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Eye Area Exercises
Second Exercise
o Place thumb index and finger on either side of the brow bone and grip gently o Still gripping, raise eyebrows, but use fingers to push down on each end of your eyebrow as they move upward o Maintain a smooth forehead as you raise your eyebrows o Repeat 10 times
Smoothing the Brow
A great way to alleviate tension and feelings of headaches. o Place both hands on forehead facing fingertips inward o Gently sweep fingers outwards across the forehead, apply light pressure to tighten the skin o Relax and repeat 10 times
When the skin around the eyes looks slightly swollen it can be caused by things such as stress, hormone changes, fluid retention, too much time in front of a screen, crying, lack of sleep, or too much salt in the diet. The exercises below help to reduce the puffiness around the eyes.
Eye Socket Tapping
Practice to reduce puffiness and get rid of dark circles under eyes. o With eyes opened and relaxed use your middle and/or pointer finger to tap gently around the eye socket beginning at brow o Move finger in a circle and then press gently on inner corner of eyes
o When finished with one eye move onto the other o Repeat 2-3 times on each eye
Kidney Soother
This exercise may reduce puffiness and dark circles from lack of sleep, dehydration, or even iron deficiency. However, persistent regularity of dark circles could mean a kidney malfunction and should be checked out by a medical expert.
o Make fists with hands and place your knuckles on lower back where kidneys are located o Gently roll fists back and forth across the lower back, over kidney area o While doing this it is helpful to flap your elbows out like your flying like a bird o Keep your first in motion as you do this and refrain from holding your breath o Do 8-10 flaps before stopping and stretching out fists
Under-eye bags are typically a result of the aging process as tissue and muscles around the eye start to weaken and the normal fat that surrounds and supports this area slumps down. Thankfully a regular workout can reduce the appearance and likelihood of under-eye bags.
The Big O
o Look straight ahead and open your mouth wide into an extended O shape and you should feel stretch under eyes o Without moving forehead look up with eyes and hold gaze for five seconds o Repeat 3 times
Crow’s Feet Minimizer
These little lines branch out from the corner of our eyes, a natural part of aging, however consistent exercise can help reduce their appearance. o Position your thumbs outside of each eye with palms facing up and rest your fingers on your head o Shut eyes and squeeze them tightly while simultaneously pulling skin back toward ears and hold this pose for five seconds then gently release the skin o Do 10 reps every other day, you can do this throughout the day instead of all at once
Surprise Eyes (Crow’s Feet Minimizer)
o Open eyes as wide as possible without wrinkling your forehead o Focus on something directly in front of you and hold this pose for five to ten seconds o Repeat 3 times
Bloodshot Eyes
Usually a symptom of being tired. Re-energizing eyes can help to get rid of redness without using eye drops. o Keep your forehead nice and relaxed and open eyes wide o Move eyes looking to the right for a few seconds o Move eyes clockwise to gaze up for a few seconds (While practicing, make sure to keep your forehead relaxed and wrinkle free) o Then move eyes to the left, down and around holding both positions for a few seconds o And repeat one more round o After 2 rounds, repeat movements counter clockwise. Starting with eyes looking to the left, up, right and down
Eyelid Lift
This exercise helps to tighten sagging skin and drooping eyelids. o Sit tall with an elongated spine o Take deep breaths in and out relaxing the shoulders, neck and forehead o Move right arm out slightly (45-degree angle) o Move left arm up toward the ceiling o Hold the pose a few seconds and stretch your arms. Left arm reaching up and right arm reaching out to the side (continues next page).
o Keep breathing and Release your right arm down to your side. Then bring left arm over your head, and your fingers to side the right side of face o Rest your ring finger on the side of eye and middle finger on side of face and gently use your hand to tilt your head to the left o With the fingers on skin lift upward to feel the stretch on face and eye, then slowly open your mouth wide, while lifting up with your fingers. o Do this for count of 5 and release o Release grip and bring head back to neutral, breathe o Repeat on opposite side
Brow Lift
A less firm and upright eyebrow is caused by weakened forehead muscles. o Place index finger on eyebrow and move it up and out o Feel your eyelid lifting o Counteract this movement by pushing brow back down (be gentle and take your time) o Hold for eight to ten seconds and remove fingers o Breathe and return index finger o Repeat 3 times
Binocular Pose for Symmetrical Eyes
o Shape both hands into a C o Take a deep breath and place hands over eyes with thumb on upper cheekbone and place tips of thumbs outside of nostrils. The other cupped fingers rest above the brow. Like holding invisible binoculars (continues next page). o Now gently press into face and move fingers upwards while pressing the thumb down o Hold for count of 5 and release o Breathe & Repeat 3 times
Key Notes & Takeaways: