station and tram stops ensures this spa is not limited to only those within the CBD.

Great support from Franchisor

business for those with the vision and drive to

The business has a full website in place along

Taking $10,500 weekly and profitable

excel in the world custom service and distribution!

with Social Media profile to ensure maximum

All Genuine Offers Invited

This business is ready to take to the next level

For further information please call Business Broker Vikki Malmberg (03) 9566 7300

To obtain further information please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326

exposure of services and packages. To inspect and obtain further information please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.


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Car Wash For Sale In The East

Country Cafe With Liquor Licence

P.O.A. B11467 The car wash service industry boomed several years ago with the drought conditions seeing restrictions placed on the usage of water at home so it has become habit for people to maintain their cars at the local car wash! This is a fantastic investment opportunity to take over one of these thriving businesses that only takes up part time hours and requires no staffing! Located in Donvale, this car wash has seen a steady stream of cars come through for 15 years. Great location in a high income area where people drive luxury cars and pride themselves on keeping them clean! The car wash is open from 7am-10pm daily and requires only person to attend part time for maintenance. Premises includes 4 self service car wash bays, 1 drive through laser wash & 6 vaccuum stations. Minimal online presence, could easily grow exposure. Long lease of 5x5. Taking $150,000 per annum No staff, no experience necessary and only part time hours required! Fantastic first business, ideal for migrants. For further information please call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

P.O.A. B11469 A favourite with the locals for over 13 years the business also sees a lot of tourist traffic come through and maintains a stellar reputation for good fare & great service. Prime location right next to the Princes Highway, the thoroughfare through the region! Located in a popular tourist town in West Gippsland that sees continuous population growth, the investment here is not only a thriving business but a place in a close-knit local community. The cafe is open 6 days (closed on Tuesday) from 9am-5.30pm and has a liquor licence to 11pm Full commercial kitchen. The business is well staffed with 4 full timers which will enable a smooth transition for the new owners. Seating for 34 inside & 16 outside. Easy access for wheelchairs to entry & toilets. An abundance of parking at the door. Cheap rent of $1232 per calendar month & long lease of 5x5. For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

Stunning Hair Salon For Sale Berwick

Cafe/Function Centre At Whitten Oval

P.O.A. B11473 This long established Hair Salon for sale has been operating for over 22 years with the same owners, winning “Salon of the year� 3 years running. Involvement in Fashion and hair shows, Demonstrations and Photographic shoots, all contribute to the awesome reputation of this Business for Sale and the large database of 7,000 loyal customers. Located in the main retail and commercial hub, this Hair Salon For Sale is surrounded by complimentary businesses, ample parking and lots of foot traffic. $13,000 takings per week. 13 Stations. 4 Basins . Rent Less than 10% taking . 3X3X3 lease . High profit margins. 6 Days only. 22 years with the same owner Large range of Hair salon services. 2 Beauty treatment rooms upstairs, sublet to an independent beautician. Suits either owner operator or business investor.One of the vendors is happy to stay on as a part time employee to maintain the ongoing relationships and reputation. Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921 to find out more about this Hair Salon for Sale.

P.O.A. B11479 Located within the grounds of the Whitten Oval in Footscray, home of the AFL team the Western Bulldogs, this cafe offers a unique dining experience, a function space and a meeting place for all the locals!On the 1st floor with city views from the balcony, there is seating for 200 inside & 30 outside. The business offers itself as a venue for conferences & events, with day conference seating for up to 150 people. No immediate competition in the area, the cafe is a hub where the locals meet to enjoy good food, watch the Bulldogs train & celebrate their events. This year will also see more VFL games played at the park more than ever before so there is plenty to see!Established 4 years ago the business is thriving. Well equipped with an enormous, state-of-the-art kitchen and seating for plenty, the business is also well staffed which will enable a smooth transition for the new owner. Taking $15,000 per week, using 15kg of coffee per week.Long lease of 10 years with rent of $45,000 per annum means security. Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

Businesses For Sale

Contours Gym Business For Sale P.O.A. B11477

Become a part of an established brand. With hundreds of

Black Rock Florist And Cafe P.O.A. B11536

Established for over 20 years this florist has built a

studios located across 27 countries. Contours has a proven recipe for

reputation for quality arrangements and service! Situated on Balcombe Rd-

success! Currently taking $6,500 per week, Rent of $600 per week. Open 5.5

the florist is also a popular coffee spot! Serving light meals and refreshments

days per week. 5 Casual staff members . Owner working part time.

as well as an average of 4kg of coffee for only 2 days trade! Excellent

Established for 6 years this business has a large membership base with loyal

opportunity to grow the cafe aspect by providing coffee and further

clientele and plenty of opportunity to grow. Perfectly positioned in the on

refreshments during the 6 days of trade! Full website set up with on line

the edge of Melbourne, in the North East Region. A thriving town, in a

ordering that delivers to residences as well as hospitals, nursing homes,

popular growth corridor close to schools and other local amenities. An

funeral homes,businesses, schools. Currently taking over $11,000 per week

excellent opportunity to run your own business with flexibility and lifestyle!

with plenty of room for further growth and fresh ideas! Excellent lease with

For more information please call Business Broker Vikki Malmberg on (03)

further options of 5x5x5.To organize and inspection and obtain further

9566 7300 or Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

information please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

High Profile Bin Hire Business Western Suburbs $119,500 B11360 This is a rare opportunity to take over a prime business established 19 years ago that has had all the hard set up work done! This high profile bin hire company comes well equipped & with a strong customer base which you can continue to grow! Based out of the western suburbs this business offers a range of hire bins from 2.5m3 to 25m3 for waste removal & recycling & 7 trucks to deliver them. Well staffed the business has 13 full time staff members which will assist with a smooth transition for the new owner. Covering all of the metro area, the business has a great reputation & in an industry that will always have demand has further potential for growth. Taking $2,494,346 per annum with excellent net profit this is a business you can just take over & start pocketing profits from day one. Rent of $5,200 per calendar month for the current premises with a new lease to be put in place for the new owner. Great website already in place, this is an ideal investment opportunity! For further information please call Senior Business Brokers Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533.


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Souvlaki Cafe Bar Melbournes Best Location P.O.A.


For Sale busy souvlaki cafe bar

experience is great but not necessary! Situated on one of the hottest spots on the map! Large Public

Race Brake Specialists P.O.A. B11455

This business has been in the

industry of high performance race brakes and custom vehicle brakes for over 20 years! The owner established the business over 20 years ago

car park at rear as well as several car parks

P.O.A. B11456

Situated on one of the busiest

roads of Richmond - the salon enjoys maximum exposure. The salon offers many services and treatments and runs mainly under management with the owner overlooking a few hours a week!

from his passion for historic machines and racing.

The salon has 3 treatment rooms and 2 nail sta-

surrounding the area. Located in the very well

The owner is also a recognised specialist on

tions allowing for further growth and development.

known “Eaton Mall� which sees some of the

Subaru WRX and exporting brake componets from

3 Full time staff member in place all fully qualified

highest levels of foot traffic throughout the year.

the USA. The business has the skilled staff to

Seating inside and out allows for business

manufacture discs and hubs to suit any purpose. Custom brake systems, brake system design, out of

throughout all seasons! Surrounded by businesses

and able to perform all treatments available! Website and social media accounts are operating with specials and vouchers regularly offered as part of promotion. Currently turning over aprx.

the box, performance braking or brake consultation

$300,000 per year! Trading from 10am until

that support and help attract your target audience-

& advice. Turnover of aprox. $1,200,000 per year!

7pm-9pm throughout weekdays with Monday and

this business has potential to be a tourist show

The business already has the reputation within

Sunday closed.The later trading during weekdays

stopper! Open 7 days from 8am-9pm ideal for a

Australia and the motor enthusiast community

attracts those finishing their shift from surround-

couple or partnership to run.

new owner can bring new ideas or skill to further broaden services and expertise. To inspect and

For further information please call Senior Business Broker Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533


Richmond Beauty Salon

obtain further information contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7300.

ing retail stores seeking a relaxing treatment and shoppers looking for a way to unwind! Rent of $1843 PCM with further options available. To inspect and obtain further information contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7300.

Businesses For Sale

Ice Cream, Gelato and Yoghurt Business P.O.A.


This highly sought after Business

for sale is located in one of Melbourne’s most trendy food strips. A wide range of Gelato and Yoghurt provide ample choice for the many

Beach Cafe In Aspendale

an offer and enjoy the full peak season of the

P.O.A. B11461 Do not miss this opportunity After twenty years of service to the business, the owners have decided to sell it due to its busy nature. It is a well setup business that has been established for over twenty years, gaining a reputable name in the industry through offering both design, photo shooting, printing, and signage and installation. The business provides its various services nationwide and have earned an impressive portfolio of big corporate clients. There are currently two businesses on offer; one focused on printing and multimedia and the other specialized in signage, wraps, LED signs and light boxes. Can be sold separately or as one. Both businesses operate with well-trained staff and fully setup equipment (valued at over $800,000 which is included in the sale price). The location of the business is currently under a new lease which it will be in eastern suburbs next to the train station , or it can be sold as a no-lease and be set up in another location of your choice. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to find a well-established business that is already being run under management and

business! To inspect please call Chris Panagiotidis

earning large net profit. To inspect please call Chris

on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

P.O.A. B11460

Located on busy Nepean Hwy

this trendy cafe is moments away from Aspendale Train Station, bus stops and the sparkling beaches just behind. Established for two years- the cafe serves a delicious menu for Breakfast, brunch and

pedestrians passing by every day and evening.

late lunch or snack. No need to revamp or add any

The corner location, dazzling looks of the shop

extra cash in set up- the presentation is perfect

and the delicious display of the Gelato makes this business for sale a very well known local attraction.

and reflective of the trendy beach vibe of the area. Seats 55 inside and 12 outside and can be ideal for a chill function space with further promotion.

Great tasting Gelato and Yoghurt is made in store,

Open 7am-4pm Tuesday to Sunday- closed Mon-

providing great quality product and high profit

day. The Owner operates with the assistance of 2

margins. Key Features. High Weekly takings Low Rent around 10% of takings. High profit

Part Time and 4 casuals during peak season. Taking an average of $8,000 per week with capacity to add gourmet ice cream and extend into

margins. Easy to run. Beautifully presented corner

dinner during Summer nights. Rent of only $2475

shop. Near New Equipment. Currently shuts for 3

PCM for unbeatable location and space! With

months of the year (Ample opportunity). On Site production Facilities. Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921

Print Design And Signs

Summer here this is the perfect time to make


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Curves Health & Fitness Franchise $59,000 B11463

Curves ladies gyms are

recognised throughout the world as leaders in women’s health and fitness. This Curves franchise business is located right near one of the busiest intersections in Melbourne’s inner

P.O.A. B11465

A brilliant concept that ensures

$180,000 B11466

Established for over 12 years-

busy mothers and guardians can still enjoy the luxuries of pampering and treatments while

owner into a business that generates approximately

avoiding the burden of finding a babysitter! Run

$600,000 per year. Trading Mon- Fri from 8am-

north, with exposure to loads of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Incorporated in this Curves gym,

employees and one assisting casual. Ideally

customers also have access to: Curves Complete

located on Glen Iris Rd the salon is in the perfect

Weight Loss Program - The Whole Solution, Body

demographic! Currently closed on Sundays and

Cutting Edge Workout Program , Currently taking

Cheltenham Automotive Business

this business has been successfully run by the

under management, the business has 2 Full Time

Basic Core Exercise Classes, Jillian Michael’s

never trading later then 7:30pm! Full website in

4:30pm the business is ideal for those looking for consistent hours with the weekends free! The owner operates on a Full Time basis with the assistant of 2 Full Time employees. Rent of $3089

place with detailed information on minding fees,

PCM inclusive of GST in a 3 year lease with further

$1,369 per calendar month, this business

treatments and packages included.Very new lease

options of 3x3. 6 hoists ensure capacity for further

operated semi-managed with 5 casual staff and

signed for 3 years and additional options of 3x3

growth and service as well as the space of the site

the owner only working part time in the

with rent of $4,766 PCM exclusive of GST.

business. With 160 members currently, there’s

to facilitate increasing demand. With a good

Excellent capacity for growth with 4 treatment

$116,240 per annum with an excellent rent of

plenty of opportunity to grow upon a very solid foundation.This is an excellent opportunity for someone to own their own business and enjoy


Beauty Salon Business For Sale

rooms, spray booth and 2 nail stations in addition to the play room with service from 9am-2pm at a

the prosperity and support of a major franchise!

fixed hourly rate!To inspect the business please

For more information please call Damon Ambatzis

contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on

on 0402 225 989 or Petros on 0416 000 154.

9566 7326.

history and loyal clients, this business is ready to be taken to the next level by the next oporater. Inspection can be arranged by appointment please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Businesses For Sale

Malvern Hair Salon Opportunity

Steel Fabrication Business For Sale

P.O.A. B11472 Serving its loyal clients for the last 12 years, this trendy hair salon in the Malvern area has been owned & operated by the vendors since its inception. A high profile location right near the intersection of 2 major roads through the area means high exposure and an abundance of traffic passing by as well as parking & public transport at the door. Well staffed with a 3 full timers, means a smooth transition for the new owner. The business is currently run as a partnership & 1 partner is willing to stay on & work for the new owner or rent a chair. Well equipped with 6 stations, 2 basins & a colour station. Currently taking $7,500 pw the business is open Monday to Saturday with a late night on Thursday. Cheap rent of $1,300 per calendar month & long lease of 3x3x3. Ideal opportunity for a hairdresser looking to become their own boss & take over an established business in a top location that they can just add their clients to, or could be a great managed investment if you keep one of the vendors on as a manager. For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

P.O.A. B11475 This steel fabrication manufacturing business has been in operation for over 30 years. Manufacturing custom requirements such as staircases, agricultural hoppers, tanks, mezzanine floors, whatever the requirement the business offers an assessment and customises the job. Long established, the business has developed a top reputation & is highly regarded in a niche industry The factory is well equipped & located in the south east within an industrial area. The business has been involved in manufacturing for large government projects such as Eastlink, the Westgate Bridge & continues to have the opportunity to quote for such jobs but of course it can accept whatever the new owner is willing to take on. Currently showing takings of $1,042,509 per annum. The factory operates Monday to Friday 7am-3pm. The business has 2 full time employees which will assist in the transition for the new owner. Rent of $4,615 per calendar month with new lease for the new vendor. For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

Hostel Accommodation Business With Freehold! P.O.A.


If you’re looking for a profitable

investment or a country change this could be the business for you! Additionally the freehold is also available so you can own the whole caboodle! This building & business for sale is a backpacker hostel accommodation facility in northern Victoria not far from Echuca. Established 4 years ago the business offers 6 rooms that sleep 28 people and offers 4 toilets & 4 showers. The building is also equipped with a kitchen. Currently taking $170,000 pa the business shows excellent net profits. Only operated by 1 owner full time who manages the facility. No website or much of an internet presence so the business could be grown much much further Fantastic investment if you placed a manager in there or ideal easy owner operator business for someone looking for a country change. Huge potential for growth & could be expanded with the right knowhow. If you would like to learn more please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


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Established Arcade and Gaming Business P.O.A. B11486

Excellent business for those

The Pearl of Sale Quality Fish and Chips

P.O.A. B11492

P.O.A. B11493

Excellent opportunity to take

A remarkable business in the

looking for a side business with high profit low

over a successful business in Beaconsfield in the

heart of one of the busiest locations in Sale.

exertion. Only work a maximum of 2 days a week

South East of Melbourne! Located on Princes Hwy

Very high and consistent foot traffic year round.

the business has full exposure to locals and those

Offering quality Fish and Chips with Fresh Fish on

passing through! Surrounded by new estates and

Display for immediate cooking or take away.

homes this business has huge potential and

Not only does this business excel in Fresh Fish and

growth as the surrounding community continues

Fish n Chips but also as a Cafe with a selection of

to increase rapidly with young families and

Cakes and Sweets. The Business boasts a Fit out

professionals. Very large seating capacity of 100

owner needs no experience or special skills!

rarely achieved featuring a water fountain and

with Bar facilities as well private function space

This is a chance to enter the very elite and

ideal for birthdays or intimate occasions. Trading 6

mosaics, a high definition plasma is just one more

exclusive gaming industry which continues to in-

days per week for dinner 5:30pm to 9:30pm- this

crease in growing trends! With more locations this

business is ideal for those with commitments

business will go to the next level with little effort.

during the day! Generating $10,000 per week this

with no overheads! Contracts and relationships with Major gaming pubs, hotels and casino throughout Melbourne. All equipment in excellent condition and circulating to generate income! Very easy to run under management and new

Full training provided to assure smooth take over. Vendor is motivated to sell so he has instructed to present all offers. Don’t waste time as the small

business has multiple facets and capacity to allow for continuing growth. Full commercial kitchen allows for further growth or adaptation of menu as

example of the touches added to make all patrons comfortable and at ease. Established for over 26 years with the same owner, the business achieves takings of $17,000 p/w, very large cooking area with 5 Deep Fryers - This business has the capacity for continuing growth. Spotlessly presented,

well as catering options for events in future.

inspections are truly a must. Very large space with

Very reasonable lease with long lease options!

high seating capacity inside and out with good

Please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582

Inspection upon arrangement with

lease terms. For further information please contact

533 or 9566 7326 to register your interest.

Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533.

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

businesses dont come up for sale often.


Thai Restaurant/Bar In South East

Businesses For Sale

Cafe/Pizzeria In South Yarra P.O.A. B11494

In the ultra trendy precinct that is

Mornington Cafe and Bakehouse P.O.A


Located in Mornington Central

one of the major roads through South Yarra sits

next to one of Australia’s leading supermarkets.

this cafe/pizzeria opportunity. High profile location

The cafe is well recognized amongst locals and

near the intersection of 2 major roads through the area which sees an abundance of foot & vehicle traffic & offers parking & public transport at the door. Serving its loyal customers over 30 years the business is open for lunch & dinner 7 days per

Menswear Fashion Business For Sale $69,000 B11498

This long established Menswear

Fashion Business for sale has been operating for over 44 years with the same owners who are now ready to retire. Located in a prime central location

tourists alike for great coffee and meals. Fresh

on one of Melbourne’s best known shopping

baked bread and wraps prepared daily for take-

strips. This easy to run business sells top quality

away as well as hot breakfast and sweets served

products with high profit margins. A very attractive

& a location with capacity to seat 80!. Business

feature in the business is a 4 station men’s hairdressing salon in the back of the store that not

week. Cheap rent for such a prime location of

currently generates on average $10,000 per week

$3,800 per calendar month inclusive of GST

with capacity to continue to grow. New owner

Taking $6,000 per week. The premises allows

does not require cooking skills or experience and

seating for 13 inside & 4 outside. A prime area

business. This greatly increases the foot traffic into

full support and training can be provided. Open

the store and reduces the already affordable rent.

surrounded with apartments, hotels & general

7 days a week with early starts and close at 5pm

Key features include, $4,000 - $4,500 takings per

allows for evenings to be enjoyed with family.

Week. Long term landlord is happy to provide

public shopping & dining so with the right advertising there is no reason the business couldn’t be grown much further!. Website in place which allows for online ordering. Vendor needs

Excellent fit out and equipment with value of over $200,000 ensures new owner can takeover

only generates $300 per week in chair rental fees, but also draws in typical clientele to the menswear

a new lease with full set of options. High profit margins. 6 Days per week only. 44 years with the same owner. Large range of men’s clothing . Extra

to retire so this is a fantastic opportunity! To learn

with no added fuss. To inspect or obtain further

more please contact Senior Business Broker

information please contact Chris Panagiotidis on

income from the hair salon business. Call Phil

Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Booysen on 0429 006 921.

foot traffic into the store to the hair salon . Extra


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Florist For Sale in the Yarra Valley P.O.A. B11521 Excellent florist business for sale in the picturesque Yarra Valley. This profitable and highly regarded florist business in the Yarra Valley is ideal for an experienced florist looking to run their own business in a beautiful location. Currently turning over around $320,000 per annum, Ridiculously low rent of $770 per calendar month! 10 Weekly contracts in place with Wineries and Hotels. Florist of choice for over 25 Wineries and Hotels throughout the Yarra Valley! Currently utilising Petals and Readyflowers. 2011 Suzuki APV van (market value or as per negotiation). This florist has been operating for 16 years and owned by the current vendor for the last four years. Having grown the takings and established very loyal clients, the vendor is now seeking a career in agriculture, creating this perfect opportunity for a new owner to step in and continue growing this firmly established business. With bookings already in place across the next 12 months, a buyer can easily take over and begin making money straight away. For more information on this fantastic florist business, Contact Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154


Health Food Business in Mount Waverley P.O.A


With an outstanding location in a

busy shopping strip, this retail health food business is an excellent opportunity. Currently taking $2,500 per week with a 4 year lease, the business is trading 6 days per week, being closed on Sunday. The business has been established for 17 years in it’s current location, with the present owner having been in charge for 7 years. Owner operates on full time basis however business can be run under management or part time with assistance of staff. No experience necessary - ideal business for first time buyers and those looking for an easy to run business! To obtain an information pack or inspect please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Furniture Business in Fitzroy P.O.A. B11525 Amor Y Locura has been established in 2006 and has carved a niche in a popular trend - all things Eclectic/Folk. This is a solid business that the current owner has put a lot of time into establishing, giving the new owner excellent foundations to further build upon. Located in the trendy suburb of Fitzroy, the business generally trades between 10.30am and 6.00pm Monday to Saturday and 12.00pm to 4.00pm on Sundays. Using two premises to operate the business, the retail shop boasts rent of $60,000 per annum plus GST and the warehouse enjoys rent of $27,000 per annum plus GST. Already tapped into the internet shopping craze and social media circuit- Amor Y Locura currently has an eBay store, 10 plus URL’s, several Facebook pages as well as an Instagram page. This is an addition to magazine and newspaper articles that have been run on the business across several different publications. The business has been extraordinarily well set up and requires an enthusiastic person to continue to work with and expand the business to take it to new heights. Currently generating over $400,000 per year with owner currently working as little as one day out of the week! Ideal business for those who have a passion for travel, an eye for art and business mind! For further information on this business contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or 9566 7326

Businesses For Sale

Wonthaggi Charcoal Chicken & Souvlaki Bar P.O.A.


Charcoal Chicken and Souvlaki

takeaway and dine in business located on Wonthaggi’s busiest streets. No direct competition and plenty of foot and road traffic has enabled this business to thrive for over 40 years. Providing both charcoal chicken and associated sides the kitchen also offers souvlaki orders and has the equipment and capacity to adapt to new menu options and

Aviation Painting and Finishing P.O.A. B11501

Long established and well

trusted in the industry for excellent quality and service! This business focuses on the painting, retouching and refurbishing of all aircrafts. Freehold available - prime location on airport land!

24/7 Gym In West Melbourne P.O.A. B11506

A popular gym facility that

provides VIP 24/7 access for those with the premium level membership- ensuring clients feel exclusive and as though the gym is their very own! Offering a range of fat burning and muscle defining equipment and weights as well as 3 levels of classes both group and individual. Services Include, 24/7 ACCESS, GROUP FITNESS

ideas! Seating 4 comfortable inside and 12 outside

For all aviation enthusiasts or those with a media


this establishment enjoys both dine in and

and printing background looking for a business


takeaway clients local and tourists alike. Trading 6 days per week 11am- 8pm with the owner working full time and part time staff also in place. Taking $10,500 per week with full assistance and support available. No experience necessary and ideal for a single owner or couple looking to own their own business. Very well presented and clean- this business will be a dream for any new owner to work with! Inspection by arrangement with Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

look no further! Opportunity to expand as your future client could fly in from anywhere in Australia! Support will be provided - owner only selling due to retirement. This business can be taken

DAY-FRIDAY, CARDIO THEATRE, CYCLE STUDIO STRENGHT TRAINING EQUIPMENT, LADIES ONLY GYM, BOXING FACILITY, CHANGING ROOM FACILITIES, LOCKERS PROVIDED, STEAM ROOM MASSEUSE. The business holds a very good reputation with a name well known amongst the fitness community., Taking over $70,000 per month with capacity to grow and take on more memberships!

to the next level. To obtain further information on the business or freehold please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Rent for $21056 pcm with very long lease of 4x5x5x5x5! Please contact Luther Lu on 0433 317 031 or Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 to obtain further information.


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The Outdoor Furniture Specialists P.O.A.


As Australia’s Largest Specialist

Outdoor Furniture retailer, The Outdoor Furniture Specialists prides itself on its position in the marketplace as top of mind for quality outdoor furniture. An exciting opportunity awaits those



This hoist business specialises in

selling, installing, maintaining and repairing industrial hoist equipment for demanding commercial environments. Long standing reputation, and with services in high demand this business can be operated from any location,

who are looking to be a part of a franchise that

making this business an ideal investment.

offers full support, training and all the necessary

The business boasts a 25 year trading history and

tools for success! The Outdoor Furniture

is currently operated by 3 full-time staff members.

Specialists , New target stores are now on offer across Melbourne- Frankston, Taylor’s Lakes/

The business enjoys takings of over $550,000 per annum & healthy net profits and trades Monday to Friday from 7.00am to 3.30pm. The business is

High Profile St Kilda Hair & Beauty Salon P.O.A. B11513

This hair & beauty salon offers a

prime location on one of the major roads out of the city. The ultra modern salon stands high profile with fantastic website & easy accessibility for commuters! Only 2 years young the salon is sleek & sophisticated inside with state of the art equipment, Parking & public transport at the door 6 stations, 3 basins and good space to utilise Currently operated with the vendor & 2 full time staff which will allow an easy transition for the new owner. Operating Tuesday to Saturday, closing 8pm weeknights except Thursday (9pm) & 9am-5pm Saturday, High profile location &

Watergardens, Richmond, Hoppers Crossing,

currently run by an owner operator, however the

Mentone, Bendigo, Ballarat, Mildura, Shepparton,

potential exists for it to be run under management

Springvale .

as well as expansion opportunities by sourcing

commute home. Currently taking $30,000 per

work through different dealerships. The flexibil-

calendar month with good net profit. New lease to

ity exists for the business to be relocated if so

be appointed to the new owner, or purchase the

desired. To obtain an information pack or inspect

rushing through your doors! Please contact Chris

premises as well as the business! Lease $5,000

please contact Chris Panagiotidis on

per calendar month including GST. Contact Senior

Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

Very affordable prices including full set up and fit out plus the latest stock that will have people


Hoist Business in Oakleigh South

accessibility to the city means it is ideal to target the city workers, either during the day or on the

Businesses For Sale

Café / Takeaway Business For Sale P.O.A.

Moorabbin Auto Repair Shop

or 9566 7326

P.O.A. B11488 Auto Repairs/ Mechanic in excellent industrial hot spot of Moorabbin! Easy access from all major roads and highways ensures clients from across Melbourne can easily choose to repair their vehicle here! The business has been successfully run by the owner on a full time basis 6 days per week (Closed Sundays). New owners may choose to employ casual or apprentice staff for assistance to reduce hours worked in the business! Currently taking $220,000 per year with capability to increase by growing team of staff able to service more volume of work. Very reasonable rent for the size and location of site- $1450.70 PCM inc GST with solid lease options. The business boasts a hire vehicle which can be hired out to those with long term repairs- further demonstrating high level of service and capability. Owner only selling due to personal relocation- this is a true opportunity for those in the industry. To arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Richmond Cafe For Sale

Ideal Investment Hair & Beauty Salon

P.O.A. B11495 If you are looking for a great cafe/restaurant to take over in the heart of Richmond surrounded by shopping, transport & an abundance of people then this could be for you! High profile location on a major road through Richmond classed as one of the best shopping streets in Melbourne Attracts a lot of patrons from the nearby MCG & other local venues Established 15 years. Taking $6,000 per week open from 6,30am - 4pm 7 days a week & using 30kg of coffee per week. Plenty of seating inside for up to 30 people, catering for functions & private events. Liquor licence in place until 11pm so takings could easily be increased simply by opening for dinner & taking advantage of the liquor licence. Rent of $6,400 per calendar month includes a 2 bedroom apartment upstairs which is currently let, thus reducing your monthly rent! Or use it yourself to live on one of the trendiest streets in Melbourne! Long lease of 5x5. Business employs 8 casual staff which will enable a smooth transition for the new owner. Fantastic high profile opportunity. If you would like to learn more please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

P.O.A. B11504 This is a very unique opportunity to take over a hair & beauty salon that technically has no employees and simply acts as an investment! Originally the Vendor’s salon since 1989, the vendor now simply subcontracts out space to hairdressers & beauty therapists! Ideal investment or set up for a hairdresser looking to work for herself, set yourself up in there as you collect rent from everyone else! High profile location on a major road through the affluent area of Kew, high traffic area. Beautiful salon, well equipped with 8 stations, 2 treatment rooms. Salon is currently open from 9am-5pm Tuesday to Saturday. Long established, the salon has been servicing the clients for 15 years. Rent of $3090 per calendar month with long lease of 3x3x3. No website or any web presence so potential to grow is enormous. For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


Located opposite a school on a busy main road with ample

parking and plenty of foot traffic, prominent exposure! With 26 seats inside and another 6 outside, this café for sale still has room to improve. This well equipped kitchen can support a wide range of café cuisine. Selling 7kg of coffee per week, cakes, wraps, pizza, pasta as well a small amount of catering to the local corporate customers the potential for growth is HUGE! Currently Taking $4,500 per week. Cheap Rent of $461 per week. Trading 5 and a half days a week (closed Sundays) Mon – Fri 7.30am – 4pm and Sat 8am – 1pm An industrial kitchen with pizza oven, wok cooker, 2 x large fridges, 3 x large work benches and ample storage area with shelving. To find out more about this excellent opportunity, contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533


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Formal Wear And Hire In Melbourne

Art and Design Consultancy and Services

$290,000 B11511 Offering 2 store locations! Both in good demographic areas for this type of business (Wantirna and Ashburton) and with a history over 40 years old, this beautiful retail and formal wear hire and Retail business has stamped its place as one of Australia’s finest retail and formal wear businesses for mens and ladies. With recent sales showing a steady increase, this one stop shop for all Mens and Ladies retail hire needs, is a genuine business with a proven history of success steady trading, despite having strong competition, this business has stood strong as one of the leaders in the industry. Having affiliations to Major Television broadcasting networks, film studios and also supplying a majority of the Eastern Suburbs Debutante events, this business truly does present and attractive package.The current owner is wishing to expand this business to one more store in the Western suburbs which would further increase sales and business exposure. They are also more than happy to stay on for as long as mutually required by the new owner to ensure a smooth transition. Contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

P.O.A. B11515 Wholesale & Retail Picture Framing and Gallery offering Art and design consultancy and services. Operating from a Modern showroom and workshop, Ideally located in Hawthorn in the heart and surrounds of the target demographic of Art collectors, enthusiasts and interior designers. Specializing in framing of fine art, consultation of art and suppliers of fine art and wall decor. This business has been servicing its large client base local and interstate for the past 25 years within the healthcare projects, major builders, hospitality industry and furniture retailers. With interior design trends increasing and spanning to more homes across Australia- this business is truly set for growth and longevity!Currently taking over $1.3 million per year the business has been successful for 25 years! For further information please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on -9566 7326.

Established Pet Shop For Sale

Iconic Melbourne Bike Shop for Sale

P.O.A. B11520 Established for over 52 years this fantastic pet shop is essentially a part of the furniture in one of the busiest shopping strips in the City of Banyule.Up for sale for the first time in 22 years, the current owner is ready to retire after happily running this business for more than two decades! Retailing pet foods (including Eukenuba, Iams, Hills and some Royal Canin), pet toys, essentials and accessories for pets ranging from dogs and cats to birds, guinea pigs, rabbits, rodents and fish. Trading some live animals including fish, guinea pigs, rabbits and birds such as budgies and cockatiels sourced only from select breeders. As a supporter of Oscar’s Law, this pet shop does not trade in live dogs/puppies, nor does it trade in cats/ kittens. Currently taking $4,000 per week with a very reasonable rent of $1,335 per calendar month, this business has provided a comfortable and secure lifestyle performing consistently over the years. Contact Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989

P.O.A. B11464 This long established and well known Bike shop for sale is located in the Bayside area with customers from far and wide. Loyal clientele built up over many years . This leading bicycle retailer and service centre has been in Melbourne for the past 27 years. Stocking both top quality and cost effective brands for the Serious Cyclist, the Casual and the young. Bicycles purchased from this Bike shop for sale are fitted to the rider, as part of on going service and support to customers. The Service centre provides maintenance packages for a range of needs. Key Features, Approximately $13,000 takings per week on average, Low Rent of only $1,900 PCM, Multiple income streams from both sales and service. Long established and recognized Bike Shop,Huge database of customers Excellent online presence. Are you a Bike Enthusiast who wants to turn your passion into a money making reality? Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921

Businesses For Sale

B e a u t y / Ta n n i n g / Nails Salon

Windows, Doors and Screen Specialists


P.O.A B11528 Established for over 25 years this business has an unbeatable reputation of quality, service and outstanding value! Popular with builders and contractors this business can measure, supply and install a wide range of products! An extensive range of doors both glass and security doors that can stack, bi-fold and slide! Quality aluminum windows custom to fit and match with almost any building and facade! Glass balustrades and pool fencing for a that popular modern look! Sturdy fly screens to suit almost any window or door! A interactive website already set up showcases both product and service to a mass level of consumers. Currently run by a husband and wife with the assistance of a few staff members, this business is ideal for an owner with experience or a partnership for those with little no background in the industry. Services all of Melbourne the business currently turns over in excess of $300,000 per year. Warehouse located in Epping with new lease and rent of $30,000 per year. To obtain further information please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.


This immaculate salon presents

buyers with an excellent opportunity to procure an established and flexible business with a prime location. Currently operating as a beauty salon and solarium, the owner has kept an eye to the future when creating this business - keeping the changing laws with regards to solarium facilities in mind - and rooms currently holding solarium beds easily transform into private beauty rooms. The business is made up of: 5 private rooms, 1 private spray tanning room, 1 small private room, Kitchenette and storage roo, Foyer area with nail alcove. With excellent turnover of $255,000 per annum and a very reasonable rent of $2,182 per month, this spacious and elegant salon is sure to impress.Buyers looking to find a beauty salon with plenty of space and loads of potential are sure to see the opportunities this flexible beauty business presents.All enquiries welcome, for further information on this business, please contact Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989

Hair & Beauty Salon in Yarra Glen P.O.A. B11530

Located at the entrance to the

Yarra Valley, this hair salon is well positioned on the main street of the town. Offering a friendly & relaxed atmosphere, the salon is extremely inviting for it’s current & potential clientele. The business enjoys very reasonable rent of $1,300 per calendar month with long lease terms of 5x5. Having been established for 11 years, with 9.5 of these being with the current owner, the business has enjoyed a strong & successful trading history. Taking $3,500 per week with very short hours, there is instant potential to boost takings with longer trading hours. Currently operated by an owner in addition to staff members, the business has the potential to continue this way with the new owner or to be run under management. Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533.


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Frozey Self Serve Frozen Yogurt P.O.A. B11507

Investors take note- this is not



Launched in 2003, SumoSalad is

Fruit Shop for Sale Priced to Sell $139,000 B11533

Health issues are the main driver

your average franchise! Looking for full support,

a strong and trusted brand, recognised throughout

behind this Fruit Shop for Sale. Are you in the

training and guidance without the heavy over

the fast food industry as a leader in the healthy

fresh Fruit and Vegetable game? Then this one is

heads and franchise fees? Look no further

options landscape. As obesity spreads across the

for you. Located in Melbourne’s South East, this

because this investment is for you! 3 store

globe, SumoSalad is in the right position to help.

locations in Ringwood and Doncaster zones all with very long leases and brand new fit out and equipment. You can purchase all 3 for a very good deal or individually- remember there are no “typical” associated “franchise fees”. This chain of yogurt bars is one to remember for many reasons- and has pioneered an innovative self


Chadstone SumoSalad Business for Sale

Australia is today ranked as one of the fattest nations in the developed world. The prevalence of obesity in Australia has more than doubled in the

Fruit Shop for Sale is worth looking into. This business for sale features the following: $24,000 PW Takings, Ridiculously low price for a

past 20 years. It is no surprise that SumoSalad

quick sale. Long Established business, 10 years

continues to receive an overwhelmingly positive

with current owner, High foot traffic with lots of

response from consumers, industry bodies, the

complimentary businesses around , Huge Cool

media and franchisees. Located in Chadstone The Fashion Capital food court- this position is ideal for

Room plus a separate Banana Cool Room 8 year lease, Steady sales all year round

serve design unique to the brand!

hitting the target market of health conscious

Please visit

consumers looking for a healthy meal! Full support

au/ To view all 3 locations now available for a

and training provided- no experience necessary.

This one is priced to sell quick, so don’t waste time.

limited time! To obtain further information please

To inspect please contact Chris Panagiotidis on

Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921

contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533.

0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326 today.

regarding this Fruit Shop for Sale

All the hard work has been done. Must see

Businesses For Sale

Industrial and Automotive Tyre Specialists P.O.A. B11534 Established since 1964, this family owned business prides itself on offering competitive pricing and services! With more than 40 years experience- the business has knowledge in supplying and repairing all tyres, including truck, earthmover, agricultural and industrial. Mobile repair vans allow for further radius of service and exposure- as well as reinforcing the full scoop of service provided with this particular business to its customers. As an independent tyre retailer stocking major brands including Westlake, Linglong, Triangle, Yokohama, Hankook, Toyo, Bridgestone, Goodyear, Michelin, Keter, Continental as well as sourcing the best of the European and Asian brands. To further stand out from the competitors this business also offers exlcusive Cooper Tyres- ensuring yet another point of difference in the market! Currently taking over $3,400,000 per year with a very good lease and further options. Two owners work in the business full time with the assistance of a team of Full Time staff members. Ideal for anyone with Truck industry experience or those with tyre background looking to enter into the industrial sector of the industry.Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326 today.

Beauty Salon in Excellent Location P.O.A


Operated entirely under

Mobile Knife Sharpening P.O.A. B11537

Servicing both domestic and

management new owners can be rest assured that

commercial clients, this mobile knife sharpening

with the assistance and support of the Franchise

business is dedicated to providing prompt, reliable

System, the business can expect to continue to

& effective knife sharpening services across

show strong sales, loyal clientele and profits.

Victoria. This completely mobile business has

Providing an outstanding opportunity for any

extremely low overheads, with no rent! The van is

business minded investor! Located in Westfield

fitted out with all the equipment required to

Southland with a database of over 28,000 clients

sharpen knives & scissors. As well as sharpening

and growing! The salon offers beauty services,

services, the business stocks and sells a range of

products and treatments - IPL hair removal, body

premium knives and associated kitchen

piercing, facials, nails, tanning, bikini waxing, tattoo

equipment including zesters, oyster shuckers and

removal, teeth whitening and many more.

many more! Taking $160,000 per annum with

Taking an average of $16,000 per week with very

excellent net profits, this business is operated by

high profit margins! 5 treatment rooms

just one person from Monday to Friday. This

1 spray tan booth, Equipment and fit out valued at

means keeping your week-ends to yourself!

over $200,000! Contact Chris Panagiotidis today

Further information can be obtained by calling

to obtain further information on 9566 7326.

Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326


Absolute Business Brokers To find out more about absolute business brokers Visit

Restaurant Bar On Chapel Street P.O.A.


Located in Chapel Street

Windsor, the business focuses on where unique east meets exotic west. An authentic culinary experience of traditional Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and



Established for over 13 years the

Hair and Beauty Salon In South East P.O.A


Located in Beaconsfield in the

business is well known amongst builder and trade

south east of Melbourne, this salon has been

for its very competitive prices and range! Excellent

established for over 4 years with the same owner.

site in Cowes allows for maximum showroom

dinner complemented by first class coffee and

presentation and exposure of all products and

desserts. Customer car park is conveniently

potential to both professionals and off the street

located at the back of the premises, while Windsor

consumers. Very good rent of only $2800 pcm for

station across the road ensures breakfast and

a large space with new lease! Closed on Sundays

coffee on the go. Business is almost under

Providing hair and beauty, the premises allows for 8 chairs, 3 wash basins and 2 spacious beauty rooms. Taking over $4,500 per week with the ability to grow the beauty side further and introduce

and trading 9am- noon on Saturdays with Mon- Fri

nails as well as further promote Laser services.

8:30am to 4:30pm. Currently run by husband and

Open 6 days per week (closed Sunday). Late night

time staff. Trading Mon-Thur 7am - late & Fri-Sun:

wife with the assistance of a few rotating casuals

trade only Thursday - ideal for those with families

9am - late. Liquor license held from 11am - live

throughout the week.Very easy to operate and no

entertainment internal courtyard, lounge with

special skills or training necessary. Inspections by

management working only a few hours a week with a full time chef in place and assisting part

fireplace seating 10 in courtyard and 35-40 inside. Taking $7,000 per week in its first year! Lease of 3x3 $2600 pcm for an excellent Chapel Street


Floor and Wall Tile Specialists

appointment can be arranged through contact with the agent. To arrange an inspection or obtain

to run. Owner works Full time with assistance of 2 Full Time staff and 1 casual. Option of leasing chairs- with agreement currently in place allowing

location! To arrange inspection please contact

further information please contact

for secure income. To inspect please contact

Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326

Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

Businesses For Sale

Automotive Business in Bayswater P.O.A B11514

Located in a popular industrial

Cafe Pizza Bar In City Area $80,000 B11516

A high profile location on a major

estate in Bayswater, this thriving automotive

road out of the city, right near the intersection of

business specialises in four wheel drives,

another major road sits this cafe pizza bar.

roadworthy certificates, services & repairs,

Established 5 years the business offers a good

automatic transmissions & suspension. Currently taking $7,500 per week with rent of $2,163 per calendar month (no GST) and long lease terms. The business has been trading for 16 years Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm. This business is currently operated by it’s owner, but

range of pizza options as well as pasta & mains Taking $5,000 per week the business has a basic website so some clever marketing would increase takings much further. An abundance of parking & public transport at the door. Rent of $3,085 per calendar month including GST with a long lease of 5x5. Open evenings only currently, closed Monday

Corporate Broadband Services P.O.A. B11545

Australian based company

focused on delivering extreme high speed business grade broadband access services and applications to businesses within the country. Providing Australia’s Fastest Internet speeds and services available for any size business. Technology to ensure businesses of all sizes can be correctly and privately networked- allowing for cohesion of files from various sites. Currently operating with over $300,000 takings per year with clients on 3 year contracts. Owner currently operates with 2 hours per week!

boasts 4 hoists, so the opportunity for expansion is

Easy to operate business, keep your days free &

endless! Inspection will not disappoint and can be

Ideal for anyone with an IT background looking

only work short evenings! Or extend the trading

for a very profitable side business or those who

arranged by appointment with the agent. To obtain

hours to increase takings. Seating inside & outside,

travel looking for a flexible business with excellent

an information pack or inspect please contact

liquor licence in place. For further information

return and growth potential.

Chris Panagiotidis on

please contact Senior Business Broker

To obtain further information please contact Chris

0433 582 533 or on 9566 7326.

Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.


Absolute Business Brokers To find out more about absolute business brokers Visit

Retail And Beauty In Richmond P.O.A.


A very unique business located

P.O.A. B11547

Located in an excellent position

Hair And Beauty In Mooroolbark $25,000 B11547

A well presented business ideal

on Church Street Richmond- one of the highest

with maximum exposure! Situated opposite a

for any hair or beauty therapist looking to run their

foot traffic spots in Melbourne! Established for

major tourist attraction - South Melbourne Market

over 6 years this business sells retail fashion in

own business. 5 stations including 1 children’s

in the Spotlight Centre near Woolworths with

store and online through the set up web site and e-shopping. The site includes 2 secure car spaces for staff, 2 fully set up beauty rooms which can be

abundance of under cover parking. The business is entirely run under management with 4 casuals on

cutting station allows for excellent capacity for growth and rental of stations for steady income.

rotation - new owner may look at actively running

Beauty room, currently used for spray tanning, is

into the retail/lifestyle business. Upstairs is a 3

business or continue to run under management.

large enough to allow for further treatments or

bedroom residence which is currently rented for

Mix of culture and vast population of foot traffic

Laser with new owner. The business has been es-

$500 p/w ensuring a steady weekly income for

allow for demand in eclectic home wares- and

the new owners! Rent for all of these spaces

knick knacks to collect on a casual shopping day

(residence, car spots, retail and 2 beauty rooms) is

on Cecil Street. Website in place with online shop-

just $4166 PCM right on Church St Richmond!

ping available to ensure income can be generated

to young growing family! Only trading 4 days per

well past the 7 day a week 10am - 5:30pm shop

week - owner has one Part Time staff member in

front trade! The area is surrounded by apartments

place for further assistance. Very reasonable rent

rented out or run by the new owner incorporated

Lease of 3x3x3. Currently taking over $4400 per week with plenty of opportunity and levels of expansion and growth! Owner only works past time and has a part time and casual staff members


Furniture, Fashion and Gift Store

and new projects - indicating excellent growth and

to assist throughout the 6 day trading week 10am-

demand for the future. Inspection is a must and

6pm. To inspect the business please contact

can be arranged by contacting Chris Panagiotidis

Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

on 9566 7326.

tablished for 15 years and current owner has successfully run the business for 3, only selling due

of $2,012 PCM inclusive of gst and out goings! Inspections can be arranged by contacting Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

Businesses For Sale

Stockfeeds & Pet Supplies P.O.A.


This busy animal supplies

Cafe In Warragul Business For Sale P.O.A


This business is one with

Cafe In Trendiest Spot In Melbourne P.O.A. B11550

A contemporary venue with a

relaxed family atmosphere! Very popular menu

business has an extensive range of horse feeds,

maximum capacity and potential for growth!

stock feeds, animal care and “over the counter�

A cafe with an impressive menu for breakfast and

medications. With a prominent main road location

lunch that can easily move on to dinner due to

midnight Friday- Saturday the venue can cater and

and excellent branding, the business is highly

the large commercial kitchen! Currently trading

promotes a wide range of functions and custom

visible to passing traffic and offers a well set out

7:30am-5pm Mon- Fri and Saturday 8am-3pm.

website with the option to shop online. Currently trading Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.30pm and Saturday 9.00am to 2.30pm. 1 full time, 2 part time and 3 casual staff members operate the business for these trading hours. Stocked brands include Barastoc, Hygain, Prydes, Advance, Whiskers, Iams, Supercoat, Purina. The business

Husband and Wife work together with the assis-

serving hearty breakfast, light snacks and succulent lunch and dinners. Fully licensed till

menus. Established for over 12 years the business boasts consistent takings of an average of $23,000 per week! Excellent equipment and fixtures in

tance of up to 7 casual staff. The business con-

place ensures new owner does not need to spend

sumes an average of 16 kilos of coffee and serves

any time or money on renovations or set up- this is

breakfast until 3pm as it is a hit amongst the locals.

a full package! The business has a strong team of

Very large space with 55 seating capacity inside and 10 out allowing new owner to keep cafe style

staff in place ranging from Full Time Staff to Casuals all assisting in the 7 day week trade. Large seating capacity of 60 patrons inside and 20

or serve a la carte dinner in restaurant format.

outside ensures the business has the capacity for

lease terms of 5x5. Having been established for 22

Currently taking an average of $11,000 per week.

growth and demand. New lease with terms of 5x5

years and owned by the current owners for 2

Very well presented with good equipment in

years, the business is loaded with potential to be

place- new owner can move right in!

implemented. Further information can be obtained

Inspections can be arranged by appointment.

information and arrange an inspection please

by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

Please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326

contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533.

boasts takings of $620,000 per annum and long

The location together with the established success and presentation of the business is a package very hard to come by in the market! To obtain further


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Skin Clinic And Wellness Spa P.O.A. B11551

Specializing in laser skin care,

wrinkle and weight loss treatment this clinic is ideal for a beauty therapist or laser skin care specialist. A tranquil business beautifully presented that allows for clients to feel at ease and enjoy luxurious treatments. The business operates by appointment Monday to Saturday with one owner currently operating. 2 beauty rooms ensures with that more staff the business has capacity for growth. There is a laser sauna room and state of the art equipment currently being used in the business ensuring excellent results and reputation. The business can be run under management and investors with no experience could benefit from managing appointments and staff who can operate the equipment and treatments. To inspect please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326


Pressure Cleaning Business P.O.A.

Are you looking for a country change, a nice rural town to settle into whilst working for yourself in a business you can run from home at your own leisure? Then this is the right package for you! This commercial pressure cleaning business offers services such as brick & wall cleaning, concrete floor cleaning, sheds/ factories, driveways/paving & graffiti cleaning. Currently located out of a town in the Shepparton region, the business could be operated anywhere! Established 8 years the business operates under management with 4 part time staff doing the jobs for you, however you could choose to run it how you wish! Operates 6am to 2pm weekdays & Saturdays until midday which allows for a great work/ life could work or have it operating whatever hours you choose! Currently taking $210,000 per annum with excellent net profit No lease, work from home & operate from anywhere! Fully equipped operation comes with 2 vehicles If you would like to learn more please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154. B11553

Party Bus Tours Business For Sale P.O.A


An excellent business for

accredited bus drivers looking to run a business of their own! This business has a full interactive website in place as well as a decade of excellent service and reputation! The buses have perimeter seating, dance floor area, professional sound systems and blacked out windows! Ideal for Hens, Bucks, birthdays as well as set winery tours and corporate custom functions. New lease in place at depot with rent of only $1155 PCM- large space allows for expansion potential! Business operates by appointment with a team of drivers on call. Currently taking $430,000 per year with one owner running the business. Please contact Chris Panagiotidis to discuss skills and qualifications associated. Chris Panagiotidis 9566 7326

Businesses For Sale

Brighton Hair And Beauty Salon

Retail Opportunity In The East

Rural Hairdressing Salon


P.O.A B11558 Here lies a great opportunity to move into the world of retail by taking over an existing shop in a great location & making it your own! Established 4 years now, this retail store offers a delightful array of homeware, giftware, furniture & accessories. Excellent location in a busy shopping centre in the outer eastern suburbs, surrounded by shopping, supermarkets & food Plenty of parking onsite & public transport passing right by means this business sees an abundance of foot & vehicle traffic. Currently taking over $200k per annum, the business opens 6 days a week (closed Sunday) with no late nights. Cheap rent of $571 per week inclusive of GST . Simple website in place, could easily increase sales with some clever online advertising or adding an online shopping option. The business is currently run only the by the vendors so this is an ideal opportunity to take over and alter the business to suit yourself & add your own staffing to suit the lifestyle you want! Plenty of potential for growth & sizeable store allows you to add whatever you want to sell! If you would like to learn more please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

P.O.A. B11559 If you’re a hairdresser living in the rural south east near Moe, or if you’re looking for an excuse to move out to the country then this opportunity could be for you! This hairdressing salon was established 29 years ago by the vendor who is now tired & needs a break, so this is your chance to take over & become your own boss! Located in a shopping strip in this great town near Moe, this salon is well equipped with 6 stations, 2 wash basins, 1 colour station & a beaut room New lease to be provided to the new owner but cheap rent of only $300 per week! Currently staffed with 2 full time staff & a casual means that you can take over gradually as the business continues to operate with familiar faces for the clients Open 5 days (closed Tuesday & Sunday) the salon only has a half day on Saturday. Ideal lifestyle opportunity, become your own boss doing what you love & find yourself a place in this tight knit community. No online presence, could be grown much further with some clever advertising, plenty of potential! If you would like to learn more please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


Specializing in expert styling and

color- this award winning salon is a favorite with the Bayside elite! Expert team of colourists, stylists and make up artists ensures the business upholds its reputation and award winning streak. Owner has established the business for over 14 years and now checks in only a few hours a week- business is basically run under management! Operating Tuesday to Saturday with short hours. The business has exceptional fit out and new owner would easily be able to jump right in! Currently taking $11,000 per week with trial options available in negotiations. For those looking for a salon with excellent growth and high profit margins- look no further! Located on one of the busiest and most popular streets of Brighton with lease options of 3x3x3. Inspections can be arranged by contacting Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.


Absolute Business Brokers To find out more about absolute business brokers Visit


Christmas And Gift Store On Canterbury Rd

Manchester Retail Business For Sale

P.O.A. B11560 Ideally located on one of the busiest and most popular roads of Melbourne- this business generates maximum exposure! Open only for half the year- July through to December! Since the day of creation the business has consistently grown and doubled almost every year! Three outstanding components of the business ensure excellent future and growth as well as a stand out structure and image from competitors. Aside from the retail aspect located on a major intersection on Canterbury Rd, the business also supply and fit Christmas decorations for corporate sales- allowing for excellent opportunity to establish contracts and long term relations. Web site over the last 5 years has been constantly growing and is currently page 1 Google ranked when searching “Christmas Decorations� and page 5 organic. Further promotion and focus on the site can allow for substantial sales growth! This business is ideal for those looking for an investment or under management opportunity with viable growth and turn over. Please contact Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 to obtain an information pack.

$75,000 B11529

This busy manchester store is

located in a busy shopping centre in one of the state’s biggest growth suburbs. The business stocks a beautiful range of top quality on trend manchester, bed linen, bathroom mats, pillow

Hairfree Geelong Business For Sale P.O.A


Join the largest hair removal

company in Australia with this franchise available in the heart of Geelong. Offering exclusive pain free treatments using IPL & laser hair removal. Full system & support provided by a major franchise. Taking $329,000 per annum operating

cases, and a wide range of doona covers.

6 days a week, the business offers 2 treatment

Currently trading shopping centre hours over

rooms which gives you further opportunity to grow

7 days a week, the business enjoys takings of

the business.

$3,500 per week. Having been in operation for just 3 years, the business is loaded with potential. The possibility to continue to run the business under management or for a savvy owner operator with

Established 6 years, the franchise charges a fixed fee & current agreement includes marketing. Staffing in place to ensure a smooth transition for the new owner, great investment opportunity or chance for a beauty therapist to grow with full

an eye for design trends to take the business to a

training provided.

new level. Further information can be obtained by

For further information please contact

calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326

Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

Businesses For Sale

Beauty Wholesale Giant in South Australia P.O.A.


Yes that’s right one of Australia’s biggest Wholesalers for Beauty products has been finally put on the market after being in business for over

21 years. National Salon Supplies is Australia’s largest distributor of quality salon products sold to the beauty industry professionals. This Franchise Business is under full management with the owner not even living in the same state.Systems have been set up so the owner can follow the business at all times over either their laptop or smart phone. There are many advantages to National Salon Supplies. Software system allows for owners to work offsite-no on floor work required for potential investors. All staff are highly trained with extensive industry and business knowledge. Franchisees purchase direct from manufacturers. Warehouse of 800m2 with the Showroom an impressive 500m2. Last financial year turnover was $3,300,000. Rent is $7,288 p.c.m. This is the first time this business has been offered for sale. To enquire about this business please contact Senior Business Broker Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

Wholesale Beauty Industry Franchise Business For Sale P.O.A.


National Salon Supplies is Australia’s largest distributor of quality salon products sold to the beauty industry professionals.

This Franchise Business is under full management with the owner not even living in the same state. Systems have been set up so the owner can follow the business at all times over either their laptop or smart phone. There are many advantages to National Salon Supplies. Software system allows for owners to work offsite-no on floor work required for potential investors. All staff are highly trained with extensive industry and business knowledge Franchisees purchase direct from manufacturers. Showroom an impressive 300m2. Last financial year turnover was $770,000 Rent is $60,432 per annum, New 5 x 5 year lease in place To enquire about this business please contact Senior Business Broker Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.



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