Final portfolio

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Digital Design - Portfolio Semester 1, 2018 Wenzhao Sa

848005 Joel Collins + Studio 19




Education: 2017 - current


Reflection: Bachelor of Design University of Melbourne

Precedent Study Work Experience:


Generating Design Through Digital Processes


Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion

CONCEPT DESIGNER XWclass Beijing Awards / Exhibition: 2017

FOD:R Exhibition, AFLK Gallery

Design is a process, where to start with a general concept, then push it as close to perfection as Ican within a given deadline. The amount of culture, knowledge of design history and skills I have in my possesses to design all contribute to my work, achieving perfect balance is what makes me passionate about it. The design skill we learn about this semester are mostly techinal things. We keep using Rhino, Photoshop and Illustrator in the designing process. We also begain to use Grasshopper and Unreal Engine to push our design to a new level. 3) What is your aspiration as a designer (or in your specific discipline)? Use the design you created as evidence.


4) What area can be improve?

Rhino Grasshopper

During the whole semester, I have a basic understanding of the new Digital techniques we have studied, so definitely I still have a long way to go to study the Softwares. Secondly, I’m going to keep refining my design concepts.

Unreal Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Fabrication

Note: usually this is a short motivation statement. For the purpose of this subject portfolio, we ask for you to reflect on the skills, lessons learned and aspiration. You may want to reword this when you package your portfolio for interviews or graduate school submission in the future.


Diagramming Design Precedent

The precedent study I chosen was Toyo Ito pavillon. The structure is very unique with its use of glass and structual design. A steel-framed structural enigma, it is nothing less than an attempt to blur the boundaries between walls, floor and ceiling, and between interior, exterior and sylvan setting. In the Serpentine pavilion, Ito plays a game, with Balmond providing the mathematical and logical framework, in which solid and light elements are balanced on an architectural knife-edge. The pavillon consists of 3 parts as it shown with different transparency in the photo. The steel structure is presented as the deep black line, which supports the other 2 parts. The glazing is transparent and the solid is coloured with white. The overall pavillon is such a representative building to show the designer’s ability to play with sunlight and views as well as his ability to create functional space under the changing circumstances. The architecture’s abilities to facilitate people to dicover and utilize the spaces by multiple means are well represented as well.

Isometric of Toyo Ito Pavillon


Circulation & Density Diagram

Threshold Public& Semi-public spatical diagram


Generating Ideas Through Process


Design Matrix

Design Matrix for Task 01 6

Surface and Waffle

Insert at least 100 words on your process of creating your task 01 of Module 02.


Computation Workflow

Task 01 Grasshopper Script Showing input - associate - output

This part of script createa two surfaces from a cube that makes up the foundation of extrution.

This part of description the grip of extrusion for the pattern of surface


Computation Workflow

Task 01 Grasshopper Script Showing input - associate - output

This part of script creates the shape of waffle structure. It ensures the waffle structure contours in the shape of the surface I create. This part of description the grip of extrusion for the pattern of surface


This part of script makes the template of laser cutting file of each components of waffle structure and number all the parts.


My laser cut file contains many small seperated single parts which makes the assemly process very difficult and manually intensive. Next time I will try to unroll them in larger connected parts.



SOLID AND VOID Insert at least 100 words on your process of creating your task 01 of Module 02.

In this part, I was trying to explore the intersecting geometries and how light influences the shadow in the surface during the geometry generating process. The structure has geometries that intersects greatly, which creats variations in pattern.


Design Matrix

Insert your Design Matrix for Task 02 14

Computational Process

This part of the script creates the box that will act as the main body of the model where it would be subtracted by the boolean structures that rests within it.

This part of the script creates the point attracted grid which determines where the spheres are located.


This part of the script creates the spheres that will be used to boolen the cube at the start of the script. The spheres are increased in size that they overlap each other.

M2 Task 2

3D Printing

The grid is manipulated with 4 point attractors and it create a zig-zag style inside the volume. The shape is transformed using the Random scale,which enables the pattern vary from small to large through the grids

The points attractor distribution method was used to create both the grid manipulation and the shape tranforms. The diagram shows the final model with its best section, which is able to show the most interesting space chosen to demonstrate the differnece between variable shaped space and the interractions between these spaces. The platonic solid is the basic geometric shape in this structual design, where there is no very clear defined edges due to this shape. It create openings, allowing the lights to come through the interior volume. The void created also have an elegant and simple and fluent geometric shapes and edges.


The shape of pavillon is from the combination of leaves and sound wave diagram, which indicates the aiming to create more harmonious feeling inside the graden with the entering of new pavillon and the entertaining function of its as the place to accomodate the public concerts. The pavillon is designed with the considerations of reflecting the movement of the terrian below and to interreact with the light of the sky above. The opennings function as visual thresholds for connecting the activities happens inside and outside. It enables more mobilities and diversities to people’s movement circulation. And also forms elegant shadows both inside and outside. The wood material applied to the inner space and the marble texture applied outside produce an extreme vision contrasts. It helps for mood creation and atmosphere, better serving as a public asset to accommodate public performance. There are mainly two circulations. The first one is walking around the pavilion from the outside starting from the entrance near the street either from this side or that side and meanwhile they could see what’s happening inside the pavilion through the openings and they might walk in or leave from the other side. The other path is directly entering the pavilion from this side close to the main entrance.





Design Iteration

This was the final itteration of the interior detail of the roof structure. I chose this design because it was unique and complex, created based on my new knowledge of Module 2 boolean structure.

This was the second surface. it’s basically same as the first one but just to make it hollow and I add new commands in Grasshopper to achieve. At the first they interreact together with different parts and looks messy but after adjust some figures with the bars, they looks very clean and nice.


This was my final itteration of the seating area. I chose this one because it resembles the ripple of soundwaves. But it also explores the concept of opening up a closed area to an open area of the pavillon, creating this threshold.




Computational Process

Construct of 3 solid patterns Construct of the 3 Hollow patterns

Describe each grouping of your Grasshopper definition, no more than 25 words. Insert a screen grab on white background as evident below


Fabrication process

I chose about 1/4 of my pavillon to fabricate within the time limit of 9 hours. The fabrication consists of 2 parts: laser cutting landscape and 3D Print of the body of pavillon. While the roof and wall were only manufacturable with 3D printing due to its complexed geometry. The laser cut was taken out and glued together, the 3D print was cleaned by taking the support structure off then sanded.


360 Image Output

Digital Design Semester 1, 2018 25

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