Theology and Religious Studies
Theology and Religious Studies Jaime Vidaurrazaga, Ph.D. Chair
Recognizing the study of theology and religion as an integral part of a liberal arts education, Emmanuel requires all students to take two courses in the area of Religious Thought. These courses introduce students to the academic study of religion and provide the kind of training in research and analysis, critical thinking, and expository writing which both employers and graduate schools are seeking. Students choose to major in Theology and Religious Studies for a variety of reasons. Often they find it complements career goals in teaching, social work or other helping professions. As a liberal arts degree, it prepares students for further study in law or business. Some students go on to graduate programs in religion, theology or ministry.
LEARNING GOALS AND OUTCOMES Upon completion of the major in Theology and Religious Studies, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of religions as historically rooted and constantly developing traditions. 2. Apply theological claims to moral reasoning and practice. 3. Competently analyze primary texts from at least one major religious tradition. 4. Analyze the interaction of religion with society, politics, the arts and culture. 5. Compare and contrast popular mis conceptions of religion with scholarly knowledge of religion. 6. Evaluate theological claims for internal consistency, coherence with human experience and social expression. 7. Demonstrate the skills to write cogently, reason critically, present professionally and discuss competently 8. Synthesize acquired knowledge into an original work of critical scholarship.
THE CAPSTONE EXPERIENCE The culminating experience for Theology and Religious Studies majors is a Directed Research and Seminar course (THRS4182). This course is typically completed in the student’s final year of study after most major requirements are completed. For this course, students work closely with a faculty advisor to conduct independent research and to write a major paper that demonstrates both the ability to examine a topic in depth and to integrate and synthesize two or more areas in Theology and Religious Studies, e.g., scripture and ethics. Student achievement is
2021-2022 Academic Catalog
Programs of Study for Arts and Sciences
Because religion plays a central role in human culture, religious literacy is critical for anyone wishing to understand our rapidly globalizing world. The study of theology and religion allows for the contemplation of crucial human questions regarding the origins of the universe, the purpose of existence, the nature of morality, and our final destiny. The Theology and Religious Studies faculty engages all religions with openness and respect. As a Catholic College, Emmanuel welcomes students of all faiths as well as those who do not identify with a religious faith. Courses are offered in Catholicism and Christianity, as well as world religions such as Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. Courses frequently consider questions about poverty, ecology, and human rights, and an emphasis on experiential learning, service learning, and social justice helps prepare students to be engaged and astute global citizens.