October 22, 2015 - Winter Texan Times

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Serving Winter Texans From Mission To South Padre Island Since 1987 Vol. 29, No. 1 © 2015-2016


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Texas Butterfly Festival is Oct. 31 to Nov. 3

The Texas Butterfly Festival will be held Oct. 31 to Nov. 3 at the National Butterfly Center in Mission. The Butterfly Festival offers a rare opportunity to enjoy guided field trips to butterfly hot spots throughout the Rio Grande Valley. The festival also offers a variety of butterfly seminars, including an introduction to macro photography to show participants how to photograph these beautiful insects. About 25 to 30 years ago an increased awareness of what an ecological treasure the Rio Grande Valley is, and how many species of birds and butterflies can be found here, resulted in efforts being made to preserve habitat for migrating animals. The nine sites of the World Birding Center were created out of that awareness, as was the National Butterfly Center, located in Mission. Less well known than the birding centers, the Butterfly Center has played a vital part in the preservation of butterflies, as well as birds, that live or migrate through the Rio Grande Valley. NBC plants habitat and host plants for many of the species of butterflies and approximately 400 species of butterflies have been spotted there at different times

Food Bank employee Omar Rodriguez shows Red Hatter Jan Bergman the Senior Pack of food items provided by the Food Bank. Bergman was part of a group of Red Hatters who recently toured the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley located in Pharr. This photograph of the underside of a Monarch butterfly was taken by nature photographer Luciano Guerra at the National Butterfly Center in Mission. And one of the ways NBC is letting of the year. It is also a great place to spot the birds butterfly watchers know about the work of the Rio Grande Valley that love to dine of this unique center is through sponsoron the center’s tasty caterpillars. See BUTTERFLY pg. 17

Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival Starts Nov. 4

Birders get ready for 22nd Annual Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival to be held Nov. 4-8, headquartered at the Harlingen Municipal Auditorium, 1204 Fairpark Blvd. The festival will feature top notch field trip leaders and speakers along with new

field trip locations. Located in an area known for a wide diversity of bird species, many years during the festival, there is a new finding not discovered on previous field trips. This year’s Birding Festival offers a wide variety of expert speakers and field trip leaders. To register for the festival field trips and seminars, go to the RGV Birding Festival website at http://www. rgvbf.org or call (956) 423-5565. Among those participating in this year’s festival are Dale Roselette and Kevin Karlson. Rosselete is involved in the New Jersey Audubon’s educational program. Karlson is a professional tour leader and writer whose articles about birds and nature have been appearing in nature publications for the last 20 years. Greg Miller was one of three persons to participate in a Big Bird Year in 1998 where he and two other people saw over An Audubon’s Oriole at Rio Grande Valley 700 species of birds in North America. Birding Festival. Their story was made into a Pulitzer Prize Photo by Richard Crossley winning book and later a movie.

Shawneen Finnegan manages tours for WINGS, is a photo editor for Birding Magazine and has been Range Data Editor for Santa Barbara Software’s bird area for 23 years. Jeff Gordon is president of the American Birding Association, located in Delaware. He is a well-known writer, photographer, speaker and tour leader. Karl S. Berg has spent over a decade studying the green-rumped Parrotlets in Venezuela, perhaps the best-known parrot population. D Dorian Anderson is a well-known birder who started birding at seven in the greater Philadelphia area. He holds a Ph. D. in developmental genetics from New York University. Field trip leaders include David Benn, a Brownsville native with birding experience in South Texas, Mexico, Central and South America. Jim and Cindy Beckman are avid birdSee BIRDING pg. 21

Food Bank of the RGV feeds 42,000 people a week

By Kathy Olivarez The Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley feeds 42,000 hungry people a week. Not all people are able to get to the main Food Bank facility located in Pharr, due to lack of transportation. So, regular distributions from the Food Bank are delivered to satellite locations -- 230 churches, schools and mobile pantries throughout Hidalgo, Cameron and Willacy Counties -- so hungry people across the Valley are able to access these food sources. While the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley has only been in its present location (an old fruit packing shed) for three years, it has been in operation in the Valley for 30 years, said Terri Drefke, CEO of the Food Bank. Because of the rising population that includes many low-income people, there was a need to move to a new location that could handle more food distributions. “I feel called to this position,” Drefke said. “I am especially touched by the many women who come in where you can see their despair and worry about how they are going to feed their children.” Romeo Cantu, chief development officer, told the Winter Texan Times he is pasSee FOOD BANK pg. 16


October 22, 2015






October 22, 2015

South Texas Pow Wow is October 23-24

Pow Wow participants of Indian heritage sing traditional Indian songs as they drum.

For those who enjoy a bit of Indian culture, the 27th annual South Texas (Way South) Pow Wow will be held Oct. 23-24 at the Lark Community Center, 2601 Lark Ave. in McAllen. In the early days before the coming of the Spanish colonists, the Rio Grande Valley was inhabited by a number of Native American tribes that were “hunters and gatherers.� Most were peaceful and calm, but on occasion there were visits from tribes with reputations for fierceness including the Apache and the Comanche. Robert Soto, founder of the South Texan Indian Dancers is descended from the Apache who lived in South Texas. While the Indians are no longer on the warpath, there is a keen desire to preserve and maintain their native traditions, including the dances that will be seen at the Pow Wow this weekend. Native Americans of all ages from tots to old men can be seen dancing in full native costumes, which are filled with Native American symbolism. On Friday at 6:30 p.m. there will be a Grand Entry of those participating in the two-day event. On Saturday, doors open at 10 a.m. At 11 a.m. Exhibition Dancing will be held. From 1 to 4:30 p.m. there will be Gourd Dancing. At 6:30 p.m. the main event will be held with a Grand Entry of those participating in full costume.


The program following the Grand Entry will include Southern Drum-South Wind with Carlos Gonzalez and Northern Drum, Eagle Point with Robert Bass. The Head Man Dancer for the event is Eloy Solis, while the Head Lady Dancer will be Rachel Soto. The Head Gourd Dancer is Lee Walters. Bob Woolery will act as Master of Ceremonies while Danny Villarreal will serve as the arena director. There will be a special appearance by Sayani (vocal artists) Jorie and Christine West (Cherokee) from Springtown, Texas. The public is welcome and admission is free. For more information call Robert Soto at (956) 648-9336.

Descendants of Native Americans wear regalia representative of the tribes of their ancestors.



October 22, 2015

r e t n i W an Tex


Serving Winter Texans From Mission To South Padre Island Since 1987

Published by Times Media Group, Inc.


Feature Index

Business Guide.................. Pg. 22 Classifieds.......................... Pg. 24 Coupon Index..................... Pg. 24 Events Calendar................. Pg. 21 Medical Services................ Pg. 18

Parks Calendar................... Pg. 08 Reunions & Meetings........ Pg. 04 Taste of the Valley.............. Pg. 14 WintertainersTM.................. Pg. 10

Publisher: Jim Brunson Email: jb@progresstimes.net Phone: 956-580-7800


News Desk: Kathy Olivarez, Editor Email: news@wintertexantimes.com Mobile: 956-331-9472 Office: 956-580-7800 Advertising Manager: Norma Reyes Upper Valley Area Email: norma@wintertexantimes.com Mobile: 956-533-7500 Advertising Executive: Raul Martinez Mid-Valley and Lower-Valley Area Email: raul@wttrgv.com Mobile: 956-638-9811 Office Manager: Sharon Sanchez Email: bookkeeper@progresstimes.net Phone: 956-580-7800 Parks Calendar: Adriana Gutierrez Email: parkscal@wintertexantimes.com Phone: 956-580-7800 Classified Ads: Adriana Gutierrez Email: classifieds@wintertexantimes.com Phone: 956-580-7800

Winter Texan Times

1217 N. Conway • Mission, Texas 78572 Tel. (956) 580-7800 • Fax (956) 585-2304 Email - News: news@wintertexantimes.com Advertising: ads@wintertexantimes.com www.wttrgv.com

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Valley Symphony Orchestra season begins

Valley Symphony Orchestra The Valley Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Peter Debrowski on stage. The Valley Symphony Orchestra will Strayhorn and Khacheturian. Kurt Martibe presenting a variety of musical genres nez, guitarist, will be guest performer. during the 2015-2016 concert season. On On Thursday, March 3, “Carl’s MesOct. 29 “Classics Forever” will be per- sage” will be presented at the UTRGV formed at the University of Texas Rio- Performing Arts Complex. Music to be Grande Valley Performing Arts Com- performed will be by Wagner, Seale and plex. It will feature the classical music Rutter. Yuri Saenz, soprano will be guest of Schubert, Stravinsky, Saint-Saens and performer. Beethoven. “European Masters” will be performed On Friday, Nov. 20, VSO will present Thursday, April 7, 2016 at the UTRGV “A Touch of Frost” at the McAllen Civic Performing Arts Complex. Compositions Center. This special presentation will fea- include the music of Enescu, Grieg, Sibelture the Valley Symphony Orchestra and ius and Rimsky-Korsakov. Adam WodUniversity of Texas-RGV Mariachi Azt- nicki, pianist, will be special performer. lan. A final performance of the Valley SymOn Feb. 25 the 2016 Annual Symphony phony Chorale will be held April 19 under Gala will be held at the McAllen Conven- the director of Dr. David Means. The time tion Center ballroom. Call (956) 661-1615 and location are to be announced later. for information about this special event. Individual tickets range from $35 to “Pops With All That Jazz” will be $45 for single tickets. Seniors 65 and over offered Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016 at the can get a discount of $5 per ticket. UTRGV Performing Arts Complex in EdAll concerts begin at 8 p.m. Doors open inburg. It will feature the music compo- at 7:30 p.m. For tickets call (956) 661sitions by Brahms, Gershwin/Whitney/ 1615 or go online to www.valleyorchesMyers/ Vrtacnik, Sapieyewshi, Ellington/ tra.org.



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October 22, 2015



October 22, 2015



MHM plans Dia de los Muertes festival

Mission Historical Museum will be from 6 to 10 p.m. For those not yet familcelebrating Dia de los Muertes/Day of the iar with this Hispanic tradition, Dia de los Dead with a Festival on Saturday, Oct. 24 Muertes is not a macabre Halloween style celebration. Rather, it is day set aside for fond memories of those who had passed. Hispanic families create altars for those who have passed recently. The altars will have pictures of the departed along with favorite foods, favorite items of the deceased and other treasures. Some of the altars to be on display will be from local families while others will be created by several of Mission’s Sister Cities, a program designed to create international goodwill between nations. The festival will be held outside in the Museum’s recently renovated garden area. To start the event there will be performances by Mission High School’s folkloric dancers. They will be followed by an international group, Compania de Danza Folklorica Najuacalli. A.C. a local two-person band, Cache Tones, will follow and the last performance will be Mission Parks and Recreation Folklorico. In addition to the altar display and the entertainment, there will be a variety of food and craft vendors, a costume contest, face Altars are on display during Dia de los painting, and a sugar skill workshop. SugMuertes in honor of family members who ar skulls are a very important part of the have passed away. The altars include Mexican celebration traditions. A Papel family photos, favorite foods and other Picado workshop is also planned. items of the departed person.


Quinta Mazatlan plans Planta Nativa

Planta Nativa, a native plant festival, will be held at Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Drive, in McAllen on Oct. 23-24. Quinta Mazatlan is the McAllen branch of the World Birding Center. The event starts 6:30 p.m. with a meal of tacos, tapas, beer and wine. Tickets are $15 in advance. To start the fun there will be a McAllen Chamber of Commerce Border Buttermilk Reception. Jessica Monroe will host an opening of Arte Nativo Gallery exhibit and sale of art. And the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley will present its science poster presentations by agro ecology students. At 8 p.m. Dr. Douglas Tallamy will present “Creating Living Landscapes” on a giant LED screen outdoors. The festival continues on Saturday morning with a 9 a.m. themed garden tour. At 10 a.m. Dr. Tallamy will present “Stitching the World Together for Birds.” At 11:30 a.m. All Williams will present “Creating Living Landscapes at Home, Schools & Business.” There will be information on the Native Plant Project Program. Admission on Saturday is $5. While other events are going on, there will be a native plant sale with Mike Heep, Betty Perez and Suzie and James Lovegren. Dr. Tallamy will sign his book, “Bringing Home Nature.” Jessica Monroe will continue her sale of Arte Nativo. In addition there will be native gift items, art, jewelry, healthy snacks and more for sale. For more information call (956) 6813370.

Mercedes Benz is hole-in-one charity golf prize A new Class-C Mercedes Benz will be the prize for the first hole-in-one during the Fifth Annual Charity Golf Tournament sponsored by Harlingen Medical Center to be held Oct. 24, at Rancho Viejo Resort and Country Club in Brownsville. The event starts with a 7 a.m. registration and check-in, an 8 a.m. tee off, a 12:30 p.m. lunch and a 1 p.m. awards ceremony. Teams will include a three person with one single digit handicap player per team. Entry is $300 per team. Single players will be placed in teams by the golf committee. Single play entry is $100. Awards include first, second and third place trophies and a first hole-in-one prize and closest to the pin prizes. The holein-one prize is a 2016 Mercedes Benz C-Class car provided by Cardenas Metroplex in Harlingen. To register for the event call Manny Chacon at (956) 365-1848 or email mchacon@primehealthcare.com.


October 22, 2015



October 22, 2015



EDITOR’S NOTE: Items for the Parks Calendar must be open to the public activities in the parks only and must be submitted by park owners, managers or activity directors. Listings must come from the park and are to be submitted on the Winter Texan Times Parks Calendar Submission Form. Request this form from the Winter Texan Times office. Multiple activities may be submitted on the park’s letterhead, provided the same information is provided in the format of the Submission Form. We do not accept listings for reviews, workshops, lessons or dance classes. Submission deadline is Thursday noon, one week prior to the publication date. Send to: Winter Texan Times, P.O. Box 399, Mission, Texas 78573-0399 or email to parkscal@wintertexantimes.com. Friday, October 23 Dance - Texas Trails RV Resort, Pharr, 7-10pm, Sweetwater, $5pp. Saturday, October 31 Halloween Party and Dance - Sleepy Valley Ranch Resort, Mission, 7-10pm, costume contest with prizes, bring your own drinks, ice and soda available for sale. Halloween Dance - Llano Grande Lake Park Resort and Country Club, Mercedes, 7-10pm, The Cruisers, come dressed in

your best costume, $10pp, BYOB, reserved seating, contact activity office for tickets. Sunday, November 1 Non-denominational Church - Winter Haven Park, Pharr, 8:45am, Pastor Robert Kracht, communion first Sunday of each month, everyone welcome. Non-Denominational Church Service Hidden Valley Ranch RV & MH Park, Mission, 9am, Pastor Cameron Gillette, coffee and refreshments available at 8:30am. Non-denominational Worship Service Citrus Valley RV Park, McAllen, 9-10am, Pastor Jim Troutman, commnunion service 1st Sunday of every month. Worship Service - Winter Ranch RV Resort, Alamo, 9am, fellowship at 8:30am, large hall. Non-denominational Church Service Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 9am, Pastor Brian Dent. Church - Fountain at Peñitas RV Park, Peñitas, 9:30-10:30am, Pastor James L. Gebhart. Church Service - Park Place Estates, Harlingen, 10:15am, Non-denominational, open to the public, meet in ballroom with Pastor Dave Tabler. Monday, November 2



Happy Hour - Snow to Sun Park, Weslaco, 3-4:30pm, Diego Saurina, pass the hat, BYOB, or beer & wine sold at bar, free ice. Tuesday, November 3 Chip-O-Texas Woodcarvers - Park Place Estates, Harlingen, 8:30am-Noon, friendship hall, come join us, for more information call 956-399-6660. Happy Hour - Snow to Sun Park, Weslaco, 3-4:30pm, Lynn Dvorak, pass the hat, BYOB or beer & wine sold at bar, free ice. Wednesday, November 4 Happy Hour - Snow to Sun Park, Weslaco, 3-4:30pm, Brenda Cohn, pass the hat, BYOB or beer & wine sold at bar, free ice. Karaoke with Harry and Judy - Llano Grande Lake Park Resort and Country Club, Mercedes, 5pm, BYOB. Thursday, November 5 Happy Hour with Diego - Llano Grande Lake Park Resort and Country Club, Mercedes, 3pm, pass the hat, BYOB. Happy Hour - Snow to Sun Park, Weslaco, 3-4:30pm, Andy & Brenda Coin, pass the hat, BYOB or beer & wine sold at bar, free ice. Friday, November 6 Country Jam - McAllen Mobile Park, 1-3pm, dessert table is provided as is the 50/50 table. Dance - Texas Trails RV Resort, Pharr, 7-10pm, Jealous Heart, $5pp. Saturday, November 7 Breakfast - Aladdin Villas, Mission, 7:30-9am, your choice of ham or sausage, pancakes or waffles or french toast, with

applesauce and hot coffee or water, for only $3.50pp. Breakfast - Paradise Park, McAllen, 7:30-9am, serving pancakes, biscuits & gravy, eggs, sausage or ham, apple sauce or grits, toast, BYOTS. Big Band/Rock & Roll Jam - McAllen Mobile Park, 1-3pm, dessert table is provided as is 50/50 table. Saturday Night Dance - Llano Grande Lake Park Resort and Country Club, Mercedes, 7-10pm, The Furytones, $6pp, BYOB, free popcorn, ice. Dance - Snow to Sun Park, Weslaco, 7-10pm, Sweetwater, $5pp, BYOB or beer & wine sold at bar, free ice. Sunday, November 8 Non-denominational Church - Winter Haven Park, Pharr, 8:45am, Pastor Robert Kracht, communion first Sunday of each month, everyone welcome. Non-Denominational Church Service Hidden Valley Ranch RV & MH Park, Mission, 9am, Pastor Cameron Gillette, coffee and refreshments available at 8:30am. Non-denominational Worship Service Citrus Valley RV Park, McAllen, 9-10am, Pastor Jim Troutman, commnunion service 1st Sunday of every month. Non-denominational Church Service Alamo Palms MH & RV Park, 9am, Pastor Brian Dent. Church Service - Park Place Estates, Harlingen, 10:15am, Non-denominational, open to the public, meet in ballroom with Pastor Dave Tabler.


Events Calendar

October Oct. - Nov. 29 – International Museum of Art & Science, 1900 Nolana, McAllen, will feature “Through a Transcendent Lense,” by Dewane Hughes and Alexic Serio. IMAS is open Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $7 for adults and $5 for seniors 55+. Call (956) 682-0123 for information. Oct. 22 -- La Joya High School Choir Concert, 7 p.m. La Joya Performing Arts Center. For tickets, call (956) 323-2896. Oct. 23-24 -- The South Texas Indian Pow Wow will take place at the Lark Community Center, 3601 Lark Ave., McAllen. The Grande Finale will take place at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 24 will a special program of dances representing Indian culture, with dancers wearing their full Indian regalia. Free admission. Oct. 23-25 -- Camille Playhouse in Brownsville will present “Real Women Have Curves.” Call (956) 542-8900. Oct. 24 -- Fifth Annual Charity Golf Tournament, sponsored by the Harlingen Medical Center, will take place at Rancho Viejo Resort and Golf Course. Registration is $300 for threeman team or $100 for singles who will be placed on teams. Tee-off is 8 a.m., lunch 12:30 and awards 1 p.m. Oct. 24 -- Brownsville Historical Museum will sponsor a “Ghost Camp,” that starts at 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. for instruction on how to use ghost-finding equipment. Return at 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. to search for ghosts in the Stillman House. Fee is $20 per person. Call (956) 541-5560 to make reservation. Oct. 24 – Mission Historical Museum, 900 Doherty, will host its annual Dia de los Muertos/Day of the Dead celebration from 6 to 10 p.m. The altars will be on display Oct. 10 through Nov. 28. Adults, $7, Seniors, $5. Oct. 24, 31 -- Senior Saturday at IMAS, 1900 Nolana, McAllen, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Free guided tour. Oct. 28 -- 11th Annual Murder, Mystery & Mayhem Cemetery Tour, sponsored by the Brownsville Historic Association will take place at 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Old City Cemetery, 600 E. Jackson Street. Oct. 28 -- UTRGV Master Chorale, 7:30 p.m. TSC Art Center, Brownsville. Oct. 29 -- UTRGV Voice Faculty Recital 7:30 p.m., TSC Center, See EVENTS CALENDAR pg. 10


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October 22, 2015


Brownsville. Oct. 29 – Valley Symphony Orchestra will present “Classics Forever,” at the UTRGV Performing Arts Center. Doors open 7:30 p.m. Call (956) 661-1615 or go online to www.valleyorchestra.org. for ticket information. Oct. 30 -- Brownville Historic Society will sponsor a Historic Happy Hour at the Old City Cemetery Center, 600 E. Jackson Street, from 5 to 7 p.m. Craft beers and wine will be served. Oct. 30 -- Harlingen Art Night, downtown Harlingen, 7 to 9 p.m. Oct. 30-31 -- La Joya High School presents “The Odyssey” at 7 p.m. on Friday and 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday, at the La Joya Performing Arts Center, 604 N. Coyote Blvd, La Joya. For information call (956) 323-2896. Admission. Oct. 30-31 -- Gladys Porter Zoo, 500 Ringgold Street, Brownsville, will hold its annual Boo at the Zoo from 6 to 9 p.m. Winter Texans are welcome. Admission is $3.50. Call (956) 5462177. Oct. 31 -- Brownville Historical Association will host its Fall Fund Raiser at the Historic Market Square, 1150 E. Adams Street, at 6 p.m. Taco bar and drinks with live music and dancing. Tickets are $40.


Oct. 31 -- Senior Saturday at IMAS, 1900 Nolana, McAllen 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Free. October 31-Nov 3 --Texas Butterfly Festival will take place at the National Butterfly Center, 3333 Butterfly Drive, Mission. A variety of seminars and field trips will be offered. For more information call (956) 584-5400. Register early online. Oct. 31-Nov. 14 – Museum of South Texas History will feature Dia de los Muertos exhibit. MOSTH is located at 200 N. Closner in Edinburg and is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $7 for adults and $5 for seniors 62+. November Nov. 1 – Port Isabel will host its annual “World Greatest Shrimp Cookoff” in front of Bealls on Hwy. 100 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Professional and amateur chefs will complete for the title of Best Shrimp In Show. Nov. 4-8 -- The Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival will be headquartered at the Harlingen Municipal Auditorium, 1204 Fair Park Blvd. There will be seminars and field trips to favorite birding locations around the Rio Grande Valley. Nov. 6-8 -- A Mexican Expo will be held at McAllen Creative Incubator, 600 N. Main Street in McAllen, fea-


turing art works from artisans all over Mexico. The show opens noon to 8 p.m. on Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is free. Nov. 7 -- Harlingen Market Days will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Jackson Street between 4th Street and Commerce Ave. Live music, fresh produce, collectibles, places and much more. Call (956) 423-4041 for information. Nov. 7 -- Rio Grande Science & Arts Festival, “A Shout Across Time,” 7:30 p.m. TSC, Brownsville. Nov. 7 – Ronald McDonald Charities of the RGV present 2015 Pig Fest, Sofie’s “SS” Saloon, 6601 S. 10th Street, McAllen. Nov. 7-8 -- La Joya ISD presents LJISD Mariachi & Folkloric Fall Concert (three schools, one voice) at 2 p.m. at 7 p.m. on Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets $8. Call (956) 3232896.

Nov. 11 -- Veterans War Memorial of Texas will hold its annual Armistice Day Celebration at 11:11 a.m. at the park, at the intersection of 29th Street and Galveston Streets, to the east of the McAllen Convention Center. Veterans of all wars will be remembered. Nov. 13-15 -- Juarez-Lincoln High School Theatre presents “Back to the 80’s” Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m.

and Sunday at 2 p.m. Admission. Call (956) 323-2896. Nov. 14 -- Brownsville Historical Association will sponsor a Garden Talk at the Brownsville Historical Museum, 1325 E. Washington St. at 12 p.m. Gardener will discuss plants in garden and how to grow them. $5. Nov. 14 -- Historic Harlingen Walking tour starts at 9 a.m. at Java Café on Jackson Street. Call (956) 261-4910 for information. Free. Nov. 14 -- A Memorial illumination will be held at Resaca de la Palma Battlefield, located at 1024 Parades Line Road in Brownsville from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Live his tory demonstrations will precede the lighting of the 8000 illuminaries, honoring the Americans and Mexicans who died during the Mexican American War. Nov. 14-15 -- Bravo Opera, 7:30 p.m. Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday, TSC Arts Center -Brownsville. Nov. 17 -- UTRGV Symphony Orchestra, 7:30 p.m. TSC Performing Arts Center-Brownsville. Nov. 17 -- UTRGV University Choir, 7:30 p.m., Performing Arts Complex-Edinburg. Nov 18 -- UTRGV Wind Symphony, 7:30 p.m., TSC Arts Center-Brownsville. Nov. 19 -- UTRGV Symphony Orchestra, 7:30 p.m., TSC Arts CenSee EVENTS CALENDAR pg. 12



October 22, 2015



October 22, 2015


ter-Brownsville.Nov. Nov. 20 – Valley Symphony Orchestra will present “A Touch of Frost” featuring UTRGV Mariachi Aztlan, at UTRGV Performing Arts Center. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Call (956) 661-1615 or go online to www. valleyorchestra.org. Nov. 21 -- Historic Harlingen Walking tour starts at 9 a.m. at Java Café on Jackson Street. Call (956) 261-4910 for information. Free. Nov. 21 -- King Ranch Hand Breakfast, 7 a.m.-11 a.m., King Ranch, Hwy 141, Kingsville TX. Call (361) 2210116 for information. Nov. 23 - Jan. 1 – Brownsville’s Holiday Village will be open in Dean Porter Park. Cottages will be lit from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. weekends. Free. Nov. 21 -- “Noche de Guitarra,”7:30 p.m., TSC Performing Arts Center-Brownsville. Nov 24 -- UTRGV Orchestra, 7:30 p.m. Performing Arts Complex, Edinburg. Nov. 27 -- Harlingen Art Night, downtown Harlingen, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Nov. 28 -- Historic Harlingen Walking tour starts at 9 a.m. at Java Café on Jackson Street. Call (956) 261-4910 for information. Free.



Laguna Atascosa Refuge Driving ambition tram tours resume

LOS FRESNOS – The popular open air tram tours on the Bayside Drive of Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge began as the kick-off to National Wildlife Refuge Week on Oct. 11. For the remainder of October, tram tours are scheduled for Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays with the morning tour from 9 to noon and the afternoon tour from 1 to 4 pm. Tickets are $4 for adults, $3 for seniors and free for under 16, and will be available first come, first serve the day of the tour. The guided tour takes visitors

through the habitats of the refuge including thornscrub forest, coastal prairie, wetlands and the scenic Laguna Madre. The tour covers the natural and cultural history of the refuge to see how lands are being managed for wildlife. There will be two to three stops with short, optional walks. Binoculars are recommended. Our open air tram is wheelchair accessible. For more information, call 7483607, Ext. 111, or visit the refuge’s website at fws.gov/refuge/laguna_atascosa.

EDINBURG – Beginning Thursday, residents will be able to watch Hidalgo County Commissioners Court meetings on KMBH TV, cable channel 10. Commissioners court meetings are held every other week on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. The meetings will be rebroadcast two days later, on Thursdays at 9 p.m. on KMBH

TV cable channel 10. Residents in La Joya, Mission, Pharr, San Juan, Alamo, and Weslaco can also watch meetings at 10 a.m. on Fridays on cable channel 17, the school district community access channel, due to interlocal agreements between those school districts and the county.

Hidalgo County residents can watch commissioners court on KMBH TV

A British team seeks to set new land speed records with a car they say can travel at 1,000 miles an hour. An earlier version of the vehicle already holds the world record of 763 miles per hour set in 1997. The new Bloodhound SSC (supersonic car) is powered by a jet engine rated at 133,151 horsepower, reports the Association of Mature American Citizens. The speed demons plan to first break the existing record by accelerating their car to some 800 mph in a trial slated to take place in South Africa next spring. Later they’ll attempt to reach their goal of traveling at 1,000 mph or more – a rate of speed that, if it was possible to sustain, could get them from New York to Los Angeles in less than three hours.

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www.wttrgv.com October 2015 Oct. 22 -- Hawk Watch, 1:30 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr., Mission. Oct. 22 -- Nature Walk, 7 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr., Mission. Oct. 22 -- Thursday Night Nature Speaker, “Draw Nature Outdoors Made East” with Jessica Monroe, 6 p.m., $3, Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen. Oct. 23 -- Butterfly Walk, 1:30 p.m., Estero Llano Grande State Park, 3301 S. International Blvd.,Weslaco. Oct. 23 -- Hawk Watch, 1:30 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr., Mission. Oct. 23 -- History of Quinta Mazatlan, 10 a.m., 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen. Oct. 23 -- Dragonfly Walk, 3:30 p.m., Estero Llano Grande State Park, 3301 S. International Blvd.,Weslaco. Oct. 23 -- iNaturalist Walk, 4 p.m., Edinburg WBC, 714 Raul Longoria Rd., Edinburg. Oct. 24 -- Bird Walk, 8:30 a.m., Estero Llano Grande State Park, 3301 S. International Blvd.,Weslaco. Oct. 24 -- Hawk Watch, 1:30 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr., Mission. Oct. 24 -- Scenic Arts Festival, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Edinburg WBC, 714 Raul Lon-


Valley Nature Calendar

goria Rd. Oct. 24 -- Songbird Stroll, 8:30 a.m., Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen. Oct. 24 -- Volunteer Mornings, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen, Work on service hours for Texas Master Naturalist. Oct. 25 -- Bentsen Bird Walk, 1:30 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr., Mission. Oct. 25 -- Bird Walk, Estero Llano Grande State Park, 8:30 a.m. Oct. 25 -- Nature Tram Tour, 2-4 p.m. Estero Llano Grande State Park, 3301 S. International Blvd., Weslaco. Oct. 25 -- Hawk Watch, 1:30 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr., Mission. Oct. 27 -- Bird Walk, 8:30 a.m. Edinburg WBC, 714 Raul Longoria Rd. Oct. 27 -- Beginner’s Butterfly Walk, 3 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr., Mission. Oct. 27 -- Songbird Stroll, 8 a.m., Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen. Oct. 28 -- Bentsen Bird Walk, 1:30 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr., Mission. Oct. 28 -- Volunteer Mornings, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen, Work on service hours for Texas Master Naturalist.

October 22, 2015

Oct. 29 -- Hawk Watch, 8:30 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr. Mission. Oct. 29 -- Nature Walk, 7 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr., Mission. Oct. 29 -- Thursday Night Nature Speaker, “ Naming Britain’s 1st National Bird” with David Lindo and “Touring a Birders Paradise in Spain” with Vanesa Palacios.” 6 p.m. $3, Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen. Oct. 30 -- Butterfly Walk, 1:30 p.m., Estero Llano Grande State Park, 3301 S. International Blvd. Weslaco. Oct. 30 -- Dragonfly Walk, 3:30 p.m., Estero Llano Grande State Park, 3301 S. International Blvd. Weslaco. Oct. 30 -- Hawk Watch, 1:30 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr. Mission. Oct. 30 -- History of Quinta Mazatlan, 10 a.m., 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen. Oct. 30 -- iNaturalist Walk, 4 p.m., Edinburg WBC, 714 Raul Longoria Rd. Oct. 31 -- Bird Walk, 8:30 a.m., Estero Llano Grande State Park, 3301 S. International Blvd. Weslaco. (956) 565-3919. Oct. 31 -- Hawk Watch, 1:30 p.m., Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, 2800 S. Bentsen Palm Dr. Mission. Oct 31 -- Songbird Stroll, 8:30 a.m., Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen.


Oct. 31 -- Spectacular Saturday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., free admission, Edinburg WBC, 714 Raul Longoria Rd., Edinburg. Oct. 31 -- Volunteer Mornings, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen. Work on service hours for Texas Master Naturalist. November 2015 Nov. 1 -- Bird Walk, 8:30 a.m., Estero Llano Grande State Park, 3301 S. International Blvd., Weslaco. Nov. 1 -- Nature Tram Tour, 2-4 p.m., Estero Llano Grande State Park, 3301 S. International Blvd., Weslaco. Nov. 3 -- Bird Walk, 8:30 a.m. Edinburg WBC, 714 Raul Longoria Rd. Nov. 3 -- Songbird Stroll, 8 a.m., Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen. Nov. 4 -- Volunteer Mornings, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen. Work on service hours for Texas Master Naturalist. Nov. 5 -- Thursday Night Nature Speaker, “Kiskadee of Death” by Jan Dunlap, 6 p.m. $3, Quinta Mazatlan, 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen. Nov. 6 -- Butterfly Walk, 1:30 p.m., Estero Llano Grande State Park, 3301 S. International Blvd. Weslaco. Nov. 6 -- Dragonfly Walk, 3:30 p.m., Estero Llano Grande State Park, 3301 S. International Blvd. Weslaco. Nov. 6 -- History of Quinta Mazatlan, 10 a.m., 600 Sunset Dr., McAllen.


October 22, 2015



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October 22, 2015



October 22, 2015 FOOD BANK

From pg. 1 sionate about the program. He said people who are in need of food can come to the emergency food pantry at the Food Bank of the RGV and get food to keep themselves and their families going until they can finish the tedious 28-page application for food stamps and wait for approval. “Emergency supplies weigh about 30 pounds and have cans of meat, vegetables and fruits and dried beans,” said Omar Rodriguez manager of communications and advocacy for the Food Bank. Cantu told the Winter Texan Times there were many extenuating circumstances where people find themselves needing food. Many people have been laid off or lost their jobs. Others had to leave their jobs because of illness. People who saved for their retirement can be wiped out due to illness…even those who previously had professional positions. “Many of those who have been in professional positions are too embarrassed to admit they need help. They will wait until the have not eaten in two to three days to ask for help,” added Cantu. He told of one professional lady whose electricity had been cut off, was about to be evicted, and had not eaten for two days. But her pride and the feeling food pantries were for the poor and she should not need their help, kept her from asking. Cantu said he came to the Food Bank


after retiring from his job at Channel 4 and was appalled to learn how many people in the RGV needed help getting food. One thing he discovered was there are students at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley who were living in their cars. Their grants for education cover tuition and books but there is not enough left over to cover rent and at times food. In hopes of having a better life after they complete their education, they choose to live in their vehicles and get by on limited food supplies. Some were living on bread and water. “It was an ‘ah ha’ moment for me,” Cantu added. When he found out about those students, he started a branch of the food pantry at the UTRGV. In the beginning, there were about 30 students, but he estimates that number of students being served is now about 300. There are now food pantries for students at the Edinburg and Brownsville campuses of UTRGV. There are also distribution places for homeless street people who may not have facilities to cook their foods. Cantu said the money donated to the Food Bank is used wisely. For every dollar donated, five meals can be provided because the Food Bank is able to buy in bulk. About one-third of the food received by Food Bank of the RGV comes from government commodities. One-third of the donations are corporate sponsored and one-third come from private donations.


Red Hat Ladies tour the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley. Cantu told the Winter Texan Times over 45 percent of the children in the RGV live below the poverty line, which is $14,000 for a single person. Food Bank of the RGV has a special program to help keep children healthy. For children who may not

be getting enough food, they create kid packs, which are delivered to schools. The packs contain nuts, fruits, puddings, macaroni and cheese, and other items such as granola bars the children can take home in their backpacks and often share with

www.wttrgv.com younger children not yet in school. Currently, over 700 kid packs are provided to children. Cantu said summers are extremely hard on low-income families with children. Children in the Rio Grande Valley can get two meals a day in public school free of charge if they are low income. But for many those meals are gone in the summer. In recent years government programs have allowed for free food distributions in Boys and Girls Clubs and even in parks for these children. Cantu also showed an area where senior packs are provided to retirees on low incomes. He showed a picture of Arthur, who said saved money for retirement but had his retirement savings wiped out due to cancer. The senior packs are about 30 pounds and include items such as cereal, evaporated milk and cheese. Currently, 4700 seniors in the Rio Grande Valley (including some Winter Texans) receive food packs from the Food Bank of the RGV, but the waiting list for the packages is 2300 people. Cantu said there is a need for additional funding. If any Winter Texan parks are looking for a project, they might want to raise funds so more seniors can receive these special food packs for seniors. Any group choosing to do so can earmark their donaSee FOOD BANK pg. 27


October 22, 2015

BUTTERFLY From pg. 1

ing the Texas Butterfly Festival. Originally started by the Mission Chamber of Commerce, NBC has now grown to a point where it can take over the festival. Each year the festival has grown and keeps getting better and better. Last year, there were participants from 18 states who came down for the festival. Keynote speaker for this year’s event is Dr. Cuauhtemic Saenz Romero, a forester in Mexico who has dedicated his life’s work to studying the fir forest in Michoacan where Monarchs migrate annually. Registration Check-in and Welcome The festival begins Oct. 31 with regOmar Rodriguez speaks to the Red Hat istration and event check-in from 1 to 6 Ladies during a tour.


p.m. A Welcome Reception and Orientation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express Dining Room. On Sunday activities include a variety of guided field trips to premier butterfly locations throughout the Rio Grande Valley, as well as seminars designed to enhance “butterflying” skills. Sunday Schedule: -- 8 a.m.-5 p.m. - Coastal Specialties trip -- 8 a.m.-5 p.m. - Military ‘Hot Spots’ trip -- 8 a.m.-3p.m. - Eye of the Butterfly: Macro Photography Primer -- 9 a.m.-4 p.m. - Butterfly Basics at NBC -- 9 a.m.-4 p.m. - Wonders of Weslaco trip -- 9 a.m.-5 p.m. - Cielo Escondido (Hidden Heaven) trip -- 9 a.m.-4 p.m. - Wild, Wild West trip -- 10 a.m.-2 p.m. - Build Your Own Butterfly Garden -- 5:30-7 p.m. - Border Buttermilk Social and Supper -- 7-9 p.m. - Night Hike with a Black Light All of these events will either depart from or take place at NBC, which is located at 3333 Butterfly Park Drive in Mission. Monday Schedule: -- 8 a.m.-5 p.m. - Sabal & Sams trip -- 9 a.m.-5 p.m. - La Joya Jarachinas See BUTTERFLY pg. 18


October 22, 2015


www.wttrgv.com BUTTERFLY

From pg. 17 -- 9 a.m.-4 p.m. - The ‘Butterfly Beltway’ field trip -- 9 a.m.-3 p.m. - Caterpillar Class at NBC. -- 6 p.m. Keynote Speaker’s Presentation and Awards Banquet An exceptional evening with Cuauhtemoc Saenz Romero, the “Monarch Man” from Michoacan. A forester who has spent years studying the Monarchs’ overwintering habitat, Cuauhtemoc will share his observations and experiences on the mountains where these iconic creatures congregate by the millions. Tuesday Schedule: -- 8 a.m.-5 p.m. - Far West trip -- 9 a.m.-4 p.m. - Wilderness & Wetlands trip -- 9 a.m.-3 p.m. - King Ranch Compound trip -- 9 a.m.-3 p.m. - Botanical Gardens trip There is a $40 festival registration fee, plus fees to participate in each field trip or seminar. Some trips are sold out, so early registration is recommended. Scheduled tour sites are subject to change based upon pre-festival scouting. In addition to the Butterfly Festival tours and seminars, a free Community Day will be held at the National Butterfly Center on Saturday, Oct. 31, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event is geared for chil-

dren and families to introduce them to the amazing world of butterflies. Activities include learning how to make your own Banana Brew, Butterfly Bingo and Outdoor Twister. A “Butterfly U” will be held for young naturalists. Other activities include “Wild Things” Arts & Crafts, Hunt the Hackberry Trail, Pin the Tail on the Swallowtail, and climb over the “Hungry Caterpillar” playscape. Everyone is welcome. For more information on the availability of desired tours and sessions, go to http://texasbutterflyfestival.com/festival-info/events or call (956) 583-5400. All events are available on a first come, first serve basis.



October 22, 2015



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G i

www.wttrgv.com BIRDING

From pg. 1 ers whose North American list of birds is over 600 species while their world list tops 3600. Cindy is a retired school teacher who took students on birding expeditions to American and Central and South American destinations. She was named WildBird Magazine’s 2007 “Birder of the Year.” Jim is known for his ability to spot birds in deep forest situations. Carlos Betancourt, originally from Panama, was educated in Oregon and now works for the Canopy Tower. He has participated in numerous conferences around the world presenting information about the birds of Panama. Jen Brumfield is a bird illustrator, author of several natural history field guides and runs birding workshops in the Great Lakes area.

Green Jay at the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival. Photo by Kevin Karlson. John Brush was educated in the Valley and holds an interest in making urban areas better for bird diversity. He worked at Quinta Mazatlan and conducts workshops across the Valley. Chip Clouse is returning to the RGVBF for the seventh time. His interest started with tooth and claw predators but expanded to other species of birds. He has had bird and nature project management experience in nine states and the Caribbean Island nation of Grenada. Mark Conway is a bird bander, who is located in the Rio Grande Valley. He teaches at Harlingen South High School and is an adjunct instructor at Texas Technical Institute in Harlingen. Jim Danzenbaker of Washington has been participating in the RGVBF for 12 years. He led boar tours in Monterey Bay, CA and foreign destinations including Panama, Venezuela, and Ecuador. Annually, he tales part in the Faulklands-South George-Antarctica cruise for Cheeseman Ecology Safaris. He is director of expedi-


tions for CES. Javier De Leon, a Harlingen native, has worked at several of the nature centers around the Rio Grande Valley before becoming Park Superintendent at Estero Llano Grande State Park. Larry Ditto is a well-known nature photographer who worked for 29 years for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a refuge manager in the National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) system. Jennie Duberstein is Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Sonoran Joint Venture, dedicated to the preservation of unique birds and habitat in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. Tom Dunkerton spent four years studying the Florida Scrub-jay. He leads field trips for Florida Audubon through the Merritt Island NWR. He leads private birding tours and teaches photography workshops. Jon Dunn has been a tour guide for WINGS leading tours in North America and Southeast Asia. He co-authored “National Geographic’s Field Guide to the Birds of North America and Their Birding Essentials” and other publications. Kim Eckert worked as a guide for Victor Emanuel Nature Tours in the US and Canada. He authored “A Birder’s Guide to Minnesota” and other publications. He has participated in 18 RGV Birding Festivals. Dudley Edmondson has worked as a freelance nature photographer traveling the nation gathering information on flora and fauna. His book “Black & Brown Faces in America’s Wild Places” landed him an invitation to the White House Conference on America’s Great Outdoors. Laurie Foss leads birding tours to the tropics for JB Journey’s an eco-tourism company and works at Shield Ranch in the Texas Hill Country. Richard Fray, a birder from England, operates Fun Bird Tours in Arizona. He also leads tours to the United Kingdom, Belize and Guatamala. He is also a wildlife photographer. Stephanie Galla is a habitat biologist at Estero Llano Grande, Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley and Resaca de la Palma State Parks. She has worked on avian conservation projects with Piping Plovers, Mississippi Sandhill Cranes, Ruffed Grouse and Attwater’s Prairie-chickens. Mark Garland of New Jersey runs a nature-oriented tour company. He works with the Audubon Naturalist Society, Rhoad Scholar and Smithsonian Birding Association. Doug Gochfeld of Brooklyn studied birds in an urban landscape of New York City before working for the Cape May Observatory. He has done hands-on ecology work in sub-artic Alaska, the coast of South America and the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Currently, he leads tours in the Bering’s Sea Pribilof Islands. Ashli Gorbet received a degree in wildlife management from Ohio State Uni-

October 22, 2015

Field trip RGVBF Roy Rodriguez Trip Leader. Photo by Kevin Karlson. versity before relocating to New Mexico where she is secretary of the New Mexico Ornithological Society and serves on the board of Rio Grande Bird Research Inc. Mary Gustafson works as coordinator of the Rio Grande Joint Venture for the American Bird Conservatory. Her bird list is near 800 and she was part of a team that won the World Series of Birding and another team that won the “Big Sit” of the


Great Texas Birding Classic at Estero Llano Grande. Swedish-born Martin Hagne was head of the Valley Nature Center for 13 years before moving to Bandera where he works as a field biologist. Homer Hansen of Arizona has served as chairman of the Willcox Birding & Nature Festival for 17 years, was co-founder of the Sulphur Springs Valley Young Birders Club and the Arizona Young Birders Camp. He also works with the Tucson Audubon Society. Michael Hilchey of New Mexico is owner of Birding Research and Nature Tours, a birding and eco-tourism company committed to conservation in all place they tour. Lee Hopwood was an east coast birder before moving to Albuquerque, where she opened a Wild Bird franchise. She is a volunteer bird bander with Rio Grande Bird Research, Inc. Englishman Julian Hough spend his early years birding the British Isles for rare birds before expanding his research into India, Nepal, China, Australia, Europe, and Central and South America. He has written articles for many birding publications. Huck Hutchins grew up and lived in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains where he was an avid birder. Today he is a park See BIRDING pg. 22

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October 22, 2015


www.wttrgv.com BIRDING

From pg. 21 host and naturalist at Estero Llano Grande State Park. Dave Irons started birding in Indiana and continued after a move to Oregon where he was a member of Oregon’s Bird Records Committee. Dan Jones has been birding in the Rio Grande Valley for 38 years and is credited with finding the first White-crested Elaenia, ABA’s first Crescent-chested Warbler and Arizona’s first Pine Warbler. Tiffany Kersten has interpreted migration with Cape may Bird Observatory, conducted honeycreeper research in Hawaii, monitored shorebirds in Massachusetts, and surveyed waterfowl in Wisconsin. She currently manages the McAllen Nature Center. Retiree John Kaye fell in love with birding on a trip to Alaska and has since visited all seven continents pursuing his love of birding. He is an active member of the Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park Hawk Watch. Rich Kostecke has been birding in Texas for 15 years and in 2011 assumed the position of Associate Director of Conservation for the Nature Conservancy statewide. David La Puma is Directory of the Cape May Observatory in New Jersey. He has been a researcher of birds for a decade. Tom Langschied is founder of the

King Ranch Nature Tour program and has worked as a research associate for the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute. J. Drew Langham is a native of South Carolina where he is host of the “Your Day Birding and Nature” show on the ETV radio network. Ben Lizdas of Wisconsin fell in love with birding while doing vegetation research studies 15 years ago. Since then he has traveled the country participating in birding and nature festivals. Michael Marsden of England was working as general solicitor to the Cayman Islands government when he met birder Donna Knox who persuaded him to come to Texas. He has guided Road Scholars, providing trips for birders, and led trips into Belize, Costa Rica, Panama and Cuba. Edward Martinez, owner of Mexico Birding Tours, learned birdbanding in Ontario, Canada and now bands birds all over Mexico. Valley resident Brad McKinney co-authored “A Birder’s Guide to the Rio Grande Valley” and contributed to the checklist of Lower Rio Grande Valley Birds. Michael O’Brian is an associate Naturalist with Cape May Bird Observatory where he conducts numerous birding workshops and conducts a fall songbird count. He co-authored “The Shorebird Guide,” “Flight Calls of Migratory Birds” and “America’s 100 Most Wanted Birds.” See BIRDING pg. 24


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October 22, 2015 BIRDING


Roy Rodriguez, well-known naturalist throughout the Rio Grande Valley, is lead instructor for National Hispanic Environmental Council’s Training Institute Scholarship Program and the Changing Face of American Birding diversity conferences. Mark Scheuerman, Texan, has traveled throughout Texas and fifteen other countries on five continents to study birds and lead birding tours. Scott Schuette is director of St. Paul


Island Tours where he loves sharing the diversity of Alaska. David Sarkozi has worked for the University of Houston for over 30 years. He has led birding trips in Texas, Belize and Costa Rica and served with many birding groups in the Houston area. Willie Sekula’s love of birds has taken him all over Texas, Mexico and South America. He is a sub-regional editor for South Texas and Texas co-editor for

From pg. 22 Kyle O’Haver worked with the Missouri Department of Conservation in Fisheries before coming to Estero Llano Grande State Park. Glen Olsen leads birding and butterfly ecotours and teaches bird identification through Rice University’s Continuing Studies Program. He is active I many nature festivals across Texas and travels to Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands, the Amazon Rainforest and Costa Rica, hot birding spots across the world. Randy Pinkston is an expert in neotropical birds and has traveled extensively in Mexico and Central America. He leads birding tours in Texas and Arizona. Bob Powell is currently Site Coordinator and Naturalist for the University of Texas’ “Deep South Texas” birding programs. Tom Reed is field coordinator for Cape May’s migration counts. He is a regional editor for “North American birds.” Michael Retter is editor of American “Birding Association’s Birder’ Guide” magazine. He guides many Midwest birding tours, where he grew up, but currently lives in Fort Worth. Justin Rink of Omaha guides birding trips in the US, Mexico and Costa Rica. Rob Ripma, is founder of www.NuttyBirder.com, “the place to go to find birds. He is on Ohio’s Black Swamp Bird Observatory Board of Directors. Paul Riss works to bring birding and Harris’s Hawk at the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival. Photo by Kevin Karlson. bird conservation to a wider audience.

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“North American Birds” for 20 years. Physician Byron Stone specializes in sparrow identification. He co-founded the SparrowFest in Balcones Canyonlands NWF. Bill Supulski is a contributing photographer to the RGVBF. Clay Taylor started birding in New York and Connecticut and founded the Rochester Banding Project. Rene Valdes is a birding export from Monterrey, Mexico where he specializes field research on endangered parrots. He guides birding trips in Monterrey and northeastern Mexico targeting the tufted jay. Raymond VanBuskirk of New Mexico started the Sandia Rosy-Finch Project. He spent two summers on Artic boats monitoring seabirds. Wisconsin native Chris West has traveled to every corner of the US and Canada and to the American tropics to study birds. He recently led a three-month stint at the Cristalino Jungle Lodge in the Brazilian Amazon. Sherry Wilson a native of Vermont spent a lot of time in Colorado, Nevada and Texas before discovering Resaca de la Palma State Park where she is now a master Texas naturalist. Louise Zemaitis teaches birding workshops as an Associate Naturalist with the Cape May Observatory. Ric Zarwell has birded in 38 nations on six continents since retirement. He has seen 189 species in his yard and 4031 in different locations around the world.





October 22, 2015


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October 22, 2015



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HOMES FOR SALE BRICK HOME, WINTER Haven Resort, 55+ gated community, security 24/7, 2br WIC,

2 bath, tiled floors, 2 car garage w/pulled down attic storage. Enclosed tiled/wood rear patio on Resaca, tiled patio on front. Hurricane shutters w/wired connections for heavy duty gen., $168,900, please call Bill 956-838-1512. 2 BR, 2 bath, 2cg, wood and tile floors, sprinkler system, beautifully landscaped yard, 55+ gated community, cell 817-3952530.

shed, 972-567-7564. LARGE MOBILE HOME for sale located in Casa Del Sol park, lot 549 in Donna. Please call 956-532-9254 or 956-532-9283. 1980, 14X52 MANATEE in beautiful AmeriCana Park, Mission, good condition, fully furnished, $12,000 OBO, 269-663-6363. SPACIOUS MOBILE HOME 18X76, 14X24 Texas room, attached shop, 10X14 storage closet, separate storage shed 7X10, 3br, master br 12X18, master bath 18X6.5 walk MOTOR HOMES in shower, 2 sinks 2nd bath with full tub and shower, full kitchen and laundry, all apMUST SEE! 55+ gated community, 16X68, pliances included. All sinks, ac, wh 3 yrs 2/2, master suite with king bed, newer re- new, porch, full length car port, price negofrigerator, washer, dryer, covered patio, tiable. Call 956-702-2772. 14X60 MOBILE HOME, storage bldg., deck, 930 W. Exp. 83 #315, $19,000, call 806-669-3602. WE BUY MOBILE homes, trailer houses, RVs, 5th wheels, park models. We pay cash, any year, any condition, old or new. Call Ms. Davis anytime at 956-545-1118. EXCELLENT 16X44 CLAYTON and land, many upgrades, beautiful retirement subdivision, San Juan, $29,500, 913-488-6760.


APPLIANCE REPAIR, MOST brands, handyman, plumbing and electrical repairs, over 55 years of experience, 956-584-7817. MASSAGE AND BODYCARE by Nicole starting at $15, call 956-739-5524. PROFESSIONAL HAWAIIAN STEEL guitar musician available for Luaus, pool parties, etc. Country and Gospel too, 956-346-


1854. I PAY CASH for your travel trailers, park models, fifth wheels and cars. I’ll make you a good deal. Call Jerry Garcia at 956-9293842.


I PAY CASH for your travel trailers, park models, fifth wheels and cars. I’ll make you a good deal. Call Jerry Garcia at 956-9293842. WE BUY MOBILE homes, trailer houses, MOTOR HOMES RVs, 5th wheels, park models. We pay CLASS A MH 35 ft., slides, V10, low miles, cash, any year, any condition, old or new. hardwood floors, Lazy Boys, awnings, lots Call Ms. Davis anytime at 956-545-1118. of storage, $19,500 or best offer, H.V.R. 7706 Bunker Dr. Mission, 956-519-9805.

PARK MODELS I PAY CASH for your travel trailers, park models, fifth wheels and cars. I’ll make you a good deal. Call Jerry Garcia at 956-9293842. FULLY FURNISHED PARK model at Citrus Valley RV Park, 55+, in McAllen, TX. Call 651-269-2337.

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RESTAURANTS ANTOJITOS LA GÜERA Mexican Food, open M-Th 11am-7pm, Fri-Sat 10am-8pm, 2901 N. 23rd St. McAllen 956-631-2770.


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October 22, 2015


for anything... for everything...WANT ADS FOOD BANK From pg. 17

tion for the senior program. Cantu took the Winter Texan Times on a tour and introduced Sandra Villegas, who teaches awareness of health needs for people who are served by the Food Bank. She teaches people how to choose healthy foods for their dietary needs such as diabetes, which is rampant in the RGV. Villegas told of one woman in Brownsville who learned to make healthy tamales for her family after discovering her cholesterol was extremely high. She now sells them at weekly fresh produce markets like the one held each Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon (beginning in November) in front of the Food Bank of the RGV. Low-income people can get a $30 food voucher from the Food Bank that allows them to purchase fresh produce at the farmer’s markets across the Valley to help them provide their families with healthier foods. Villegas teachers her clients that while fast food franchises may be relatively cheap, the nutritional value of many foods purchased there are poor. “It’s better to eat and home and choose healthy foods,” she encourages families with low incomes. Cantu introduced Carla, who cried when she told the Winter Texan Times how desperate she was after getting laid off, and her mother not having enough money to feed her two younger brothers. After going without food for a couple of days, she found the Food Bank and was able to get immediate help for her own family and for her mother and brothers. Drefke told the Winter Texan Times there are many ways to help the Food Bank. Monthly and yearly monetary donations are needed, but Winter Texans might also want to consider donating their time to unload the food that comes in, see that it is distributed to the proper place and load trucks going out to satellite food banks. There is also a need for more delivery trucks, Cantu added. With a growing population with low-income families, the Food Bank of the RGV does a phenomenal job in keeping people fed. “There is no reason for anyone in the RGV to go hungry,” Drefke said. A tour of the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley, located at 724 N. Cage in Pharr, is open to various Winter Texan groups during the season. Red Hat Groups such as the one visiting the day of our story, groups from parks and churches are all welcome to see what is going on at the Food Bank of the RGV. Call (956) 682-8101.




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October 22, 2015

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