Academic Regulations
General Information for Arts and Sciences
Academic Regulations REGISTRATION With the advice of their academic advisors, students register online through Student Planning facilitated by the Office of the Registrar each semester. Students who are already enrolled pre-register in April for the following summer and fall semesters and in November for the following spring semester. A student is officially registered for classes only after all financial obligations to the College have been met or an acceptable and approved deferred payment plan has been arranged with the Office of Student Financial Services. New students with outstanding final official transcripts will not be permitted to register for their second semester until these transcripts have been received by Emmanuel College.
FULL-TIME STATUS Full-time undergraduate students normally carry a course load of between 12 and 20 credits per semester.
ADD/DROP Students wishing to change a course must secure the necessary forms and/or contact the Office of the Registrar in writing from their Emmanuel College email address. Undeclared students must seek advisor written approval to make any changes to their schedule after the online registration period. This must be done prior to the end of the add/drop period. Students may not enter a class after the add period, which ends after the first week of classes during the fall and spring semesters. Matriculated students who are not registered for any courses by the last day to add for the semester, will be administratively withdrawn and will need to contact the Office of the Registrar and their Emmanuel College
advisor about any future enrollments. Due to the accelerated nature of summer sessions, registration adds after the start date of the term are typically not permitted. Please refer to the academic calendar for add/drop deadlines. The drop period extends to the end of the second week of classes. Please see page 63 of the catalog for detailed information regarding refund policies. Please see separate summer refund policies on page 307.
CHOICE OF MAJOR Students should declare a major by March 1 of their sophomore year. Departmental faculty advisors are assigned in the sophomore year. Major declaration forms are available in the Office of the Registrar.
CLASS ATTENDANCE Class attendance is critical to a student’s mastery of knowledge and skills that are taught in a specific course. Emmanuel College has established an attendance policy to support student achievement in the classroom and to emphasize the correlation between attendance and academic success. Attending class is the responsibility of the student and the College expects students to attend class regularly. Course syllabi will state clearly the relationship between class participation and the course grade.
CLASS CANCELLATION In the event that a class meeting must be canceled, staff in the Office of the Registrar will post an official class cancellation notice.
AUDITING With the approval of the instructor and the student’s academic advisor, students may