Bags of style T H E T R A D I T I O N O F H A N D B A G C R A F T S M A N S H I P I N P O R T U G A L D AT E S B A C K C E N T U R I E S . A R T I S A N S H AV E B E E N P E R F E C T I N G T H E I R S K I L L S I N L E AT H E R W O R K A N D T E X T I L E S F O R G E N E R AT I O N S , C R E AT I N G A L E G A C Y O F E X P E R T I S E
Wo rd s: P I P P A O ' K E E F E
of adventurous style are not only evident in the quality of Portuguese bags but also in their unique designs that often incorporate elements of the country’s rich cultural history. Much like craftsmanship, cultural values and superstitions have been passed down through the decades – one Portuguese folk belief to note is that if you place your bag on the floor you’ll lose your money. “Pôr a mala no chão quer dizer perder dinheiro.” Portuguese artisans take pride in using the finest materials available, whether it’s buttery soft leather, durable cork, or intricately woven textiles. This season, when it comes to selecting the latest looks, it’s a real mixed bag…
1. ROSA DINIZ R. R. is a studio-based Portuguese brand that proudly produces leather accessories. Founder Rosa Diniz was born in Lisbon and has resided in the world of art, culture and education. Her personal brand designs totally bespoke handbags, using a wide range of leathers and are crafted only by hand – no machinery of any sort is used. Waste not want not – no two designs will ever look the same and R. operates a without-waste ethos. Everything carrying Rosa’s name – see the bag on our front cover – is a triumph of design and workmanship. Multi-pocket Weekender, €4,000