WDN - January 2013

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Wisconsin District neWs January 2013


WI District Superintendent

Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 wdn@wisconsinupci.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: - Open Section 4: April Peckham Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. John E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. John Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. Charles Welch Section 2: Rev. James Booker Section 3: Rev. Ed Herman Section 4: Rev. Rufus Parker Section 5: Rev. Paul Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. Rick Keilley Deaf Ministry: Renee Strand Ladies Ministries: Sis. Barb Hilderbrand Sunday School: Rev. Dale Pace Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. Michael Hook Multimedia Ministry: Rev. Scott Jacobs Men’s Ministry: Rev. Steve Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.


January 2013

PSALM 139:11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. 12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. It does not take much observation to realize that we are living in a “dark” world; one in which atrocities beyond description are being committed every day. It is a day where God and His precepts are being mocked across our nation, as if there is no consequence for such abominations. This western society has made a hedonistic, immoral, lustful debauchery of what

God has labeled sacred and holy. Yes, we live in an hour when we are shocked at the horrendous murder of innocent children at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Connecticut, yet our government over and over again votes to protect the slaughter of the unborn across America day in and day out. Many “religious” organizations have made such backsliding compromises in their teachings and religious governance, that presently, many have thrown righteousness and truth out the door, only to replace them with tolerance and open defiance of God’s Word in areas relating to morals and marriage. America weeps over a beached whale and snubs their nose at the cry of the innocent that are denied their inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yes, my friends, we are living in a “dark” day! However, the Word of the Lord tells

district Calendar of Events us that even in the midst of the gross darkness that surrounds and covers us on all sides, He shall make the “night” light about me! The Psalmist wrote…Psalms 139:12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. There is no “darkness” in the sight of our Lord Jesus Christ! The “night” shineth as the “day,” they are both alike to Him. All of us that are “born again” believers must realize that no matter how bad things may look to us…God is using “NIGHT VISION”! I John 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. You see, brothers and sisters in Christ, if we fail to use the same “Night Vision” that God uses, then we will have failed our responsibility to this generation. The scripture is clear…Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Where there is no “open” declaration, people will perish, because they will not hear what great hope and wonderful freedom there is for them if they would just turn their hearts to God. In today’s military, “night vision” is

used every day. With the proper equipment, a soldier can see a person standing over 200 yards away on a moonless cloudy night. Through the use of various technologies that are now available, soldiers have the ability to see in the midst of absolute blackness. Now…what they may be using in the “physical” realm, the Church needs to use in the “spiritual” realm. We need to use God’s “night vision” perspective and see people not as they are, but as they possibly can be! Paul was a “murderer,” but the God of mercy saw what He could be in the body of Christ. As a result, we are thankful for this apostle that had such a wonderful conversion and for His profound understanding of the doctrine and teaching concerning salvation. What the early church could only see in the “darkness” of Paul’s life…Jesus could see the “light” that would emanate through his life and his pen. Church…don’t lose hope! Yes, this hour is “dark,” but our God sees through its pain and woe and looks at what good and glory that He can perform in it! Be strong, Church… put on a pair of God’s night vision goggles. Preach and teach like you never have. Be positive! Be obedient! Be pro-active in letting the truth be known through your words and through your actions, and as Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) It’s time, Church, that we use “NIGHT VISION”!

January 17 &18 – Fox Valley Mid-Winter Camp, Pathways Church, Appleton 18 & 19 – PI - Madison, Appleton 19 – JR Bible Quiz—Madison 22-24 – Because of the Times, Alexandria, LA 25 & 26 – Purpose Institute – Oak Creek 26-28 – Senior Bible Quiz #1— Madison 29-31 – District Board Meeting, Eau Claire 30 – Music Practice for North MWC 31 & Feb. 1 – Mid-Winter Camp North, Pentecostal Assembly, Eau Claire February 1 & 2 – Spanish Mid-Winter Camp, Calvary Gospel Church, Madison 3 – CFC offering due to District office 4 – Music Practice for South MWC 7-8 – Mid-Winter Camp South, Parkway Apostolic Church, Oak Creek 12 – SS Appreciation Dinner, Sect. 1 15-16 – Purpose Institute – Eau Claire, Appleton & Madison 16 – JR Bible Quiz, Fond du Lac 19 – SS Appreciation Dinner, Sect. 2 22-23 – Purpose Institute, Oak Creek 23 – Senior Bible Quiz #2—Appleton 26 – SS Appreciation Dinner, Sect. 4 March 1 & 2 – Home Missions Seminar, Abundant Life Church, Oconomowoc 5 – SS Appreciation Dinner, Section 3 8-9 – Hyphen Conference, Madison 12 – SS Appreciation Dinner, Sect. 5 15-16 – Purpose Institute - Appleton, Eau Claire & Madison 16—Junior Bible Quiz—Parkway

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." John 1:14 January 2013


By Mark Showalter

Have you been successful with change?

I’ve recently understood what it means to grasp, and hold on to change. Before God revealed the answer to me, I often found myself frustrated and unsure of how to remain changed. I truly thought I had the answer and believed it was perfectly clear. My solution went something like this... First, I’ve got to be real sick of who I am or how I’ve let myself become. Then, I need to decide who or what I want to be, set some goals, and determine how I’m going to reach those goals. Once I’ve got all that down, it’s time for the major steps! Big step number one, go to God! Start out by telling Him what a failure I’ve been and how all that is going to change from here on out. Of course, I need to make some big promises that I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to keep because, remember, I’m really sick of who I’ve become! Once that’s taken care of, it’s big step number two. Sit down with my family and drop the bomb of changes we are going to make because, let’s face it, we as a family have not been pleasing to God, so it’s time that we all “put the nose to the grind stone” and get the job done! That one always puts a big damper on the family. I mean, come on, I’ve been letting everyone get away with all this junk over the last year and now, due to a “New Year’s Resolution,” I’ve somehow magically become a super Christian that wants to please God all the time?! My family should understand and want to get on board with the excitement and decide that they are as sick of their lives too, and want to please God as much as I do! Right? Sure... I could remain successful for a time, but in the end, it almost always turned out the same, I would go back to my old way of living and let my family fall back into its old patterns. I hated the cycle! I had come to the conclusion that I just wasn’t


January 2013

a good Christian, because I couldn’t keep up the promises I had made to God.

How to hold on to change

The answer is simple. God wants us to let go of the things that are in our hands, so we can take hold of the things He is trying to offer us. It’s the understanding of “letting go” that has us troubled. I can promise you this, it’s easy to let go when we have a revelation of God’s love toward us. The first step of change is to grasp the simple concept that we can never earn more of God’s love - no matter how much we change our lives. He will always love us with a passionate love, one that desires us to be close to Him and Him to us. Nor can we lose out on God’s love because of how we have been living. It’s a revelation of His perfect love toward us that will begin to heal what’s been broken all along. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18

How to make changes

Revelation should always be the driving force behind every change. I remember when I used to beat myself up over not reading the Bible enough. I finally told God that I just really wanted to know Him more and I desired to understand Him in a way I never had before. He began to direct my attention toward the Bible and, for the first time, it truly spoke to me. As it spoke to me, I received a revelation of His deep love toward me. It shook my world

and changed me forever! It started with a hunger and ended with a revelation. This revelation of His love has not only changed me, but it has changed those who I have shared it with. And because of my willingness to share God’s revelation of love with others, He has given me revelations of others’ struggles and how to help them through them. It has resulted in being used in the gifts of the Spirit, and in other ways I could never have imagined.

The revelation will change those around you

I used to beg God to use me in a powerful way, but would always feel unworthy to be used. Until, finally, I got the revelation of His desire to use me, and to share His love for others. My family also began to respond to me and to my authority differently, because I no longer felt like I had to hold it over their heads in order to bring about the changes that needed to be accomplished. They could feel my excitement, love, and passion toward God. Not the weight of my authority. Revelation will always change the one who receives it and, in the end, the ones in their lives. It’s revelation, not a new year’s resolution, that will change your world and your family forever!

BY JIM OGLE The art of crypsis: to be hidden or to blend into one’s environment, has always been a powerful tool to achieve great success. Camouflage has become a worldwide, billion-dollar industry. Companies such as Realtree, Mossy Oak, Alpine, Illusion, etc… these are just a few of the experts when it comes to being visible or invisible. Blaze orange, for example, is for you to be noticed or to stand out as a safety precaution. “Hey!! Look at me. I’m over here. DON’T SHOOT!!” The world of camouflage is profound and yet a mysterious art. As an artist chooses his brush, canvas, and other tools of trade, along with the array of colors with which to paint his subject, the hunter must choose the proper pattern and color, along with the season or scheme allowing him to blend into the forest, mountain range or jungle. The hunter now can walk into his mural and virtually disappear, totally obscure from the naked eye. All of these companies pride themselves in the quality and superiority of their color schemes and patterns. There have been years of research, both in the field and in the labs, resolving the perfection of patterns and colors for the different seasons and terrains from around the world. Our military has also invested billions for our men and women in fatigues around the world with all of its different geographical and topographical challenges. Having the advantage of not being seen or detected over an opponent or an enemy, has saved many lives, maybe even your own. Having a plan or a strategy is always an intelligent way to stay ahead of the game, the hunt, or maybe your life. God has always had a plan and

He commissioned us to go into the high ways and byways, be a candle, a light, a beacon, and tell the world of His love, grace and mercy. It’s hard sometimes being a witness for Christ, and standing out and doing the right thing in a wicked world is not always easy. “Be a leader,” your Pastor says, and “Be ye separate,” saith the Lord. This is not camouflage. Exactly! This is blaze orange. The Lord didn’t intend for us to blend in, hiding ourselves from the world or looking like the world. We are His Church, the Bride, a glorious white and shinning light for all to see her: “I’m over here.” No camouflage allowed in this Church. In these last days, we will be even more brilliant as the days grow darker in this midnight hour. We truly are living in the last days, and it’s time for the Church to shine forth in this dark era. Today is the day of salvation; if you hear His voice harden not your heart as you see the day approaching. This is truly a time of great harvest and revival, when we need each other standing together as a body, as the

Church, as the Bride of Christ. As we stand together during this critical time, our unity will bring a great advantage, as well as a powerful resource to fight against our enemies. God created and gave the animals an incredible defense against their enemies for protection and preservation. God has also given the animal kingdom camouflage for an offense or defense. The zebras, for example: when they’re in the herd, they become as one unit or one body, and the stripes of the zebras blend together creating a maze or an illusion to its enemy, and the lion or predator cannot attack. He then becomes disoriented and confused, unable to attack, because he can’t focus on any single zebra. All he sees is the enormous herd, moving in unison. Then he can only wait until one breaks off from the herd to be singled out, or go on his way being weary and defeated from the hunt. As the Church draws strength from its unity, standing together side by side with men and women of faith from all Continued on page 12

January 2013


Bro. & Sis. Lenny Smith Dear friends, We had Youth on a Mission with 19 of Pastor Joseph Hanthorn’s saints from Christian Life Center of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. We did outreach on the street and held special services August 10th-15th. The first day out, two boys were baptized and


January 2013

the services night were It was an time;

we had at G R E AT. awesome we passed out around 2,000 fliers and 700 Bible studies on the street! They also helped us pour some concrete for our shelter that we use for the youth. We thank God they were able to come to Antigua for that week, go out with us, and talk with so many

people. Thank you, P a s tor Hanthorn, for sending your group to be with us. Since we started outreach on the streets just over ten months ago in a nation of 85,000, we have taught over 4,300 Bible studies on the streets and passed out around 4,000 fliers. Between fliers and Bible studies, we have reached one in every eleven people! God is truly so awesome. We ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers. Our goal for the end of the year is to teach at least 8,500 Bible studies on the street. Also in August, Rev. Braden & Kindra Andersen came to be with us for 19 months, as Bro. Andersen is going to AUA University. They were assistants to Pastor R. Andrew and Sarah Seagraves from Eastside Apostolic UPC in Redmond, WA. Both Bro. and Sis. Andersen have been working with us in

the church and on the street; we thank God for all they have done. In September, I was out with some of the young men, and while we were going from house to house, we met an 82-year-old retired pastor who had never received the gift of the Holy Ghost. He wanted to receive the Holy Ghost, but no one he knew could explain this speaking in tongues. So we had a short Bible study to explain what the Bible said! As we began to pray, it was only minutes and he was filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues! Glory be to God! Some of our young men went back the next week to talk more with the retired pastor, but he was not home. So they went down the street to witness to some other young men on the side of the road and decided to

check the pastor’s home again. He still was not at home. God had a plan! They met his sonin-law and daughter; his sonin-law is a principal at one of the schools here in Antigua. As they began to talk, our young people impressed them. He needed to leave, but before he did, he said he would call us on Sunday afternoon. The pastor’s son-in-law called and asked us to come and speak for the opening of the school season. What a blessing! The principal was so thankful, he invited us back to speak for their parentteacher conference! We had our one-year anniversary celebration of continual outreach on Saturday, October 13th. Looking back on the year, there were so many amazing things that happened. We have seen many baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost, as well as

seeing many miracles. For this new year, we have many areas we plan to focus on, but we do ask for your prayers on three areas we are focusing on now: 1. Painters 2. Downtown - St. John’s 3. Buckley’s. Also during October, we baptized six in Jesus’ name and two of them were filled with the Holy Ghost!!! They came because we went to the school to pray on opening day. Sis. Smith and I were able to go to General Conference in St. Louis this year, and what a blessing it was to be there. We also were able to be with our son, Lance, and our new daughter-in-law, as they were married on October 13th. Then Sis. Smith went out to Sioux Falls to see our new grandbaby, James, and spend some time with Anthony and Jessica, as I stayed in Wisconsin, preaching at a

number At every moved

of churches. service God in some AWESOME ways, and many people were blessed. I would like to THANK all the churches of Wisconsin for having us come to share our burden for Antigua and for all the support and prayers that are prayed for what is done down here. THANK YOU. Much has happened in November, as we are planning

for the new year and all that we would like to see accomplished. We are trying to get a group of people into the Antigua State College and in AUA Universities, to be able to teach Bible studies and pray for the students. I ask you all to pray that God will open the doors for us to minister at these schools. Thank you all for everything. YOU make it possible for us to be here in Antigua, as we watch together what great things God will do.

January 2013


A Desperate Call for Transformation

Submitted by Carole Keller WDN Section 2 Representative

Saints attending the 4th Biennial Holiness Conference on November 2-3, 2012, at Apostolic Faith Church in Racine, were privileged once again to hear the Reverend Paul Mooney speak. In the opening session Friday night, he gave a spirited, passionate, and very relevant message about hearing from God, entitled “Be Careful of What You Trust in.” When King David needed to hear from God, he cried out with a desperate plea that he would not be silent: “Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit” (Psa. 28:1). If we truly covet the presence and move of God in our life and ministry, there must be a desperate acknowledgment that we need it. David feared being drawn away with the work-


January 2013

ers of iniquity who on the outside spoke peace, but on the inside were full of mischief (Psa. 28:3). He was, therefore, desperate for God’s intervention. Like David, we, too, must realize we are in a crisis and wholly unprepared to deal with the problems of our culture. And so, like David, we must cry out to the Lord to speak to us lest we ourselves become silent. God will not ignore our pleas, for He has called us to the ministry of reconciling men to Christ and appointed us to be His ambassadors, but we must want it with every fiber of our being. Without the Spirit alive in us, we cannot break through the barriers our flesh poses. All of the things we tend to put our trust in—philosophies, insights, schemes, and inventions—are driven by human instinct, and none of them will bring Apostolic revival. Our Lord must be our daily ambition, the desire of our heart, and the

cause of our life. We must acknowledge, as David did, that “The LORD is my strength and my shield: my heart trusted in him, and I am helped…” (Psa. 28:7). Our help must come from the Lord, and unless we bring the Holy Spirit into every situation in our lives as the source of our strength, we will not change our culture. We cannot trust in man to make a way. The Old Testament Church acted this out for us, Bro. Mooney said. We cross our “Red Sea” the way God instructed Moses to cross the Red Sea: walk on out there. “Put your feet in it, Moses, and what you cannot see or understand, I am able to do.” And He is still able. Borrowing from the famous quote of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, Bro. Mooney said that as long as we are content to suffer the indignities of evil, we will not be sufficiently moved to change until the oppression becomes insufferable. He suggested that we may not yet be at the “insufferable” stage. Thomas Jefferson said it this way: “Man-

kind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” Americans are engaged in a lifestyle God’s people know is not wholesome and right. Yet, he said, we sit by and suffer with the “secret imposition of false doctrine” as it alters and “redesigns” the emotional, spiritual, and religious structure of our children. Until something becomes insufferable, people will not move forward. But he expressed hope that the Holy Spirit will, one more time, move across our nation to awaken our souls and quicken our minds. If we develop a greater passion, the Church can overcome darkness and have an awakening revival in North America! It is possible to reach our generation, transform our culture, change lives, and make a difference! The first dynamic cited by Bro. Mooney for leadership is to recognize when there is a crisis. He said there has to be a “spiritual impulse” to rouse the faithful to hunger for a fresh revelation, because revival will not come from man’s

ideas. “Somebody has to hear from God,” he said, because we will not stumble into revival without a desperate cry from the innermost belly of our sanctuary for a move of the Spirit. We must get the sense and feel how vital and important it is for the voice, touch, impact, and impulse of God’s Holy Spirit in our own life, or we will not have the passion and fire needed

to communicate the answer effectively to the world. The second dynamic is to be desperate for a revolution, revival, transformation and cry out to God for it in prayer. We will not get it except through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Apostles, Bro. Mooney noted, did not begin their work under the direction of an intellectual theory, but under the impulse of the Spirit. We cannot live without the Holy Spirit. “It is the holy unction, the taste of divine fire from the altar of heaven; it is our hope, our blessing, our answer, our way-maker.” Therefore, we must consecrate ourselves to fervent Spirit-led prayer. Finally, God’s people must focus on three steps that will lead to transformation: 1. Feel the anointing and touch of the Holy Spirit upon our life. 2. Be prepared with that touch to emotionally commit ourselves to God in every way, holding nothing back. 3. Develop a plan of action for our life and stay with it. Photos by: Rhonda Maney January 2013


1. #WYC2012 Photo Caption: #WYC2012 Twitter hashtag was widely used throughout the great convention. Read what we tweeted!

Tweet: WI Youth Ministries @wisyouthUPCI Looking forward to an amazing time of worship, and the powerful preaching w/ @Jrstaten tonight. #wyc2012 has been great so far!

Tweet: WI Youth Ministries @wisyouthUPCI “@Greenlvrgirl: Major props to the violin player this morning... amazing addition to the music team! #WYC2012” // props to @EthanGarcia

Tweet: Jason Staten @Jrstaten Honored to be a part of #WYC2012. Thank you all for your kindness and hospitality.


January 2013

Tweet: Tim Vik @imviktim 5 sheets 4’x8’ foam board, 8 rolls white duct tape, 6 cans metallic spray paint, 8 boxes string light bulbs #wyc2012 stage design

2. The Worship Photo Caption: Worship at WYC 2012 was amazing as always!

3. Bro. Jason Staten Photo Caption: Bro. Jason Staten was the guest speaker at WYC 2012. God spoke to us through his messages. The youth of Wisconsin were convicted to be “First Responders” in praise and worship, to retain their “Apostolic Accent” and, in whatever season you are in, make it your season (“This is My Season”).

4. WYM Pres. Tim Vik - Fri. Morning Photo Caption: Pres. Tim Vik taught on Fri. morning that if we do not change our prayer habits..., nothing will be different this year compared to last year.

5. Play It All Sports - Thurs. Night Photo Caption: On Thursday night, we played soccer, volleyball, basketball and arcade games until 1:00 a.m.!

6. Comedy Sportz - Fri. Night Photo Caption: A new improv comedy group, came and made us laugh to tears with skits and jokes about Tim Vik microwaving his ice cream!

Tweet: Kirstie Heidenreich @Greenlvrgirl “That dodgeball team is so skinny, how are we supposed to hit any of them?!” -a kid #WYC2012

Tweet: Tim Vik @ imviktim “@andyvik: Hey everyone at #WYC2012 pizza party, I’ll eat your crust if you don’t want it...” // umm...it’s all crust

7. Free Pizza Fri. Night

8. WIYouth Ministries Team

Tweet: RevCWilliams @RevCWilliams The teens in Wisconsin are among the BEST in the world!! It was an honor to spend time with them this week! #WYC2012

Photo Caption: Our WYM team is fabulous and put on a great WYC. Thank You, WYM team!

Tweet: Kendra Joy Burnett @KendraBurnett Pretty sure the statement, “Nothing changes, if nothing changes!”, will forever, be a part of me. #foreverchanged #WYC2012 #unforgettable

Photo Caption: Before Comedy Sportz, we were treated to free pizza and soda!

9. Another lifechanging WYC Photo Caption: Wisconsin Youth left WYC 2012 renewed, unified and changed! (Youth from Oconomowoc)

January 2013


Camouflage Christians Continued from page 5

across our nation, our enemy will only become weary and disoriented and unable to attack. Let us join together in these last days as never before. We, the Church, are to help one another and be our brother’s keeper, an encourager of the faith, praying with and for our brothers and sisters in Christ. As we fight together, as Paul said, “Let us fight a good fight,” standing together united as one, lifting up holy hands as one body. As we pull together, the devil becomes confused and disoriented. As he loses his focus he cannot see us as individuals. All he sees is the

Church, the stripes and the power of the blood of JESUS! Everyone knows there is strength in numbers, and if God be for us, who can be against us? Let us believe in one God, act as one body (herd and be heard), and be united as the Church, the Bride, that He’s coming back for. He is coming soon; let us be ready! We are at war in each of our fields of labor. It is time to use our swords, shields, and helmets, and pray as never before. Blaze orange for Jesus, He’s coming soon! Together in Christ


Bro. Ogle and his wife are actively building a new Church in Ripon WI.

Unase con Nosotros Join Us

Campamento Hispano en el Invierno – Distrito de Wisconsin

spanish winter camp meeting – wisconsin district

Madison / 1-2 de febrero – Feb. 1-2 Calvary Gospel/Voces Unidas 5301 Commercial Avenue, Madison, WI 53704

1 de febrero Servicio de Alabanza Worship Service

2 de febrero Servicio de Alabanza Worship Service

Servicio de Alabanza Worship Service

- Feb. 1 7:00pm Predicador

* Ernesto Martínez


– Feb. 2 10:00am Predicador

* Henry Choconta


2:00pm Predicador

* Ernesto Martínez


Oración comienza 30 minutos antes de cada servicio. / Prayer starts 30 minutes before each service. Hotel Grand Stay Residential Suites: (608) 241-2500, 5317 High Crossing Blvd., Madison, WI Por favor mencionar Calvary Gospel al hacer su reservación. / Please mention Calvary Gospel when making your reservation.


January 2013

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