Aug 2014 Nanaimo Whats On Digest

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Nanaimo arts, culture, food, music, movies, festivals, markets & more


AUGUST 2014 | ISSUE 2:12


Concerts, Symphony, Dance, Comedy. Nanaimo: You Rock!

Cover photo by Shawn Evans

Can't Miss Event: Summertime Blues 2014 - Aug 22nd - 24th Maffeo Sutton Park Downtown Nanaimo Details on page 16

Your greatest wealth is health - Virgil



Regular Content Reed Family Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Your Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Trivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 What's On Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Joke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Aspire to Succeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Poets Cove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Your Fitness Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 The Music Spot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Sue's Two Cents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 For Your Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Nanaimo's Best . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Your Computer guy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Applecross Pet Tip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 80+ and Going Strong . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Nanaimo Performance Arts . . . . . . . . . 28 Simon Says . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 What's The Dif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Top Eats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Canadian Open Sandsculpting Competition & Exhibition: 9:00am, Parksville Beach , Parksville's premier event on until August 17. Sculptors have 24 hours over three days to create their masterpiece. Free,, , 250-951-2678 Nanaimo Downtown Farmers Market: 10:00am, Pioneer Waterfront Plaza, Come and check out our fresh produce, baked goodies, eggs and dairy products, jams, handcrafted items and gifts (jewellery, pottery, cards, photography, woodwork, etc), FREE,,, Museum Activities for Kids: ‘Dinosaur’is a drop-in program for kids 5 - 12 (and their caregivers) offered every Fri between 1:30 - 3:30 pm in July and Aug at the Museum. Sift through soil for dinosaur bones and make fossilized dinosaur footprints! Price included in museum fee $2/adult, $1.75 student/ senior, $0.75/children 5 -`12, free/under 5. FMI Friday Evening Market: 4:00pm, Diana Krall Plaza , Every Friday evening from 4pm to 8pm in Diana Krall Plaza in downtown Nanaimo. Stroll the plaza & pick up your farm fresh, organic, locally grown produce, artisan baked goods, locally grown meats & poultry. Each week will feature a different entertainer for some local talent. Artisan vendors, craft vendors & some of our local shops will have items for sale - check out the new vendors who will be added each week. FREE,, 250.748.5552 Animation for Youth: create, edit and share your own stop-motion animation! For youth 10 - 18 at Harbourfront library 4 - 7:30 pm. Free, register at or call 250.753.1154 August 2014






















Daily Calendar listings throughout (highlighted in blue)








Get Active Nanaimo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20









Event Information

Every Week Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

What's On Digest Nanaimo is published by Rideout Communications: For advertising or other information please call!


What's On Digest Nanaimo provides provides event information as a complimentary service. Events listed or mentioned are compiled directly from the organization or business and as such are highly reliable. Although reasonable efforts have been made to ensure event information is accurate, it is recommended that you contact the business or organization for confirmation. Rideout Communications cannot be held responsible for omissions or errors in event listings or articles. Whats On Digest Nanaimo is not responsible for inaccurate event information.



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health Your


Common Myths of Lower Back Pain At any given time 30% of the population may be suffering with lower back pain. Over our life course 85% of us will experience this type of pain. Work Safe BC reports that back pain is the number one listed work related injury. It is also the number one reason for Canadians to seek out Chiropractic care. Here are few surprising facts regarding lower back pain:

What may work for one person is not necessarily going to work for another. The best practitioner is the one who seeks to understand your lower back pain in relation to you as a person and in terms of your lifestyle. If you find yourself to be one of the 30% of Canadians currently experiencing lower back pain speak to a Chiropractor today. Your health is worth it.

1. You can be in great shape and still have lower back pain. Although less active individuals are at a greater risk for lower back pain this is not the only risk factor. Other risks include high stress work environments, physically demanding work environments, poor diet, smoking, and even just being male.

Yours in health, Dr. Glen Reed

2. Lower back pain is not limited to adults. Unfortunately more than 50% of individuals will experience their first bout of lower back pain before the age of 20. Of note, in some cases, the younger you are the more serious your lower back pain may be. 3. Rest is not the best thing for lower back pain. While this may feel like the right thing to do even 1-2 days of rest can often be detrimental to your recovery. While modifications to your regular daily activities are warranted you are often best to resist the urge to spend the day in bed.

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4. Stretching is not necessarily good for your lower back. Although lower back stretches have been prescribed for years new evidence indicates, overwhelmingly, that stretching is not only unhelpful in your recovery but it may also be damaging. 5. Although a heat pack may feel great it may delay recovery. Not everything that feels great is helpful in the long run. For example, ice typically doesn’t feel as great initially but is more likely to aid in a speedy recovery. Most surprising however is the fact that there is no gold standard treatment for lower back pain.

REED FAMILY WELLNESS CENTRE 3-2145 Bowen Rd, Nanaimo, BC, V9S 1H8 Office 250.729.7411 ||

Food for thought. Food for life.


Mint Chocolate Swirl Vegan, Gluten & Dairy Free

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There is no better way to have your cake & not feel guilty about eating it too!

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Live Music: Canadian heavy metal songsmith and former frontman for ‘Skid Row’, ‘Sebastian Bach’ performs at the Port Theatre with Special Guests ‘The Distributors’. Show 8 pm. FMI/tix 250.754.8550

02 AUG SAT SAT Bastion Tours: 12:00pm, Nanaimo Museum: Watch the firing of the noon cannon and go on a guided tour of the Bastion. Find out why the Bastion was built, the story behind the nearly 200 year old cannons and even ghostly experiences. This tour is family friendly and takes 20 minutes. Admission by donation. By Donation,,, 250.753.1821 VIEX Island Chef Event: 2:00pm, Woodgrove Centre: Ryan Reed, winner of Chopped Canada will be making an appearance at Woodgrove CentreonAugust 2 at 2 pm . We invite you to join us in front of Manhattan Home - the nine competitors for the VIEX Island Chef will be randomly drawn during this event. ,,, 250.390.2721 Live Music: the ‘Hampshire County Youth Choir’ returns to Nanaimo for a performance in Maffeo Sutton Park at 1 pm. FMI 250.668.4516 Live Music: Vancouver Island singer/songwriter ‘Annie Handley’ play the Dinghy Dock Pub with great accompaniment! 7:30 pm. FMI/tix 250.753.2373 or Canadian Diabetes Association Clothesline - Fill a Truck Event: help the Canadian Diabetes Association by dropping off your gently used clothing and/or small household items in the Country Club Centre parking lot (near DQ) between 11 am - 2 pm Aug 2 or Aug 9. FMI 250.758.1102

03 AUG SUN SUN Show & Shine Car Show: the Nanaimo/Parksville Shriners are hosting their 25th Annual Show & Shine on the beach in Parksville from 7 am - 3 pm. Vintage and custom cars. Admission is free, lots to see and do. All proceeds support Shriners Hospitals for kids. FMI 250.756.4952 Sunday Blues Jam at the Queens Hotel: 4:00pm, The Queens Hotel, Get your blues groove on every Sunday from 4 8 pm at the Queen’s Blues Jam located at the Queen’s Hotel in downtown Nanaimo, BC. The Queen’s Blues Jam brings blues musicians and the island blues community together to connect, create and enjoy all forms of blues music. A rotation of blues bands is featured which gives musicians an opportunity to perform with a great line-up of Vancouver Island blues artists. Adults $5.00 (jammers free),,, 250.754.6751 Live Music: Blues Benefit Bash at Nanaimo Entertainment Centre, 8 pm. Five fantastic blues acts from Vancouver, Victoria and Australia. Proceeds to Nanaimo Blues Society. Tix $27.00. FMI 250.751.4321. Tix

St. Anns Academy Heritage Tours: 2:30pm, St. Anns Academy, A guided tour of St Ann’s Academy & its grounds is a must. When talking about the History of British Columbia, its French connection & the history of women in leadership, St. Ann’s Academy & the women who founded it are inseparable. Your guide’s commentary is not only historical but also social. Tours are every Sunday of the summer, starting June 1st. Two departure time: 100 pm in French, and 230 in English. Call or email FMI or reservations. Donation Suggested $5, 250.953.8820

04 AUG MON 04 Live Music: ‘Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo: 35th Anniversary Show’ at the Port Theatre at 7 pm. Tix $90.25 - $105. FMI/tix 250.754.8550

05 AUG TUES TUE 05 Stuffed Animal Sleepover: 6:00pm, Wellington Branch Library, Bring your stuffed animal to a special storytime on Tuesday night. Then, kiss your stuffie goodnight and leave him overnight for his very first sleepover! Come pick him up anytime on Wednesday. We’ll have photos on display of all the antics the stuffies got up to during the night! Ages 0-8. Space is limited. Registration begins Friday, June27. FREE,,, 250.758.5544 ext 1 Free Summer Lunch Time Concerts: Tuesdays July 15 - Aug 26, from 12:301:30 at Maffeo Sutton Park. Check for schedule of performers Free Movie: ‘Monuments Men’ shows at Harbourfront library at 6 pm. FMI 250.753.1154 Live Music: ‘On the Dock’Acoustic Series continues at the Dinghy Dock Pub at 7:30 pm. 3 acoustic acts. FMI/lineup Tix Kids Storytime: kids 0 - 8 are invited to bring their stuffed animal to Wellington Branch library for a special storytime 6 - 6:45 pm, then leave their stuffie for a sleepover. Registration required at 250.758.5544 Kids Storytime: ‘Tales from the Magic Box’at Harbourfront library from 2 - 3 pm. Stories, songs and craft. For kids 2 - 6 years and their families. FMI 250.753.1154

06 AUG WED 06 Wine Wednesday: all August Acme Food Co.glasses of house wine are 50% off and bottles of house wine are $10 off, piano stylings of, Marty Steele, from 6:30 to 8:30 Bowen Road Farmers Market: 4:00pm, Beban Fairgrounds, 7th year of serving the community. This is Nanaimo's food-oriented market promoting the 100 mile diet and connecting the people of our community FREE, http://www.,, 250.751.5313

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Provide receipts of work done. Receipts show the car was well taken care of and the owner cared about the car.

Don’t get too excited or overly enthusiastic when a buyer shows up. Just be yourself and be honest. If you are too happy they may question your reason for selling the vehicle.

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Cottonwood Deal Du Jours Every month Cottonwood Golf Course offers brand new deals to offer you the best golf experience and the best value!' Sun-Tues after 2 - $50 - 18 holes/cart/burger/ beer at turn Mon-Thu all day - $53.50 - Golf & we buy lunch Thurs after 2 - $39 - 9 holes/choice of starter & entree

August green fee specials: $49 after 12 noon, $29 after 2PM, $19 after 4PM cart rentals $25 after 4PM.

Pine Street Community Garden Work Parties: 11:00am, Nanaimo Community Garden, The Pine Street Community Garden is springing to life. Many crops have been planted and are starting to show themselves but there is still much to do. Come on down to the garden on any Wednesday between 11am and 4pm and meet other volunteers and see what it’s all about. ,, pinestreet@, 250.816.4769 Sailboat Night at The Dinghy Dock Pub: 6:30pm, Dinghy Dock Pub, Every Wednesday evening throughout the summer, the local boating community comes out for some friendly time trials in Nanaimo Harbour in front of the pub. This is an amazing sight to behold and really great for the whole family.Sailing kicks off at 6:30 sharp.,, 250.753.2373 2014 Summertime Music Series: 11:00am, Lois Lane, Every Thursday 11am-2pm from June 5thto August 28th, CHLY and the DNBIA would like folks to come out, bring their lunch and listen to some live, local music in Lois Lane, just down the China Steps! Tables and chairs will be available on a first come, first serve basis. For lineup and more information visit,, Free Concerts in the Park Summer Series: every Wednesday Jul 9 - Aug 27, 6 - 7:30 pm. July concerts held in Bowen Park Amphitheatre and Aug concerts held at Maffeo Sutton Park. Visit for schedule of performers Museum Activities for Kids:‘Junior Archaeologist’is a drop-in program for kids 5 - 12 (and their caregivers) offered every Wed between 1:30 - 3:30 pm in July and Aug at the Museum. Hands-on activities include sifting through soil for artifacts, rebuilding clay pots and making petroglyph rubbings! Price included in museum fee $2/adult, $1.75 student/senior, $0.75/children 5 -`12, free/under 5. FMI

Tel. 250.245.5157 1975 Haslam Road (behind the Nanaimo Airport) MEETINGS | WEDDINGS | BANQUETS | GOLF EVENTS



Name the ghost who appears at a banquet in Shakespeare’s Macbeth?


To the nearest mile, what is the length of a marathon?


What is the capital of South Africa?


Ichthyologists study what?


Who discovered Radium?


Glow in the Dark Skate: skate in an atmosphere of dimmed lighting and special effects! 6:30 - 8 pm at Nanaimo Ice Centre. FMI 250.756.5200

07 AUG THU Summer Music Series: free outdoor lunchtime concert series every Thursday till Aug 28 in downtown Nanaimo’s ‘Lois Lane’, just down the China Steps. 11 am - 2 pm. Bring your lunch! FMI/lineup visit Live Entertainment: the ‘Timebenders’return to Gabriola Island for the 18th Annual ‘Concert on the Green’featuring costumes and music from the past 50 years! 5 - 8 pm at Gabriola Golf Club. BBQ, snacks and beer garden available. Tix $15/adult at the gate, children 12 and under free. FMI Live Music: courtesy of the Harbour City Seniors, ‘Howie James’ (guitar) plays the Bowen Auditorium at 500 Bowen Rd from 1:30 - 3 pm. Members $2, non-members $4. FMI 250.755.7501 Name That Tune at The Dinghy Dock Pub: 7:30pm, Dinghy Dock Pub, So you think you know music? Come test your knowledge at the Dinghy Dock Pub with our weekly Name that Tune show put on by Larry and Jen. Food specials and $4.50 Dinghy Dock Lagers all night long, you can’t go wrong! Also prizes for the top teams. $25.00 gift certificate for 1st and a $15.00 gift certificate for2nd plus a $10.00 draw for all non-winners,, 250.753.2373 Bastion Tours: 12:00pm, Nanaimo Museum, Watch the firing of the noon cannon and go on a guided tour of the Bastion. Find out why the Bastion was built, the story behind the nearly 200 year old cannons and even ghostly experiences. This tour is family friendly and takes 20 minutes. Admission by donation. By Donation,,, 250.753.1821

08 AUG FRI Childrens Day Farmers Market: Pioneer Plaza, right next to the Bastion, Kids are taking over Pioneer Plaza and the Nanaimo Downtown Farmers Market on August 8 from 10-2pm. The Marimba Band will be supplying the live entertainment, there will also be face painting, clowns, craft tables and other small children's activities. This is all in addition to our usual great farmers market, so stop by and get your shopping done while haveing a blast. So join us for this fun packed farmers market. Don't miss the cannon firing at noon hosted by the Nanaimo Museum. ,,, Shrink Art for Youth: ‘Shrink Art with Eliska Liska” at Harbourfront library 4 - 7:30 pm. For youth 10 - 18 years. Learn shrink art and enjoy music, games and snacks. Register at 250.753.1154 ext. 229 Live Music: popular solo instrumentalist and roving musician ‘Dave Hart’ plays Boston Pizza 6 - 9 pm. No cover. FMI 250.751.0090

Nanaimo Downtown Farmers Market: 10:00am, Pioneer Waterfront Plaza, Come and check out our fresh produce, baked goodies, eggs and dairy products, jams, handcrafted items and gifts (jewellery, pottery, cards, photography, woodwork, etc), herbal products, massages, live music and cannon firing, etc. All of this in one of the prettiest settings of Nanaimo, on the waterfront, downtown right next to the Bastion.Looking forward to seeing you there!, FREE,, Friday Evening Market: 4:00pm, Diana Krall Plaza , FREE,, 250.748.5552


Symphony by the Sea: a free musical variety show! Calvin Dyck (violin), Ken Lavigne (tenor) with members of the Vancouver Island Symphony and the Abbotsford Virtuosi. Eric Harper on Flamenco guitar and much more! Maffeo Sutton Park at 6 pm. Rain or Shine! FMI or 250.754.0177 Canadian Diabetes Association Clothesline - Fill a Truck Event: help the Canadian Diabetes Association by dropping off your gently used clothing and/or small household items in the Country Club Centre parking lot (near DQ) between 11 am - 2 pm Aug 2 or Aug 9. FMI 250.758.1102 Bastion Tours: 12:00pm, Nanaimo Museum, Watch the firing of the noon cannon and go on a guided tour of the Bastion. Find out why the Bastion was built, the story behind the nearly 200 year old cannons and even ghostly experiences. This tour is family friendly and takes 20 minutes. Admission by donation. By Donation,,, 250.753.1821 Nanaimo Art Gallery Workshop: Creative Process: Experiential Making with Connie watts: 10:00am, Art Lab - Nanaimo Art Gallery, Registration for Nanaimo Art Gallery workshops are through the City of Nanaimo Activity Guide. 10am 4pm Join internationally renowned artist, Connie Watts in this exploratory, experiential workshop looking at concept and free-form thinking, and the development of ideas in artistic practice. $110, http://,, 250-756-5200 Lego Club: kids 5 - 12 are invited to drop by Wellington Branch library and create a masterpiece using library Legos! 11 am - 12 noon. Register at 250.758.5544 Live Music: local favourites ‘The Atkinson Bros’ play the Dinghy Dock Pub at 7:30 pm. FMI/tix 250.753.2373 or Live Music: ‘Emerson Drive’ with guests at the Queen’s Hotel. 8 pm show. Tix $45 from the Queen’s or Guava Apparel in Woodgrove Mall. FMI 250.754.6751 Community Gathering: the Columbian Centre Society hosts its annual “Neighbours being Neighbours” Community Gathering at the Bailey Studio parking lot from 10 am - 4 pm. Bouncy castle, pony rides, all-day music and much more! Free. FMI 250.758.8711

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W h a t s O n S c re e n games cinema

Aug 5: Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed, Sacred 3, Ultra


Street Fighter IV

Aug 1: Guardians of the Galaxy, Get on Up

Aug 5: Divergent, Need for Speed

Aug 8: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Into The Storm, The Hundred Foot Journey

Aug 12: Bears, Haunted House 2, Mood Indigo, The Railway Man

Aug 15: The Expendables 3, The Giver

Aug 19: Amazing Spiderman 2 3D, Blood Glacier, The Quiet Ones

Aug 22: If I Stay, Sin City: A Dame To Kill For Aug 29: November Man

Aug 26: Belle, Blended, Brick Mansions, Legends of Oz Dorothy Returns

Aug 7: MX vs. ATV: Supercross Aug 12: Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisted Aug19: Diablo 3, Plants Vs. Zombie Garden Warfare, Tales of Xillia 2 Aug 26: Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1, Madden NFL 15

Titles shown may not be available at your local venue.


My father, an Army major, was conducting a field test when communications went dead. Immediately, he jumped into a jeep and ordered a sergeant to speed to the command station. When my father and the sergeant ran in, the group cheered their arrival. The commanding officer then stepped forward and Live Comedy: ‘The Laugh Lounge’ featuring local comedians takes place at ACMe Food Co. restaurant. Shows at 7 and 9 pm. Tix $10/show at ACMe Food Co. FMI 250.753.0042

10 AUG AUGSUN SUN Fifth Annual Hazelwood Writers’ Festival: Hazelwood Herb Farm (13576 Adshead Road, Ladysmith), 1 - 4 pm. Local writers and performers! Admission $10 at the gate. Please reserve in advance at ascentaspirations@ FMI 250.245.8007 Ladysmith Concerts in the Park: 6:00pm, Ladysmith Amphitheatre, Concerts run on Sundays from 6 - 8 pm weather permitting. Admission is by donation. Schedule: Bill Johnson Aug 10 - Glen Foster GroupAug 17 Kendall Patrick & the Headless Betty's Aug 24 - Dixie Down Jazz Band Aug 31 - Doctor Bones Blues Project FMI about bands 250.245.3079

shook my father's hand. "Don't congratulate me, sir," my father said modestly as he pointed to his driver. "It was all the sergeant's doing."

The commanding officer nodded and turned to the sergeant. "Congratulations," he said. "The major's wife just had a baby girl." Sunday Concerts in the Park: ‘Glen Foster Group’ (indie band) plays 6 - 8 pm at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith. Admission by donation, proceeds to Ladysmith Resources Centre Association. FMI

11 AUG AUG MON MON Sports Day Camp: PacificSport Vancouver Island’s ‘Active Star Camp’will be held Aug 11 - 15, 9 am - 11 am daily at the Departure Bay Activity Centre. This is a chance for kids 4 - 6 years and their parents/caregivers to discover and enjoy activities/sports together! $55/child. FMI 250.740.6572 Art Immersion - Nanaimo Art Gallery: 9am Art Lab, Art Immersion Ages 8 11. Aug 11-15, 1-4pm (Registration code: 123175) $125 plus HST, all art supplies included Using a wide variety of artistic mediums and approaches, this camp will introduce young artists to new ideas and creative explorations. Drawing inspiration from the Campus Gallery’exhibition of internationally renowned artist, Connie Watts, get inspired by symbolism, imagery and storytelling. $125 plus gst,,, 250-756-5200


Personal Development Course: for young women ages 13 - 17. Three - 3 hour sessions covering personal presentation/wardrobe, fitness/nutrition, goal setting/self esteem. Country Club Centre 5:30 - 8:30 pm each day. $75. FMI/register 250.758.1102 ext 201 (weekdays) or 250.618.1985 (weekends) BMO Summer Art Camp: an art camp to inspire kids! Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown August 11 - 15, 1 - 4 pm daily. $125/child. FMI or call 250.754.1750

12 AUG TUE TUE Nanaimo Newcomers Club: for women new to the area. Club meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 7 pm, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 4235 Departure Bay Road FMI Free Summer Lunch Time Concerts: Tuesdays July 15 - Aug 26, from 12:301:30 at Maffeo Sutton Park. Check for schedule of performers Personal Development Course: for young women ages 13 - 17. Three - 3 hour sessions covering personal presentation/wardrobe, fitness/nutrition, goal setting/self esteem. Country Club Centre 5:30 - 8:30 pm each day. $75. FMI/register 250.758.1102 ext 201 (weekdays) or 250.618.1985 (weekends) BMO Summer Art Camp: an art camp to inspire kids! Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown August 11 - 15, 1 - 4 pm daily. $125/child. FMI or call 250.754.1750 Mad Hatter Party: bring your own mad hatter hat or borrow one from the library and enjoy curious games, activities and crafts! Harbourfront library 2 - 3 pm for kids 6 - 12 years and their families. FMI 250.753.1154 Scavenger Hunt: kids of all ages are invited to drop by Wellington Branch library Aug 12 from 3 - 6 pm to pick up 39 clues, then return Aug 14 from 3 - 6 pm to show what they found. Prizes! Register at 250.758.5544 Sports Day Camp: PacificSport Vancouver Island’s ‘Active Star Camp’ will be held Aug 11 - 15, 9 am - 11 am daily at the Departure Bay Activity Centre. This is a chance for kids 4 - 6 years and their parents/caregivers to discover and enjoy activities/sports together! $55/child. FMI 250.740.6572

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13 AUG WED WED Free Concerts in the Park Summer Series: every Wednesday Jul 9 - Aug 27, 6 - 7:30 pm. July concerts held in Bowen Park Amphitheatre and Aug concerts held at Maffeo Sutton Park. Visit for schedule of performers Personal Development Course: for young women ages 13 - 17. Three - 3 hour sessions covering personal presentation/wardrobe, fitness/nutrition, goal setting/self esteem. Country Club Centre 5:30 - 8:30 pm each day. $75. FMI/register 250.758.1102 ext 201 (weekdays) or 250.618.1985 (weekends) Museum Activities for Kids: ‘Junior Archaeologist’ is a drop-in program for kids 5 - 12 (and their caregivers) offered every Wed between 1:30 - 3:30 pm in July and Aug at the Museum. Hands-on activities include sifting through soil for artifacts, rebuilding clay pots and making petroglyph rubbings! Price included in museum fee $2/adult, $1.75 student/senior, $0.75/children 5 -`12, free/under 5. FMI Pine Street Community Garden Work Parties: 11:00am, Nanaimo Community Garden, The Pine Street Community Garden is springing to life. Many crops have been planted and are starting to show themselves but there is still much to do. Come on down to the garden on any Wednesday between 11am and 4pm and meet other volunteers and see what all about. http://nanaimocommunitygarden. ca,, 250.816.4769 Sailboat Night at The Dinghy Dock Pub: 6:30pm, Dinghy Dock Pub, Every Wednesday evening throughout the summer 250.753.2373 BMO Summer Art Camp: an art camp to inspire kids! Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown August 11 - 15, 1 - 4 pm daily. $125/child. FMI or call 250.754.1750 Sports Day Camp: PacificSport Vancouver Island’s ‘Active Star Camp’ will be held Aug 11 - 15, 9 am - 11 am daily at the Departure Bay Activity Centre. This is a chance for kids 4 - 6 years and their parents/caregivers to discover and enjoy activities/sports together! $55/child. FMI 250.740.6572 Bowen Road Farmers Market: 4:00pm, Beban Fairgrounds, Farmers markets throughout Canada find that true "farmers" markets flourish when the focus on food is a minimum of 75%, and that is what this market adheres to. FREE, http://,, 250.751.5313

14 AUG THU THU Live Music: ‘Dave Hart’ plays the opening set (8 - 9 pm) of an acoustic night at Longwood Restaurant. FMI 250.729.8225



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Do you remember your favourite teacher? Think back to your days in school and chances are there are one or two teachers who stand out in your memory. What made them special? What was it about them that keeps them in your memory years, even decades, later. Without doubt they would be the ones who cared the most, who made a connection with you and understood you in a way that made coming to school something you looked forward to and who made your time in the classroom feel more like fun than work. They presented lessons that challenged you but gave you the freedom to follow your interests and work beyond the basic requirements of a lesson. Now watch your children as they play. They have an amazing capacity for learning and love to explore new ideas. They may be fascinated with an ant colony in the playground and describe to you in great detail exactly what they are doing and what they are capable of. Another may turn a pas-


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sion for staring at the night sky into devouring everything they can about our solar system and beyond. Or watch a youngster as they play their favorite video game. What level do they enjoy playing on? Almost always, it's one level harder than they have already mastered. Kids love to be challenged, to learn and to explore. The teachers who inspired you as a child probably found your passion for a subject, whether it was ants, astronomy or computer science and shared your excitement for learning. They didn't give you a worksheet; they gave you a significant project and guided you as you learned the joy of taking on a challenge and exploring your personal limits. Inquiry-based learning is that and more. There are teachers everywhere who have embraced it of course but it is at the heart of the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum taught in every classroom at Aspengrove School right here in Nanaimo. Within the context of a curriculum, the teaching builds on students' individual knowledge and interests with the teacher acting as a facilitator and not just a distributor of knowledge. Students learn how to learn from an early age while teachers differentiate the instruction so that it is specific to the needs of the individual, supporting them where required yet challenging them to go beyond their current level of understanding. We are all born with a natural curiosity and a desire to learn. In the classroom you remember so well from your childhood you had a teacher who understood that. At Aspengrove its part of what we do in every classroom so that one day, we hope our students will have plenty of answers when someone asks them, do you remember your favorite teacher?

Poets Cove

By Naomi Beth Wakan


Swallow skims water torpedo sleek saltslick f lipperhands f lick algaegreen corkscrewing peathick secret recipes hugging breastsmooth fishweapon snug in appaloosa jumpsuit dancing hula cadging breadthrows slow backstroke barrelroll scrubbrush periscope staring at me staring back

This poem by Kim Goldberg is one of my favourites from her great book, Ride Backwards on Dragon, which is a poetry parallel to the exercises in the martial art Liuhebafa, which Kim practices. Each of the movements has a title and this inspired a poem. In this poem, you can see how a poet can play with words to invent combinations that seem more exactly to describe the topic in hand e.g. “breadthrows” is perfect for describing the way we

Pioneer Cemetery Tours: the 2nd and 4th Thurs of July and Aug at 1:30 pm. Discover stories buried in BCs 3rd oldest cemetery! $10/person, preregistration required. 45 min tour. FMI Summer Music Series: free outdoor lunchtime concert series every Thursday till Aug 28 in downtown Nanaimo’s ‘Lois Lane’, just down the China Steps. 11 am - 2 pm. Bring your lunch! FMI/lineup visit Storytime for Kids: ‘Tales with a Twist’ features classic childrens’ stories with a little extra! For children 2 - 6 years and their families at Harbourfront Library, 11 am - 12 noon. FMI 250.753.1154 Live Music: courtesy of the Harbour City Seniors, ‘Marty Steele (keyboard) plays the Bowen Auditorium at 500 Bowen Rd from 1:30 - 3 pm. Members $2, non-members $4. FMI 250.755.7501 BMO Summer Art Camp: an art camp to inspire kids! Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown August 11 - 15, 1 - 4 pm daily. $125/child. FMI or call 250.754.1750 Bastion Tours: 12:00pm, Nanaimo Museum, Watch the firing of the noon cannon and go on a guided tour of the Bastion. This tour is family friendly and takes 20 minutes. Admission by donation. By Donation,,, 250.753.1821 4th Annual Nanaimo Fringe Festival: 8 international and local theatre companies will perform in front of live audiences between Aug 14 - 24 at a variety of venues in and around downtown Nanaimo! Comedic and dramatic performances will please, startle or challenge you. FMI/tix Sports Day Camp: PacificSport Vancouver Island’s ‘Active Star Camp’ will be held Aug 11 - 15, 9 am - 11 am daily at the Departure Bay Activity Centre. This is a chance for kids 4 - 6 years and their parents/caregivers to discover and enjoy activities/sports together! $55/child. FMI 250.740.6572

feed birds on the wing. The invented words may seem unusual to you, but, if you think a moment, you may find that they so aptly match the flight of a swallow. Kim Goldberg is probably the widest known of Nanaimo poets. She has won many awards and has sat on national poetry juries. Much of her published work has addressed contemporary social and environmental issues including poverty, homelessness, aboriginal rights, deforestation and nuclear weapons. Her 2009 book, Red Zone, is a collection of poems and photographs about the homeless population in Nanaimo, where she has lived for more than thirty years. The book has been taught as a literature course text at Vancouver Island University. Kim has a degree in biology. Kim is very active in Nanaimo poetry life and is on the team bringing in interesting poets for the Cascadia Poetry Festival 3 in May next year.

Book Club: for adults, at Harbourfront library from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. FMI 250.753.1154


Nanaimo Downtown Farmers Market: 10:00am, Pioneer Waterfront Plaza, Come and check out our fresh produce, baked goodies, eggs and dairy products, jams, handcrafted items and gifts, FREE,,, Friday Evening Market: 4:00pm-8:00pm, Diana Krall Plaza , Each week will feature a different entertainer for some local talent. Artisan vendors, craft vendors & some of our local shops will have items for sale - each week you can return to your favourite vendor or check out the new vendors who will be added each week. FREE,, 250.748.5552 Museum Activities for Kids:‘Dinosaur’is a drop-in program for kids 5 - 12 (and their caregivers) offered every Fri between 1:30 - 3:30 pm in July and Aug at the Museum. Hands-on activities include sifting through soil for dinosaur bones and making fossilized dinosaur footprints! Price included in museum fee $2/adult, $1.75 student/senior, $0.75/children 5 -`12, free/under 5. FMI Opening Reception for Art Exhibition and Sale: ‘Coastal Expressions’ takes place Aug 16 - Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Opening reception 5 - 7 pm today. Free. FMI 250.754.1750 BMO Summer Art Camp: an art camp to inspire kids! Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown August 11 - 15, 1 - 4 pm daily. $125/child. FMI or call 250.754.1750 Gabriola Theatre Festival: Three days of family fun on Gabriola, many events free! 10 mainstage shows, pancake breakfasts, a street fair, a kids corner and more! Aug 15 - 17. FMI/tix to mainstage visit


o Clippers The Nanaim r Season owe Introduce L r 2014-2015 ing fo Ticket Pric

YOUR FITNE Healthy Fun Summer treats! The summer can be the hardest time of year to stay on track with your swimsuit body. Let’s stay on track in the summer fun. Here are tips and tricks to enjoy your everyday summer treats.

2014 / 2015 Nanaimo Clippers Season Tickets Adult - $199 plus gst Senior 55+ - $169 plus gst Youth 13-18 - $99 plus gst Child FREE (12 & under) with Adult/Senior ticket

For tickets or more information: T. 250-751-0593 E.

1. Go a head and have that burger! Turkey burgers or extra lean ground grass-fed beef are a great alternative to a regular beef burger. (omit Make your bun out of lettuce. Skip the cheese and have avocado. Now all you need is tomatoes and onions if you like. Mustard is a great topping as it is high in turmeric which is an antioxidant. 2. For all those HOT HOT HOT days Strawberry Protein icecream:

· One scoop Quattro vanilla (protein powder) · One cup ice · One cup frozen strawberries · 1/4 teaspoon xanthum gum · 1 packet of stevia · One cup water

3. Hot Wings NO problem! Make your own chicken wings with sliced chicken breast pan seared with a bit of coconut oil on your stove top and finish off with your choice of hot sauce. Always check the ingredients to make sure there is no sugar and you can pronounce all the ingredients.

ESS NOW 4. Nacho’s: NO chips: Use celery sticks as your vessel instead of chips. Here are some recipes for salsa, Guacamole, Greek yogurt in place of sour cream. Guacamole: · 6 ripe avocados · 3 limes, juiced · 1 medium yellow onion, chopped · 1 garlic clove, smashed then minced · 2 Serrano chilies, cut into rounds (not mandatory) · 1 big handful fresh cilantro with stems, about 1/2 cup, finely chopped · Extra-virgin olive oil · Kosher salt · Freshly ground black pepper Salsa: · 2 cups seeded, chopped tomatoes (6-7 medium tomatoes) · The leaves from one bunch of fresh cilantro, chopped*

· 6 cloves fresh chopped garlic · 1/2 an onion chopped · 1 jalapeno, finely chopped (omit for milder salsa) · 1/2 teaspoon salt · About 1 tablespoon lime juice Enjoy your summer without having to cover up!

Erin Crawford, Body Tempo Health and Fitness Lifestyle Coach and Nutrition Coach Pre and Post Natal Training Specialist | ph. 250.618.3443 Follow me on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook


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Register now! Contact Erin for further details at 250.618.3443 or


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Music Spot SUMMERTIME BLUES 2014 BRINGING THE SUMMERTIME BLUES TO THE MEMPHIS OF THE NORTH. Four thousand kilometres away from Memphis, in the streets of the harbour city, blues music is making a home. Nanaimo is quickly being known for high calibre blues music and during last year's Summertime Blues Festival, CTV nicknamed Nanaimo the Memphis of the North. Nanaimo is living up to the name again this year as the Nanaimo Blues Society is proud to present Summertime Blues Festival 2014. Mark it on your calendars folks, Summertime Blues 2014 is coming this August 22, 23, and 24th at Maffeo Sutton Park in Nanaimo, BC. This year the festival is celebrating amazing local talent and fantastic Annual Vancouver Island Exhibition: three days of family fun at Beban Fairgrounds! Horse shows, amusement rides, farm animals, arts and crafts, farm produce, live entertainment, concession, remote control car racing and much much more! Aug 15 - 17. FMI/schedule of events visit 4th Annual Nanaimo Fringe Festival: 8 international and local theatre companies will perform in front of live audiences between Aug 14 - 24 at a variety of venues in and around downtown Nanaimo! Comedic and dramatic performances will please, startle or challenge you. FMI/tix

16 AUG SAT SAT Live Outdoor Concert (by donation): ‘Mambos 20th Anniversary’ featuring Jayden Holman, Sir Real, Dope Soda, Nat, Eric Harper, Rebel Selector. Location: China Steps (behind the Queens) 8 - 10:30 pm Live Music: popular solo instrumentalist ‘Dave Hart’ plays Extraordinary Organics from 6 - 9 pm. FMI 250.591.6078 Art Exhibition and Sale: ‘Coastal Expressions’ takes place Aug 16 Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Free. FMI 250.754.1750 Bastion Tours: 12:00pm, Nanaimo Museum, Find out why the Bastion was built, the story behind the nearly 200 year old cannons and even ghostly experiences. This tour is family friendly and takes 20 minutes. Admission by donation. By Donation,,, 250.753.1821 Art for Kids: this Saturday Studio session is about ‘Art Play with Clay’. Participants can sculpt, paint and take home their creations to enjoy! Nanaimo Art Gallery - Downtown. For kids 5 - 11 years, 10:30 am - 12 noon. $10/child, $15/two siblings. FMI/register 250.754.1750 Gabriola Theatre Festival: Three days of family fun on Gabriola, many events free! 10 mainstage shows, pancake breakfasts, a street fair, a kids corner and more! Aug 15 - 17. FMI/tix to mainstage visit

veteran masters. On Friday, August 22, starting at 4:30pm, Ian Perry takes the stage followed by Jayden Holman, Summer and the Sinners, and headliner Harpdog Brown. On Saturday, August 23rd starting at 12:00pm, enjoy The Distributors, Luv Train, Mark Crissinger, CURL, Bill Johnson, Lazy Mike and the Rockin Recliners, and headliner Jim Byrnes. Finally to wrap up the festival, beginning at 11:30am, you will experience performances by Soul Shaker, Blue Cadillac Band, Renovation Blues Band, Auntie Kate, Murray Porter, Steve Kozak, and our Sunday night headliner Canned Heat! Come on down and spend a weekend of grooving to amazing blues music. Browse the local and unique vendor wares, partake in some ice cold beverages at our outdoor beer garden, and taste some savoury delights all on Nanaimo's beautiful waterfront park. It's going to be three days, eighteen bands and infinite fun. Ticket prices are as follows: Early Bird Weekend Pass $59.75 available until August 15. After August 15th $69.75 Friday Single Day Pass $10 Saturday and Sunday Single Day Passes $35 All tickets subject to $2.50 ticket fee. All Event Passes are available at the Port Theatre www. Live Music: popular guitarist/entertainer ‘Mark Crissinger’ plays the Dinghy Dock Pub at 7:30 pm. FMI/tix 250.753.2373 or 4th Annual Nanaimo Fringe Festival: 8 international and local theatre companies will perform in front of live audiences between Aug 14 - 24 at a variety of venues in and around downtown Nanaimo! Comedic and dramatic performances will please, startle or challenge you. FMI/tix Two Worlds Spiritualist Centre Service: 11:00am, Morpeth Hall, Are you ready to explore your spirituality? Fellowship afterward refreshments and potluck goodies. Come join us!, Donation, 250.729.9086

17 AUG SUN SUN St. Anns Academy Heritage Tours: 2:30pm, St. Anns Academy, A guided tour of St Ann’s Academy & its grounds is a must. Donation Suggested $5,, 250.953.8820 Sunday Blues Jam at the Queens Hotel: 4:00pm, The Queens Hotel, Get your blues groove on every Sunday from 4 8 pm 250.754.6751 Ladysmith Concerts in the Park: 6:00pm, Ladysmith Amphitheatre, Concerts run on Sundays from 6 - 8 pm weather permitting. Admission is by donation. - Glen Foster GroupAug 17 - Kendall Patrick & the Headless Betty'sAug 24 - Dixie Down Jazz BandAug 31 - Doctor Bones Blues Project FMI about bands 250.245.3079 4th Annual Nanaimo Fringe Festival: 8 international and local theatre companies will perform in front of live audiences between Aug 14 - 24 at a variety of venues in and around downtown Nanaimo! Comedic and dramatic performances will please, startle or challenge you. FMI/tix Gabriola Theatre Festival: Three days of family fun on Gabriola, many events free! 10 mainstage shows, pancake breakfasts, a street fair, a kids corner and more! Aug 15 - 17. FMI/tix to mainstage visit Sunday Concerts in the Park: ‘Kendall Patrick & The Headless Betty’s’(folk, pop, rock) plays 6 - 8 pm at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith. Admission by donation, proceeds to Ladysmith Resources Centre Association. FMI



By Sue Grubac

SENIORS IN DEBT Seniors are acquiring debt faster than any other age group. Statistics show that over the last 20 years, the number of Canadians over 65 who have declared bankruptcy rose by 1,700% while the insolvency rate in general only rose by 139%. In fact, Canadians 65 and older account for 8% of bankruptcies, up from 6% five years ago. Reports state that the average debt for consumers aged 65 and over climbed 6.5% over the past year, the biggest year-over-year increase in the period for any age group. It’s a scary thought because we’re all approaching that magic number faster than we’d like to. Why are we seeing this disturbing trend? Many seniors live on fixed incomes. No one ever says to them, Canada’s had a great year; we’re going to give you a big raise in your pension payments. Unfortunately as they age, it becomes less realistic for them to work to generate more income. Seniors are facing financial challenges that previous generations did not. They have the added cost of living in an electronic age filled with cell phones, internet, computers and a desperate need to stay in contact. Many seniors suffered dramatic investment losses from the 2008-09 stock market crash, losses they may never recoup. Due to their age, their ability to take on investment risk is reduced and with interest rates historically low, they face extremely low rates of return. Longer lifespans mean someone moving into retirement could be supporting both aged parents and adult children. And all the while there are the increasing medical costs associated with aging.

Many seniors suffered dramatic investment losses from the 2008-09 stock market crash, losses they may never recoup.

Often family members are completely oblivious of the rising debt until it’s too late. What if you die before your debts are paid? Your estate is responsible. No money in the estate? Thankfully your family won’t inherit your debt; it’s tough luck for your lenders.

home For Your



UNITED FLOORS NANAIMO 104 - 2520 Bowen Rd, Nanaimo, BC V9T 3L3 250-758-4664 Hours of Operation Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 4pm Sunday: closed

Each year, without fail home owners spend thousands of dollars on sewer line and drain tile replacement.

Various factors including tree roots, soil and deposits, grease or other contaminants or debris can contribute to the deterioration of the ability of your home drainage system to operate effectively. This can cause everything from toilet over-flows to water infiltration in the basement to back-ups of sewage into shared drains such as showers or bath tubs. If the line is old and you are experiences any issues it's is often a good idea to replace the whole system and bring it in conformance with the

Often it's just a matter of a simple (low cost) cleaning and flushing to clear debris and resolve your problem.

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If the drain cleaning operation is in response to an emergency it may be prudent to consider a full or partial repair to the pipe system. building code. In other cases it may simply be a section that can be repaired. Often it's just a matter of a simple (low cost) cleaning and flushing to clear debris and resolve your problem. It will vary, and depends on the problem you're having, as to which solution makes more sense. In any event the place to start is a drain inspection using a CCTV camera. The inspection may actually save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in replacement costs. The Process 1. A small closed circuit camera is introduced into the drain and is fed along your sewer or perimeter drain. The operator checks the images on the screen for debris. Any debris or issues are catologed and indexed so if there is an issue the homeowner will know exactly what and where it is. 2. If a problem is identified it can be fixed with either a drain cable or via a Hydro Jet. A drain cable is a rotating cable with a blade desinged to cut through debris such as roots or other potential blockages. A Hydro Jet is a different piece of equipmet that uses a high pressure water spray with enough power to burst through blockages and fully clean the pipe. There are some technical considerations with

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either approach that will inform the best route for you and the proper expertise and experience are critical. 3. Determine the best path forward. If the drain cleaning operation is in response to an emergency it may be prudent to consider a full or partial repair to the pipe system. Whatever your situation is regular maintenance inspection and cleaning are crucial before we are once again into the wet fall and winter months.






Get Active Nanaimo! BOWLING Splitsville 10 Pin - 250.754.2442 Brechin Lanes 5 Pin - 250.753.2341 BADMINTON Oliver Woods Community Centre 6000 Oliver Rd. Franklyn St Gym 421 Franklyn St. Nanaimo. BIRD WATCHING Neck Point, Pipers Lagoon, Buttertubs Marsh, Morell Sanctuary BOAT RENTALS & SCHOOL Charters & Sailing School FMI Lorraine Bell - 250.754.8601 CYCLING Nanaimo Mountain Bike Club FMI - 250.616.3707 Mid Island Velo Association (MIVA) roadcycling and competition FMI - 250.244.1779 or CURLING 106 Wall St. Nanaimo - 250.753.3474 Leagues and Registrations FIRST AID TRAINING FMI - 250.756.7770 FOOTBALL Midget & Bantam Redmen, Pee Wee program Pioneer Park - 250.390.2929 FRISBEE Bowen Park Disc Golf Course 27 holes - 500 Bowen Rd. in Downtown Nanaimo Frisbee Football FMI

GOLF Pitch & Putt Beban Park Golf Centre - 250.256.0108 Ladysmith Golf Club 380 Davis Rd Ladysmith, 250.245.7313 Nanaimo Golf Club 250.758.2451 Cottonwood Golf Course 250.245.5157 Eaglequest Nanaimo Golf Course Ian McDonald - 250.754.1325. GYMNASTICS Flipside Gymnastics Fall Session has begun! Register at: 250.756.9102 or ICE SKATING City of Nanaimo FMI - 250.756.5200 KAYAKING SEALEGS - 250.245.4096 MARTIAL ARTS SHIMA Karate Fall SEPT 1-2 FMI Sensei Kurt Nordli 250.756.1055 Fredericksen Combative Arts 2231 E McGarrigle Rd. 250.619.9349 Nanaimo Aikido Club 250.714.7787 Nanaimo Judo Club 110 Machleary St. 250.754.1444 Nanaimo Shotokan Karate-Do 250.751.3700 Nanaimo Tae Kwon Do Club 2310F McCullough - 250.751.1585 Tomari Karate & Kick Boxing 250.751.3657

Withers Taekwon-Do Academy 3-2330 McCullough 250.668.0116 World Tae Kwon Do Kumdo & Hapkido Wellington Rd. - 250.760.0119 MINOR HOCKEY The Nanaimo Clippers Junior A - 250.754.5010 Bucaneers Junior B - 250.616.1404 MUSEUM Nanaimo Military Museum FMI Brian McFadden 250.753.3814 MUSIC Arbutus Music Lessons 6324 Metral FMI - 250.933.1900 Private Music Lessons Natural Growth, Piano, Brass, Woodwinds, Guitar & Bass. Web: Voice Alive Music Studio Singing Lessons 250.751.0231 Harbour City Music - Ask about our introductory Drum Lessons, Mike Harrison - 250.591.1177 NANAIMO FISH & GAME TRAPSHOOTING ASS’N Jack Gilmour - 250.758.5302 SCOUTS Nanaimo FMI Melissa Braun 250.668.0983 SOCCER Mid Isle Highlanders FC 250.722.3288 Nanaimo Harbour City FC 250.729.9400

Your Computer Guy

The accumulation of dust and debris is the number one killer of computers. The components get insulated with the dust and can burn out, making your computer unusable. Laptops are the worst culprit in that they suck in dust from the air and the accumulation inside is not unlike that of your dryer vent. This accumulation needs to be removed manually by a certified technician for if you try to use compressed air you will drive the solid mass into the fan, seizing it. All computers and laptops need yearly maintenance so the hot temperatures don’t shut you down. Bitrate will take care of all this for you for only 60.00. Don’t take chances with your expensive equipment, treat them well and they will keep on going… Free Bullhead Derby for Kids: the Kiwanis Sunrisers present ‘Bruno’s 28th Annual Bullhead Derby’for children 2 - 12 years at Brechin Boat Launch 9:30 - 2 pm. Prizes, surprise guests! Free hot dog and drinks for all registrants. Register between 9:30 - 11 am. Fishing from 10 am - noon. Adult supervision required and pfd’s for all kids (bring own if possible or borrow one). Rods available to borrow and free bait. Family fun! FMI 2014 Nanaimo Kidney Walk: help raise funds for the prevention and treatment of kidney disease! A fun family event - dogs are welcome. Maffeo Sutton Park 9 am (registration), 10 am (start). By donation. Take your pick of a 2.5 km walk, a 5 km fun run or a 2.5 km dragonboat paddle. FMI/register at

18 AUG MON Harbour City Newcomers Club Meeting: for everyone (male, female, singles, couples) new to Nanaimo. Social activities, friendship and support. Club meets the 3rd Monday of each month, 7 pm at Oliver Woods Community Centre. FMI 4th Annual Nanaimo Fringe Festival: 8 international and local theatre companies will perform in front of live audiences between Aug 14 - 24 at a variety of venues in and around downtown Nanaimo! Comedic and dramatic performances will please, startle or challenge you. FMI/tix

Aug 183 1) Text & box 2) Head one

3) Head two 4) Plane 5) Foot 6) Tree top 7) Tree fat 8) Black box 9) Bent antenna 10) hand


BITRATE COMPUTER SERVICES Bitrate has a simple concept · Complete computer repair for $60 · No Run-Around, No Tech-talk · 1 Day turnaround · No extra charges or surprises tel. 250.619.1275 19 AUG TUE TUE Free Summer Lunch Time Concerts: Tuesdays July 15 - Aug 26, from 12:301:30 at Maffeo Sutton Park. Check for schedule of performers Art Exhibition and Sale: ‘Coastal Expressions’takes place Aug 16 - Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Free. FMI 250.754.1750 Live Music:‘On the Dock’Acoustic Series continues at the Dinghy Dock Pub at 7:30 pm. 3 acoustic acts. FMI/lineup Tix Free Movie:‘Pompeii’shows at Harbourfront library at 6 pm. FMI 250.753.1154 4th Annual Nanaimo Fringe Festival: 8 international and local theatre companies will perform in front of live audiences between Aug 14 - 24 at a variety of venues in and around downtown Nanaimo! Comedic and dramatic performances will please, startle or challenge you. FMI/tix


4th Annual Nanaimo Fringe Festival: 8 international and local theatre companies will perform in front of live audiences between Aug 14 - 24 at a variety of venues in and around downtown Nanaimo! Comedic and dramatic performances will please, startle or challenge you. FMI/tix


Temperatures are rising and your computers and laptops are feeling the strain. There is nothing that shortens the life of a computer more than heat.


Heat kills computers

Article by Steve Duckett




26 miles






The Curies


Free Concerts in the Park Summer Series: every Wednesday Jul 9 - Aug 27, 6 - 7:30 pm. July concerts held in Bowen Park Amphitheatre and Aug concerts held at Maffeo Sutton Park. Visit for schedule of performers Art Exhibition and Sale:‘Coastal Expressions’takes place Aug 16 - Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Free. FMI 250.754.1750 Glow in the Dark Skate: skate in an atmosphere of dimmed lighting and special effects! 6:30 - 8 pm at Nanaimo Ice Centre. FMI 250.756.5200 Live Music: ‘West My Friend & Brett Wildeman - Bikes, Barns & Beers Tour’ at Green Lake Farm in the evening. FMI 604.740.2876. Tix $10. RSVP @ Museum Activities for Kids: ‘Junior Archaeologist’ is a drop-in program for kids 5 - 12 (and their caregivers) offered every Wed between 1:30 - 3:30 pm in July and Aug at the Museum. Hands-on activities include sifting through soil for artifacts, rebuilding clay pots and making petroglyph rubbings! Price included in museum fee $2/adult, $1.75 student/senior, $0.75/children 5 -`12, free/under 5. FMI Pine Street Community Garden Work Parties: 11:00am, Nanaimo Community Garden, The Pine Street Community Garden is springing to life.FMI 250.816.4769 Sailboat Night at The Dinghy Dock Pub: 6:30pm, Dinghy Dock Pub, 250.753.2373


Funny Business Wrap-Up Party: 2:00pm, Long Lake Chateau, Join library staff at Long Lake Chateau (3035 Ross Road) for exciting prize draws, crafts, snacks, and live entertainment. Allages. FREE,,, 250.758.5544 ext 1

Devenez membre de L’AFN et célébrez la francophonie! Become a member of L’AFN and celebrate the joie de vivre of Francophone culture! Participez à des rencontres et des activités en français. Enjoy French and bilingual educational and cultural activities for everyone from children to seniors!

• 5 à 7/Meet and Greets • Camp d’été/ Summer Camp • Mini Franco-Fun • Rencontres des aîné(e)s/ Au m ois d e fevr Seniors’ Meetings ier In Feb ruary Beban • Librairie et vidéos/ Audit orium Library and DVDs • French language lessons • 250.729.2776

Summer Music Series: free outdoor lunchtime concert series every Thursday till Aug 28 in downtown Nanaimo’s ‘Lois Lane’, just down the China Steps. 11 am - 2 pm. Bring your lunch! FMI/lineup visit Art Exhibition and Sale:‘Coastal Expressions’takes place Aug 16 - Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Free. FMI 250.754.1750 4th Annual Nanaimo Fringe Festival: 8 international and local theatre companies will perform in front of live audiences between Aug 14 - 24 at a variety of venues in and around downtown Nanaimo! Comedic and dramatic performances will please, startle or challenge you. FMI/tix Live Music: courtesy of the Harbour City Seniors, ‘Terry Lowry’ (saxophone and keyboard) plays the Bowen Auditorium at 500 Bowen Rd from 1:30 - 3 pm. Members $2, non-members $4. FMI 250.755.7501 Bastion Tours: 12:00pm, Nanaimo Museum: This tour is family friendly and takes 20 minutes. Admission by donation. By Donation,,, 250.753.1821

22 AUG FRI FRI Nanaimo Blues Festival: 3 days of awesome blues in Maffeo Sutton Park! ‘Summertime Blues’2014 runs Aug 22 - 24 featuring The Distributors, Jim Byrnes, Bill Johnson, the Cadillac Blues Band and many more. For full line-up/schedule visit Tix online at the Port Theatre box office or call 250.754.8550 Museum Activities for Kids: ‘Dinosaur’is a drop-in program for kids 5 - 12 (and their caregivers) offered every Fri between 1:30 - 3:30 pm in July and Aug at the Museum. Hands-on activities include sifting through soil for dinosaur bones and making fossilized dinosaur footprints! Price included in museum fee $2/adult, $1.75 student/senior, $0.75/children 5 -12, free/under 5. FMI 4th Annual Nanaimo Fringe Festival: 8 international and local theatre companies will perform in front of live audiences between Aug 14 - 24 at a variety of venues in and around downtown Nanaimo! Comedic and dramatic performances will please, startle or challenge you. FMI/tix Live Music: Award-winning Canadian World/Reggae Artist ‘Auresia’ and Cameroon’s ‘Flo’ perform at the Vault. Doors 9 pm. Tix $10. FMI 250.591.0776 Live Music: popular solo instrumentalist and roving musician ‘Dave Hart’ plays Boston Pizza 6 - 9 pm. No cover. FMI 250.751.0090

PET TIP Pet food Pitfalls · Part 2 Well, we’ve covered the basics of nutrition and looked at AAFCO statements. What else is there? Well, HOW you feed your pets is as important as WHAT you feed your pets. Dogs, cats and people are designed to digest their food differently. Dogs are scavengers. They evolved to follow us around looking for food scraps - that’s how they became domesticated. The digestive system of the dog is designed to eat large amounts and then fast for a period of time. If they come across something good, they want to scarf it down as fast as possible to make sure that the next scavenger to come along doesn’t get it. Also, they want to eat as much of it as possible just in case their next meal isn’t for a long time. That doesn’t mean that all dogs eat like this, just that they evolved that way. Many dogs eat in a polite way and are able to graze throughout the day, some are not. But… here’s the point: when a dog is grazing (eating small amounts throughout the day), their body assumes that there is a lot of extra food around, and starts to store it as fat just in case the next meal doesn’t show up. A dog that is being fed twice a day, or even once a day, will take the same amount of food and use it as energy or muscle tissue instead of fat. Cats are the opposite. They became domesticated by acting as the protectors of our barns and food supply. We tolerated them because they kept the mouse population down. It is only very recently in our history that we have started to keep cats purely as friends and family members. Before recent history, cats worked for us, functioning as live mouse traps. Their eating habits, not surprisingly, reflect this. Cats are designed to eat several small (mouse sized) meals throughout the day. If we assume an average mouse size of 30 grams, cats should eat about 5-6 “mouse size” meals throughout the day. Here is the difference between hunting barn cats and our very happy house guests: Our cats are being served their food, not hunting. Obvious, but if they are not hunting, they are not burning off the incredible amount of

Written by Dr. Julie Lamb, Applecross Veterinary Hospital

energy, patience and thought that is spent during hunting. If they are not hunting, they will become bored and a bored cat will eat. Free choice feeding is ideal for a cat; however, provide their food in “cat mazes” (toys you can place the food in), or in small amounts in different dishes. I have several clients who place a few kibble in small dishes around the house and then they change the locations every day. This encourages hunting behaviour and decreases boredom. Cats will loose weight and maintain mental health using these techniques.

DEDICATED TO PREVENTIVE MEDICINE ASK US HOW TO KEEP YOUR PETS THE HEALTHIEST THEY CAN BE Individualized Wellness Plans Life-Stage Programs Preventive Medicine Digital Radiology

Promoting animal health through preventive and modern veterinary medicine Phone: 250-390-2391 Fax: 250-390-1741

6451 Applecross Rd Nanaimo, BC V9V 1N1

Dog Day Farmers Market: Pioneer Plaza, right next to the Bastion, It will be a jam packed Farmers Market with lots of dog activities. Nail clippings by donation to the BCSPCA, free dog treats, live music and so much more. This event is in addition to our regular market, so you will have to opportunity to bring your dog and do some local shopping. Friday Evening Market: 4:00pm, Diana Krall Plaza , Every Friday evening from 4pm to 8pm in Diana Krall Plaza in downtown Nanaimo. FREE,, 250.748.5552 Summer Reading Club Wind Up Party: refreshments, prizes and medal ceremony! Magician Donald Dunphy. 11 am - 12 noon at Harbourfront library. FMI 250.753.1154 Art Exhibition and Sale: ‘Coastal Expressions’takes place Aug 16 - Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Free. FMI 250.754.1750

23AUG AUGSAT SAT 23 Bastion Tours: 12:00pm, Nanaimo Museum, Watch the firing of the noon cannon and go on a guided tour of the Bastion. Find out why the Bastion was built, the story behind the nearly 200 year old cannons and even ghostly experiences. This tour is family friendly and takes 20 minutes. Admission by donation. By Donation,,, 250.753.1821 Nanaimo Blues Festival: 3 days of awesome blues in Maffeo Sutton Park! ‘Summertime Blues’ 2014 runs Aug 22 - 24 featuring The Distributors, Jim Byrnes, Bill Johnson, the Cadillac Blues Band and many more. For full line-up/ schedule visit Tix online at the Port Theatre box office or call 250.754.8550

Art Exhibition and Sale: ‘Coastal Expressions’takes place Aug 16 - Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Free. FMI 250.754.1750 Live Opera: Opera Nanaimo presents “Opera Gems for Summer Dreams’, 7:30 pm at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 4235 Departure Bay Rd. FMI/tix Glad and Dahlia Show: Aug 23 and 24 at Country Club Centre. FMI 250.758.1102 4th Annual Nanaimo Fringe Festival: 8 international and local theatre companies will perform in front of live audiences between Aug 14 - 24 at a variety of venues in and around downtown Nanaimo! Comedic and dramatic performances will please, startle or challenge you. FMI/tix

24 AUG SUN SUN Nanaimo Blues Festival: 3 days of awesome blues in Maffeo Sutton Park! ‘Summertime Blues’ 2014 runs Aug 22 - 24 featuring The Distributors, Jim Byrnes, Bill Johnson, the Cadillac Blues Band and many more. For full line-up/schedule visit Tix online at the Port Theatre box office or call 250.754.8550 Glad and Dahlia Show: Aug 23 and 24 at Country Club Centre. FMI 250.758.1102 Sunday Concerts in the Park: ‘Dixie Down Blues Band’ (happy jazz) plays 6 - 8 pm at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith. Admission by donation, proceeds to Ladysmith Resources Centre Association. FMI 4th Annual Nanaimo Fringe Festival: 8 international and local theatre companies will perform in front of live audiences between Aug 14 - 24 at a variety of venues in and around downtown Nanaimo! Comedic and dramatic performances will please, startle or challenge you.FMI/tix

Shopping Satisfaction!


Free Summer Lunch Time Concerts: Tuesdays July 15 - Aug 26, from 12:301:30 at Maffeo Sutton Park. Check for schedule of performers Art Exhibition and Sale: ‘Coastal Expressions’takes place Aug 16 - Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Free. FMI 250.754.1750


Bowen Road Farmers Market: 4:00pm, Beban Fairgrounds, This is BRFM's 7th year of serving the community. FREE, http://www.,, 250.751.5313 Free Concerts in the Park Summer Series: every Wednesday Jul 9 - Aug 27, 6 - 7:30 pm. July concerts held in Bowen Park Amphitheatre and Aug concerts held at Maffeo Sutton Park. Visit for schedule of performers Art Exhibition and Sale: ‘Coastal Expressions’takes place Aug 16 - Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Free. FMI 250.754.1750 Museum Activities for Kids: ‘Junior Archaeologist’ is a drop-in program for kids 5 - 12 (and their caregivers) offered every Wed between 1:30 - 3:30 pm in July and Aug at the Museum. Hands-on activities include sifting through soil for artifacts, rebuilding clay pots and making petroglyph rubbings! Price included in museum fee $2/adult, $1.75 student/senior, $0.75/children 5 -`12, free/under 5. FMI

28 AUG AUGTHU THU 28 Country Club Centre Gold Year Savings: free goodies & coffee at food court from 10 - 11 am and 2 - 3 pm. Live entertainment 2 - 3 pm with Howie James. Whole day senior discount at participating merchants. Last Thursday of each month. FMI Summer Music Series: free outdoor lunchtime concert series every Thursday till Aug 28 in downtown Nanaimo’s ‘Lois Lane’, just down the China Steps. 11 am - 2 pm. Bring your lunch! FMI/lineup visit Art Exhibition and Sale: ‘Coastal Expressions’takes place Aug 16 - Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Free. FMI 250.754.1750 Live Music: courtesy of the Harbour City Seniors, ‘Cliff Marcil’ (vocalist) performs at the Bowen Auditorium at 500 Bowen Rd from 1:30 - 3 pm. Members $2, non-members $4. FMI 250.755.7501 Pioneer Cemetery Tours: the 2nd and 4th Thurs of July and Aug at 1:30 pm. Discover stories buried in BCs 3rd oldest cemetery! $10/person, preregistration required. 45 min tour. FMI Bastion Tours: 12:00pm, Nanaimo Museum, Watch the firing of the noon cannon and go on a guided tour of the Bastion. Find out why the Bastion was built, the story behind the nearly 200 year old cannons and even ghostly experiences. This tour is family friendly and takes 20 minutes. Admission by donation. By Donation,,, 250.753.1821 Name That Tune at The Dinghy Dock Pub: 7:30pm, Dinghy Dock Pub, So you think you know music? Come test your knowledge at the Dinghy Dock Pub with our weekly Name that Tune show 250.753.2373

29 29 AUG AUG FRI FRI Museum Activities for Kids: ‘Dinosaur’ is a drop-in program for kids 5 - 12 (and their caregivers) offered every Fri between 1:30 - 3:30 pm in July and Aug at the Museum. Hands-on activities include sifting through soil for dinosaur bones and making fossilized dinosaur footprints! Price included in museum fee $2/adult, $1.75 student/senior, $0.75/children 5 -`12, free/ under 5. FMI

The Nanaimo Blues Society AKA “Memphis North”

Do you love the Blues? Then come on down to “The Queens” every Sunday from 4:00—8:00 pm and enjoy the Jam Sessions. Featuring great local area musicians such as Blue Cadillac, Luv Train, Lazy Mike and the Rockin’ Recliners, Mark Crissinger and the Blue Budzz and many more. Only $5.00 Jammers Welcome (no charge) Fantastc Door Prizes, great food specials. Grab a couple of friends get your dancing shoes on and let’s party.

Background photo by Shawn Evans


Museum Feature Exhibit: ‘Canada Day 1’ is a travelling exhibit from the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 1. Showing at the Nanaimo Museum till Sept 1. FMI Nanaimo Art Gallery (Campus): Connie Watts I Reconciling Self is a feature exhibition of Watt’s mixed media work, until Sept 6. Watts is a contemporary First Nations artist working with traditional Northwest Coast forms. Admission is free. FMI 250.740.6350 Nanaimo Art Gallery (Downtown): Existential Elders is the work of 16 BC artists addressing the topics of life/meaning/aging. until Aug 10. Admission is free. FMI 250.754.1750 HBC Bastion and Noon Hour Cannon Firing: 10 am - 3 pm until Labour Day, Pioneer Plaza on Front Street. Admission by donation. Heritage interpreter on site. FMI Water Parks: open till Sept, 9 am - 8 pm. Locations include Departure Bay Kiwanis Park, Deverill Square Park, Harewood Water Park, Mansfield Park FMI 250.756.5200 Westwood Lake: lifeguards on duty daily July 3 - August 31, 12 noon till 6 pm. FMI 250.756.5200 Bowen Park Kin Outdoor Pool: heated outdoor pool open every day June 30th - Aug 29th (1 - 3 pm). All are welcome! Admission $3. New: adult hour length swimming Mon/ Wed/Fri 12 - 1 pm. All enquiries 250.756.5200 Summer Playground Program: drop by an area playground July 2 - Aug 22 for free family fun! For kids 5 - 12, 10 am - 3:30 pm. Country Hills Park (Mon & Tue), Departure Bay Kiwanis Park (Wed - Fri), Deverill Square Park (Mon - Wed, Fri), Harewood Water Park (Mon - Fri), Mansfield Park (Mon - Fri), Fairview Community School (Mon - Fri). FMI 250.756.5200


Acoustic Night: 4 different acoustic acts each week at the Queens. 7 pm - 11 pm. $5. FMI 250.754.6751


Ladysmith Farmers’ Market: Tuesdays 2 - 6 pm at Transfer Beach, June 3 - Sept 9. FMI Live Music: ‘Throwback Tuesdays’ at The Queens with the Femme Fatales. No cover. FMI 250.754.6751 Free Summer Lunch Time Concerts: Tuesdays until Aug 26, from 12:30-1:30 at Maffeo Sutton Park. Check for schedule of performers

Technology Tuesdays: free eBook/ computer help at Harbourfront Library 3:30 - 5 pm. Drop-in BYO Ukelele: Harbourfront Library 5:30 - 7:30 pm. FMI 250.753.1154


Tango Dance Lessons: Fibber Magees FMI 250.591.0650 Free Concerts in the Park Summer Series: every Wednesday until Aug 27, 6 - 7:30 pm. Aug concerts held at Maffeo Sutton Park. Visit for schedule of performers Babytime: Wednesdays at Harbourfront Branch library 11:15 - 11:45 am. Drop-in, free. Siblings welcome. FMI 250.753.1154 ESL Conversation Club: every Wednesday from 4 - 5:00 at Harbourfront library. Tea and snacks provided. Register at 250.753.1154 Book a Librarian: every Wed in August, 3 - 5 pm at Wellington Branch Library. Get a half hour of free tech help. Call 250.758.5544 ext 1 to register Bowen Road Farmers’ Market: weekly from May 14 - Oct 15 at Beban Park, 2300 Bowen Road (VIEX grounds). 4 - 6:30 pm. FMI


Bastion Tours: enjoy the noon hour cannon firing then head inside the historic Bastion for a family-friendly tour that takes about 20 minutes. Front Street at Pioneer Plaza. Admission by donation. FMI Salsa Night: at the Spice Lounge 8:30 - 11:30 pm. Free salsa lessons start at 8:45 pm. Cover $5. FMI 250.754.6751 Spanish Conversation Club: casual and friendly gathering at Harbourfront Library 6:30 - 7:30 pm. FMI 250.753.1154 Open Mic Night: spoken word/music at Serious Coffee on Commercial (downtown) 6:30 - 9 pm. Songwriters draw for studio time. FMI Guy at 250.618.2924 Live Music: acoustic music every Thursday at the Longwood Brew Pub. Free concert series featuring local and touring musicians. Showtime 8 pm. FMI 250.729.8225 Pioneer Cemetery Tours: the 2nd and 4th Thurs of July and Aug at 1:30 pm. Discover stories buried in BCs 3rd oldest cemetery! $10/person, pre-registration required. 45 min tour. FMI Summer Music Series: free outdoor lunchtime concert series every Thursday till Aug 28 in downtown Nanaimo’s ‘Lois Lane’, just down the China Steps. 11 am - 2 pm. Bring your lunch! FMI/ lineup visit Nanaimo Scottish Country Dancers: 7:30 pm at Pleasant Valley Hall (Doumont Rd at Metral Dr). A funfilled evening of music, dance and making new friends. FMI Hazel 250758-6224 or


Nanaimo Downtown Farmers’ Market: open May 2 - Oct 12, 10 am - 2 pm at Pioneer Plaza on Front Street. Special market Sept 22. FMI

Nanaimo Friday Evening Market: new this year! Market runs from 4 - 8 pm Fridays in Diana Krall Plaza. FMI Live Music: Friday Night Jam at the Globe Hotel. Music starts at 8 pm. Electric and acoustic jam hosted by Nanaimo locals Roadhouse. No cover. FMI Live Music: Friday night acoustic series at the Quarterway Pub on Bowen Rd., 9 pm - midnight. No cover. FMI 250.754.2733 Teen Tabletop Gaming: Harbourfront Library 4:30 - 7:30 pm. Drop-in, free Live Music: “Daragh Fitzgerald” at Fibber Magees FMI 250.591.0650 Live Music: at Harewood Arms Pub. FMI 250.754.2566 Live Music: local musicians at ACMe Food Co 7 - 10 pm No cover FMI


Live Music: The Queen’s 250.754.6751 Live Music: a different dance band every week at the Wellington Hotel. Free FMI 250.758-5513 Moksha Yoga Karma Class: drop-in to Moksha Yoga - Rutherford Studio and practice for a donation to support local or international charities, 7 pm. Sign up online at www.mokshayogananaimo. com. FMI 250.756.4647 Karaoke: Harewood Arms Pub 9 pm - 1 am. FMI 250.754.2566 Gabriola Island Farmers’ Market: 10 am - 1 pm every Saturday till Thanksgiving at the AGI Agricultural Hall. FMI Bastion Tours: enjoy the noon hour cannon firing then head inside the historic Bastion for a family-friendly tour that takes about 20 minutes. Front Street at Pioneer Plaza. Admission by donation. FMI Board Games Afternoon: drop by Harbourfront Branch Library 1 - 4 pm with friends/family and enjoy an afternoon of Scrabble, Monopoly, Quelf, the Settlers of Catan and more! FMI 250.753.1154 ext. 238


Live Music: “Darragh Fitzgerald” at Fibber Magees FMI 250.591.0650 Birding Walk: hosted by The Backyard WildBird and Nature Store. No charge. 9 am. FMI 250.390.3669 Live Music: ‘Blues Jam’ every Sunday at the Queens 4 - 8 pm. $5 cover, jammers free. For weekly listing of host bands call the Queens at 250.754.6751 Sunday Concerts in the Park: 6 - 8 pm at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith until Aug 31. Admission by donation, proceeds to Ladysmith Resources Centre Association. FMI Lantzville Farmers’ Market: opens for the season Sunday May 11 and continues weekly until the end of October. 1:30 - 4 pm, 7113 Lantzville Rd. FMI Cedar Farmers’ Market: opens for the season May 11 and runs till end of October. 10 am - 2 pm, 2313 Yellow Point Road. FMI

80+and Going Strong Nanaimo Seniors Village is a campus of care located in north Nanaimo, near Woodgrove Shopping Centre. This luxurious seniors铆 community offers 150 private Residential Care rooms, 152 Assisted Living suites and 56 Independent suites in Highgate.

Set on seven acres where gardens and green space abound, community members enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. With Independent Living, Assisted Living and Residential Care, Nanaimo Seniors Village is able to offer seniors the ability to "age in place". This model is also ideal for couples, enabling them to stay together in the same facility as their care needs change over the years. Independent Living

This model is also ideal for couples, enabling them to stay together in the same facility...

A word from a


sion e a wise deci I know I mad mo Seniors Village. ai moving to Nan phere, and activities os m at , od fo The ally enjoy uality. We re are all Top Q would e here, and I a great lifestyl g here to everyone in recommend liv the good life. s te ia ec pr who ap

Independent living is intended for functionally independent people who are capable of directing their own lives. These residents choose to be free of the home management duties and prefer the convenience of service in a social atmosphere that provides services and security. Residents direct their own lives, come and go as they please and participate in activities of their choosing within their community. Services provided include a menu of optional feefor-services from a base rate which include meals, housekeeping, and recreational opportunities.

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(behind Earls)

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Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5:30 PM Saturday 10 AM to 5 PM Closed Sundays & Stat Holidays

Performance Arts NANAIMO



Spotlight Academy

British Columbia Boys Choir

Jacqui Kaese - 250.714.2555 Acting | Film | Theatre | TV Classes for all ages – various locations.

Jacqui Kaese trained Cameron Bright known for many roles including the Twilight movies. “Jacqui is an amazing teacher and mentor. She is one of the most caring, supportive and professional people you will ever meet.” - Cameron Bright


If you have a 7-17 year old BOY who SINGS all the time.... You should think about the Choir! The BCBC has two Choirs in Nanaimo under the direction of Patricia Plumley. Monday Rehearsals at the Harbourfront Library. Live Music: say goodbye to summer with the ‘Aaron Wood Trio’ at the Dinghy Dock Pub at 7:30 pm. FMI Art Exhibition and Sale: ‘Coastal Expressions’ takes place Aug 16 Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Free. FMI 250.754.1750


Crimson Coast Dance Society

150 Commercial St. 10b 250.716.3230

Hot Dance In Your Home Town Classes, performances, dance jams for all ages. Check it at:

Feature Exhibit

June 9 to August 31

In partnership with


Art Exhibition and Sale: ‘Coastal Expressions’ takes place Aug 16 Sept 6 at the Nanaimo Art Gallery - downtown. Featuring works by members of the Nanaimo Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Free. FMI 250.754.1750 Live Music: say goodbye to summer with the ‘Aaron Wood Trio’ at the Dinghy Dock Pub at 7:30 pm. FMI


SimonSays How are the first few bites tasting? I love dining out and have done so across the continent at everywhere from burrito carts in Palm Springs to Ruth’s Chris in Florida to fabulous East Indian cuisine in New York. Nanaimo has some excellent restaurants and we truly do have some of the best servers doing very well at what can be a very challenging job. I think everyone would agree that it’s always nice to receive great service when dining out. I mean I’m not too picky and I’d far rather preserve the dining experience as a whole than look for reasons to be dissatisfied. Nothing worse than someone who acts like he’s the only one in the restaurant and views the server as a servant. Still, it’s true that not all servers are created equal with some who are outstanding at what they do and others, well, not so much. Recently, for example, I was out for dinner at an established Nanaimo restaurant and received the best service I can remember. Our server was flawless and I’m pretty sure I tipped her 23% which, while I usually don’t tip less that 18% I rarely, if ever, go past 20%. I had planned to take my wife out for dinner with the intent indulge and enjoy some rare ‘couple time’ without holding back. When we sat down I was impressed by how professional and confident our server appeared. She knew how to make interesting small talk

Article by Simon Rideout

and genuinely took an interest in us. It’s evident when a person is engaged and interested just as it is pretty obvious if he or she is a bit detached and wishing to be somewhere else. She asked us regularly, but not overly, if there was “...anything she could get for us....” She appeared genuinely interested in our experience as we moved through our courses asking “How is everything?” She commented on our excellent choice of wine and I noticed that, when she was in our general vicinity, rather than avoid looking our way, for fear we may actually want or need something, she always made inquisitive eye contact to show she was paying attention. More often than not we were not lacking for anything but of course it is “Murphy’s Law” that if your server ignores you chances are good that you’ve managed to empty your drink into your lap and badly need a stack of napkins. Of particular note never once during the entire dining experience did our server come to our table and ask: “Sooooo…how are the first few bites tasting over here?” When I hear that statement I can’t help thinking that someone designed it to avoid getting any other response then a nod or a “fine thanks.” So thank you to all you professional servers in Nanaimo that go the extra mile to make the dining out experience memorable for all the right reasons.

#183 Aug ‘14 Find 10 Differences Answers in this magazine. ©1984-2014 Whats On Digest Cartoon by Gary Kaardal


TOP EATS Breakfast (behind Country Club Mall)


Café / Lunch Spot Powerhouse Living Foods  6560 Metral Dr


 200 Commercial St


Nellie's Dutch Deli  #500-2980 Island hwy


Bodhis Bakery

 5299 Rutherford Rd

Check your favourites. Find new restaurants to visit!

International & Pacific Rim

Tania's Restaurant (7AM - 3PM Daily)

 4286 Departure Bay Rd



Perkins Coffee Company 234 Commercial St 250.753.2582 Mon Petit Choux 101-120 Commercial 250.753.6002 Smokin’ Georges BBQ 5 – 4131 Mostar Rd 250.585.2258 Serious Coffee Beaufort 1588 Boundary Cr 250.716.8959 Serious Coffee Co-Op Hammond Bay 4750 Hammond Bay Rd 250.758.4237 Serious Coffee Hammond Bay Centre 6357 Hammond Bay Rd 250.390.0868 Serious Coffee Vancouver Island Conference Centre 60 Commercial St 250.591.1065 Serious Coffee South Parkway 1275 Island Hwy South

Pizza Little Ceasars 3 – 1708 Bowen Rd. 250.716.3310 2 – 6338 Metral Dr. 250.390.9000 Milano's Ristorante 300-6551 Aulds Rd 250.390.5060

Live Music: popular solo instrumentalist ‘Dave Hart’ plays Extraordinary Organics from 6 - 9 pm. FMI/reservations 250.591.6078 Gallery Row’s Art Fest 2014: free family fun! From 12 noon till 4 pm 308 Fitzwilliam will have live entertainment, local artists, a blacksmith, kids’ activities, a silent auction and local food! FMI

31 AUG SUN St. Anns Academy Heritage Tours: 2:30pm, St. Anns Academy, A guided tour of St Ann’s Academy & its grounds is a must. FMI or reservations. Donation Suggested $5, 250.953.8820

Huong Lan - Vietnamese "What the pho?"

19-1925 Bowen Rd


Dover Chinese Food 103-6330 Dover Rd. 250.390.9111 Nori Japanese Restaurant 203-6750 Isl,. Hwy. N 250.751.3377 Blue Ginger 1-5769 Turner 250.751.8238

Downtown Nanaimo Powerhouse Living Foods

 200 Commercial St


Acme Food Co 14 Commercial St 250.753.0042 Modern Cafe 221 Commercial 250.754.5022 Minnoz Steak & Seafood Coast Bastion Hotel 250.753.6601

Family Dining Montana's Cookhouse

4715 Rutherford Rd

ABC Country Restaurant 6671 Mary Ellen Nanaimo White Spot North 6561 Island Hwy. White Spot Terminal 130 Terminal Ave N

250.758.2388 250-390-4064 250.390.2941 250.754.2241

North American Dairy Queen & Orange Julius 6888 Island Hwy N (Dickinson Crossing) Lees Famous Recipe Chicken 250 Fifth St

250.390.1595 250.754.4424

Sunday Blues Jam at the Queens Hotel: 4:00pm, A rotation of blues bands is featured which gives musicians an opportunity to perform with a great line-up of Vancouver Island blues artists. Adults $5.00 (jammers free),,, 250.754.6751 Sunday Concerts in the Park: ‘Doctor Bones Blues Project’ (blues/gospel blues) plays 6 - 8 pm at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith. Admission by donation, proceeds to Ladysmith Resources Centre Association. FMI

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Valid from now until Sept 30, 2014. Valid for dine-in only. Minimum purchase of $25. Maximum discount $5.

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