
by placing 2,977 U.S. flags on soccer field surrounding 9/11 memorial anchored by cross made from Twin Towers
2020-2025 Strategic Plan Moving Forward
Those of us who have the unique privilege to have been called to work and minister at Wesleyan firmly believe that it is our responsibility, to the Lord and to our families, to lead our school forward in such a way that our students are prepared and fully equipped for the world they will enter upon graduation. Thanks to God’s incredible grace and provisions over the years, coupled with an outstanding Board of Directors and Leadership Team, Wesleyan has stayed on mission for 50 years!
Praise be to God, in 2022, Wesleyan’s leadership is still fervently committed to the vision and mission God gave us so long ago. In the current environment that we live, our mission, “to partner with families by providing biblicallybased, college-preparatory education so that students will be equipped to serve Christ and influence the world,” holds even greater meaning and intentionality on our part.
In 2020 Wesleyan was awarded the prestigious CESA Accreditation, making it one of 45 Christian schools in the U.S. to be CESA accredited. In addition, ACSI awarded Wesleyan with their Exemplary Level Accreditation in 2021, making us one of 17 of the 3,000 member schools having reached this level. These accreditation accomplishments serve our graduating seniors well by affirming Wesleyan’s reputation of academic excellence among the most wellrespected colleges and universities across the country.

Last year, Wesleyan shared our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan with all of our families. Today, we are excited to share that in the midst of the challenges of the pandemic, we have still managed to move forward with many of our strategic initiatives. The purpose of this section of the newsletter is to review with you some highlights of our progress.
Within the Strategic Plan, there are four focus areas: Academic Distinction, Servant Leadership, Christian Community and Stewardship. In this issue of the Trojan, I’d like to share more about Academic Distinction and Servant Leadership. We will then follow up in the Spring Trojan with Christian Community and Stewardship.
Wesleyan Christian Academy is committed to providing a rigorous and comprehensive college-preparatory experience, creating 21st Century learners.
In 2020, at Mr. Rickman and Mrs. Ledbetter’s directive, WCA entered into a dualenrollment partnership with Liberty University and Southern Wesleyan University, providing another channel for our students to earn college credit prior to graduation. In 2021, we expanded this partnership to include Colorado Christian University.
In 2021, Wesleyan began the comprehensive but very worthwhile task of Curriculum Mapping. Through extensive collaboration between faculty in all grades and divisions, Wesleyan’s teachers are providing an academically and biblically-integrated, aligned curriculum from Kindergarten to 12th grade. This process ensures that each class and subject not only builds on the previous, but are cohesively linked with one another.
Through the strong leadership of Dr. Ray and the Leadership Team, in early 2021, Wesleyan began incorporating MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing for our elementary and middle grade levels. This testing is geared toward identifying growth and mastery areas for each student, enabling our faculty to understand our students’ individual needs more accurately.
In 2020-2021, Wesleyan’s elementary school implemented the Intervention and Extension program. This program provides time in a small group setting each day for students

who need additional support to master skills. It also offers students who are excelling to “extend” their growth and tackle more challenging curriculum and concepts.
We are excited to report that Wesleyan is officially a 1:1 (one- to-one) school, meaning, every student from kindergarten to 12th grade has an individually assigned Chromebook. This achievement will provide for expanded educational opportunities in and out of the classroom. We are thankful for the PPP and EANS federal assistance that provide funding for items like this.
Beginning next fall, Wesleyan will implement a financial literacy program in high school that is based on biblical principles. We believe this is a critical life skill that will equip our students to make wise financial decisions early in life.
Intentionally see transformation and spiritual maturity in the life of every student as our top priority.
Wesleyan’s vision has always been to teach our students “to know and live the truth”. But assessing their understanding of the truth, application of God’s Word and where they are in their relationship with the Lord can be challenging. To that end, we are working with a variety of resources to identify a means to better track and understand the spiritual beliefs and events in our students’ lives. Recognizing that only the Lord knows an individual’s heart, we pray this information will provide us insight into our students’ spiritual development.

To begin this endeavor, Pastor Deon Parker distributed an anonymous survey in September that was well received by our students. In short, it gave us a birds-eye view of our students’ spiritual beliefs. It is our hope that by surveying students annually, we will be able to track grade levels in such a way that we will be able to identify trends and key indicators in the spiritual lives of our students.
As part of our initiative to implement a service component throughout all extracurricular activities, the Athletics Department (Joe Woodward) and Spiritual Life Department (Pastor Deon Parker) teamed up to identify an impactful way for our student athletes to serve the community together— and “Wesleyan Athletics Cares” was established. This year alone, 70 student athletes have prepared and distributed 300 meals for families in need through the Macedonia Family Resource Center and support from our Flik Dining family.
What a blessing to be able to work alongside such amazing and gifted people who desire to provide our children the greatest opportunities in pursuing God’s desires and excellence in their lives. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support as we continue to forge ahead for God’s glory and our children’s good!

Cover photography: Blythe Glover
2-3 Letter from the Head of School Wesleyan Recommended for ACSI Exemplary Accreditation
4-7 Academics | EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING Students at Every Age and Stage are Succeeding
8 We Are Wesleyan | ACCOMPLISHMENTS Current Students & Alumni Pursue Excellence
9-11 Athletics | MEET JOE WOODWARD Wesleyan's New Athletic Director...
12-18 Campus Life | HOMECOMING Traditions return to campus
19-20 Fine Arts | VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS THRIVE Students are on Point
21-23 Development | ANNUAL GIFT GIVING New Scholarships Added for Students
24-25 Alumni | CONGRATULATIONS! Weddings, Birth Announcements and More...
26-27 Spiritual Life | GODWARD Growing in Faith & Service
Our sincere thanks goes to Blythe Glover Photography for serving as the official photographer for Wesleyan Christian Academy.
Disclaimer: Any photographs of students taken without a face covering signifies one of three things: 1) the photo was taken when face coverings were not mandated, 2) students removed their face coverings for the purpose of taking the photograph, 3) students were involved in athletic activities, or 4) images were taken outdoors, meeting CDC guidelines.

Wesleyan Trojan (‘03) and attorney, Jake Warner, J.D., returned to campus the Friday of Homecoming 2021 to speak to our high school students and to receive the “Alumnus of the Year” award. Warner received his undergraduate degree from UNC Chapel Hill and his J.D. from Regent School of Law.
He and his wife Ashley—also an attorney— live in Arizona with their three children where he works in litigation for the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) ADF defines itself as "the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life." ADF representatives defend these freedoms in Congress, state legislatures, and courtrooms across the country, including the U.S. Supreme Court.
In 2015, Warner, as part of an ADF legal team, represented Jack Phillips, who owned a bakery in Colorado. When Phillips declined to create a wedding cake for a same sex couple because of his Christian faith, Phillips was charged by the state with discrimination. Ultimately, the case landed in the Supreme Court, where the court ruled in Phillips' favor.
Warner has also been part of an ADF team defending the rights of the unborn before the Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization This case, heard in December, challenges a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy. Per the SCOTUSBlog.com, “The case was … positioned to be one of the highest-profile arguments of the 2021-22 term, because the state had specifically asked the court to overrule its landmark decisions in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.”
Warner challenged our students to listen and be watchful for God’s calling on their lives. As a young law student, Warner never envisioned himself doing the work he is today. But as God prompted him along his life journey, all roads led to ADF. Please continue to pray for Warner and for the Alliance Defending Freedom as they continue their important work.
academics Experiential Learning

LET'S READ! What a fun morning with our K1 families at Books and Breakfast! Thank you to A-1 Sandrock for sponsoring our breakfast.
WORLDVIEW Once our High School Leadership arrived in D.C. safe and sound, it was off to the ACSI Leadership conference. Then who do our seniors meet? None other than Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries and author of our 12th grade “Understanding the Times” textbook. Per Mrs Hoots, some of the kids even managed to get his autograph!
FACEBOOK @wcacademy & INSTAGRAM wesleyanchristiannc
to enjoy more stories like these.

OPERATION General surgeon, Dr. Eric Lance, worked with our Anatomy students this morning as they became “Doctors for a Day”. It was an action packed morning as students learned to sew stitches (using chicken legs), perform laparoscopic surgery, read X-rays, and perform CPR. Dr. Lance was also gracious to talk to students about the many different careers in medicine. This has become an annual event that our anatomy students look forward to each year! Thank you Dr. Lance!
DISSECTION In recent weeks, our high school anatomy and physiology classes have been studying the skeletal system. To wrap up the chapter and prepare for the test, Mrs. Cozart's students teamed up in groups of two's or three's to dissect owl pellets. This gave students the opportunity to see and identify the different bones of animals the owl had consumed. As part of the exercise, students also classified the types of bones and what their function may be. Keep up the great work!

FURRY FRIEND Well, you just never know what may show up in our science classes! Our high school students enjoyed having a very special visitor on campus! And Mrs. Turman got some extra snuggles!

MATH FUN We found Mrs. Barber's 3rd grade class using their trendy pop-it toys to learn about arrays as they begin to learn multiplication! According to Mrs. Barber, "Learning IS fun!!" We agree Mrs. Barber! Thanks for your creativity!
Growth Mindset

BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE Wesleyan’s AP Government classes wrote over 50 letters of encouragement to our deployed U.S. soldiers.
These young men and women studied the impact of 9/11 and wanted to take a moment to thank the soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen that have selflessly served our great nation.
Thanks to Mrs. Hoots, the letters were handled and delivered through the military charity, “Support our Troops”.
COOKIE CREATIONS Mrs. Cozart's Anatomy class has been studying the structure of a cell, the organelles within the cell, and how movement through the cell membrane takes place. Mrs. Cozart challenged her students to create a "Cookie Cell Cake" replicating the parts and movement of a cell with different kinds of candy. Here are the results! Nice work you guys!
H20 Mrs. Alexander's 9th-grade Biology class began the year studying the properties of water, including polarity, surface tension, density, etc. The class split into 6 groups for some hands-on investigation and data gathering. Felicia Musembi, Jones Barber, and Isaac Hoots' group observed water's properties of adhesion, cohesion, and surface tension using a penny and droplets of water. Above are just a few photos of their group and others in action!


In 2021, 49 Wesleyan students were recognized by the College Board as Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars by demonstrating exemplary college-level achievement on AP exams. Below you’ll find three categories of scholars and the young men and women who received those awards:
Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.
Robert D. Bryant
Sydney A. Buck
Boris Crnjak
Jayne E. Hinson
Sarah H. Huneycutt
Jaina C. Kelly
Claire M. Custer Erika J. Lance
Chandler N. Deese
Davidson E. Dew
Nora G. LeFever
Yu Xi Ng
Eden L. Reitnour
Ethan M. Twiddy
Harrison C. Gardner Jacob S. Wood
Lauren R. Hale Ashton L. Wooten
Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
Claire L. Atkinson
Jacob A. Bowersox
Ava E. Brown
Roberto De Cataldo
Ryan M. Dix
Carter D. Glover
Isabella G. Heinbach
Zebulun B. Hunt
Davis C. Jones
Zachary Maready
Stephen C. McGee
Kaitlyn S. McNeill
Savannah L. Medlin
Gabriel J. Mieding
Logan M. Prillaman
Alexis N. Smith
Sydnie L. Stewart
Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams.
Kevin M. Brown II
Carson Cavanaugh
James A. Dodson
Isabella L. Dunning
Mason J. Hale
Matthew M. Rush
Aaron G. Satko
Molly E. Sullens
Grace A. Thurman
Connor M. Weist
Meghan P. Howell Carlin S. Wright
Samuel K. Lundy John H. Yoakum
In collaboration with Mr. Rickman, Mrs. Charwyne Baker (High School Spanish teacher) has worked hard over the years to build our Spanish program into one that takes our students to the next level in foreign language. The 2021 National Spanish Exam achievements by our Spanish students demonstrates a strong and growing program built to ensure our students can use their foreign language experience at Wesleyan in college and beyond. Below are the results of the 2021 National Spanish Exam.
95th percentile or above.
Spanish I: Liam Railsback and Eden Reitnour
Spanish II: Roberto DeCataldo and Kaitlyn Tat
Spanish III: Jayne Hinson, Sarah Huneycutt and Jaina Kelly
85th-94th percentiles.
Spanish I: Sophie Crawford, Emmalie Spry, and Madison Tat
Spanish II: Jake Bowersox
Spanish III: Logan Prillaman and Ethan Twiddy
Spanish IV: Mason Hale
75th-84th percentiles.
Spanish I: Savannah Lambert
Spanish II: Claire Atkinson, Josh Buchanan, & Kyla Pesayanavin
Spanish III: Ashton Wooten
Spanish V: Erika Lance
50th-74th percentiles.
Spanish I: Gracie Callicutt, Nathan Calvino, Jake Chilton, Heather Duensing, Ally Ford, Ethan Jamroz, Landon Kerry, Yianna Kotrotsos, Jake Lowe, Addison Miller, Anna Royster, Lillie Sarkisian, Megan Spence, Noah Stewart, Yancy Veach, and Andrea Zavala
Spanish II: Fletcher Allen, Christine Cathey, Jonathan Cimpean, Elizabeth Cox, Chandler Deese, Harrison Gardner, Emma Gilchrist, James Heeden, Meghan Howell, Daniel Langfeld, Maddie Mayer, Gabe Mieding, XiXi Ng, and Riley Parks
Spanish III: Boris Crnjak, Davidson Dew, Lauren Hale, Brady Hoffman, and Sydnie Stewart
Spanish IV: Kevin Brown, Rachel Poplin, Sharon Perez (Bilingual Category), and Nathan Zavala (Bilingual Category)

are wesleyan we

Yokely has appeared in several films, including "Christmas at Greyhorse Inn", "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2", and "Baywatch".

Claire received the award for exemplifying standards of the DAR: Dependability, Service, Leadership, and Patriotism which she wrote about in an essay entitled: "Our American Heritage and Our Responsibility for Preserving It".

She participates in four (4) varsity sports and is also at the top of her class academically. Chandler plans to study environmental science and policy in college.

Meet Joe Woodward, Athletic Director athletics

Wesleyan welcomed Mr. Joe Woodward, of High Point, N.C. as the academy’s new Athletic Director in July 2021. Woodward is a familiar face to many people within the Wesleyan community as he has served as an assistant coach for Wesleyan’s varsity boys basketball team and as head coach of its junior varsity boys basketball team.
“Mr. Rickman, Mr. Kohns and I interviewed several candidates throughout the U.S.”, shared Dr. Rob Brown, Head of School, “and ultimately, we found the best person was already right here.” Woodward came highly recommended by coaches within the Wesleyan program including former AD Elijah Denton. Varsity Boys Soccer Coach Scott Reitnour stated, “Joe personifies class, character, discipline, enthusiasm and integrity. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Joe‘s work ethic, and I believe our athletic program will be in good hands for years to come.”
Woodward added, “In life you have very few opportunities to combine the gifts and experiences God has
given you with your passions to make a lifelong impact in the lives of others. For that reason and many more, I’m thankful to have the opportunity to be a part of growing this fantastic athletic program.”
Joe and his wife Kailee have twin four-year-old girls, Joella and Isabella, who attend Wesleyan’s Early Education Center, and Georgia Kate who is nine months old. The Woodwards are members of Mt. Zion Wesleyan Church where Joe has served in various capacities over the years, including the youth program and the security team.
Wesleyan Athletics Cares
One of Woodward’s first goals was to team up with Pastor Deon Parker to establish a new servant leadership program for Wesleyan athletes, giving them an opportunity to serve the people of our community. Appropriately named "Wesleyan Athletics Cares," each month a

different WCA sports team prepares more than 60 meals for families in need. With Chef Scott's assistance in providing a delicious and healthy meal, on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, athletes box the meals which are then delivered to High Point's Macedonia Family Resource Center.

The athletes' excitement to help with this endeavor is visible. "I couldn't be more proud of these young athletes,” shared Pastor Deon, “They jump right in with unreal enthusiasm, camaraderie, and a humble attitude.”

Fall Athletic Teams

Fall Athletic Awards
Offensive MVP Riley Parks
Defensive MVP Patrick Hissim
Coach's Award Macoy Strawn
Most Improved Player Noah Stewart
Coach's Award Donovan Calhoun
Most Improved Player Will Gonzalez
Offensive MVP Ava Brown
Defensive MVP Faith Hedrick
Coach's Award Maggie Harrell
Most Improved Player Morgan Collins
Captains Award Carly Chambers
Captains Award Kate Patton

Most Valuable Player Molly Jardina
Most Improved Player Emma Gilchrist
Coach's Award Mackenzie Gilliat
Most Valuable Player Alexis Cruz
Most Improved Player Kyla Pesayanavin
Coach's Award Chandler Deese
Most Valuable Player Jones Barber
Most Improved Player Ethan Hoots
Coach's Award Robert Pollio
Most Valuable Player Bailey LaRue
Most Improved Player Gabriella Johnson
Coach's Award Rebekah Ray
campus life
9/11 Memorial Reaches Triad Community and Beyond

When Wesleyan parents Jason and Stacey Barbour, who work with Young America's Foundation, approached Pastor Deon Parker in late August with a donation of 3,000 American flags to be used as we wished, a seed was planted. In short order, a group formed with 9/11 in mind, determined to honor the lives of those lost, share the legacy of this life-changing event with the community and the next generation, and give glory to God for providing hope even in the midst of this evil attack on our nation.

On the morning of 9/11/21, our high school leadership team placed 2,977 American flags on the Wesleyan soccer field representing each American life lost on that day, surrounding a memorial placed at the center of the field, constructed just hours earlier by Wesleyan alumni parents Donna Griffin and Terri Cromer. The focus of the memorial was a steel cross, made from remnants of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and loaned to Wesleyan by David and Donna Griffin of D.H. Griffin – the Triad company that helped lead the Towers’ demolition.

We were blessed to have WGHP FOX8 with us the entire morning and were pleasantly surprised that the FOX News network used a photograph from Wesleyan’s Memorial via a larger story on “The Five” about Young America’s Foundation which had provided us with the American flags. The photo featured Athletic Director Joe Woodward who is also a U.S. Marine veteran.
Without question, this 9/11 memorial struck a chord throughout our community. Over the 9/11 weekend, we had hundreds of people from around the Triad visit our campus to walk through the memorial. One of our on-duty police officers shared that one evening, one Greensboro fireman who had finished his shift drove to our campus to see the memorial and remained there for 30 minutes. What a blessing it was to share this with our community as we remembered the 20th Anniversary of 9/11.
Grandparents' Honor Day

After the pandemic forced cancellations of our traditional Grandparents Honor Day in 2020, Wesleyan faculty, staff, and especially our young learners were excited to see this day finally arrive. It was evident that our grandparents were looking forward to this special day as well with hundreds in attendance. Following Wednesday’s K1 & K2 program, our 1st and 2nd graders invited their grandparents to school Thursday, and our 3rd and 4th graders enjoyed having their grandparents on campus on Friday! Seeing our students walking hand in hand with their grandparents through the halls brought a wonderful normal back into the life of our school early in 2021. Oh how we love our grands!!
campus life
Homecoming 2021

Spirit Week activities kicked off Homecoming 2021, followed by the parade and pep rally, complete with skits, the hokey pokey and the spirit stick. Our Trojans battled Carmel Christian in an unbelievable double-overtime game, ultimately falling 0-1 to the nationally ranked Carmel. During half time, senior Lilly McRae was crowned Homecoming Queen and junior Lizzy Cox, Princess. Finally, Saturday night brought the annual Homecoming Dance and all was right with the world again! Yes, we love our Wesleyan traditions!!

campus life
Christmas at Wesleyan

When Christmas comes around each year, something very special happens inside the walls of Wesleyan. The decorations go up, the Christmas carols are sung and the story of Jesus’ birth is heard in every classroom. There’s a special joy that comes with this season that is palpable as you walk our halls. From classroom Christmas parties and the high school homeroom door decorating contest, to our annual Christmas Performing Arts programs and a visit from Santa, rarely a day goes by without something to point us to the joys of the season. This year, our elementary students were even able to enjoy Polar Express Day watching the day’s namesake movie wearing Christmas pajamas and eating popcorn in the auditorium. It’s a fun season, but as the precious 3 and 4 year olds reminded us in the Early Education Center Christmas program, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ is truly our greatest joy of the season!

Upon the recommendation of our accrediting organizations, Wesleyan made the inaugural step of creating an Assistant Head of School position during the summer of 2021. After careful consideration, Dr. Rob Brown and the school board extended an offer to Dr. David Ray, Elementary Principal to serve in this position, which he accepted.
Thankfully, Dr. Brown and the Board did not have to look far for the ideal candidate for the Elementary Principal in Mrs. Emily Orman. After serving in the position of EEC director for 5 years, Mrs. Orman had made several improvements and key strategic decisions that have placed Wesleyan’s EEC at the top of its game.
That said, when Mrs. Orman accepted the position as Wesleyan’s new Elementary Principal, the challenge to find the right Early
campus life CAMPUS LIFE Wesleyan Christian Academy thetrojan | Fall 2021
Education Center Director position was next. As the Administration interviewed candidates throughout the fall, Wesleyan’s parents were blessed to have Mrs. Casey Fowler serve as Interim Director.
In God’s perfect design, After School Care Program Director Amy McNeill, felt the Lord leading her to apply for the Early Education Center Director position. In the last three years, Dr. Brown and the administration team had been consistently impressed by Mrs. McNeill. Like Mrs. Orman, McNeill had taken the After School Care program and the Summer Camp program to new heights.
In early December, Dr. Brown and the Administration announced that McNeill would be the new Early Education Center Director supported by Casey Fowler as the new Associate Director. Both ladies

are exceptional representatives of Wesleyan and already have a wonderful working relationship through their years working with Orman.

fine arts
High School Visual Art Students are on Point!!

Students Addison Miller, Emmalie Spry and Lily Streeton (pictured right) were selected to participate in the NCAIS Honor Band Clinic held on the campus of Catawba College Monday and Tuesday, October 11 and 12. They prepared and performed a selection of tunes led by Dr. Steve Etters and Mrs. Tara Harris. The students thoroughly enjoyed the experience!
Taylor Hawley, a 10th grader, has been at WCA since 9th grade. Not only are her basketball skills on point, but her drawing skills are making heads turn as well. As a high school Art II student, she enjoys stippling in pen using tedious repetitive dots. One drawing can have 5, 000 or more dots.
Kristin Barnes, Class of 2022, is a senior enrolled in Art IV Honors class. She, too, enjoys creating art with meticulous detail. One painting takes two months of layering dots one at a time. Kristen was inspired by the Post-Impressionism Movement and French artist, George Seurat’s pointillism methods found in the famous painting A Sunday on La Grande Jatte. Both practice and patience make our WCA artists outstanding!

fine arts
Performing Arts
Wesleyan Teaching Studios resumed normal programming beginning in July with our Drama Kids Summer Camp. Students from Wesleyan Christian Academy, as well as the surrounding community, participated in a week-long intensive drama camp learning stagecraft, acting skills and how to project a character (and themselves) with selfconfidence and assurance.
Instrumental recitals also were held to showcase the hard work of the fall semester's private lesson students. The elementary studio art class gave students the opportunity to expand their creative talents using different media and techniques in the visual arts. Included in the studio's varied offerings are dance, drama and art classes as well as piano, guitar, percussion, string and woodwind/ brasswind lessons.

Faith and Men of Servant were pleased to be able to return to the field for Homecoming to sing the National Anthem. It was a joy to see the faces of WCA families, alumni and friends of Wesleyan joining with us to honor our country with a patriotic salute.
Pep band spent the first nine weeks preparing for the homecoming game and pep rally. We played "stand music" much like what most bands do during football games. We also played the fight song on the field as part of the pre-game activities at the soccer game.
Wesleyan’s High School Drama class performed their fall production of The Rainbow Fish on November 18. The class worked on this production for nine weeks while they developed their acting skills and learned about producing a play. Students also performed the play for Elementary Chapel.
Praise band led worship at chapel each week as well as the high school retreat. In addition, they had the opportunity to lead worship at Church Under the Bridge on December 4th prior to a message delivered to several dozen homeless guests.

After a long hiatus from singing in the community, Men of Servant and Faith were invited by the High Point Rotary Club to sing at their Christmas Meeting at the High Point Country Club. Their presentation of Christmas musical selections was enjoyed by all those attending. A special thanks to the Rotary Club for their gracious invitation to sing for this special occasion.
The middle and high school choirs proudly presented their Christmas at Wesleyan Concert in early December. Students were excited to perform for a live audience again and a packed house for each performance. The pep band transitioned to wind ensemble for our Christmas at Wesleyan concert. Everyone was very happy to be performing live for the first time in two years! We were joined in the evening by the middle school bands. We performed a variety of traditional carols as well as other popular Christmas tunes. The Wind Ensemble capped off the evening with their favorite arrangement of music from The Polar Express!
The prayers and generous financial support of many families allow the ministry of Wesleyan Chrisian Academy to provide the best Christian education possible. Below are some highlighted areas that donors are making a difference. Many thanks to our special friends, alumni, and current families that support this ministry!
• PTO Presidential Freedom Scholarship
• Rebecca K. Garcia Memorial*
• Jerry L. Kyle Memorial*
• Tim Shaw (’10) Memorial
• Philip Schrum (’03) Memorial
• Renee Case Memorial
• Gary Case Memorial
• WCA Christian College
• Tire Max
• Tufco
• Pepsi
• Sandy Ridge Expansion – continued development of our new campus.
• Greg Young (’10) Memorial –Supporting AGG projects.
• Spiritual Life - Missions & Outreach
• Nelson Silver Memorial
• Performing Arts
• Athletics
• STEM Lab
• Early Ed/Childcare

Approximately 260 students per school year receive need-based tuition assistance. Support comes from the following funds:
• The Scholarship Endowment
• Scholarship Fund
• Special Needs Scholarship (assist with families facing unique challenges)
• Leroy & Lois Vernon Pastoral Scholarship
• Legacy Scholarship for Alumni’s Child*
• Brian McHenry (’01) Memorial Scholarship*

"Imperfectly Perfect"

Wesleyan’s Annual Gift Giving (AGG) kicked off its yearly campaign with an opening assembly on Thursday, October 7th. But, like most things in 2021, it was a bit different. Wesleyan’s AGG committee works hard to be creative in planning the school's largest fundraiser and this year was no different.
James Mayer - Chair
Robbie Wooten - Co-Chair
Mason Garner
John Hodges
Lisa Nelson
Ashley Veach
Cheryl Martin
Chris Glover
Michael Wallace
Anissa Roy
Chris Cox
Michael Prilliman
Suzanne Cook
Amber McGee
The committee was tasked to organize not one but two assemblies, one of which consisted of the elementary and middle school students and the second designated for high school students.
Just like the theme for this year’s campaign, Imperfectly Perfect, our fundraiser was not perfect but was no surprise to God. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
God’s message was clear to our students as the speaker, Mr. Richie Parker spoke from his heart and delivered a message to our student body encouraging them to look within themselves for their imperfections and turn them into ways to glorify him and influence others.

A-1 Sandrock, Inc.
A Cleaner World
Angie Byrd-Keller Williams Realty
APC Pipeline Services, LLC
Atlantic Coast Toyota Lift
Bar-B-Que House
Beacon Pointe
Blue Moon Benefits Group, Inc.
Blue Ridge Companies, Inc.
Blythe Glover Photography
Brooke Cashion - Allen Tate Realtors
Brookstone Rest Home & Retirement Center
Bryson Industries, Inc.
Byrd Builders
Carley Mann and Associates
Carolina Chair & Table Company
Carolina Dental Supply, Inc.
Carolina Services of the Triad, Inc.
Certainty Home Loans
AGG Corporate Sponsors WESLEYAN CHRI S
Charles W. Carter Plumbing, Inc.
Church Outlet, Inc.
Citrin & Whitman, P.A.
Coldwell Banker Advantage Triad
Cook Out Restaurants
Creative Branding Designs
Creative Snacks
Crescent Ford
D & T Designs, LLC
D. H. Griffin Wrecking Company, Inc.
Davis & Goldberg Orthodontics
DBA Vanity Resource
Decorative Magic, Inc.
Dix Defense
Dow Craver & Associates
Downtown Fitness on Elm
Drake's Fresh Pasta Company
Edward Jones Investments
Energy Innovations by Harry Boody, Inc.
Epic Development Group
Fidelity Bank
Fire-Ade Inc.
First Citizens Bank
Flik, Independent School Dining
FNW Investments, LLC
Four Seasons Furniture
Franchise Finders, Inc. dba Subway
GJP Enterprises
Good Ol' Boys, Inc.
Grant Martin, Realtor Help-U-Sell
Greene Construction & Design, LLC
Guy M. Turner, Inc.
Hardscape Concepts, Inc.
Hodges Triad Electric, LLC
Home Detective Company
Impact Golf Marketing
Integrity Marble & Granite, Inc.
iSurity, Inc.
JAB Remodeling & New Construction
Jersey Mike's Subs
JFW Investment Group, LLC
KWM Properties LLC
Lomax Brothers
M5 Investments, LLC
Maaco Paint and Autobody
Mabe & Company Realtors
Marsh & McLennan Agency
Martin & Rush Machining
Matthews Mobile Media
Merhoff & Associates Pediatric Dentistry
Mid South Land Services
Millwood's Transport
Movement Mortgage
Murrow's Transfer, Inc.
OKI Scoop Shop
OTB Machinery, Inc.
Pay Tel Communications, Inc.
Piedmont Chiropractic Center
Pinnacle Financial Partners
Proforma Total Print Solutions
Property Management Services
Pure Diesel Repair
Quality Graphics Equipment Service, Inc.
Randolph Pediatric Dentistry
Reunion by Matthew Williams
Roberson Haworth & Reese, PLLC
S and T Nail Salon
Samet Corporation
Scott McLamb Insurance Agency, Inc.
ServiceMaster of High Point
Shades of Gray Painting, LLC
Sheetz, Inc.
Sledge and Company, PLLC
Smith & Shore Oil Company
South-East Lumber Company
Starz Elite Dance Center
Subway of High Point & Archdale
Tarheel Paper & Supply Company
The Assurance Group, Inc.
Thrivent Financial of the Triad
Tire Max
Tom Norris AIG Retirement Services
Triad Cosmetic Dentistry
Triad Investments
Tufco Flooring
United Anesthesia
US Funding
Vann York Auto Group
Vertical Church Greensboro
Wake Forest Baptist HealthDr. Barry Cheek
Wake Forest Baptist HealthDr. Kenneth Lennon
You Grow It, I'll Mow It
Zavala Masonry, LLC
Zibster, LLC part of Photobiz, LLC
Alumni News!
Birth Announcements
The following alumni have welcomed new babies into the world recently:

Spencer & Lauren Turner Harrell
Class of 2012 & 2014
(Baby: Wyatt David Harrell)
Natalie Schram Ray & Taylor Ray
Class of 2012
(Baby: Sutton Elizabeth Ray)
Sam McEuen & Audrey Corliss McEuen
Class of 2009
(Babies: Peter Samuel & Alice Jean McEuen)
Daniel Mallard
Class of 2012
(Baby: Selah Jo Mallard)

Austin & Rachel Anderson Hooper
Class of 2014
(Baby: Salem Caroline Hooper)
Caitlin Crawford York & Ben York
Class of 2010
(Baby: Emery Kate York)
Jesse Millis McGee & Justin McGee
Class of 2013
(Baby: Brooks Daniel McGee)

First Annual Alumni Homecoming Tailgate
For Wesleyan students, homecoming has always been a special tradition that creates so many fantabulous memories. This fall, the alumni joined the homecoming excitement with a new tradition. Over one hundred alumni showed up for the homecoming tailgate to celebrate Jake Warner (Alumni of the Year), pick up some swag, reconnect with friends, enjoy a meal together and support the current students. It was a wonderful event and the alumni
committee plan to continue this tradition.
Special thanks to alumni parents Donna Griffin and Terry Cromer for creating an absolutely spectacular atmosphere with the tents, lights, flowers, etc. Thanks to the Alumni board and Trojan Club for helping make this event successful!

spiritual life Growing in Faith this Fall
Being a leader is important; however, serving in a spiritual leadership role requires even more of an individual. Wesleyan’s senior chaplains not only challenge their classmates in high school chapel to pursue God and submit to him with their whole hearts, they serve as mentors to younger students. In turn, Pastor Deon has the pleasure of regularly meeting with our senior chaplains to mentor them as they serve. Senior Chaplains Claire Atkinson, Jenni Harrell, and Ethan Hoots have done an excellent job leading Spiritual Life events at Wesleyan. Before the school year ends, these gifted student chaplains will speak in at least one chapel service for each school division,

including the Elementary School and Early Education Center. One of Wesleyan’s hidden blessings is witnessing how the younger students look up to the older ones and listen and learn from them. How wonderful it was to recently hear Ethan speak to the Early Ed. students where his
little brother attends as he talked about Peter's faith to obey Jesus's call to get out of the boat and walk on water. Or Jenni, who shared with our 3 & 4-year olds about David, the young shepherd boy's battle with Goliath. Or when Claire explained how she has matured as a Christian since she was a middle schooler. Claire, Jenni, and Ethan continue to grow as spiritual leaders and are making a difference in the lives of others, and for that, we are grateful!
What a blessing it was to see 125 middle school and high school students voluntarily show up an hour before school on September 22, to participate in the annual global

day of student prayer: "See You At The Pole." Led by our praise team, students sang, read bible verses, and prayed about specific topics corporately. But mostly, those in attendance collectively and individually cried out to God, because they know He loves us, hears us, and nothing is impossible for Him. Later that morning, all of our elementary students and teachers followed up with a prayer gathering of their own! We give all praise to our Lord for his faithfulness!

Chapels this fall have set the stage for an awesome year for our students as we focused on our theme, “Godward.” We thank God for his hand that is upon Wesleyan Christian Academy. In days such as the ones we all are experiencing now, there is no greater time to encourage and spur one another on with the hope and peace that only Christ can bring. Every week, students gather in the auditorium to worship our Lord with

music led by Sarah Gray (elementary school), Jon Pavlack (middle school), and the praise band, led by Kyle Auman. We thank God for being able to be together this year and for these individuals who give their time to prepare and lead our students to the throne room of worship. The Lord has also greatly blessed Wesleyan with a long list of local ministers who visit our campus to boldly share the message God has given them. Students have also resonated with Pastor Deon’s staff member interviews, giving them insight into the spiritual journey of those they look up to and respect. Students leave challenged and better-equipped to continue their journey of moving Godward!
There's no better time to share the love of our Savior than during the Christmas season! Wesleyan high school students were able to do just that this December with the homeless people of Greensboro via Church Under the Bridge, sponsored by 16 Cents Ministry. Close to 30 students prepared and served a warm meal to guests, set up for the event, and helped unpack donated clothing for those in attendance to sort through after the service. Our high school Praise Band led worship, and Pastor Deon shared the “Ultimate Cure" that we have in Jesus Christ with close to 50 guests. This event is becoming one of our students favorite ways to serve each year!