It’s not all doom and gloom when it comes to February as it is the month when we celebrate Valentine’s Day!
Did you know that Valentine’s Day originated as a Christian feast day, and is sometimes called the Feast of St Valentine? Also, Emperor Claudius II allegedly executed two men - both named Valentine - on February 14 of different years in the 3rd century A.D.? Well, it’s a much happier affair these days as Valentine's Day is the annual festival to celebrate romantic love, a holiday when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts and has expanded in recent years to include relatives and friends. Millions of Valentine’s cards are exchanged each year, along with gifts of flowers and chocolates with romantic messages, and of course the legendary single red rose! What will you get this year ... and from whom?!! More to the point, will you get a marriage day proposal to make the day forever memorable?
It may have been a more challenging start to the year than we had hoped for, but here at the Whitby Advertiser we have committed ourselves to keep publishing and delivering our magazine as usual to support our local economy with its many small businesses and tradesmen, who are in turn working hard to support our local community as we still recover from the events of the last two years. The challenges do still keep on coming though, don’t they?
05736318 | VAT No: 979 2029 82 All information in this magazine is published in good faith and cannot be reproduced without written permission. Whilst the publisher makes every effort to ensure that the businesses featured in this magazine are of the highest quality, we do not guarantee the services and products from any businesses featured. No liability will be accepted under any circumstances should any of the contents in this magazine be incorrect. Any complaints should be referred to Trading Standards, NYCC. The views expressed within the articles are not necessarily those of the publisher. All rights reserved. The paper used for the Whitby Advertiser is produced from guaranteed sustainable forests and carries the PEFC accreditation which is the European standard for tracking the timber from source to the final printed product. Further information can be found at www.pefc.org Stephen Ault EDITOR 8 Recipe Page 12 What's On 14 Exciting Times At The Museum 22 Prize Crossword 26 Puzzle Page 34 Useful Numbers 36 Book Review 58 Find The Flag Competition 60 Garden View 68 Line Ads 70 Index Welcome ADVERTISE IN OUR NEXT ISSUE: W 01947 605500 E info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk A www.whitbyadvertiser.co.uk A Whitby Advertiser Ltd, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED, North Yorkshire THIS MONTH'S FEATURES: Our Deadline is: Friday 11th CONTACTFebruary US:
I hope you enjoy browsing through this new edition of the Whitby Advertiser. Do have a go at both our prize crossword and our new ‘Find the Flag’ competitionboth are sponsored by local businesses. If you would like the name of your business to be on the lips of people at home, in the workplace, the local café and so on; repeating it as they frantically flick through the pages of our magazine, scouring every advert for Sammie’s flag, do get in touch! You just need to donate a prize!
The Whitby Advertiser gives the perfect opportunity for businesses to connect with both new and existing customers, with a potential audience of 24,000 readers not only here in Whitby but throughout the Esk Valley and as far as Skelton, Saltburn and Guisborough too. If you would like to advertise in our March edition, please do get in touch as space is filling up fast. Simply give us a call or drop us an email. We can even design your advert for you at no extra cost. Keep safe and well everyone.
January has seen some really lovely sunny days, and some very icy, winter nights, but thankfully no snow up to the time of writing this. Give it another couple of months and spring will have sprung, and we will once again see the beauty of our gardens and the surrounding countryside as they emerge from winter, lifting spirits and refreshing the soul!
A most warm welcome to the February edition of the Whitby Advertiser. It’s a wet, miserable and cold morning as I write this, but I guess that’s winter for you!
Copyright © Whitby Advertiser Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the publisher. Published by Whitby Advertiser Ltd, Green Lane Centre, Green Lane, Whitby, North Yorkshire YO22 4EH. Company No:

4 Join our family and let us fill your property with guests, this year and beyond. Find out more about how our unique combination of local, and national, expertise and support can help you make the most of your property by visting our website. yorkshireholidaycottages.co.uk Park View Cottage Ref: DS336



EVERY WEDNESDAY Target Archery at Whitby Pavilion 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Archery GB members welcome. Beginners Courses throughout the year. Visit https:// whitbyarchers.co.uk/Home.html
FRIDAY 11 ‘Valentine’sFEBRUARYRockthe Church’ with ‘Dire Staithes’. Come and join us at St Hilda’s Church 7.00 pm for a 7.30 pm start ending approx 9.45pm. Tickets are £7.00 each which includes a glass of wine or a nonalcoholic drink and nibbles. Tickets are available from Hinderwell Service Station or you may ring Anne on 841074 or Chris 840343. Licensed wine bar and a raffle. All welcome.
EVERY THURSDAY (AND OCCASIONALLY WED & SUN) Marske & Loftus Badminton Club at Loftus Cricket & Athletic Club, 7pm till late. Looking for new members. First night is free, contact Paul on 07702 756669. EVERY SleightsFRIDAYVillage Hall every Friday evening 8.15pm to 10.30pm for ballroom, Latin and sequence social dancing. Basic for beginners 7.30pm. Tel: 07971 606360
John has a mixed dairy-arable farm with 340 Holstein dairy cows, cereals, oilseed rape, maize, and grass for silage. He is also the York Area District Chairman representing his fellow dairy farmers with Arla. 7.45pm start. Sneaton Castle, Whitby YO21 3QN. Members & guests welcome - please contact the Secretary via email/text to confirm attendance at meetings. Event contact: Joyce Stangoe, Secretary, WDDG. Mob: 07868 956919. Email: joyce.stangoe@gmail.com
Whitby Photographic Society. Andy Page will present ‘Abstracts and Impressions.’ This will take place at Whitby Sixth Form College, Airy Hill, 6.45 pm for 7 pm (Please note this is a new venue). Also via Zoom. New members and visitors very welcome. What’s On listings are free for local charities and community organisations and ideally should not exceed 20 words. For all other event organisers, a small charge of £20 applies.
What’s On
Tea Dances return to the Royal Hotel, West Cliff, Whitby. 2.00pm-4.30pm. Everybody Welcome. £3 to include tea, coffee & biscuits. Proceeds to Whitby Lifeboats.
PLEASE NOTE: Regular events may not take place and other events may even be cancelled or postponed due to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic and event organisers adhering to Government guidelines applicable at the time of the event. We advise you check with the event organiser before making a journey.
Free Music sessions at Whitby Pavillion (café area). 10.30am -11.30am: Slow and Steady Tunes (free tune book with notation, chord charts and Bb notation available or email till703@gmail.com for a digital version) 12 Noon-1.45pm: Lunchtime Music Session with songs, tunes etc. Come and join in or come just to listen.
THURSDAY 10 FEBRUARY Whitby Photographic Society. Nigel Forster will present ‘Long Exposure’ This will take place at Whitby Sixth Form College, Airy Hill, 6.45 pm for 7 pm (Please note this is a new venue). Also via Zoom. New members and visitors very welcome.
Whitby Dairy Discussion Group. A 10-year Journey John Banks, Farmer & Arla York Area District Chairman.
• Tea Dances return to the Royal Hotel

THURSDAY 24 FEBRUARY Whitby Photographic Society. Joe Houghton will present ‘Lightroom Live’. This will take place at Whitby Sixth Form College, Airy Hill, 6.45 pm for 7 pm (Please note this is a new venue). Also via Zoom. New members and visitors very welcome. Conservative Ladies Luncheon Club will take place at the Saxonville Hotel 12pm for 12.30. Speaker will be retired teacher Bryan Cross who has written many books, including “Quit while your a-Head” which he will talk about. The Club is a friendly bunch of ladies, meeting for almost 54 years now on the last Thursday of each month from January to April and September to December. February Thursday 01947
The Balmoral Acoustic Blues Club at Saltburn Conservative Club presents Dave Speight. Starts 7.30pm. Tickets £10 only from 07960 935263.
17th February. For further information regarding the lunches (£22 for three courses) or membership please contact Treasurer Hilda Gregson on
Hinderwell WI Meeting. St Hilda’s Old School, Hinderwell at 7.00 pm. Speaker: Mrs Cynthia Brew, recounting tales of her very interesting life. Competition: an article beginning with the letter “F”. Prospective new members are invited to attend this meeting - meet and chat with the ladies over a cuppa and a bite to eat! For further details please call 01947 840343. Yorkshire Countrywomen Association Sleights Branch meeting will be at 2pm in Church House, Sleights. Speaker: David Wilson talking about the York Rescue Boat. Also Book exchange and refreshments. Guests and new members warmly welcomed for further details contact 01947 811827.
Whitby Photographic Society. Competition evening The Gillings and Brown trophies Subjects are ‘Repetition’ and ‘Movement’ This will take place at Whitby Sixth Form College, Airy Hill, 6.45 pm for 7 pm (Please note this is a new venue). Also via Zoom. New members and visitors very welcome.
If you would like to know more about us, come along and join us for lunch on the 24th
Whitby Antiques & Fine Arts Society lecture. Botanical Endeavours by Clair Stones. Meeting starts 7.30pm at Whitby Rifle Club, Crescent Avenue, Whitby YO21 3EW. Meetings monthly on the third Tuesday of each month. Visitors always welcome: £3.00.
- please book by
821591. SATURDAY 26 FEBRUARY Saltburn Blues Club presents The Connor Selby Band and John Carroll at New Marske Institute TS11 8EG. Starts 7.30pm. Tickets £12 from Ents24.com and 07960 935263. COMING SOON... A date for your diary. A soup and Sweet lunch will take place in St Hilda’s Old School in Hinderwell on Saturday 12th March. Vegetarian and gluten free diets will be catered for. Further details in next month’s Whitby Advertiser. Whitby Library Events LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH Display and Selection of reading available UNDER 5’S WEEK - Check facebook page updates and in the library for information on specific events for pre schoolers STORY TOTS every Monday during term time 10:30am -11:15am IT BUDDIES - If anyone needs any help with getting started on computers we have FREE bookable sessions available with our IT buddy. We can help with online forms, setting up email, basic IT skills etc. LOUNGE AREA for young adults with sockets for technology and free wifi PRINTING AND PHOTOCOPYING AVAILABLE 10p per B&W A4 sheet 50p A4 colour ROOMS AVAILABLE TO HIRE for small groups or VOLUNTEERINGmeetings OPPORTUNITIES - Can you spare some time to help in your library? We need you! Follow us on facebook or twitter @UKwhitbylibrary for up to date news and information on library events. To book call 01609 534350 or email whitby. library@northyorks.gov.uk

local Whitby characters of yesteryear. In a first for Whitby Museum the exhibition also includes touchscreen technology, allowing you to search the John Tindale photographic archive as well as the whole of the 20th century of the Whitby Gazettes! The exhibition will only be available until 8th May, so hurry. To complement the exhibition, the Costume Gallery has a special exhibition showcasing wedding attire from the 1950s to 1990s when John Tindale was a wedding photographer. Another touchscreen allows you to take a look at all the weddings pictured in the Whitby Gazette during this timeframe. The costume exhibition will be available throughout 2022.
From the end of May 2022 the ‘Scoresby’s Arctic’ exhibition will be re-staged. Unfortunately, this exhibition was only open for a week in 2020 before Covid measures forced its closure. The museum is excited to be able to give another opportunity for you to see this exhibition which combines museum artefacts with the stunning artwork of textile artist Caroline Hack.
Although the museum has been closed for a few weeks over winter, work hasn’t stopped. Pop in and see the fresh new feel to the Museum Tea Room; updated facilities in the Normanby Room and an exciting new look for the reception and shop Remember,area. the Society aims to preserve your past for the education of future generations. Pay a visit or become a patron or member as it reaches this momentous milestone. See website for more details by visiting: www.whitbymuseum.org.uk
As you may know Whitby Museum is owned and run by Whitby Literary and Philosophical Society, a registered charity. The Society was founded in 1823 with the purpose of ‘educating the public in the interests of science, the humanities and literature by the provision of a museum, library and archives’. As the Society approaches its bi-centenary this purpose still holds true.
If you have not already visited the ‘John Tindale: A Vision of Whitby’ exhibition put this on your to-do list for early 2022. It is a must-see for any Whitby resident! The exhibition includes three short films compiled by award winning film maker Anne Dodsworth. Anne has used outstanding cinematography techniques for a dramatic three screen film, ‘Vision of Whitby’, whilst ‘You’ll Never Tame the Sea’ and a ‘Whitby Life’ combine Yorkshire Film Archive footage with original interviews with
The lead-up to the bi-centenary is an exciting time at the museum as we aim to make the museum as good as it can be; retaining its Victorian cabinet of curiosity feel in the main gallery whilst embracing new technology in the newer part of the building.

15 WHITBY MUSEUM “A MUSEUM OF TREASURES” An amazing treasure chest of curious objects, precious gems, ancient fossils and local legends. Whitby Museum, Pannett Park, Whitby, YO21 1RE www.whitbymuseum.org.uk Charity No: 1171266 Accredited Museum Number 1158




19 Scarborough Denture Centre 21c Barry’s Lane, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO12 www.scarboroughdenturecentre.co.uk4HA CALL 01723 354170 Problems with your Dentures? We’ve got the answer. Do you suffer with loose or uncomfortable dentures? Are you self conscious when youNEWsmile?BESPOKE DENTURES 10% OFF WITH THIS ADVERT FREE CONSULTATION SAME DAY DENTURE REPAIRSComeAVAILABLEandseeour understanding and expert clinical dental technician. With different standards to choose from you can tailor your bespoke, comfortable and natural looking dentures to your requirements and budget. Our team, with over 30 years of experience, can help you smile confidently again. What our customers say: I walked into the clinic and I was a nervous wreck and so embarrassed. I came out feeling like a million dollars. My dentures look so natural and fit perfectly. Thank you so much. Covid safe procedures are in place. Please phone for an appointment.


22 DOWNACROSS 5 Forecasts (11) 7 Blue dye (4) 8 Below (5) 9 Fifth sign of the zodiac (3) 10 Curve (3) 11 Squid's protective fluid (3) 13 Marbles in the British Museum (5) 14 Basic gymnastics move (4) 15 E.g. Naseby or Waterloo (11) Complete the crossword then rearrange the marked letters to form the answer to the following clue: Afareasttriumphantcheer!(6) LAST ISSUE'S CROSSWORD SOLUTION: CYANICWonby: Sue Forsyth of Moorsholm 1 Third-place award (6,5) 2 Happenings (11) 3 Nervous (5) 4 Fundamentally (2,9) 6 Destructive computer key (3) 12 Banded chalcedony (5) 14 U S crime-fighting body (1,1,1) Across: 1 Liposuction, 7 Capri, 8 Until, 9 Leading role, 13 Switchbacks, 19 Noise, 20 Genoa, 21 Inheritance. Down: 1 Lt Col, 2 Papua, 3 Sci-fi, 4 Clung, 5 Intro, 6 Nolte, 10 Dot, 11 Nth, 12 R Y A, 13 Sinai, 14 Irish, 15 Cheer, 16 Bigot, 17 Canon, 18 Shave. PREVIOUS ISSUE'S CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS: A chance to win £10 Co-op Gift Card donated by your local Whitby Co-op store Prize Crossword This months deadline for entries - 11/2/22 To enter the prize draw please post or email the mystery hidden word(s), with your name, address & telephone to: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED Email: crosswords@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk (Pleasenote,weonlyacceptoneentryperhousehold).



26 Puzzle Page If you have completed our prize crossword and still need a challenge then why not try our suduko, wordsearch and spot the difference for a bit of fun. Good luck! SUDUKO! HaulierSalesmanBuilderElectricianPrinter AccountantProofreaderTeacherEngineerDoctor HairdresserArtistChefPharmacistVeterinarian LibrarianActorTailor Professions and occupations WORDSEARCH SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Check out this classic car at the restoration garage... Can you find the 5 differences? © Memory-Improvement-Tips.com. Reprinted by Permission.


28 10ft, 20ft and 40ft containers Prices start from £15 per week Easy, convenient 24 hour site access Long and short term leases DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL • SECURE DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL • SECURE Selly Hill, Guisborough Road Whitby, North Yorkshire YO21 1SF Tel 01642 718 286



32 KEITH DOMESTICBEDLINGTONAPPLIANCEENGINEER Established over 40 years Repairs and spares for most makes of washing machines, tumble dryers, cookers and vacuum cleaners Dyson repairs 30 Chancel Way, Whitby 01947 602276


34 HOSPITALS, DOCTORS & PERSONAL SERVICES A & E, JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Middlesborough - 01642 850850 WHITBY HOSPITAL Spring Hill, Whitby - 01947 899200 WHITBY GROUP PRACTICE Spring Vale Medical Centre, Whitby - 01947 820888 WHITBY GROUP PRACTICE Station Road, Robin Hood’s Bay - 01947 880230 CHURCHFIELD SURGERY Iburndale Lane, Iburndale, Sleights - 01947 810466 DANBY SURGERY Briar Hill, Danby, Whitby - 01287 660739 EGTON SURGERY Egton, Whitby - 01947 895356 SANDSEND SURGERY Sandsend Road, Sandsend, Whitby - 01947 894948 A&E SCARBOROUGH HOSPITAL 01723 368111 NHS DIRECT - 111 WHITBY PODIATRY CHIROPODY & FOOTCARE 5A Skinner Street, Whitby - 01947 825137 WHITBY FOODBANK 07789 765696 & 07810 205014 SAMARITANS 24 Hour free call number from any phone 116123 RYEDALEDENTISTSDENTAL HEALTHCARE CLINIC 4-6 Burgate, Pickering YO18 7AU - 01751 474460 SOLIS DENTAL STUDIO 01723 347011 CARAVAN/CAMPING MARINE EQUIPMENT COATES MARINE Langbourne Rd Whitby, YO21 1EU - 01947 604486 GARAGES & CAR REPAIRS WHITBY TYRE & EXHAUST CENTRE Enterprise Way, Whitby YO22 4NH - 01947 821821 SUMMERFIELD GARAGE Stainsacre Lane, Whitby YO22 4PA - 01947 820044 EASINGTON SERVICE STATION Whitby Road, Easington, TS13 4NW - 01287 644335 CYCLE REPAIR DR CRANKS BIKE SHACK 07880 801957 VETERINARY SURGEONS BECK VETERINARY PRACTICE High Stakesby, Whitby - 01947 820333 CLEVEDALE VETERINARY PRACTICE The Parade, Whitby - 01947 825042 ESKMISCELLANEOUSVALLEYRAILWAY 07584 419114 TRAVELINE - PUBLIC TRANSPORT INFORMATION 0871 200 2233 SCARBOROUGH COUNCIL 01723 232323 TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE Langbourne Road, Whitby - 01723 383636 WHITBY ADVERTISER PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED - 01947 605500 WHITBY CO-OP Langbourne Road, Whitby - 01947 600710 WHITBY LEISURE CENTRE West Cliff, Whitby - 01947 604640 WHITBY PAVILION 01947 458899 WHITBY GREEN LANE CENTRE 01947 821761 WHITBY PARISH OFFICE 01947 606578 WHITBY LIBRARY 01609 534350 WHITBY POLICE STATION Spring Hill, Whitby - 101 Useful Numbers





46 Offer valid for openings up to 2.6m wide & inc: 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override. APPROVED Only £895 for a fully Gottaelectricfitteddoor.getaGarolla. Garolla garage doors are strong and solidly built. They’re made to measure in our own UK factories. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically taking up only 8 inches inside your garage. Our expert installers will fit your new door and take away the old one so there’s no mess. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up for free! GOTTA GET A GAROLLA WASINC£1,354VAT£895 NOW ONLY WHAT’S INCLUDED : FREE MEASURING & FITTING TWO REMOTE CONTROLS ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS FREE DISPOSAL OF OLD DOOR CALL US TODAY 01947 680 012 MOBILE 07537 149 128 www.garolla.co.uk • Made in Britain • 2 remote controls • 16 colours available • 3 year guarantee • Garage door repairs • Now manufacturing Steel Roller Shutters for commercial and residential customers DROAKOLLEROORS Mobile 07831 500788 Office 01642 983211 Web www.oakrollerdoors.com Supply only from £640 Official Manufacturer’s Agent FREE survey Up to 50% DISCOUNT

Our business relies on referrals and we got a huge amount of our calls from people who have been referred to us by our existing customers - that simply wouldn’t happen if we didn’t adhere to our overriding principles. At the end of the day the old adage that happy customers lead to more happy customers is true and we work hard to make that happen for every installation we carry out!’
The company, based locally, offers homeowners the opportunity to maximise their storage space with a loft ladder, 50 sq ft of boarding and a light all fully fitted in less than a day from just £277 + VAT. But it’s not just the affordability of the package the company offers that makes Yorkshire Loft Ladders stand out as manager Mark Hodson explains: ‘Our watchwords are Quality, Integrity and Value. Quality in the materials that we use for all our installations and the fact that all our loft packages are fitted by time served tradesmen so our customers are assured of the best job. Integrity in that we will turn up at the time we say and make sure the house is spotless when we leave, and Value in that we offer our services at a price people can afford.
So, if you want to make use of your loft space, however big or small, call Mark on 0800 612 8359 and he’ll be happy to pop round and give you a no obligation quote so you too can make use of your loft!
These days most homeowners suffer from a lack of storage space. So many precious items that need to be kept – but where to store it all? That’s where Yorkshire Loft Ladders come in.


50 Make the change to Renewable Energy with us and... R E D U C E Y O U R H E AT I N G B I L L S WE HAVE SYSTEMS TO SUIT ALL PROPERTIES. GIVING YOU LOWER ENERGY COSTS AND SMALLER FUEL BILLS. Air & Ground Source Heat Pumps Biomass Boilers Solar PV and Battery Storage Systems Wood Burning Stoves Underfloor Heating Rainwater Harvesting Systems T: 01751 476989 www.peakpowersystems.co.uk Contact us today for a free site survey and advice on which solution will be best for you. GENEROUS GOVERNMENT INCENTIVES AVAILABLE







This month the Photo Wizard, our image restoration expert is offering a fabulous £20 discount voucher on any of his photo retouching services if you can find Sammie's flag. To stand a chance of winning this prize all you have to do is find the flag with the Photo Wizard logo which is hidden on one of the pages in this month's Whitby Advertiser.
58 We are delighted to introduce our brand new competition, 'Find the Flag' with the chance to win a fantastic prize!
Prize Competition
The winner will be announced in the next issue. (Pleasenote,weonlyacceptoneentryperhousehold). Would you like to sponsor our Find the Flag competition in a future issue? Get in touch, donate a prize and soon the name of your business could be on the lips of many of our 24,000 readers as they search the magazine for your ‘flag’!! To register an interest or to find out more please email: info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk
January issue winner: Mrs M. Lucas of Whitby We are looking for
To enter the prize draw please post or email the page number where you have found Sammie's flag, with your name, address & telephone number to: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED Email: competitions@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk.
flag sponsors...
Our Whitby Advertiser mascot Sammie the Seal just loves building sand castles and sticking in one of his flags. Sammie is often quite careless and leaves his flags lying around, often on the pages of our magazine. All you have to do is find the location of Sammie's flag and you will enter the grand draw to win our 'Find the Flag' prize.
This month's flag...
Deadline for entries - 11/2/22

59 StevenQualifiedSpreadburyDecorator Friendly reliable service, any job considered Based in 07876107964Whitby







68 TAXIS Line Ads Please see next page for details on how to submit your line advert MEADOWSCLEANING HOUSEKEEPING. Hate ironing? We love it! Free collection and drop off. Call Joanne 07707 834073 www.meadowshousekeeping.co.uk. MOBILE HAIRDRESSERS JULIE’S MOBILE HAIRDRESSING. Friendly & reliable service, Over 25 years’ experience. Call Julie on 07789 786226 or 01947 811315 NEWSPAPERSCOMMUNITY & MAGAZINES DELIVERED TO YOU. Experienced delivery service. 40p per delivery plus price of publications. Tel: Carina or Blair 07823 322157 SMALL BUSINESS AND TRADESMEN ADS GARDEN DESIGN AND ADVICE. Give your outdoor space a new lease of life. We’re here to help. Fully qualified. Tel 07843076321 PAT TESTING AND HANDYMAN SERVICES. Latest PAT test equipment. £1.35 per item inc. certificate/report (minimum invoice value £25.00). Call 077 464 100 25. Blair Hankin https://pattestingwhitby.co.uk £40 BOILER SERVICE. NEW BOILERS INSTALLED. Keith, More than Gas. Telephone: 07828 913989. Gas Safe No. 225407. GUISBOROUGH TROPHY CENTRE. All sports catered for. Engraving to any item. Brass plates available. Tel: 01287 630990. 2021 catalogue now available. ABBEY TAXIS TAXI • PRIVATE HIRE AIRPORT • CONTRACT 01947 606666 / 01947 601212 enquiries@abbeytaxis.org | www.abbeytaxis.org ACAIR LOCKS YOUR LOCAL LOCKSMITH uPVC doors difficult to lock? We can help! Locked out? No problem! Fast service. No call-out charge. Tel: 07974 660062. Email: derekliversidge@aol.com FENCING AND TREE CUTTING SERVICE. Also turf laying. Tel Mike Stainthorpe on 01947 820845 or 07866 079038. CC PLUMBING for your plumbing jobs. Same day callout. Tel: 07775 902706. ESKDALEWANTED ANTIQUES. Wanted curios & collectables. Farming, household & gardening. Hunting, motoring & advertising. House clearances. Call Phil Smith on 01947 811124 or 07897 796495 Tel: 07901 391591 | www.whitbyframing.com WHITBY PICTURE FRAMING 9d Mount Farm Close Whitby YO22 4HJ OppositeEskdaleSchoolGates Bespoke picture framing using quality frames, mounts & picture glass. LOCAL TAXI COMPANY LOOKING FOR BUSINESS? List your company’s name and phone number in this column for just £25 or choose a box advert for just £40


70 ACCOMMODATION & PROPERTY SERVICES Ingrid Flute’s Yorkshire Holiday Cottages 4 ACCOUNTANTS & BUSINESS SERVICES Asquith & Co ......................................................................... 28 ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES Eskdale Antiques ................................................................. 68 APPLIANCE REPAIRS & SALES Keith Bedlington ................................................................. 32 Newlove Repair Service Limited 32 Pennywise Appliances Ltd .............................................. 32 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES A.L. Turner and Associates .............................................. 28 ARTS, CRAFTS & HOBBIES Ady Wright ............................................................................ 72 PennyClare Furniture, Crafts & Gifts ............................ 9 BEDROOMS, BATHROOMS & KITCHENS Gibson’s Cabinet Makers ................................................. 38 BEREAVEMENT SERVICES G R Pindar .............................................................................. 24 John Corner Funeral Service Ltd................................... 24 BUILDING, MAINTENANCE & REPAIR Cleveland Roof Repairs & RAF Reclamation ............. 68 Elvidge Renovation & Restoration ............................... 54 Garolla Roller Shutter Doors 46 Jack Hallam Joinery 56 Lawson Builders & High Access Ltd............................ 55 Martyn Cana.......................................................................... 54 MKM Building Supplies Ltd............................................. 39 Oak Roller Garage Doors 46 Odd Jobs 56 Paul Anderson ...................................................................... 54 Prodigy Roofing & Building ............................................ 57 Robert Harrison & Sons Ltd ............................................. 55 Yorkshire Loft Ladders 47 BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL Proof It Right! 6 CARE & COMMUNITY Fisher Care Group t/a Whitby Court Ltd 23 Scarborough Mobility 25 CARPETS & FLOORING Draper’s Carpets 41 Fletcher & Woodhouse Ltd ............................................. 40 N.R Flooring .......................................................................... 42 CHIMNEY SWEEPS Cleansweep........................................................................... 44 Mucky Duck Chimney Sweep 44 CLEANING, HOUSEKEEPING & LAUNDRY SERVICES Joanne Meadows 68 SL Laundries 44 TLC Carpet Care ................................................................... 43 Whitby Carpet Cleaning (Hard Floors) ....................... 43 Whitby Carpet Cleaning ................................................... 45 COMMUNITY & LEISURE Deepdale Cove Ltd............................................................. 4 Newspaper & Magazine Delivery ................................. 68 Whitby Museum 14 COMPUTER, IT & WEBSITE SERVICES Computer Centre 29 Compu-SOS 33 CURTAINS, BLINDS & HOME FURNISHINGS Priory Blinds 42 Whitby Blinds & Shutters ................................................. 42 CYCLING & CYCLE REPAIR SERVICES Dr Crank 67 DENTAL SERVICES Ryedale Dental Healthcare Clinic 3 Scarborough Denture Centre ........................................ 19 Solis Dental Studio ............................................................. 16 The Denture Clinic .............................................................. 5 DRAIN SERVICES Steve Welford Drain Cleaning ....................................... 42 ELECTRICIANS Handy Andy .......................................................................... 51 PAT Testing & Handyman Services .............................. 68 Stakesby Electrical .............................................................. 51 ESTATE AGENTS & PROPERTY Henderson Property Services (Yorkshire) Ltd.......... 31 FOOD & DRINK The Links Lounge................................................................ 10 The White House................................................................. 11 GARDENING, FENCING & TREE SERVICES Dan Knaggs & Mike Stainthorpe Fencing Services.. 61 Doors ‘n’ Gates ..................................................................... 68 Everything Trees 61 Garden Design & Advice. ................................................. 68 Mike Stainthorpe Fencing Services ............................. 68 Yorkshire Shed Company ................................................ 61 INDEX
71 HAIR SALONS AND BARBERS Capello .................................................................................... 17 Contemporary Salons ....................................................... 17 Julie’s Mobile Hairdressing ............................................. 68 HEALTH, BEAUTY & FITNESS Kate Riley Limited ............................................................... 18 Lindsey Ebbs Podiatry....................................................... 21 Nature’s Laboratory Ltd 20 HEATING & RENEWABLES Peak Power Systems Ltd .................................................. 50 JOINERY SERVICES Mike Brown’s Joinery Services ....................................... 56 Warrior Woodworks ........................................................... 56 LEGAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES Noel Barrett Legal Services ............................................. 28 Peter Kenny Dip PFS Financial Adviser ...................... 7 LOCKSMITHS Acair Locks ............................................................................. 68 UPVC Suppliers Ltd 52 LOGS & FIREWOOD Brian Pask Logs .................................................................... 44 Mulgrave Estates 44 Scaling Firewood Company Ltd 44 MOTORING, MOT, REPAIRS & SALES Alpha Tyres 65 Classic Car Sales ................................................................... 6 CT Autos ................................................................................. 66 Cuts Tyres & Exhausts........................................................ 67 Easington Service Station ................................................ 64 Kangaroo Car Wash 66 R.J.Valeting ............................................................................ 66 Summerfield Garage ......................................................... 66 Whitby Tyre and Exhaust Centre Ltd .......................... 64 OPTICIANS Loftus / Skelton Optical .................................................... 18 PAINTERS & DECORATORS Andrew Ellenor Quality Painter & Decorator ........... 59 Craig Sumner ........................................................................ 59 Steven Spreadbury 59 PETS & AGRICULTURAL SERVICES BATA Ltd ................................................................................. 62 Cleveland Country Store 63 Millbry Hill .............................................................................. 69 PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING SERVICES Whitby Picture Framing 68 Photo Wizard Restoration Services.............................. 8 PLANT HIRE Warrior Access ..................................................................... 54 PLASTERERS & TILERS Patrick O’Neill Plastering .................................................. 59 Tom Jefferson Plastering ................................................. 59 PLUMBING, HEATING & BOILER SERVICES Abbey Gas Ltd 49 Champions Plumbing & Heating Limited 50 John Scott Plumbing ......................................................... 49 More than Gas ...................................................................... 68 MTP........................................................................................... 51 Nathan Alan Brown - Plumbing, Gas & Oil Engineer 48 REMOVALS & STORAGE Armstrong Richardson...................................................... 28 Britannia Devereux............................................................. 30 Jet Removals ......................................................................... 30 Rocket Removals 30 Whitby Removals ................................................................ 30 RETAIL MacKay & Pearson 16 SCHOOLS, CLASSES & WORKSHOPS Phil Martin Music ................................................................ 16 Whitby & District Fishing Industry Training School 7 SITUATIONS VACANT & RECRUITMENT Principle Resourcing 27 TAXIS & PRIVATE HIRE Abbey Taxis ........................................................................... 68 TROPHIES, ENGRAVING & SIGNS Guisborough Trophy Centre 68 TV REPAIR & AERIALS John Lees Aerials & Satellites ......................................... 32 Shackletons ........................................................................... 32 UPHOLSTERERS Alan Henderson Upholstery 40 WINDOWS, DOORS & CONSERVATORIES Centurion Windows Ltd ................................................... 51 Cowen Windows Ltd ......................................................... 53 Sefton Trowsdale Double Glazing Services 52 UPVC Suppliers Ltd 52
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