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“dentro” le aziende e perseveranza nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi». SAIB continua così la sua adesione ai principi dell’economia circolare e un approccio sempre più green alla produzione attraverso azioni concrete, tra cui la realizzazione del nuovo essiccatoio: un investimento pari a 20 milioni di euro che ridurrà le emissioni in atmosfera del 20% aumentando la produttività degli impianti di produzione del pannello grezzo.


The volume “Il Bosco Circolare” was presented with aspecial meeting last May 20 at the 5/A showroom of SAIB in Caorso (Piacenza). Promoted by the Piacenza company, the publication deals with the issue of sustainability seen from different perspectives, with the aim of offering everyone a stimulus for reflection. With its decades-long history in the production of raw and ennobled chipboard panels, RPB - Regenerated Particle Board, through a sustainable production process based exclusively on the regeneration of wood at the end of its life, SAIB is the spokesperson for a strategic choice that can no longer be postponed. Signed by Clara Conti CEO of SAIB, Paolo Casicci - The Design CUT journalist and professor of history of design, Stefano Pogutz and Maria Carmela Ostillio professors at SDA Bocconi, "Il Bosco Circolare" offers both a wide-ranging vision on sustainability and a photograph of the situation in the wood furniture sector thanks to the results of the research conducted by the students of the master in Green

Management, Energy and Corporate Social Re-

sponsibility of the Bocconi University, Camille Quartana and Massimo Ardigò. The contribution to sustainability, which can come from increasingly hybrid and interconnected fields of design, was entrusted to interviews with thirteen prominent names in the Italian design and architecture scene including Mario Cucinella, Alfonso Femia, Giulio Iacchetti, Aldo Cibic, Andrea Balzari - Atelier Mendini, Paola Navone and Diego Grandi. What it is possible to learn from others, on the other hand, is investigated by Maria Carmela Ostillio in a chapter dedicated to some positive realities operating in the fields of fashion, personal care and the home. The volume is embellished with illustrations by Matilde Tacchini who, in a simple and incisive way, graphically tackle "burning" issues related to the circular economy. The presentation, in the presence of entrepreneurs in the sector, the authors traced the contents of the volume with incisiveness, deepening with many case histories also the broader value aspects of sustainability and the economic, strategic and marketing repercussions that make it a important competitive weapon. Veronica Tonini of Salvatore Ferragamo recounted the maison's experience and the largest virtuous example in the fashion world, underlining how the adoption of the Fashion Pact for environmental protection by thirty-two clothing brands in 2019 is probably the right path to follow. An example that Clara Conti has decided to follow by communicating to the public her desire to promote the creation of the Furniture Pact and starting a collection of signatures of membership among those present. "There are three keywords that identify a correct sustainable approach", Clara Conti summed up at the end of the day, "consistency between the values adopted, transparency so that everyone can be aware of what is happening "inside" the companies and perseverance in achieving of the objectives". SAIB thus continues its adherence to the principles of the circular economy and an increasingly green approach to production through concrete actions, including the construction of the new dryer: an investment of 20 million euros that will reduce emissions into the atmosphere by 20% by increasing the productivity of the raw panel production plants.

VERINLEGNO www.verinlegno.it


Le vernici intumescenti della linea Firefighter di Verinlegno minimizzano la reazione al fuoco del supporto ligneo sul quale sono applicate rendendo l'ambiente nel quale vengono utilizzate (abitazione, ristorante, teatro etc.) più sicuro. Lo fanno donando morbidezza, lucentezza o adeguato grado di opacità per valorizzarne tutta la bellezza. La linea Firefighter è certificata in "Classe 1" italiana, secondo la normativa UNI 9796; in Euroclasse- UNI en 13501-1 ed è conforme alla normativa Med-96/98 CE detta anche del "Timoncino" per le vernici da imbarcazione. Per l'Italia: le vernici della linea Firefighter consentono di portare in classe 1 (la più alta prevista) qualsiasi supporto situato in classe diversa prima dell'applicazione, conferendogli così una bassissima capacità di propagazione della fiamma. Sono certificate le seguenti vernici: V300 IGF VPKTR (gloss: 10/20/30/50/85) vernice opaca poliuretanica trasparente a 2 componenti; i prodotti V500v580 (SERIE KROMAT) vernici opache poliuretaniche pigmentate bicomponenti nei colori bianco/ nero/giallo/rosso/blu, miscelabili. Il V 400 IGF VPK PARQUET e il V600 (opaco lucido poliuretanico per parquet bicomponente). Il V840 IGF Idrofinish Tx vari gloss (opaco idrosolubile trasparente bicomponente in vari gloss).

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