The Sword

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SWORD Of The HOLY SPIRIT • • • • ( Hebrews 4:12-14; Matthew 12:32; John 14:15-18,26-29 )

Not long after this World was Created and entrusted unto Adam, to care for and Govern, Lucifer ( Satan ) by treachery, deceit & lies, caused Adam to doubt his Creator ( The LORD JESUS ). Whereby his entrusted power as Prince and Governing Authority of the World, was stolen from Adam by Satan. ( John 1:1-3,10; Jn. 17:5; Hebrews 1:1-3,8,10; Jn.8:58 ) Truly! Only thru the knowledge of The SWORD Of TRUTH is the darkness of ignorance removed from our mind's eye. For all born into this World, inherit Satan's fallen carnalnature, thru our earthly father4 mother. Except the " Only Begotten SON "of GOD THE FATHER. And thru HIS SON, all born into the World, experience the MERCIFUL conviction of our sinful ways. ( John 3:16-18; John 1:1-3,1-12; John 17:1-5,8,17 ) Truly! The SWORD Of The HOLY SPIRIT is The Written WORD Of GOD our SAVIOUR: The GOSPEL Of GOD THE FATHER ( The Written Confirming TESTIMONY Of The LORD JESUS ). Written & Preserved in it's Purity for all generations by THIER Servants: Moses, Prophets & Apostles. ( 2-Peter 1:21; 1-Peter 1:2-8; 1-Peter 1:16-20; John 15:26 ) Pray to be awakened early in the morning. For then we lay hold of, awaiting

GRACE, whereby our mental powers are refreshed & strengthened. And those things which were hard to understand when tired & need of rest are revealed with understanding by MERCIFUL GRACE each new day. And Made Able & Wise thru the knowledge of Heaven's Sent MANNA of The TRUTH, of The WAY unto Salvation & Life Eternal. Our SAVIOUR being our example, awoke early before the light of each new day, and by Faith laid hold the same GRACE , and was strengthened by the same life sustaining power, that awaits for us each and every new day. Truly our SAVIOUR took upon HIMSELF our flesh & bones. Whereby HE humbled HIMSELF to be made like us in all points. Even set aside HIS Divine Mighty Power. And surrendered HIS ALL to be subject to the same hunger and for food and thirst for water as we all are subject to. And our SAVIOUR in the weakness of our same flesh and bones, was tempted in all points. Even as we all are tempted. But each New Day morning by morning HE was born fresh with New Strength. Whereby He was made able to overcome all temptations, even was tempted far beyond all the temptations, Satan is allowed to advance upon all people born into this fallen World. ( Heb.2:14-18; Heb.4:15; Heb.5:8-9 )

Truly! By the same Mighty GRACE and Promises unto us, our LORD JESUS was Made Able to stand faithful to Heaven's WAYS. Even whereby HE sinned not once, not even by a thought did our SAVIOUR sin. And truly all have sinned & have great need of our SAVIOUR'S & Heavenly FATHER'S MERCY and Enabling GRACE, revealed thru The SWORD

of The HOLY SPIRIT ( The Written VOICE of GOD our SAVIOUR). ( Heb.4:12 ) Wherefore unto all who Accept CHRIST JESUS to be SAVIOUR & LORD, with true Repentance enjoined with willingness of mind to do Heaven's WAYS. Are adopted by GOD THE FATHER, even made Sons and Daughters; and joint Heirs with

The "Only Begotten SON" of GOD THE FATHER. ( Rms.8:17; Ga1.3:29 ) A Voice, Sonny

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