Alma and Me

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A story of two, who were meant to be one...


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those that share their light with you

It’s time to celebrate love and serendipity with those who fill our lives with... life.

Share and read together, this story with your soul mates to celebrate love.

A story about serendipity.

For soul mates.

To be two and learn to be one.

Alma sometimes finishes

my sentences.

When we take walks it seems that out steps are part of a melody...

one that you can dance.

Alma knows how I like my pizza.
Alma knows I don’t eat beet root.

Alma gives the best hugs.

But I love simple plans even more... like those days when we watch the clouds and lay on the ground.
I love elaborated plans with Alma.
and wants to join me in the journey.
Alma knows my story, my hopes...

Once, destiny put us together.

After that, we created a path, where we meet over and over again.

I used to ask myself:
¿Will I ever find a soul mate?

Turns out, Alma was always there.

Almost like magic.

Almost as written.

Something united us. Something made us ONE.

Hi. If this story is like yours...

Remind Alma that to be together is perhaps the biggest miracle of all.


¡ A celebration of Serendipity !

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