August is the month for events, festival and concerts in Britain, and Whitby is no exception! Two of the biggest events of summer take place this month, the first being the Whitby Regatta from Saturday 13th to Monday 15th August. The event has been around for over 180 years and is great entertainment for the whole family, culminating with a fun fair and a spectacular firework display. It’s then Whitby Folk Week from 20th to 26th August, a long-standing celebration of traditional music, dance and song. Concerts, ceilidhs, dances, sessions, workshops, storytelling, talks, presentations and much more can be found throughout the town during this wonderful seven-day celebration. As well as these two festivals, many more events take place in Whitby, so be sure to have a look at our What’s On listings and check out local websites and social media. No doubt August will pass all too quickly and then comes September. We are already planning our September edition, so if you want to advertise or promote a local event get in touch – our contact details are below. Have a great August folks!
rights reserved.
Stephen Ault EDITOR 14 Recipe Page 16 What's On 20 Lifeboat Museum Opens 26 Find The Flag Competition 36 A Good Read 64 Hire The Best Handy Person! 66 Prize Crossword 68 Garden View 70 Puzzle Page 76 Line Ads Welcome ADVERTISE IN OUR NEXT ISSUE: W 01947 605500 E info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk A www.whitbyadvertiser.co.uk A Whitby Advertiser Ltd, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED, North Yorkshire THIS MONTH'S FEATURES: Our Deadline is: Friday 12th AugustCONTACT US:
Copyright © Whitby Advertiser Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the publisher. Published by Whitby Advertiser Ltd, PO Box 120, Whitby, North Yorkshire YO21 3ED. Company No: 05736318 | VAT No: 979 2029 82 All information in this magazine is published in good faith and cannot be reproduced without written permission. Artwork and copy is the responsibility of the advertiser. Whilst the publisher makes every effort to ensure that the businesses featured in this magazine are of the highest quality, we do not guarantee the and from any businesses featured. No liability will be accepted under any circumstances should any of the contents in this magazine be incorrect. Any should be referred to Trading Standards, NYCC. The views expressed within the are not necessarily those of the publisher. All The paper used for the Whitby Advertiser is produced from guaranteed sustainable forests and carries the PEFC accreditation which is the European standard for the timber from source to the final product. Further information can be found at www.pefc.org
August – the month that is summer in all its glory. Pop down to the beach and bathe in the lovely sea as the sea is the warmest it will be all year, having taken in the warmth of the summer months. Visit Whitby Abbey, stroll around the headland, and hopefully catch a refreshing breeze if the heatwave we are experiencing as I write this continues. Take a boat trip out to sea - a perfect activity for a hot summer’s day, and a great way to see Whitby from a new perspective. Trips out to sea provide great photo opportunities and a chance to see our spectacular coastline, and the local marine life if you are lucky – seals, minke whales and bottlenosed dolphins are regularly seen off the coast here at Whitby.




12 232402No.charityRegistered We have a fantastic selection of organic produce such as our very own Organic Botton Beef and Organic Botton Cheese, as well as a wide range of preserves, organic loose weigh cereals, pulses, coffee and organic juices! Visit our new Botton Village store @camphillvillagetrust @camphillvillag1 JOIN OUR TEAM We urgently need kind, motivated, caring people to join our team of brilliant support workers. Visit our website to find out more: joinourteamwww.camphillvillagetrust.org.uk/ Botton Village Store, Botton Village, Danby, Whitby. YO21 2NJ FIND US AT: Tel: 01287 661270 Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9am - 4.30pm Saturday: 10am - 1pm COME AND VISIT OUR STORE - We can’t wait to welcome you in!

15 Foodbank4Whitby Registered charity number 1159269 Registered charity number 1159269 We need your help! With recent rises in the cost of living we are finding more people need our help. Food supplies are running low so any donation of this kind will be greatly appreciated. We would be grateful for donations of: Tinned items: Tomatoes • Potatoes • Ravioli Spaghetti • Macaroni Cheese Fray Bentos pies • Baked Beans Fish • Meat (hot or cold) Fruit • Custard • Rice Pudding Packets: Mash • Rice • Cereal • Pasta Porridge • Instant Noodles Sauces • Sugar • Biscuits Products In Jars: Pasta Sauce • Jams & Spreads Drinks: Soft Drinks • Squash • Coffee Milk (UHT or dried) Hygiene & Cleaning Items: Shower Gel • Deodorant Shampoo • ToothpasteSoap•Toilet Rolls Washing Up WashingMulti-SurfaceLiquidSprayPowder Other: Dog / Cat Food Collection points Co-op (Whitby & Staithes), Poundland, B&M Bargains, Whitby Library, The Dispensary, Spar (Sleights), Coliseum, Egton and Castleton schools and many local churches. Volunteers We are frequently in need of people to help in a variety of roles, please contact us if you would like to help. Contact us For any further info please contact us on: 07789 765696 or 07810 205014

html EVERY THURSDAY (AND OCCASIONALLY WED & SUN) Marske & Loftus Badminton Club at Loftus Cricket & Athletic Club, 7pm till late. Looking for new members. First night is free, contact Paul on 07702 756669.
Opening times: 10.00am – 4.30pm Tues – Sun. Closed Mon. Last admission 4.00pm. Museum admission: £7.00 adults, £5.00 students ticket lasts for a full year. Whitby residents (proof needed) & under 18s Free. Situated in the beautifully maintained gardens of Pannett Park in the centre of Whitby, the museum has extensive collections, comprising of items and artefacts of local and national interest donated over the past 200 years, many of which are on permanent display. The full twentieth century issues of Whitby Gazettes, digitized to be fully searchable, which were featured in the recent John Tindale exhibition are now housed in the Museum Library and can be viewed by appointment.
What’s On
EVERY MONDAY Tai chi for beginners Hawsker Village Hall 7pm. First lesson free then £4 pounds thereafter. Contact John 07434 833540
EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY Whitby Tennis Club meets 5.30pm at Whitby Sixth Form College, behind Whitby and Esk Valley Astro Turf facility. A small friendly Club with a relaxed atmosphere. Current members as well as new members welcome. Cost: £20 for the season. No junior section at present. Check out Facebook page for further details. Monday & Wednesday evenings 5.30-8.00pm and Sunday morning 10am-12 noon.
EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY Target Archery at Eskdale School 6.45pm to 8.45pm. Archery GB members welcome. New beginners course starting in May. https://whitbyarchers.co.uk/Home.
What’swhitby On listings are free for local charities and community organisations and ideally should not exceed 20 words. For all other event organisers, a small charge of £20 applies.
SLEIGHTS ART GROUP Art / Painting sessions at Sleights Village Hall Informal & friendly. Professional assistance from local artist, Dave Jeffery. Fridays 2pm-4pm, starting 23rd Sept. Contact Jan 07837 023904 or jw@ maybeckantiques.co.uk.
Current exhibitions: ‘Scoresby’s Arctic’. Celebrating 200 years since the publication of William Scoresby Junior’s ‘Account of the Arctic Regions’, the exhibition gives a glimpse of Scoresby’s Arctic and of his ground-breaking scientific discoveries and is decorated by the textile artworks of Caroline Hack. ‘Whitby Weddings’ in the Costume Gallery which includes the touchscreen ‘Wall of Weddings’ showing all wedding featured in the Whitby Gazette from 1950 to 1999. Art Gallery admission – free to all. Tea room Open 10am-3.30pm on Tues-Sat. EVERY WhitbyDAYWhalers u3a. Day time activities throughout the week for those no longer in full time work: arts, languages, lectures, exercise, history, social groups and much more. Variety of venues. www.u3asites.org.uk/
ESK VALLEY THEATRE 4 August - 27 August. EVT present the world premiere production of ‘Lies’ written and directed
Open Daily 10:45 - 17:00. Last admission half an hour before closing. Admission fees apply - see www. cookmuseumwhiby.co.uk.
Annual exhibition: Sea Peoples: Navigating the Pacific. Blue water sailing in the vast Pacific Ocean demands accurate navigation. Done poorly, it could be catastrophic, as many vanished ships and wrecks testify. This exhibition explores Pacific sailing with both Polynesians and Europeans.
EVERY SummerTHURSDAYClubfor 7-11-year-olds. Craft, games, Bible stories & refreshments. 10am–12 noon. Whitby Christian Fellowship, West Cliff Church, Albert Place (top of Skinner Street), Whitby. EVERY SleightsFRIDAYVillage Hall every Friday evening 8.15pm to 10.30pm for ballroom, Latin and sequence social dancing. Basic for beginners 7.30pm. Tel: 07971 606360 EVERY WhitbyWEEKENDRifleClub. Sports and Social Club. Function rooms available for all occasions. Regular live entertainment Saturdays, Quiz every Sunday.

Whitby Pavilion Northern Lights Suite. Dippy Craft & Gift Fair. 9.30-4.30 each day. Free entry. Over 40 Stalls.
Whitby Beer Festival at the Whitby Mission & Seafarers Cenrte, Haggersgate. Open 12pm-10pm (Sun 12 pm4pm). £5, includes Festival glass and beer token.
Whitby InterActive Playscheme at Stakesby Academy for 5- to 12-year-olds, £60 per child. Tel: 01947 601259
Hinderwell show at the Show Field Runswick Lane TS13 5HP. The 151st Hinderwell show makes a welcome return this year and includes Show Jumping, Gymkhana, Ferrets, Dog Show, a variety of Trade Stands, Large Tent. Admission £5.00, Children £3.00, OAP’s £4.00. Family ticket (2 adults & 2 children) £14.00. Lunchtime Concert in St John’s, Brunswick Street, Whitby at 11.45am, given by Michael Ash, resident organist at St John’s. Retiring collection for Ukrainian relief fund.
SATURDAY AUGUST 6 Midsummer Musicals. A summer’s night of showstopping songs from the West End and beyond at Whitby Pavilion. Starts 7.30pm. Tickets: £9 available from Whitby Pavilion in person, call 01947 824770 or visit www.whitbypavilion.co.uk (booking fees apply).
MONDAY AUGUST 8 ‘Harakeke the Long Leaf!!’ with Deb Gillanders. Traditional flax weaving demonstrations throughout the day at the Captain Cook Memorial Museum, Grape Lane. Open 10:45 - 17:00. Last admission half an hour before closing. Admission fees apply - see www. cookmuseumwhiby.co.uk. Hinderwell WI Meeting. Speaker: Edith talking to us about her recycling project. Competition: article beginning with “K”. Visitors are welcome - £3.50 charge include refreshments. Prospective new members always welcome - come along have a natter with the ladies and a cuppa and a bite.
Whitby Regatta. A full weekend of entertainment, yacht racing, rowing races, parades, beach competitions and
‘All at Sea – Automata and pop-ups’ with Trish Phillips. Drop-in workshop at the Captain Cook Memorial Museum, Grape Lane. 11:00 - 16:00. Admission fees apply - see www.cookmuseumwhiby.co.uk
17 by Alan Ayckbourn. Monday to Saturday at 7.30pm. Matinees 2.30pm on 6, 11,13,16, 23rd & 25 August. Tickets £17 (Concessions 18yrs & under: £14) Box Office: 01947 897587. www.eskvalleytheatre.co.uk
SATURDAY JULY 30 Coffee Morning at Hinderwell Methodist. Starts 10.00am. Stalls include homemade cakes, produce and preserves, books, bric-a-brac, plus a raffle. All proceeds to the Chapel. A warm welcome awaits you.
The Persuaders will be playing at Hinderwell Village. Starts 8.00pm. Tickets £10.00 available from Hinderwell Service Station, Lythes Butchers in Hinderwell or call 01947 8 1490. Bring your own drinks/food.
WHITBY AMATEUR DRAMATIC SOCIETY 4 August - 5 September, ‘Cash on Delivery’. Whitby Amateur Dramatic Society presents ‘Cash on Delivery’ at Whitby Pavilion Theatre every Wednesday & Thursday at 7.30pm Tickets £9 (under 14s: £8; family ticket: £30) from Whitby Pavilion in person, call 01947 824770 or visit www.whitbypavilion.co.uk (booking fees apply).
Whitby Ladies Who Lunch. Although Yorkshire Day is on the 1August, the Ladies Luncheon Club members, partners and guests will be celebrating this special day with a 3-course lunch including tea/coffee at the Saxonville Hotel, 12pm for 12.30pm on Friday 5 August. Cost of lunch will be £25 per person. If you would like to come along and join our friendly group in celebrating all that is ‘Yorkshire’ at this special luncheon then please contact Hilda Gregson by telephone (01947 821591) for further details and a booking form.
Danby Show. Local agricultural show. Ferrets, horses, horticulture, handicrafts, livestock, pigeons, rabbits & cavies, vintage machinery and motorcycles. Food and a beer tent too! All welcome.
FRIDAY AUGUST 12 Lunchtime Concert in St John’s, Brunswick Street, Whitby at 11.45am, with Jenny Hill (voice) & Veronica Carolan (piano): songs from Purcell to Gershwin. Retiring collection for Ukranian relief fund.

The Story of Captain James Cook’ at Whitby Museum, Pannett Park, Normanby Room, Sun 14th Aug 2-3pm
What’s On continued much, much more! Stalls & Fairground on Monday. Full details in the official programme available at various outlets throughout the town. Ends with spectacular firework display 9.45pm Monday. Please viist http://www.whitbyregatta.co.uk for more details.
‘Constellation’. Drop-in workshop at the Captain Cook Memorial Museum, Grape Lane. 11:00 - 16:00. Admission fees apply - see www.cookmuseumwhiby. co.uk
Lunchtime Concert in St John’s, Brunswick Street, Whitby at 11.45am. Polkas, Jigs, Reels & Waltzes with Hawsker Village Band. Retiring collection for Ukrainian relief fund.
10.30am-2.30pm. Delicious homemade food served throughout the day. Tombola and lots of stalls. All welcome. Enquiries to secretary.svhc@gmail.com
Staintondale Country Market at the Village Hall
Egton Horse & Agricultural Show. Large range of animal exhibits and trade stands, vintage machinery and much more. Lots of entertainment for the family including a fairground. Refreshments galore! Everybody welcome. ‘Golly Gosh!’ Making a flying seagull model with Rachel Boddington. Drop-in workshop at the Captain Cook Memorial Museum, Grape Lane. 11:00 - 16:00. Admission fees apply - please visit www.cookmuseumwhiby.co.uk
Lunchtime Concert in St John’s, Brunswick Street, Whitby at 11.45am, given by Sarah King (violin) & Elaine King (piano), ‘Dances & Romances’ for violin & piano. Retiring collection for Ukrainian relief fund.
SATURDAY AUGUST 20 ‘Embroidery in the Museum’ with textile artist Alison Larkin. Demonstrations throughout the day at the Captain Cook Memorial Museum, Grape Lane. Open 10:45 - 17:00. Last admission half an hour before closing. Admission fees apply - see www.cookmuseumwhiby.co.uk
Singer Songwriter Tim Hunter performs songs he composed for Frederick McKinnon’s musical about Captain Cook, and he tells the fascinating story of the 18th-century explorer. the event is free, but you have to pay to look round the museum and you should register your interest in attending at museum reception.
Strawberry Teas in St Hilda’s Old School, Hinderwell. Adults £5.00 admission to include copious amounts of tea/coffee commencing 2.00pm. Raffle. Tombola and cake stall. Proceeds to St Hilda’s Church.
SATURDAY - FRIDAY AUGUST 20-26 Whitby Folk Week. The annual festival of song, dance and storytelling with daily workshops, concerts, ceilidhs, dances, sessions, talks & presentations and other activities and events. or more info, call 01274 833669 or visit https://www.whitbyfolk.co.uk






26 We are delighted to introduce our brand new competition, 'Find the Flag' with the chance to win a fantastic prize!
Our Whitby Advertiser mascot Sammie the Seal just loves building sand castles and sticking in one of his flags. Sammie is often quite careless and leaves his flags lying around, often on the pages of our magazine. All you have to do is find the location of Sammie's flag and you will enter the grand draw to win our 'Find the Flag' prize.
To enter the prize draw please post or email the page number where you have found Sammie's flag, with your name, address & telephone number to: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED Email: competitions@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk.
This month our prize is 'Whitby a potted history’, which has been kindly donated by the author Colin Wilkinson. For a chance of winning a copy, all you have to do is find the flag with the whitby crest on which has been hidden on a page somewhere in this month's Whitby Advertiser.
Esmie, Lyla & Violet of Whitby
This month's flag... We are looking for flag
Deadline for entries - 12/8/22
Prize Competition
The winner will be announced in the next issue. (Pleasenote,weonlyacceptoneentryperhousehold). Would you like to sponsor our Find the Flag competition in a future issue? Get in touch, donate a prize and soon the name of your business could be on the lips of many of our 24,000 readers as they search the magazine for your ‘flag’!! To register an interest or to find out more please email: info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk









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65 StevenQualifiedSpreadburyDecorator Friendly reliable service, any job considered Based in 07876107964Whitby

66 DOWNACROSS 6 Enjoying a large amount of natural light (3-8) 8 Supporting ropes (4) 9 Intense and profound fear (6) 11 Cancelled (6,3) 14 Honeydew sources (6) 15 Hawaiian native dance (4) 17 Early American TV and radio evangelist (5,6) Complete the crossword then rearrange the marked to form the answer to the following clue: Routineattireintheruins(5) LAST ISSUE'S CROSSWORD PISCATORIALSOLUTION:Wonby: Victoria Nightingale of Whitby 1 Long-continued practice (5) 2 Soup can pop artist (4,6) 3 Irish guerillas (1,1,1) 4 Tactical advancements (7) 5 Worship (5) 7 Evenly-matched (4-6) 10 Time gone by (3,4) 12 Brazilian ballroom dance (5) 13 Agricultural holdings (5) 16 Sis' male sibling (3) Across: 7 Disgruntled, 8 Tina Turner, 10 Cat, 11 G D P, 12 Tan, 13 Optimistic, 16 Low-interest. Down: 1 I do, 2 T-shirt, 3 Arrangement, 4 Unsurpassed, 5 Elan, 6 Adoring, 9 Scrolls, 12 Toilet, 14 Town, 15 ETA. PREVIOUS ISSUE'S CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS: A chance to win £10 Co-op Gift Card donated by your local Whitby Co-op store Prize Crossword This months deadline for entries - 12/8/22 To enter the prize draw please post or email the mystery hidden word(s), with your name, address & telephone to: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED Email: crosswords@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk (Pleasenote,weonlyacceptoneentryperhousehold).


70 Puzzle Page If you have completed our prize crossword and still need a challenge then why not try our suduko, wordsearch and spot the difference for a bit of fun. Good luck! SUDUKO! FijiDominicaCanadaCameroonBotswanaBarbadosAustralia MauritiusMaltaMalaysiaKenyaJamaicaIndiaGhana SierraSeychellesRwandaPakistanNigeriaNewMozambiqueZealandLeone ZambiaUgandaTongaSriSouthSingaporeAfricaLanka Commonwealth countries WORDSEARCH SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Our gardener has just tidied up his shed, can you spot the 5 differences?





76 TAXIS Line Ads Please see next page for details on how to submit your line advert FOR BENTLEYSALE UPRIGHT PIANO. Payment as a donation to St Catherine’s Hospice. Tel: 01947 810553. CARAVAN PORCH AWNING £250 Isabella Ventura Marlin 3.3m x 2.3m fibreglass poles, excellent condition. Tel. 07792 511136 4 GOODYEAR TYRES 205/50 R17, hardly used £80. Offers. Telephone 01947 820625 KETTLER OUTDOOR TABLE TENNIS TABLE £100. Offers. Telephone 01947 820625 TWO GENTS AND ONE LADIES ROAD BIKES. Offers Telephone 01947 820625 MOBILE HAIRDRESSERS JULIE’S MOBILE HAIRDRESSING. Friendly & reliable service, Over 25 years’ experience. Call Julie on 07789 786226 or 01947 811315 MEADOWSCLEANING HOUSEKEEPING. Hate ironing? We love it! Free collection and drop off. Call Joanne 07707 834073 www.meadowshousekeeping.co.uk COMMUNITY NEEDING HELP with your shopping, getting to appointments or just some company? Contact Nicola 07851747250 for more details. Reasonable rates. WANTED. Captain Cook Memorial Museum on Grape Lane looking for new people to join their team of volunteers. Email: volunteers@cookmuseumwhitby. co.uk or phone 01947 601900 for more information. SITUATIONS VACANT DELIVERY PERSON WANTED. To deliver this magazine in the Aislaby /Newholm / Dunsley areas. Please call 01947 605500 or email: info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk SMALL BUSINESS AND TRADESMEN ADS ACAIR LOCKS YOUR LOCAL LOCKSMITH uPVC doors difficult to lock? We can help! Locked out? No problem! Fast service. No call-out charge. Tel: 07974 660062. Email: derekliversidge@aol.comw PAT TESTING AND HANDYMAN SERVICES. Latest PAT test equipment. £1.35 per item inc. certificate/report (minimum invoice value £25.00). Call 077 464 100 25. Blair Hankin https://pattestingwhitby.co.uk PROPERTY MAINTENANCE/ HANDY MAN. Tools available for most jobs. Will travel. Reliable. Hourly rate available. Andy 07850 630077 CC PLUMBING for your plumbing jobs. Same day callout. Tel: 07775 902706. ABBEY TAXIS TAXI • PRIVATE HIRE AIRPORT • CONTRACT 01947 606666 / 01947 601212 enquiries@abbeytaxis.org | www.abbeytaxis.org GUISBOROUGH TROPHY CENTRE. All sports catered for. Engraving to any item. Brass plates available. Tel: 01287 630990. 2022 catalogue now available. ALL ASPECTS OF GARDEN AND TREE WORK UNDERTAKEN. Garden clearances, all rubbish taken away and included in the price Tel: 07885090911. LJ GARDEN MAINTENANCE. I currently have some availability for my grass cutting services in the Whitby area. Call Lee 07725367731. ALL ROOF AND PROPERTY REPAIRS UNDERTAKEN. All pointing, chimney stacks, ridge tiles. Gutter cleaning. No job too large or too small Tel: 07885090911. ESKDALEWANTED ANTIQUES. Wanted curios & collectables. Farming, household & gardening. Hunting, motoring & advertising. House clearances. Call Phil Smith on 01947 811124 or 07897 796495 ALL SCRAP METAL WANTED. Top prices paid for all ferrous and non ferrous metal .Cash or bank transfer payment. Same day collection. Tel: 07885090911. WANTED! CARS, VANS, COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, CARAVANS, CAMPERVANS, MOTORHOMES, TRACTORS AND PLANT MACHINERY. Any condition. Cash payment! Immediate collection. Tel: 01947 840040/ 07885 090911. WANTED! ALL EQUESTRIAN EQUIPMENT INCLUDING SADDLES, BRIDLES, DRIVING HARNESSES, HORSEBOXES, ANY HORSE-DRAWN VEHICLES, COMPLETE OR NOT. ALSO HORSES BOUGHT FOR CASH. Must have passports. Instant decision, instant cash. Tel: 01947 840040/ 07885 090911 Tel: 07901 391591 | www.whitbyframing.com WHITBY PICTURE FRAMING 9d Mount Farm Close Whitby YO22 4HJ OppositeEskdaleSchoolGates Bespoke picture framing using quality frames, mounts & picture glass.

77 Baker Printers Ltd

78 ACCOMMODATIONINDEX & PROPERTY SERVICES Goulden Accommodation .............................................. 6 Host & Stay ............................................................................ 40 Ingrid Flute’s Yorkshire Holiday Cottages ................. 6 Manhatten Property .......................................................... 5 Toft Hill .................................................................................... 4 ACCOUNTANTS & BUSINESS SERVICES Asquith & Co ......................................................................... 35 ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES Eskdale Antiques 76 APPLIANCE REPAIRS & SALES Keith Bedlington ................................................................. 44 Newlove Repair Service Limited ................................... 44 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES A.L. Turner and Associates 34 ARTS, CRAFTS & HOBBIES PennyClare Furniture, Crafts & Gifts 9 BEDROOMS, BATHROOMS & KITCHENS Gibson’s Cabinet Makers ................................................. 46 BEREAVEMENT SERVICES G R Pindar .............................................................................. 28 John Corner Funeral Service Ltd 28 BUILDING, MAINTENANCE & REPAIR Anderson Builders Ltd ...................................................... 60 Andy Clayford....................................................................... 76 Elvidge Renovation & Restoration 62 Halls Building & Roofing .................................................. 60 Jack Hallam Joinery 62 Lawson Builders & High Access Ltd............................ 63 Martyn Cana 62 MKM Building Supplies Ltd............................................. 47 Odd Jobs 64 Prodigy Roofing & Building ............................................ 67 Robert Harrison & Sons Ltd ............................................. 63 Storm Scaffolding ............................................................... 59 Yorkshire Loft Ladders ...................................................... 55 CARE & COMMUNITY Fisher Care Group t/a Whitby Court Ltd 30 Scarborough Mobility ....................................................... 29 CARPETS & FLOORING Draper’s Carpets .................................................................. 49 Fletcher & Woodhouse Ltd 50 N.R Flooring .......................................................................... 48 CHIMNEY SWEEPS Cleansweep........................................................................... 54 Mucky Duck Chimney Sweep 54 CLEANING, HOUSEKEEPING & LAUNDRY SERVICES Joanne Meadows ................................................................ 76 Rees Impact Cleaning Services ...................................... 52 Seaside Cottages................................................................. 52 TLC Carpet Care 51 Whitby Carpet Cleaning (Hard Floors) 51 Whitby Carpet Cleaning ................................................... 53 COMMUNITY & LEISURE Birkbrow Leisure ................................................................. 6 Camphill Village Trust ....................................................... 12 Jenny Hesketh Author ...................................................... 37 Whitby Amateur Dramatic Society 19 Whitby Surf School............................................................. 13 COMPUTER, IT & WEBSITE SERVICES Computer Centre ................................................................ 31 Compu-SOS........................................................................... 45 CURTAINS, BLINDS & HOME FURNISHINGS Priory Blinds .......................................................................... 48 Whitby Blinds & Shutters ................................................. 48 CYCLING & CYCLE REPAIR SERVICES Dr Crank 74 DENTAL SERVICES Denture Clinic 7 Ryedale Dental Healthcare Clinic ................................. 3 Scarborough Denture Centre ........................................ 25 Solis Dental Studio ............................................................. 23 DRAIN SERVICES Steve Welford Drain Cleaning ....................................... 52 ELECTRICIANS Handy Andy 58 PAT Testing & Handyman Services 76 Stakesby Electrical .............................................................. 58 Waring Electrical ................................................................. 58 ESTATE AGENTS & PROPERTY Henderson Property Services (Yorkshire) Ltd.......... 39 EVENTS, PARTIES & FANCY DRESS Carr Mount Tipis .................................................................. 80 FOOD & DRINK The Forge 8 Whitby Sea Fish Ltd 11 GARDENING, FENCING & TREE SERVICES Andys’s Tidy Gardens ........................................................ 69 Dan Knaggs Fencing & Landscaping Ltd .................. 69 Doors ‘n’ Gates ..................................................................... 76 Everything Trees.................................................................. 69
79 LJ Garden Maintenance ................................................... 76 Yorkshire Shed Company 73 HAIR SALONS AND BARBERS Cheevers Hair Design ........................................................ 23 HEALTH, BEAUTY & FITNESS Kate Riley Limited 24 Lindsey Ebbs Podiatry....................................................... 27 Nature’s Laboratory Ltd .................................................. 22 HEATING & RENEWABLES All Aspects Solar 54 Peak Power Systems Ltd .................................................. 54 JOINERY SERVICES David Wilson Joinery 48 Warrior Woodworks ........................................................... 62 LEGAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES Noel Barrett Legal Services ............................................. 35 Peter Kenny Dip PFS Financial Adviser 35 LOCKSMITHS Acair Locks ............................................................................. 76 UPVC Suppliers LTD ........................................................... 59 MOTORING, MOT, REPAIRS & SALES Classic Car Sales ................................................................... 8 CT Autos ................................................................................. 74 Easington Service Station 75 Kangaroo Car Wash ........................................................... 74 R.J.Valeting ............................................................................ 74 Summerfield Garage 74 Whitby Tyre and Exhaust Centre Ltd .......................... 75 OPTICIANS Loftus / Skelton Optical 24 PAINTERS & DECORATORS Andrew Ellenor Quality Painter & Decorator ........... 65 Craig Sumner ........................................................................ 65 Richard Anscombe 65 Steven Spreadbury............................................................. 65 PETS & AGRICULTURAL SERVICES Cleveland Country Store 71 Millbry Hill .............................................................................. 72 PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING SERVICES Keith Moss ............................................................................. 34 Whitby Picture Framing 76 PLANT HIRE Warrior Access ..................................................................... 59 PLASTERERS & TILERS Patrick O’Neill Plastering .................................................. 65 Tom Jefferson Plastering ................................................. 65 Waring Plastering & Rendering ..................................... 64 PLUMBING, HEATING & BOILER SERVICES Abbey Gas Ltd ...................................................................... 57 Champions Plumbing & Heating Limited 56 Fossil Heating & Plumbing Services ............................ 58 John Scott Plumbing ......................................................... 57 Nathan Alan Brown - Plumbing, Gas & Oil Engineer ... 56 PRINTERS Baker Printers Limited ....................................................... 77 REMOVALS & STORAGE Britannia Devereux............................................................. 43 Jet Removals 42 Murphy Removals & Courier Services ......................... 42 Rocket Removals ................................................................. 42 Whitby Removals ................................................................ 43 SCHOOLS, CLASSES & WORKSHOPS Phil Martin Music ................................................................ 34 Whitby & District Fishing Industry Training School 11 SITUATIONS VACANT & RECRUITMENT Earn From Home 15 Guide Dogs For The Blind................................................ 32 Mind ......................................................................................... 33 Save The Children ............................................................... 33 Whitby Advertiser Delivery Person Required 33 Whitby Library 32 Whitby Regatta .................................................................... 32 Whitby Scouts ...................................................................... 33 SPORT Whitby Town Football Club ............................................ 77 TAXIS & PRIVATE HIRE Abbey Taxis ........................................................................... 76 Trophies, Engraving & Signs Guisborough Trophy Centre 76 TV REPAIR & AERIALS Shackletons ........................................................................... 44 UPHOLSTERERS Alan Henderson Upholstery ........................................... 50 WINDOWS, DOORS & CONSERVATORIES Centurion Windows Ltd ................................................... 59 Cowen Windows Ltd ......................................................... 61 Sefton Trowsdale Double Glazing Services 60 UPVC Suppliers Ltd 59