Mar - Apr 1998

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“And united their hearts; had you spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts, but Allah united them, surely He is Mighty, Wise” (8:63) Issue 4 : Volume 3. March / April 1998

ENSURE YOUR FUTURE FOR £1 A WEEK Asalaamu-Alaikum Brothers and Sisters, The IUS has been striving for 3 years to help the community in various ways. Now we are a registered charity we are appealing for donations, you can donate in various ways: by a one off donation or regularly over a period of time. If you are working then your donation can go a longer way, donation by ‘Gift Aid’ or ‘Deed of Covenant’ will mean that the government will reimburse the tax taken on the donation. In particular this year, the IUS is launching an appeal for an office. The Islamic Unity Society has operated for 3 years now, from the time of it’s conception to the present day the society has been run from the bedrooms of 3 brothers. Letter writing, telephoning, publishing, database updating and most taxing - the storage of papers and books is now taking its toll. Alhamdolillah with the rapid spread in membership - (we now have over 400 members ), it is time we moved to our own office. A small office will be rented in central London close to our meeting place. We would appreciate your help in any way with this project. Financial help is much appreciated, and now that we are a Charity you can donate in many ways. However, donation of any spare or useful office equipment would assist us greatly. For our office we would need: 1. Desks / tables - any size, chairs 2. Filing cabinets/ storage cupboards/ sideboards/ book shelves 3. Computer equipment: computers, printers, scanners, software, disks, peripheral equipment

4. Telephones/ fax machine / answering machine 5. Coffee machine, kettle, dishes, cups 6. Stationary: pens, papers, filing boxes, files 7. Lamps, fittings, notice board, clipboards, carpet rugs, clocks, desk clocks

NOTHING needs to be new and please do not hesitate to donate anything however small. Please contact us if you can spare any of the above or would like to make a donation on the contact details below. With thanks, Wa’salaam alaikum, Syed Zafar Naqvi, IUS Chairman Contents in this issue of IUSN: IUS News


Syria Trip Reports (continued)


Editorial / Adalat (continued from previous issue)


Friends (continued from previous issue)


Engineering in Electronics


Friends (continued)


Tabatabai - The Young Master


Pearls of Wisdom


IUS Football and the Famous Five


IUS Iran Trip


Syria Trip Report


What’s On Guide & Dates to Remember




IUS Newsletter

Editorial How genes, environment and experiences interact to tailor a person’s behaviour is the focus of many current investigations. Contrary to popular belief, Islam considered the role of ‘nurture’ fourteen centuries ago; the influence of the biology of a human and both ‘nature’ its environment, as being intrinsic to recognising oneself and ultimately improving oneself. However, the current controversy is concerned with the proportion and relative contribution of environmental and genetic factors. Is a child born into the world with no innate abilities? From the outlook it would seem that a new-born is a totally dependent being, having only restricted movements, no communication, thus a lack of expression.

Experiments have shown that between 0-4 months, 150 speech sounds are distinguished so that a child my be accustomed to hearing Arabic spoken at home but still be able to differentiate English or any other language from his/her native language. In effect, the child is a universal linguist, able to adopt and perceive changes in language faster than many adults. Imam Ali (A.S) has said, ‘surely the heart of a child is like fallow ground: whatever is planted in it, is accepted by it.’ Many of us have witnessed the memorised recitation of the Holy Qur’an by children as young as 18 months. Indeed a child can recall sounds and visual events at a fraction of the time taken for an adult to do so, as the child’s mind is like a sponge and s/he learns more in the first months of life than ever in his/her entire life.

Friends Continued The heart of a child is pure and unaffected as the

Despite this ‘immaturity’ a child is already endowed with a number of abilities by Allah (S.W.T). Researchers have found that by the age of 12 months, a child’s brain is ¾ the size of an adult’s and the process of hearing matches that of an adult’s too-the sound of mother’s heartbeat is as loud as 95dB inside the womb which is comparable to a busy train station.

quotation beautifully describes the image of ‘planting’ knowledge, particularly ‘deen’ as fresh and natural. The more effort we invest I order to educate our brothers and sisters, the greater both their personal and in the long run, net social benefit. Sr. Uzma Mohammedali

Adalat (continued from previous issue) If this is the case then why should we have a Day of Judgement? After all if a person is destined for Heaven or Hell before being conceived then why should he be questioned about his acts on Yaum al Qiyamah. And why should each person be assigned with two angels who note down all the good and bad deeds he does, if Allah (swt) has ordained which good and bad deeds he does anyway? This concept is not rational, and it is a notion which common sense can neither dictate nor accept. It is like an individual failing an exam before entering the examination hall to take the exam...does this concept make sense to you? Compare this absurd concept to that laid out by the Gate of Knowledge, Maula Ali ibne Abi Talib (as):

“Perhaps you consider predestination to be necessary and the particular decree to be irreversible; if it were so then would reward and punishment be vain...and surely blame would not have come from Allah for the sinner, nor praise for the righteous, nor would the righteous be more worthy of the reward of his good deeds, nor the wicked be more deserving of the punishment of his sin than the righteous. Allah has ordained the giving of choice to man and the putting of them in fear and he has not laid duties upon men by force, nor sent his Prophets as a farce”. The harsh reality is that those hadith advocating ‘Qadr’ were coined by those who benefited most (Continued on page 5)


IUS Newsletter

Engineering in Electronics Engineering is creative, satisfying, interesting and forward looking. It is all about applying scientific principles to real life problems and solving them.

also concerned with the use of electricity for light applications such computers and telephones. etc. A person with a degree/or anther qualification in electronics carries the key skill concepts and knowledge in mathematics, physics, computer science, electronics, and technology and many other subjects which are key requirements, assets, and the foundation for today’s modern, and progressing technological industry. As I first started the course there was a great emphasis for electronics students to attain knowledge in the Mathematics and Physics as well as Electronics because this is the core and the foundation before one can understand engineering in it entirety and put it into practice. Essentially this is true for all fields in engineering. Generally an Engineer in electronics or in any other engineering field will be faced with many questions which will all require study, analysis, application of scientific principles to any situations and so on.

Imagination and creativity are essential to design goods and structures that are pleasing to the eye as well as functional. Finding the ideal solutions to a problem can always be rewarding, and the satisfaction of being at the forefront of technology as it develops is immense. There are many fields in Engineering. These fields are Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing, Civil, and Chemical Engineering. The particular field that I have chosen to briefly discuss about is in Electronics. Electronics involves putting together circuits used in electronically controlled equipment; anything from washing machines to CD players to guidance systems in aircraft. People follow blueprints to join components and wires together, and use different instruments to check that the finished products work properly. The Electronic Engineering students study theories from science subjects alongside their practical application. Electronics Engineering is

Example of such Questions of may be as highlighted as following:‘How do you build a laser that can operate inside a baby’s body’, Does the theory match the practice? ‘how can I improve with my design applications’ Etc. An Engineer has a great advantage. A person with engineering skills is not restricted to a narrow technical field, he/she can enter into marketing, management , finance or find a legal job, all of which uses Engineering knowledge. Engineers are valued by nations throughout the world because an engineering qualification is one of the most versatile there is. Zileyh Hassnane Shah.



IUS Newsletter

Tabatabai Special

Tabatabai - the Young Master Tabatabai-The Child Prodigy Saturday 14th February 1998 marked an important and celebrated event in the history of the IUS: the presence of Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai The Child Prodigy at a conference held at the School of Oriental and African Studies. Indeed this child of six years is a living miracle, able to recite the entire Holy Quran off by heart, finish off ayahs in the Quran, stating both their location, number and even their precise page number. Added to these remarkable abilities is his skill of accurately interpreting sign l a n g u a g e denoting the verses of the Holy Quran. Tabatabai's aptitude stems from both his parents who are hafiz-e-Quran (that is, able to recite the Qur'an fluently and off by heart) who perceived their son's increasing interest in the memorised recitation of the Holy Book. Having successfully memorised the 30th Juz (chapter), Tabatabai's talent increased from strength to strength, so that by his 5th birthday he could recall every sura and chapter perfectly. He was taught primarily by his father who facilitated his understanding of the Holy Book by using 700 creative ways to sign the content and meaning of the Quran. Only after the age of 5 was the orthographic form of the Quran presented to Tabatabai to further his proficiency in the Arabic language. It was then, an honour to receive such a young guest from the Holy city of Mashad, Iran, to grace both Muslims and non-Muslims with his presence and to demonstrate the variety of his

ingenious methods of reciting the Holy Qur'an. Many people recognised this young boy's talent as being unique, probably the only child this century able to perform this feat, and this was in turn reflected in the demand for IUS tickets: by six o clock the lecture theatre was filled to its maximum capacity. Amongst the activities included in the evening's programme was a pertinent and inspirational speech given by Br Mustafa Jaffer on the Holy Quran-The Dynamic Miracle. There were also a number of stalls including Islamic Literature, hijabs, and Islamic computer software, an information desk where people could join the Islamic Unity Society and existing members could obtain an update on the IUS activities was also present. The event was successful as Tabatabai's i n f l u e n c e encouraged a number of young children of a similar age to pose relevant and interesting questions. His poignant reading of the Holy Quran brought tears to many people's eyes-who were, for perhaps the very first time, able to witness a child with such excellent abilities. It was an opportunity not to be missed, and we hope that those who attended benefited from this child's enlightening recitations whose very life and soul have added towards his inspirational mastery of the Holy Quran. Sr. Uzma Mohammedali.

IUS Sports

IUS Newsletter

IUS and the Famous Five Sat 21st February saw the fist competitive game for IUS FC. As one of the eight sides in the inaugural Al-Mustapha Saturday 5-a-side Football League, our first fixture was tough one, against a sprightly Ahlul Bayt 'B' Team. The IUS team was conspicuous in illustrating the sprit of the Islamic Unity Society, being comprised of players whose roots lie in India, Pakistan, Iraq, the Caribbean and the African continent. Unfortunately however, it proved to be of little help to us on this occasion. The points hung in the balance at the end of the first half, with the Ahlul Bayt 'B' team 1-0 from a controversial early goal. The second half began well enough but in a passionate cauldron of intensely partisan, cheering ferociously at every touch of the ball by our opposition and screaming for more goals, something had to give - and soon it did. Of course the fact that our overall fitness and stamina left a little to be desired, may also have been significant! Never the less, if we were going to lose then five goals seemed the appropriate number, in keeping with the name of the winning team; no more and no less.

(Continued from page 2)

from them, the tyrannical khalifas’ who sought to justify there position and reign of tyranny by fabricating hadith, which suggested that an individual should have no aspirations in life but should accept his position however low it may be as it is predestined, he is likewise compelled to obey tyrannical unjust rulers as their reign is predestined. Alhamdolillah the Shi’a who have always relied on the Ahlul Bayt for guidance have always believed in the concept of justice. As such we

We send our congratulations to the Ahlul Bayt 'B'. RESULT: IUSFC 0-5 Ahlul Bayt 'B'. Inshallah, we can still qualify for the semi- final stages of the competition and need good results in our two remaining Group A fixtures against Iraqi Youth 'A' and Arab Welfare, on the 7th and 14th of March, respectively. Any support would be very welcome and appreciated (matches take place at Seymour Leisure centre, Seymour Place, London W1H 5TJ, from 6pm); and on this note we thank those brothers that attended our first game. Inshallah, there will now be regular training sessions to which anyone who may be interested is invited; come for a laugh, or come to stake your claim for a place in the side - Inshallah there are more tournaments on the way. For further information, please contact Kamal Haider on 0956 447 054 Asalaamu Alaikum, Kamal Haider.

have always rejected unjust rulership and spoken out against tyranny, corruption and demanded that leaders treat their subjects equally, justly and fairly. Injustice has no association with Islam, this is clear from the words of Allah “Those who believe and do not mix their faith with injustice, they are those for whom their is security, they are (the ones) rightly guided” (Holy Qur’an 6:83). Hadhrat Ali (as) was the practical example of this verse. Throughout his khilafat Imam Ali (as) (Continued on page 9)



Syria Trip Report

IUS Newsletter

Syria It was the morning of the morning of the 23rd December 1997, and all members of the group met at Heathrow airport. Although no one had got much sleep, everyone was in a cheerful mood. After checking in and boarding the plane, we were finally off to Syria - Damascus. During the journey, members of the group, which consisted of brothers and sisters from different backgrounds, cultures and ages, read literature provided by the IUS about Damascus and the places we were to visit. It gave us an insight into what we were going to see and was very

informative. We arrived at Damascus airport at about 4:30pm and it was dark outside. We were warmly welcomed by out guide, Amir, who remained with us throughout much of the trip. We had our own coach and driver, which proved to be invaluable. We headed towards out apartments which were situated an a district called 'Sayeda Zainab'. The apartments were simple and clean, and the location was ideal, as it was a 5 minute walk away from the grave of Lady Zainab (A.S)

Senior sisters shared one room and younger sisters in another room. Similarly the brothers were split, this was so the group members could get to know one another. That evening we were met by Maulana Hasan Naqvi who welcomed us and reminded us about the purpose of our visit. He was one of several of the Ulema who had accompanied us on various parts of the trip. We started early the next day at Fajr and visited the grave of Lady Zainab. It was an amazing site, and I felt great sadness standing there thinking about this great lady, and what she had been

through in Kerbala (Damascus).





We started early every day at Fajr throughout the trip as we wanted to pack in as much as possible. In Damascus we visited the graves of Lady Zainab (a.s.) and Sakina (a.s.), Janab e Fizza and other companions of the Ahlul Bayt, the Omayyad Mosque where Imam Hussain’s (a.s.) head was kept, Zindan e Shaam was an area situated at the back of the mosque and was where the ladies and the children of the Ahlul Bayt were imprisoned, and the place where our 4th

Syria Trip Report

IUS Newsletter

Trip Imam was imprisoned and prayed were places we also visited. To get to the Ommayed mosque we had to walk through the ‘Sook Hamidiya’ the oldest market in Damascus. It was the market where the ladies and the children and our 4th Imam were paraded through. We brothers and sisters were walking through the same streets of shaam (Bazaar e Shaam), yet the sisters had chaadars ! The experience was overwhelming, something I and others in the group shall never forget. Various other places were visited, some of which were the grave of Janabe Habil (a.s.) . He was the son of Prophet Adam (a.s.) and his grave was the first on Earth. It was a peaceful and solemn place and the grave was seventeen feet in length, an incredible sight. We also visited the battlefield of Siffeen at place called Ar-Raqqah. This was where Hadhrat Ali (a.s.) and his companions fought against Muawaiyah and his forces.. We arrived there at Fajr after a long drive and prayed Salat e Fajr and made ziyarat. From here we went onto visit Aleppo or ‘Halab’ where the grave of Mohsen - son of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and Bibi Rubab was and the church where Imam Hussain’s (a.s.) head was kept for a period of time. Today this church has been converted to a mosque. I would recommend this trip to all our brothers and sisters and to avail any future opportunities of going on Ziyarat trips. I would like to thank the IUS for organising such a significant and memorable trip, one which I will personally always remember. Sr. Huma Qizilbash.

A full history of the trip, experiences and many more photos will Inshallah be published in the newly relaunched IUS Internet site. This will form part of the Ziyarat section of the new web site.




IUS Newsletter


(continued from the previous issue)

We have also met people in society who only want to be your friend in order to gain something. One common reason is that once they can claim you as a friend they enjoy a higher opinion in other people’s minds by dropping names in conversations so that other people think you must be someone in order to have made friends with these type of people. Another reason for making friends in order to gain something is to improve your popularity in the society. People, who go around constantly talking about the large number of friends they have, are usually insecure and need to prove to people that they are popular and out- going. Other people may just want to be friends so they can get invited to places where only a few elite people are allowed. People make friends with others thinking that they will be able to help them financially if the need ever arises. It is these types of friendships that do not withstand trials and tribulations, these are the friendships based upon superficial feelings so when you need a true friend, suddenly everyone is too busy and you realise that when you need help no on wants to know you. Our first Imam has also said with regard to s u p e r f i c i a l f r i e n d s h i p “Do not be happy at having many brothers when they are not the best, for surely brothers are in the same position as fire, a little of which gives enjoyment, and a lot of which is destructive.” “The weakest of people are those who are incapable of winning friends, and the weakest of them are the ones who lose those whom they have already won.” “Beware of having too many friends, for surely only someone who knows you can harm you.” “Praise the one who treats you harshly and admonishes you, not the one who supports you and flatters you.” We all like to think that we have many true friends – people that we can count on when we

need them. But if we look deep in our hearts we realise that we only have one or two friends who we can guarantee will be there for us no matter what happens. We have all those other friends but there is a small seed of doubt within us – will they really help us when we need it? In our hearts we have a special place for those one or two true friends. These are the friends that we pick up the phone to when we’re depressed; these are the friends that we look for at a gathering; these are the friends that if they are not present at the gathering we miss them immediately and these are the friends that once we have seen then our hearts are suddenly lighter and the only thing we want to do is to go and sit and talk to them. These are our true friends who are literally worth their weight in gold. These people are the first that come into our thoughts and prayers but have we ever told them how much we appreciate them? Have we ever told them how happy we are to see them after a long absence? Have we ever told them that I missed you today? Most importantly have we ever told them “Thank you for being my friend” or “Thank you for being here for me”. These are the people that we will sacrifice everything for, but do we know the right way to treat our friends especially those one or two extra special people? Imam Ali (A.S.) has said the following on how to treat your friends “Do not separate yourself from your brother unless you have exhausted every approach in trying to put things right with him, and do not follow after him, pestering him, after a separation from him has taken place, or else you will stand in the way of his being able to turn back to you.” “Do not be harsh with your brother out of suspicion, and do not separate yourself from him without first having tried to reason with him.” “Seek reconciliation with your brother even if he throws dust at you.”

(Continued on page 9)

Readers Articles (Continued from page 8)

“Obey your brother even if he disobeys you, and be on good terms with him even if he is harsh to you.” “Help your brother in every situation and stay with him when he leaves.” “Be generous with your wealth to your friend, and with your support and your presence as proofs of your friendship, and with your enthusiasm and affection towards everyone in general, and with your justice and fairness to your enemy…” “If your friend deceives you then treat him as one of your enemies.” The time at which the truest friendship was manifested was in Kerbala. The one true friend that immediately springs to mind is Habib ibne Madhahir who upon reading the letter sent to him by Imam Hussein immediately left for Kerbala. This was a friend that when the time came for giving his life he insisted on going before Imam so that Imam may live a few moments longer. This was such a friend that when he arrived in Kerbala Bibi Zainab sent Bibi Fizza to convey her salaams, to one who came to his friend, in the greatest hour of his need.

IUS Newsletter

This was a man who laid down his life for his friend with no thought to anything else whatsoever. Another example of true friendship was seen on the night of Ashura. When the lights in the tents were put out, Imam Hussein told those who wanted to go, to leave as the enemies were after his blood and not their blood. These were the true friends who loyally told Imam that if we had to die seventy times for you, we will still come back and die for you again. It is friends like these who truly repay those who have shown friendship to them in turn. Let us all raise our hands in dua and pray to Allah (S.W.T.) to be true friends when the time comes when our friends need our support, love and comfort. Let us pray that we appreciate our friends properly and do not hurt them in any way whether intentionally or unintentionally and that we do not abuse their rights for our first Imam has said “Do not neglect the rights of your brother, by relying on what there is between you and him, for surely whoever has his rights ignored by you is not your brother” Rubbanna wa ta quballana.Innaka untus samee ul aleem. Sr. Fatema Panju

(Continued from page 5)

fought injustice, his words are just as poignant today as they were then “A country can exist under apostasy but it cannot exist under tyranny”. This also explains why we believe in the concept of the Adil Imam (Just Imam). We for example read in the Qur’an how Allah (swt) makes Hadhrat Ibrahim (as) an Imam, when he in turn asks for Imamate to run in his family lineage Allah (swt) states “My covenant will not reach the unjust” (The Holy Qur’an 2:124). This verse makes it clear that Adalat and Imamate are two concepts which go hand in hand, they cannot be separated, your Imam must be just. The Wahabi scholar Maudoodi was indeed correct when he wrote “the world has not been able to produce more just and equitable laws than those given 1400 years ago” but we would add that the Qur’an is a Code of Conduct which remains only a theory unless it it is correctly

implemented, and this can only occur if the Adil Imam is at the helm of the Islamic State...the Imam who will not be subject to corruption, tyranny or bribery...The Imam who is driven by the sole goal of justice. The Wahabi scholar Shah Ismail Shaheed in his discussion on the concept of wasila (means of approach) states that the wasila goes through that individual who is closest to Allah, it is first and foremost the Prophet (saws) and then the adil Imam. Allah (swt) demands justice from his followers, we read in the Qur’an “O you who believe! Be upright for God, bearing witness with justice, and do not let the hatred of others make you swerve from justice. Be just, this is nearer to piety, and fear Allah, for Allah is aware of what you do” (The Qur’an 5:8). Br. Sayyid Hassan Bokhari (final part will appear in the next issue)




IUS Newsletter

ISLAMIC UNITY SOCIETY MEETINGS IUS General Meetings are held at Dar-al-Hikma, 45 Charlton Street, London and start at 5.00pm . The nearest underground stations are Euston & Euston Square. The meetings will alternate between a study circle and a lecture by an invited guest. Below you will find the plan of dates and speakers in March and April of the second academic term. After the Easter holidays there will be no IUS General Meetings in the 3rd term, of course there will be other activities to participate in. 1. 2. 3.

4th March 11th March 18th March

Study Circle Lecture Study Circle

Syed Fadel Meelani Br. Hassan Bokhari & Br. Farhan Zaidi Syed Fadel Meelani

The tapes for the lectures and study circles that took place in Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan & Feb are now available.

Pearls of Wisdom SHOWING OFF Do not show off your actions to someone who neither gives life nor causes death, and who cannot take away from your burdens. Showing off is a tree whose only fruit is hidden association of other gods with God, and its root is hypocrisy. The vain one will be told on the Day of Judgement; 'Take what you consider to be the reward of your actions from those you took as your partners with Me. Look to those whom you entertained hopes and whom you feared. And know that you cannot conceal inside of you from God: you will be deceived by yourself.' God said, They desire to deceive Allah and those who believe, and they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive. (2:9) Showing off most frequently occurs in the way people glance at others, speak, eat, drink, arrive somewhere, sit with others, dress, laugh, and in the way they perform prayers, pilgrimage, jihad, recitation of the Qur'an, and all outward acts of devotion. However, he who is sincere towards God, who fears Him in his heart, and who sees himself as lacking even after he has exerted himself with every effort, will find God is contented with him as a result, and he will be among those whom one expects to be free from showing off and hypocrisy, provided he continues to be in that state. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.)

What’s On...

IUS Newsletter

Sunday 2nd - Sunday 23rd August 1998 Holy Zia’rat in Mashad and Qum ♦ Visits to historical and important religious sites in Tehran and Shiraz ♦ Islamic Studies Course featuring Usul e Din, Fiqh, Ethics and Open Forums with A’alims and University Lecturers ♦

Applications open only to University students, age 17 and over. Places for 15 brothers and 15 sisters only. Price approx. £ 350 including flights, 3 weeks accommodation, food and travel within I.R.Iran. Tickets booked (with full payment) before 15/04/98


Tickets booked after 15/04/98


Tickets for Professional full members


Any cancellation before


Full Refund

Any cancellation between

01/06 - 01/07

£50 charge

Any cancellation between

01/07 - 21/07

£100 charge


What's On... ¶

Tabatabai Video Tape, is now available for £10 inc. postage and packing. There are only a limited number of these tapes available, most of which were reserved at the end of the Tabatabai programme we hosted in the Brunei Gallery. If you haven’t placed an order yet please send the £10 cheque to the IUS address together with Name, Address and Memb No.

IUS Football, as you have read from the report inside, we are participating in a five-a-side tournament and having practice sessions as well. Please contact Br. Kamal Haider for further details on : 0956 447 054.

The IUS Library is continually expanding and currently has a selection of the most popular Islamic books. The library also offers substantial savings if you wish to purchase books. For more information please contact Br Mohsen on 0956 839 456

Alif International, 109 Kings Avenue, Watford, Herts, WD1 7SB (01923 240 844) and AlRafid (Arabic Books), 348a Harrow Road, London, W9 2HR are offering 20% discounts on their Islamic books for IUS members. For further details please contact the Committee.

Future Computer Systems, are offering members 15% discount on their products, including Quran on CD, Arabic software and lots more.

Dates to Remember Wiladat Shahadat Shahadat Eid- ul-Azha Wiladat Eid- ul-Ghadir Shahadat Eid- ul-Mubahilah 1st Muharram

Imam Raza (a.s.) Imam Taqi (a.s.) Imam Baqir (a.s.) JJJ Imam Naqi (a.s.) JJJJJ Sons of Hadhrat Muslim JJJ 1418 A.H .

Wed 04th March Sat 28th March Sun 5th April Wed 8th April Mon 13th April Thurs 16th April Mon 20th April Wed 22nd April Tue 28th April

Islamic Unity Society Mail Address: 15 Fountain Road London SW17 0HG

5th Zil Qad 29th Zil Qad 7th Zil Hajj 10th Zil Hajj 15th Zil Hajj 18th Zil Hajj 22nd Zil Hajj 24th Zil Hajj

Registered Charity No: 1066910 Telephone:

0956 839 456 0958 777 486



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