Maryam Jan-Mar 2020 (English)

Page 8

Writings of the Promised Messiahas CONTROLLING ONE’S TONGUE

‫ویکینں ےک رکےن اور رباویئں ےس رےنک ےک ابرے ںیم رضحت حیسم وموعد ہیلع‬

With regards to enjoining goodness and forbidding evil the Promised Messiahas states: “…one must hold back the tongue from saying anything that is contrary to the

pleasure of God Almighty. Yet, it is necessary to use the tongue to express ‫روانک رضوری ےہ۔ ایس‬ ‫ےس‬ ‫دخااعتٰیل یک راض دنمی ےک الخف یسک ابت ےک ےنہک‬ the truth. The greatness of the believers is described as follows:

‫)ومونمں یک اش‬115:‫ےہ۔ {یَا ْ ُم ُر ْو َن بِا ْ​ْلَعْ ُر ْو ِف َویَنْھَ ْو َن َع ِن ا ْ​ْلُن ْ َک ِر} (آل رمعان‬

‫اینپیلمعاحتلےساثتبرکداھکےئہکوہاسوق‬ ‫ااسنن‬ ‫ےہہک‬Vs.115) ‫ےسےلہپرضوریوہات‬ (Surah Al-e-Imran They enjoin what is good and forbid evil.

Before one enjoins goodness and forbids evil to others, it is incumbent for an ‫رضوریےہ۔سپای‬individual ‫انبین‬ ‫یھبوت‬ ‫وہدورسوںرپاانپارثڈاےلاسوکاینپاحتلارثادناز‬ to prove through their own practical state that they possess the strength within themselves to act accordingly. The reason being that before an individual

exert an‫یھب‬ influence must‫اہں‬ first‫رووک۔‬ make ‫تم‬ their own ‫ےہ۔اورادنازایبنا‬can‫رضوری‬ ‫انشتخ‬on‫یک‬others, ‫ومعق‬they ‫لحماور‬ ‫یھبک‬state ‫ےس‬influential. So remember, never hold back your tongue from enjoining goodness and

‫‘‘۔‬and ‫ےہ‬one’s ‫تخسانگہ‬ ‫وھکانل‬of‫اک‬speech ‫یھبزابن‬ ‫ےک‬and‫وقتی‬ ‫ااسییہ‬ ‫وہ۔اور‬ ٰ gentle. manner must‫الخف‬ be kind Similarly, it is a grave

forbidding evil. It is necessary, however, to be considerate of time and place, sin to engage the tongue in speech that is contrary to righteousness.”

91 ‫اڈینشی‬،282-281‫(وفلماظتدلجاولہحفص‬

[Al-Hakam, vol. 5, no. 11, dated 24 March 1901, pp. 1-4] (Malfuzat, Volume II, P.137-138)

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