Writings of the Promised Messiahas CONTROLLING ONE’S TONGUE
ویکینں ےک رکےن اور رباویئں ےس رےنک ےک ابرے ںیم رضحت حیسم وموعد ہیلع
With regards to enjoining goodness and forbidding evil the Promised Messiahas states: “…one must hold back the tongue from saying anything that is contrary to the
pleasure of God Almighty. Yet, it is necessary to use the tongue to express روانک رضوری ےہ۔ ایس ےس دخااعتٰیل یک راض دنمی ےک الخف یسک ابت ےک ےنہک the truth. The greatness of the believers is described as follows:
)ومونمں یک اش115:ےہ۔ {یَا ْ ُم ُر ْو َن بِا ْْلَعْ ُر ْو ِف َویَنْھَ ْو َن َع ِن ا ْْلُن ْ َک ِر} (آل رمعان
اینپیلمعاحتلےساثتبرکداھکےئہکوہاسوق ااسنن ےہہکVs.115) ےسےلہپرضوریوہات (Surah Al-e-Imran They enjoin what is good and forbid evil.
Before one enjoins goodness and forbids evil to others, it is incumbent for an رضوریےہ۔سپایindividual انبین یھبوت وہدورسوںرپاانپارثڈاےلاسوکاینپاحتلارثادناز to prove through their own practical state that they possess the strength within themselves to act accordingly. The reason being that before an individual
exert anیھب influence mustاہں firstرووک۔ make تم their own ےہ۔اورادنازایبناcanرضوری انشتخonیکothers, ومعقthey لحماور یھبکstate ےسinfluential. So remember, never hold back your tongue from enjoining goodness and
‘‘۔and ےہone’s تخسانگہ وھکانلofاکspeech یھبزابن ےکandوقتی ااسییہ وہ۔اور ٰ gentle. manner mustالخف be kind Similarly, it is a grave
forbidding evil. It is necessary, however, to be considerate of time and place, sin to engage the tongue in speech that is contrary to righteousness.”
91 اڈینشی،282-281(وفلماظتدلجاولہحفص
[Al-Hakam, vol. 5, no. 11, dated 24 March 1901, pp. 1-4] (Malfuzat, Volume II, P.137-138)