Ismael – Jan – Mar 2022 (English)

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Taleem & Tarbiyat Magazine for Waqifeen-e-Nau QUARTERLY | ISSUE #25 | JAN-MAR 2022


WWW.WAQFENAUINTL.ORG +44 (0)20 8544 7643




ISSSUE # 25 5


JA AN - MAR R 202 22

CONTENTS 04 What is Ismael Magazine ?

Meet the Team Chief Editor & Manager: Luqman Ahmed Kishwar

05 Pearls of Wisdom

English Editor: Mudabbir Din

06 What does Islam say?

Urdu Editor: Farrukh Raheel

10 In the Spotlight

Print manager: Touqeer Tanvir

14 Servants of Allah

Farukh Arshad Content manager: Firhaad Ahmed

19 Learn Arabic 20 Rings of The Promised Messiah 23 I See Frames


Creativity & Cover: Adeel Teyeeb Designing Team: Adeel Teyeeb (Lead Designer) Hafiz Taha Daud

32 20The Therapist

Shamail Ahmad

37 Ask a Murabbi

Proofreading: Sadiq Ahmed

Nasir Hanif

Rabeeb Mirza

What is Ismael Magazine?

Waqifeen-e-Nau are now spread across the globe, many are studying in their respective fields while others have fulfilled their pledge of dedicating their lives for the Jama’at. There are many who are Missionaries, practising Doctors, Television producers, Architects, Graphic designers, Engineers, Accountants and much more. Ismael is an international magazine, which was launched in 2012 by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih the fifthaba specifically for the Waqifeen-e-Nau around the world. At this auspicious occasion, addressing the Waqifeen-e-Nau Huzoor-e-Anwaraba wrote: “The magazine has been named as “ISMAEL”, which reminds us of the sacrifices made by Hazrat Ismaelas and by Hazrat Hajiraas who spent their lives in a desolate and barren place and instituted exceptional standards of sacrifices for the sake of religion. Likewise, it is expected of every Waqif to uphold the covenant of Waqf (dedication) made by their parents even before their birth, who have in turn themselves reaffirmed the same.” Waqifeen-e-Nau can contribute by sending articles regarding their respective fields of studies. The magazine is published on a quarterly basis as a platform for the Waqifeen-e-Nau to get in touch and say what they have always wanted to. To subscribe to this magazine, you can contact your National Waqf-e-Nau Secretary. You can also read the magazine online at Remember, this magazine is for the Waqifeen-e-Nau, by the Waqifeen-e-Nau. Everyone is welcome to send their articles, contributions and comments. Ismael magazine is the central magazine for Waqifeen-e-Nau around the globe. WAQF-E-NAU (CENTRAL) 22 DEER PARK ROAD, LONDON. SW19 3TL (UK) +44 (0)20 8544 7633 +44 (0)20 8544 7643


Pearls of Wisdom

Q&A with Huzoor-e-Anwaraba Q: How can we remain humble and avoid arrogance? A:

If arrogance does develop within someone, they should repent for having entertained a bad thought. They should seek refuge from Satan and read “I seek refuge with Allah” and they should endeavour to display humbleness… there was once a king who possessed an exemplary level of humility. The Promised Messiahas has also mentioned this incident. There was an individual who came to the King, who thought that he was a very prominent scholar and an expert in the knowledge of the Quran. The King used to write the Quran; this is a parable. So, the King wrote a particular word and the individual who considered himself to be a scholar and the expert of the Quran and Hadith, he said “you have written this word incorrectly”. The King then circled that word to mark it. When that person left, the King then erased the circle he had made. So, the people sitting around him said, “first you circled the word and now you have erased it”. The King replied that “I did this because

I did not want to develop any kind of arrogance within me. I realised that the individual considered himself to be a prominent scholar so, I respected what he said and circled the word. However, the word which I had written was in fact correct and you may check for yourself.” So, one should always be mindful that he must please Allah the Almighty and if one knows that He dislikes arrogance, if an arrogant thought arises in one’s mind, then one should try to remove that thought from his mind and pray to Allah the Almighty for it. Pray in Salat that Allah the Almighty always protect you from developing any arrogance, repent and read “I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed”. The Promised Messiahas has said in a poetic couplet, “In your mind, consider yourself to be worse than everyone else, perhaps you may enter the House of Union in this way” …If a person understands that he has to please Allah, then arrogance cannot be developed. (From: Virtual Mulaqat with Majlis Khuddam-ulAhmadiyya Norway on Sunday the 27th March 2022, Al Hakam 31st March 2022)




Holy Quran ٰ ُ َ ٰ ٓ ‫ ُ ﮵ َ ا ُء ْو ﮲َن‬ َ ‫ِ ﮴ة ﮴ ُ ْ ا‬



َ َ ٰ َ ٰ ْ ِ‫ َو ﮲اِذا ﮴ ُ اا‬ ْ ُ ُ ِ‫اِ ﮲نا ُ ﮲ ﮲ ِ ﮴ ِ ْ﮵ ﮲َ ُ ﮵ ﮲ ِ ُ ْ ﮲َ ا َ َو ُ َ ﮲ د‬ ً ْ ‫َ َ َ ﮲ ْ ُ ُ ْ ﮲ َ َ َ﮴‬ َ ‫ا ﮲‬ ‫وﻻ ﮵‬ ‫ون ا اِ ﻻ ِ ﮵‬

The hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but He will punish them for their deception. And when they stand up for Prayer, they stand lazily and to be seen of men, and they remember Allah but little. (4:143) ْ ُ ‫ٰ َ﮴ة اِ َو‬

َ‫َ ﮲‬ ُْ َ ‫ُ ْوا ِ﮳ ِ َو ِ﮳ َ ُ ْ ِ ٖ َو ﻻ َ ﮵ ﮴ ْ ﮲َ ا‬ ٰ ‫ْ ﮲َن اِ ﻻ َو ُ ْ ِ ُ ْ ﮲َن‬

ۤ ُْ ‫َو َ َ ﮲َ َ ُ ْ َا ﮲ْن ُ﮴ ْ﮴ َ َ ِ ﮲ْ ُ ْ ﮲َ ﮲َ ٰ﮴ ُ﮴ ُ ْ اِ ﻻ َا ﮲‬ ‫﮳‬ ‫ُ َ ٰ َو َ ُ ﮵ ﮲ْ ﮲ ِ ُ﮴‬

And nothing has deprived them of the acceptance of their contributions save that they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger. And they come not to Prayer except lazily and they make no contribution save reluctantly. (9:54) Hadith Hadhrat Abu Hurairara narrates that the Holy Prophetsaw stated: “Satan puts three knots at the back of the head of any of you if he is asleep. On every knot he reads and exhales the following words, ‘The night is long, so stay asleep.’ When one wakes up and remembers Allah, one knot is undone; and when one performs ablution, the second knot is undone, and when one prays the third knot is undone and one gets up energetic with a good heart in the morning; otherwise one gets up lazy and with a mischievous heart.” (Bukhari, Book 21, Hadith 243) |7


َْ َ ‫َ َْ ْ ﮲‬ ُ‫﮲ّ َ ُ ﮲‬ ْ َ ْ‫َ ْ ُ ﮲‬ َ ُ ْ َ ،‫ واﻟ ﮳ﺒﺨ ِﻞ‬،‫ واﻟ ﮳ﺠ ﮳ﺒ ِ ﮲ﻦ‬،‫ واﻟﻜﺴ ِﻞ‬،‫اﻟﻠ ُﻬﻢ ِإ ِﻧ ﮵ﻲ أﻋﻮذ ِ﮳ﺑﻚ ِﻣ ﮲ﻦ اﻟﻌ ﮳ﺠ ِﺰ‬ َْ ‫﮴‬ َ‫َ ْ َ َ َ َ ﮲‬ َْ َ ْ ‫َ﮴ ْ﮴ َ َ َ ﮲ َ ّ َ َ ﮲‬ ‫﮴‬ ُ ْ ‫ﺖ﮴‬ ‫ وز ِﻛﻬﺎ أﻧ‬،‫آت ﮲ﻧ ﮲ﻔ ِﺴ ﮵ﻲ ﺗﻘﻮاﻫﺎ‬ ‫اب‬ ‫ﺬ‬ ‫ﻢ‬ ‫ﻬ‬ ‫اﻟﻠ‬ ، ‫ﺮ‬ ‫ﺒ‬ ‫ﻘ‬ ‫اﻟ‬ ‫ وﻋ ِ﮳‬،‫واﻟﻬﺮ ِم‬ ِ ‫﮳‬ ِ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ‫﮲ َ ْ ُ َ ْ ﮲ َ َ َ ﮲ ْ َ﮴‬ َ ُ‫﮲ّ َ ُ ﮲‬ َ ُ ْ‫ﻚ ِﻣ ﮲ﻦ‬ ‫ﺧ ﮵ﻴﺮ ﻣ ﮲ﻦ زﻛﺎﻫﺎ۔ أﻧﺖ و ِﻟ ﮵ﻴﻬﺎ وﻣﻮﻻﻫﺎ۔ اﻟﻠﻬﻢ ِإ ِﻧ ﮵ﻲ أﻋﻮذ ِ﮳ﺑ‬ ْ ‫ْ َ َ ﮲ ْ ﮲ َ ُ َ ْ َ﮴‬ ْ‫ َو ِﻣ ﮲ﻦ‬،‫ َو ِﻣ ﮲ْﻦ ﮲َﻧ ﮲ْﻔ ٍﺲ َﻻ َ﮴ﺗ ﮶ْﺸ َ﮳ﺒ ُﻊ‬،‫ﺐ َﻻ َ ﮵ﻳ ﮲ْﺨ ﮶َﺸ ُﻊ‬ ‫ و ِﻣ ﮲ﻦ ﻗﻠ ٍ﮳‬،‫ِﻋﻠ ٍﻢ ﻻ ﮵ﻳﻨﻔﻊ‬ َ ُ َ ‫َ ْ َ ﮴ َ ُ ْ َ﮴‬ َ ‫ﺎب ﻟﻬﺎ۔‬ ‫دﻋﻮ ٍة ﻻ ﮵ﻳﺴﺘ ﮳ﺠ ﮳‬ “O Allah! I seek your refuge from incapacity, laziness, cowardice, miserliness, decrepit old age, and punishment of the grave. O Allah! Grant my soul its dutifulness (taqwa), and purify it, You are the One to purify it: You are its Guardian and its Lord. O Allah! I seek Your refuge from knowledge that does not benefit, and from a heart that is not humble, and from a soul that is never satisfied, and from a supplication that is not answered’.” (Sahih Muslim, the Book of Remembrance, Supplication, Repentance, and Seeking Forgiveness: no. 2722 2722))


Extract from the sayings of the Promised Messiahas The best remedy for negligence and indolence is seeking forgiveness from Allah. Even if faced with a trial on account of their previous failings or indolence, let them wake up during the nights to fall in prostration and offer supplications, and promise to make a sincere and holy transformation in the presence of God.” (English Translation of Malfuzat, Volume 2, pages 2 )


IN THE SPOTLIGHT IN THE SPOTLIGHT Abdul Fateh Ahmad is a Waqf-e-Zindagi (life devotee) working on the Islamabad development working project. He Abdul Fateh Ahmad is a Waqfe-Zindagi has serving as development a Waqf-e-Zindagi for 6 years after on been the Islamabad project. He has completing in Structural Engineering. been servinghis as astudies Waqfe-Zindagi for 6 years after He has been given the opportunity to serve completing his studies in Structural Engineering. on various relating Islamabadtomaintenance, He has tasks been given theto opportunity serve on management and public affairs. various tasks relating to Islamabad maintenance, management and public affairs.

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How did you know you wanted to dedicate your Following my mulaqat a series of events took place in my life that were very faith inspiring life in service of your faith? for me and were only possible with Huzoor’s Being part of the blessed Waqf-e-Nau scheme I prayers and the help of Allah the Almighty. My knew from an early age that ultimately, I want track record for interviews was not good prior to serve my faith. How I would be servicing my to this, in fact I struggled a lot with them. I was faith or when the right time to do so wasn’t clear taught a prayer by my mother at an early age, at first but that’s where the Waqf-e-Nau scheme ْ َ ْ‫َ ّ ﮶‬ ْ ‫َ ْ ْ َ َ ّ ْ َ ْ ْ ْ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ﮴ َ ً﮴ ْ َ ﮲ َ ﮲ ْ َ﮴ ُ َ﮴‬ really helped guide me along my Journey. The ‫ر ﮳ب اﺷﺮح ﻟِ ْﯽ ﺻﺪ ِر ﮵ي و ﮵ﯾ ِﺴﺮ ﻟِ ْ﮵ﻲ ا ﻣ ِﺮ ﮵ي واﺣﻠﻞ ﻋﻘﺪۃ ِﻣ ﮲ﻦ ﻟِ ﺴ ِﺎﻧ ْﯽ ﮵ﯾﻔﻘﮭﻮا ﻗﻮﻟِ ْ﮵ﻲ‬ most beneficial aspect of this was the classes with Huzoor-e-Aqdasaba. Huzoor’s guidance This helped me a lot. By the grace of Allah, the and training at every step nurtured my desire first application I made, after meeting Huzoor, and affection towards serving my faith. I was in was successfully passed to the interview stage constant need of this guidance and would write and then after the interview I was offered a to Huzoor at every stage of my studies about job at a structural engineer design consultancy what to do next and it is only with this guidance based in Brighton, Alhumdulillah. After receiving that I knew when the right time was to dedicate this news, I thanked God and remembered the words that Beloved Huzoor said to me when my life. I expressed my concerns on the difficulties of getting a job, ‘don’t worry, you will get a job’. It What were the events leading up to your Waqf being approved by Hadhrat Khalifat-ul- was the blessed words of Beloved Huzoor that made me successful in my efforts. Masih Vaba ? Over the following year, I wrote to Huzoor at Upon completing my studies in Civil Engineering, every quarter with an update of what activities I presented myself to Huzoor-e-Aqdasaba to seek and experiences I have gained in practice . guidance on what to do next. On this occasion At every step I would reaffirm my desire to I re-affirmed my commitment to becoming dedicate my life for the service of my faith. With Waqf, however Huzoor guided me to obtain Huzoor’s prayers and God’s Help, I was being some experience and get a job in the field of given more and more responsibility at the structural engineering. I asked for Huzoor’s company I was working in. After 14 months of special prayers in this regard as the job climate working, upon my 5th report, Huzoor-e-Anwar graciously approved my Waqf. at the time wasn’t so good.

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When I received this approval, I straight away submitted my notice of resignation at the company I was working in. This was to the surprise of all the senior management in the company and the managing director even took me out of work one day to have a meeting over coffee with an aim of convincing me to stay. He asked me about the reasoning behind the move and weather it was money orientated. When I explained to him that I am now dedicating my life to the service of my faith and will be earning significantly less than I am now, he was surprised. After this rather than convincing me to stay he wished me well for the future. After my notice period, I reported to the Jamat to begin my service as Waqf-e-Zindagi. Is there anyone who specifically inspired you? The first person in my family to do Waqfe was my Grandfather Ghulam Rasool sahib. The stories that I heard of his sacrifice inspired me. My father followed in his footsteps and is also waqf and this also inspired me to follow in the same footsteps. What creates passion and motivation when you are carrying out your Waqf?

What are three things you love about your Waqf?

The main source of motivation for me is • Huzoor’s words. • What advice would you give to someone who • wants to dedicate their life but is unsure about this life changing decision? First of all pray to Allah the All-Mighty to help you make the right decision. Get guidance from people around, but most importantly seek Huzoor’s guidance and advice. Bear in mind that doing full dedication to life devotion means working with passion and zeal under any adversity.

Satisfaction that you are working purely for the sake of Allah the Almighty. Being able to serve Khilafat in this capacity. As Waqf-e-Zindagi you are expected to do what ever is asked of you, this presents a very interesting opportunity as you get the opportunity to do jobs you never expected to be doing.

How are you still keeping in touch with Hadhrat Khalifat-ul-Masih Vaba with regards to your Waqf?

I keep a diary of activities that I am doing over the week and submit this in the presence of Huzoor-e-Aqdas. I routinely write letters to How important would you say are your earlier Huzoor for prayers and guidance. When I am studies (Secondary School and University) in fortunate to do so I meet Huzoor for a daftri mulaqat to seek guidance on particular matters counting towards your ability to do Waqf? relating to work I am doing. Early studies are very important in one’s development and therefore are very important Describe your daily routine? in counting towards waqf. As Waqf-e-Nau we are encouraged to be best in what ever we do I wake up for Fajr prayers in the morning and therefore it is important to excel in both secular try to offer Tahajud prayer before when I can. After Fajr I recite the Holy Quran with English knowledge and religious knowledge. translation. | 12

Being based and posted in Islamabad, I sign into the office around 9am to start my days work. My routine has mixture of office and site activities including lining up routine maintenance activities, checking constriction work, designing, and preparing construction information. Most importantly preparing letters and reports that are presented to Huzoor so that our team can obtain constant guidance and advice from Huzoor (atba) on various matter. This guidance is the only key to success. When there are events or visitors coming to Islamabad occasionally, I get the opportunity to be part of the arrangements team where I get to help set up and wind up for the events. I also have the honour of giving tours of Islamabad to distinguished guests. My daily activities are scheduled around the prayer times and I offer my prayers in congregation behind Huzooraba. My work activities usually carry on up until Isha, after which I go home and spend what ever time I can with my family.

One day, After Namaz Asr, outside the mosque Huzoor called me over to him, Huzoor quizzed me on a series of questions about the structure of the mosque. Huzoor then instructed me to bring the drawings and present them to him in his office. Later that day, I presented myself in Huzoor’s office with the drawings. Huzoor examined the drawings and was teaching me the technical structural concepts that were adopted for the complex roof structure. Huzoor’s guidance was very important during the design and construction of the mosque and hence had great appreciation of these complex structural techniques. Even though I was involved with the project during construction, I felt that Huzoor was recapping these techniques with me as a revision exercise for me and my technical training. The lesson I learnt from this was that, in particular with technical professions, one should always recap the work they have been involved with in the past to help improve their knowledge and understanding for the future.

As an engineer you have been posted in Islamabad. But not everyone who is Waqf-eZindagi will be posted near or around Khalifatul-Masih or even in the same country. What advice do you have for such Waqfeen who will be posted far away from Markaz or their families? The essence of Waqfe is sacrifice, everyone will have their own experiences of what this sacrifice will be. This is why we are very fortunate as Ahmadi Muslims to have Khilafat to guide us and nurture us. Even though they will be far from Markaz they will always have the rope of Khilafat to hold on to that will guide them through their hardships or difficulties. Please share a story or event you had with Hadhrat Khalifat-ul-Masih Vaba? One of the memorable moments I have had with Huzoor was when I had the opportunity to discuss the Masjid Mubarak Structural drawings with Huzoor. There were many occasions during the construction however the standout moment was almost a year and a half after the project. This incident took place in early 2021 quite some time after the project had been completed and the mosque was in use. | 13

Maulana AbulAtta Jalandhri

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Servants of Allah is an MTA International series which explores some of the astonishing stories of the pioneer missionaries of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. This series of articles will aim to condense each programme into a short written piece

Introduction Abul-Atta Sahib was born in the district of Jalandhar, India in 1904. It was the wish of his beloved father, Hadhrat Munshi Mian Imamuddin Sahib, who was a companion of the Promised Messiahas, that his son should be dedicated to the service of the community. This spirit of sacrifice was then further instilled by Maulana Sahib’s father throughout his life, ensuring that Abul Atta Sahib knew exactly what he was destined to do. He complet-

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ed his Maulvi Fazil degree in 1924 securing the top position in his university, and passed Madrassah Ahmadiyya in 1927 after which he began working as a missionary of the Jamaat. He is one of the three distinguished individuals to be given the title of “Khalid-e Ahmadiyyat” by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIra in recognition of his outstanding contributions to Ahmadiyyat.

Allah Ditta to Abul-Atta Maulana Abul-Atta Sahib’s name “Allah Ditta” was given by his parents. But later he adopted his more common name of Abul Atta. This name then became so famous that most have now completely forgotten the name “Allah Ditta.”

that it will be looked upon strangely by the people there. It would be better that, as opposed to Allah Ditta, you adopt the name Abul Atta. Maulana Sahib then officially changed his name to Abul Atta with the permission of Huzoor. After this, Huzoor named all his When Maulana Sahib was due to sons as: Ata-ur-Rahman, Ata-ulgo to the Arab countries, Hadhrat Kareem, Ata-ur Raheem and AtaKhalifatul Masih IIra called him ul-Mujeeb at their birth. and said that your name is such

A faith inspiring letter 1918 saw a great epidemic of influenza which also effected the Madrassah Ahmadiyya in Qadian. All effected students were moved into a corner of the boarding hostel in an open room for treatment away from other students. This epidemic was causing the death of many children. All funeral services were led in the courtyard of Madrassah Ahmadiyya as day by day more and more people died. So the principal requested Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIra to stop taking processions through the courtyard and to do them instead in the graveyard which was done accordingly. Abul Atta Sahib was so terrified that he wrote a letter to his father asking him to come quickly to Qadian, for he knew not whether he would live or die. In reply, Maulana Sahib’s father asked for leave from his job and also wrote a letter back, reassuring his son that he would come as soon as he received permission to leave, but not to worry for the matter of life or death is with Allah alone. The

last sentence in the letter was that “we have done the bait of Hadhrat Masih Maudas and we will be content with whatever comes to us.” Before the receipt of this letter on the fifth day, Maulana Sahib says that he was fully convinced that his father would definitely come, but when he read the letter, he became so disheartened, and upon reading the last line, he burst into tears, and in childishness said “this means that even if I were to die here in this place, my father would still be content!” Maulana Sahib’s father came after three or so days of Ata Sahib receiving the letter. But that particular sentence had remained in his mind so he asked his father regarding it. He replied: “This is the reality! This is that very faith which we have attained through belief in Hadhrat Masih Maudas.” Maulana Sahib states that at that time due to his immaturity, he did not fully grasp this concept, but later on he realised the value of such unwavering faith. | 16

An assassination attempt This incident relates to Abul Atta Sahib’s time in Kababir. One day after a meeting, Maulana Sahib was travelling home on foot. While walking through a jungle he heard some people whispering. He looked around but could not see anyone so he continued on his journey. A little while later he heard a gunshot and shortly after, another. Maulana Sahib again looked around but could not see anyone. He continued his journey and reached his destination safely.

en place on that day. The two men were in fact waiting in hiding in order to ambush and assassinate Abul Atta Sahib. They had tested the guns beforehand and they worked flawlessly. When Maulana Sahib was in their range, one of the assailants attempted to fire his gun but to no avail, the second assailant also tried with the same result. When Maulana Sahib had passed, the two men tried firing their guns again, both guns fired without any issue.

A few days later two men came to This is how Allah the Almighty the members of the Kababir Ja- protects those individuals who are maat and explained what had tak- dear to Him.

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Communion with Allah Once Abul Atta Sahib was unwell and he prayed fervently to Allah to reveal to him how long he was going to live. Shortly after this he had a dream in which he saw a big bottle, the bottle was labelled “The Syrup of Life”, underneath was written: “This syrup will be useful for up to 75 years”. Maulana Sahib was delighted to see such a dream in answer to his prayers. In particular, he was happy to see that the bottle stated it would be “useful

for up to 75 years”, meaning that he would be doing his job and serving the Jamaat up until his very last breath. Abul Atta Sahib did in fact pass away at the age of 75 years according to the Lunar Calendar. These were just a few inspirational incidents from the life of Maulana Abul-Atta Jalandhri Sahib. In the next edition we will Insha’Allah cover the story of another great Servant of Allah.

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Rings of the

Promised Messiah

peace be upon him

To wear a ring is a Sunnah, practise of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be on him. However, the ring the Holy Prophetsawwore was not without a purpose. It showed the majesty of Allah and that the Prophetsaw was Allah’s messenger. The Holy Prophetsaw used his ring on the seal when writing to lead-

ers of nations, which served as his signature. It read “Muhammad Rasulullah” – meaning, “Muhammad, the messenger of Allah”. What’s interesting is that the Holy Prophetsaw did not want his name – “Muhammad” – to be above “Allah” when it was inscribed on the ring. | 20

Therefore the ring was read from the bottom upwards so that Allah’s name was at the top. This was the Prophet’s honour, respect and love for Allah.

their Khilafat and was lost during the era of Hazrat Uthmanra in a well and never found again.

The Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad followed The Holy Prophet’s ring was made the Sunnah of the Holy Prophetsaw out of silver and shined bright. (Sa- and wore rings too that had meanhih Bukhari). It was used by Hazrat ing and purpose. He had three Abu Bakrra, Hazrat Umarra, Hazrat rings made and by Allah’s grace, Alira and Hazrat Uthmanra during these rings still exist today.

Many Ahmadis will be very familiar with the “Alaisallah” rings that are available to buy in many Jamaat events and shops. The full inscription on these rings is:

َ​َ ‫ُ َ ﮲‬ ‫ﺎف َﻋ ۡ﮳ﺒ َﺪ ٗہ‬ ٍ ‫ا ﻟ ۡ ﮵ﯿ َﺲ ا ِ﮳ﺑﮑ‬

Meaning, “Is Allah not sufficient for His servant” and is actually a verse from the Holy Quran – Surah Az-Zumar, Ch.39. V.37. The Promised Messiahas had this ring made soon after the death of his father and the Quranic verse was actually a revelation he received from Allah when, for a moment, he began to worry who would take care his needs after his father passed away. This ring is the oldest and was made in 1876. (Al Fazl 10 December 1945)

The second ring of the Promised Messiahas – most likely made around 1892 – had the following revelation inscribed on it:

‫رﺣﻤﺘﯽ ﮴‬ ‫﮲‬ ‫وﻗ ﮴‬ ‫﮴‬ ‫ﻌﻤﺘﯽ ﮴‬ ‫اذﮐﺮ ﮲ﻧ ﮴‬ ‫﮴‬ ‫﮴‬ ‫ﺪرﺗﯽ‬ ‫ﺮﺳﺖ ﻟﮏ ﮳ﺑ ﮵ﯿﺪی‬ ‫ﻋﻠﯿﮏ ﮲ﻏ‬ ‫اﻟﺘﯽ ﮲اﻧ‬ ‫ﻌﻤﺖ ﮵‬

Meaning, “Remember My bounty that I bestowed upon you. I have planted for you a tree of My mercy and My power with My Own hand.”

The third ring was made around 1906 and was a gift. The Promised Messiahas had the Urdu words “Maula Bas” – “God is sufficient” – engraved on it. (To find out more about the rings of the Promised Messiahas and who owned them after his demise, please visit the article: Rings of the Promised Messiahas on

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ME S Born in Pakistan, I moved to London at the age of 3 in 1991. I remember little to none about my time in Pakistan. As a family we lived near Fazl mosque from the get go and by the grace of Allah, I spent almost all my life under the shade of Khilafat. I have done all my schooling in London right through to university in which I graduated with a BA in Broadcast technology in 2009. The same year I fulfilled my Waqf and was appointed by Beloved Huzoor into MTA International. It has now been around 18 years that I have been working in MTA including the 5/6 years I volunteered during my studies. Time has flown since I devoted my life and Alhamdulillah I am married to a waqf now have two beautiful girls who also are in the blessed scheme of Waqf-eNau and we as a family would not have chosen otherwise. My name is Safeer Uddin Qamar and this is a “snap shot” of my life.

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The Power of a Photo


I S ee Fra mes

hether they are hung on a wall, folded up in someone’s wallet or backed up on a laptop, photos exist and live everywhere. Their reach is beyond any border or planet and their impact is even further than that. Photos have the ability to capture unspoken emotions and translate it into the hearts and minds of people, surpassing any language barrier. We, as Ahmadis, know the value of a photo. When we

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see our beloved Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May Allah be his Helper), on one of his international trips, it makes us feel as if we were there with him. Or even a black and white photo of the Promised Messiah, Hazarat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (Peace be upon him), which makes us reminisce of a time in which we didn’t even exist. That’s the power of a photo; it takes you to a time and place which logically and physically we cannot go to.

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STEM subjects were never really my strong point and to further disappoint the cultural phenomena of becoming a doctor or engineer, I was into Arts. Willingly, I would give and spend extra time, outside class, to work on creative projects, which I think is where the passion for Photography started to grow and express itself. I felt the way I envisioned the world in front of me was different. It was not based on facts or numbers, rather how

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the colours of the earth come together to create a perfect snapshot of a moment of that time. This little seed of infatuation with the lens, is how I persuaded my dad to buy me my first ever camera: A Canon 400d. I can still remember the excitement I had, holding something which would have allowed me, in an odd way, to transfer the image I created in my mind, to a

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That camera is stuck with me for about five years; travelled the world with me and survived all sorts of wear and tear. After those experiences, I bought a new camera, which did not only cost me a fortune, but would also come as a displeasure to my dad, who was worried that I was wasting money and time around and would end up with nothing. However, I was determined to show my dad that beyond my pure passion and love for this field, I could earn back the money by working at small gigs. Of course, those part time jobs were not fuelling my creative

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juices and so that is when I started going to London to enhance my skills. At the beginning, I would plan exact day, according to the time and weather before I would make those trips to allow myself to capture the most ‘perfect shot’, but over the course of doing so and facing disappointments like missing the sunset or sudden weather change, I realised there is no such thing as a perfect shot or rather every shot is perfect in its own right. Photography has its basics but over many years, artists have found ways to break them if not evolve them. I have always believed that you cannot learn this skill, because maybe it is not just a skill or law to learn, but a mind-set. It is how you envision the world and this, ironically and unlike most photos, is not developable.

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digital camera, all through a click of a button.

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The Greatest Honour of My Life By the Grace of Allah, I have had the fortune of devoting my life, as a Waqf, in MTA and this is truly the greatest honour of my life. Along with the ample blessings of Waqf, one such blessing is the many opportunities to join Huzoor on his international trips. One of my favourites is Huzoor’s trip to Japan in 2013. During this trip, beloved Huzoor would often have personal moments, which he would film on his personal camera. Once on a drive, we made a stop at a restaurant which had an overlooking view of Mount Fuji from its balcony. Huzoor took out his camera to film the beholding view in front of us. I was already on the balcony before Huzoor, but as soon as he came forward, I stood back to not disrupt his space. There at that moment, right in front of me was our beloved Khalifa filming and capturing the Mount Fuji, which to this day, is the most unreal shot I had seen. Of course I took this opportunity to capture this once in a lifetime view. As soon as Huzoor started to film, he realized that due to the hazy weather, Mount Fuji was not visible on his camera. To which, in my fortune, Huzoor asked me what I can see in my camera, which he could not see

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in his. He then took my camera in his blessed hands, as I tried to adjust the settings of my camera for Huzoor to enable a better view of Mount Fuji though the lens. To my great luck, there are some unbelievable shots capturing that moment. There are many moments I’ve witnessed through a lens both with our beloved Imam and without, and I hope many more will come Insha’Allah. There has not been a time when I have not enjoyed holding the camera. As I gain more experience, I come to the conclusion that things do become simpler as you get older. The simplest of cameras, with the simplest of views, become more meaningful, than maybe a click of the great, tall buildings in the world. Photography and pictures are my way of expressing myself, but also to understand the world and its history.

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Tips for Passionate Beginners

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For those who are starting out or already into photography, I would say that there is a lot out there that one can be influenced by. Whether it is a typical style of photography or even lured into buying the latest camera, the important thing to remember is that you are unique and that should be the fundamental reason that you have this interest. It is always good to explore what is out there but remember to develop your own style and skill. That way you are not just becoming a better photographer but people then see you for that particular vision. Through trial and error one becomes immune to failure and every click feels like success and development. Sooner or later you can be taking better photos with the minimalist of kit and effort and all it takes is to be yourself.

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Having said all of this it would be wrong of me to end this without some words of encouragement. There will be many Waqfeen out there who ponder over the thought of doing Waqf and then there are those who are already serving tirelessly day and night in their respective fields. As humans, it is unnatural to turn a blind eye from someone seeking help or for us to limit our strengths at a time of need. Sadly, this world creates this feeling that “someone else will do it right?”. This is where we step in! To strive and do that little bit more without having a feeling of something worldly in return. For me that is putting aside this skill that Allah has granted me, being grateful and then to be ready to serve in all capacities. Not just MTA but if needed, be ready to lay down my life for any cause that helps humanity, because the ultimate picture we all want to create is the one where Allah is pleased with us.

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The Therapist Video Game Addiction

The Therapist provides counselling and advice for those that struggle with various social and personal problems

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“ I can’t stop playing video games. I think it might be an addiction. What can I do?” | 33

Therapist: The Covid pandemic has been hard on a lot of people. They can’t go out, see friends, socialise, and get involved in outdoor activities which has made a lot of people stick to their beds and be unproductive. So the first thing I’d say to you is don’t think you are alone in this, and the fact that you have asked this question shows that you recognise a problem, so I commend your bravery and willingness to open up about it. When do you feel the addiction really kicks in and really becomes a problem? Ahmad: It could be any time during the day, and sometimes well into the night as well. It is really destroying my sleeping pattern. I think it happens more when I feel lazy, don’t feel like doing any work and can’t find anything better to do. Therapist: So do you feel like you could be doing something more productive? And if so, what? Ahmad: Yeah I definitely could be, I miss deadlines, get left behind with tasks. But I also forget about praying, sometimes I miss my meals too! Therapist: One solution that some people find, is removing their items that their addicted to, from their surroundings entirely. If you moved your controller out of the room, or gave it to a family member, and asked them to hold on to it, and to ensure they don’t give it to you unless it’s upon certain conditions, this might help. Do you see how that would work? Ahmad: Yeah I think I can. So basically if I moved the things that remind me of or kind of trigger the desire to start video gaming, I’m less likely to play as often? I think I’ve heard of this before, but I know people that have completely packed their console away but still manage to somehow get it out again after a week or so? Therapist: Yes that’s exactly it. And yes some people may have weaker self-control as compared to others. But if you tried it and you found that you were playing less, would you feel like you’d be more productive? If so, would this potentially resolve the issue of feeling like you’re spending too much time playing video games? There’s no blanket solution, some things would work for some people and not for others. Another solution that some people have found is that they can use their habit that they have an addiction to, in a more controlled way if they use it under certain conditions. For example, if you know you have some work to do, you can plan it so that, if you complete a certain amount of work, or do some work for a certain period of time, you can reward yourself by allowing yourself to play video games for a certain amount of time. However, this requires strong will, and self-control.

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Ahmad: I might be able to try that. But why is this addiction even happening to me? Therapist: Addiction is a serious problem which is becoming more common and spoken of in healthcare. Every time you commit an act, for example in your situation, gaming, that brings you joy and pleasure, dopamine, the chemical responsible for making you feel like you’ve achieved something, is released. Experiences such as winning a game, or receiving compliments send signals to release bursts of these chemicals. The more this act happens, the more the reward mechanism kicks in, requiring you over time to commit more of these acts to feel joy and pleasure. This is why, one of the other successful ways of overcoming addiction, is by replacing those habits that bring you pleasure, with other, more productive actions. One of these actions that has been found to be a good replacement is exercise. Science tells us that you can overcome habits by conditioning or training your brain to find alternatives to your harmful habits. Do you think this could be useful for you? Ahmad: I’m going to try and use some of the methods you’ve explained. I know it won’t be easy, but I’m sure overcoming any addiction isn’t easy. I know that addictions can ruin lives and relationships, and so I’m determined to try and find a solution. | 35

If you would like to ask The Therapist a question regarding any personal or social problem then send us an email on Your email will be completely confidential. Disclaimer! This should not be taken as serious medical advice. If you are experiencing addiction please seek medical help. | 36

What inspired you to apply for Jamia? Ever since I was young, my father was very close to the Missionaries who travelled all the way from Pakistan to come and serve Islam in Africa. Most of the times, these Missionaries left their families back home and wouldn’t see them for years, but they happily served in the cause of Allah Almighty without complaints. It was amazing what these Missionaries did for the Gambians and how through their preaching and trainings, transformed the lives of thousands of people including my father, myself, my family and friends and brought us nearer to Allah Almighty. Growing up I could tell the difference between me and my non-Ahmadi Muslim friends. This inspired me a lot, so much so that I also wanted to become like these Missionaries one day when I grew up. I knew there are many good professions out there but to me the best way I knew I could serve Allah Almighty, my people and humanity at large is by becoming a Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.

Was there anyone who inspired you to become a Murabbi? Someone you looked up to in your childhood. As a child, I had fond memories of one Missionary especially and that is Respected Daud Hanif Sahib. He served as Amir and Missionary in charge of the Gambia when I was a child and was a very close family friend as well. I remember my father used to allow us to go to the Mission house back then for weekends and holidays. If there is a person apart from my father that inspired me to become a Missionary, that will be Daud Hanif Sahib. I think it is worth mentioning here that one Missionary who also inspired me and through who’s advice and guidance I got admission to Jamia Ahmadiyya UK is Respected Laeeq Ahmad Tahir Sahib, the first Principal of Jamia Ahmadiyya UK. We met during his visit to the Gambia as a Markazi representative for Jalsa Salana

The Gambia 2007 and during that period I built a very strong bond with him. One day he asked whether I want to become a Missionary of the Jamaat and I answered him that to become a Missionary of the Jamaat is my only dream. Upon that he advised that I should apply to Jamia UK for admission. That is how and where my Jamia journey started.

Name three things that you experienced in your time studying in Jamia which changed you as a person. First and foremost is the great bond that I grew with Allah Almighty and that of His Holiness Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba. I always attribute my success at Jamia to Huzoor, because without his kindness, love, guidance and time he gave, I would have never passed Jamia. That relationship has transformed me beyond imagination and the personal relationship I built with Huzoor Anwar is the best thing that happened to me in my life.

Until this day I see myself sitting with my family and friends and talking about memories with Huzoor for hours. Of course, through that experience and with the guidance of our beloved Huzoor Anwar we built great connection with Allah the All-Mighty. Second is that when I was going to Jamia I was young and I had to leave my home, my family, my friends, my country and move to a whole new environment. But that experience of leaving and starting a new life, living in a hostel with new people, developed me greatly into the person I am today. I met new friends be it my classmates, school mates and even teachers and these were amazing people. Jamia was like a close family for me and meeting different people from different backgrounds, helped me as a person. I used to always say that Jamia is like its own world and if one successfully passes through it, he can live anywhere in this world. The third thing is the many activities we had in Jamia, be it the visits of Huzoor, the competitions, the hiking, the sports days, the intensity of the studies sometimes etc. These activities taught and prepared you for what you will find in the real world when you graduate. So for me all those activities helped me a lot during my time in Jamia and even now as a missionary.

How has studying in Jamia prepared you for your posting? As I said earlier on, going through the Jamia system and all the activities and the people you meet, helps prepare you for your posting. During our time in Jamia we had many mulaqats with Huzoor on several occasions and I remember Huzoor always gave very good advice and guidance that until this day serves as great help for me in my posting. I will say my Principal at Jamia Respected Mian Nasir Inam Ahmad Sahib, he inspired me a lot in Jamia and gave me lots of advice and guidance during my time in Jamia. All my teachers and friends in one way or the other helped prepare me for my posting. So I will say it’s a whole package but definitely studying in Jamia is an experience that prepares you for your posting anywhere in the world.

Where are you posted and what is your daily shows me and to always make him proud. What are two things that you would advise the routine? current Jamia students around the world? Currently I am posted at MTA International Gambia Studios. I am serving as the Co-ordinator of To always keep that special bond with belovMTA Gambia. My daily routine depends on day to ed Huzoor and even though you are in Jamia, write to day but mostly it’s about meetings with the staff and Huzoor frequently praying for him and also requestalso MTA central team in UK. Making sure that we ing prayers for your success in Jamia. achieve our monthly targets. As we are running our own MTA Gambia digital channel, I help to make Secondly, always be obedient to your teachsure that the channel is running smoothly and that we ers, respecting them and knowing that whatever they have good quality programmes to show our viewers. put you through whether you like it or not, is preparIt’s challenging work but also fun at the same time ing you for the future. Enjoy your time in Jamia as a because you are always engaged in doing something family and enjoy every moment especially with your all the time and working with an amazing team be it classmates and friends because you will miss these MTA Gambia staff or MTA Markaz (UK) team. times. How important is it for a Murrabi to keep in What advice would you give to anyone who constant contact with Hadhrat Khalifat-ul- wants to join Jamia but is unsure about this life Masih? changing decision? Keeping in contact with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih is one way that will be a source of success for a Murabbi. Huzoor should always be aware of what you are doing so that he can always remember you and pray for you. I know that whether we write to Huzoor or not, he is always praying for us as Murabbian, but keeping that personal contact with Huzoor will make him remember you even fondly. I am also happy that even after Jamia though I am posted far away from Huzoor but luckily I do meet Huzoor probably twice or three times in a year, he always remembers my name and also treats me like family. That inspires me a lot and keeps me going and working hard because I always want to repay Huzoor for the kindness he

My advice will be that seek guidance and prayers from Huzoor. It is my belief that for any Ahmadi youth joining Jamia, it is the best decision that you will ever make in your life. Jamia may seem tough but once you are there, you will really love it and also life in the field as well. The life of a Jamia student and that of a Murabbi is very rewarding.

Please share some personal stories or moments you had with Hadhrat Khalifatul-Masihaba? During Jamia, by the grace of Allah Almighty we had many Mulaqats with Huzoor and every moment with Huzoor was remarkably amazing and

memorable. Huzoor’s personal love and appreciation because Huzoor was very kind that he took his time for Jamia students has always been and is amazing. to search ‘studs’ on his iPad and called me over so that we can see the results together. Normally when I would go for Mulaqat I wear African dress and the reason for that is because I am During my first year of Jamia (then Jamia was from Africa and Huzoor loves it when I wear African in Colliers Wood, London) every Friday we would dress. So in one particular Mulaqat I was wearing an go to Baitul Futuh to offer Jummah behind Huzoor. African dress that I remember in had cufflinks on one of the Friday them instead of Sermons, I was buttons. So Husitting in the third zoor asked ‘what or fourth row but is that?’ I told directly in front him ‘Cufflinks’ of Huzoor, lisand he said ‘these tening to his Serare called Studs’, mon. Those days then jokingly I used the transI told Huzoor lation radio so nowadays they that I can listen are called Cufto the sermon in flinks. Huzoor English because then smiled and I could not fully said ‘ok let’s have understand Urdu, a look’. So he so I was wearing brought his iPad the radio over my out and called me ear. I remember to come and stand Huzoor was looknext to him so that we can search it together on Goog- ing at me while delivering his Friday Sermon. Then le. When Huzoor typed Stud, I was amazed to see two or three weeks later, I had Mulaqat with Huzoor that cufflinks came up as well. I never knew cufflinks and during my Mulaqat Huzoor asked me ‘how do were once called studs. After that, Huzoor smiled you listen to my Sermon?’. I told Huzoor I use the raand told me to give me his iPad charger, which was dio and listen to his Sermon in English. Huzoor then connected to an adapter. I then asked Huzoor ‘only told me ‘from now on always listen to my Sermon in the cable or the whole charger?’ to which he replied Urdu live and when you return back to Jamia, listen ‘the whole charger’. I then unplugged it and gave it to the repeat in English to see how much you underto Huzoor and I sat down and Huzoor continued his stood’. I felt happy and honoured that Huzoor, deconversation with me. This Mulaqat was very special spite his busy engagements, gave attention to Jamia

students and was always willing to help us and improve us. From that day on, I always listen to the Sermons of Huzoor in Urdu. The amazing thing is that even after Jamia, Huzoor remembers us and whenever we meet him during Mulaqats or weather he is passing by and we are standing on the side, he always shows us that love he used to show us during our Jamia days. I remembered in 2019 I went to attend Jalsa Salana UK and Eid was a week or so after the Jalsa. So we booked our return tickets so that we can return back to Gambia and attend the Eid there. Our return day was on a Saturday and Eid was on a Monday, and it was on that Saturday we had Mulaqat with Huzoor as part of Gambian delegates. I remember we packed all our luggage in the car and from Mulaqat we were to go to the airport. When we went into Huzoor’s office we had a very wonderful time with Huzoor. When we were leaving Huzoor’s office, I was the last one behind so Huzoor called me back. Huzoor then told me ‘You are doing Eid here with me’. I replied my return tickets to Gambia have been booked for today. Huzoor then smiled and gave me a gift. When I went out of Huzoor’s office, and switched my phone on, I immediately received an email/message from the airline that my flight is cancelled for that day and will be leaving the day after Eid-ul-Adha. So I remembered Huzoor’s word “You are doing Eid here with me”. That year I prayed Eid behind Huzoor and the day after Eid, I returned back to Gambia. This and many other events are so inspiring to me and always increase my love for Huzoor and the Institution of Khilafat. Not every Murrabi will be posted near Huzoor. What advice would you give for those Murrabian that are posted far away from Markaz and their families? The advice is that every Murabbi should remember that wherever you may be, however far you may be posted from Huzoor, one thing that should keep you happy is that Huzoor is always praying for every Murabbi of this Jamaat no matter where he is posted. The most important thing is that every Murabbi should always keep contact with Huzoor by regularly writing to Huzoor and keeping him updated with whatever he is doing. Every Murabbi should also always continue praying for Huzoor at all times, requesting Jamaat members to pray for Huzoor as well.

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