A Warm Welcome
Numbers. I have always been fascinated by them. More than just figures on a page and cold, hard data, they are gateways to seeing the world in a different way. Once you begin to analyse and unravel them, and understand the underlying connections, the knowledge gained can be used to unlock a deeper understanding of all around us and make informed decisions. Every set of numbers has a unique narrative – they tell a story.
Our graphic designer Graham recently asked me for some data to make an infographic, a visual representation of numbers, relating to the Whitby Advertiser. Lots of numbers came to mind, and here are just a few. What story do they tell? I will let you decide. A print-run of 18,000 copies delivered by 17 staff to homes and businesses throughout Whitby, along the coast and across the North Yorkshire Moors and the Esk Valley. Established in 2006, and 214 issues published to date. 120 adverts in a typical issue (with 77% of our advertisers returning each month) and over 100 events and
activities on our What’s On pages. An online business directory with over 400 local businesses. In 2023, we ran 24 competitions, 75 articles on topical subjects and featured 24 books. And the cover price of our magazine? Well, there is no number there, it is free of charge, delivered to your door every month by one of our friendly team.
If you would like to advertise your business in the Whitby Advertiser, the number one choice for advertising here in Whitby, just drop us an email or give us a call. And remember no artwork is no problem, our graphic designer Graham is always happy to work with you to create an advert at no extra cost.
Be part of the Whitby Advertiser – there is strength in numbers as they say!
Have a great Easter and April!
Stephen Ault Editor

Building a team to be proud of at The Mayfield Care Home

As we approach the one-year anniversary of the opening of The Mayfield Care Home, we look back at a time full of fun and excitement. Our goal was to provide the very best care for our residents and we have managed to do this by recruiting a top-quality team. We are incredibly proud of everything it has achieved and our team members are the reason we have become the no.1 ranked care home in North Yorkshire with a coveted 10/10 rating on carehome.co.uk.
As Natalie Gill, General Manager of The Mayfield, says, “care is all about people, and you need a team that is passionate about looking after its residents.”
The Mayfield’s North Star is its values; Compassion, Thoughtfulness, Integrity and Excellence. These are what the team lives by and we think are the most important ingredients in providing a high-quality resident experience.
When recruiting, it is imperative that we find people who are naturally aligned with our values.
After we have found the right people, we make every effort to look after them. “This is not only the right thing to do, but we believe that if we look after our team members, they will look after our residents,” says Leanne Weatherill, Assistant General Manager. “This creates an environment of kindness, respect, and an understanding that the wellbeing of our residents is our top priority.”
Nurturing our team members involves supporting them in their roles and careers. There is a considerable amount of ongoing training, management has an
open-door policy, and we encourage people to do NVQs (fully-funded) to help them grow as people and develop their careers. Being a new care home with growing occupancy, we also have lots of opportunity for people to be promoted, and this will be further boosted by the company opening its second care home, in Scarborough, in October this year.
Lastly, The Mayfield is a lively and fun-filled environment and we like to have a laugh with our residents and each other!
Given our continued occupancy growth, we are currently recruiting. If you share our values and want to make a big difference to the lives of others, please call us today on 01947 280 884, or visit www.themayfield.co.uk/careers

Support the campaign to save Whitby harbour!

The campaign about parking and other revenue from Whitby’s harbour land is very much in the news at the moment as it has reached the High Court in London. This is a costly process and Fight4Whitby has launched a CrowdJustice page http://www.crowdjustice.com/case/fight-forwhitby where people can donate to support our case to hold the local authority to account for their failure to adequately fund the maintenance of the harbour in Whitby.
What’s happened?
A local government Act requires all revenue generated on Whitby harbour land to be ringfenced for maintaining the harbour. When Scarborough Borough Council took over in 1974, the terms of this Act fell on them. Income from Whitby harbour appeared to have been reserved for harbour use until some point between 2001 and 2005 when it stopped.
Why should you care?
Since this time, money generated on harbour land has been spent across the Borough with income from car parks alone on Whitby harbour land in excess of £1m per year. If ring-fencing had been maintained the money would be there to help fund urgent repairs and maintenance to Whitby harbour now and in the future.
A failure of the harbour structures could lead to increased flooding, and/or closing the harbour, and the consequences of which would include a risk to life and property as well as a detrimental effect on tourism, businesses and the environment.
We need your help
Since 2016 Whitby resident Sue Boyce, supported by Fight4Whitby, has been funding a legal case to bring the money made in Whitby back to the town. Sue has used her own savings as well as local donations but now we need your help to continue to fund this case. The Whitby harbour case is, at long last, due to be resolved having been heard by the High Court in March 2024 and now awaiting a decision by the Judge. The Court will determine the extent of harbour land and whether the 1905 Act has been properly applied. If the Act has been incorrectly applied, it will decide how much money should be returned to the harbour reserves.

What we’re asking you to do
• Donate to help fund our case.
• Like and share our CrowdJustice page link via social media.
• Spread the word with everyone you know.
More information about the Fight for Whitby campaign can be found via the following link: www.whitbycommunitynetwork.org/harbour/


Great tasting food inspired by classic European bistros, bars and cafés
Using local suppliers and producers to bring you a freshly prepared 2 course meal delivered to your door every Friday and we always include a vegetarian option.
Just £20pp. Order by 10pm Wednesday
telephone: 01947 895730 answer phone mobile/text: 07837 912900
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MENUS are posted on Mondays via social media or can be emailed to you. the supper club egton the supper club egton

Monthly Recipe

Banana and Walnut Loaf
This classic cake will never go out of style! A flavoursome, sweet treat with crunchy walnuts.
Timings & Servings
Preparation: 25 minutes
Cooking: 60 - 70 minutes
225g plain flour
2 level tsp baking powder
80g softened or spreadable butter
1 large egg (beaten)
110g caster sugar
4 medium bananas (peeled)
50g walnuts (chopped)
Zest 1 lemon
Demerara sugar for sprinkling
Tell us about your baking success!
If you have tried one of our recipes, why not let us know what you thought! Simply email info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk with the subject heading 'Recipe feedback' and it could feature on this page!
Preheat oven to 180C / gas 4. Grease and line a 2lb loaf tin.
Mash three bananas to a pulp and chop the fourth. Sift the flour and baking powder together into a separate bowl. Add the butter, egg and caster sugar. Using a mixer mix everything together for a minute or two. Add the mashed and chopped bananas and briefly whisk them into the mixture. Fold in the chopped walnuts and lemon zest.
Spoon the cake mixture into the prepared tin. Sprinkle with Demerara sugar.
Place in the pre-heated oven so that the top of the tin is in the centre. Bake for 60-70 minutes until a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.
Let the cake cool for 10-15 minutes then turn out on to a cooling rack.
This cake is good served warm with crème fraiche, cold, or even toasted.
" On Valentine's Day I made my boyfriend beetroot burgers from your February issue as a romantic meal - I even shaped the burgers into love hearts! "
Amy Howard, York.

Prize Competition

brand new competition -
Our friends at the Crocodile Tapas Bar on Flowergate have been in touch to tell us that their resident crocodile 'Crocco' has escaped! Worry not, Crocco is tame, very shy and often hides away. A reward of a £10 voucher to be redeemed on their fantastic array of tapas goodies, has been offered if you can find Crocco who is hidden away on one of the pages of the magazine.
Can you find me?
I'm hiding away on one of the pages of this month's magazine!

How to play. Examine each page closely to see if you can find Crocco.
To enter the competition. Readers must submit the page number and a brief description of where they found Crocco to the following email: competitions@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk .
Prize: The Crocodile Tapas Bar of Flowergate will provide a £10 voucher to the lucky winner. Deadline and Winner: The deadline to submit your entry is the 15th of each month. The winner will be drawn randomly from all correct competition entries and published in the following issue of the magazine. All that leaves is for you to go find Crocco!
Last issues winner!
Paulina Templeton of Whitby who found Crocco on page 77!

Why Irritable Bowl Syndrome is literally a pain in the guts...
By Louise Addison
Unglamorous they may be, but our guts are complex and clever. The gut is an hydraulic engineering system with its own brain and nervous system; its own immune system and its own hormone-producing system. It deals with digestion and absorption and defends us against infection.
Gut contents are squeezed along by muscular action. The various parts are separated by sphincters, little muscular trapdoors, which regulate speed and direction of travel. Food takes about 24 hours to travel through a healthy gut.
Because the gut is so complex perhaps it’s unsurprising that it malfunctions quite easily. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common problem experienced and up to 1 in 5 of us may suffer it at some point. Sufferers can experience constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, nausea, and colic. But why?
Gut muscles mix and move the contents, but the gut has to know what it’s dealing with, so it knows which digestive hormones to release, when to release them and in what quantities (it doesn’t want to digest itself!)
Amazingly, it can detect different molecular structures which make up the foods we eat. It knows which ones require the release of bile for instance and which ones don’t. The enteric nervous system, which governs all this, functions like a second brain and is very finely attuned. It has to be bombarded with food, drink, and air,
it’s a constant challenge for the gut to maintain constancy.
Our brain pays close attention to the ‘gut brain’ and researchers have found that if the enteric nervous system is stimulated it can help depression, epilepsy and even memory. In fact, 90% of gut nerves take information to the brain and only 10% receive information from it.
IBS has historically been thought of as a psychological or neurotic problem but in fact scientists are now discovering that the close communication between brain and gut means that stress can cause very real problems, impairing the nerve function and causing marked sensory pain. If we know that a sufferer experiences more pain when they are stressed we can use neurochemicals to block the response. Tri-cyclics are particularly helpful agents.
There is also a relationship with serotonin (often connected with depression). In fact, 95% of the body’s serotonin is found in the gut. Detector cells in the lining of the gut squirt serotonin which excites the nerve fibres. Some people cannot turn this process off again though which can either cause diarrhoea, or, if the nerves are stimulated to the point of exhaustion, constipation.
People with IBS often give up hope of relieving their discomfort, but there is now good quality medical help available, so consult your GP. You don’t have to suffer.
Strengthening YourImmunity

A.VogelHayfever Tablets•£11.99 Naturalhayfeverremedy madefromacombination of7tropicalherbs.
WildRoseShampoo•£6.50 Relaxandunwindafteralong daywithluxuriousshampoos, conditionersandbodywashes fromFaithinNature.
AmourNaturalJoint&MuscleEase•£5.95 Ablendofpureessentialoilsinarnicainfused oiltohelpsootheandrelieveeverydayaches andpains.Perfectafteralongcountrysidewalk!

BeeVitalPropolis Capsules•£12.50 Supportingyourimmunity naturally,madefromhigh potencypropolis.Oneof nature'smostremarkable naturalmedicines.

25SkinnerStreet, Whitby, NorthYorkshire, YO213AH

Springisjustaroundthecorner. Aseasonforlongwalks,picnics andblowingawaythewinter cobwebs!
Whynottryanessentialoilroller ballfromAmourNatural?These fantasticfragrancesarepocketsizedandeasytoapply,providing targetedrelieffromaches&pains.
Ifyousufferfromhayfever,we stockanumberofremedieswhich aresafeandeffective,andbestof allthey're100%natural.
TheDispensary isheretohelpyou andyourfamilystayhealthy,so thatyoucanenjoyallyour favouriteactivitiesknowingthat yourhealthistakencareof.

Caring Together – Supporting those who care for others
By Peter Cooper
Caring Together is a local voluntary organisation and registered charity based at the Coliseum in Whitby (just along from the bus station). It provides practical and emotional help for carers, the people they care for and older people living on their own. The service is provided by volunteers who have some free time and can visit weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Caring Together are always looking for volunteers, particularly for their Carers Break service for carers, and for their Befriending Service. The Carers Break is a sitting service, where a volunteer will go along and sit with someone for a couple of hours or so, allowing the carer to pop out – perhaps to go into town to do some shopping, attend appointments or just simply to have a break and visit friends. The Befriending Service is mainly for elderly people who live alone and have few social contacts, and would love the extra company of someone popping in for a cuppa and chat.

Caring Together also run support groups. These are both for carers and older people. They meet monthly at a local community centre, and it is
an opportunity for carers to simply take time out and relax, meet and chat with others, share any concerns and receive positive support.
If you have a little time to spare, please consider being a volunteer for Caring Together. It is very rewarding work, and lasting friendships are often made. The staff at Caring Together often receive comments such as ‘The volunteer is a real friend to my mother who very much enjoys her visits’ and ‘My volunteer was reliable and cheerful, and I felt Dad was in good hands.’ Volunteers also helps the carers, allowing them to have a little time to themselves to do the things that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to do.
If you would like more information about volunteering, please do get in touch with Caring Together. You can call them on Whitby 605757 (if no one is in, you can leave a message and someone will get back in touch with you) or email them at caringtogether@gmail.com.

Foodbanks providing emergency support to people in crisis
By Peter Cooper
Foodbanks in the United Kingdom play a crucial role in providing essential support to individuals and families facing food insecurity. The rise of foodbanks in the UK over the past decade reflects deeper societal issues such as poverty, inequality, and the ever increasing cost of living. While they serve as a vital lifeline for many, they also highlight the systemic challenges that exist within the country.
Established to address immediate food needs, foodbanks distribute donated food to those in crisis.
The Trussell Trust, the largest network of foodbanks in the UK, operates over 1,200 foodbank centres nationwide. These centres rely on donations from individuals, businesses, and organisations to stock their shelves and provide assistance to those in need. Volunteers play a crucial role in managing day-to-day operations, from collecting donations to distributing food parcels and offering support to clients.
Despite the valuable service they provide, foodbanks are not a sustainable solution to food insecurity. They often operate on the goodwill and generosity of the community, highlighting gaps in the social safety net. Many clients are referred to foodbanks by frontline services such as social workers, healthcare professionals, and schools, indicating the growing reliance on emergency food aid to meet basic needs.
The increase in foodbank usage in the UK has been met with mixed reactions. While some view foodbanks as a temporary measure to address
immediate hunger, others see them as a symptom of deeper social issues such as poverty and austerity. Critics argue that foodbanks perpetuate a cycle of dependency and mask the underlying causes of food insecurity, including low wages, benefit delays, and inadequate social support. The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated food insecurity in the UK, and led to a surge in demand for foodbank services. Lockdowns, job losses, and economic uncertainty pushed more individuals and families into financial hardship, increasing the strain on already stretched foodbank resources. Foodbanks have had to adapt their operations to meet the growing need while continuing to ensure the safety of volunteers and clients.
Efforts to address food insecurity in the UK require a multi-faceted approach that goes beyond the provision of emergency food aid. Policymakers, advocacy groups, and communities must work together to tackle the root causes of poverty and inequality, ensuring that all individuals have access to nutritious and affordable food. This includes initiatives to increase household income, improve access to affordable housing, and strengthen social welfare programs.
In conclusion, foodbanks play a vital role in supporting individuals and families in times of crisis, but they are not a long-term solution to food insecurity. Addressing the underlying causes of poverty and inequality is essential to creating a more equitable society where everyone has access to an adequate and nutritious diet.
We need your help!
With recent rises in the cost of living we are finding more people need our help. Food supplies are running low so any donation of this kind will be greatly appreciated. We would be grateful for donations of:
Tinned items:
Tomatoes • Potatoes • Ravioli
Spaghetti • Macaroni Cheese
Fray Bentos pies • Baked Beans
Fish • Meat (hot or cold)
Fruit • Custard • Rice Pudding
Mash • Rice • Cereal • Pasta
Porridge • Instant Noodles
Sauces • Sugar • Biscuits
Products In Jars:
Pasta Sauce • Jams & Spreads

Soft Drinks • Squash • Coffee
Milk (UHT or dried)
Hygiene & Cleaning Items:
Shower Gel • Deodorant
Shampoo • Soap
Toothpaste • Toilet Rolls
Washing Up Liquid
Multi-Surface Spray
Washing Powder
Dog / Cat Food

Collection points
Co-op (Whitby & Staithes), Poundland, B&M Bargains, Whitby Library, The Dispensary, Spar (Sleights), Coliseum, Egton and Castleton schools and many local churches.
We are frequently in need of people to help in a variety of roles, please contact us if you would like to help.
Contact us
For any further info please contact us on: 07789 765696 or 07810 205014

A Good Read
Blue Tide Rising
By Clare Stevens.Blue Tide Rising tells the story of a young woman running away from her past, who goes to live offgrid on an eco farm on the Anglesey coast. At the start of the book, Amy, the main character, is living in a dilapidated flat in a run-down part of Manchester. Having fled her older, controlling lover, she’s at rock bottom, hooked on prescription drugs and running out of options. Into her life walks Jay, who appears to want to help. At his suggestion, she heads to a Welsh rural retreat where nobody cares about her past. As she works on the land, she starts to rebuild her life, grounded by the earth and healed by the salt air. But it’s in this place that she stumbles on a mystery that only she can solve.
Blue Tide Rising is described as literary fiction/ magical realism. Inspired by a real location and featuring an eccentric cast of characters, the narrative moves deftly between urban grit and rural idyl, at a pace which keeps readers gripped. It explores themes of trauma, displacement, grief, and healing, and although it deals with real, contemporary issues, it is ultimately a redemptive tale.
Look Up!
Clare is a former journalist and PR officer who divides her time between Whitby and Nottingham. She wrote the book while studying for an MA in Creative Writing at Nottingham Trent University. It is published by the independent midlands-based publisher Inspired Quill.

As well as writing fiction, she teaches creative writing and has run ‘Writing for Wellbeing’ workshops for people affected by cancer. Blue Tide Rising is her first novel. Her second novel, Heartsound, is due to be published this spring and features scenes in Whitby.
To find out more about
Clare’s writing, head to her website: clarestevens.com
By Nathan Bryon and illustrated by Dapo Adeola.Rocket dreams of becoming the most brilliant star-catcher, and space explorer in the world, like her idol Mae Jemison, the first African-American woman in space. Fizzing with excitement about an imminent meteor shower, Rocket makes an announcement about it over the supermarket loudspeaker while the cashier is distracted. She makes and distributes flyers to all the shoppers, despite her older brother Jamal's disapproval and embarrassment. Jamal is usually engrossed in his phone and video games and finds Rocket annoying. When he's too absorbed in gaming to take Rocket to the park to see the meteor shower, Rocket faces a dilemma. But an unexpected visitor at their door provides a joyous solution that could save the day in the most delightful manner.
Bryon and Adeola's captivating picture book introduces us to chatty, Rocket, a character whose

passion for space is allconsuming. Adeola’s characterful illustrations capture Jamal's angsty teenage moodiness and Rocket's excitement about stargazing. Packed with space facts and insights into meteors, this book also beautifully depicts family dynamics, sibling bonds, and a young girl's contagious zeal for the cosmos.
If you are a local author with published work and would like your book featuring on this page email info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk with the subject 'Book Feature Request' and we will let you know more!

Fool’s gold - our favourite April Fool’s Day hoaxes by the BBC

As we approach April 1st, I thought it would be fun to play homage to an institution that some would say has been built on strict journalistic guidelines rather than good-natured tomfoolery and jest - The British Broadcasting Corporation. So here are a few of their legendary April Fool’s Day pranks, starting way back in 1957.
The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest (1957)
BBC’s Panorama once fooled viewers with a clever prank, announcing a record-breaking spaghetti crop in Switzerland due to a mild winter and the eradication of the notorious spaghetti weevil. The segment featured footage of Swiss peasants purportedly harvesting spaghetti from trees, leading a multitude of viewers to enquire about cultivating their own spaghetti trees.
Lirpa Loof Concert (1961)
The BBC teased radio listeners with a can’t-miss concert by the “distinguished continental pianist” Lirpa Loof. However, when the appointed time came, there was no performance. The reveal? Lirpa Loof is simply “April Fool” spelled backwards, as the announcer clarified.
Smellovision (1965)
BBC TV featured an interview with a London University professor who claimed to have developed “smellovision” technology, enabling viewers to smell aromas from the television studio in their homes. The professor explained that the machine broke down scents into component molecules, which were then transmitted through the screen.
Foley Island to be Towed (1975)
BBC Radio 4’s Today Show highlighted a controversy surrounding the Island of Foley, situated between Sheppey and the Kent Coast, as it was allegedly causing multiple shipwrecks. Authorities initially planned to destroy the island, but due to protests from conservationists, they opted to tow it to a safer location instead.
Hair-Restoring Well (1977)
BBC TV’s Nationwide featured a segment on a well located on a farm in Rothbury, Northumberland, claiming it had the remarkable ability to stimulate hair growth on bald men.
Big Ben Goes Digital (1980)
The BBC’s World Service announced that Big Ben would receive a digital readout, sparking a significant and largely disapproving reaction from listeners. The report also humorously suggested giving away the clock hands to the first four listeners who contacted the station, prompting many to call in!
The Lirpa Loof (1984)
Sunday evening show ‘That’s Life’ featured a segment on the Lirpa Loof, a hairy creature from the Himalayas that had recently arrived at London Zoo! A classic recycled play on words by the BBC. Grandstand’s Newsroom Brawl (1989)
During Grandstand, as presenter Des Lynam discussed upcoming events, a fight erupted behind him in the newsroom. Despite the escalating commotion, Lynam continued calmly before he acknowledged the scuffle, apologised, and played an instant replay of the fight, revealing it as an April Fool’s prank, with the brawlers holding a sign that read “April Fool.”
Chips Banned From UK Schools (2003)
The BBC reported a ban on chips in UK school canteens, citing concerns about their perceived unhealthiness.
Was Shakespeare French? (2010)
The Radio 4 Today Programme reported a discovery during an excavation at Shakespeare’s last home, suggesting his mother was French, implying the Bard himself might be. The segment featured an interview with a former French Culture Minister expressing delight at the prospect of Shakespeare being considered French!

What’s On

Open daily 30 March to 3 November 2024. For more information, please visit https://www. cookmuseumwhitby.co.uk
Exhibitions include ‘Our Lasses: Inspirational Women of Whitby’ a look at some of the famous, infamous and unjustly overlooked women of Whitby; ‘Adventures in Time: the Development of Steampunk’ featuring steampunk outfits alongside original Victorian clothing from our collection; ‘A Whitby Stoker’s War’ telling the story of local lad Malcom Howard, recipient of France’s highest order of merit – the Legion d’Honneur; and ‘Frank Meadow Sutcliffe’ mini exhibition and slideshow in the Normanby Room. The museum is open from 10am until 4:30pm Tuesday to Sunday with last admission 4pm. Entry fee is £8 for an annual pass for adults, children up to 18 are free and residents of Whitby Parish are free on proof of address. For further information please visit www. whitbymuseum.org.uk. The museum tearoom is open from 10am until 3:30pm serving cakes, drinks and light bites. Pannett Art Gallery at the front of the Museum has an eclectic mix of 19th and 20th Century paintings on permanent display.
Victoria Place, Whitby. YO21 1EZ. Tel: 01947 825000. Cinema, theatre, events. Internet Café. Community Offices, theatre and meeting rooms available for hire. Network Shop for affordable, nearly new furniture
and household items (in Station Square). Walled Garden Community Volunteer Project. For more information, check out the Coliseum’s Facebook page or website: www.whitbycoliseum.co.uk or email info@whitbycoliseum.com.
Windsor Terrace, Whitby. YO21 1EY. Tel: 01609 534350. More than just books – check out the library’s Facebook page and website for other services provided and activities. https://www.northyorks. gov.uk/leisure-tourism-and-culture/libraries/locallibraries/whitby-library. Opening times: Mon 9.30am - 5pm; Tues – 9.30am - 7pm; Wed – closed; Thurs/Fri 9.30am - 5pm; Sat 10am - 1pm; Sunday – closed.
West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3EN. Cinema, theatre, shows, events. Café. Shows and events: The Vicar of Dibley Christmas – The Second Coming (30/03 –01/04); Humpty Dumpty (half-term panto) (06/04); Cinderella and the Two Ugly S!*@s - The Adult Panto (19/04); Dippy Craft & Gift Fair (21/04); Sanctum Sanctorium – The Darkside of the 80s (27/04).; The Hound of the Baskervilles (29/04).Cinema: Wicked Little Letters (12A) (17/03-20/03); Bob Marley: One Love (12A) (22/03-24/03; 26/03); Kung Fu Panda (20/04 – 22/04). All details correct at time of going to press. For more information and tickets visit Whitby Pavilion in person, call 01947 824770 or check out their website www.whitbypavilion.co.uk (booking fees apply).
High Street, Lythe, Whitby YO21 3RT. Tel: 01947 893983. A welcoming community shop located in the village of Lythe, just a few miles from Whitby on the B1266 coastal road. Includes a general store for everyday essentials, a Post Office counter and tea garden. Manned by volunteers, current opening times are Mon-Sat 8.00am-4.00pm, and Sun 8.00am-12 noon.
Skinner Street, Whitby. YO21 3AH (next to Youngs Jewellers). Open Tuesdays & Thursdays 10.30am-2.30pm. A friendly not-for-profit cafe, staffed by volunteers.
Situated on the coastal bus route from Whitby, our Tearoom offers a welcoming warm place to enjoy delicious coffee, homemade scones, cakes, soups and lots more. We also have activities in the adjoining Schoolroom: Monday am Yoga; Tuesday pm Bingo, Dominoes, Games and Quizzes each week on a rolling programme; Wednesday am Toddlers’ Group; Thursday am Men’s Walking Group; Thursday pm Ladies’ Crafts. We are open 9.30-3pm daily (closed Saturday) Please call 01947 841303 for further details
We are delighted to announce we have moved to the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ where we will continue to run our services as usual, including the Carers Break Service, Befriending Service and Support Groups. Our email remains caringwhitby@gmail.com and you can leave a message with the Coliseum Reception 01947 825000. For more information about ourselves, please visit www.caringtogetherwhitbyanddistrict.org
Starts Monday 25th March 5.30pm - 8pm at Caedmon College (behind Astro Turf facility). Current & new members welcome. Club nights on Mondays & Thursdays, also Sunday mornings 10am – 12 noon. Please get in touch via our Facebook page if you would like to join with us. Age 18 and over (we don’t have a junior section). Full season cost is £35.00.
Regular Weekly Events
WHITBY WHALERS U3A. Day time activities throughout the week for those no longer in full time work: arts, languages, lectures, exercise, history, social groups and much more. Variety of venues. www. u3asites.org.uk/whitby
TAI CHI FOR BEGINNERS Hawsker Village Hall 7pm. First lesson free then £4 pounds thereafter. Contact John 07434 833540.
FREE MUSIC SESSIONS at Whitby Rifle Club YO21 3EW (committee room). Resumes in January after a break for Christmas. Doors open at 7pm. 7.15pm -8.15pm is Slow Tunes - free tune book with notation, chord charts, Bb and Bass clef notation available (or email till703@gmail.com for a digital version). 8.15pm to 9.30pm is Session Tunes and Songs. Come and join in or come just to have a drink at the bar and to listen. For info, or to reserve a table, phone 07958 193 079.
WHITBY JETS BASKETBALL TRAINING Term time only at Whitby Leisure Centre. All ballers welcome. Timings: Girls 7-18-year-olds: 3:45 - 4:45; Boys 7-11-yearolds: 16:30-17:30 and 12-18-year-olds 17:30-18:45. See Whitby Jets Facebook page for details or email whitbyjetsbasketball@gmail.com
PILATES 11:15am to 12:15pm at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Tel: 01947 825000.
‘SINGING FOR THE BRAIN’. An initiative by the Alzheimer’s Society for people living with dementia and their carers. Every Tuesday at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ 1.30pm-3.00pm.. Admission: £2 per person to include refreshments. Please register in advance 01947 825000. Email info@ whitbycoliseum.com
TARGET ARCHERY. Whitby Archers meet outdoors for target archery between 7pm and 9pm on Tuesday and Thursday evenings on Eskdale School playing fields. (From April to September 2024 only)
WHITBY WELCOME WEDNESDAY run by Dementia Forward at the Coliseum, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm. Suggested donation: £3 per person. A social afternoon for people living with dementia and those that support them. Come and join us to meet new friends, take part in activities and enjoy cakes & hot drinks. To register an interest call Dementia Forward 03300 578592 or email: info@ dementiaforward.org.uk
CITIZEN’S ADVICE every Wednesday afternoon at your local Yorkshire Building Society on Flowergate, Whitby. Citizens Advice help people find a way forward. Whoever you are, whatever your problem, you can book a free and confidential appointment by calling 01947 458838 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
What’s On
CENTRE’S WHITBY DROP-IN SERVICE at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Open Wednesdays 10 - 3, no appointment needed.
PATHFINDERS YOUTH GROUP in Whitby. Every Tuesday: 6pm to 7pm at Eastside Community Hub, YO22 4EA. The Youth Group is a safe haven for ages 10 and up to socialise, meet new friends, play games and lots of fun activities. Our groups teachings and principles are Christian based. Contact us: pathfinders. whitby@gmail.com
WHITBY YOUTH CLUB. Come along & chill. Games, music, arts & crafts, food, chat. Wednesdays 7-9pm. Open to School Year 7+. Eastside Community Hub.
INDOOR TARGET ARCHERY at Whitby Pavilion 7.00pm to 9.00pm (October 2023 to March 2024 only). Archery GB Members welcome. For more details, please visit https://whitbyarchers.co.uk/Home.html
MARSKE & LOFTUS BADMINTON CLUB at Loftus Cricket & Athletic Club, 7pm till late. Looking for new members. First night is free, contact Paul on 07702 756669.
VI’S COMMUNITY CAFE every Thursday in St. Matthew’s Church, Grosmont 10.30 - 3pm. Warm space with a warm welcome. Delicious homemade breads, soups and cakes by Liz Druce. Coffee and tea served. Please come along and support our cafe, raising money for local charities. Volunteers needed, please contact Liz on 01947 895730. Also, Parent and Toddler Play Space 1.30 - 2.30pm during the Community Café.
WHITBY BADMINTON CLUB at Fyling Hall School, Robin Hood’s Bay, Thurs 7.30-9.30pm. Four courts, new players very welcome. Free “taster” night. Full details from Walter 01947 602938 or Carole 01947 600746. Runs until the end of April 2024.
AGEUK NORTH YORKSHIRE COAST AND MOORS ENERGY AND ADVICE DROP-IN SESSION at Whitby Library (note change of venue) 10am until 12noon. Offering advice on Energy and help with fuel bills, Social care, benefit checks and housing and homelessness. For further information email: libby. faulkner@ageuknycm.org.uk
BALLROOM, LATIN AND SEQUENCE SOCIAL DANCING. Sleights Village Hall every Friday evening 7.45pm to 10.00pm Sleights Village Hall. Tel: 07971
606360 NB There will not be a dance on Good Friday 29th March due to floor refurbishment.
WHITBY WALKING GROUP. Starting from various locations. Approx. 10 miles. Visitors welcome. For further details, please e-mail: rogercrowther@talktalk. net or call 07792 569441.
THE CINDER TRACK PARKRUN A free, weekly, timed 5k walk/jog/run at 9:00am every Saturday starting on the Whitby Sixth Form site. Open to all ages and abilities. Register for FREE at https://www.parkrun.org.uk/ thecindertrack/
WHITBY RIFLE CLUB. SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB. Function rooms available for all occasions. Regular live entertainment Saturdays, Quiz every Sunday.
Monthly Events
‘SHIELD BUGS’ WITH ALAN RITSON. Whitby Naturalists’ Club Lecture in the Normanby Room, Whitby Museum, Pannett Park, Whitby YO21 3AE. Starts 2pm. Suggested donation on the door: Club members £1, Visitors £2.
COUNTRY CRAFTS & PRODUCE FAYRE 10am – 2pm at Staintondale Village Hall. Delicious homemade food served all day. Lots of stalls plus tombola. For more info call 01723 870671 or email stdvillagehall@yahoo.com.
WHITBY FLOWER CLUB MEETING in Sleights Village Hall at 2pm. Non-members are very welcome. Admission £5. For details call Margaret on 01947 603297
A DOMINO DRIVE will be held in the White Hart, Mickleby at 8.00pm in aid of the Brain Tumour Charity. All welcome.
WHITBY WI MEETING on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 7pm in the Northern Lights Suite, Whitby Pavilion, West Cliff, Whitby. This month’s theme: ‘Rosebank, Wildlife and Early Plants’. Please do come along and get involved! We love socialising, visiting interesting places, learning new skills and helping local projects ... and, of course, there are cakes!!
THE TUESDAY SINGERS are holding a Music and Meditation evening in St. Matthew’s Church, Grosmont. Starts 7pm.
WOOD NUTRITIONAL THERAPIST at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Andrea is a qualified Nutritional Therapist Dip ION CNHC. Her area of speciality is gut health and autoimmune disease. Over the past few years she has become more interested in natural healing including grounding, cold water immersion, far infrared saunas and other frequency modalities. Andrea will be answering all your nutritional and health related. questions. For more information please visit www. andreawoodnutrition.com Starts at 6.30pm - All welcome - Free entry (Donations welcome)
‘SPIN OFF’ Spinning & weaving day for anyone interested in learning or already proficient.To be held at the Inn on the Moor, Goathland from 10:30am -2:30pm (also Thursday 29 February)
WHITBY LADIES LUNCHEON CLUB meets at the Saxonville Hotel, Ladysmith Ave, Whitby YO21 3HX 12pm for 12.30pm The speaker will be our Chairman Ann Livsey, telling us about the very colourful ‘Madeira Flower Festival’. The cost of our 3-course luncheon including tea/coffee is £25 per person. For further information on the Luncheon Club contact Hilda on 01947 821591 or email: hildagregson@aol.co.uk
THE OLD OAK - Cert 15. Cinema at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. The story of a village in the Northeast of England, where the mine closed, and people feel deserted by the system. What was once a thriving, proud community struggles to keep old values alive. Houses are cheap and available. This makes it an ideal location for the Syrian refugees that have been accepted by Britain in recent years & what will be the future for the last remaining pub in the village, The Old Oak? Matinee 1.30pm - Evening 7pm. Tickets £5 on the door or in advance from Coliseum Reception.
FORTNIGHTLY QUIZ NIGHT at the Crossing Club, Grosmont. Starts 8.30pm.
JAZZ & TUNES FRIDAY with Alastair Laurence & accompanying band. 12:30 – 2.00pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.
SALTBURN BLUES CLUB PRESENTS BLUE BISHOPS AND COUPLE OF CULPRITS at New Marske Institute TS11 8E. Tickets £15 from The Spar Saltburn, Ents24. com and 07960 935263.
AN AFTERNOON OF EASY LISTENING LIVE MUSIC with talented vocalist Dan Solan from 1pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.

THE VICAR OF DIBLEY CHRISTMAS – THE SECOND COMING at Whitby Pavilion Theatre, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3EN. Evening performances: Doors 7pm, Starts 7.30pm. Tickets £10 (£9 Friends of Whitby Pavilion) available from Whitby Pavilion in person Mon-Fri 10am-3pm, by telephone 01947 824770 or visit www.whitbypavilion.co.uk (booking fees apply to all tickets).
WHITBY SOUL CLUB playing Northern Soul, Motown, R & B and more from 4.00pm – 11.00pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Official Whitby National Scooter Rally event on behalf of VFM. Free entry.
EASTER COFFEE MORNING at Christ Church, Ugthorpe from 10am until 11.30am. Stalls will include home-made cakes, and bric-a-brac along with a raffle. We look forward to seeing you at this event where you can be assured of a warm welcome and plenty of tea & coffee. All proceeds towards the upkeep of the Church.
AN EVENING OF MUSIC with the Filey and Staithes Fisherman’s Choirs in Hinderwell Village Hall. Starts 6pm. Light refreshments will be served during the evening. There is no charge, however donations would be appreciated with all money going to Hinderwell Methodist Chapel Funds.
What’s On
JIGSAW SALE at Church House Flowergate 10am to 2pm, also to include 100 ‘Wasjigs’.
‘INTERACTIVE FAMILY STORIES with Bidi’ at Whitby Museum, Pannett Park, Whitby YO21 3AE. Free activity lasting approximately 45 minutes with start times 11am, 1pm and 2:30pm. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Event free, normal admission fees apply.
QUIZ at 7pm Whitby Conservative Club, Flowergate Cross, Upgang Lane (rear of Harrison’s Garage forecourt). £3 per person Teams of four. All welcome. Raising funds for Whitby Seals.
SOUND MEDITATION takes place the first Thursday of the month at Flowergate Hall Community Arts Centre. Starts 6.30pm. Booking essential. £12. Contact Nurturing Rituals on 07843 076321. All welcome. (Please contact if cost is a barrier). For more info, please visit http://www.nurturingrituals.co.uk/
‘ONE LIFE’ (12A) (2023). Cinema at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. London broker Nicholas “Nicky” Winton helps rescue hundreds of predominantly Jewish children from Czechoslovakia in a race against time before the Nazi occupation closes the borders. Fifty years later, he’s still haunted by the fate of those he wasn’t able to bring to safety. Matinee 1.30pm; Evening 7pm. Tickets £5 on the door or in advance from Coliseum reception.
WHITBY PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY MEETING at the old Drama Studio, Whitby Sixth Form College (former Caedmon School), Airy Hill/New Bridge, Whitby YO21 1QA. 6.45 pm for 7 pm. Presentation (available via Zoom): ‘The Truth is Black & White’ by Ian Howard. New members and visitors welcome.
‘FOREVER YOUNG – THE SONGS OF BOB DYLAN’ 1:003:00pm. Live Music at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.
Sleights Branch meet every second Monday in the month at Church House, Coach Road, Sleights at 2pm. This month our speaker is Joe Redfern from the Lobster Hatchery. We also have refreshments, a raffle, book exchange, outings and good company. Guests
and new members warmly welcomed. For further details contact 01947 228159.
‘WHITBY PUBS & SHOPS – THEN & NOW’ by Neil Williamson. Whitby Civic Society lecture at the Coliseum, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ from 7.00pm-9.00pm (Please note new evening time). Admission: members £1; guests £3. A talk concentrating on the pubs and shops on the west side of Whitby and their uses over the years. Refreshments available during the break. For further details call 01947 811808 or visit www.whitbycivicsociety.org.uk. Find us on Facebook too.
WHITBY DAIRY DISCUSSION GROUP meet at Sneaton Castle, Castle Rd, Whitby YO21 3QN starting at 7.45pm. Our speakers for the final meeting of this programme are Rebecca Firth, Commercial Agronomist & Sarah Blackwell, Global Marketing, Anglo American to give us an update on the Woodsmith Mine Project and the POLY4 trials. New members are always welcomed. Contact the Secretary for further details on 07868 956919.
HINDERWELL WI MEETING in St Hilda’s Old School at 6.30pm. Caroline from ‘A Piece of Cake in Loftus’ will be encouraging us to create articles from sugar craft paste. The competition is a small vase or jar of spring flowers/greenery. The annual subs of £45.00 are due this evening. This is a member only evening unless you wish to join the WI. Should you require further information please ring either 01947 840179 or 840343.
DALESMEN SINGERS: JOIN US AT OUR REHEARSAL! at Danby Methodist Church, Danby, Whitby, YO21 2JE. Starts 7.30pm. An open invite to come and experience what it is like singing with the Dalesmen Singers Male Voice Choir. New members wanted! Feel free to come along just to listen... and see what it is to be part of the Choir. Tea and best biscuits provided at the break. ‘Join Us!’ evenings are the first Tuesday of every month. Further details always available: www.dalesmensingers.net and https:// www.ticketsource.co.uk/dalesmen-singers or email sing@dalesmensingers.net
EASTER TEA DANCE AT THE ROYAL HOTEL, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3HT 2.00-4.30pm. Please come along wearing your Easter bonnets (ladies) and hats (gents). £3 entry includes tea/coffee and biscuits. Proceeds to Whitby Lifeboats.
WHITBY ART SOCIETY meets on the second Wednesday of every month at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place,
Whitby YO21 1EZ except December from 7.00pm9.00pm. Please see www.whitbyartsociety.org for news and membership details.
PIZZA PALS - COMMUNITY PIZZERIA at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Come and join our new community pizza cafe serving delicious freshly cooked pizza at affordable prices, starting at £5.00. Fully licensed café. 4pm - 7pm sitin; 7-8pm takeaway. Tel: 01947 825000. Email hello@ pizzapalscompizzeria.co.uk.
STILL INCLUDES BISCUITS’ NAOMI PAUL - Live Theatre Performance at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Set sail on a surreal journey - sometimes poignant, always funny and ultimately uplifting. A radical new version of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya. Hopes, dreams and regrets are thrust into sharp focus in this one-man adaptation which explores the complexities of human emotions. Evening performance - starts 7.30pm. Tickets £10 / Concessions £7. Available in advance from Coliseum reception or on the door.
WHITBY PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY MEETING at the old Drama Studio, Whitby Sixth Form College (former Caedmon School), Airy Hill/New Bridge, Whitby YO21 1QA. 6.45 pm for 7 pm. Presentation: ‘Contemporary Wildlife Photography’ by Keith Collins. New members and visitors welcome.
FORTNIGHTLY QUIZ NIGHT at the Crossing Club, Grosmont. Starts 8.30pm
JAZZ & TUNES FRIDAY with Tony & Dave. Live music between 12:30 – 2.00pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.
MAGIK AND WILDS CRAFTERNOONS take place the second Saturday of every month. Quirky textile craft sessions at Whitby YHA, Abbey House, East Cliff, Whitby. Booking essential. All materials supplied. Please contact 07843 076321 for details.
‘THE HISTORY WARDROBE PRESENTS WOOL, JET AND WHALEBONE’ at Whitby Museum, Pannett Park, Whitby YO21 3AE. Starts 2pm. Whitby Lit & Phil Members £15, non-members £20. Booking essential for ticket details please see whitbymuseum.org.uk or call in to the museum. This is a second chance to see the show commissioned for the 200th anniversary celebrations last year.
QWEEN UK LIVE at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Show starts 7.30pm. Tickets £18 + booking fee available at www.ticketsource.co.uk or from the Coliseum Centre £18 (no booking fee)

WEST GALLERY STYLE FOLK SERVICE at St John the Evangelist, Brunswick St, Whitby. A relaxed Service with music, poetry and readings on the theme of ‘Healing’. Starts 10:30am.
PARKINSON’S SUPPORT CAFÉ. Held on the third Monday of every month 11am until 12 noon at Whitby Golf Club, Sandsend Road, Whitby YO21 3SR. Simply pop in and buy yourself a coffee and meet others living with the condition, this group is for people living with Parkinson’s and their partners and friends. Tel 07789 884602 for more information.
WHITBY COMMUNITY NETWORK - Whitby & District’s Hustings. Meet the mayoral candidates for the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority (YNYCA) at Whitby Pavilion, West Cliff, YO21 3EN from 6.309.00pm. Everyone welcome to listen and question the candidates who will be in charge of the above authority, in a similar role to Ben Houchen, Tees Valley Mayor. The key role is to create a long-term vision, secure more money and be a strong voice and a champion for York and North Yorkshire businesses and communities, working alongside Council Leaders. Some of the key responsibilities will cover transport, housing, adult skills training &community safety. The mayoral election date is set for 2nd May 2024. For more information, visit https://www. whitbycommunitynetwork.org/
What’s On
‘THE ART & DESIGN OF POSTAGE STAMPS’ WITH RON PICKERING. Whitby Antiques & Fine Arts Society meeting starts 7.30pm at St John’s Ambulance Hall, Back St Hilda’s Tce, Whitby. Visitors: £3. New members/visitors always welcome. Meetings monthly on the third Tuesday of each month. Please call 01947 821860 or 228109 if you would like further details of the Society.

‘MYTHS, MAGIC, WITCHES AND SAINTS’ with Christiane Kroebel at Whitby Museum, Pannett Park, Whitby YO21 3AE. Starts 2pm. Whitby Lit & Phil Members Free, non-members £2.
BOOKSTALL AND JIGSAW SALE at Whitby Co-op, Langbourne Road 10am to 1pm. Raising funds for Whitby Disability Action Group.
EXHIBITION ON SCREEN: JOHN SINGER SARGENT - FASHION & SWAGGER at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Explore the unique process of the late 19th century’s favourite portrait artist and the way in which his portraits captured the spirit of a vibrant and rapidly changing age. Matinee: 1.30pm; Evening: 7pm
WHITBY PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY MEETING at the old Drama Studio, Whitby Sixth Form College (former Caedmon School), Airy Hill/New Bridge, Whitby YO21 1QA. 6.45 pm for 7 pm. Competition Evening: ‘Annuals’ – play on words; monochrome; open subject. New members and visitors welcome.
BLUE BRIDGE BAND LIVE MUSIC with a variety of songs and instruments. From 1pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.
SLEIGHTS BOWLING CLUB COFFEE MORNING and cheque presentation to Yorkshire Air Ambulance to be held 10am – 12 noon at the clubhouse off Lowdale Lane, Sleights All welcome.
AN AFTERNOON OF EASY LISTENING LIVE MUSIC with talented vocalist Dan Solan from 1pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.
DIPPY CRAFT & GIFT FAIR in the Northern Lights Suite at Whitby Pavilion, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3EN. With over 50 stalls of beautiful handmade gifts. Starts 9:30 AM. Free entry for visitors & dogs are welcome. Café open inside the Pavilion.
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT in St Oswald’s Church, Lythe at 7pm. St Hilda’s String Quartet plus guests James Lloyd and Rachel Emerson (French horns) playing Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert. Tickets £7 (under 18s free) and include complimentary refreshments.
WHITBY FLOWER CLUB are meeting in Sleights Village Hall at 2pm.Sarah Spencer will be demonstrating “Bits and Pieces”. This meeting will be free to non-members. Following the demonstration we have refreshments, and a raffle of the lovely floral arrangements. For details about the club call Margaret on 01947 603297
WHITBY WI MEETING on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 7pm in the Northern Lights Suite, Whitby Pavilion, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3EN. This is our Annual Meeting with a talk on ‘The History of Jet Working in Whitby. Please do come along and get involved with our lovely WI group! We love socialising, visiting interesting places, learning new skills and helping local projects ... and, of course, there are cakes!!
WHITBY LADIES LUNCHEON CLUB meet at the Saxonville Hotel 12pm for 12.30pm for a 3-course luncheon, followed by an entertaining talk by Tim Tubbs about “Madam Rachel - a beautician from the mid-Victorian period”. Lunch costs £25 per person including tea/coffee, and a raffle. Guests are very welcome. If you would like to join us for lunch, please contact Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591 or e-mail hildagregson@aol.co.uk for further information or to book no later than Sunday 21st April. Please also let Hilda know of any dietary requirements.
Members are reminded that due to the postponement of the February Luncheon and to those who were unable to attend the March meeting, the yearly subscription fee of £10 is now due along with your updated membership form. On receipt of these, a programme card for the rest of the year will be issued..
WHITBY PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY MEETING at the old Drama Studio, Whitby Sixth Form College (former Caedmon School), Airy Hill/New Bridge, Whitby YO21 1QA. 6.45 pm for 7 pm. Social Evening: ‘End of Season Meeting’ (Members Evening).
FORTNIGHTLY QUIZ NIGHT at the Crossing Club, Grosmont. Starts 8.30pm
DALESMEN SINGERS – IN BOOSBECK! A special Dalesmen concert at Boosbeck Village Hall, Boosbeck TS12 3AL sponsored by Green & Son Building Services and raising funds to support the local community. Starts 7pm. Free admission with fundraising collection afterwards.

‘COME & TRY DAY’ AT SLEIGHTS BOWLING CLUB off Lowdale Lane, Sleights, Whitby Everyone welcome to come along from 2pm to our open day - come along and give it a go! For more details, contact Fran Bogg on 01947 600649. Tuition will be given.
COME AND SING GOSPEL! A one-day workshop with award-winning choral director Hannah Brine at St Matthew’s Church, Grosmont, Whitby 10am – 4pm. Learn simple, uplifting gospel inspired songs in 3- & 4-part harmony. Open to all. No experience necessary. Free of charge (donations welcome). Booking essential. e-mail gospel@middleeskmore.org
‘WRITING THE GOTHIC’ WITH ESSIE FOX AND KATE GRIFFIN. Creative writing workshop in Whitby Museum Library, Pannett Park, Whitby YO21 3AE. Starts 1pm. Whitby Lit & Phil Members £10, nonmembers £12.50. Booking essential places limited. Please see the museum website whitbymuseum.org. uk or call into the museum for details.

Prize Crossword
Win a copy of BlueTideRising!
Blue Tide Rising tells the story of a young woman running away from her past, who goes to live off-grid on an eco farm on the Anglesey coast.
Complete the crossword then rearrange the marked letters to form the answer to the following clue:
Rocky sibling relationship at the bay (5,7)

How to enter
Please email the mystery hidden word(s), with your full name, address & telephone number to: crosswords@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk .
Alternatively you can post your entry to us at the following address: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED
Deadline for entries: 16/4/24
Last issue's solution was Khyber Pass
Won by
Our previous issue's grid solutions are online at www.whitbyadvertiser.co.uk

1 Material used to make tents (6)
5 Skimpy knickers! (6)
8 Earth, compost (4)
9 Green vegetable (8)
10 Bendy fruit (6)
11 Hard yellowish tooth deposit (6)
12 Area, region (4)
14 Frozen water (3)
15 Nip, chomp (4)
16 Expression, brief utterance (6)
18 Lightweight waterproof jacket (6)
20 Sticky insect trap (8)
22 Barrage, bombardment (4)
23 Undercover, secret (6)
24 Brine (6)
2 Odour, scent (5)
3 Group of houses, rural community (7)
4 The Beatles sang about a yellow one! (9)
5 As well, also (3)
6 Coveted film award (5)
7 Dashing, debonair (7)
11 Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms (9)
13 Shakespearean play (7)
15 House of ill repute! (7)
17 Bramley, Granny Smith, Cox (5)
19 Extra-terrestrial (5)
21 Container, vessel (3)

These days most homeowners suffer from a lack of storage space. So many precious items that need to be kept – but where to store it all? That’s where Yorkshire Loft Ladders come in. The company, based locally, offers homeowners the opportunity to maximise their storage space with a loft ladder, 50 sq ft of boarding and a light all fully fitted in less than a day from just £277 + VAT. But it’s not just the affordability of the package the company offers that makes Yorkshire Loft Ladders stand out as manager Mark Hodson explains:
‘Our watchwords are Quality, Integrity and Value. Quality in the materials that we use for all our installations and the fact that all our loft packages are fitted by time served tradesmen so our customers are assured of the best job. Integrity in that we will turn up at the time we say and make sure the house is spotless when we leave, and Value in that we offer our services at a price people can afford.

Our business relies on referrals and we got a huge amount of our calls from people who have been referred to us by our existing customers - that simply wouldn’t happen if we didn’t adhere to our overriding principles. At the end of the day the old adage that happy customers lead to more happy customers is true and we work hard to make that happen for every installation we carry out!’
So, if you want to make use of your loft space, however big or small, call Mark on 0800 612 8359 and he’ll be happy to pop round and give you a no obligation quote so you too can make use of your loft!

Puzzle Time
Word Search

Mind Bender
What is the hidden phrase?
Hidden Object

Can you find all these 'big' related words?
astronomical brawny broad chunky copious deep epic extensive fat giant grand great heavy hefty huge hulking immense infinite jumbo large lofty long mega mighty outsized spacious tall titanic towering tremendous vast voluminous weighty whopping wide
Sudoku Challenge

Garden View
By Rachel Leverton
Every year since I began to garden, come spring, I grabbed my spade and in a fit of enthusiasm I dug over the soil. Then I filled any empty spaces with annuals. These might be carefully nurtured in my greenhouse, sprinkled direct from the packet, or purchased in packs at my local garden centre.
Several years ago, due to an injury, I was unable to get out and begin this frenzy of activity. I resigned myself to the fact than my garden simply wouldn’t be as colourful that year. Nature however had other plans.
As I waited for my perennials to surface something wonderful happened. Hundreds of self-sown annuals from the previous year also began to surface. They’d been there all along, just waiting for the warm spring sun to bring them to life.
It occurred to me that my habit of stopping deadheading towards the end of the season (to leave some interesting seed heads which feed the birds and look so pretty covered in frost) had benefitted me in more ways than the one I’d intended.
Calendula, Candytuft, Cosmos, Larkspur, Nicotiana, Poppies, Sweet Alyssum and Love-in-a-Mist were popping up everywhere I looked. I’ve never been so delighted.
I waited until they were a couple of inches tall then on a slightly drizzly day I eased some out and transferred them to barer soil.
My reward was a display of annuals every bit as lovely as if I’d spent hours with my spade and trowel.
So last year I experimented. Throughout the flowering season I noted where I might need an extra patch or two of colour and then, when I stopped deadheading, I simply grabbed a few seed heads and dropped them in the appropriate spot. That spring and summer I had another beautiful display of annuals. Why hadn’t I discovered this lazy way to garden before?
Of course, there are some teeny disadvantages. The main one is that annuals grown from seed flower later than those bought as plugs or plants from garden centres. Don’t let this put you off though. If you have a good range of perennials the annuals can take their time, taking over when the others begin to fade. Also, no-one says it has to be all or nothing. I have a passion for cosmos, so I bring in a few plants early on every year. That way I can savour their pretty blooms right through the season.
So, if you’re planting annuals this spring, plan ahead a little. Look at your garden as an evolving piece of work and let at least some of them selfseed. Then next year don’t be so quick to brandish a spade…you’ll gain two commodities gardeners always need more of...time and money.
Happy gardening,

Line Adverts
TOMATO PLANTS. Available from 19th April. Moneymaker, Alicante, Asia Craig & Gardener’s Delight. £1 each. M. Stevenson, Ruswarp Tel 01947 603595
JULIE’S MOBILE HAIRDRESSING. Friendly & reliable service, Over 25 years’ experience. Call Julie on 07789 786226 or 01947 811315
DIANA’S DOMESTIC SERVICES For all your domestic requirements . Weekly, fortnightly, holiday lets etc Fully insured. Ring Di 07870 321477 / 01947 228802
AVAILABLE FOR HIRE, ideal for wedding receptions, fairs and music events. Exceptional acoustics. Please contact whin74@yahoo.co.uk
PROOF IT RIGHT! An affordable proofreading service for local authors and business. Tel: 07944 028446. Email: proofitright@protonmail.com
doors difficult to lock? We can help! Locked out? No problem! Fast service. No call-out charge. Tel: 07974 660062 / (01947) 228773. Email: derekliversidge@aol.com
CC PLUMBING for your plumbing jobs. Same day callout. Tel: 07775 902706.
PAT TESTING AND HANDYMAN SERVICES. Latest PAT test equipment. £1.45 per item inc. certificate/report (minimum invoice value £25.00). Call 07746 410025. Blair Hankin https://pattestingwhitby.co.uk
GUISBOROUGH TROPHY CENTRE. All sports catered for. Engraving to any item. Brass plates available. Tel: 01287 630990. NOW AT 95 WESTGATE TS14 6AF
LEAFLET DELIVERY SERVICE. Serving Whitby and surrounding areas. A professional, trustworthy and effective service. For more info please call 01947 605500
M STAINTHORPE TREE SURGERY - mini digger with driver waste carriers licence fully insured Whitby 07866 079 038 / 01947 820 845
GARDENER. Low rates. Senior Citizen discounts. Call Chris on 01947 893588
MATHS TUTOR REQUIRED for a Year 10 pupil. GCSE preparation. Home tuition, evenings. Close to Whitby. Tel: 01947 841588.
ESKDALE ANTIQUES. Wanted curios & collectables. Farming, household & gardening. Hunting, motoring & advertising. House clearances. Call Phil Smith on 01947 811124 or 07897 796495