WDN - February 2013

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And now these three remain: faith, hope AND love. But the greatest of these is


WI District Superintendent

Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 wdn@wisconsinupci.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: - Open Section 4: April Peckham Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. John E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. John Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. Charles Welch Section 2: Rev. James Booker Section 3: Rev. Ed Herman Section 4: Rev. Rufus Parker Section 5: Rev. Paul Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. Rick Keilley Deaf Ministry: Renee Strand Ladies Ministries: Sis. Barb Hilderbrand Sunday School: Rev. Dale Pace Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. Michael Hook Multimedia Ministry: Rev. Scott Jacobs Men’s Ministry: Rev. Steve Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.


February 2013

LUKE 14:23 “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” With the onslaught of smart phones, iPads, iPods, electronic tablets, television and the internet, it is all but impossible to not know what is going on all over the world. Access to these communicative devices and their ability to transmit information in milliseconds across the electronic networks has changed the face of communication. Man’s technology has now made it possible for all of us to have an “international” ministry! I was amazed when our media minister showed me on his smart phone the

results of a message that he had posted on the “web.” He explained to me that message was listened to in six different nations throughout the world and had hundreds of “hits” throughout the United States. What I’m trying to point out is that “The WORD Made FLESH” initiative here in the Wisconsin District is being accomplished by getting “The WORD on the STREET”! Jesus gave a parable about a certain man that was preparing a banquet and was inviting many guests. After the man’s servant went and did what he was instructed to do, the parable states there was still room. The master of the house then stated…LUKE 14:23 “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” The servant was instructed to take the invitation into the street and make the banquet available to anyone that would respond and come. The master wanted his banquet house to be filled.

The gospel of JESUS CHRIST is the explicit invitation almighty God is trying to communicate to the world. He is not interested in anyone being lost; on the contrary, He wants all to come unto Him and be saved. God wants His house to be full! If one will study the Word of God closely, they will discover that God’s house is their own body. God wants our lives to be “full” of Him! And He desires that each of us that have Him will, by our own living, exhibit what His Word declares Him to be. We are to put on Christ and go into the street of life, showing others the invitation to be a part of His glorious Kingdom… The Church. It is imperative for all of us that claim to be a part of God’s body, the church, to get out into the highways of life and proclaim what the Word of God says! How about it, Wisconsin, let’s take it to the streets! Let’s be the witness of truth that our Lord has called each of us to be. Let’s proclaim…“The WORD on the STREET”!

CHUCK WELCH - Section 1

WDN: Tell us about your background. BRO. WELCH: I graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1967 with a degree in Natural Science (Chemistry emphasis); it was while in college that I first came to Jesus Christ. God dealt with me about the baptism of the Holy Ghost and led me into a study on the Godhead, in which He revealed Oneness to me. Shortly after, God directed Emmett Kaske, an engineering student, to witness to me. In January of 1966 I was baptized in the name of Jesus and, in February, while praying with Bro. Kaske on campus, I received the Holy Ghost. I taught Science for several years in Madison, (where Bro. Jack Yonts was my pastor). During this time God called me to the ministry and I traveled as an evangelist for two summers as well as many weekends; after marrying my wife, Joy, in June of 1970, we traveled in an evangelistic ministry. Youth President Kenneth Haney asked me to serve as National Campus Evangelist for the Youth Department of the UPCI, which we did for about two and a half years. I visited college campuses throughout North America, preaching rallies and setting up ministries among the students. After returning to traveling as an evangelist, God began to deal strongly with me about going to Green

Bay, which has been home since August of 1973. During that time, I served on the District Youth Committee and the District Home Missions Committee. I served as the District Home Missions Director for 15 years and then was asked to serve as North Central Home Missions Regional Director, over an area of twelve districts. I joyfully watched couples from the local church in Green Bay go to raise up new churches in Marinette, Oneida, Two Rivers, and a growing Spanish church here in Green Bay. Having stepped aside from 37 years as pastor in Green Bay, WI in July of 2010, I continue to stay quite busy in ministry…serving as a presbyter on the Wisconsin District Board, as North Central Regional Director of North American Missions, as an instructor in Purpose Institute, as an advisor for the editor of the WDN, as well as ministering in churches and various other areas of ministry. We are also working with Pastor Peter Fraser in De Pere, which is in the southern part of the Green Bay area. I especially enjoy spending time with my family. WDN: Tell us about your family. BRO. WELCH: My wife, Joy, is true to her name; a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother. We were married June 13, 1970 (43 years in June). I have two precious daughters, two wonderful sons-inlaw and nine beautiful grandchildren: Rebecca & David Honkanen have six children: Kaitlin, Kristin, Janna, Charrey, Emma-Lee, and Samuel. Kristin & Matt Gallagher have three children: Cassidy, Olivia, and Stella. No pets at present, though I have had two Cocker Spaniels and a cat while in Green Bay. WDN: Do you have any interests/hobbies?

Continued on page 9

February 2013


BY LORETTA LUNDT Can you say WOW! What an awesome turnout of people and best of all of God’s presence. It was a testimony just to see the Pathways church in Appleton filled with apostolic worship. The inaugural MidWinter Camp Fox Valley was held January 17 and 18. One message led right into the other. Like it was said, “It is as if


February 2013

the speakers all had one mind.” Yep, the mind of Christ with a message for God’s people. The event actually started the week before at the Fox Valley prayer meeting where a few hundred people from area Fox Valley churches gathered at the Radisson to pray for God to move in our cities. Following suit, each MWC service opened with prayer led by district leaders and then

entered into a time of anointed worship led by Sis. Darlene Boyte. Bro. Carl McLaughlin started the camp out with his message entitled “Resistance to Revelation.” His message was taken from Zachariah’s nine months of silence after he doubted God’s ability to give him a child. Rejection of the vision brought no prophetic utterance. Our first reaction

should be to affirm the vision. Hell is afraid the abstract vision will be turned into action. Don’t let resistance or the root of resistance, fear, stop you from action or revival. Our thought frame is too small for God’s vision. We have to pull the peripheral vision God has given us into full view using our faith to pull it there. Bro. McLaughlin also taught “From Essence to Ex-

pression” Friday at noon. Essence is the thought and expression is the product. To find the purpose of the ‘thing’ you don’t ask the object, you ask the creator of the object. Our identity, purpose, and function is in the mind of the designer – God. We can’t ask the culture what the church is. Just as the promise of God couldn’t come from the bloodline of Ishmael, if we change the

identity of the church, God won’t recognize it. The visible is inferior, grounded and aligned with the invisible. Essence, God, judges everything in its expressed form. We can’t change what God said – Hold onto it! He encouraged us to pray out of revelation instead of need. Prayer out of your ‘need’ causes frustration. Every prayer, thought, and spoken word must line up with

the Word of God. Bishop Putnam addressed us first on Thursday morning. His message, “Miracle of New Birth” emphasized the need to continually witness the miracle of the spiritual new birth. We need to be about our Master’s business with an emphasis on reaching the lost. We can’t be SELF-satisfied at our church. God wants a whole bunch of spiritual babies! Man can’t

produce on his own accord. “It is not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit…” We need to be doers, not just hearers and readers of God’s word. Bro. Jimmy Toney spoke Thursday morning and Friday evening. His first message “The Imminent Return of Revival” spoke of how Wisconsin is ready for revival! We are in the perfect position with the Continued on page 8

February 2013



herbs and lay them on the On a frosty Saturday morning, side of the January 26th, approximately 60 laplate before dies gathered together at Greenserving. Or, wood Hills Country Club in Wausau for added for a “Ladies’ Morning Out” hosted p i z z a z z , by Lighthouse Pentecostal Church make a mini of Wausau. Sis. Hilderbrand’s vision bouquet of was to make these “Morning Out” herbs to lie events something special and relax- on the plate. ing for women who needed a break 2) Slice the head of a green onion, in their routine. This time, however, chill in ice water and watch it “blosI think Sis. Hilderbrand wanted the som.” For added effect, put a few ladies to walk away feeling pam- drops of food coloring in the ice wapered, after spending a morning in ter; this gives the green onion more the elegant setting of Greenwood of a flowery look. 3) Grapes and Hills, sampling the excellent cuisine nuts can dress up a cheese platter. Bro. Dan Dillabough (head chef of Just randomly place small bunches Greenwood Hills) prepared for us, of grapes around the cheeses and basking in the presence of God in sprinkle a handful of nuts on the worship and listening to the anoint- plate. ed speaking of Sis. Carla and Sis. Sis. Carla Gannon, of South Marta Gannon. Milwaukee, spoke on the similarities Bro. Dan Dillabough gave a of life and a blender. Sometimes our demonstration on how to dress up life can seem stuck on the “liquefy” our meal presentations. A few tips setting, but we have a manual we live he gave us were: 1) Fresh herbs add a by that tells us, no matter what set‘WOW’ to any plate. Just take a few ting our life is on, we can always rest in the arms of Jesus. Sis. Carla also spoke to us about being God’s precious jewels and, if we could learn to take the focus off of ourselves and place it on Jesus, then everything else in life just falls into place. Sis. Marta Gannon, of Viola, had her three beautiful daughters play a few pieces of music for us. She then spoke on finding our worth in


February 2013

God. Hannah was at her lowest self-worth when she c o u l d n’t bear children, but she knew she could find her worth in the presence of God. Hannah also knew the importance of taking care of family first, which she demonstrated by raising Samuel for the Lord’s service. Sis. Gannon emphasized that our home is where our brightest light should shine. She said that children who are raised in homes where Jesus is not just an object lesson, but also a lifestyle, would most likely stay in the faith in which they are raised. During this ‘Morning Out’ session, Sis. Hilderbrand mentioned that, though we sometimes feel like nobodies, we are all somebodies. Somebodies affect the lives of others, and every time we make contact with a person, we change them in some way, either for the better or for the worse, and that makes us all somebodies. On January 26th, 2013, many of us walked away changed for the better and, in return, we will touch others’ lives for the better. Photos by Samantha Peckham and Ronda James

district Calendar of Events February 15-16–Purpose Institute—Eau Claire, Appleton & Madison 16-JR Bible Quiz, Fond du Lac 19—SS Appreciation Dinner, Sect. 2 22-23—Purpose Institute, Oak Creek 26—SS Appreciation Dinner, Sect. 4 23—Senior Bible Quiz #2—Appleton March 1 & 2—Home Missions Seminar, Abundant Life Church, Oconomowoc 5—SS Appreciation Dinner, Sect. 3 8-9—Hyphen Conference, Madison 12—SS Appreciation Dinner, Sect. 5 15-16 —Purpose Institute - Appleton, Eau Claire & Madison 16—Junior Bible Quiz—Parkway 18-19-- WI District Board Meeting, Osthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake 19-21—WI District Ministers Conference -Osthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake 22—WI District Brainstorming Session, 9 a.m.- Osthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake 23—Senior Bible Quiz #3— Fond du Lac 29-30—PI—Oak Creek 31—Easter April 5 & 6—JR Bible Quiz—Silvis, IL 13-WI District Music Fest— Cornerstone, Fond du Lac (tentative location) 13-Section 2 SFC Kickoff, Loc. TBD 15- Section 4 SFC Kick-Off, Loc. TBD 16- Section 3 SFC Kick-Off, Madison 19 & 20- Purpose Institute, Appleton, Eau Claire, Madison & Oak Creek 20—JR Bible Quiz, AFC, Racine 22-Section 5 WEST SFC Kick off, Location TBD 23-Section 5 EAST SFC Kick off, Location TBD 26-27—PI—Oak Creek 29-Section 1 SFC Kickoff, Appleton

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.” I Cor. 13:13 February 2013


Mid-Winter Camp Continued from page 5

perfect platform for proclaiming the Holy Ghost. Not just wake-up, but getup! Get ready to experience a ‘get-up-ening.’ Stop dreaming and start doing. Stop planning and start possessing. God expects us to grow. He shared how Moses delayed coming down from


February 2013

the mountain. He fell in love with the mountaintop experience and lingered. Today, God’s church has fallen in love with the mountain, but we need to go to the people in the world because they are looking for a God to worship. Give them Jesus! Bro. Toney’s second message “The Origin of Exceeding Greatness” taken

from Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones concluded our mid-winter camp sessions. He pointed out that the valley was dry – we may feel this way; Ezekiel preached to the problem – we should preach to the issue; God did the miraculous – we should expect the same. God wants to step into your valley and breathe life back into you! Let God

resurrect what we have already buried. He exclaimed, “I’m tired of good church…I want God church!” A-men! Thanks to all who made Mid-Winter Camp in the Fox Valley possible and a great success. We are looking forward to even greater things next year! Photos by Craig Lundt

Meet Your Presbyter Continued from page 3

BRO. WELCH: I enjoy photography, golf, deer hunting, some fishing, and spending time with family. WDN: Have you ever witnessed a miracle? Please tell us about it. BRO. WELCH: I have been privileged to see God perform many miracles: deaf ears opened, paralyses leave, cancers gone, lame walk, crippled limbs healed instantly, miracles of provision, and many others. WDN: What do you enjoy about being presbyter? BRO. WELCH: I enjoy working with Bro. Putnam, Bro. Kaske, and the other presbyters that comprise the District Board. God has blessed Wisconsin with some outstanding men, who are passionate about the work of God. I am

thankful for the opportunity to help cast and implement vision, both in Section 1 and our District. I have deep respect for the visionary leadership of Bro. Putnam. I love the wonderful pastors, other ministers and saints of Wisconsin, and consider it a joy to serve them. WDN: What is your vision for Wisconsin? BRO. WELCH: I see continued progressive growth…in unity, in revival as well as spiritual and numerical growth, as we work TOGETHER, growing the present churches, and planting more and more preaching points and daughter works. My perspective for the future: “The best is yet to come!” As the wise man declared in Proverbs 4:18, “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” I see that vision for this great District of Wisconsin!

WDN: Please share with our readers a nugget of wisdom. BRO. WELCH: A favorite quote of mine is from Zig Zigler, who said: “It’s your attitude, not your aptitude, that will determine your altitude in life.” I add to that…”It’s an attitude of gratitude, that will keep you on a right latitude with God.” It’s not what happens TO us (circumstances, etc.) that really matters in life; rather, it’s what happens IN us that really matters to God. “Offenses” are the major stumbling block…to saints and preachers. I try to keep the “exercise program” of the Apostle Paul: “And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men” (Acts 24:16). Right attitudes and right relationships…will keep you right with God and with men. Interview conducted by April Peckham, WDN Representative Section 4

February 2013


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