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Personal Commitment

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If so, sign the below personal commitment to create your own 20-day face yoga practice.

It’s time to exercise your face like you exercise your body!


Before you commit to a 20-day, 20 minutes a day face yoga practice, you NEED to acknowledge that you commit to a healthy lifestyle, and you promise to develop habits that support the face & body you want to achieve. The results will only come if you commit to these things to and for yourself.

Maintaining and/or re-finding our youthful appearance and glow takes dedication, time, consistency, and, you’ve guessed it, repetition. We learn by repetition, we become experts through repetition, and repetition is the best way to develop our habits. So let’s work together to develop healthy habits that will leave you with the appearance you know you deserve.

I, _________________, commit, to practicing Face Yoga for my personal self-care. I, _________________, commit to practicing Face Yoga because I love and appreciate myself. I, _________________, know that a daily practice of taking care of myself is good for my mind, body and soul. I, _________________, commit to a healthy lifestyle and finding my personal routines of repetition that encourage me be proud of who I am. I, _________________, commit to practicing 10 or more minutes of Face Yoga a day, for the next 20 days.

To do:

Take a before photo – Date: ___________

20 days from now – Date: ___________

Take an after photo on the above date.

Help grow the practice of Face Yoga. Please share your before and after photos and a review of your experience with Katherine by emailing them to info@wellbeingwithkat.com. Also, please state if your photos and reviews are something you’re willing to share with others or if you would like them to be kept private.


Alam, M., Walter, A. J., Geisler, A., Roongpisuthipong, W., Sikorski, G., Tung, R., & Poon, E. (2018). Association of Facial Exercise With the Appearance of Aging. JAMA dermatology, 154(3), 365–367. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamadermatol.2017.5142

"Face Yoga Course: Online Training in Facial Yoga Exercises. " Center of Excellence

Web. 20 May 2020.

Paul, M. (2018, January 3). Facial exercises help middle-aged women appear more youthful. Retrieved May 13, 2020, from https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2018/january/facial-exercises-helpmiddle-aged-women-appear-more-youthful/ - :~:text=CHICAGO - A 30-minute daily,a new Northwestern Medicine study. Facial exercises help middle-aged women appear more youthful. (n.d.). Northwestern

Now. Retrieved October 20, 2022, from https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2018/january/facial-exercises-helpmiddle-aged-women-appear-more-youthful/

“Facial Muscles . ” A Big Art World , 16 Sept. 2015, https://abigartworld.weebly.com/pen/archives/09-2015.

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