Gods Word Gods Power

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Is Enjoined With GOD’S Written WORD Truly! The TRUTH shall Make us Free, Sanctify us, Create a New Mind in us and Make us Partaker of GOD, our SAVIOUR’S Devine Nature. But only if we are willing to humbly hear, believe, accept, trust and obey The Guiding Instructions of The Written GOSPEL TESTIMONY of GOD our SAVIOUR. ( Heb. 5:8-9; Jn.8:32; 2-Tim. 3:16-17; Heb. 7:25; Rev.3:20; Jn. 14:23; Jn.15:4,10; Rev.22:16,12-15, 11; Jn.12:44-50; Is.8:16: Rev.7:1-3,9-12; Is.8:20; Matt.7:21-24-29; Rev.12:13,17; Rev.14:12, 6-9; Matt.11:27-30; Matt.28:18-20 ) Satan’s power of his deceit, treachery and Lies are Revealed to us by, The Written GOSPEL TESTIMONY of GOD THE FATHER and The LORD JESUS. But we must be willing to be taught by GOD our SAVIOUR. For by willing ignorance we make our self, an easy prey for Satan, his demonic angles & those of our fallen race who are willing to be their medium or servant. But Satan & his angels tremble & flee from even the weakest of us, who humbly ask GOD THE FATHER in THE NAME of JESUS for Mercy & Grace to Intercede and HELP us in our times of need. ( Heb.4:14-16; Matt.28:18-20; Heb.7:25 ) Truly! Satan with his demonic angels is advancing his, hateful relentless wicked works against The Governing HOLY LAW of the Kingdom of Heaven. Leaving no means allowed him untried ( Revealed by The Written GOSPEL TESTIMONY Of The LORD JESUS and GOD THE FATHER ). Whereby Satan and his demonic angels are compelled to not go beyond , The Written TESTIMONY Of GOD our SAVIOUR. But is allowed to use his evil wicked works of treachery, deceit & lies to tempt and draw us away from knowing The TRUTH. And hold our fallen race captive until that time when Heaven’s Sanctuary DOOR of MERCY shall be Eternally Closed. Even as IT was closed against those at Noah’s time. And closed against those in Sodom & Gomorrah. And did not know Salvation’s DOOR of MERCY was Eternally Closed. For they would not hear The TRUTH. But believed Satan’s lies that excused their evil desire to continue their transgressions ( their ways of sin and wickedness ). And were left to their evil & wicked motives intents and ways. And knew not until it was to late. Only according to Thus Saith The LORD JESUS, Satan is allowed to advance & do his evil wicked works. But we must of our own free will, chose to hear, trust & believe Satan’s treacherous ways to steal affections. And draw by his enchanting cunning deceit to accept his thoughts and reasonings designed to draw, entice, intimidate or compel all classes of people to be held captive until it is to late. But this need not be. For the we

have All The our needs.

POWER of Heaven’s THRONE awaiting to HELP us according to all

All Mighty and Faithful is The LORD JESUS. But Satan the Enemy of GOD our SAVIOUR, is relentless & determined to find a way to cause us, to separate our self from The Watchful Protecting Care of our SAVIOUR and LORD. And with all his cunning & power he leaves no means allowed untried to steal our affection & listen to his cunning deceit, behold & trust his treacherous ways & accept his lies. But for the Faithful of all ages Wonderful MERCY and GRACE and Watchful Care is Enjoined by The HOLY SPIRIT and the Holy Angles. But all who choose to be ignorant make them self an easy prey for Satan & his angels.

Promised Merciful Forgiveness and A Crown of Life is Prepared & Awaits to be Freely Given to all, who humbly hear Salvation’s GOSPEL and repent ( turn from ) transgressing Heaven’s HOLY Governing LAW. ( Duet.4:13; Ex.31:18; Ex.34:1,28; Is.8:16,20; Jn.15:4-5,1-2,13-14; Jn.8:58; Jn.17:5; Heb.1-3,8,10; Rev.1:8,11; Is.49:16; Is.65:17 ) Great & persuasive is the power of communication. For by it Satan( Lucifer ) persuaded 1/3 of Heaven’s Holy Angels to fall into his, deceitful treacherous use of his great intellect & beauty of his, physical form enjoined with his trust gained for his, once faithful work as The Covering Cherub and Shinning Seraphim before The THRONE of GOD. And his once entrusted authority honor over all the Angels. And was once highly honored by all the un-fallen Worlds. Having the greatest intellect, wisdom, power and honor bestowed upon a Created being. Having position just under his Creator The SON of GOD. With artful cunning to justify his evil works Lucifer ( Satan ) has misused & corrupted his great intellect, abilities & power to advance his evil war. And the misuse of communication & his treacherous deceitful works to steal affections and trust. Has been terribly successful. And by that same power Satan, has found access & planted his seeds of doubt into the mind’s of many of all ages beginning with Adam and Eve. With terrible success Satan caused all ( except 8 people ) at Noah's time to believe and trust his lies. And reject or ignore Salvation’s GOSPEL of many WARNINGS against all, who will not repent & turn from sinful ways. And with the same terrible success Satan, continues to advance his evil work to hold captive all who will accept & believe his lies until it is to late. Even as it was at the time of Noah and Sodom & Gomorrah. We now live in the last days of this World's existence. Now each day all people are now living life’s journey before The Judgment Seat of The LORD JESUS. WHO has Promised to Mercifully Intercede and Make us Partaker of Sacrifice of HIS Life for our sins. And Make us Able by HIS GRACE, to turn from our sinful ways

even with understanding and Love for HIM for HIS Wonderful LOVE For us. Even with Love and desire to know HIM and keep HIS HOLY LAW of HIS Kingdom of

Heaven. By Wonderful MERCY has given to us,

HIS Governing STANDARD of HIS Cleansing Work of HIS Judgment: HIS 10-COMMANDMENTS, enjoined with HIS Merciful, Charitable, Unselfish Gentle & Kind Way to understand & do according to. Soon The LORD JESUS shall give HIS Solemn Eternal Final DECLARATION

of HIS Cleansing JUDGEMENT Work, giving to all HIS Reward according to the works of our faith and the words we speak. Unto the faithful the Reward of a Crown of Life. And unto all who have rejected HIS Merciful Promised PREPARED WAY we must be willing to Saved, to be enjoined with Satan & his angels in the Reward of Eternal Death. ( Jn.5:22-30; Rev. 10:7; Rev.7:1-3; Is.8:16; Malachi 4:1-3;Rev.22:11-20; Heb.4:12-13; 1-Peter 4:17-19; 2-Peter 2:4-9; Daniel 7:26-27 ) We are given from GOD our Creator the power to communicate and choose what our motive and intent shall be. We are able to advance thoughts and reasonings, causing the other to hear that which lead the other into a path of thought. And be a channel and support for Good or evil.... ( Is.8:20; Jn.12:44-50; Matt.12:36-37; Matt.24:35 ) By The HOLY SPIRIT we are given desire and love for knowledge of The TRUTH. And Made wise with understanding. Even Made Able to stand Faithful and Lay hold of the Promises. And shall not be deceived if we believe, trust and obey The LORD JESUS. ( Heb.5:8-9; Jn.14:6; Jn.5:39; Matt.4:4; Jn.10:27-29; Jn.8:32; Jn.11:25 )

Thus saith The LORD JESUS: " Bind up the TESTIMONY and SEAL THE LAW among MY Disciples...To the LAW and to the TESTIMONY; if they speak not according to This ( HIS ) WORD, it is because there is no light (TRUTH) in them". ( Is.8:16,20; Rev.7:1-3; Matt.19:17-19; Rev.22:14; Rev.14:12; Rms.3:31;) These are words from The Heart of GOD our SAVIOUR thru HIS Servant unto us: "Unto you therefore which Believe HE is Precious: ye are A Chosen Generation, A Royal Priesthood, An Holy Nation, A Peculiar People: that ye should Shew Forth the Praise of HIM WHO hath Called you out of darkness into HIS Marvelous Light:.... For even hereunto were ye Called: because CHRIST also suffered for us, leaving us An Example, that ye should follow HIS Steps: WHO did no sin, Neither was guile Found in HIS Mouth: WHO, when HE was Reviled, reviled not again; when HE Suffered, HE threatened not; but Committed HIMSELF To HIM that Judgeth Righteously: WHO HIS OWN

SELF Bare our sins In HIS OWN BODY on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should Live unto Righteousness: By WHOSE STRIPES ye are HEALED." ( 2-Peter 2:7,9,21-24 ) Great is the power of deceit, treachery and lies advanced upon us to rob us, of our most Sacred of Gifts from our Creator, and the Gift Promised MERCY with Crown of Life and our free will of choice. But none shall be drawn into Satan’s hellish power who, trust & obey our SAVIOUR‘S

Written GOSPEL TESTIMONY. All who let thoughts or reasonings to remove or add to "Thus saith the LORD" have by this act opened an avenue for the Enemy to enter, and be used to do his hellish work. And their hope of Salvation is in jeopardy. ( Rev.22:!8-19: Is.8:20 ) Let us pray more earnestly for The HOLY SPIRIT to open our understanding with wisdom that we shall not be deceived. And pray for more Enabling GRACE to HELP us in all our times of NEED. ( Jn.14:15-18; Heb.4:15-16 ) Our SAVIOUR has Entrusted unto HIS Faithfull of all ages to be a Witnesses of HIS

GOSPEL TESTIMONY of HIS COVENANT Conditions of Promised MERCY and GRACE . ( Matt.28:18-20 ) May our SAVIOUR’S MERCY and GRACE be accepted and trusted as a child. Even according to HIS Wonderful Will for us. A Voice, Sonny

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