WDN - March/April 2010

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Wisconsin District neWs March/April 2010

bro. crAIG LUNDT

Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 332 Waupaca, WI 54981 editor@wisconsindistrictnews.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: Simon Chappell Section 4: Frank Ritchie Section 5: Kathy Fry DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. J.E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. J. Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. C. Welch Section 2: Rev. A. Tamel Section 3: Rev. E. Herman Section 4: Rev. J. Sindler Section 5: Rev. P. Bennett

Editor, Wisconsin District News

Greetings to you in the great state of Wisconsin! I would like to introduce myself to those of you who do not already know me. I was born and raised right here in the dairy state. My family has been in Pentecost for generations now. Most of my life I attended church in Clintonville. After receiving the Holy Ghost at Junior Camp in 1982, Pastor Turner baptized me in the beautiful name of Jesus. Later, during my teen years, my pastor was Rev. John Soto. Currently, my wife, three children and I attend Gateway Apostolic in Waupaca. My interest has always been in art and design. In 1993, I earned a degree in Commercial Art at WWTC in La Crosse. Since then I have applied my graphic knowledge to a variety of media: from apparel to signage to newspapers and other publications. About

five years ago, Bro. Yonts Jr., section one presbyter at the time, approached my wife and I about filling a WDN rep. position. Now, I am embarking on a new dimension in serving God with my talents. The news, whether national, statewide or local, tends to focus on the negative. It will be nice to help spread the “Good News” of God around the state of Wisconsin. My passion is “promoting the positive”. Thanks to Bro. Chappell and the district board for having confidence in my ability to take over as the editor of the WDN. Bro. Chappell left some big shoes to fill. Please help me in this new endeavor and send any submission to me or to your sectional representative. God Bless, Bro. Craig Lundt

DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. R. Keilley Media Missions: Rev. S. Jacobs Ladies Ministries: Sis. J. Schumacher Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. M. Hook Sunday School: Rev. W. Rehbein Prayer Force: Rev. D. Meyer Men’s Ministry: Rev. S. Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. Brian Michael Deaf Ministry: Renee Thomas District News: Bro. Craig Lundt FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.

The Lundt Family: Caden, Craig, Haven, Loretta and Araya


March/April 2010


Matthew 28:19-20 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 9:37-38 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. “What in the world are you doing…for Christ’s sake?” I have heard this statement made usually in a very derogatory sense, but in your reading I don’t mean in any fashion that this statement be a negative. I just want to pose a question to us all as to what is our present involvement in the “harvest field” of God? I would like for us to consider the “Great Commission” as commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ in the context of four distinct characteristics of ministry. The apostle Paul writing to the church in Corinth states: 1 Corinthians 12:12-18 12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free;

and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. 14 For the body is not one member, but many. 15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? 16 And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? 17 If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? 18 But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. We know and understand that our Lord has made all of us different. He has given each of us different talents. He has put within each of us unique abilities. At this point you might be thinking, “Well, that might be true for some, but He certainly left me out when He was passing around those talents and abilities.” If that is your thought, please reconsider your thought process, because Jesus has given everyone of us at least “one” talent or ability that He desires us to use for Him. Unfortunately, most people don’t know what they can do until they try. In 1954 a long distance runner by the name of Roger Banister broke the “fourminute mile,” an accomplishment that no one thought possible. The truth of the matter is that the enemy of our soul would like to hoodwink us into believing that we just can’t do anything, or if we do dare try, we think that we might fail, and be embarrassed, so don’t take the risk, just don’t try. Paul said… “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:13) If we really believe this scripture then we will be willing to at least try anything. It is

not necessarily our ability that God needs or desires but our availability! The Lord wants all of us to be an active part of His “Great Commission.” He wants all of us to be involved in the action. Jesus knows that He has given each of us different abilities to perform within this commission. He knows that we are not all going to be involved in the very same aspects of His directive, but each of us should be willing to do our part in fulfilling Christ’s desire for the church in reaching a lost world, or should I say, a lost Wisconsin. If you study the scriptures you will find several different Bible characters that used their God-given abilities to perform His will. Abraham was a prayer warrior, Barnabas was a caregiver, Andrew was a soul winner, and Timothy was one who was used in discipleship. Each one had their unique “gifting,” and so do you. Thus, I ask again, “What In The World Are You Doing…For Christ’s Sake?” Just do it and let Jesus Christ be glorified in all your efforts. Remember, He is counting on YOU! Matthew 9:37-38 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. March/April 2010


Midwinter Camp Conference reports and photos contributed by WDN sectional reps

Camp North

Wisconsin Mid-Winter Camp Meeting North was held at Eau Claire Pentecostal Assembly on January 28th – 29th. Each service was opened by the anointed music of the Wisconsin District Music Ministry under the direction of Sis. Boyte. On Thursday evening, Pentecostal Assembly’s youth choir was full of energetic praise! Each worship time created an atmosphere of faith for the Spirit of the Lord to minister. The speakers were used by God to bring spiritual insight to all who attended. Bro. Eli Hernandez immediately called us to a higher spiritual plane of existence by extolling to us his revelations on “A Life of Repentance” and the power of “Redemptive Speech.” Bishop Putnam spoke on the integrity of the Christian in his message called “Thy Servants Be Shepherds.” Bro. Harold Hoffman spoke to the men about their need to be “Clean Godly Men,” while Sis. Rose Soto blessed the women with her message entitled “All My Springs Are in Thee.” Bro. Hoffman finished our camp meeting on Friday evening with a spiritual message called “Just Twenty Miles Away” that brought most of the


March/April 2010

Rev. Eli Hernandez

Rev. Harold Hoffman

Friday night’s full house to the altar to receive blessings from God. Throughout the camp meeting, God came to meet with us. His presence electrified the atmosphere. There is no way to determine or describe how lives were impacted by the powerful altar services. Unity and strong desire were displayed as saints grouped together to pray for one another, which drew extra special blessings and direction from God. Many people drew closer to God and all who attended were touched by Him. A young man from Pentecostal Assembly’s deaf ministry received the precious gift of the Holy Ghost and was baptized (praise the Lord!), and others were healed. We in the Northland are so appreciative of the efforts of Pastor Hook and the Wisconsin Revival Commission. Thanks for bringing camp meeting to our side of the state!

For those who were not able to attend the services at Mid-Winter North, any or all of the messages would be a real blessing to hear or watch. DVDs and CDs can be obtained by contacting Bro. Scott Jacobs of Media Missions.


There seemed to be a common theme throughout the Mid-Winter Camp South. First, we were encouraged not to be grasshoppers, but conquerors; then as conquerors, we were encouraged to obey and proclaim truth in the midst of darkness; then we heard in two messages how we achieve this—by forsaking human strength for divine power. The opening night speaker on Thursday, February 4th was Bro. Harold Hoffman, pastor of First Church in Sterling Heights, Michigan. His message, plain and simple, was this: God wants us to know who we are and what we possess. He talked about exercising spiritual authority. Taking us back to Exodus, he recounted how the Israelites had been fruitful as they increased and waxed exceeding mighty (Ex 1:7) and Pharaoh was threatened by their success. Yet, having no knowledge of

their past, the Israelites were oblivious of who they were and did not stand up to Pharaoh. They could have walked away, but they viewed themselves as slaves (grasshoppers) whose destiny was in Pharaoh’s hand. The devil, Bro. Hoffman said, has greater appreciation

Rev. Anthony Mangun of the power the church possesses than many of us do! Acting more like homeborn slaves than masters, we think we are controlled, powerless, and we forget that God is with us to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think. “This is our hour to preach the gospel of the kingdom,” Bro. Hoffman said, “but we have to enter in. We are children of the Most High God; we are no longer slaves. We must stop looking and acting like grasshoppers, get rid of our slave mentality, look to what we have, and put on the mind of Jesus Christ.” The following morning (February 5th), Superintendent Putnam took us to the next step: taking authority and proclaiming truth in the midst of darkness. He said as the world declines in moral values, the church must become brighter. Like the shepherds tending their flock on the night of Jesus’ birth, so we must be heralds of what we have seen and heard. The plan has not changed. Political correctness is perverting the gospel and the world will try its best to muzzle true shepherds because they stand for everything it abhors. So it is incumbent upon the true shepherd to speak truth

into the darkness, proclaiming, for ex- ily a priority and become a leader in his ample, that homosexuality and abortion home and church. He recommended are wrong! Bro. Putnam said we should praying with your children and havget away from analyzing every sensitive ing an ongoing, systematic family Bible issue and let God judge. “If it is in the study. In the ladies’ session, Sis. Julie Bennett spoke on having a relationship Book, let’s stand on it!” Following Bro. Putnam, Bro. Hoff- with Jesus. She encouraged the women man gave an insightful message on the to seek communion with our Savior, to seek His love and to know transformation that is posJesus as more than just a docsible when we touch God. trine. We often talk about when Bro. Anthony Mangun, God touches us, but there is pastor of the Pentecostals of something even more powAlexandria, was the speaker erful when we touch God for the Friday evening serand, when we do it enough, vice, and what a service it the process of osmosis takes was! He said programs are over. We overcome sin. Powgreat, but unless we depend er migrates from God to us. upon God like King DaTouching Jesus is the key to vid did, programs, plain and spiritual life because it reSis. Soto simple, are dead on arrival. quires something of us. HealHe said we are living in the ing comes when Jesus touchday of the church of Laodies us, but wholeness comes cea with dead and lukewarm when we touch Him. We churches. Bro. Mangun said touch Jesus by doing what is there is more to apostolic life right, worshipping Him, and than punching keyboards, maintaining our prayer life. networking, and preaching We obtain joy which is our a computerized gospel. We strength and power to overneed more than wisdom. We come and resist the devil, need apostolic anointing. We making us victorious. need a demonstration of the During the breakout sesoperation of the Holy Spirit sions Bro. Anthony Mangun Sis. Bennett in power. We must go betalked to the men about getting their homes in order – specifically yond the first anointing (when we were restoring “divine order.” Will all you born again) and get the second anointstrived for be worth it when you get to ing — the power and presence of Alheaven and your family isn’t there? He mighty God operating in our lives and challenged each man to make his fam- ministries.

March/April 2010


h t u o Y r e t Win tion n e v Con

Dear O n Fo d you yea you age Un ha as u their heartfelt thankfulness for the w o opportunity to minister to the youth

9 0 20

By Tim Beimal

Sr. Youth Leader, Calvary Apostolic, Clintonville

ple to move forward in God and experience His will for their lives. Students of Wisconsin. Their ministry has been were in awe of Rev. Wilson’s testimony, tremendously appreciated and they and his messages encouraged the en- have left a wonderful legacy. God truly visited and blessed WYC tire assembly to leave the ordinary and step into an extraordinary dimension of 2009. Though it’s hard to fathom, I know that future district youth events God’s purpose for our daily lives. Rev. Aaron Soto also preached a will continue to build on the momenpowerful message on abortion, present- tum of past encounters, and it’s woning the facts of the matter and showing derful to know that this generation is us that we need to be passionate about soaring to new heights! unborn lives. God’s anointing moved in ame, a powerful way as young people s sto us’ n s e J d ha wi n n i a d were educated and ministered Lord frien ed us e the en a ays treat e brou e b to by the Holy Ghost. s Prais w w ha ha airie as al Soto Rev. Soto was also thanked Bro. ries. He h of Sun Pr nd from t y r a a r o n p a ly o st for his years of service to the missi As the pa Link Ral kslider he et hi t g . spect h our firs . As a bac nt on to ever Wisconsin District as Youth e r S c o . w a t r s e r o r e a t p tp lat pas President. Letters from many n , t t a over t h n s y g a i ass istr sist t ni s n a i a h r t m e few pastors were presented to Rev. u altar ecame o use of his there ar ve a b d a Soto to thank him for his dedicayear host bec malz sai times I h op G y h y c an nd h tion and servanthood to the stuHol r Mike S ht. M boys by a lead g i o r t s e o Pa dents of the District. Both he and t my u ays t was h boy, one I wan he Bible s s to fill, b r – e e T o his wife, Heather, exo f . m h s s is so s he doe ne. Big s . Thank o pressed ell God a has d on w

The power of hundreds of young people coming together for a godly purpose never ceases to amaze me, and the response from heaven at district events is always truly supernatural. It sounds cliché to say that every Winter Youth Convention (WYC) is better than the previous one, but the move of God at WYC 2009 was unprecedented. I personally have been going to WYC for a number of years—first as a young person, and now as a youth leader the past two years. It is truly wonderful to see our young people seeking God and responding to the presence of the Lord throughout a service, from start to finish. God’s anointing and His touch were so apparent, so powerful, so tangible, you could almost see the Holy t e rst h sed the ba aa weh mily, Ghost coming down to touch y y s n a to fa p a o s S m t a s r e and minister to e Whis r you Dear k you ou fo outh of th ct not to, y o S k than eryth . n o a y o a r each soul at each p t e h B t t m h ev an to t e to eat i Dear th in We w heart in Wisco ld lik d service had a gr each you e you service. In nearly 25 u o e d w h n n t r t i f a a We have e, bu adm sion e youth o n uniqu tion myears of being raised w dica trict. You s a whol pect and asy acco h e o t d r de r f u o fo Dis t yo onsin stu ict a ruly res ays an e r h in the church, I have t n s i g i s u D t o c p w r s s e l con i b W nd a r kid on th not a agers! never seen anything and ress t the ership a ct lea s n a o only ually. Ou d that is p n i s e t vi to p lead h te istri quite like the way God divid eader, an hieve wit ssed grea g higher ent for Your to the D e l r c m n r o i se h xp oa as a fact hes. up manifested Himself amu omet ach ent t ays e sum e d urc l ishm have alw leaders s nment or ot only te m as l h u p c o t c , h at WYC. It was truly e You as youth entertai If we sent you is i s to n teach th u d e s e e u er we epr pir a high watermark for . It given d than m have ins ive what best r d vision ttempt onsin c s l n r i u a a a o W o many of those in atten. Y tow ut t ity, fraid to nsc th of nd outh od, b so co o e you assion, a atta r h o e t dance. our y ings of G v n e d p ln le r re have nity and ip in you t. nd a a persona ow the th a o t Rev. Royce Wilson o ig sh .S or On nd h well. u and Sis sures of d nt leader and supp r examhip a eople w s preached empowering, d a a u g e v Yo n . o r n e y se ep lm d ni sed fri rs ar lieve we equa ited true ders, trai ment an eatly mis e high-impact messages, h d t i a e t w le , mmi e. W be gr exhib h lea s. I b ss you challenging our young peohave n to yout r your co You will other es to com a d ble lk


March/April 2010

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Narlock Family

Pastor Sylvester Narlock sings and is also a guitarist. His wife, Kimberly Narlock, is a singer and pianist. Elyshah, the oldest daughter, (21), has sung solos in church since she was two years old and also made her first solo project in 2008. Micah, (19), is a drummer and sings. Moriah, (15), also sings and plays violin. We are from Terre Haute, Indiana

(Prairie Creek, IN). We have evangelized for 21 years full time; singing and preaching in 34 states in our nation and Canada. Our preaching ministry has specialized in Red Sky Prophecy seminars (End Time) and Hebrew Tree seminars (teaching on going back to our Hebrew roots). We visited Israel in the year 1999. It was a life-changing trip that has enhanced our ministry in a tremendous way. Our ministry name is Blue Zion Ministries. Our children have been singing since they were little and as they became older we gradually pulled them one by one into a full family singing group, making four family CD projects together throughout the years of evangelism. On June 5, 2009 we moved to Clintonville, Wisconsin to assist Pastor John Soto at Calvary Apostolic Church. Then in January of 2010, we were voted in as pastor. We are thrilled about what God is doing in our family and the church here in Clintonville. We feel honored to be a part of the Wisconsin District.

1. “Pray” by Elyshah Narlock - 2008

4. “Write On My Heart” Family project - 1995

2. “Happenin’ in the House” - Family project - 2003

5. “Indispensable Praise” - Family project - 1993

3. “Nothing Less Than Awesome”Family project - 2000

6. “ It Won’t Be Long” - by Sylvester Narlock (Ascending Praise) - 1985 To order CDs go to: www.BlueZionMinistries.com March/April 2010


Author SP


Joanne Putnam has a passion to help ladies grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. As an author, she candidly shares her own frustrations with everyday challenges, and how she overcame them with the help of Jesus Christ. As a minister’s wife, mother, grandmother, and public school teacher; she understands the demands placed on women today, to juggle all of their responsibilities, maintain a teachable spirit, and have a positive attitude. She and her husband have pastored, been missionaries in Germany,

Do you feel stress coming at you from every angle? Stress is something we face, to varying degrees, every day of our life. Either we conquer it, or it conquers us. Stressed or Blessed will help you identify where your stress is coming from. It will give you tips and tools to help you overcome stress in every


TLIGHT taught marriage retreats together, and have been involved in nearly every facet of ministry. She is the mother of three wonderful married children and seven (by faith) grandchildren. Her handsome husband, Rev. John Putnam, is currently the Superintendent of the Wisconsin District. Putnam has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Special Education and Elementary Education. She has taught in the public spectrum for thirty-three years. She is an award-winning author and inspirational speaker that has spoken nationally and internationally.

area of your life: • Finances • Your past • Hormonal changes • Disorganization • Sin • Unmet needs • Low self-esteem • Anger • Unexpected events • Relationships • Job stress • Parenting pressures Stress is a yoke. It causes pressure, strain, and mental and physical tension. As children of

God, we will experience stress, but we must remember that we have an omnipotent God, who says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me.” (Matthew 11:28-29) To order books go to: www.thereadyscribe.com

Joanne Putnam will encourage you to grow in all the right places no matter what stage of your walk with God. You will be cultivated and watered and new seeds of thought will be planted in your heart. Some of you will identify the weeds that are choking out the Spirit, but above all you will gain nutrients to nourish you...

Just as a potter must dig out the clay before throwing it into a shape only he can imagine, God seeks to form us in His image. Putnam explores the many aspects into which the Creator shapes women when they choose to be used. She offers many practical thoughts on Christian living, marriage, and parenting, from “Too bless...

So You Want to Write was written to answer the many questions associated with writing and publishing a book. It is designed to jumpstart your writing with useful, practical information that guides the writer from ‘the call to write, through the writing process to the finished product.

An outstanding series of Bible studies for women designed for use in a group or individual setting. Contains 2 books (‘Let’s Go Down to the Potter’s House,’ ‘Growing in All the Right Places’) by Joanne Putnam that are compatible with PC Study Bible from BibleSoft. Each book is developed into lessons and contains several...

March/April 2010

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