tracking the
Copyright © Whitby Advertiser Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the publisher. Published by Whitby Advertiser Ltd, PO Box 120, Whitby, North Yorkshire YO21 3ED. Company No: 05736318 | VAT No: 979 2029 82 All information in this magazine is published in good faith and cannot be reproduced without written permission. Artwork and copy is the responsibility of the advertiser. Whilst the publisher makes every effort to ensure that the businesses featured in this magazine are of the highest quality, we do not guarantee the and products from any featured. No liability will be accepted under any circumstances should any of the contents in this magazine be incorrect. Any should be referred to Trading Standards, NYCC. The views expressed within the are not necessarily those of the publisher.
All rights reserved.
The paper used for the Whitby Advertiser is produced from guaranteed sustainable forests and carries the PEFC accreditation which is the European standard for timber from source to the final printed product. Further can be found at www.pefc.org YO21 3ED,
Stephen Ault EDITOR 16 What's On 36 A Good Read 50 Have A Clean Kitchen 52 Prize Crossword 62 Recipe Page 64 The Platinum Jubilee 66 Puzzle Page 70 Garden View 72 Find The Flag Competition 76 Line Ads Welcome ADVERTISE IN OUR NEXT ISSUE: W 01947 605500 E info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk A www.whitbyadvertiser.co.uk A Whitby Advertiser Ltd, PO Box 120, Whitby,
North Yorkshire THIS MONTH'S FEATURES: Our Deadline is: Friday 10th JuneCONTACT US:
It can’t have escaped your notice that June starts with an extended bank holiday weekend from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th June to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The Queen is the first British Monarch to celebrate such an historic milestone: 70 years of great service to the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. To celebrate this amazing achievement, many community activities and events will take place both nationally and locally, and Whitby will certainly be no exception. As you flick through the pages of our new issue and browse through our What’s On listings, you will see what some of our local businesses and organisations are doing to celebrate this great occasion - stocking Royal gifts and souvenirs, doing special lunches, organising dance events and so on. So, what about you - what will you do? Will you be glued to your TV screen for the endless coverage of the Trooping of the Colour, the Platinum Jubilee Pageant and Platinum Party in the Palace? Has your street organised a ‘Big Jubilee Lunch’? Have you bought a souvenir yet - perhaps a mug, a coin or tea towel? I was in the Great Reads bookshop on Church Street the other day and came across a lovely Queen Elizabeth II special edition of the game Monopoly. If your street isn’t holding a celebratory streety party, you could invite your friends and neighbours round for a nibble, a few drinks and enjoy a game or two - but don’t get too tipsy and sell Buckingham Palace for a song or you could end up as a prisoner in the Tower of London! However you celebrate this magnificent Royal occasion, just have fun and relax folks!





12 232402No.charityRegistered We have a fantastic selection of organic produce such as our very own Organic Botton Beef and Organic Botton Cheese, as well as a wide range of preserves, organic loose weigh cereals, pulses, coffee and organic juices! Visit our new Botton Village store @camphillvillagetrust @camphillvillag1 JOIN OUR TEAM We urgently need kind, motivated, caring people to join our team of brilliant support workers. Visit our website to find out more: joinourteamwww.camphillvillagetrust.org.uk/ Botton Village Store, Botton Village, Danby, Whitby. YO21 2NJ FIND US AT: Tel: 01287 661270 Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9am - 4.30pm Saturday: 10am - 1pm COME AND VISIT OUR STORE - We can’t wait to welcome you in!


Annual exhibition: Sea Peoples: Navigating the Pacific. Blue water sailing in the vast Pacific Ocean demands accurate navigation. Done poorly, it could be catastrophic, as many vanished ships and wrecks testify. This exhibition explores Pacific sailing with both Polynesians and Europeans.
Current exhibitions: Scoresby’s Arctic opening 27th May. Celebrating 200 years since the publication of William Scoresby Junior’s ‘Account of the Arctic Regions’, the exhibition gives a glimpse of Scoresby’s Arctic and of his ground-breaking scientific discoveries and is decorated by the textile artworks of Caroline Hack. In the Costume Gallery Whitby Weddings continues until late November and includes the touchscreen ‘Wall of Weddings’ showing all wedding featured in the Whitby Gazette from 1950 to 1999. Art Gallery admission – free to all. Tea room Open 10am-3.30pm on Tues-Sat.
EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY Whitby Tennis Club meets 5.30pm at Whitby Sixth Form College, behind Whitby and Esk Valley Astro Turf What’s On listings are free for local charities and community organisations and ideally should not exceed 20 words. For all other event organisers, a small charge of £20 applies. facility. A small friendly Club with a relaxed atmosphere. Current members as well as new members welcome. Cost: £20 for the season. No junior section at present. Check out Facebook page for further details. Monday & Wednesday evenings 5.30-8.00pm and Sunday morning 10am-12 noon.
is free, contact
Looking for new members. First
Opening times: 10.00am – 4.30pm Tues – Sun. Closed Mon. Last admission 4.00pm. Museum admission: £7 adults, £5 students ticket lasts for a full year. Whitby residents (with proof) & under 18s Free.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee coffee morning at Church House Sleights 10am-12.30pm. Sale of cakes and children’s toys. Saltburn Blues Club presents Five Points Gang with support from The Dustraisers at New Marske Institute. Tickets £10 from The Spar Saltburn, Ents24.com and 07960 935263. SATURDAY - SUNDAY MAY 28/29 Whitby Pavilion Northern Lights Suite. Dippy Craft & Gift Fair. 9.30-4.30 each day. Free entry. Over 40 Stalls.
At Pannett Park
members welcome. New beginners course starting in
EVERY WhitbyDAYWhalers u3a. Day time activities throughout the week for those no longer in full time work: arts, languages, lectures, exercise, history, social groups and much more. Variety of venues. www.u3asites.org.uk/whitby
EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY Target Archery at Eskdale School 6.45pm to 8.45pm. GB May. whitbyarchers.co.uk/Home THURSDAY (AND OCCASIONALLY WED & SUN) & Loftus Badminton Club at Loftus Cricket & Athletic Club, 7pm till late. night Paul on 07702 756669. SleightsFRIDAYVillage Hall every Friday evening 8.15pm to 10.30pm for ballroom, Latin and sequence social dancing. Basic for beginners 7.30pm. Tel: 07971 606360 WEDNESDAY MAY 25 ‘Rosebank at Night’ with Elaine Hoyle. Whitby WI meeting at the Northern Lights Suite, Spa Pavilion, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3EN. Garden themed raffle. British Sign Language signing activity. Starts 7pm. Everyone welcome. Visitors: £3.00. (Whitby WI meets the 4th Wednesday of every month).
EVERY MONDAY Tai chi for beginners Hawsker Village Hall 7pm. First lesson free then £4 pounds thereafter. Contact John 07434 833540
THURSDAY JUNE 2 Picnic in the Park. Pannet Park 11.00am-3.00pm. Celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Games including ‘Splat the Rat’, Royal-themed questions. Prizes including Jubilee badges. Picnic packs can be purchased from the Museum Tearooms.
Open Daily 10:45 - 17:00. Last admission half an hour before closing. Admission fees apply - see www.cookmuseumwhiby.co.uk.

FRIDAY JUNE 3 Village walk & talk from Ugthorpe to Mickleby and back. Hot food, children’s disco and games 6.30pm; adult disco, karaoke and bar 7.30pm at St Anne’s Hall Ugthorpe. Admission: £10 adults, children free. A 40’s themed Jubilee dance at Sleights Village Hall. Ballroom, Latin and sequence dances. 7.45pm till 11 pm Tickets £7.50 pp. - contact Jane 07971606360.
THURSDAY - SUNDAY JUNE 2-5 Craft Fair at Goathland Village Hall 10.00am to 4.30 pm celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. New crafters welcome for our successful and longestablished Craft Fairs. Contact Elsie on 01947 896333 or e-mail elsie.goathland@gmail.com.
SUNDAY JUNE 12 Balmoral Acoustic Blues Club presents Trevor ‘Babajack’ Steger at Saltburn Conservative Club. Tickets £10 from 07960 935263
FRIDAY - SUNDAY JUNE 3-5 Whitby’s 60s Festival at the Northern Lights Suite, Whitby Pavilion. (Rescheduled from 2020 & 2021). From Friday night to Sunday night, enjoy a full weekend of sixties music, featuring some of the biggest names of the 1960s. Tickets: £90 (Full Weekend), £30 (Evenings), £14 (Afternoons) - plus booking fees. All tickets from 2020 & 2021 remain valid. Visit www.whitby-live.com/
WEDNESDAY JUNE 8 Tea Dance celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee at the Royal Hotel, West Cliff, Whitby. 2.00pm-4.30pm. Hosts Steven and Sharon Conroy. Patriotic dress. Raffle. Everybody Welcome. £3 to include tea, coffee & biscuits. Proceeds to Whitby Lifeboats. Supporting Carer’s Week. An event for Carer’s from Staithes, Egton and Danby Surgeries hosted by Staithes Surgery Patient Participation Group at Staithes Athletic Club, Seaton Crescent, Staithes. Starts at 2pm. Come along for Coffee, Cake and a Chat. Information about support for unpaid Carers looking after friends and family, well-being activities, prize draw, free parking.
MONDAY JUNE 13 “Looking for Rounton Grange” Hinderwell WI meeting at St Hilda’s Old School, Hinderwell. Starts 7.00pm. An Illustrated talk by Mrs Sue Parker on the family home of the Bell family - Gertrude Bell the first lady to attend Queen’s College University of Oxford. Competition: Item beginning with the letter “J”. Visitors welcome: admissiom £3.50 includes refreshments. For further details please ring 840343.
SATURDAY JUNE 4 Tea party at Goathland Village Hall to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. 12 noon to 4.00pm. Live music, stalls, craft fair, refreshments, fancy dress and a Jubillee bonnet competition.
SUNDAY - MONDAY JUNE 12-20 Scalby Fair 2022. Please turn to the next page for summary of events. Further details at scalbyfair.org.uk
Watch out for the Acoustic Café Dash - accomplished musicians and singers going round the villages pubs and cafes during the day raising funds for the RNLI lifeboats. For further information, please visit https:// folkweekend.rhbay.co.uk
THURSDAY JUNE 2 CONTINUED Goathland Village Hall. Lighting of Jubilee beacon by Goathland volunteer fire service. Starts at 8.30pm. Beacon lit at 9.15pm. Staithes Lifeboat Station. Lighting of Jubilee beacon at 9.15pm.
Big Jubilee Lunch at Lythe school grounds 12 noon to 3.30pm (in the Village Hall if bad weather). Games and stalls. Music from Dire Staithes. Bring your own picnic or BBQ/bar from The Stiddy.
Robin Hood’s Bay Folk Weekend. A weekend full of concerts, music sessions, dance and singarounds.
SUNDAY JUNE 5 Jubilee Garden Party in the Conservative Club garden, Flowergate Cross, Upgang Lane (rear Harrison’s Garage). Starts 2pm. Free entry. Music, bouncy castle, afternoon teas. Plants, cakes, books, bar. All welcome.

Register from 9.30am at Nags Head. Free Entry Monday 13th ACOUSTIC FOLK NIGHT From 7.30 at Nags Head. Free entry Tuesday 14th TREASURE HUNT. £2 entry. Register at The Plough from 6.30pm
18 What’s On continued MONDAY JUNE 13 Sleights Yorkshire Countrywomen Association are having an outing. Meet at River Gardens (Perry’s Plants) at 2pm, bring a folding chair if possible for a sociable afternoon. For further details contact 01947 811827 TUESDAY JUNE 14 Whitby Civic Society: ‘Whitby West Side Treasures’ An illustrated talk by Peter Craggs 7-9pm at The Coliseum. Entrance £1 members, £3 guests. Correct change appreciated. WEDNESDAY JUNE 15 Whitby Dairy Discussion Group Summer Trip to Wildon Grange, Kilburn Road, Coxwold, York, YO61 4AF by kind permission of John Banks and family. Cost £10. Please note change of date to Wed 15th June at 11.00am. Please text/email the Secretary to book a place –members only. Joyce Stangoe, Secretary, WDDG. Mob: 07868 956919. Email: joyce.stangoe@gmail.com Whitby Library Events JUBILEE TEA PARTY Join us on Wednesday 1st June for our Jubilee tea party 2:30-4pm. We will have cream teas, cakes, savouries and we are sure everyone will have a right royal time! This is a FREE event but booking is essential so we can cater for the number of people attending. Spaces are limited so book early by calling 01609 534350 or email whitby.library@northyorks.gov.uk
Baby Rhyme Time - Monday during term time 9:45am-10:15am ideal for 0-18 months - FREE. Story Tots - Monday during term time 10:30am11:15am ideal for 18 months-5 years - FREE. IT Buddies - FREE sessions available with our IT buddies, usual days available are Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Booking in advance essential, either pop into the Library or call 01609 534350 to arrange your appointment. We can help with Bus Pass, Blue Badge applications, online forms, setting up email, basic IT skills etc. Lounge area available for young adults with sockets for technology and free Wi-Fi Printing and photocopying available 10p per A4 B&W sheet. 50p per A4 colour sheet. Rooms available to hire for small groups or meetings.
Lego Club - Drop in and spend some time building and creating with lego, Term time Tuesdays 4:306:30pm – FREE. USUAL WEEKLY ACTIVITIES.
Volunteering Opportunities - Can you spare some time to help in your library? There is so much that we do here, we would love to get more local people on board to help out and keep the library running smoothly for the community. Please check our facebook page for more information and to keep up to date with all library events. Scalby Fair 2022
12th-20th June 2022 Sunday 12th Barons Scalby Fair Fun Run 10.15am. Barons 5k multi terrain run 11.15am Enter online at www.scalbyfair.org.uk.
NEW EVENTS: Thursday Craft Club - Thursdays 1pm-3pm. Bring your craft along and have some company while you work, a great place to share ideas and swap skills. Everyone Welcome. £1 per session and tea/ coffee provided.
Wednesday 15th WINE TASTING AT NAGS HEAD 7.30pm start. Tickets £10. Food available Thursday 16th BEER FESTIVAL AND GIN BAR AT THE NAGS HEAD From 3pm. Food available Friday17th SOUL RIDA AT THE NAGS HEAD From 7.30pm. Free entry. Food available Friday 17th 7.30pm to Mon 20th 3pm
FLOWER FESTIVAL at St. Laurence’s church Saturday 18th FAIR DAY from 12pm to around 4pm

British Sign
of every month).
Craft Fair at Goathland Village Hall 10.00am to 4.30 pm. New crafters welcome for our successful and longestablished Craft Fairs. Contact Elsie on 01947 896333 or e-mail elsie.goathland@gmail.com.
Make Music Day Big Sing for participating schools at Whitby Pavilion. Flowergate Hall Community Arts Centre
Delicious homemade food served throughout the day. Tombola and lots of stalls. All welcome. Enquiries to secretary.svhc@gmail.com ‘Some Guys Have All the Luck - The Rod Stewart Story’ at the Whitby Pavilion. Capturing the excitement, energy, charisma and the hits that have made Rod a true rock icon! Starts 7.30pm. Tickets now on sale - available from the Whitby Pavilion Box Office (01947) 824770 and via www.whitbypavilion.co.uk Saltburn Blues Club presents Mike Bowden & The A917 at New Marske Institute. Tickets £10 from The Spar Saltburn, Ents24.com and 07960 935263. SUNDAY
For further information, keep an eye on social media or contact
SATURDAY JUNE 25 Country Market at the Village Hall 10.30am-2.30pm. - JUNE 26-28
at flashcompanyarts@gmail.com.
of each
Visitors always
WEDNESDAY JUNE 22 Dancing with Kerry Swales. Whitby WI meeting at the Northern Lights Suite, Spa Pavilion, West Cliff, Whitby YO21 3EN. Summertime themed raffle. Language activity. Starts 7pm. welcome. Visitors: £3.00. (Whitby WI meets the 4th Wednesday
Whitby Antiques & Fine Arts Society lecture. ‘Gertrude Bell’ by Lynne Lamport. Meeting starts 7.30pm at Whitby Rifle Club, Crescent Avenue, Whitby YO21 3EW. monthly on the third Tuesday month. welcome: £3.00.





25 Scarborough Denture Centre 21c Barry’s Lane, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO12 www.scarboroughdenturecentre.co.uk4HA CALL 01723 354170 Problems with your Dentures? We’ve got the answer. Do you suffer with loose or uncomfortable dentures? Are you self conscious when youNEWsmile?BESPOKE DENTURES 10% OFF WITH THIS ADVERT FREE CONSULTATION SAME DAY DENTURE REPAIRSComeAVAILABLEandseeour understanding and expert clinical dental technician for bespoke, comfortable and natural looking dentures tailored to your requirements. With over 30 years of experience, we can help you smile more confidently again What our customers say: ”I walked into the clinic and I was a nervous wreck and so embarrassed. I came out feeling like a million dollars. My dentures look so natural and fit perfectly. Thank you so much.” Covid safe procedures are in place. Please phone for an appointment.







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52 DOWNACROSS 1 Similar (5) 4 Field boundary (5) 8 --- Streisand (6) 9 One successfully leaving uni. (4) 10 Interlocking fastener (3) 11 Direct a gun (3) 13 Second sight (1-1,1) 14 Computer graphical interface (1,1,1) 15 Ear (3) 17 Argentine revolutionary (3) 20 "White Christmas" star Danny (4) 21 American burrowing rodent (6) 22 Environmental protocol (5) 23 Grey (5) Complete the crossword then rearrange the marked to form the answer to the following clue: It'sallaboutthesea (9) LAST ISSUE'S CROSSWORD SOLUTION: MrsGULFWEEDWonby:JHallofFiley 2 Actress with the prime female role (7,4) 3 Japanese port in Southern Honshu (4) 5 Therefore (4) 6 Chevre, for example (5,6) 7 Cab (4) 11 Sicken (3) 12 Pet cat (3) 16 Exhort (4) 18 Retained (4) 19 Computer brains (1,1,2) Across: 1 Fanfare, 5 Ark, 8 All-time low, 9 Kay, 10 Advisor, 13 Stubble, 14 Ply, 16 Cardiology, 17 Ape, 18 Egotism. Down: 2 At least, 3 Fits, 4 Remodelling, 6 Raw, 7 Slain, 11 Obliges, 12 Abort, 15 Flat, 16 Cap. PREVIOUS ISSUE'S CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS: A chance to win £10 Co-op Gift Card donated by your local Whitby Co-op store Prize Crossword This months deadline for entries - 10/6/22 To enter the prize draw please post or email the mystery hidden word(s), with your name, address & telephone to: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED Email: crosswords@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk (Pleasenote,weonlyacceptoneentryperhousehold).

A 1 L 2 I K 3 E H 4 E 5 D G 6 E E O T 7 R O B 8 A R B R A G 9 R A D D E X O T Z 10 I P A 11 I M 12 E 13 S P N I O C V 14 G A L 15 U 16 G C 17 H E L K 18 R C 19 E K 20 A Y E G 21 O P H E R D P E U S K 22 Y O T O A 23 S H E N
These days most homeowners suffer from a lack of storage space. So many precious items that need to be kept – but where to store it all? That’s where Yorkshire Loft Ladders come in.
So, if you want to make use of your loft space, however big or small, call Mark on 0800 612 8359 and he’ll be happy to pop round and give you a no obligation quote so you too can make use of your loft!
The company, based locally, offers homeowners the opportunity to maximise their storage space with a loft ladder, 50 sq ft of boarding and a light all fully fitted in less than a day from just £277 + VAT. But it’s not just the affordability of the package the company offers that makes Yorkshire Loft Ladders stand out as manager Mark Hodson explains: ‘Our watchwords are Quality, Integrity and Value. Quality in the materials that we use for all our installations and the fact that all our loft packages are fitted by time served tradesmen so our customers are assured of the best job. Integrity in that we will turn up at the time we say and make sure the house is spotless when we leave, and Value in that we offer our services at a price people can afford.
Our business relies on referrals and we got a huge amount of our calls from people who have been referred to us by our existing customers - that simply wouldn’t happen if we didn’t adhere to our overriding principles. At the end of the day the old adage that happy customers lead to more happy customers is true and we work hard to make that happen for every installation we carry out!’



56 T: 01751 476989 www.peakpower systems.co.uk Contact us today for a free site survey and advice on which solution will be best for you. NEW HEAT PUMP GRANTS AVAILABLE TO ALL Make the change to RENEWABLE ENERGYwith us and you could... REDUCE YOUR HEATING BILLS We have systems to suit all properties. Giving you lower energy costs and smaller fuel bills. Air & Ground Source Heat Pumps Biomass Boilers Solar PV and Battery Storage Systems EV charging points



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66 Puzzle Page If you have completed our prize crossword and still need a challenge then why not try our suduko, wordsearch and spot the difference for a bit of fun. Good luck! SUDUKO! CoplandClementiChopinBrahmsBerliozBeethovenBartokBach LisztHaydnHandelGershwinFaureElgarDvorakDebussy SibeliusSchumannSchubertRossiniRavelProkofievMozartMahler WagnerVerdiStravinskyStraussSmetana Classical composers WORDSEARCH SPOT THE DIFFERENCE This Kitchen is really quite cluttered, can you spot the 5 differences?





The winner will be announced in the next issue. (Pleasenote,weonlyacceptoneentryperhousehold). Would you like to sponsor our Find the Flag competition in a future issue? Get in touch, donate a prize and soon the name of your business could be on the lips of many of our 24,000 readers as they search the magazine for your ‘flag’!! To register an interest or to find out more please email: info@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk
To enter the prize draw please post or email the page number where you have found Sammie's flag, with your name, address & telephone number to: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED Email: competitions@whitbyadvertiser.co.uk.
Prize Competition
This month we have two tickets to give away as prizes, for the amazing 'Some Guys Have All the Luck' show which celebrates the career of one of rock’s greatest icons, Rod Stewart. The show takes place on Saturday 25th June, 7.30pm at the Whitby Pavilion. This is a great opportunity to win yourself and a friend or loved one tickets to see this fantastic event! For a chance of winning, all you have to do is find the flag with Rod's face which has been hidden on a page somewhere in this month's Whitby Advertiser. Deadline for entries is 10th June.
We are looking
Zoe M Rhucroft Joyce SandraHutchinsonGoodship for
Our Whitby Advertiser mascot Sammie the Seal just loves building sand castles and sticking in one of his flags. Sammie is often quite careless and leaves his flags lying around, often on the pages of our magazine. All you have to do is find the location of Sammie's flag and you will enter the grand draw to win our 'Find the Flag' prize.
This month's flag...
flag sponsors...
Our May issue winners:
72 We are delighted to introduce our brand new competition, 'Find the Flag' with the chance to win a fantastic prize!




76 TAXIS Line Ads Please see next page for details on how to submit your line advert MEADOWSCLEANING HOUSEKEEPING. Hate ironing? We love it! Free collection and drop off. Call Joanne 07707 834073 www.meadowshousekeeping.co.uk MOBILE HAIRDRESSERS JULIE’S MOBILE HAIRDRESSING. Friendly & reliable service, Over 25 years’ experience. Call Julie on 07789 786226 or 01947 811315 IMAGING & PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES CINE, VHS, SLIDES AND ANY CAMERA TAPES TO DVD. Contact Paul Wilson Productions your local specialist. Tel: 01947 810982. www.paulwilsonproductions.co.uk WANTED.COMMUNITYCaptain Cook Memorial Museum on Grape Lane looking for new people to join their team of volunteers. Email: volunteers@cookmuseumwhitby. co.uk or phone 01947 601900 for more information SMALL BUSINESS AND TRADESMEN ADS PAT TESTING AND HANDYMAN SERVICES. Latest PAT test equipment. £1.35 per item inc. certificate/report (minimum invoice value £25.00). Call 077 464 100 25. Blair Hankin https://pattestingwhitby.co.uk GUISBOROUGH TROPHY CENTRE. All sports catered for. Engraving to any item. Brass plates available. Tel: 01287 630990. 2022 catalogue now available. ACAIR LOCKS YOUR LOCAL LOCKSMITH uPVC doors difficult to lock? We can help! Locked out? No problem! Fast service. No call-out charge. Tel: 07974 660062. Email: derekliversidge@aol.com FENCING AND TREE CUTTING SERVICE. Also turf laying. Tel Mike Stainthorpe on 01947 820845 or 07866 079038. LJ GARDEN MAINTENANCE. I currently have some availability for my grass cutting services in the Whitby area. Call Lee 07725367731. GARDEN AND GENERAL MAINTENANCE. Telephone Martin Stanley on 07387 718175 CC PLUMBING for your plumbing jobs. Same day callout. Tel: 07775 902706. ALL ASPECTS OF GARDEN AND TREE WORK UNDERTAKEN. Garden clearances, all rubbish taken away and included in the price Tel: 07885090911. ABBEY TAXIS TAXI • PRIVATE HIRE AIRPORT • CONTRACT 01947 606666 / 01947 601212 enquiries@abbeytaxis.org | www.abbeytaxis.org ALL ROOF AND PROPERTY REPAIRS UNDERTAKEN. All pointing, chimney stacks, ridge tiles. Gutter cleaning. No job too large or too small Tel: 07885090911. ESKDALEWANTED ANTIQUES. Wanted curios & collectables. Farming, household & gardening. Hunting, motoring & advertising. House clearances. Call Phil Smith on 01947 811124 or 07897 796495 ALL SCRAP METAL WANTED. Top prices paid for all ferrous and non ferrous metal .Cash or bank transfer payment. Same day collection. Tel: 07885090911. WANTED! CARS, VANS, COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, CARAVANS, CAMPERVANS, MOTORHOMES, TRACTORS AND PLANT MACHINERY. Any condition. Cash payment! Immediate collection. Tel: 01947 840040/ 07885 090911. WANTED! ALL EQUESTRIAN EQUIPMENT INCLUDING SADDLES, BRIDLES, DRIVING HARNESSES, HORSEBOXES, ANY HORSE-DRAWN VEHICLES, COMPLETE OR NOT. ALSO HORSES BOUGHT FOR CASH. Must have passports. Instant decision, instant cash. Tel: 01947 840040/ 07885 090911 Tel: 07901 391591 | www.whitbyframing.com WHITBY PICTURE FRAMING 9d Mount Farm Close Whitby YO22 4HJ OppositeEskdaleSchoolGates Bespoke picture framing using quality frames, mounts & picture glass.

77 Baker Printers Ltd WHITBY STORE, SELLY HILL, GUISBOROUGH RD, YO21 1SF WHITBY SUTTON-ON-THE-FOREST STOKESLEY RICHMOND WHITEHAVEN www.millbryhill.co.uk 0800 652 0432 Browse ourFather’s DayGift Ideas in store online!and A Good Read April Issue Inheritance book winner is Chris Longhorn A Good Read May Issue Greener Horizons signed book winner is Mrs A Kemp-Stuart Find The Flag Please turn back to page 72

78 ACCOMMODATIONINDEX & PROPERTY SERVICES Host & Stay ............................................................................ 40 Manhatten Property 5 ACCOUNTANTS & BUSINESS SERVICES Asquith & Co ......................................................................... 34 ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES Eskdale Antiques ................................................................. 76 APPLIANCE REPAIRS & SALES Keith Bedlington ................................................................. 42 Newlove Repair Services .................................................. 42 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES A.L. Turner and Associates .............................................. 34 ARTS, CRAFTS & HOBBIES PennyClare Furniture, Crafts & Gifts ............................ 3 BEDROOMS, BATHROOMS & KITCHENS Gibson’s Cabinet Makers 44 BEREAVEMENT SERVICES G R Pindar 28 John Corner Funeral Service Ltd 28 BUILDING, MAINTENANCE & REPAIR Anderson Builders Ltd 61 Cleveland Roof Repairs 76 Elvidge Renovation & Restoration ............................... 60 Green & Son Building Services Ltd............................... 63 Jack Hallam Joinery............................................................ 60 Lawson Builders & High Access Ltd 61 Martyn Cana 60 MKM Building Supplies Ltd............................................. 45 Odd Jobs ................................................................................ 73 Prodigy Roofing & Building ............................................ 65 Robert Harrison & Sons Ltd 59 Storm Scaffolding 61 Yorkshire Loft Ladders ...................................................... 53 CARE & COMMUNITY Fisher Care Group t/a Whitby Court Ltd 30 Scarborough Mobility ....................................................... 29 CARPETS & FLOORING Draper’s Carpets .................................................................. 47 Fletcher & Woodhouse Ltd ............................................. 46 N.R Flooring .......................................................................... 48 CHIMNEY SWEEPS Mucky Duck Chimney Sweep ........................................ 50 CLEANING, HOUSEKEEPING & LAUNDRY SERVICES Meadows Housekeeping ................................................. 76 Pristine Oven Cleaning ..................................................... 48 SL Laundries .......................................................................... 50 TLC Carpet Care ................................................................... 49 Whitby Carpet Cleaning Hard Floors 49 Whitby Carpet Cleaning .................................................. 51 COMMUNITY & LEISURE Birkbrow Leisure ................................................................. 4 Camphill Village Trust 12 Chameleon Music Marketing 19 Colebrooke Productions .................................................. 21 Deepdale Cove Ltd............................................................. 4 Me Nobby Grog - Jacqui Higgins Author .................. 37 Whitby Regatta 33 Whitby Surf School 15 COMPUTER, IT & WEBSITE SERVICES Compu-SOS 43 Faith Young Writer 37 The Computer Centre ....................................................... 31 CURTAINS, BLINDS & HOME FURNISHINGS Priory Blinds 48 Whitby Blinds & Shutters ................................................. 48 CYCLING & CYCLE REPAIR SERVICES Dr Crank .................................................................................. 69 DENTAL SERVICES Ryedale Dental Healthcare Clinic 80 Scarborough Denture Centre ........................................ 25 Solis Dental Studio ............................................................. 23 The Denture Clinic .............................................................. 7 DRAIN SERVICES Steve Welford Drain Cleaning ....................................... 48 ELECTRICIANS Handy Andy .......................................................................... 58 PAT Testing & Handyman Services .............................. 76 Stakesby Electrical .............................................................. 58 ESTATE AGENTS & PROPERTY Henderson Property Services (Yorkshire) Ltd.......... 39 Host & Stay ............................................................................ 40 Manhatten Property 5 EVENTS, PARTIES & FANCY DRESS Carr Mount Tipis .................................................................. 6 FOOD & DRINK Bridge Inn Ruswarp............................................................ 9 Newholm Tea Rooms ........................................................ 3 The Elsinore 9 The Mallyan 8 Whitby Sea Fish Ltd ........................................................... 11 GARDENING, FENCING & TREE SERVICES Everything Trees.................................................................. 71 Garden & Tree Services ..................................................... 71 LJ Garden Maintenance ................................................... 76 Martin Stanley ...................................................................... 76 Dan Knaggs & Mike Stainthorpe Fencing Services 71 Mike Stainthorpe Fencing Services ............................. 76 Short Grass & Sides............................................................. 70 Yorkshire Shed Company ................................................ 73
79 HAIR SALONS AND BARBERS Julie’s Mobile Hairdressing ............................................. 76 HEALTH, BEAUTY & FITNESS Clear & Hear .......................................................................... 23 Kate Riley Limited ............................................................... 24 Lindsey Ebbs Podiatry 27 Nature’s Laboratory Ltd 26 HEATING & RENEWABLES Peak Power Systems Ltd 56 JOINERY SERVICES Warrior Woodworks 60 LEGAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES Noel Barrett Legal Services ............................................. 34 Peter Kenny Dip PFS Financial Adviser 35 LOCKSMITHS Acair Locks 76 UPVC Suppliers Ltd ............................................................ 58 LEAFLET DELIVERY SERVICES Whitby Advertiser Leaflet Delivery Services 42 MOTORING, MOT, REPAIRS & SALES Classic Car Sales ................................................................... 6 CT Autos 68 Easington Service Station 67 Kangaroo Car Wash ........................................................... 68 R.J.Valeting ............................................................................ 68 Summerfield Garage ......................................................... 69 Universal Garage 69 Whitby Tyre and Exhaust Centre Ltd 67 OPTICIANS Loftus / Skelton Optical 24 PAINTERS & DECORATORS Andrew Ellenor Quality Painter & Decorator 59 Craig Sumner ........................................................................ 59 Steven Spreadbury............................................................. 59 PETS & AGRICULTURAL SERVICES BATA Ltd ................................................................................. 74 Cleveland Country Store .................................................. 75 J W Mortimer ........................................................................ 73 Millbry Hill 77 Scruffy Pups Parlour 77 PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING SERVICES Keith Moss 35 Paul Wilson Productions .................................................. 76 Photo Wizard ........................................................................ 6 Whitby Picture Framing ................................................... 76 PLANT HIRE Warrior Access ..................................................................... 61 PLASTERERS & TILERS Patrick O’Neill Plastering .................................................. 63 Tom Jefferson Plastering 63 PLUMBING, HEATING & BOILER SERVICES CC Plumbing ......................................................................... 76 Abbey Gas Ltd ...................................................................... 55 Champions Plumbing & Heating Limited ................. 54 John Scott Plumbing 55 Nathan Alan Brown - Plumbing, Gas & Oil Engineer ... 54 PRINTERS Baker Printers Limited ....................................................... 77 PROOF READING SERVICES Proof It Right 37 REMOVALS & STORAGE Armstrong Richardson...................................................... 34 Britannia Devereux............................................................. 38 Jet Removals ......................................................................... 38 Rocket Removals 38 Whitby Removals ................................................................ 38 RETAIL PennyClare Furniture, Crafts & Gifts ............................ 3 Skirts & Shirts ........................................................................ 14 Youngs Jewellers 13 SCHOOLS, CLASSES & WORKSHOPS Phil Martin Music ................................................................ 6 Whitby & District Fishing Industry Training School ... 11 SITUATIONS VACANT & VOLUNTEERING Northcliffe and Seaview Holiday Park 32 Save The Children ............................................................... 32 Whitby Scouts ...................................................................... 32 Whitby Regatta .................................................................... 33 SPORT Whitby Town Football Club 22 TAXIS & PRIVATE HIRE Abbey Taxis ........................................................................... 76 TROPHIES, ENGRAVING & SIGNS Guisborough Trophy Centre 76 TV REPAIR & AERIALS Shackletons ........................................................................... 42 UPHOLSTERERS Alan Henderson Upholstery ........................................... 46 WINDOWS, DOORS & CONSERVATORIES Centurion Windows Ltd 58 Cowen Windows Ltd ......................................................... 57 Sefton Trowsdale Double Glazing Services .............. 56 UPVC Suppliers Ltd ............................................................ 58