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LGBT Workplace Equality Employer Policy Guideline

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1. 承諾成為平等機會僱主 - 簽署同志平等工作間約章,表明公司願意成為同志平等機會僱主 - 在同志 平等工作間招聘網站,刊登招聘廣告 同志 平等工作間 招聘網站:www.wchk.org/eo-job 建議公司類型: 1-50人之小型公司;50-100人之中小企、100人之上之大企業

1. Equal Employment Opportunity Charter - Employers, are invited to sign the Equal Employment Opportunity Charter, ensuring an inclusive workplace for LGBT employees. - Opportunity to put free advertisements on LGBT’s job recruitment websites. Target corporation size: 1-50/ 50-100 / 100 or above

2. 消除性傾向歧視政策 - 在公司現有的平等機會政策中,加入消除性傾向歧視政策。 - 制訂程序,處理與同志相關的欺凌和騷擾行為,或在工作間內的不滿和投訴。 平等機會政策範例: XX公司政策闡明為所有人提供平等就業機會,不論其年齡、膚色、國籍、身 體或精神殘疾、種族、宗教、信仰、性別、婚姻狀況、性傾向或任何其他身份。 - 如公司在新入職員工的合約後有夾附公司政策文件,可考慮加入平等機會政 策內容 建議公司類型: 50-100人之中小企、100人以上之大企業

2. Anti-Discrimination Policy - Ensuring a comprehensive equal opportunity policey that includes issues relating to sexual orientation is a critical starting point for any company looking to create safe and productive working environments for LGBT employees. - Develop policies and procedures to provide a written declaration that discrimination and harassment on the grounds of sexual orientation are prohibited and will not be tolerated. Sample: Our company is committed to providing equal employment opportunities in the area of age, color, nationality, disability, religion, gender, family status, sexual orientation etc. - If your company used to include Company Policy in the staff employment document or contract, the equal opportunity policy could also be included. Target corporation size: 50-100 / 100 or above

3. 多元培訓 為僱員提供培訓活動,認識如何友善對待同志及平等機會概念,營造共融的工 作間文化。 培訓活動內容建議: - 可邀請專業機構,或公司內部培訓導師授課。如:政府政制及內地事務局的 性別認同及性傾向小組,及非牟利機構社會賢匯等,均有提供有關培訓 - 課程內容包括同志友善詞彙、同志面對的處境、平等機會概念、公司推行的 同志平等政策等 - 公司內各級員工也應接受訓練,包括新入職僱員以至高級管理層 - 培訓可用不同形式舉行,例如網上培訓、開設講座等 建議公司類型: 100人之上之大企業

3. Diversity Training Education and awareness is the first crucial step in overcoming prejudice and stereotypes and creating a positive workplace culture. This is particularly true when it comes to a subject as sensitive as sexual orientation and gender identity. Suggest Programme: - Training can be delivered by trainers from professional training organizations or by in-house personnel. Trainings are available from serveral sources, for example: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Unit of Hong Kong Government's Constitional and Maninland Affairs Bureau or non-profit organization Community Business. - In developing programme of diversity training, companies are advised to incorporate the subject of LGBT-friendly terminology, the issues involved, concept of equal opportunities, and the policies in place to support. - Training is for all employees from new recruits through to senior managers in the company. - Companies may choose to deliver such diversity training through a variety of means, be it online or classroom based.

Target corporation size: 100 or above

4. 支援同志員工的組織架構 -

安排指定人員解決及跟進涉及同志僱員投訴、查詢或意見 如公司員工有興趣建立同志僱員網絡,可提供相應支援協助 如公司有願意公開自己身份的同志僱員,可關注他們在事業發展的狀況 物色一位領導層,帶領及支援同志平等計劃,表達公司的支持及友善態度

具體運作建議: - 指定人員可以是人力資源部門的同事,可在員工守則等文件列出,或透過內 部備忘等向員工知悉 - 若有員工有意成立同志僱員網絡,公司可以讓他們使用公司內的設施、電子 網絡等資源。 建議公司類型: 50-100人之中小企、100人之上之大企業

4. Diversity Structure - Ensure there is a person, team or working group with responsibility for addressing LGBT issues. - Establish and support an LGBT employee network. - Identify an executive sponsor for LGBT issues. - If there are LGBT employees who are open in the workplace, track their career progress to ensure they are given equal opportunities to develop. - Nominate a specific individual to be responsible for addressing LGBT issues to ensure the matters relating to the LGBT community are appropriately championed and addressed. Indeed where possible, the individual or team should be responsible not just for dealing with problems related to LBGT but also proactive promoting greater LGBT diversity within the organization. Target corporation size: 50-100/ 100 or above

5. 多元福利政策 - 為僱員的同性伴侶,提供與異性伴侶或配偶同等的福利 具體運作建議: - 同性伴侶並不被香港法律承認,然而好些本港同性伴侶會到海外註冊,公司 可考慮認可此類伴侶,提供異性配偶同等的福利 - 公司可以較寬鬆方式為同性伴侶(不論有否註冊)提供軟性或恩恤的福利, 例如喪假、伴侶臨危休假、邀請伴侶出席公司週年晚宴等 建議公司類型: 50-100人之中小企、100人之上之大企業

5. Benefits - Offer same benefits to employees to cover their same-sex partners regardless of the employee’s sexual orientation, gender expression or gender identity. Suggestion: - One of the biggest areas of concern for LGBT employees in Hong Kong is that same-sex partnership is not legally recognized in Hong Kong. Some same sex couples register for marrige or civil union overseas. Most companies do not offer same sex partners the same benefits as spouses. Company may consider offering the same benefits to LGBT employees whom received legal marriage registration from overseas. - Companies may also extend to softer benefits, such as bereavement leave, employee assistance programmes, relocation assistance or company’s events. Target corporation size: 50-100/ 100 or above

6. 企業文化 向僱員傳達公司支持性傾向平等機會的訊息,可透過海報、電郵、員工通訊、 內聯網頁等途徑 具體運作建議: - 可在辦公室內張貼包含同志共融訊息的海報 - 定期透過電郵或員工通訊等渠道,向所有職員發放同志友善的訊息或與同志 議題相關的資料 - 在公司網站的「職位空缺」版面可加添一個同志友善小標誌、或「本公司是 性傾向平等機會僱主」的字句。 - 如公司有出版年報,可包括工作間多元政策的部份 建議公司類型: 1-50人之小型公司;50-100人之中小企、100人之上之大企業

6. Corporate Culture Engage with LGBT staffs via posters, emails or intranet pages, diversity meeting, etc. To communicate to all employees about how the company supports and values its LGBT workforce. Suggestion: - Companies are advised to engage with LGBT staffs on regular basis. This might be via posters, emails or intranet pages, or through specific diversity meetings and forums. - A LGBT-friendly icon or a line of text such as "We are a LGBT equal opportunities employer" can be added on the "Job Vacancies" page of company's website. - If you company publish annual report, a section of workplace Diversity policy can be included. Target corporation size: 1-50/ 50-100 / 100 or above

7. 市場定位 在公司或品牌市場推廣計劃中,加入同志友善的部份。 具體運作建議: - 在本地同志媒體及溝通平台,刊登專為同志社群而設的廣告 - 在推廣計劃中,採用公開同志身份的藝人 - 持續在同志社群中出現,效果會最好。單一次推廣項目可能未必有顯著成 果 - 在大眾傳播媒體的廣告中,加入同志友善的元素,或至少審閱廣告訊息會否 有歧視同志的成份 建議公司類型: 1-50人之小型公司;50-100人之中小企、100人之上之大企業

7. Market Positioning Engage in respectful and appropriate marketing to the LGBT community. Suggestion: - Advertising on the LGBT website or networking platform on regular basis. - Companies may consider using LGBT artists to help their promotion. - Maintain branding consistency. - Include LGBT-friendly elements in advertisements and review messages so as to not alienate target audience. Target corporation size: 1-50/ 50-100 / 100 or above

8. 投入社區 提倡支持 - 支持同志平權活動或服務同志社群的非牟利機構活動 - 進行招聘或市場推廣時,以同志社群為目標 - 清晰的公司立場,支持同志平權 具體運作建議: - 可贊助不同類型的同志平權活動,如香港同志遊行、香港同志電影節等活 動 - 鼓勵員工參與香港同志遊行,或在公司對外或對內的溝通渠道,協助宣傳同 志平權活動 建議公司類型: 1-50人之小型公司;50-100人之中小企、100人之上之大企業

8. Community and Advocacy - Supporting LGBT advocacy or service activities run by LGBT organizations - Targeting LGBT groups for recruitment and marketing purposes. - Demonstrates that the company has an equal and diverse policy that supports LGBT rights. Suggestion: - Sponsoring and participating in public events such as the Hong Kong Pride Parade, the Hong Kong Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, etc. - Encourage LGBT employees to participate in public events so as to enhance the communication channels internally and externally, thus promoting LGBT equality. Target corporation size: 1-50/ 50-100 / 100 or above

參考資料:《為香港同/雙性戀和跨性別僱員創造共融工作間僱主資源指南》 ;社商賢匯出版 Reference: Creating Inclusive Workplaces for LGBT Employees: A Resource Guide for Employers in Hong Kong. Published by Community Business Limited 聯絡: 香港女同盟會 楊煒煒 幹事 電話: 8103 0701 電郵: wylieyeo@wchk.org Contact: Women Coalition of HKSAR Ms. Yeo Wai Wai Officer Tel: 8103 0701 E-mail: wylieyeo@wchk.org

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