Miraculous manna Stories of healings, miracles, salvations, delivrances, prophetic dreams and visions; all bringing glory to God. the story of carol whipkey written by carrie christopher Carol’s story begins with repentance, bolstered in tears, and finished in emboldened miracles. Carol lived her life in the comforts of outward appearance, having done some model and pageant work in the past. The pursuit of beauty gave her a false sense of control and comfort. Carol went on to a financially affluent marriage, being given everything a young wife and future mom would want. Carol’s marriage seemed to model the American dream of wealth and adventures. Two children joined Carol and her husband’s perfect story. Everything she ever hoped and dreamed was becoming a reality. But her inward desire to maintain outward perfection reared its ugly head when she found out she was pregnant with child number three. She went through great lengths to end the pregnancy, but God put many obstacles her way. The Lord who loved her, led her. Carol believed in God but hadn’t come to repentance and regeneration yet. Although she had not yet surrendered in prayer to Jesus, God gave courage to Carol to fight the inward idols of beauty, allowing her to continue the pregnancy. Clearly God’s hand was upon every part of her life, calling her forward. Her third son arrived on Carol’s birthday; the Lord gave her a wink of His providential plans for her precious family and child. Four years had gone by since God’s intervention. The Lord began to show Carol that although her belief in God was surely there and she was on track for salvation, she had not yet been born again. Her heart and life were not fully surrendered. It was there in that time that the Lord joined her and some others in an antique store for a Bible study. What the Lord was packaging in that store that very day was the will of God intersecting the right time and positioning a rebirth. In walked a pastor, shopping at the store. Little did the small, close-knit Bible study participants know, the true purchase that day would be Carol’s salvation - purchased in full by a payment with Jesus’ death in exchange for Carol’s life. An eternal forever home and an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. The exchange of payment for her sins was instigated by the pastor’s presentation of the plan for salvation, the gospel revealed. It was at this time that her heart desired a new birth, an abandonment of former ways, a desire to be freed from her sin and to be accepted in the heart of the beloved Son and Father. What she received from that tarnished, old, rickety antique shop was the greatest treasure awaiting here on earth for her, a treasure waiting for years to be accepted, a truly unique story of the old becoming new.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
Baptism of the Holy Spirit invaded Carol’s life with the one of Jesus. Opposition soon struck after that bold encounter with God. Carol’s child, age four at the time - the one she wrestled to keep - fell ill. Illness was pouncing. Soon her child was diagnosed and hospitalized with encephalitis, a deadly pox that invades one’s brain. Carol described her greatest fears in the hospital as such. “Up against a wall, my tiny helpless baby lay red with a fever in a bed way too big for him, with his hair all wet and just a diaper on his little body, he lay in a semi-coma, motionless. I cried and cried. I was so scared.” Doctors reported a prognosis of a 50% survival rate. Carol wrestled with deep theological divides. She argued with her own self as she fought condemnation for entertaining abortion years prior. The temptations were previous to her conversion, yet were being thrown in her face as God’s punishment against her past sins. But God, being rich in mercy and omnipotent in presence and power, reached Carol with his word. God brought her a song, “Only trust in Him, only trust in him now.” Then He spoke to her to open His Word. Her weary eyes, tear-stained clothes and feeble heart landed on Psalm 102:28. (KJV). “The children of thy servants shall continue, and their seed shall be established before thee.” Carol knew nothing else mattered but the power of God’s love and the truth of His holy Word. She experienced the very real presence of God on that day and came face to face with suffering that the enemy had intended for evil. God was not punishing her, this was not truth, it was a lie from the enemy. He is a God who eternally loves and forgives.