5 February 2020

Page 6

Property Management Ltd |


Out & About

WEDNESDAY 5 February 2020



Providing solutions to all your energy needs

Stewart Henry Tina Hebberd Pauline Harris 027 454 5112Property027 233 0260 Ltd | MREINZ 027 664 4424 Management

Property Management Ltd | MREINZ

P: 021 482 088 or 542 2328


WEDNESDAY 5 February 2020

Stewart Henry 027 454 5112 546 9290

Tina Hebberd 027 233 0260 546 9290

Pauline Harris 027 664 4424 546 9290

Samantha Burling 027 538 3643 546 9290

546 9290

Lydia McKenzie

Marie Healy

027 541 0164 547 2476

Romeo and Juliet in Washbourne Gardens, Friday 31

Jemma Gillon 027 454 5106 547 2476

Nicki Morris

027 662 1222 544 2900

Nelson 545 6100

Mel Powell

027 555 4522 544 2900

Stoke 547 5279

Avei Douglas

021 279 2796 544 2900

027 658 0077 528 4001

Would you like us to take photos at your next event?

PH 544 9037


Motueka 528 4001

24 HOuRS

Mandy Stewart TroyH

027 233 3131 027 230454 0201 5 Mel Powell 027 547 2476 547546 2476 9290 B

027 555 4522


Stacey Ho

027 541 0 547 2476

Ditch those cars and buses and get on your bike and cycle to work or school on February 12, 2020. Go by Bike Day is back again when thousands of Kiwis use their bikes for transport. Anyone out and about on their bike from 7:30am to 9:00am can stop by for a free breakfast snack and spot prize. Plan your journey to work via Rabbit Island. Two extra ferries between Māpua and Rabbit Island will be added on 12 February at 7:15am and 6:00pm (Ferry fees apply).

History group makes surprise discovery

Tasman Asian Night Food Fair 2020 Washbourn Gardens Oxford Street, Richmond Saturday, 8th February Free admission 4pm to 9pm

Celebrate cultural diversity through a fantastic evening of performances and delicious ethnic foods set in the stunning Washbourn Gardens in Richmond. At least 17 vendors from our local multicultural community will give you the chance to taste their hand-made delectable delights. Property Property Property Management Management Management LtdLtd | MREINZ Ltd | MREINZ | MREINZ Which to choose from? Try them all. This is a coming together of communities of people from widely diverse backgrounds.

In May of 2018 in the Lee Facebook page. It brought in an attempt to preserve the areas. Valley, Paul Fleming stum- back some memories for a past and this weekend they Old photos are posted onbled upon an old tin shed. few of its members. are getting together at Rab- line and members provide “It was completely covered John Patterson remembers bit Island. information and missing in gorse and you could only spending the night in a The group was started in names if possible. see it from a few feet away,” similar shed with his fam- April 2018 as a follow-on The BBQ and picnic on Sathe says. ily when he was about 3 or from a very popular West urday will be an opportunity Email matt@waimeaweekly to include Stewart Stewart Henry Stewart Henry Henry TinaTina Hebberd Tina Hebberd HebberdPauline Pauline Harris Pauline Harris Harris Samantha Samantha Samantha Burling Burling Burling LydiaLydia McKenzie Lydia McKenzie McKenzie Marie Marie Healy Marie HealyHealy Mandy Mandy Troy Mandy Troy Troy 027 454 027of 5112 454 027Property 5112 454Property 5112 027 233 027 0260 233 027 0260 233Ltd 0260 027|Ltd 664 027| 4424 664 0274424 664 4424027 538 027 3643 538 0273643 538 3643027 886 027 4192 886 0274192 886 4192027 233 027 3131 233 027 3131 233 3131 027Management 230 027Management 0201 230 0270201 230 your event here. Thought to have been made 4. ‘His mum was terrified Coast history group. It was for many the members to Property Property Property Management Management Management Ltd |Ltd MREINZ |Ltd MREINZ | MREINZ Property Management Management Management |Ltd MREINZ MREINZ MREINZ Property Property Property Management Ltd0201 |Ltd MRE |L 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 8 in the 1920s from old flat- when a pig started bashing decided to create one for meet for the first time and Your Your Your Property tened tin drums, Paul, who the hut’. the top of the South Island, putProperty aProperty face to a name. It’s estiis a member of the Top of The Top of the South History bringing in Nelson, Stoke,Our mated 300 members will be Our Our Priority Priority Priority Stewart Stewart Henry Stewart HenryHenry Tina Hebberd Tina Hebberd Tina Hebberd Pauline Pauline Harris Pauline HarrisHarris Samantha Samantha Burling Samantha Burling Lydia Burling Lydia McKenzie McKenzie Lydia McKenzie MarieMarie Healy Marie Healy Stewart Healy Mandy Stewart Henry Mandy Stewart Troy Henry Mandy Troy Henry Tina Troy Hebberd Tina Hebberd Tina Hebberd Pauline Pauline Harris Pauline HarrisHarris Samantha Samantha Burling Samantha Burling Lydia Burling Lydia McKenzie McKenzie Lydia McKenzie MarieMarie Healy Marie HealyHealy Mandy Stewart Mandy Troy Stewart Mandy Henry Troy Stewart Henry TroyHenry Tina Hebberd Tina Hebberd Tina Hebberd Pauline Pauline Harris Pauline HarrisHarris Samantha Samantha Burling Samantha Burling Lydia Burlin LM Stewart He Our233 Our Richmond Our Richmond Richmond team team are team are responsible responsible are responsible for0260 looking for looking for looking after after 300 after 300 properties 300 properties properties the South History club, is027 a454027 social group that shares Richmond, Motueka, Goldattending the event which 5112 454 027 5112 454 5112 027 233 0270260 233 027 0260 233 0260 027 664 027 4424 664 027 4424 664 4424 027 538 027 3643 538 027 3643 538 3643 027 886 0274192 886 027 4192 886 4192 027 027 3131 233 027 3131 233 027 3131 454 027 5112 230 454 027 027 0201 5112 230 454 027 0201 5112 230 0270201 233 0270260 233 027 0260 233 027 664 0274424 664 027 4424 664 4424 027 538 027 3643 538 027 3643 538 3643 027 886 0274192 886 027 4192 886 4192 027 233 0273131 233 027 3131 233 Powell 3131 027027 230 027 454 0201 027 230 5112 027 454 0201 027 230 5112 454 0201 5112 027 233 0270260 233 027 0260 233 0260 027 664 027 4424 664 027 4424 664 4424 027 538 0273643 538 027 3643 538 3643 027 880 Nicki Morris Mel Barbara Winter Avei Douglas Catherine MacDonald Stacey Stacey Howden Stacey Howden Howden Jemma Jemma Gillon Jemma Gillon Gillon Nicki Nicki Morris Nicki Morris Mel Mel Powell Powell Mel Powell Barbara Barbara Barbara Winter Douglas Avei Douglas Douglas 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 547 2476 547 2476 547 546 2476 9290 547 5462476 9290 547 2476 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 546 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290Morris 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 546 2476 547 9290 546 2476 547 9290 546 2476 9290Winter 546 Winter 9290 546 9290 546 Avei 9290 Avei 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 925 027 454 511 in547 the in2476 the Richmond, in546 Richmond, the9290 Richmond, Brightwater Brightwater Brightwater and and Wakefield and Wakefield Wakefield regions regions regions - they -9290 they have -9290 they have have email editorial@waimeaweekly.co.nz 027 541 027 0164 541 027 0164 541 0164 027 454 027 5106 454 027 5106 454 5106 027 662 027 1222 662 0271222 662 1222027 555 027 4522 555 0274522 555 4522021 279 021 2796 279 0212796 279 2796 027 658 027 0077 658 0270077 658 0077 Property Management Ltd | MREINZ Richmond 03 544 2900 | Motueka 03 528 4001 shared the find on the club’s old photos and information en Bay and the surrounding starts at 11am. overover 25 over years 25 years 25ofyears collective of collective of collective experience experience experience in the in 547 the field. in2476 field. the2476 field. 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 547 2476 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900546 528 4001 528 4001 528 4001 9290

Your Prope Our Priorit Stoke Stoke 547 Stoke 547 24762476 547 2476

Richmond Richmond Richmond 544 544 29002900 544 2900 Motueka Motueka Motueka 528 528 40014001 528 4001 Nelson Nelson Nelson 545545 6100 545 6100 6100 Stoke Stoke 547 Stoke 547 5279 547 5279 5279 Richmond Richmond Richmond 544544 2900 544 2900 2900 Motueka Motueka Motueka 528528 4001 528 4001 4001

Stacey Stacey Howden Stacey Howden Howden Jemma Jemma Gillon Jemma GillonGillon Nicki Nicki Morris Morris Nicki Morris Mel Powell Mel Powell Mel Powell Barbara Barbara Winter Barbara Winter Winter Avei Douglas Avei Douglas Avei Douglas Stacey Stacey Howden Stacey Howden Howden Jemma Jemma Gillon Jemma GillonGillon Nicki Nicki Morris Morris Nicki Morris Mel Powell Mel Powell Mel Powell Barbara Barbara Winter Barbara Winter Winter Avei Douglas Avei Douglas Avei DouglasStacey Stacey Howden Stacey Howden Howden Jemma Jemma Gillon Jemma GillonGillon Nicki Nicki Morris Morris Nicki Morris Mel Powell Mel Powell Mel Powell BarbaB

027 541 0270164 541 027 0164 541 0164 027 454 0275106 454 027 5106 454 5106 027 662 0271222 662 027 1222 662 1222 027 555 0274522 555 027 4522 555 4522 021 279 0212796 279 021 2796 279 2796 027 658 0270077 658 027 0077 658 0270077 541 0270164 541 027 0164 541 0164 027 454 0275106 454 027 5106 454 5106 027 662 0271222 662 027 1222 662 1222 027 555 0274522 555 027 4522 555 4522 021 279 0212796 279 021 2796 279 2796 027 658 0270077 658 027 0077 658 0077 027 541 0270164 541 027 0164 541 0164 027 454 0275106 454 027 5106 454 5106 027 662 0271222 662 027 1222 662 1222 027 555 0274522 555 027 4522 555 4522 021 270 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 528 4001 528 4001 528 4001 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 528 4001 528 4001 528 4001 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 544 295

Stewart Henry

Tina Hebberd

027 454 5112 546 9290

027 233 0260 546 9290

Pauline Harris 027 664 4424 546 9290

Samantha Burling 027 538 3643 546 9290

Nelson Nelson 545 Nelson 545 6100 545 6100 Stoke 6100 Stoke 547 Stoke 547 5279 547 5279 Richmond 5279 Richmond Richmond 544 544 2900 544 2900 Motueka 2900 Motueka Motueka 528 528 4001 528 40014001

Lydia McKenzie 027 886 4192 546 9290

SELF SERVICE Stacey Howden 027 541 0164 547 2476




Jemma Gillon 027 454 5106 547 2476


Nelson 545 6100


4 DRY $ 4 WASH Dry up to 14kg from

21 Oruanui Street Mon-Sun 5am-11pm

$ Road 232 Taharepa

Mon-Sun 5am-11pm

$4 in only 25 minutes! www.liquidlaundromats.co.nz Save Time & Electricity 11 Croucher St, Sundial Square, Richmond

WASH 2 MINK Dry up to 3OR loads from BLANKETS DUVETS

Nicki Morris

027 662 1222 544 2900

Mel Powell

027 555 4522 544 2900

Stoke 547 5279

50% OFF all Hi-Hop clothing

Shop 14, Town Centre Mon-Sun 8am-8.30pm


Marie Healy

Nelson Nelson 545 Nelson 545 6100 545 6100 Stoke 6100 Stoke 547 Stoke 547 5279 547 5279 Richmond 5279 Richmond Richmond 544 544 2900 544 2900 Motueka 2900 Motueka Motueka 528 528 4001 528 40014001

Stewart Mandy Henry Troy

Our Richmond team are 027 233 3131 027 454 027 5112 230 0201 547 2476 546 9290 547 2476

Nelson Nelson 545 Nelson 545 6100 545 6100 Stoke 6100 Stoke 547 Stoke 547 5279 547 5279 Richmond 5279 Richmond Richmo 544 5

Tina Hebberd

Queen Street Pharmacy 215 Queen Street, Richmond Ph: 543 9034

Barbara Winter 021 279 2796 544 2900

Richmond 544 2900


responsible for look 027 233 0260 027 Stacey How 546 9290 546 in the Richmond, Brightwater and Wakefie 027 541 016 over 25 years of collective experien 547 2476


Nelson 546 9290 Avei Douglas 027 658 0077 528 4001


Stacey Howden 027 541 0164 547 2476

Motueka 528 4001

Jemma Gillon 027 454 5106 547 2476

Nelson 545 6100

SAT 15 FEB, 7.30 – 10PM While stocks last.


027 662 1222

Marie Healy

Sundial Square, Richmond Free breakfast for those on a bike 7:30am to 9:00am

Nelson Nelson 546 Nelson 546 92909290 546 9290


027 886 4192 Nicki 546 9290Morris

0 5

Go by Bike Day



Lydia McKenzie

027 454 5106 547 2476

Paul Fleming, a member of the Top of the South History group, with a recently-discovered tin shed in the Lee Valley. Photo: Supplied.


Samantha Burling

Jemma Gillon

027 541 0164 547 2476

4. Kim Leighton and Jules McKay 5. Terry and Jo Milton 6. Cherie and Bella Baker and Dawn and Bodhi Chalmers 7.Tanisha Marsden and Jess Cooper 8. Jaimie Prestidge and Celina Tess


Pauline Harris

Nicki Morris Mel Powell Barbara Winter Avei Douglas (was Alchemy Café) 027 662 1222 027 555 4522 021 279 2796 027 658 0077 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 528 4001 Bateup Rd, Richmond Nelson 545 6100 Stoke 547 5279 Richmond 544 2900 Motueka 528 4001 Saturday 15th Feb Nibbles and activities for the kids

Stacey Howden

Upper Moutere Sarau Festival Sunday, 3rd


What’s On!

Tina Hebberd


027 538 3643 546 9290

544 2900 5 Happy’z Café Family Fun 544 2900 Nelson 546 9290 Stoke 547 2476 Richmond 544 2900 Motueka 528 4001 Nelson 545 6100 Stoke 547 5279 Richmond Day

1. Anne Langston and Ruve Francis 2. Sharon Tailby and Laura Deleage 3. Gayle Hay and Jennifer Currie


Samantha Burling

546 9290

responsible after 300027properties 027 233 0260 for looking 027 664 4424 538 3643 Jemma Gillon 546 9290 Stacey Howden 546 9290 546 9290 in the Richmond, Brightwater and027 Wakefield - they have 541 0164 regions027 454 5106 over 25 years of collective547 experience in the 547 field. 2476 2476

Barbara Winter

Richmond 544 2900

Stewart Mandy Henry Troy

Our233Richmond team are 027 3131 027 454 027 5112 230 0201 547 2476 546 9290 547 2476

027 886 4192 546 9290


Stacey Howden

Your Property Our Priority

546 9290


GATES OPEN AT 5.30PM // TRAFALGAR PARK, NELSON FEATURING NZSO WITH TAMI NEILSON, JASON KERRISON, JOEL AMOSA, ELIZA BOOM & MORE! For more information, including where to get your tickets, go to www.summerevents.nz


Nick 027 544


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