A Warm Welcome
July. The height of summer. Peak holiday season in the UK. The long school holidays begin, families enjoy spending time together. Fabulous sunrises and sunsets, long days with blue skies and wall-to-wall sunshine. Nature is at its peak, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the earthy, woody smell of trees, intermingling to create a rich and immersive sensory experience. Not forgetting those balmy nights – long evenings when the daylight seems to last for ever. Yes, lazy carefree days of summer that are seemingly endless are well and truly here. Many thousands will flock to holiday destinations and Whitby, with its stunning coastal scenery, rich history and culture will be no exception. Picnics, barbeques, endless family fun on the beach. Pavement cafes, quirky gift shops, street performers, ice cream, candy floss, fish & chips. A time to get out and about and explore, experience new things, make memories that will last for ever. Trips out to sea, clifftop walks, stroll along the sandy beaches. breath-taking landscapes. Discover new places. Sleepy rural villages, quaint coastal spots. Family vacation, holidays with friends. Something for everyone...
Hmm. Something for everyone. As I flick through the pages of this new edition of the Whitby Advertiser, this is the perfect phrase to describe our magazine. Whether you are looking for a roofer, plumber, dentist, carpet cleaner, or painter & decorator, you will find one on the following pages. Need a new kitchen, bathroom, garage doors, or looking to install solar panels, EV charging points, or a renewable energy heating system? Again, it’s the Whitby Advertiser that is your first point of call. And there’s more - puzzles including our popular prize crossword, a monthly recipe, a comprehensive ‘What’s On’ guide to events in the town, interesting articles on a wide range of subjects. Want to be part of the Whitby Advertiser next month? Maybe you have a business you wish to advertise, or a local event to promote? If so, you need to act fast as space in our August edition is filling up fast – just call or email us today!
Okay, that’s me done - until next time, have a great July folks!
Stephen Ault Editor
Regular Features:
10 Recipe Page
14 What's On
38 Prize Crossword
44 A Good Read
68 Spot The Ball Competition
70 Garden View
72 Puzzle Time
76 Line Ads
Contact Us
W 01947 605500
E info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk
A www.whitbyadvertiser.co.uk
A Whitby Advertiser Ltd, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED, North Yorkshire

2029 82.
All information in this magazine is published in good faith and cannot be reproduced without written permission. Artwork and copy is the responsibility of the advertiser. Whilst the publisher makes every effort to ensure that the businesses featured in this magazine are of the highest quality, we do not guarantee the services and products from any businesses featured. No liability will be accepted under any circumstances should any of the contents in this magazine be incorrect. Any complaints should be referred to Trading Standards, North Yorkshire Council. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the contributors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Whitby Advertiser. All rights reserved.

We’ve had an action-packed month at The Mayfield Care Home with lots going on and several more residents joining us.

Our first “pop-up restaurants” were a huge success with lots of friends and family coming in to join their loved ones for these fantastic, themed evenings. Our first ones, chosen by our residents, were Chinese and Indian and we had wonderful decorations, music, and of course delicious food prepared by our excellent kitchen team. The Chicken Tikka Masala and Lamb Rogan Josh were amazing!
Many of our residents have been gardening for a long time and we love to help them carry on this much-loved pastime. It’s such an enjoyable activity with many physical and mental benefits. We’ve had several outings, including a tea at Sneaton Castle which our residents loved. Sneaton Castle is stunning and we’re very lucky to have such a fabulous place right next door – we look forward to visiting again soon!

The Mayfield Care Home in Whitby is open and welcoming new residents for short- and long-term stays. If you or a loved one are interested in coming to live with us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our friendly team is always happy to help – please call us on 01947 280 884.

Whitby music legend Steve Maltby came in for his first singalong which was brilliant. Steve, our residents, and team belted out classics such as Let’s All Go Down the Strand, I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside, and Waltzing Matilda. It was such a success that Steve will now be coming in for regular singalongs with us!
Our garden continues to improve and we’re very grateful to our residents for all their help. We’ve had several highly successful trips to the garden centre and bought lots of different coloured Begonias and Busy Lizzies which we’ve enjoyed planting.

Monthly Recipe
Czech Bubble Cake
Its real name is bublanina and it is a traditional Czech cake, perfect for a summer afternoon tea. This is a quick and easy dish to make and now summer fruit is beginning to show up in the local markets and supermarkets, it's an ideal time to try this delicious dish. Give it a try!

Timings & Servings
Preparation: 20 minutes.
Cooking: 30-40 minutes.
Serves 12 (generous squares).
240 ml double cream
3 eggs at room temperature
260g plain flour
200g caster sugar
1 tsp baking powder
zest of 1 lemon, finely chopped
400g fresh cherries
Icing sugar for dusting
Requiresa9x13-inch(23x33cm) traybaketin.
Preheat the oven to 170°C / 150°C Fan / Gas mark 3. Wash the cherries to remove any remaining dirt, then stone them. Leave in a colander or sieve to drain.
Grease the baking tin and dust with flour.
Break the eggs into a large bowl then beat them using a food mixer or hand mixer until they are foamy. Gradually add the caster sugar while increasing the speed. It takes about five minutes to produce a voluminous silky mixture.
Reduce the mixer speed to its slowest setting and sift in the flour and baking powder as you mix, then add the cream, mixing slowly all the time. Finally, add the lemon zest.
Pour the batter into the prepared baking tin. The batter is thick, which helps to stop the fruit from sinking. Sprinkle the drained cherries over the top. Place the bublanina into the preheated oven and bake for about 30-40 minutes, until the surface turns golden brown.
Allow to cool, then dust with icing sugar before slicing into squares.
You can substitute most summer fruits for the cherries, including strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.

NOTE- Don't be tempted to substitute the double cream for a 'light' version though. There is no other fat in the cake so the fat content of the cream is important (it should be at least 30%).
Share your recipe?
If you have a recipe you would like to share with our readers, why not send it in to us?
Email info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk with the subject heading 'Recipe to share' and include your recipe in a similar format as above (timings, ingredients and method) with your name and it could feature on this page!

What’s On
The Museum is in the 17th century house where Cook lodged as an apprentice when not at sea, and has a collection of original paintings and drawings, letters in Cook’s own hand, ship models, maps and fascinating objects gathered on the voyages. New exhibition for 2023 is ‘Ice! Exploring the Far South’. Open daily 9.45 - 17.00. For more information, please visit https://www.cookmuseumwhitby.co.uk
Visit and see an exhibition celebrating the bicentenary of the museum ‘200 Years of Collecting’ and a new costume gallery exhibition ‘200 Years of Fashion’. The museum shop has a wide selection of gifts and books and now includes Sutcliffe photographic prints. Check the Whitby Museum website for more details https://whitbymuseum.org. uk. The museum is open from 10am until 4:30pm Tuesday to Sunday with last admission 4pm. The tearoom is open from 10am until 3:30pm serving cakes, drinks and light bites. Pannett Art Gallery at the front of the Museum has an eclectic mix of 19th and 20th Century paintings on permanent display. Current exhibition: The Natural World – The Artwork of George, Eileen, and Eva Soper (24 June – 17 September).
Victoria Place, Whitby. YO21 1EZ. Tel: 01947 825000. Cinema, theatre, events. Café (currently being refurbished). Internet Café. Community Offices, theatre and meeting rooms available for hire. Network Shop for affordable, nearly new furniture and household items (in Station Square). Walled Garden Community Volunteer Project. For more information, check out the Coliseum’s Facebook page or website: www.whitbycoliseum.co.uk or email info@whitbycoliseum.com.
West Cliff, Whitby. YO21 3EN. Cinema, theatre, shows, events. Café. Shows and events for July: Whitby Art Fair (01/07); Hogwarts: A Ballet (01/07); Whitby Soul Weekender (09/07); The Great Seaside Vintage Fair 2023 (15-16/07); Whitby Steampunk Weekend XIV (22-23/07); A Tale from Paradise Heights: Diane’s Deli (22/07); Oh What a Night! (celebrating Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons) (29/07); The Carpenters

Experience (30/07). Cinema for July: Book Club: The Next Chapter (12a); Disney: The Little Mermaid (PG). For more information and tickets visit Whitby Pavilion in person, call 01947 824770 or check out their website www.whitbypavilion.co.uk (booking fees apply).
1 Raglan Tce, Whitby (next to First In, Last Out pub). A welcoming community hub for the residents of Fishburn Park, which includes a general store for everyday essentials, and a café/warm space where there is always something happening – include a book, sewing and games clubs, activities for children and a get-together for residents Whitby Court care home There is also a Community Fridge regularly filled with free food donated by local stores such as Whitby’s Co-op. Manned by volunteers, opening times are Mon-Sat 9.00am5.00pm, and Sun 10am-4pm.
Available for hire, especially for wedding receptions, fairs and music events. Exceptional acoustics. Please contact the secretary for details on whin74@yahoo. co.uk
Caedmon College, behind Whitby and Esk Valley Astro Turf facility. Current members and new members welcome. We have Club nights 5.30 –8.00pm on Monday and Thursday evenings, and Sunday morning meets so please get in touch on our Facebook page, if you would like to come and join us. Please note that we do not have a junior section at the present time. Age 18 and over. Our full season costs only £35.00.
Regular Weekly Events
Whitby Whalers u3a. Day time activities throughout the week for those no longer in full time work: arts, languages, lectures, exercise, history, social groups and much more. Variety of venues. www.u3asites. org.uk/whitby
Tai Chi for Beginners Hawsker Village Hall 7pm. First lesson free then £4 pounds thereafter. Contact John 07434 833540
What’s On listings are free for local charities and community organisations and ideally should not exceed 20 words. For all other event organisers, a small charge of £20 applies. For more info please email info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk or call 01947 605500
Whitby Jets Basketball Training Term time only at Whitby Leisure Centre. All ballers welcome. Timings:
7–11-year-olds 16:30-17:30 and 12–18-year-olds
17:30- 18:45. See Whitby Jets Facebook page for details or email whitbyjetsbasketball@gmail.com.
Pilates 11:15am to 12:15pm at the Coliseum, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ.
Outdoor Target Archery on Eskdale School Field
7.00pm to 9.00 pm. Archery GB members welcome. https://whitbyarchers.co.uk/Home.html
Whitby WellBeing Cafe run by Dementia Forward at the Coliseum, Victoria Place. 1.00 pm -3.00 pm. Cost £3 per person. A social afternoon for people living with dementia and those that support them. Come and join us to meet new friends, take part in activities and enjoy cakes & hot drinks. To register an interest call Dementia Forward 03300 578592 or email: info@dementiaforward.org.uk
Marske & Loftus Badminton Club at Loftus Cricket & Athletic Club, 7pm till late. Looking for new members. First night is free, contact Paul on 07702 756669.
St. Matthew’s Summer Cafe every Thursday in St. Matthew’s Church 10.30 - 3pm. Homemade cakes, hot and cold butties, coffee and tea served. Please come along and support our cafe, raising money for local charities. Volunteers needed, please contact Tammy on 01947 895309.
AgeUK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors Energy and Advice drop-in session at Whitby Coliseum 10am until 12noon. Offering advice on Energy and help with fuel bills, Social care, benefit checks and housing and homelessness. For further information email: jim.johnson@ageuknycm.org.uk
Ballroom, Latin and sequence social dancing. Sleights Village Hall every Friday evening 8.15pm to 10.30pm for Basic for beginners 7.30pm. Sleights Village Hall. Tel: 07971 606360
Pathfinders Youth Group in Whitby. Every Friday: 6pm to 8pm at Eastside Community Hub, YO22 4EA. The Youth Group is a safe haven for ages 10 and up to socialise, meet new friends, play games and lots of fun activities. Our groups teachings and principles are Christian based. We focus on uplifting and enriching our youth to grow and excel at being the best version of themselves. Contact us: pathfinders. whitby@gmail.com
Whitby Walking Group. Starting from various locations. Approx. 10 miles. Visitors welcome. E-mail: rogercrowther@talktalk.net Phone: 01723 267019.

The Cinder Track parkrun A free, weekly, timed 5k walk/jog/run at 9:00am every Saturday starting on the Whitby Sixth Form site. Open to all ages and abilities. Register for FREE at https://www.parkrun. org.uk/thecindertrack/
Whitby Car Boot at Skelder Farm on the Guisborough road A171 opposite the Aislaby turn off. Start from Sunday 30 April. Open to public from 7.30am. Proceeds to St Hilda’s Church, Egton and St. Matthew’s Church, Grosmont. £1 per car entrance (regretfully no pedestrian access to the site due to safety concerns), £7 trade car, £10 small van, £12 large van.) Refreshments served.

Whitby Rifle Club. Sports and Social Club. Function rooms available for all occasions. Regular live entertainment Saturdays, Quiz every Sunday.
What’s On
Craft Fair at Goathland Village Hall 10.00am to 4.30pm. New crafters welcome for our successful and long-established Craft Fairs. Contact Elsie on 01947 896333 or e-mail elsie.goathland@gmail.com.
Some Guys Have All the Luck: The Rod Stewart Story. Doors 7pm; starts 7.30pm. Tickets available from Whitby Pavilion Box Office in person Mon-Fri 10am-3pm, by telephone 01947 824770 or visit www.whitbypavilion.co.uk (booking fees apply).
Dr. Busker in the Crossing Club, Front St, Grosmont, Whitby YO22 5QE from 7.30pm. A good night guaranteed.
Dalesman Singers Summer Supper, St. Matthew’s Church, Grosmont. 7.00pm. Dalesman Singers Male Voice Choir sing for their supper. Refreshments served. Tickets £5 available on the door.
Saltburn Blues Club presents Jed Potts & the Hillman Hunters with Mark Howson at New Marske Institute TS11 8EG. Starts 8pm. Tickets £15 from The Spar Saltburn, Ents24.com and 07960 935263.
Dr Busker at the Met Lounge & Ballroom. An evening that transports you back toa Victorian Music Hall with chaotic showmanship, music & songs. Starts 7pm. Tickets £10 available from the Met, Pandemonium goth shop and the Endeavour pub. Raising funds for Friends of Whitby Lifeboat.
Whitby Flower Club meet at Sleights Village Hall, at 2pm. Wendy Smith will be demonstrating “Dust Off Your Hats”. Non-members very welcome, admission £5. For details call Margaret on 01947 603297.
Bingo at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Doors open at 1.30pm; £7 per book including flyer.
‘Sourdough & Focaccia’. Whitby WI meeting in the Northern Lights Suite at Whitby Pavilion, West Cliff YO21 3EN from 7pm. All welcome – come and join us! Meetings on the 4th Wednesday of every month (except August)
‘The Fabelmans’ (2022). Cinema at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Growing up in post-World War II era Arizona, young Sammy Fabelman aspires to become a filmmaker as he reaches adolescence, but soon discovers a shattering family secret and explores how the power of films can help him see the truth. Matinee 2pm Evening 7pm. Tickets £5 available from the Coliseum Centre.
Jazz & Blues Fridays from 1pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.
Whitby Art Fair at Whitby Pavilion, West Cliff, Whitby. 10am-4pm both days. Over 40 exhibitors. Paintings, ceramics, glass, textiles, metalwork, mosaics, jewellery, wearable art and more! Everyone welcome, including dogs. Free entry.

Dalesmen Singers Male Voice Choir: ‘Join Us’ Invitation. Danby Methodist Church 7.30pm. Free admission. Tickets available online at https://www. ticketsource.co.uk/dalesmen-singers

‘Tar’ (2022) (15). Cinema at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Set in the international world of western classical music, the film centres on Lydia Tar, widely considered one of the greatest living composer-conductors and the very first female director of a major German orchestra. Matinee 2pm, Evening 7pm. Tickets £5 available from the Coliseum Centre.
Jazz Friday with Alistair Lawrence from 1pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.
Kindred Spirit Investigations at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Head to the chapel to see if there is any paranormal activity! Tickets are available via their website: https://www. kindredspiritinvestigations.co.uk/ Staintondale Country Market at the Village Hall
10.30am-2.30pm. Delicious homemade food served throughout the day. Tombola and lots of stalls. All welcome. Enquiries to secretary.svhc@gmail.com
William Fox, Organist at St Paul’s Cathedral, will be giving a recital on the organ of St Stephen’s Church, Robin Hood’s Bay at 3pm. Tickets (£5 adults/£2 children) can be reserved by ringing 01947 880093, or pay on the door (cash only) – retiring collection for the Young Organists Bursary Fund. Refreshments available. Doors open 2.30pm.
Dalesmen Singers: ‘Tea and Cake’ at Kirkbymoorside Methodist Church YO62 6DQ. Starts 7pm. Tickets available online at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/ dalesmen-singers
An evening of songs and stories with J P Worsfold and The Band of Gold at St. Matthew’s Church. Grosmont. Described as an English folk troubadour. Additional support from Frankie Archer. From 7pm. Licensed bar and tapas. Tickets £12 in advance from jpworsfoldmusic.com or on the door.
Whitby Community Network public meeting
6:00pm at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. The main item will be “Whitby Town Deal” given by the NYC “Town Deal Team”. Please see https://www.whitbycommunitynetwork. org for more information about the work of Whitby Community Network.
Hinderwell WI meeting in St Hilda’s Old School at 6.45pm. This will take the form of a “Gardeners Question Time”. The competition will be a small vase of garden flowers. We are always delighted to welcome either visitors or prospective new
members to our meeting, please come along about 7.15pm after the business part of the evening and then join us refreshments and a chat following the conclusion of our speaker. Visitors are asked to make a payment of £3.50. For further information please ring either 840179 or 840343.
Oakridge Community Primary School, Hinderwell Summer Fair 4pm-6pm. There will be refreshments, freshly made pizza, horse rides, fairground rides, games, raffle etc Please invite family and friends to come along. Everyone is welcome. Raffle tickets will be on sale at the fair. If anyone is able to help set up or run a stall, please let us know.
Whitby Civic Society lecture ‘NYMA and The North York Moors – Their History’ at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ from 7.009.00pm. Raymond Clarke (North Yorkshire Moors Association (NYMA)) presents the history of the North York Moors, that “beloved place of beauty on the doorstep of those in Cleveland, Teesside and North Yorkshire.” The talk encompasses the developments from the ice ages that shaped the moors to the railways, mining, and a look at the Moors in the 21st century. Admission – members £1; guests £3. Refreshments available during the break. For further details call 01947 811808 or visit www.whitbycivicsociety.org.uk .Find us on Facebook too.
Meet the Curator at Whitby Museum, Pannett Park. From 1.30-3.30pm, the Museum’s Natural History curator will be on hand to answer questions and tell you all about our newly displayed natural history collection. Normal admission charges apply.
Monochrome Tea Dance at the Royal Hotel, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3HT 2.00-4.30pm. Black & white dress optional. £3 entry includes tea/coffee and biscuits. Proceeds to Whitby Lifeboats.
Blue Bridge Band play Bossa to Beatles, Bacharach to Bread at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. A variety of songs and instrumentals, from 1pm, free entry.

What’s On

Whitby Naturalists Farm Visit in Glaisdale. Dave and Elaine Welford are retiring at the end of this year after 30 years farming. Throughout that time, they have taken particular care to maintain and improve the hedgerows and they will show us the results on a walk around the farm. An ancient trod runs across their land, and Francis Sutcliffe featured a gateway on the farm in one of his well-known photographs. Meet there at 10am: Hart Hall, Glaisdale YO21 2PZ . Parking at the farm. All welcome. Sorry, no dogs.
The Great Seaside Vintage Fair 2023 at Whitby Pavilion, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3EN. 10am-4pm both days. The vintage fair with a sea view! More than 40 stalls of genuine vintage fashion and homewares from the 1920’s to the 1980’s. Admission: £3 on the door. Under 16’s free. For more info call 07985 181120 www.roseandbrownvintage.co.uk

‘Collective Knowledge’ at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Doors open 6pm - 6.30pm start. For further info visit the Coliseum’s Facebook page, whitbycoliseum.co.uk or call 01947 825000.
‘Till’ (2022) (12A) Cinema at the Coliseum Centre. In 1955, after Emmett Till is murdered in a brutal lynching, his mother vows to expose the racism behind the attack while working to have those brought to justice. Matinee 2pm, Evening 7pm. Tickets £5 available from the Coliseum Centre.
School’s Out! Summer ‘Fun-draiser’ at Whitby Rugby Club, White Leys Road, Whitby 12 noon – 5pm. £1 admission (Under 18s free). Free bouncy castle. Raffle, stalls, food, games and lots more.
Whitby Steampunk Weekend. Billed as ‘a cornucopia of delightful indulgences and fanciful extravagances for all your sumptuous decadent desires, dreams and pleasures, and all held indoors within the beautiful Whitby Pavilion”’ An exciting weekend with lots of activities, presentations and demonstrations lined up as well as the most fabulous Steampunk Retail Emporium. Family friendly, and free daytime entry.
Art Fair at Hinderwell Village Hall. 10-4pm both days. displaying work by local artists. Light refreshments will be on sale.
Balmoral Acoustic Blues Club at Saltburn Conservative Club presents Nigel Wearne. Starts 8pm. Tickets £10 from 07960 935263.
4.30pm. New crafters welcome for our successful and long-established Craft Fairs. Contact Elsie on 01947 896333 or e-mail elsie.goathland@gmail.com.

Whitby Antiques & Fine Arts Society meeting: ‘The Staithes Group Painters’ with Keith Wood. Starts 7.30pm at St John’s Ambulance Hall, Back St Hilda’s Tce YO21 3AA. Visitors: £3. New members/visitors always welcome. Meetings monthly on the third Tuesday of each month. Please call 01947 821860 or 01947 228109 if you would like further details of the Society.

Whitby Town Football Club Gala Day. 11am to 11pm. Adults £5 KIds Free. At the Towbar Express Stadium.
Whitby Flower Club meet in Sleights Village Hall at 2pm. Our demonstrator will be Kirsty Berridge. Nonmembers very welcome, admission £5. For details call Margaret on 603297.
Bingo at the Coliseum Centre, Victoria Place, Whitby YO21 1EZ. Doors open 1.30. Eyes down 2pm. £7 per book plus a flyer. Everyone welcome.
Whitby WI meeting in the Northern Lights Suite at Whitby Pavilion, West Cliff YO21 3EN from 7pm. Defibrillator Training. All welcome. Meetings on the 4th Wednesday of every month (except August)


‘Matilda The Musical’ (2022) (PG). Cinema at the Coliseum Centre. An adaptation of the awardwinning musical. Matilda tells the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a sharp mind and a vivid imagination, takes a stand to change her story with miraculous results. Matinee 2pm, Evening 7pm. Tickets £5 available from the Coliseum Centre.
PANDAs Post Natal Support group. We run on the last Thursday of the month at Whitby Library 9:3010:30am. For more information, please check our Facebook page @pandaswhitby.
Whitby Beer Festival returns, celebrating its 12th anniversary at Whitby Mission & Seafarers Centre. Serving over 30 of the best ales and ciders. Ticket price is £5 and will include a commemorative glass for you to keep. Open 12 noon – 10pm daily (except Sunday – ends at 4pm).Children Welcome.
Jazz Friday from 1pm at Chapel on the Hill, Brunswick Street, Whitby YO21 1RB. Free entry.
Hinderwell Sports Club are hosting a dance in Hinderwell Village Hall. Music provided by 60s band, The Pretenders. Tickets available on the door. For more info please visit Hinderwell Village Facebook page.
Saltburn Blues Club presents The Terraplanes Blues Band with support by A Couple Of Culprits at New Marske Institute, TS11 8EG. Starts 7.30pm. Tickets £15 from The Spar Saltburn, Ents24.com and 07960 935263. For more info visit www.saltburnbluesclub.co.uk
Summer Fair at St. Matthew’s Church, Grosmont. Craft stalls, tombola, grand summer draw and refreshments 11am-3pm.
Whitby InterActive Summer Playscheme at Stakesby School, Byland Road, Whitby YO21 1HY. For children of all abilities, aged 5 to 11. £70 per child for the week. To book, please ring Whitby 601259.


Ear care is an essential aspect of overall health and wellbeing. It involves maintaining good hygiene and taking preventive measures to protect the ears from damage. Effective ear care can also help prevent hearing loss and related issues, such as tinnitus and balance problems. In this article, we will discuss the importance of ear care and provide some tips for maintaining healthy ears.
Firstly, it is crucial to understand that the ear is a delicate and intricate organ that requires proper care. The ear is made up of three parts: the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. Each part plays a vital role in hearing and balance. The outer ear is responsible for collecting sound waves and directing them towards the eardrum. The middle ear contains three tiny bones that amplify sound and transmit it to the inner ear. The inner ear contains the cochlea, which converts sound waves into electrical signals that are sent to the brain.
One of the most important aspects of ear care is maintaining good hygiene. It is essential to clean the outer ear regularly to prevent the buildup of wax and debris. However, it is important to note that inserting anything into the ear canal, such as cotton swabs, can be dangerous and can cause damage to the delicate structures of the ear. Instead, it is recommended to use a damp cloth or a gentle ear cleaning solution to clean the outer ear.
Another important aspect of ear care is protecting the ears from loud noises. Exposure to loud noises, such as concerts or machinery, can cause damage to the inner ear and lead to hearing loss. It is recommended to wear earplugs or other hearing protection when exposed to loud noises. Additionally, it is important to take breaks and limit exposure to loud noises whenever possible.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help to promote good ear health. A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help to prevent infections and other conditions that can affect the ears. Regular exercise can also help to improve circulation and promote overall health.
In conclusion, ear care is an essential aspect of overall health and wellbeing. By maintaining good hygiene, protecting the ears from loud noises, and leading a
healthy lifestyle, we can help to prevent hearing loss and related issues. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms of ear problems, such as ear pain, ringing in the ears, or difficulty hearing. By taking care of our ears, we can enjoy good hearing and balance for years to come
If your ears are blocked by wax, never try to remove the build-up of earwax yourself with your fingers, a cotton bud or any other object. This can damage your ear and push the wax further down. If the earwax is only causing minor problems, you can try buying some eardrops from a pharmacy. Using drops may make your hearing or symptoms a little worse at first before getting better. These can help soften the earwax so that it falls out naturally. Speak to your pharmacist about the most suitable product for you and make sure you read the leaflet that comes with it. There are also fully qualified professionals working in communities who specialise in ear wax removal using techniques like micro suction - a painless, easy way of removing ear wax.
By taking care of our ears, we can enjoy good hearing and balance for years to come.
Comeandseeusat TheMadeinWhitbyFestival, 5th&6thJulyat WhitbyBrewery
Nature'sLaboratoryisCelebrating its21stBirthday!
Forovertwodecades,Nature'sLaboratoryhasbeen researchinganddevelopingnaturalmedicinesright hereinWhitby.

Joinusat TheMadeinWhitbyFestival onthe 5thand6th July at WhitbyBrewery tofindoutmoreaboutourwork, includingtheground-breakingdiscoveriespavingthewayfora newgenerationofnaturalmedicines.
Then,on Saturday2ndSeptember,joinusatourfactoryon EnterpriseWayforourcelebratory OpenDay from 10am-4pm. Enjoyabehind-the-scenestour,seehowourproductsare produced,learnaboutourscientificresearchandhearabout thefutureofnaturalmedicine.

Producedbyhoneybees,propolisisoneofnature'smost remarkablesubstances.
OurBeeVitalrangeofpropolisproductsworktosupport yourimmunesystem,helpingyourbodytoadaptand thriveinanever-changingworld.
Discovermoreforyourselfonline: beevitalpropolis.com
GraceBrewHouse isasmall,butperfectlyformed cafeandcoffeeshopinLoftus.Servingdelicious coffeeandtea,alongsideaselectionofhome-made sweettreats,paninis,sandwichesandsnacks.

Open10:30-2.00pmWednesdaytoSaturday. FindusjustoffDeepdaleRoad,behindGraceChurch.
Checkoutourmenuonlineat gracebrewhouse.co.uk

Ah, the British picnic! That delightful tradition combining outdoor dining with unpredictable weather, and an assortment of eccentricities. The main ingredients for a truly traditional British picnic are a dash of optimism, a splash of stoicism, a sprinkling of humour and a tiny pinch of disappointment.

First and foremost, there is the weather dance. No discussion about picnics in our green and pleasant land would be complete without someone looking upwards dubiously, sucking their cheeks in, and saying, ‘Looks like rain!’ As a nation, we have mastered the art of packing for all four seasons in a single picnic basket. From sweltering sun to sudden showers, we have evolved into experts at adaptive picnic planning. If there was an ‘official British Picnic checklist’ it would include sunscreen, insect repellent, a thick sweater, an umbrella and a pac-a-mac!
Finding the perfect picnic spot is a grand adventure in itself which involves scouting out picturesque meadows, secret gardens, or a sandy beach. With Google maps on our phones, and determined expressions, we brave stinging nettles, cow pats, aggressive swans, persistent wasps, bickering kids and the occasional sheep, all hell bent on thwarting us in our quest.
Games are compulsory at a British picnic. People whose idea of exercise for the rest of the year is getting up from the sofa to answer the front door, suddenly get all competitive and suggest a game of rounders, or croquet, or French cricket! This quickly descends into arguments about who is on which team, who gets (or shouldn’t get) Grandma, and whether there should be second chances at hitting a ball. But it’s all about the friendly competition and the odd black eye is just part of the fun.
Every Brit is born knowing exactly what a picnic should look like: a wicker hamper, a checked picnic blanket, and an array of finger foods including dainty cucumber sandwiches, iced buns and freshly baked scones with clotted cream and jam, all washed down with ginger beer. This is because Enid Blyton and her Famous Five have somehow entered our collective subconscious, but we have been cruelly lied to. In reality it’s usually slightly curled ham and cheese sandwiches dispensed from a Tupperware tub along with a packet of crisps, some soggy custard creams, and lukewarm orange squash or (equally lukewarm) wine for the grown-ups.
But us Brits know that all the shenanigans is just a warm-up for the main event. As the afternoon rolls on, the time nears for the one British tradition everyone looks forward to, Pimms o’clock. This refreshing cocktail, filled with fruits, herbs, and a splash of gin, is the quintessential picnic libation. As the glasses clink and laughter fills the air, the true spirit of the British picnic finally comes alive. It’s a time to relax, enjoy the company of friends and loved ones, and revel in the joy of this whimsical outdoor affair.

Useful Numbers
Middlesborough - 01642 850850
Spring Hill, Whitby - 01947 899200
Spring Vale Medical Centre, Whitby - 01947 820888
Station Road, Robin Hood’s Bay - 01947 880230
Iburndale Lane, Iburndale, Sleights - 01947 810466
Briar Hill, Danby, Whitby - 01287 660739
Egton, Whitby - 01947 895356
Sandsend Road, Sandsend, Whitby - 01947 894948
01723 368111
5A Skinner Street, Whitby - 01947 825137
07789 765696 & 07810 205014
24 Hour free call number from any phone
4-6 Burgate, Pickering YO18 7AU - 01751 474460
01723 347011
Langbourne Rd Whitby, YO21 1EU - 01947 604486
Enterprise Way, Whitby YO22 4NH - 01947 821821
Stainsacre Lane, Whitby YO22 4PA - 01947 820044
Whitby Road, Easington, TS13 4NW - 01287 644335
07880 801957
High Stakesby, Whitby - 01947 820333
The Parade, Whitby - 01947 825042
07584 419114
0871 200 2233
Langbourne Road, Whitby - 01723 383636
PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED - 01947 605500
Langbourne Road, Whitby - 01947 600710
West Cliff, Whitby - 01947 604640

01947 824770
01947 821761
01947 606578
01609 534350
Spring Hill, Whitby - 101

Prize Crossword

Win a signed copy of AWitch, herCatandTheWhistler
AWitch,herCatandTheWhistleris the fifth book in the Agnes the Scarborough Witch series of novels by Graham Rhodes. The novels centre around Agnes, a 300-year-old witch who travels through time via her Scarborough home that she shares with Marmaduke, her unusual one-eyed cat.

Complete the crossword then rearrange the marked letters to form the answer to the following clue:
Puzzling local rock jemstone (10)
1 Refuse Collector (7)
5 Brown ink (5)
8 Destructive fire, blaze (13)
9 Hand tool (3)
10 Church state (9)
12 Speeding, competing (6)
13 Diverse (6)
15 Freak out, lose it (2,7)
16 Social insect (3)
18 Condition caused by toxic paint and dust (4,9)
20 Inspection, investigation (5)
21 Conference, discussion (7)
1 Aquatic birds (5)
2 Advertising worn by a person (8,5)
3 Hormone produced at night (9)
4 Small lump of gold (6)
5 Ocean (3)
6 Transferring from public ownership (13)
How to enter
Please email the mystery hidden word(s), with your name, address & telephone to crosswords@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk. You can also post your entry to: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED

Deadline for entries: 14/7/23
Last issue's solution was WILLIAM SCORESBY
Won by Chris Longhorn of Hull
7 Bothered, miffed (7) 11 Lecture hall (9) 12 Finery (7) 14 Hijinks (6)
17 Big cat (5) 19 Place somewhere (3)

With the rise of the internet and social media, digital advertising has become the norm for many businesses looking to promote their products and services. However, print media advertising still continues to go from strength to strength, and advertising in local doorstep magazines has become a favourite for many businesses.
There are many advantages to advertising in your local doorstep magazine rather than solely online. Here are a few: Wide, local audience. Doorstep magazines are targeted to specific geographic areas, reaching all demographics and interests. A free magazine delivered door-to-door means that every household and business gets a copy - it is not sat on a newsagent’s or supermarket’s shelf like a local newspaper waiting for someone to buy it. Reaching a wide audience means that your advertising efforts are likely to be more effective. Longer shelf life. Magazines have a longer lifespan than digital ads. Unlike a digital ad which must first be clicked on to be seen for a few seconds before being clicked away or lost in a sea of other ads, or social media advertising where Facebook ads come then quickly go, doorstep magazines can sit on coffee tables, in waiting rooms, and in homes and offices for weeks or even months. So, much later, when you need a products or service, you can pick up the magazine and find something you remember seeing. This staying power of print helps readers see printed adverts as more trustworthy than those in digital formats, such as pop-up ads which seem fleeting and not always believable. Print advertising drives memory. Research has shown that people read more slowly when reading on paper than online. Slower reading allows you to gain deeper understanding and to remember more. Print provides a more focused way of reading too, because newspapers and magazines are laid out intentionally for readability.
Creative flexibility. Printed ads allow you to showcase your products and services in a
visually appealing and engaging way. Using different colours, fonts, styles and layouts, you can create an ad that stands out and grabs readers’ attention. Print ads also allow you to use different sizes, from a small lineage ad to a full-page one, depending on your budget. And, if you need to make changes to a print ad, it’s easily done unlike other advertising media either e.g., radio ads require re-recording, which involves both time and cost. With your local doorstep magazine, it just takes a quick phone call or email to your friendly graphic designer to get your advert changed at no cost.
Social proof. Advertising in a local magazine can help establish your business as a credible and trusted brand in the community. By being featured alongside other respected businesses, readers can form a positive impression of your business through ‘social proof’, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.
Print builds awareness. All types of advertising require repeat placement to be effective. But, while radio and online campaigns show diminished awareness of an advertiser or brand after running four times, awareness continues to grow with the frequency of print ads. Print media advertising increases brand loyalty and purchase decisions far more than online adverts do.
Of course, online advertising has many benefits too, which I could not argue with. I would however suggest that different types of advertising media are combined for the greatest impact. For example, take a look at the adverts in your local doorstep magazine and many give a website address for more information or a special offer. That’s because print is exceptionally good at driving readers to wherever you want them to go. Every advertising medium has its benefits, so for maximum impact, your marketing campaign should be a multimedia approach, including doorstep magazines.
In conclusion, while digital advertising is important in today’s world, it’s worth considering the advantages of advertising in your local doorstep magazine as well. By targeting a wide, local audience, benefiting from a longer shelf life, having more creative flexibility, and building social proof and awareness, advertising in a local doorstep magazine can be an effective way to promote your business and reach new customers in your community.
By Peter CooperFoodbank4Whitby
We need your help!
With recent rises in the cost of living we are finding more people need our help. Food supplies are running low so any donation of this kind will be greatly appreciated. We would be grateful for donations of:

Tinned items:
Tomatoes • Potatoes • Ravioli
Spaghetti • Macaroni Cheese
Fray Bentos pies • Baked Beans
Fish • Meat (hot or cold)
Fruit • Custard • Rice Pudding
Mash • Rice
• Cereal • Pasta
• Instant Noodles
Sauces • Sugar • Biscuits
Products In Jars:
Pasta Sauce • Jams & Spreads
Soft Drinks • Squash • Coffee
Milk (UHT or dried)
Hygiene & Cleaning Items:

Shower Gel • Deodorant
Shampoo • Soap
Toothpaste • Toilet Rolls
Washing Up Liquid
Multi-Surface Spray
Washing Powder
Other: Dog / Cat Food
Collection points
Co-op (Whitby & Staithes), Poundland, B&M Bargains, Whitby Library, The Dispensary, Spar (Sleights), Coliseum, Egton and Castleton schools and many local churches.
We are frequently in need of people to help in a variety of roles, please contact us if you would like to help.

Contact us
For any further info please contact us on: 07789 765696 or 07810 205014


Using the services of a copywriter and proofreader can greatly benefit your business or personal writing projects. There are several reasons why it’s a good idea to seek out professional help in these areas.
Firstly, copywriters are skilled at crafting engaging and effective content that resonates with your target audience. They can help you navigate the nuances of language to ensure that your message is not only clear, concise, and persuasive, but also culturally appropriate for your intended audience. Whether you are writing web copy, social media posts, newsletters, or advertising copy, copywriters can help you create content that is tailored to your particular needs and goals.
Secondly, copywriters bring fresh and innovative ideas to the table. They are trained to analyze your content and identify areas for improvement, including improving the structure and flow of your writing, maximizing the use of keywords, and creating headlines and calls-to-action that grab readers’ attention. By working with a copywriter, you get access to their creativity and expertise, which can help you produce copy that is more compelling and effective.
Thirdly, a proofreader can help you catch errors that you might otherwise overlook. Even if you consider yourself a careful writer, it’s easy to miss grammatical errors, typos, or formatting issues when you are working on a project for an extended period of time. Proofreaders provide a fresh set of eyes to comb through your content and identify any mistakes or inconsistencies that you may have missed. This can be particularly valuable when it comes to important marketing or promotional materials where a single mistake could undermine the effectiveness of your message.
Lastly, working with a copywriter and proofreader can help you save time and energy. When you hire a professional to handle these tasks, you can focus on other aspects of your business or creative pursuits while they take care of the writing and proofreading for you. This
can be especially valuable if you are working on multiple projects simultaneously or if writing is not your primary area of expertise.
In conclusion, using the services of a copywriter and proofreader can have a significant positive impact on the success of your writing projects. From crafting engaging and effective content to identifying areas for improvement, catching errors, and saving time, working with professionals in this field is an investment that can pay big dividends over the long term.
By Peter Cooper
A Good Read
A Witch, her Cat and The Whistler
by Graham Rhodes‘A Witch, her Cat and The Whistler’ is the fifth book in the Agnes the Scarborough Witch series of novels by Graham Rhodes. Agnes is a 300-yearold witch who lives in present day Scarborough, and travels through time via a bricked-up doorway in the cellar of her ancient home that she shares with Marmaduke, her unusual oneeyed cat. When Agnes passes through the brickup up doorway, she travels back to the heart of 18th century Scarborough, where she is the town’s acknowledged wise woman, a friend to fisherfolk and smugglers alike. Marmaduke, an old cantankerous ginger-haired cat who lost an ear in a battle with a seagull, follows Agnes through the doorway and changes into a large one-eyed ginger-haired mercenary, Agnes’ right-hand man, with the magical capabilities to shape-shift into a giant black cat.
In this fifth adventure of the series, Agnes and Marmaduke assist their old friend Dancing
The Buried Crown

The year is 1940, and George Penny is evacuated from London to live with his Aunt May in the countryside. While exploring the nearby ruins of an old castle, George discovers a hidden underground chamber. Inside, he stumbles upon a medieval crown that belonged to King Alfred the Great, the legendary English king. But George soon realises that the crown is more than just a relic. It is rumoured to possess mystical powers and is sought after by a group of sinister individuals, known as the Skull brothers, who are determined to use it for their own nefarious purposes.
Calling local authors!
Jack, ex-highwayman and government agent, to discover the reason for a brutal murder in Robin Hood’s Bay, and to uncover the identity of a ruthless smuggler known only as the Whister.
The Agnes series of novels are a delight to read and are written by the most talented Graham Rhodes, writer, scriptwriter, playwright, artist, art photographer and performance poet. Graham can be found on Scarborough’s West Pier where he has a small gallery called Aakschipper Images, above the fish market. Here, you can buy his photographic images and his books, and chat about his work and the history of the town.

Graham has kindly given us a signed copy of his book A Witch, Her Cat and The Whistler for the prize for our crossword competition this month which can be found on page 38
With the help of a brave and resourceful girl named Kitty, George embarks on a dangerous quest to keep the crown safe from the Skull brothers. Along the way, they encounter secret codes, ancient riddles, and unexpected allies. Their journey takes them across the English countryside, from hidden tunnels to perilous cliffs, as they race against time to protect the crown and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
As George and Kitty unravel the secrets surrounding the crown, they uncover a deeper connection to King Alfred and his legacy. The fate of the crown becomes intertwined with their own personal journeys of courage, friendship, and discovering the true meaning of heroism.
Sherrick’s fast-paced prose writing will keep her young readers on the edge of their seats.
If you are a local author with published work and would like your book featuring on this page then please get in touch. Simply email info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk with the subject 'Book Feature Request' and we will let you know how you can appear on this page and reach 24,000 homes and businesses!

When moving to a new home, there are several important things to remember to ensure a smooth transition. Here are some key points to consider: Plan and organise in advance: Start planning your move well in advance to avoid last-minute stress. Create a checklist of tasks, set a timeline, and make a moving schedule.

Notify relevant parties: Inform your landlord (if applicable) or the current homeowners about your move, and give them proper notice as per your rental or sale agreement. Also, inform utilities, such as electricity, water, gas, internet, and phone services, about your move to arrange for disconnection or transfer to your new address.
Change your address: Update your address with the post office, banks, credit card companies, insurance providers, and other relevant institutions. Inform friends, family, and important contacts about your new address to ensure you receive your mail and important documents.
Hire professional movers or rent a van: Decide whether you’ll hire professional movers or handle the move yourself. Research and book moving companies in advance to secure your preferred date. If you plan to rent a van, make reservations ahead of time.
Declutter and organise: Moving is an excellent opportunity to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need. Sort through your belongings, donate or sell what you can, and dispose of any unnecessary items responsibly.
Pack systematically: Start packing well in advance, focusing on one room at a time. Label your boxes clearly, indicating the contents and the room they belong to. This will make unpacking and finding specific items much easier in your new home. Pack an essentials box: Prepare a box of essential items that you’ll need upon arrival at your new home. This box may include toiletries, medication, first aid kit, a change of clothes, basic kitchen utensils, important documents, and any other items you’ll require right away.
Take inventory and photos: Make a detailed inventory of your belongings before the move.
Take photos or videos of valuable or fragile items to document their condition, which may be useful for insurance purposes in case of damage during the move.
Arrange for utilities and services in the new home: Contact utility providers in your new area to ensure services like electricity, water, internet, and cable TV are set up before you arrive. It’s best to have these services activated on your move-in day or shortly before.
Prepare your new home: Clean your new home before moving in, if possible. Arrange for any repairs, renovations, or installations in advance to minimise disruptions after you’ve moved in.
Take care of your pets: If you have pets, make appropriate arrangements for their transportation and care during the move. Update their microchip information and ensure they have proper identification tags with your new address.
Arrange for childcare: If you have young children, it’s helpful to arrange for childcare or enlist the help of a trusted friend or family member on the moving day to ensure their safety and well-being.
Keep important documents secure: Carry important documents such as passports, birth certificates, medical records, and financial paperwork with you personally during the move. Don’t pack them with your other belongings.
Take photos of utility meter readings: Before you leave your current home, take photos of utility meters (electricity, gas, water) as evidence of the readings on your move-out date. This will help avoid any disputes or inaccuracies in final utility bills. Remember, moving can be a hectic and stressful time, so it’s essential to plan, stay organised, and give yourself enough time to complete all necessary tasks. Most importantly do not be bullied into a moving date that you feel is unachievable.


These days most homeowners suffer from a lack of storage space. So many precious items that need to be kept – but where to store it all? That’s where Yorkshire Loft Ladders come in.
The company, based locally, offers homeowners the opportunity to maximise their storage space with a loft ladder, 50 sq ft of boarding and a light all fully fitted in less than a day from just £277 + VAT. But it’s not just the affordability of the package the company offers that makes Yorkshire Loft Ladders stand out as manager Mark Hodson explains:
‘Our watchwords are Quality, Integrity and Value. Quality in the materials that we use for all our installations and the fact that all our loft packages are fitted by time served tradesmen so our customers are assured of the best job. Integrity in that we will turn up at the time we say and make sure the house is spotless when we leave, and Value in that we offer our services at a price people can afford.
Our business relies on referrals and we got a huge amount of our calls from people who have been referred to us by our existing customers - that simply wouldn’t happen if we didn’t adhere to our overriding principles. At the end of the day the old adage that happy customers lead to more happy customers is true and we work hard to make that happen for every installation we carry out!’
So, if you want to make use of your loft space, however big or small, call Mark on 0800 612 8359 and he’ll be happy to pop round and give you a no obligation quote so you too can make use of your loft!

Established over 40 years
Repairs and spares for most makes of washing machines, tumble dryers, cookers and vacuum cleaners

Prize Competition
Spot the Ball with Whitby Town FC
Win two tickets to watch Whitby Town Football Club at The Towbar Express Stadium at the Turnbull Ground.

The Whitby Advertiser and Whitby Town Football Club have teamed up to give the Whitby Advertiser readers a brand new competition - Spot the Ball!
You may remember the popular competitions from the 1970s and 1980s ran by national and local magazines and newspapers where the reader would try and pin point the location of a football on a picture of a recent football match.
Our Spot the Ball competition is a little bit different and carries on the theme from our 'Find the flag' competition. Rather than spot the ball on a single picture, we are asking our readers if they can locate the Whitby Town football which is hidden away somewhere on one of the pages of this month's magazine.
For a chance of winning two tickets to see Whitby Town in action at The Towbar Express Stadium at the Turnbull ground, simply find the hidden ball!
How to enter
To enter the prize draw please email the page number where you have found the hidden football, with your name, address & telephone number to : competitions@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk. Alternatively you can post your answer to: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED. Please note, we only accept one entry per household.
The winner will be announced in the next issue and contacted by ourselves with details on how to collect their tickets.
Last months winner...
Noel Packham of Driffield
who correctly located the Whitby Town football on page 74.

Garden View
By Rachael LevertonBalancing need with conservation

Keeping our gardens healthy and hydrated can be a challenging task, especially during hot summers or when we are away from home. The days when gardeners used hosepipes liberally are long gone. An automatic watering system can offer an efficient solution to keeping the garden looking great while not destroying the environment.
Watering systems provide a hands-free approach to watering the garden. They consist of pipes, valves, and sprinklers or drippers strategically placed throughout your garden. They can be connected to a timer and a water source, such as a tap. The timer allows you to set specific watering schedules, ensuring your plants receive water even when you're not around. This is particularly handy for busy individuals or holiday periods.
Installation requires some basic plumbing skills, but it is quite manageable for most gardeners. The system needs to be connected to a water source, and the pipes, valves, and sprinklers or drippers need to be positioned accordingly. Personally, I prefer drippers to sprinklers as they are less wasteful. Proper planning and layout are crucial to ensure efficient water distribution. There are lots of helpful videos on YouTube offering great advice.
Watering systems can also be used with stored rainwater from a water butt. This makes them even more eco-friendly. If you’re going to do this, make sure to use appropriate filtration and pump system to ensure the rainwater is suitable for distribution through the watering system.

Even if you have to use tap water, automatic systems are designed for efficient use. By targeting specific areas and delivering water directly to the plants' roots, they minimise wastage. Additionally, the use of timers allows for precise scheduling, preventing overwatering, thus further conserving water. Compared to using a hosepipe, which can lead to water run-off and inefficient coverage, automatic systems provide better control use far less water.
Mulching further conserves water by preventing the underlying soil from drying out in warm weather. It creates a protective layer on the soil surface, acting as a barrier to reduce evaporation.
Organic mulch materials include straw, wood chips, bark, leaves, grass clippings, and compost. These materials break down over time, enriching the soil with nutrients while simultaneously retaining moisture. Organic mulch also improves soil structure, promotes beneficial microbial activity, and helps prevent weed growth. It needs to be reapplied as it breaks down.
Inorganic mulch materials such as gravel, stones do not break down and can be very decorative. It’s more expensive so better suited to small spaces. Apply a layer of mulch that is 2-4 inches thick around plants, leaving a gap around the stem or trunk to prevent rotting. Ensure the mulch extends to the drip line of trees and shrubs to cover the entire root zone. When used alongside an automatic drip watering system, mulching goes a long way towards reducing water usage in the garden. Happy gardening!

Puzzle Time

Sudoku Challenge

Word Search

Can you find all these beautiful blues ?

Spot The Difference
Duck egg
Egyptian Electric
Find the 5 differences
Maya Medium
Picotee Powder
Royal Sapphire
Sky Steel

Line Ads
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PAT TESTING AND HANDYMAN SERVICES. Latest PAT test equipment. £1.45 per item inc. certificate/report (minimum invoice value £25.00). Call 07746 410025. Blair Hankin https://pattestingwhitby.co.uk
GUISBOROUGH TROPHY CENTRE. All sports catered for. Engraving to any item. Brass plates available. Tel: 01287 630990.
LEAFLET DELIVERY SERVICES. Serving Whitby and surrounding areas. A professional, trustworthy and effective service. For more information please call 01947 605500

ESKDALE ANTIQUES. Wanted curios & collectables. Farming, household & gardening. Hunting, motoring & advertising. House clearances. Call Phil Smith on 01947 811124 or 07897 796495