Hazrat Ya’Qub (Peace be upon him)
Glad Tidings of the Birth of Hazrat Ya’Qubas
When Hazrat Abraham’sas wife was frightened by the sad news of the impending destruction of Hazrat Lot’sas people, her heartfelt pity pleased God and He gave her the glad tidings of the birth of a grandson (Ya’Qub) in addition to the announcement of a son (Isaac). (Holy Qur’an Ch.11: V.72)
Jacob - Hazrat Ya’Qubas
Hazrat Ya’Qubas, known as Jacob in the Bible, was the son of Isaac and Rebekah. He was the grandson of Abrahamas and the traditional ancestor of the people of Israel and also known as the third Patriarch. (Enc. Bib. & Jew Enc.) (Holy Qur’an Ch.12: V.7)
The Most Important Patriarch for the Jews ‣
In the light of the Bible, Jacobas was the third and final of the Jewish Patriarchs. Jacobas lived in the Land of Canaan, Haran, and Egypt. Unlike Abrahamas and Isaacas, Jacob’sas entire family remained righteous - his 12 sons became the 12 tribes of Israel, the Shevatim The Jewish Sages call Jacobas the ‘favourite’ of the Patriarchs. After Hazrat Jacobas successfully fought off an angel, God named him Israel (Yisrael in Hebrew) - the name that all the Jewish people became known by ‘Bnei Yisrael’ or the ‘Nation of Israel’. (Ber. Rabba 76)
(A Book of Religious Knowledge: Judaism).