2 minute read
Jaw Exercises
The truth is, as we age, we become less defined. Muscles shrink and extra fat appears in the neck and jawline. The skin will sag/roll. As continuously mentioned in this guide, exercise helps us to maintain a healthy, well-shaped face, and exercising the jaw muscles will help you to improve the look and definition of the jaw, not to fight against the aging process, but to encourage a more gradual process with toned muscles.
Vowel Sounds
Targets the muscles around the mouth and gives cheeks and jaw a good stretch. o Open your mouth wide and clearly and slowly pronounce the letter O o Follow this by slowly enunciating letter E followed by U o Try not to show or touch teeth as you speak o Repeat pattern 10 times
Helps to strengthen the chin muscles, which help define the jaw. o Close your mouth and push out your lower jaw. As you do this, lift and curl your lower lip o You will feel a stretch both under the chin and in the jawline. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds and then relax. o Repeat 3 times.
Chewing Gum Simulation
This simulation can work the jaw muscles and tone your cheek muscles. You will feel a stretch in your jaw muscles and your chin as well as at the sides and front of your neck. o Sit comfortably and turn your head to the right. o Pretend you’re chewing gum and chew for a count of 20. o Then turn your head to the other side and repeat. o Repeat above, and tilt your head back so that you’re looking up at the ceiling and chew for a count of 20. o When finished, relax the neck and stop chewing.
Jaw Sculpt Exercise
The following exercise helps to sculpt the jawline, it also increases the flow of oxygen to skin cells, and promotes healthy glowing skin. o Smile broadly and place one index finger on your chin. o Tilt your head back, but not to where it causes pain. o Slowly start to open and close your mouth, working only your lower jaw and keeping the rest of your head still. o Do this 3 times and then relax bringing your head forward. o Repeat 3 times once a day.
Key Notes & Takeaways: