The highlight of the day was Hazur’saba inaugural address, in which Hazuraba spoke about how one can achieve the true purpose of Jalsa, which in essence is: to quench our spiritual thirst. Hazuraba said we should tread the path of righteousness and shun worldliness, attain nearness to God, suppress anger, develop brotherhood, adopt humility and establish truthfulness, to bring about a pure change within ourselves. (https://www.reviewofreligions. org/33207/address-at-the-inaugural-session-ofjalsa-salana-uk-2021-righteousness-and-mutuallove-fulfilling-the-true-purpose-of-jalsa-officialsummary/) The notorious British weather deserves a mention, for it rained and rained, and although it presented many challenges, the workers and attendees remained resolute. JALSA SALANA UK 2021: DAY 2 For the Lajna, the second day of Jalsa Salana is very special, as Hazuraba graces the Lajna marquee to deliver his address. Naturally, there was a larger attendance of women on this day. I spoke to a few mothers who told us about their childcare arrangements for the day. Families and friends came to each other’s aid. Fathers stepped up to the challenge of keeping the kids entertained for the day and grandparents happily obliged too. Many women spoke about the preparations they had made for their families before making their journey to Hadeeqatul Mahdi - a meal was cooked, activities had been planned and children were reassured that ‘don’t worry, Mama will be back soon’. During the break, several women could be found in a quiet corner of the marquee or outside, calling in to check on the children, comforting those that were struggling to be apart from them, with promises being made of sweet treats if Jalsa proceedings were listened to, if namaz was offered and if they were behaving well. Several women commented that though it was a blessing to be attending Jalsa Salana, as it felt strange without their children.
And then there were our volunteers, who arrived early every morning and worked into the late hours of the night, leaving their children and homes, to serve the guests of the Promised Messiahas. Their dedication is a true embodiment of the Lajna pledge ‘I shall always be ready to sacrifice my life, property, time and children for the cause of faith’. May Allah the Almighty accept their efforts and reward them abundantly. Ameen. Hazur’saba address at the Lajna Gah was on the topic of the rights and responsibilities of men and women. Hazuraba said how important it was to open our spiritual eyes in a time of worldliness. Hazuraba spoke about the rights given to women in Islam, marriage in Islam, rights owed to one’s family, treating women with justice and the spiritual rank of women.