Interdisciplinary Courses with other religions, while other religious leaders embrace it? In order to address these questions, we will study disciplines such as interreligious dialogue (the practice of substantive conversation with a member of a different religion), theology of religions (how religions interpret another), and comparative theology (thinking across religious boundaries). Fall semester, odd years. 4 credits Prerequisite: One previous THRS course or permission of instructor
THRS4178 Directed Study Fall and spring semesters. 4 credits Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
THRS4182 Directed Research Fall and spring semesters. 4 credits Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSES HONOR1301 A Scientific Society: Morality and Molecules Scientific Inquiry (SI)
Our world is enmeshed in an ever-growing partnership and dependence on science This course aims to explore the ways scientists and their contributions have been impactful in social, political, economic, and ethical spheres throughout history. We will explore the paradox that arises when a single scientific discovery can both feed the world’s starving and spawn the development of the first chemical warfare agent. When bombs can be a sustainable source of energy, and cures for disease can poison the environment. We will examine the dilemmas faced by individual scientists as they attempt the balancing act of gaining a deeper understanding and the moral perils that accompany their discoveries. This course also seeks to highlight the role society plays in mediating broader ethical considerations and technological advances. Lastly, we will address whether responsibility ultimately falls to the scientists for the promotion of social justice and a betterment of civilization. Fall semester, according to Honors Program rotation. 4 credits Participation in College Honors Program
HONOR2201 Affective Reading: Sympathy and the Institution of the English Novel Affective Reading: Sympathy and the Institution of the English Novel will provide students with an interdisciplinary analysis of one of the most recognizable literary genres in the world. Tracing the developments of different philosophical approaches to sympathy in the 18th century, this course will consider how novels respond to the emotional needs of their readers by presenting the possibilities and limitations of human interaction. Emerging at a time 2021-2022 Academic Catalog
Course Descriptions for Arts and Sciences
Aesthetic Inquiry Literature (AI-L)