Marketingblatt Summer 2016

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Issue 9 Inhalt

Outsourcing Content Marketing Why Businesses Should Outsource Content Marketing

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PR: SuisseEMEX The Suisse EMEX‘16 Focusses on Digital Transformation

page 2

Emotional Branding

Service Marketing I & II

Native Advertising

Product Informati- Employee on Management Interview

Less Arguments, More Emotions

Smart, ProductRelated Services Are a Drawing Card in B2B

Harmonize and Capitalize

One System, All Channels

Search Engine Optimization in China

page 3

pages 4 and 5

page 6

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WHY BUSINESSES SHOULD OUTSOURCE CONTENT MARKETING Companies managing their website, blog and social media on their own quickly realize that doing high response content marketing requires a lot of resources. Not only is content marketing time consuming, it also If the job is left to inexperienced trainees or product managers with other tasks on their plate, it will be highly unlikely that content marketing reaches its full potential. Nevertheless, this is still how many businesses do content marketing. On the other hand, handing over all content marketing activities without a sound content strategy to third parties will not bring the desired success either. Professional agencies can only work with what they have been provided with. This includes diligent briefings and reliable contact persons. A clear strategy is obviously the prerequisite for this. The 4 corner stones of a successful content strategy The development of a content marketing strategy that is aligned with an organization’s objectives consists of four interlocking phases: • • • •

Content analysis Content planning Content production Content management

Every step of the process is prepared by the agency and executed with the organization.

«It all depends on workflow if organizations and agencies want to join their strengths for a successful marketing of products and services.» 1. Develop a Content Strategy The more sustainable your operations are supposed to be, the more thoughts have to go into the prepa-

requires a diverse skill set if the invested budget in Facebook, blog posts and product videos is supposed to boost sales and image. Professional content marketers can help.

ration and planning process. This is a principle. All investments and efforts involved in content marketing considered, the significance of a strategic focus is undeniable. Content marketing is not a sprint, but an endurance run. It is about establishing various channels and managing them in the long term so that customers’ trust in an organization can blossom. Companies with a solid content strategy develop their visibility online step by step.

„Content marketing is not a sprint, but an endurance run.“ 2. Develop & Distribute In order to reach target groups on the various communication channels you use, you have to have insights as to which channels customers prefer on which stage of their customer journey. These insights guide content marketers when they create content, i.e. what kind of content works on which channel for which stage of the customer journey.

Professional content marketers have the skills to create content for all channels. They are pros that have been following the developments in the digital world for years. And they have used their knowledge to develop and realize content strategies for businesses of all sizes. Depending on the budged, they are capable to prioritize according to business objectives and to realize channels in line with the content strategy.

We develop and implement your company´s content strategy. Feel free to contact us: Janine Rost,

Download the «Outsourcing Content Marketing» for free under content-marketing

2 |  Issue 9


THE SUISSE EMEX´16 FOCUSSES ON DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION The biggest Swiss exhibition for marketing & communication, event & live communication, promotion and digital business celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. The most significant business platform for all marketing

aspects is held under the motto “meet the future”. Marketingblatt met organizer Ewa Ming to talk about the marketing event of the year and how digitization effects the business.

Innovative exhibition formats, esteemed speakers and personal encounters in a professional atmosphere make the SuisseEMEX special as a B2B market place for digital marketing and business. The fare will take place in the Messe Zurich from 30 to 31 August 2016. Together with the partner exhibition topsoft for business software, about 500 exhibitors showcase their products and services to more than 15,000 visitors. The exhibition and its organizers, exhibitors and visitors have witnessed an accelerated development driven by digitalization across the whole Swiss marketing and communication sector over the last few years. Whether it is mobile payment or launching social media campaigns – market cultivation is an increasingly digital affair. This year‘s anniversary exhibition therefore turns its attention towards trend-setting marketing instruments, for example in the exhibition area called World of Digital Business. Efficient digitization strategies are presented and evaluated with a practical orientation by experts and consultants. Marketingblatt has met the SuisseEMEX organizer Ewa Ming for an interview. celebrates its tenth anniversary under the slogan “meet the future”. Digitalization is affecting all aspects of life, including consumer behavior and marketing. Our goal is to make this transformation comprehensible on both exhibition days. Another innovation we introduce this year is the online market place “brandheiss”, a virtual trade show that is open to visitors 365 days a year. Do exhibitions still have weight in the age of internet? Yes, they do! Despite digitalization, exhibitions are still valuable because they offer visitors a 360° view of the industry. You find all new developments in one place. And there is another important thing: you get to meet people in person – you cannot replace this personal exchange with a social media tool. From digital marketing tools to trade fare merchandising products: the SuisseEMEX covers a lot of ground. How do visitors benefit from this diverse mix of exhibitors?

Ewa Ming, what is new about the tenth edition of the SuisseEMEX? We already accomplished a relaunch with regard to a new, successful visitor orientation during the SuisseEMEX‘15. Since we received a lot of positive feedback, we are going to keep the structure we established last year in 2016. The biggest innovations are therefore thematic. The SuisseEMEX

We think of ourselves as a 360° exhibition with a clear exhibition structure that is comprised of the four areas World of Communication, World of Promotion, World of Event & LiveCom and World of Digital Business as well as some special areas. We want to give visitors an overview of the complete marketing spectrum. This diversity makes the SuisseEMEX what it is. Our exhibitors profit from a wide range of visitors looking for innovations and tends and might discover things they did not have on their radar in one of the four main areas. This gives

exhibitors a better chance to generate more qualified leads in person. Have you developed some anniversary surprises for this year? True to our motto “meet the future”, we will build on the success of last year‘s exhibition and present the hottest solutions and trends of tomorrow. International speakers and a top-notch event program as well as a great variety of exhibitors are going to delight our guests. We have planned various activities that encourage dialogue with visitors such as the new EventLab, the FutureLab and the maverick arena or the cross-media kitchen. We also strive to be more present in terms of communication and content over the year by giving people a peek behind the curtain. We are also working on an image campaign that serves as a making of in cooperation with the internationally renowned Polish creative agency for large scale advertising art Good Looking Studios. We will create a film for every one of our four topic areas and will also present a retrospect of ten years SuisseEMEX on site.

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Issue 9 | 3



Guiding potential customers to a buying decision requires more than solid arguments. In order to win consumers’ favor in the long term, they have to be The human brain has fascinated scientists from various disciplines. Marketers have a keen interest in the workings of our gray matter as well. After all, this is where we make decisions, including whether we want to buy something or not. The brain is also the location from which decisions based on “gut feeling” originate. Neuroscientists have found out that decisions are less conscious than we think and rather “happen” in our subconsciousness. Solid arguments however do not give access to the unconscious, emotions do. Businesses that emotionalize decision making processes consequently have better chances at success than competitors appealing to the rationale of their potential customers. New Insights, New Opportunities The insight that unconscious emotions have a substantial effect on decisions has made old marketing and advertising models obsolete. This includes the AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) that claims that the desired effect (people buying a product) requires attention. However, recent research indicates that adverting can also be effective when it does not get consumers’ full attention. Conscious attention is not required for a brand to have a lasting impression. Strong brands manage to appeal to consumers’ subconsciousness through sensory perceptions, learning processes and emotions. Consumers often have difficulties explaining their buying decisions retroactively. Even though they will usually try to rationalize their decision (e.g. via pricing), they still have trouble putting in words what has really moved them to make the purchase. This is exactly where emotional branding shows its effects. It is about building a brand that appeals to customers’ emotional life. Emotional branding is successful, when it triggers an emotional reaction in the consumer, which is usually the desire for the advertised product. Emotional brands have a long-term effect that manifests in a lasting relationship bet-

approached rather on an emotional than a rational level. Emotional branding describes a set of practices that achieve this goal.

ween customer and brand that resembles camaraderie or friendship. The brand becomes a part of customers’ lifestyles, it becomes a trustworthy partner. Achieving this effect takes long wind. The patience brands need to have to do successful emotional branding pays off in the end: “the winner takes all!”-principle says that once a brand manages to successfully emotionalize their customers’ buying decisions, they will be their only brand of choice. The competition will hardly have a chance to claim those customers for themselves. 3 Ways to Spark Passion for a Brand Emotional branding differs from brand identity the same way that identity differs from personality. While the brand identity describes a set of clearly identifiable characteristics, emotional branding takes more abstract forms. That is to say that emotional branding is not done through design or typography. The task is to attach a set of ideological values to the brand. What does the brand represent (e.g. vitality, individuality, love, happiness etc.)? Does the brand represent the desires of its customers? Consider that a specific deodorant does not only sell a scent. It also sells something else: a promise. Depending on the desired target group, a deodorant brand may represent hedonism, adventure and seduction and therefore appeal to customers who wish to lead an exciting life of sexual conquest. A beer brand could position itself in such a way that it comes to stand for friendship and community and therefore reflects its customers’ desire for connectedness and a satisfying social life. 1. Attach ideological values to the brand: This can be very time consuming and complex, but it is very effective when given the time. This technique requires detailed research on the target group to learn about the values and ideas that will trigger an emotional reaction in them. A series of themes, symbols and stories that are used throughout the

outbound communication of the brand will achieve the desired effect after a while. 2. Literal statements: A literal statement attaches an emotional value to the brand and is repeated over and over again, for example: “Beer brand X means togetherness”. 3. Trigger immediate emotional reactions: This method is used in advertisements a lot. When a business tries to sell happiness with its product, it should show images that represent happiness accompanied by music that triggers this emotion as well (sensory perception). It is important to keep in mind that emotional branding takes time. One advertisement will not be effective in the long term. After all, Apple did not become the brand of choice for affluent, urban people with a strong focus on design over night. Not only time matters a great deal here. Continuity and stringency are key as well. All communication channels should be consistent in the emotions they evoke. Contradictions can render all your efforts pointless. Businesses using a great variety of channels should therefore consider using marketing automation software to mange their marketing activities centrally.

We develop a holistic digital branding and communication strategy for your business. Get in touch: Sarah Wilhelm,

Download the free white paper on «Emotional Branding» here: emotional-branding

4 |  Issue 9


SMART, PRODUCT-RELATED SERVICES ARE A DRAWING CARD IN B2B In saturated markets, top performers are initiating purchase incentives with additional, product-related services. Even though machines, devices and technoloLet us begin with what is most important: product-related services are becoming the driving force for product sales – today and in the future.

gies are generating sales, customers already prefer vendors with additional, product-related services. The time to act is now.

The Four Advantages of Product-Related Services

the usability of products, customers will take this into consideration when they make a decision. Positive side-effect: the contact between employees and clients generates valuable insights into the needs and handling for/of products. These insights can then be used for the development of new products and services.

• Customers award service with loyalty.

Services generate revenue

• Companies stick out from the competition.

In times of declining innovation curves, long product development cycles and fierce international competition, vendors counter stagnant revenues with additional, product-related services. Highpriced long life products can generate more revenue on a regular basis when coupled with service packages.

• Service providers develop an additional source of income. • Sales are not determined by pricing.

Stop Downward Prices Spiral Service fosters loyalty The greater a product’s benefit, the more satisfied are your clients. Service level agreements including maintenance, check-ups and workshops provide added value. Customer satisfaction finds expression in subsequent orders and recommendations, which require less incentives than new clients.

Selling products at the lowest price will damage your brand in the long term. The potential for innovation declines. For long-term sustainability, it is better to offer customers more flexibility, usability and more efficient application options with great products and fitting services. Customers are willing to pay a reasonable price as long as they can expect a high degree of usability.

Service creates new USPs How to Develop Product-Related Services It is very challenging to stick out from the crowd by emphasizing product features in saturated markets. Not every company has the means to invest in R&D. Smart service concepts create publicity and differentiate vendors from the competition. If services improve

1. Analyze: The best services enable clients to use products more efficiently, for a longer period of time and with more usability. Add to this services that create an added value, i.e.

services that upgrade a product. There are many possibilities. Survey your clients on their experiences with your products. The analysis of their feedback will bring to light services that clients will appreciate and are wiling to pay for. 2. Differentiate: Once all needs have been identified, they can now be categorized. What services do clients require? Do they want to work more efficiently with your products? Are they interested in specific product applications or more flexibility? 3. Create services / service packages: Prioritize the various needs according to feasibility, market chances and required investments. Now discuss which services offer the greatest chances at success and should therefore be established. Then develop services for the individual target groups. 4. Promote: Of course you need to market your services. Develop a marketing strategy before launching the new services.

The benefits of product-related services: ✔✔ Services enable growth in stagnant

markets. ✔✔ Only a few companies sell products with

services, but they do so successfully

✔✔ Service providers develop an additional

source of income. ✔✔ Sales are not determined by pricing.

Services are marketed differently than products. There are many stumbling blocks to be avoided. Learn all about this in the second part on service marketing ion the next page.

Service Marketing als strategischer Erfolgsfaktor und Umsatzgenerator. Wir beraten Sie gerne: Jörg Wenzel,

Download the free info graphic on «Service Marketing I» here: service-marketing-grafik

Issue 9 | 5


MARKETING FOR SERVICE PRODUCTS: FROM ADD-ON TO TOP SELLER Services that are not directly connected to physical products can create an added value for clients and increase revenue with great profit margins. Many companies

have already recognized this opportunity as a necessity, especially when the sale of products is stagnant. Has your industry caught up with this trend already?

Since service products are intangible, i.e. are not material objects that can be represented visually, the service’s value has to be communicated with information materials and consultations. The marketing strategy for service products differs greatly from material products. When information on services is made available to prospects throughout the customer journey, your services are going to create a lot of buzz online. Equally important to the success of your service offer is the knowledge of your customer groups with the greatest revenue potential. “Show me the links you click today, and I tell you what you will buy tomorrow.” – Marketing automation solutions record all data on clients’ and prospects’ desires. This technology has become so advanced that there is a new trend in the big data business: predictive marketing. The revolutionary aspect of this new approach is the individual target groups’ sales probabilities can now be calculated. This allows you to market your products to specific groups instead of an anonymous mass. Marketing that actively reacts to users’ online behavior can be paramount in making services a top seller online. The Goal of service marketing: inform strategically, win customers over with transparency Once new service products have been developed, they have to be marketed accordingly. They are not material objects, which makes it hard to visualize them. Likewise, it is hard to compare immaterial things. Neither design nor material indicate the value or quality of the offered service product. Information has to close this gap and provide detailed insights into the service’s benefits, customer reviews and promotions. Service marketing relies on information. Service marketing is content marketing. The service takes shape, becomes transparent and comparable to other offers when users get a clear understanding of what the service does for them.

den. Finden alle sieben Instrumente in der Service-Strategie Berücksichtigung, kann die Customer Experience mit ineinander greifenden Informationsund Beratungsmassnahmen lanciert werden. Every single activity at every touch point of the customer journey counts in an integrated service marketing strategy.

keting is behavior-oriented marketing and the result of increasing digitalization: predictive marketing tools analyze online behavior and registration data. From this, the tools calculate buying predictions (or scores) according to specific target groups or personas. As a result, businesses can market their services specifically to the target groups with the best sales chances. Predictive marketing allows you to:

• Create awareness and interest for a formerly unknown service • Overcome immateriality of service with communication

If you are able to identify typical questions and concerns that can be erased by proactive information and consultation services, you will create a lot of buzz online with your services.

• Minimize sense of risk in clients

Der Marketing Mix für Service-Produkte Auf die 7P’s kommt es an.

• Re-position existing services in competitive environment

Product, price, communication and distribution – what works for the marketing of material products does not necessarily suffice to market services successfully. The service marketing mix is not solely defined through the 4Ps (product, price, promotion, place). An additional three components greatly influence the buying decision or the feeling that a service is of great quality: people, process, physical environment. Das bedeutet im Klartext also andere Kundenmeinungen und eigene Mitarbeiter, die Ausgestaltung des Service-Prozesses und das Service-Umfeld. Diese drei Instrumente sind ebenfalls strategisch in die Service-Strategie einzubin-

• Invite clients to use services with the greatest benefits

• Create comparability to other vendors with transparency and by stressing advantages

• develop services tailored to the individual needs of specific target groups/personas • approach the customer segment with the highest sales potential • develop marketing messages according to demand gaps • do cost-efficient marketing • approach customers individually and achieve higher response rates • do sales projections

NO MORE SERVICE WASTELAND! Great Future Prospects for Service Products. Predictive marketing predicts sales chances and target groups for service products. Big data is the foundation for analyzing and predicting the behavior of customers and to calculate the sales chances for specific cohorts. Predictive mar-

Download the free white paper on «Service Marketing II» here: service-marketing

6 |  Issue 9


HARMONIZE AND CAPITALIZE Native advertising has created a lot of buzz recently as a welcome and more effective alternative to banner ads. Publishers have a new source of income that What is native advertising? Advertising content that adapts the design of its environment is called native advertising. It is advertising that looks as if it belongs to the publisher, not an external company. In most cases, native advertising can be found in online magazines. The ad is placed among the editorial content of the magazine and is usually thematically relevant to the readers of said magazine. This already points towards the great benefit of native advertising: it adapts to the expected user experiences. Still, it is advertising and has to be identified as such. Most online magazines or social networks that feature native advertising usually tag the ad as “sponsored post”.

«Native ads create a seamless user experience» Native ads can be considered the evolution of advertorials, i.e. texts that appear to be editorial and can often be found in free newspapers and magazines. The difference: advertorials are placed on advertising space, not directly among the editorial content. Moreover, advertorials usually differ from the layout of the magazine. Apart from the tag “sponsored post”, native ads hardly differ from the other content on a website or in a magazine. This also included sponsored posts that appear in users’ social feeds on Facebook or Twitter. In order to be successful, native ads should meet a few criteria: they should not disrupt the expected user experience; they should entertain, inform and be shareable. You have heard it many times before: quality content is the key to success. Still, native advertising should not be confused with content marketing. Content marketing is content that is made to be published on your own platforms. Distribution in turn is essential in native advertising. Content is created to appear on paid media. The publishers are paid to distribute your content on their platform. Why native advertising? Ideally, native advertising is done with appealing content that hardly differs in quality and style from the content of the distributing publication. Whether you want to make people aware of a new product or service or you simply want to showcase your competence is completely up to you and your strategic goals.

«Native advertising: Create the right content for the right medium» The benefit of native advertising is that it circumvents banner blindness. People got used to ignoring banner ads or use ad blockers. This is largely due to the fact that banner ads are disruptive. They do not

does not disrupt the user experience and companies finally get click rates unattainable through most other online advertising methods.

match the experience users expect from visiting a site. Moreover, banner ads usually do not offer any added value. Native advertising does not have these weaknesses: native ads perfectly blend in with their surroundings and therefore do not disrupt the user experience. Furthermore, they feature interesting content that matches the thematic scope of the publisher. When done the right way, they might even be shared on social networks.

The benefits of native advertising: ✔✔ Reach your target group where they like to

spend their time ✔✔ Native ads are non-disruptive ✔✔ Success can be easily measured ✔✔ Native ads are usually mobile optimized

(compared to banner ads)

Things to consider Native advertising can be rewarding. Consider the following 4 steps for your native advertising campaign: 1. Define goal: What do you want to achieve with your native ad? Do you want to increase traffic on your site or are you rather interested in strengthening your brand image? 2. Define target group: Both content and publisher depend on your target group. Make sure your get this right! 3. Choose medium:: Do you want to boost engagement for a blog post you have written? Then Facebook might be a good platform for your native ad. The possibilities are manifold: In B2B, for example, companies may benefit from sponsored posts in journals. Companies targeting young, visual consumers will find Instagram very helpful. 4. Produce content: Once your strategy has

been worked out, you can create content that matches the publication platform in style and thematic scope. The distribution mechanisms differ from one publisher to the next, so do your research in advance.

We can develop and realize native advertising for your business. Get in touch: Janine Rost,

Download the free info graphic on «Native Advertising» here: native-advertising

Issue 9 | 7


ONE SYSTEM, ALL CHANNELS No business can afford incorrect product information in catalogues or online shops. Still, it happens. The reason for this is that product data is often stored in The sales world has become more complex. Customers not only research offers in catalogues anymore. A multitude of channels has been added over the years. There are external online shops, corporate websites, mobile apps and social media. The distributed content should also match the channel on which it appears to enable a homogeneous and rich user experience. Keep in mind: good experiences sell products. The objective is to provide correct and always up-to-data data on every single channel – a Sisyphean task once a business has more than a handful of products and services in its portfolio. Unfortunately, this is still the reality of many businesses. Data management becomes a drag for every business. It costs human resources, time and money. Unsynchronized product data can lead to a variety of problems: • Higher costs and bad customer experiences can be the consequence of false product information • Contradictions among various data sources delay product launches • Duplicate or false information can be in conflict with compliance guidelines • Users get upset when they find contradicting product information on different channels • The manual synchronization of product data wastes internal resources

Every product information has to be entered for every channel. Products are linked to a variety of information. There are four types of product information categories: classification (product categories, brand name etc.), structured product data (customer reviews, product descriptions etc.), unstructured product data (images, data sheets etc.) and pricing (promotions, graduation of prices etc.). These types of information often come from different departments (marketing, sales, research and development) and can be specific to channels as well. The product information used in a print catalogue differs from the content used in a mobile app (e.g. detailed data sheets vs. product videos).

«Keep in mind: good experiences sell products» The synchronization of all product data becomes a nightmare and a full-time job for your sales personnel. Unfortunately, this is still how many businesses handle their product information the effects are higher costs and lower efficiency.

various file formats and versions in different places. The consequence is a loss of revenue. Product information management can help this problem.

One System, All Channels Businesses that want to manage sales and marketing process more effectively should turn to modern technology: product information management (PIM) put a stop to the arduous process of collecting and manually consolidating product data from various departments. Research and development, sales and marketing departments can now use the same software solution, update and manage product information in real-time and can therefore work more efficiently while avoiding costly mistakes.

are no more compatibility issues or outdated information. By storing product data centrally in the data formats required for the individual marketing channels such as apps, print catalogues, point of sale activities, online shops or websites, the PIM enables businesses to communicate product information in line with the requirements for the different content distribution channels, Features such as individual rights management do their part in simplifying workflows. Moreover, a PIM paves the way into global markets: distributing product information in various languages and currencies has never been this easy.

The advantages at a glance: ✔✔ Improve the search and information quality

for customers ✔✔ Minimize losses caused by incorrect

product data

«Distributing product information in various languages and currencies has never been this easy»

✔✔ Enable more transparency and productivity

in data management ✔✔ Profit from shorter product roll-outs

Product Information Management is the hub for all marketing channels. Experience efficient solutions: Frank Bayer,

A professional PIM solution provides ready-to-use product information for all the sales channels you use. Not only is the PIM a central hub for all your communication channels, it is also the one solution all departments use to make product information available. This greatly minimizes the efforts required for data storage and editing because all information is available in one place and in the data formats that staff members can handle. Hence there

Download the «One Sytem, All Channels» white paper for free here: PIM

8 |  Issue 9

W4 - Marketing meets Information Technology


Full service for digital marketing communication: W4 offers consulting as well as the creative and technocal implementation form a single source. Digital strategies for indirect sales as well as the marketing and positioning of products and services in need of explanation are our speciality. Our portfolio and more than 20 years experience with clients from the information technology, investment goods and enginieering industries speak for themselves.


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LOCATIONS SWITZERLAND Idastrasse 14, CH-8003 Zürich Tel.: +41 44 533 50 35 Stadtturmstrasse 19, CH-5400 Baden Tel.: +41 56 500 40 55 GERMANY Königsbrücker Strasse 70, 1. HH DE-01099 Dresden Tel.: +49 351 418 889 50 Ringstr. 19B, 69115 Heidelberg Tel.: +49 351 418 889 50 SLOWAKIA Hviezdoslavovo námestie 17, 81102 Bratislava Tel.: +421 221 02 55 56

James Yu, Digital Marketing Consultant China

The whole world uses Google to find content?! Not the whole world! Businesses solely optimizing their websites for Google are taking the risk of not being found in big markets such as China or Russia. The W4 Asia expert James Yu explains the differences. Mr. Yu, is Google as popular in China as in the Western world? James Yu: No, Google does not play a significant role as a search engine in China. The clear number one search engine in China is Baidu with a market share of 75 percent. In terms of functionality Baidu can be compared to Google. Baidu is used for search inquiries in Chinese and offers businesses a platform to reach potential customers. The search engine currently has more than 900 million active monthly users – and this number grows every day! Businesses who what to play a role in the Chinese market therefore have to take Baidu into consideration.

«Baidu currently has more than 900 million active monthly users - and this number grows every day!» What does it take to be listed in Baidu›s search results? James Yu: It goes without saying that the content has to be in Chinese. The domain also plays a big part. I recommend a domain with a “.cn” or “.com” ending. Moreover, a server location in China is an absolute must!

«A server location in China is an absolute must!»

For example, Google has confirmed that it crawls and indexes content and links in JavaScript and AJAX. This has pleased many web developers because it affords them with opportunities to improve the user experience on their websites while also improving their Google ranking. However, solely paying attention to Google here is going to do a lot of damage on Baidu, especially if JavaScript is used for site navigation. Hence businesses participating in the Chinese market should not use JavaScript or AJAX in their site navigation or for content that has to be crawled and indexed. Businesses could alternately create a separate Chinese website that uses static links in its navigation and HTML for important content. Can you give us more examples? James Yu: Meta keywords, meta description and header tags are also important. Google does not value them as much as it used to, but they are still factors for Baidu. That is why meta keywords and meta descriptions should be placed in the <Head> section of all pages. By the way: China is not the only region in which Google is not the most popular search engine. In Russia, for example, people prefer to use Yandex, which also places a higher value on meta data than Google.

«Baidu loves social media, quality content and backlinks»,

Managing Directors: S. Wilhelm, J. Rost, M. Naas, J. Zscheile Director: J. Wenzel

Impressum 3. volume, Issue 9 Publisher and Editorial Office: W4 Marketing AG, Zürich Edition: 2000 Ex

By the way: the majority of search inquires comes from mobile devices. This means that the website should be mobile optimized. What are the differences between Google and Baidu? James Yu: Even though both search engines serve the same purpose – finding online content – they value different things when assessing websites and delivering content to users. So if a businesses is always looking to improve its website ranking according to the latest Google update, it may become invisible on Baidu.

What else should businesses consider when optimizing websites for Baidu? James Yu: Well, just as in Europe links to social networks are recommended. However, the Chinese use different social networks. Sina Weibo for example is the Chinese version of Twitter. Moreover, Baidu values quality content that is helpful to its users and that has quality backlinks. Testimonials and thought leaders also play a more prominent role in China than in Europe. Thank you for the interview.

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