Wisconsin District neWs January/February 2012
Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 editor@wisconsindistrictnews.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: - Open Section 4: Frank Ritchie Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. J.E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. J. Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. C. Welch Section 2: Rev. A. Tamel Section 3: Rev. E. Herman Section 4: Rev. J. Sindler Section 5: Rev. P. Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. R. Keilley Media Missions: Rev. S. Jacobs Ladies Ministries: Sis. J. Schumacher Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. M. Hook Sunday School: Rev. W. Rehbein Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers Men’s Ministry: Rev. S. Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Deaf Ministry: Renee Thomas FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.
January/February 2012
(Through Intercessory Prayer) BY JOHN E. PUTNAM
We were made to be courageous And it starts with us tonight
JAMES 5:16 “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Listening to satellite radio in the car, I heard a song that really drew my attention to what they were singing. The group singing was “Casting Crowns”.... and they were singing a song entitled “Courageous.” The song’s lyrics are:
The only way we’ll ever stand Is on our knees with lifted hands Make us courageous Lord, make us courageous...
WI District Superintendent
We were made to be courageous We were made to lead the way We could be the generation That finally breaks the chains We were made to be courageous We were warriors on the front lines Standing, unafraid But now we’re watchers on the sidelines While our families slip away Where are you, men of courage? You were made for so much more Let the pounding of our hearts cry We will serve the Lord We were made to be courageous And we’re taking back the fight
This last stanza is what really caught my attention... “The Only Way We’ll Ever Stand... Is On Our Knees With Lifted Hands.... Make Us Courageous...!” What a powerful truth! It takes faith to pray... it takes courage to pray... it takes our time to pray... it takes purposed determination to pray... and it takes a day to day consistency to pray... but James wrote in his general letter to the church....James 5:16 ...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. And the “much” that is gleaned from prayer should prompt us to continue to be effectual and fervent in prayer. All across the district, the leadership of local churches, sectional and district leadership have embraced the vision of “Charting the Course:” a plan of action for the overall numerical and spiritual growth of the district. Last year we rallied around the theme of “BE YE RECONCILED”... choosing as individuals to be in unity with our fellow laborers and working as one for the cause of the kingdom of God here in Wisconsin. The result found “unity” services happening in every section of the state, as neighboring
churches came together in a display of “oneness” and enjoyed tremendous outpourings of the Holy Ghost among them. The most commonly heard comment was...”We should do this more often!” This year, 2012, our district focus is upon intercessory prayer! Once again all across Wisconsin we are believing for a unified effort in coming before God’s throne with kingdom requests and anticipating divine direction and anointing. The 2012 District Theme is: “AVAILING MUCH (Through Intercessory Prayer)”. Our 2011 Family Camp evangelist Bro. Jason Sciscoe spoke on the last night about a “Template for Revival.” A tremendous message from on high! During this message, Bro. Sciscoe shared with us the blessing that was bestowed upon Asher by Moses, located in the book of Deuteronomy. The Word states in Deuteronomy 34:24, And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil. 25 Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be. 26 There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun, who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky. 27 The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them. Found in these four verses of scripture are several prayer initiatives that each of us can take hold of and take to the Lord
in prayer. First of all, in verse 24, it speaks of Asher being blessed with children... which spiritually speaks of outreach in “SOUL WINNING.” Praying to reach the lost should always be a priority in our prayer life. God is not willing that any should perish, so we must be fervent in our prayers concerning our efforts in reaching the lost of Wisconsin. Secondly, verse 24 goes on to state that Asher would be acceptable to his brethren, once again representing all of us being in “unity” with one another. Just as we discovered in the “Unity Services,” God does pour out His blessing upon those that will come together in a common cause for His Kingdom. Thirdly, the same verse calls for Asher to be able to dip his foot in oil, a representation of being anointed in all that Asher does. How important it is that everything we do here in Wisconsin, both in the local church, and in every sectional and district meeting, that there be a heartfelt anointing upon those meetings, and upon all those in attendance. Our prayers should focus upon doing what God anoints! Fourth, verse 25 talks about Asher’s shoes being iron and brass... representing a true sense of having authority. Brothers and Sisters, I believe that Jesus Christ would have His true Church arise and be counted, not with ugly spirits and attitudes, but with Holy Ghost divine authority. There should not be one United Pentecostal Church pulpit filled with a person that does not have a sense of divine authority working through them. I’m not advocating trying to be someone you’re not, but I am saying that we should allow and promote a loving and just God that can and will do all that He is! I believe we need a greater sense of authority in the spiritual realm over our communities. The last two verses speak of God’s blessings upon Asher and Israel in general. I believe that we need to be praying about God’s blessings upon our local assemblies, our sectional churches, and upon the
district as a whole. Just think what could happen if the whole district would voluntarily submit themselves to “intercessory” prayer in each of these needful areas of consideration. Each section focusing on one certain aspect of Asher’s blessing for two months, and then focusing on another for two months, and then another, until all five aspects have been agreed upon through the power of intercessory prayer. Continued on page 11
January/February 2012
SIS. KATHY FRY Seed 2 Harvest is a seminar to give the tools and inspiration for outreach and revival in the local churches. These sessions are free to participants and taught by experienced ministers and teachers. This was a Section 5 Soar Event. We were blessed to have these speakers: Bro. Richard Thomas, Pastor Dale Pace, Sis. Bethany Hilderbrand, Sis. Julie Bennett, Pastor Todd Trapani, and Pastor Aaron Soto. Bro. Thomas spoke to us on the topic: “From Visitor to Saint.” He explained how they follow up with the visitors that have come to their church. The purpose statement they use is: 1. Reach Up - in Worship: God – The New Birth Experience 2. Reach In – Discipleship 3. Reach Out – Work of God (Service). He teaches three New Life Classes. New Life Class 101 involves a careful study of the fundamentals of successful Christian living. The New Life Class 201 course involves a study of the New Birth Experience and the role of the Church in the world today. New Life Class 301 involves a complete study of Calvary Gospel Church’s plan for Christian growth in discipleship and reaching out in evangelism to make disciples of all people. It’s our responsibility to “get the people saved.” In keeping that person saved, he or she should be instructed to go out and reach another person with the gos-
January/February 2012
pel message of salvation. All members in Madison are encouraged to get involved in ministry, using the Jesus Method of Ministry as stated above. Pastor Dale Pace spoke about “Ministering through the Gifts of the Spirit.” Our flesh doesn’t desire to do the spiritual. God doesn’t require perfection. We need to yield ourselves – the gifts require submission. I Cor.12:8-10 lists the gifts in order: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles,
prophecy, discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues and interpretation. The gifts of the Spirit are not some mysterious topic reserved for the spiritual elite, but are intended to be an everyday part of the Christian disciples’ walk. Sis. Bethany Hilderbrand spoke to us on “Developing ‘Church Kids’ into Genuine Disciples.” “There are three musts” to getting there: The Word, The Witness, and The Walk. 1. The Word: “Train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4, and 2 Timothy 3:15). 2. The Witness: “No Day Off:” your example is always effective...the good, the bad! 3. The Walk: To see your children become a genuine disciple, they must have room and encouragement to prove themselves. Above all - pray for your children every day. Sis. Julie Bennett spoke to us about being beautiful and unique creations of God. We all have God-given talents. No matter how big or small, little becomes much
when placed in the Master’s hand. Understanding the seasons of our life and ministry is vital as you serve in the kingdom of God. Learn to be, “Rooted and built up in Him, and established in the faith.” As women are stretched and pulled with the many demands of life in ministry, we can learn how to keep our focus and our faith. Pastor Todd Trapani spoke on “From Called to Chosen (Preparations for a Life of Ministry).” Whatever God has called you to do: usher, greeter, teacher, musician, pastor, missionary; the Bible shows us a clear set of traits God uses to move us to that place. These are not a collection of mystical, hyper-spiritual thoughts or feelings, but a set of simple actions and behaviors. Pastor Aaron Soto spoke on a lesson he learned from Sarku Japan. They believe in their product and give out free samples. We have a gospel that saves families and changes lives. We have the best. We believe in our product and we have the Name above names, His word, truth and Spirit. The world is moving in our direction and wants a church that makes a difference – we are that church! The Sarku people believe that people are hungry every time they open up their doors and believe people will show up. We need to stop judging. We need to sow generously and not assume who wants to be saved and who doesn’t. We need to reach everyone. Every person is the person Jesus died for. We are called to represent the gospel of Jesus Christ to this world. It’s an honor to serve the King of Kings! Pentecostal Assembly hosted this event. They are always a blessing to Section 5 and to all its ministers and people. They will also be hosting our Mid-Winter Camp, Jan. 26th & 27th. Pastor & Sister Bennett and Pentecostal Assembly – you are appreciated!
A time of fellowship and fun! There is an old song, “I’ve Got to Be Me.” It is not often that the ministry can just relax, be themselves and enjoy being together, but that is exactly what we did the weekend of November 4th and 5th at the Bridgewood Resort in Neenah. The resort was beautiful, and with shopping nearby, several of us got an early start on our Christmas list. On Friday evening Sis. Maleah Pace, pastor’s wife in Fond du Lac,
set up a wonderful spa experience for us, bringing with her some technicians to pamper us. I came away with a new hairstyle, while others had warm paraffin hand treatments, skin care tips and, oh so nice, foot and neck massages. A snack of healthy foods was served and we hung out in our lovely meeting room until nearly midnight. The next morning, Sis. Pam Parker, pastor’s wife in La Crosse, spoke to us about pushing through the times of illness and trials to see the good in what God is using those circumstances for. Again, many stayed around to just enjoy each other before we had to set out for our homes and the responsibilities we must
once again pick up. In two years, there will be another “Gathering” for the wives of our Wisconsin District ministers. It would be wonderful to see many more of you there. Love to you all, Jane Schumacher, President Wisconsin District Ladies’ Ministries
January/February 2012
BY CRAIG LUNDT Auroraville is located in northeast Wisconsin (Waushara County) and has a population of less than 1,000. When passing through this small town, it doesn’t appear to have much to offer and may seem insignificant, but it has a great past/history, both physically and spiritually. There is a natural spring that provided fresh water to weary travelers and has one of the last remaining mills powered by water. The very meaning of Auroraville is “a new beginning.” The Church at Auroraville also brought refreshing, Living Water to the people of the town and the surrounding area for about 30 years. The beginnings of this church can be traced back to the early 1920s. Revival fire continued to spread beyond this region and many other churches (Oshkosh, Clintonville, Stevens Point, Appleton) were started because of this small
January/February 2012
church seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Although the only visual evidence left of the church in Auroraville is the physical building that once housed the church and a couple of grave markers that bear the names of some great Pentecostal pioneers, its impact can still be seen and felt throughout the state of Wisconsin. If you would like to learn more about the Wisconsin ap-
ostolic church history coming out of Auroraville, the recently published book “The Church at Auroraville” written by Jon Hardt is available by contacting Valerie Demos in one of the following ways:
Alan and Valerie Demos WEC-FMD 8855 Dunn Road Hazelwood, MO 63042 Alan Cell: 941.468.0712 Valerie Cell: 941.468.0715 aldemos@aol.com
As you read “The Church at Auroraville,” you will learn that… and pastors were not available to guide and teach the many converts. • some preachers with worldwide influence (A.D. Urshan and his brother Benjamin Urshan) preached in Auroraville and Benjamin found his lovely wife in that little country church.
• spiritual flames burning in Los Angeles at Azusa Street joined forces with “Pentecostal fire” that was falling in St. Paul, Minnesota and spread further east to fan the flames that were already burning in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. • a lone woman took the message and her personal testimony to new territory in Wisconsin where her family and many, many friends and neighbors embraced the Pentecostal message and sparked a great renewal around a quiet farming village called Auroraville. • with just a hundred residents in Auroraville itself, a large church was built to accommodate believers from near and far who sacrificially kept the building open and the awakening going when preachers
• lay people were the heros and heroines in sustaining the move of God around Auroraville during some very tough times in America. Many descendents of these early pioneers are either wellknown apostolic preachers in our day or faithful members of apostolic churches all over America. Two family trees included in the book demonstrate this fact and name people some of you may be surprised to know! • the Auroraville awakening spawned area Wisconsin churches that are still vibrant today. A family won to the Lord by zealous Auroraville converts eventually donated the land on which the Wisconsin District Campground stands today, blessing many subsequent generations of Pentecostals through multiple camps held year after year on those hallowed grounds.
Current Photos by: Frank Ritchie
January/February 2012
By Russ Walbrun Without question, one of the staunch opponents to the early church was Saul of Tarsus. Saul strictly adhered to the Jewish law of that day. His life was marked with great fervor and zealous persecuting of the church at Jerusalem. Saul was as tough as a nickel steak. He attacked the church beyond measure and consented to the stoning death of one of the early church’s great patriarchs, Stephen. Because of his bold, brash ways, Christ saw great potential within Saul to become a tremendous apostle to the Gentile world for His church. Saul the tentmaker was blinded on the road to Damascus by Christ. Sometimes Christ has to bring a tragedy to our lives to get our attention. The confidence Christ had in man became strongly evident to Saul when Ananias arrived to lay his healing hands on Saul’s eyes, to have his sight restored and for Saul to receive the Holy Ghost simultaneously. Christ made the persecutor into His witness. Christ sent him away from the obstinate Jews to the Gentiles to begin his great work as an authorized representative of the apostolic church. Saul was one of a few to have their name changed in the Bible and became Paul. Christ’s impact on Paul’s life is evidenced by Paul speaking of faith 167 times in his 13 epistles of the New Testament. Paul had a world vision for the salvation of souls and was an indefatigable apostle who gave his all
January/February 2012
for the glory of God. On March 24, 1820, a baby girl was born to John and Mercy Crosby. Frances J. Crosby, at the age of a mere six weeks, caught a cold and developed inflammation of the eyes. Without her family doctor available, a quack recommended mustard plasters as treatment for her condition. The botched procedure blinded her for life, but that status never discouraged her, and at the age of eight, she relinquished her life to Christ. She became a well-respected public speaker, but is more remembered for being the greatest writer in hymn history. Equipped with a ferocious faith, Fanny Crosby composed over 8,000 hymns and was said to work on as many as twelve at a time in her mind before dictating them all out! Publishers were reluctant to have so many hymns by one person in their books, so Fanny utilized nearly 100 different pseudonyms during her career to “see” her labor snowball to fruition. She is famous for giving us such hymns as “Blessed Assurance” and “To God Be the Glory,” among others. Tears come to my eyes when I now sing the line, “Visions of rapture now burst on my sight” in “Blessed Assurance.” Not being able to see and having a vision of the rapture is nothing but fabulous faith. We can all learn from her life of such a rich, resolute faith. Whether we have all of our senses intact or not, or are handi-
capped, doesn’t matter to God when it comes to blessing us. All that counts to God is our demonstration of faith in Him. Christ spoke of faith 25 times in the gospels and of being faithful on 11 occasions. You cannot be a Christian and live the “out of sight, out of mind” life. You can never have enough faith. We lose everything if we lose our faith. We must live by faith, not by sight. By and large, the time period we exist in has been chosen by God to be an age of His believers feeling His Spirit and not seeing Him as a person like we see other humans. A God you can’t see saw your faith and filled you with His Spirit, which is also non-visible. We should be grateful He has chosen to be in touch with us, rather than choose not to be in touch with us at all! The tough times in which we now live require a need to be renewed in the Holy Ghost daily. Treasure the feeling of God’s wonderful, sweet, majestic, invisible Spirit more than anything in this world. Feeling the peace, love and joy of God’s Spirit comes to those with a fierce, formidable faith in Him. We have no choice but to hang onto our faith. He who is our Savior, and the one who’s Spirit we now bear and feel within us, we shall finally see one day in heaven face to face!
Ministry SP Bro. Gyrion presents a great seminar series based on biblical principles. Some of the topics that are covered are as follows: • Handling money using God’s principles • Finances in a family • How to create a budget that works • Dealing with over-spending • How to overcome negatives of the economy • Prepare yourself to get out of debt There are basically two types of financial systems at work in our world. “The world’s way and God’s way.” The world’s financial system is “buying and selling” and God’s system is “sowing and reaping.” By utilizing God’s system, His people can live in abundant provision,
no matter what is happening in the world. Shalom Ministries was started in 2008. The purpose of this ministry is to make people aware of “their privileges and blessings in God. To help each person become the best they can be....” Bro. Gyrion teaches “how to access and become a conduit of God’s blessing.” Words are powerful, whether negative or positive. He emphasizes the benefit of speaking blessings into your life and demonstrates how to pray as a confession of faith. Bro. Chuck Gyrion is available to minister at your church. You can also purchase his book, “Finances for Everybody: A Practical Guide to Managing Money in Harmony with God’s Principles.” He can be reached by phone at 920-933-7383 or by e-mail at cgyrion@yahoo.com.
district Calendar of Events January 20-21 – PI - Madison, Appleton 21 – JR Bible Quiz—EauClaire, PAC 17-19 – Because of theTimes, Alexandria, LA 15 – CFC apps due to GHMD 15 – CFC Sacrificial Offering 24-25 – District Board Meeting, Eau Claire 26-27 – Mid-Winter Camp - North, Pentecostal Assembly, Eau Claire 28 – Senior Bible Quiz #1 – Fond du Lac 28 - Section 5 Conference – EauClaire, 10am 27-28 – Purpose Institute–OakCreek 27-28 Spanish Mid-Winter Camp, Calvary Gospel Church,Madison February 2-3 – Mid-Winter Camp - South, Parkway Apostolic Church, Oak Creek 5 – CFC offering due to District office 17-18 – Purpose Institute Eau Claire, Appleton & Madison 18 – JR Bible Quiz, CGC, Madison 24-25 – Purpose Institute, Oak Creek 25 – Senior Bible Quiz #2 – Madison MARCH 2-3 – Home Missions Seminar, Oconomowoc 9-10 – Hyphen Conference, Madison
Pastoral Vacancy in Waupaca Any interested minister with a UPCI license needs to contact the Section 1 presbyter, Rev. Chuck Welch. A resume of experience and qualifications should accompany any request for consideration. The mailing address is Gateway Apostolic, PO Box 352, Waupaca, WI 54981. The phone contact number for inquiries is Bro. Chuck Welch at (920) 609-4412. January/February 2012
BY MELISSA TAYLOR Winter Youth Convention 2011: deep and relevant. Bro. Loammi Diaz from Gilbert, Arizona dug deep into the Word and produced messages that were relevant to the situations of today’s Apostolic youth. “This year’s Winter Youth Convention was amazing! Wisconsin’s students and young adults entered 2012 with a renewed spirit of personal revival,” said Youth President Tim Vik. Bro. Diaz set the scene at the Thursday evening service with a message called “A Fertile Promise in a Sterile Womb.” He explained that it is impossible for a sterile womb to produce life. But to bring glory to Himself, God used Abraham and Sarah’s impossible situation of hav-
ing a baby. Bro. Diaz revealed to young people that God will use their personal impossible situations as a way to glorify Himself and no one else. After a fun, late night at
the “Priority of Preparation.” He explained that to be ready to fight the battles of sin, you must prepare yourself before the fight – like a boxer would prepare before a fight. As a visual aid, Bro. Vik brought
Players Choice sports facility, young people awoke to Youth President Tim Vik’s visual message at the Friday morning service. He spoke about
out his wife’s PINK punching bag and boxing gloves, which became the brunt of Bro. Diaz’s jokes for the rest of the weekend. Service on Friday night was full of worship and conviction. Bro. Diaz preached a powerful message called “Serve the Lord with Gladness.” Bro. Diaz explained that God’s worthiness is not dependent upon our praise or service to Him. To be honest, He doesn’t need us at all. If we are not willing to serve Him, He has other options and other vessels to do His will. To serve God is a privilege and should be treated as a once-in-a-lifetime oppor-
January/February 2012
tunity. Be joyful in your service to the Lord, not because you serve Him, but because you GET to serve Him. On Saturday morning, Bro. Diaz wrapped up the convention with a sobering, but refreshing message about blessing those who curse you. His message “Reverse the Curse” encouraged students and young adults to act unnaturally by blessing instead of cursing their enemies. When we do this, the enemy then becomes an opportunity for us to fulfill our calling in God: to love. Sprinkled between each service was one fun activity after another. Students and young adults enjoyed playing volleyball, basketball, soccer, football and batting cages at Players Choice sports facility on Thursday night. Friday afternoon, students entertained themselves at the Fox River Mall. Friday night, students skated late into the night at Skate City Roller Rink while Hyphen attendees enjoyed standup comedy at the Outer Edge Stage. The Winter Youth Convention was hosted at Radisson Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. 579 registered teens and young adults were in attendance during the three days, Dec. 29-31, 2011.
Availing Much
Continued from page 3
It is our goal to make the months of JANUARY and DECEMBER of 2012 a period of focused thanksgiving and praise, and then FEBRUARY and MARCH, APRIL and MAY, JUNE and JULY, AUGUST and SEPTEMBER, and OCTOBER and NOVEMBER be the two month increments for praying for each of these segments
of Asher’s blessing, and then rotating these areas in each section after the two month period. I believe if we are committed, and will pray effectually and fervently throughout 2012 concerning these five areas, then we will witness a greater harvest of souls, greater unity of effort, and a stronger spirit of unity among us. We will experience a greater anointing, and we’ll witness a greater authority and blessing upon each assembly, and
collectively the entire district. We will witness first-hand that we are “AVAILING MUCH (Through Intercessory Prayer).” The only way we’ll ever stand...Is on our knees with lifted hands... Make us courageous...Lord, make us courageous...
Who will volunteer to pray the prayer of faith throughout 2012? WILL YOU? Wow! What a year this can and, by God’s grace, will be!
Emphasis on “AUTHORITY”
Section 2:
Emphasis on “BLESSINGS”
Section 2: Emphasis on
Section 3:
Section 3: Emphasis on
Section 4:
Emphasis on “THANKSGIVING & PRAISE” / All Sections
Section 4: Emphasis on
Section 5:
Section 2: Emphasis on “UNITY & WORKING TOGETHER”
Section 3: Emphasis on “ANOINTING”
Section 4: Emphasis on “AUTHORITY”
Section 5: Emphasis on “BLESSINGS”
APRIL & MAY: Section 1: Emphasis on “UNI-
Section 5: Emphasis on “SOUL WINNING & OUTREACH”
JUNE & JULY : Section 1: Emphasis on “ANOINTING”
Section 2: Emphasis on “AUTHORITY”
Section 3: Emphasis on “BLESSINGS”
Section 4: Emphasis on “SOUL
Emphasis on “BLESSINGS”
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
Emphasis on “ANOINTING”
Section 5:
Emphasis on “AUTHORITY”
Section 5: Emphasis on “UNI-
Emphasis on “THANKSGIVING & PRAISE” / All Sections
January/February 2012
2012 Wisconsin Mid-Winter Camp Meeting
Featuring Terry Black Mike Easter Flo Shaw Sis. Flo Shaw
Eau Claire / January 26-27 Pentecostal Assembly Church • 9 Ninth Ave. • Eau Claire, WI
Oak Creek / February 2-3
Parkway Apostolic Church • 10940 S Nicholson Rd. • Oak Creek,WI
Rev. Terry Black
Rev. Mike Easter
Thursday: January 26 / February 2 Evening Worship 6:30 p.m. Speakers: Flo Shaw Terry Black
Friday: January 27 / February 3 Morning Worship 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Speakers: Flo Shaw Mike Easter Terry Black Evening Worship 6:30 p.m. Speakers: Flo Shaw Mike Easter