Sep - Oct 1998

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VOICE OF UNITY “And united their hearts; had you spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts, but Allah united them, surely He is Mighty, Wise” (8:63) Issue 1 : Volume 4. September / October 1998

IUS News Asalaamu-Alaikum Brothers and Sisters, The IUS Newsletter Committee would like to welcome you to the new look 16pg IUS newsletter Voice of Unity. It also signifies the fourth year of service of the society to its members. We pray to Allah tala that we will continue to move forward and to gain His pleasure and mercy. ¶

Alhamdulillah, the IUS Iran Trip ‘98 was a great success, with twenty brothers and sisters taking part. Throughout the three weeks, the participants were invloved in an Islamic course, performed ziarat at many holy shrines, visited may sites and centres in Tehran, Qum, Esfahan and Mashad, and they met many prominent scholars. For a full report of the trip please turn to pages 7-10.

Alhamdulillah, the IUS has now moved into its very own office, situated on New Cavendish Street in Central London. This was necessary as the society’s activites expand and the continued growth in membership. The office currently looks quite attractive and we are moving in more equipment every day. The IUS wished to thank all the brothers and sisters who have helped throughout the last month, may Allah tala accept their efforts.

With the help of Allah (swt), IUS Australia has published two issues of their newsletter so far, and have successfully conducted two seminars attended by many brothers and sisters. The reputation of the society is growing with more and more responses from brothers and sisters as well as mosques and other Islamic organisations having been recieved. This is very encouraging and we congratulate the committee on this great start, and pray for the continuation of thier success.

Please remember to renew your membership for the year ‘98/’99 if you haven’t done so already! the best time to do this is at the conference on Sat 19th Sept (see pages 14 & 15) Contents in this issue of IUSN:

IUS News


IUS Trip ‘98 Report (continued)




Poem about the Iran Trip




Diary of the Iran Trip


Tabatabai Interview


Pearls of Wisdom


Tabatabai Interview (continued)


Brain Teasers


IUS Trip ‘98 Report


IUS Conference 98


IUS Trip ‘98 Report (continued)


IUS Conference 98


IUS Trip ‘98 Report (continued)


What’s On Guide & Dates to Remember



IUS Newsletter


Editorial One tenet intrinsic to Islam is that of unity and brotherhood. It is only religion that lays such importance on the social and cultural development of Man, as unity based on Islamic ideology gives the individual security and strong sense of solidarity. Hinduism, the religion which dominates most of the Indian sub-continent gave rise to the ‘Caste System’ before the arrival of the Aryans from Central Asia in 1500BC. These religious leaders ranked the population into castes based on maintaining ‘ritual’ purity so that a man and his neighbour could not even share a meal together if they belonged to different groups. The stigmatized fifth caste known as ‘The Untouchables’ exists even today and represents a fifth of the Indian population. However with the advent of Islam in Asia, there was social change which attempted to eradicate caste prejudice which was an important factor interfering with India’s social integration and economic progress. Conversion to Islam meant that no-one was inferior or superior thus able to oppress and inflict misery on others. Islam salvaged non-Muslims, which consequently released them from Caste System bondage.

Islam introduced new concepts such a ‘Mahr’ (dowry from a man to a woman), also marriage as a form of love and companionship and not a sacrament and the ‘Separate Family System’. Altogether Islam revealed a modern and practical method of interacting in society successfully. However, if Muslims isolate themselves from society, forming nationalistic, racial and class based groups, how is the true message of Islam to be conveyed? The formation of such groups implies that we assume ourselves to be superior to any other member of society, as we have no inclination to interact and learn about them. Moreover, this ‘superficial’ type of unity disappears when the members of a group lose sight of it’s importance and relevance to today’s age. The migration of an individual from Jaheliya (ignorance) to the path of Allah (swt) is as beautiful and natural progresion as is the change of a dull catepillar into a bright iridescent butterfly ready to start a new life. Sr. Uzma Mohamedali, Editor.

Islam as a World System Islam has not come for any particular people. It is a world system. From the point of view of a Muslim, every place is the domain of Allah and everything has been created by Him. Islam is not peculiar to any nation, nor is it confined to any race. It has not come for the guidance of any particular society. Islam wants the whole world to be benefited by it’s life-giving teachings.

The Qur’an described itself as guidance for all and the Prophet of Islam as a blessing for the whole world. All human beings, irrespective of the race and the country of their origin, can become the members of the great muslim society by accepting the fundamental principles of Islam, and thus become the bretheren of other Muslims. (Continued on page 3)

IUS Newsletter


Physics and being a Physicist Before starting to read this article put away all notions of nerdy trekies wearing Mulder mac’s. For all you popularist scientists out there, the X – files are not true, so what is Physics? To put it simply Physics is Science and the most fundamental of all sciences. Incorporating literally everything, being concerned with the study of matter and energy, the stuff that the universe, and us in it, are made of. Ranging form infinitesimal particles to the massive galaxy’s, physics answers some questions about the world with which we live in, whilst still posing more and more questions. Although the study of physics is specialised, it is also diverse with many applications. Such as the structure of DNA which was discovered by X–ray diffraction, with profound implications leading to genetic engineering. Many of our everyday appliances like telecommunications are also possible through advances in physics. One of the first questions I am asked when I tell people that I study physics is how does physics enable me to get a good job?

And what career prospects do I have with a degree in physics? Being a physicist gives me the qualities of problem solving, logical & quick thinking, and to be confident of any challenges faced. On a practical level I learn how to work as part of a team or alone, both under pressure, from various laboratory sessions. These skills are required in most jobs and are looked for by employers universally to fill a wide variety of jobs. Also, in terms of ‘technical’ jobs, the ability to handle complex mathematics and applying knowledge of the laws of physics, enables one to enter industries areas such as telecoms, electronic engineering, computing, and so on. This basically means you can apply both knowledge and skills gained in the real world. On reflection if you are a physicist or a scientist, you need to be methodical, objective but just as any artist or writer a physicist is creative, opening their mind to phenomena and new ideas. A famous example is Galileo, who was beheaded for saying that the Earth orbited the sun and not the other way round! Sr. Akeela Gheewalla

(Continued from page 2)

In order to form a society free from all doctrinal errors and every kind of misconduct , it is the duty of all, especially the believers, to guide the people to the right path. Hence the scope of the Islamic responsibilities is not confined to any particular territory. It is universal and no conventional frontiers should be a barrier to the spread of ideas of freedom and Muslim unity. This persistent effort is not meant to impose Islamic doctrine on others. As the Qur’an has declared, there is no compulsion in the matter of religion and the right and wrong paths are quite distinct.

“There is no compulsion in religion. True guidance has become distinct from error” (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:256) This vast effort should exclusively aim at relieving of the burden of myths, unfastening the shakles of injustice and delivering main from every kind of exploitation, subjection and ignorance. Extract from Philosophy of Islam by Beheshti & Bahonar.



IUS Newsletter

During the three week visit of the IUS to the Islamic Republic of Iran , we had the privilage of meeting Sayyid Mohammed Hussain


He was, walhamdulillah, composed and relaxed as usual as he sat next to his father ready to answer the questions we forwarded. At the beginning his father pointed out that the child has added more to his knowledge since his return from the UK. He has directed more of his studies towards the tafsir of the Holy Quran, Nahjul Balagha, and has successfully completed his Arabic language course.

Tabatabai, the six year old child prodigy. This miraculous boy drew the attention of the whole world more than a year ago due to his ability of recalling the Holy Quran and his unique command of the meaning of the ayat (verses). The child prodigy has travelled to many countries in the last year, including Saudi Arabia, Bosnia and lately Great Britain. During his stay in this country, he attracted much attenion and was invited by many Islamic centres and organisations. One of these was the IUS, who staged a very successful and well attended programme in the Brunei Gallery, SOAS. The Child Prodigy was also awaded a Phd in Quranic Studies by Hijaz University here in the UK. En route to South Africa, Sayyid Mohammed Hussain and his family stopped by to meet us all in our place of stay, the Imam Khomeini complex (Tehran), in what a memorable meeting.

The following are some of the questions and answers presented in that session

What is your favourite story in the Holy Quran ? The story of Prophet Dawood (as) with the two men, in Surah Sa’ad, starting in the verse: “When they entered in upon Dawood and he was frightened at them, they said: Fear not; litigants, of whom one has acted wrongfully towards the other, therefore decide between us with justice, and do not act injustly, and guide us to the right way.” (the father then pointed out that whenever the child reads these verses, he reads them loudly and with emotion because he likes the story a great deal.) What is the meaning of the word ‘rooh (spirit) as mentioned in Surat-ul-Qadr, and can you tell us any other verse mentioning the same night ? The word refers to Jibreel (as)

IUS Newsletter


“Surely we have revealed it on a blessed night surly we are ever warning.” (44:3)

Where in the Quran is the number ninteen mentioned ? In surah Mudassir (The Clothed One), first page, in the verse “Over it are nineteen”, the verb over it refers to hell fire. Is there a verse in the Holy Quran proving the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (atf) ? “And say: the truth has come and the false hood has vanished; surely falsehood is a vanishing thing.” (17:81) Why did Imam Mahdi (atf) have two occultations ? This is because the oppressors wanted to kill him and his life was in danger. Is there a verse to prove the Wilayat (divine leadership) of Imam Ali (as) ?

(pbuh) ? “.. This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favour on you and chosen Islam as a religion..” (5:3) What is your view on our Sunni brothers and sisters ? “Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and exhortation, and have disputations with them in the best of manner .. “ (16:125) Can you give us a verse from the Quran about hijab and it’s significance ? “And when you ask of them any goods, ask of them from behind a hijab, this is purer for your hearts and their hearts” (33:53) Do you have any friends, and how do you advise us on how to treat our friends ? Yes I have many freinds, and I play with them. “Help one another in goodness and piety and do not help one another in sin and aggression.” (5:2) What was your best memory in London ?

“Only Allah is your wali and His Apostle and those who believe, those who keep up the prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow” (referring to Imam Ali (as) What does the Quran say about Riba (interest) ? “.. And Allah has allowed trading and forbidden usury” (2:275). The group of people who used to take riba and continue to do so now are the Jews. What was the last verse in the Holy Quran that was revealed to the Prophet

“It was a living memory, but the best part was



IUS Newsletter

Iran ‘98 Report

By Sr Duha Al Wakeel. This was it, we were boarding the Iran Air flight to Tehran. The IUS iran ‘98 Trip had transformed from being a distant ambition to an actual reality. We had just bade farewell to our loved ones and were on our way to a three week fun packed visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Three weeks of fun it certainly was!

The accommodation in Tehran stunned us all. none of us imagined that we would be staying at such a large luxurious complex. We quickly sorted out who was sleeping where, prayed Fajr salat and slept. We were soon to find out that sleeping was a luxury we hardly had time for in the next few weeks.

Having survived (well only just about!) the six hour flight we were met at the airport by our own hosts. It was touching that at 3am these people had made the effort to come and welcome us. There was even a sister who greeted us in English! We boarded the air-conditioned coach that over the next three weeks was to become our second home (literally!)

The first two weeks (with the exception of a short excursion to Qum) were spent in Tehran. The programme in Tehran meant breakfast at 7am and lessons at 8am. We sat through a good four to five hours worth of Islamic lessons before Dhuhr prayers every day.

A picture of most of the group with Maulana Shomali, one of our main lecturers.

Iran ‘98 Report

Despite the fact that we were supposed to be on holiday from England (which is synonymous with studying for most of us) - this course was actually interesting! I know personally that at university my head begins to hurt and my eyes close after a certain period of time - this didn’t seem to happen here. I actually found the material Islamically interesting and intellectually challenging. I, like others, thought that this was an excellent opportunity to help us reaffirm our Islamic beliefs and further our knowledge. The lecturers were freiendly, understanding and knew a lot about UK social and political ideals. So we all got on very well.

IUS Newsletter

From there we moved to the shrine of Imam Khomeini. This again was very moving, this holy man had succeeded in over throwing an elitist monarchical dictatorship and established an Islamic Republic. The next day we went to visit the Shah’s palaces, we were all so confused: why were these palaces kept restored? What was the purpose of this particluar visit? We soon found out: here was the proof of the Shah’s corruption and this was to remain as a evidence for the next generation as to why the Shah had been overthrown.

The Islamic course covered a variety of issues including; Foundations of Islamic Thought, Aqeeda, Akhlaq and Ahkam, Status of the Prophets in the Holy Quran, Shia History , Sociology based lectures about pre and post revolution society, and a range of one off lectures including Ibadat, Wahabism, social theory. I’m sure that we all learnt and were inspired. Whilst in Tehran we’d study Picture of the sisters outside the shrine of Shah Abdul Adheem. in the morning and go out in the afternoon, usually until quite late. We went everywhere, I dont’ know where to start! Personally I thought his wife’s collection of On the first day we went to the shrines of Shah clocks was enough to feed a small nation if sold! Abdul Adheem, Hamza and Taha as well as to the cemetry of Behishte Zahra. Here the martyrs After visitng these extravagant palaces we went to see where Imam Khomeini (R.A) had lived. of the ‘Imposed War’were buried. The difference was phenomenal. Talk about Our translator and guide had fought in the war humble! He had lived in a very small rented and so his commentry about the ‘Sacred Defense’ room, simplicity at it’s best. The comparison was very moving as he described losing his really hit home. We also visited his Husseiniya friends . We were all in tears as we walked where he lectured. Whilst we were there a video around reciting Surah Fahtiha. Some of these was on show about his funeral. Ten million martyrs were as young as 16 years old and had people had attended - who else in this world can succeeded in sacrificing their worldy lives for beat such a figure ? Allah (swt).



IUS Newsletter

Iran ‘98 Report

the evening there was a 3-hour shoot when they interviewed us! Other places we went to in Tehran included cultural centres, sports centres, museums, the national treasury and parks. Iranian parks are spacious and safe - at any time of the night thay are full. We even went boating at midnight! Another point Picture of the Shrine of Bibi Masooma (as) including the Dome over the Zari. about Iran is that all the food is obviously halal so restaurants were another likely occurance. Although I must admit For Friday prayers we went to Tehran university that after three weeks everyone was a bit fed up it was such an emotional experience. of ‘chuloo kebab’. Prayers are given such importance in Iran it’s unbelievable. Prayers on time, all the time, no We got acquanted with Islamic Republic of Iran matter where. Broadcasting (I.R.I.B.). They gave us a tour of their high security premises which included Another university we visited whilst in Tehran seeing a children’s t.v programme in production was Al-Sadiq University for Social Sciences. as well as seeing their journalists at work in the Here we were greeted and given a tour of the news centre. campus. We prayed behind the university chancellor - Ayatlloah Mahdavi Kani who was a They also gave us a tour of a modern former Prime Minister. He also took out time to underground conference centre. This was where meet us. International Islamic conference was held earlier this year (O.I.C), this place was unbelievable, We also visited the Iranian Parliament and sat including the presidential suite, - you can guess down with two parliamentarians, one of whom where we all sat ! was a woman. The Iranian Parliament encompassed everything consitutional and We loved it there, we reciprocated the hospitality democratic but from an Islamic framework and the I.R.I.B. tv crew filmed us for an entire which I personally found fascinating. day - yes that’s right the IUS was on t.v! The day they filmed us was the day we had the exam on Apart from Tehran we visited Qum, Esfahan and all the Islamic material that we’d been taught. Mashad. Qum and Mashad cannot be described We had to reshoot walking into the exam a in words. When we were in Qum performed the couple of times. ziarat of Bibi Masooma, sister of Imam Raza (as) then we went to Jamkaraan - the mosque of our This t.v crew filmed us all day, through the exam, 12th Imam - Imam al Mahdi (atf). on the coach, at Friday prayers, shopping and in

IUS Newsletter

Iran ‘98 Report

Also in Qum we went to visit Ayatollah Ardibilli, who is a learned scholar and is considered by some as a marja’. This alim was head of the judiciary in the Imam Khomeini’s time and thus, like many of the people we met, was a very busy person - who made time to meet us. We sat there for two hours asking all sorts of questions. We were suprised at how friendly and down to earth he was. We made an effort to get to meet other personalities and scholars but so many were busy or unavailable.

architectural paradise.

Some of the brothers with our guide and translator.

The ziarat in Mashad was tearful, none of us wanted to leave. In Mashad we tried to spend as much time as possible in the haram of our 8th Imam- even if this meant joyriding taxis (ie crazy drivers) back home at 3am. The museum, which was in same complex as the haram, had so many artifacts which had been donated to Imam Reza (as) including Qurans written by our Imams (as) and other valuables. The biggest suprise of the trip came in Mashad, we got a chance to meet the ‘Rahbar’, Ayatollah al Udhama Syed Ali Khamenie- the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. This was a once in a life-time oppurtunity, only 1% of Iranians get to see him in their lifetime and here we were - we had just flown in and got to see him. The security was very tight when we prayed behind him and he was prepared to meet us, all the brothers said their salaams to him before he was rushed by the crowd so the security guards took him away. What an experience!, Alhamdulillah. The seven hour drive to Esfahan drove us mad, but is well worth it. Esfahan was the ancient capital of Persia and was a historical an

The last night had come, we were even given a closing ceremony to say goodbye. A formal ceremony in which Ayatollah Taskhiri, a prominent scholar presided over, made a speech and presented gifts to us, Altogether our three weeks had been intensive and busy, but great fun and spiritually inspiring. Twenty three days in an Islamic environment that was a economically and structurally developed as any ‘modern’ country proved to us all that modernism (as one of our lecturers told us) does not have to equal Westernism. Leaving Iran was such a sad experience. This time we bade farewell to our hosts who had become our best friends over the last few weeks. Tears rolled out as we boarded the plane back home. Alhamdulillah, we had all achieved so much, the only questions that remains is; when is the next IUS trip ?!



IUS Newsletter

Iran Trip

Iran ‘98 We just lost track of time. Knowing we’re all Muslim Makes you feel so at ease And when people find out that we’re Shia They're always so pleased. Iran ‘98 Gazing through the window I ponder over the day The atmosphere so warm and welcoming Puts your heart at bay. We've been visiting Ziarah And praying to Allah Thank goodness for the revolution And good ridance to the Shah! The graveyard of martyrs From the Iran-Iraq war Made you feel so emotional You wouldn't forget what you saw 200,000 died to establish Islamic Law! Imam Khomeini’s home Was the picture of grace Compared to Shahs lavish palaces Which were the ultimate disgrace Just reflecting his self-centred pathetic taste! Days have gone by And we’re driving along a road Seeing people dressed in the Islamic code. We went to a park And had a mountain to climb The views were amazing

To wake up for the lessons Is a mission of its own But you’re soon wide awake By the lecturers humourous tone. For each lesson we attend Knowledge were sure to gain And we also learn From which sins we should refrain. Museums, museums everywhere we go No matter how many we've seen They have another one to show. The most awe inspiring part of this trip Was definately Mashad Being spiritually so rich! Being back in London I now look back and feel Could a place so close to perfection Truely be real! By Abidah Merchant.

IUS Newsletter

Iran Trip





Left London for I.R. Iran

Arrival in Iran


Ziarat of Shah Abdul Adheem and others Imam zadeh.

Behishte Zahra and then the shrine of Imam Khomeini (r.a.)


Lessons (5hrs)

Shah’s palaces and museum and then to Jamaran (hse of Imam Khomeini)


Lessons (5hrs)

Khavaran Islamic Cultural Centre and then mountain with dinner at the top


Lessons (5hrs)

Shopping, swimming


Lessons (5hrs)

Islamic bookshop, and then meeting with Sayyid Tabatabai


Drive to Qum, talk by an alim on Qum and Ziarat

Juma prayers, hse of Imam Khomeini in Qum and Ziarat of Bibi Masooma


Islamic Computer Centre, meeting with Ayatollah Ardibilli

Ziarat of Bibi Masooma and drive back to Tehran


Lessons (5hrs) new lecturers and change of topics

Shopping, and then a museum

DAY 10

Lessons (5hrs)

National Jewel Museum

DAY 11

Lessons (5hrs)

Bahman Cultural Centre, and visit to Park e Millat at night

DAY 12

Lessons (5hrs)

Visit to Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting complex

DAY 13

Lessons (5hrs)


DAY 14


Juma prayers at Tehran University, shopping

DAY 15

Tour of Al-Sadiq University

Meeting with Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani in Al-Sadiq University

DAY 16

Visit to the Majlis (Parliament)

Drive to Esfahan

DAY 17

Chehel Sutlan Palace/Mosque in Imam Khomeini Sq.

Wildlife Centre

DAY 18

Relaxing on the riverside and forded across it

Drive back to Tehran and internal flight to Mashad

DAY 19


Ziarat and a midnight ziarat

DAY 20

Imam Reza museum (in the haram) Imam Reza library (in the haram)

Meeting with the Rahbar, Sayyid Ali Khamenei, and then Ziarat

DAY 21


Ziarat ul Wida, flight back to Tehran

DAY 22

Mountain of Tajrish

Ziarat of another Imam Zadeh and then closing ceremony headed bu Ayatollah Tashkiri

DAY 23

Flight home.


IUS Newsletter

Pearls of Wisdom

Pearls of Wisdom WISDOM


Wisdom is the light of Gnosis, the measure of fearful awareness and the fruit of of truthfulness. God has not given any of his servants a greater, more favorable, lofty or more splendid blessing than wisdom for the heart.

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Fie upon that Muslim who does not allocate (at least) one day a week to the study of the details of his religion and to explore (the affairs) of the his religion.


RIGHTS OF CHILDREN Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said: “Take action on teaching traditions (of Ahlul Bayt) to your children before the corrupted persons precede in corrupting them. THE TONGUE AND ITS EVILS

That is the only one I have singled out for My sake and whom I have designated for it knows what wisdom I have reserved and prepared. Wisdom is rescue, steadiness at the beinning of the affair and a firm stance at the end. It makes God's creatures aspire to him. The Messenger of God (PBUH) said to Hadhrat Ali (AS) : "That God should guide one of his slaves at your hands is better for you than everything the sun shines upon, from east to west "

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Among all things, the tongue deserves to be prisoned longer than anything else.” (Because most of our sins are committed by it, such as backbiting, telling lies, defaming, mocking, insulting etc. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “The destruction of main lies in three (things): his stomach, his lusts, and his tongue. LIFETIME SHOULD BE WELL SPENT

DONATION The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.): “When charity (alms) is delivered out of the hand of the owner, it (the thing being given) says five things: ‘At first I was perishing and you gave me life; I was insignificant and you made me great; I was an enemy and you turned me into a friend; you used to protect me then but now now I will protect you up to the Day of Resurrection Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “Allah, the Glorified, has fixed the livelihood of the destitute in the wealth of the rich. Consequently, whenever a destitute remains hungry it is because some rich persons have denied him (his share)

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) told Abuthar: “Take advantage of five opportunities before five other things: Your youth before your senescence, your health before your illness, your wealth before your poverty, your leisure before your haste, and your life bofore your death. MARRIAGE The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Marry, otherwise you will (counted) among the Christian monks or the brothers of satans.” The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Do not marry a woman only for her beauty since her beauty may cause her impiety, nor for her wealth because her wealth may cause her disobedience, but marry a religious woman for her faith.

IUS Newsletter

Brain Teasers


Brain Teasers Anastasia has thought of a number between 99 and 999. Belinda asks whether the number is below 500; Anastasia says yes. Belinda asks whether the number is a cube number; Anastasia answers yes. However Anastasia has told the truth to only two of the three questions. Anastasia then tells Belinda truthfully that both the first and the last digit are 5, 7 or 9. What is the number ?

5 7 9

A clock on the wall falls to the floor and breaks into three pieces. The digits on each piece of clock add upp to the same total. What are the digits on each piece?

Don and Spencer are engaged by the local council to prune trees on either side of ta tree lines avenue. There is an equal number of trees on either side of the road. Don arrives first and has pruned three trees on the right hand side when Spencer arrives and points out that Don should be pruning treese on the left hand side. So Don starts afresh on the left hand side and Spencer continues on the right. when Spencer has finished his side he goes across the avenue and prunes six trees for Don, which finishes the job. Who prunes the most trees and by how many?

? ? ?

5 7 9

5 7 9

5 7 9


IUS Newsletter

What’s On...

2nd Annual Islamic Unity Society Conference: Aspects of Islamic Indivuality SATURDAY 19th SEPTEMBER 1998 10.30 A.M - 6.30 P.M

(incorporating IUS National Day & AGM) You are cordially invited to the second IUS Annual Conference, incorporating the IUS National Day and AGM, to be held on Saturday 19th September at the Brunei Gallery, SOAS, University of London. Besides the conference speeches, the event will have many themes. ¶

AGM for members

Panel of Ulema from all ethnic groups

Nation-wide IUS Student Re-union

Introduction to university for freshers

Careers advice for graduates

Book Stalls

Islamic shops and crafts

The day will start with the Annual General Meeting for members and will be followed by three sessions of speeches by various speakers, including the topics listed opposite. Simultaneously there will be the opportunity to meet with Ulema invited from around the country and abroad. Leading professionals and businessmen of our community, will be on hand to lend advice to graduates. A freshers stall will be ready to help school leavers.

Organisation of Life by Dr Saffiya

Responsibilities towards Muslim Countried by Maulana Shomali

Infallibility by Maulana Raza Hussain Shah

Characteristics of a Follower of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) by Br. Shams Kanani

Golden Letter of Imam Reza (a.s.) by Dr. Ali Hussaini

As a commitment to members outside London, the IUS will be subsidising travel costs by 75%. The IUS National Day will be your chance to meet other students from around the country, Ulema, professionals and of course the brothers and sisters at the heart of the IUS. The committee is very much looking forward to seeing you.

IUS Newsletter

What’s On...



Professionals from:

Medicine & Surgery: General Practice, Hospital Medicine, Surgery, Obs. & Gynae. Psychiatry, Anaesthetics Dentistry

Business, Economics, Accountancy & Management

Computer Science & IT

Engineering Civil Electronic

The Laws

The Arts & Media

Book Shops

Morning Session ¶

¶ ¶

Registration - 10.30 a.m Quranic Recitation Annual General Meeting 1st Session of Speeches

Islamic Shops & Crafts Computer Stall

Salat & Lunch Afternoon Session

Sisters Islamic Clothing

2nd Session of Speeches


Freshers Stall

3rd Session of Speeches Close - 6.30 p.m

Graduates Stall

Tickets are free, but must be booked in advance as there is limited seating capacity. All you have to do is contact us to reserve your seats: Email: or phone Br. Mohsen on 0956 839 456 or Sr Akeela on 0958 667 829

We look forward to seeing you there! Euston


Keppel St


Thornaugh Senate House

Woburn Pl

Inst. of Edu



Torrington Pl

Euston Square on the Hammersmith & City, Circle and Metropolitan Lines.

Brunei Gallery Thornhaugh Street

This map is simplified, and shows the necessary streets and buildings to guide you to the Brunei Gallery.

Gordon St




Other stations in the vicinity are Euston on the Northern and Victoria Lines (and also mainline British Rail) and

Euston Square

Bedford Way

The nearest London Underground station is Russell Square on the Piccadilly Line.

Bernard St

Russell Square

Montague Pl

(Please note that the parking facilities at SOAS are limited and you are advised to use public transport.)

Russell Square

What's On... ¶

The IUS Library is continually expanding and currently has a selection of the most popular Islamic books. The library also offers substantial savings if you wish to purchase books. For more information please contact Br Mohsen on (0956 839 456)

IUS Football, as you may have read from the report on the Internet site, we are participating in a five-a-side indoor football and having challenge matches as well. Please contact Br. Kamal Haider for further details on : 0956 447 054.

Tabatabai Video Tape, is now available for £10 inc. postage and packing. There are only a limited number of these tapes available, most of which were reserved at the end of the Tabatabai programme we hosted in the Brunei Gallery. If you haven’t placed an order yet please send the £10 cheque to the IUS address together with Name, Address and Memb No.

IUS Conference, to be held on Sat 19th Sept 1998, 11am to 6pm. Please contact us at the details below to reserve your free ticket. Limited capacity so please book early

Translation Service, the IUS has some opportunities for members to help Islamic publishers and centres with translation work, (translation and proof-reasding) if you are interested please contact the committee.

Dates to Remember Shahadat Wiladat Wiladat Shahadat Wiladat Wiladat

Bibi Fatima (a.s.) Bibi Fatima (a.s.) Imam Baqir (a.s.) Imam Naqi (a.s.) Imam Kazim (a.s.) Imam Taqi (a.s.)

3rd Jamadi ul Thani 20th Jamadi ul Thani 1st Rajab 3rd Rajab 7th Rajab 10th Jamadi ul Thani

Thu 24th Sept Sun 11th Oct Thu 22nd Oct Sat 24th Oct Wed 28th Oct Wed 31st Oct

Islamic Unity Society Mail Address: 15 Fountain Road London SW17 0HG


0956 839 456 0958 777 486

Email Internet:

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