Maryam July – Sept 2021 (English)

Page 48

Throughout my life I have been very blessed to have many experiences with Khilafat through MTA, Classes with Hazur aba , Ijtemas and many more. Though if I think what would be my earliest memory of Khilafat, it would be one of my first Mulaqaat with beloved Hazuraba. I remember the anticipation of waiting to meet beloved Hazuraba and as I entered the room it felt surreal to be in the same room . I vividly remember beloved Hazuraba very kindly giving us chocolate, and I have always been a leftie, so when I unconsciously reached for the chocolate with my left hand, beloved Hazuraba gently moved away the chocolate which made me realise what I did. Beloved Hazuraba patiently waited for me to reach again but with my right hand, I clearly remember the warm smile Hazuraba had given me when I reached again with my right hand. Umimah Aleem

By the sheer grace of Allah the Almighty, there are many beautiful and cherished memories I have with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba all of which I keep safely guarded in the inner most depths of my heart. One such moment in particular took place when I was much younger, early on in beloved Hazur’saba Khilafat. At the time, the Gulshan-e-Waqf-eNau classes had newly been organised and

we were having the immense honour to sit in Hazur’s aba company and had the great blessing to build a relationship with Hazur aba . At the end of one such class, Hazur-e-Aqdasaba looked to the girls seated before him and asked as to who knows the meaning of the revelation, ‘Alaysallahu bi kaafin abduhu’, and to my great fortune I was among only a small handful of girls that shot their hands up in the air in the desperate hope of giving the correct answer. Somehow, by the grace of Allah the Almighty, I was chosen by Hazuraba to answer, to which I, summing up all my courage, said, ‘Hazuraba, it means, “Is Allah not sufficient for His servant”?’ Hazuraba, kindly replied, ‘yes, it is correct’ and followed this by so kindly asking if I was wearing the ring with this verse on it at the time! I replied that I was, to which Hazuraba beckoned me towards himself and told me to take off my ring. Taking my ring in his blessed hands, beloved Hazuraba then placed it on his little finger alongside the alaysallah ring of Hazrat Masih Maudas and then also touched it to the ‘maula bas’ ring as well. Upon seeing this I was overwhelmed with emotion at how such an important and blessed man of God could show someone like me such pure love and care, indeed not just to me, but to each and every member of our Jama’at. Alhamdolillah for this beautiful and divine gift of Khilafat! Naima Clarke

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