4 minute read
Putting It All Together
o Release fingers and roll shoulders and neck to release knots that have tightened during the massage.
Our skin naturally sheds dead skin cells to make room for new cells every 30 days. Not all skin cells shed entirely. Some remain on top of the skin, clogging pores and giving a dull, flaky appearance.
It is important to exfoliate 1-2x per week. It gets rid of dead cells and unblocks pores to allow the moisturizer to be better absorbed.
Regularly clearing skin this way, you boost collagen production, which helps promote the skin's elasticity. An exfoliant containing lactic acid can also help reduce the appearance of scaly skin and fine lines that occur when the epidermal stratum corneum, the outer layer of the skin, becomes dehydrated.
Exfoliation removes dead skin cells. Use a granular substance or gently abrasive exfoliation tool like an exfoliating mitt, microexfoliation cloth, loofahs, or micro derma rollers. Facial scrubs also work.
Homemade Coffee Facial Scrub from The Center of Excellence
½ cup coffee grounds 1 cup brown sugar 2 tsp milk of choice 1 tsp honey
o Add all ingredients in a container and stir well o Wet face by splashing it with warm water o Apply the scrub all over your face and neck - avoid your eyes o With wet fingers, massage the scrub into your face with gentle circular movements o Do this 3-4 minutes
o Once finished rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry. o Store remaining scrub in fridge for 1-2 weeks
Every couple of weeks, it is recommended to switch up your exercise routine, so you find it exciting and continue with this practice. The outline on page 53 will help you to create routines.
You can create 2-3 routines and rotate them as needed. Knowing that as you practice Face Yoga for the rest of your life, you will continue to improve self-awareness, confidence and enhance your youthful appearance. The intention is to support you, and promote a glow in your skin as you age gracefully. It is recommended to practice 15-30 minutes a day, at the same time each day, to get in the habit of doing so. Once it becomes a part of your routine, it will be second nature to you, and you can carry it out easier for months and years to come.
Daily Face Yoga personal practice:
Requires no additional tools or sportswear. Best results come by setting aside time in your day to focus on your Face Yoga exercises. Is a beneficial practice for your overall your wellbeing.
A basic route in planning your practice:
Choose 2-3 exercises from each zone and practice them together.
There are no first or last exercises that you must always start or end with, however, warming up and cooling down is always recommended. Here is an example of a 20 min class:
Remember, the warm-up goal is to release any tension in the face, jaw, neck, and upper back and set our intention for our practice. Beginners may be stiffer than students who regularly flex and stretch their neck and facial muscles so you may need a longer warm-up depending on tension and stiffness. When you warm-up,
focus on knowing which muscles in your back, neck, and head tend to hold most stress and tension and work to release and relax that tension before starting your Face Yoga exercises.
Exercises (15 mins)
Choose 1-3 exercises from each zone. Spending 5 minutes on each zone.
Upper zone (forehead and eyes): Eyes: Eye Socket Tapping; Kidney Soother; The Big O; Crow’s Feet Minimizer, Eye Lid Lift; Brow Lift; Binocular Pose Forehead: Glabella Line Eraser; Glabella Lines Massage; Eyebrow Pincher; Forehead Clencher; Forehead Wrinkle Reducer; Smoothing the Brow
Middle zone (nose and cheeks): Nose: Nadi Shodhana Breathing Technique; Nose Massaging; Nose Wiggling; Nose Shaper; Reducing a Sagging Nose; Smile and Push; Narrowing Your Nose Cheek; Getting Rid of Nasolabial Fold Lines; Cheekbone Stroke; Fish Mouth; the Cheek Pump
Lower zone (mouth, chin and neck): Mouth/lips: Massaging the Mouth Muscle; Natural Upper Lip Wrinkle Smoother; Smoke Lines Reducer; Wrinkle Reduction and Lip Lift; The Saggy Smile Lifter; Balloon Cheeks; Forced Smile Exercise; Tongue Twister; Exercise for a Plumper Pout; Smile and Kiss
Neck: Upward Facing Dog; The Giraffe; Neck Skin Tightener; Pouting Stretch; Double Chin Eliminator
Jaw: Exercising the Jaw; Vowel Sounds; Chin-ups; Chewing Gum Simulation; Jaw Sculpt
Cool-down (2 – 3 mins)
Suggestions: If you are on a yoga mat, you can finish with a corpse pose resting and relaxing, absorbing the benefits of our practice. If you are seated, you could end with a simple guided breathing meditation which will bring your face back to normal and allow your muscles to relax and the cells in your face to assimilate the benefits of the exercise you completed.
TIP! A mirror can help to ensure each pose is practiced correctly. It will take time to make muscles flexible enough to move in the correct way. Beginners should not be expected to perform the moves perfectly. Instead beginners should focus on gaining awareness of their practice and noticing it improve with time and repetition.
Key Notes & Takeaways: