WDN - March/April 2011

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Wisconsin district neWs March/April 2011



by John E. Putnam District Superintendent

WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 editor@wisconsindistrictnews.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: - Open Section 4: Frank Ritchie Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. J.E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. J. Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. C. Welch Section 2: Rev. A. Tamel Section 3: Rev. E. Herman Section 4: Rev. J. Sindler Section 5: Rev. P. Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. R. Keilley Media Missions: Rev. S. Jacobs Ladies Ministries: Sis. J. Schumacher Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. M. Hook Sunday School: Rev. W. Rehbein Prayer Force: Rev. D. Meyer Men’s Ministry: Rev. S. Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Deaf Ministry: Renee Thomas FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.


March/April 2011

If you have ever watched the launching of one of NASA’s space shuttles, you can understand the anticipation and excitement that must fill the “command center” in Houston as the seconds click away and the ignition sequence ignites while sending that spaceship heavenward with enormous energy and power. It’s been reported that you can hear the roar of the mighty rocket boosters for miles as they lift off into the rarefied atmosphere of what we call “space.” This same feeling of exhilaration is felt whenever there has been a vision declared, a plan of action put forth, and a “launching” or the start, the beginning of that vision is put in motion. It may be a runner with his foot firmly on the block, just waiting for the starter

to say.... “On Your Mark...Get Set...GO!” Or, it could be the initial beginning of any sporting event with an anticipated victorious outcome, running out onto a field or onto a floor with high hopes and determination in making the contest their best effort yet. It’s a beginning, it’s a start, it’s the prelude of what is to follow in seeing the desired outcome accomplished. I have to believe that, just prior to our Lord’s ascension into the heavens, He too must have had a great deal of anticipation as He instructed the “body” to... “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” — Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19 & 20) I believe He has the same anticipation for His Church to fulfill this vision every single day! This command is the purpose for the Wisconsin District to exist... this is our

district Calendar of Events reason for being. We are to be on “the mark,” we are to “get set,” and all of us are to “GO!” How thrilling it was to listen to Bro. Jason Sciscoe preach the outstanding messages that he preached at our MidWinter Camp meetings. How exciting it was to hear the messenger of God speak forth to this District about the ensuing initiative of “Charting the Course.” Bro. Sciscoe didn’t have prior knowledge of what our District was launching forth at those meetings, but God did! And God could not have made it any plainer that this is the direction that we as a district, working together, need to be doing! This is the direction that we need to be heading! We need to be on the “mark”... we need to realize that God has a plan for each of the assemblies of this District in their respective locales. And I believe He would have all of us stay on track and keep the vision of doubling before us in these next ten years. We need to “get set” by planning and believing how the Lord can make the vi-

sion possible in each of our areas through working together and trusting the Almighty as He continues to build His Kingdom! Planning is not a hindrance to growth. Only the lack thereof is our hindrance. If our motives are pure, and our desires are right, then plan and work your plan. Finally, we need to “GO!” We need to give action to our prayers! We need to give effort to our desires and beliefs. We need to give heed to our plans and follow through with the earnest anticipation of fulfilling the “vision!” The “launch” has taken place! The Lord has given us His approval, and now let’s arise and DO IT! GO! The Lord said... “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the LORD...” ( Jeremiah 29:11-14).

April 1 Brainstorming for Dept Heads & Board Oshthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake 7-9—SR Bible Quiz Extravaganza, Moline, IL 12- Section 5 SFC Kick-Off, Rice Lake 16- Section 2 SFC Kick-Off Breakfast 16—JR Bible Quiz, AFC, Racine 16—SR Bible Quiz—Waukesha 15-16- P I, Appleton & Madison 19-Section 3 SFC Kick off, Madison 22—Good Friday 24-EASTER 26-Section 4 SFC Kick off, WI Rapids 29-30-—PI, Oak Creek & Eau Claire 29-30—JR Bible Quiz Extravaganza, Silvis, IL May 2—Section 1 SFC Kick-Off, Appleton 5-7 Ladies Ministry Retreat, Blue Harbor Resort, Sheboygan, WI 8—Mother’s Day 14—Senior Bible Quiz 16—18—WI District Board Meeting,TBA 20-21—Spanish Men’s Conference, Green Bay 20-21—Purpose Institute—Eau Claire 21—JR Bible Quiz, Fond du Lac 30—Memorial Day 31-Mother’s Memorial Final Offering June 6-8 WI District Board Meeting Tentative 12-Pentecost Sunday Music Ministry Camp Rehearsals ALL begin at 6:30 p.m. 13—Section 4 & 5, Location TBA 20—Section 1, 2 & 3, Location TBA 10-11—JR Bible Quiz Finals, ATC, Appleton (A, C & E finals) 18—Senior Bible Quiz State Finals, ATC, Appleton 10:30 a.m. 19—Father’s Day— Men’s Ministry “Father’s Day Offering” 27-July 1—Youth Camp (age 12 & up) July July 3-8- Family Camp Speakers: David Bernard & Bill Davis 15—SFC Scholarship Deadline 18-22—Junior Camp 23—Spanish Youth Rally, Parkway 25-29 JR Bible Quiz National Finals, Branson, MO

March/April 2011



by NANCY VIK The words of the old song, “You’re My Brother, You’re My Sister,” took on new meaning on January 23rd, as the ten Milwaukee County UPCI churches met for the “Our City” unity rally. Elim Tabernacle, located in Greenfield, WI, was the host church for this landmark event, and over 500 Apostolics squeezed together for an incredible evening. An additional 50+ children filled the lower level of the church, and they enjoyed an evening of organized stories, songs, and games. The energy and excitement was palpable thirty minutes before the service began, as the sanctuary and parking lot filled to over-capacity. The service began with the showing of a video, spotlight-


March/April 2011

ing each church in Milwaukee County, and the worship began to explode. Host Pastor Steve Rogers/Elim Tabernacle observed, “With a group like this, the world doesn’t stand a chance.” The pastors from each church were given a time to greet the congregation, and each one left nuggets of gold in the hearts of those in attendance. Honor was given to these godly men: Pastor Steve Rogers, Pastor Tony Tamel/Parkway Apostolic, Pastor Henry Choconta/ALMAS, Pastor Eddie Hays/Cornerstone Christian Life Tabernacle, Pastor James Lambro/Gospel Lighthouse, Pastor Marshall Newble/ Apostolic Worship Center, Pastor James Scott/Liberty Tabernacle, and Pastor Don Rogers/Pentecostals of Wisconsin. Pastor Paul Prostinak/Apostolic Taber-

nacle, and Pastor Jose Flores/Ministerios Hispanos had members from their congregation representing their churches. A county-wide praise team led us in a highly anointed time of worship, and unity was in the house! Ten churches… one goal…to reach Milwaukee County with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The service was “tri-lingual,” as Pastor and Sis. Choconta interpreted in Spanish, and students from UW-Milwaukee signed for the deaf and hard of hearing. Besides exuberant singing, the praise service included sounds from a ram’s horn, Apostolic dancing, and even the waving of the Christian flag. Our District Superintendent, John E Putnam, was our keynote speaker, and he prefaced his words by stating how proud

TY UNITY SERVICE he was that ten congregations came together for the purpose of launching a unified approach to spread the gospel. He asked us the question, “Do your neighbors, friends, and family members need help?” and followed up by saying that we need to be the ones to help. “Now is the time, Milwaukee County!” Using Acts 16 as his text, Bro. Putnam continued by stating that we all need a vision for our family. It is not the time to warm a pew, but to reach the lost. He affirmed that the Wisconsin District has a vision and a plan to match. Just as the Apostle Paul and his followers went to Macedonia, our Milwaukee County pas-

tors are making plans to reach our communities. Milwaukee County is just one of 72 in Wisconsin, and Wisconsin District’s vision is for every county to have an Apostolic church. Bro. Putnam proclaimed that our county is ripe for harvest and revival, and that we need to have great confidence in our pastors who are leading us to victory. It is time to build a bridge together…towards the goal of saving souls. Referring to Acts 16:15, Bro. Putnam asked us to consider how many Lydias there are waiting for us…how many neighbors are searching for God and waiting for someone to show them? He

concluded his remarks by stating that it is the midnight hour, and those incarcerated by the enemy need to be set free. The altar service resonated with the lyrics of the song, “Our God”: And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us. And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.” Those in attendance went home full of the Holy Ghost, and hearts filled with a new vision. God is waiting to use each one of us. And as the Lord never intended for His body to be fragmented, we need to join hands and walk with unity and purpose!

March/April 2011


MWC - North by Kathy Fry

WDN Representative, Section 5

Our North Mid-Winter Camp started out with Pastor Paul Plowman leading us in a fervent time of prayer each service! We were blessed and ministered to by the anointed music of Pentecostal Assembly and Sis. Darlene Boyte. Pastor Putnam encouraged us and spoke about our marching orders from God. “The Whole Truth to the Whole World by the Whole Church” - we are commissioned! The church is His kingdom in this world. We need to come together and realize that God is fighting for us. We can never stop preaching repentance. He also spoke about the importance of having a vision. Rise up and build the kingdom. Everything we do should be for the purpose of reaching the lost. Bro. Sciscoe blessed us each service with his anointed messages. Everyone left feeling that each message was meant just for them. He ministered on many sub-


March/April 2011

jects, including the rapture, the 70th week of Daniel, and the Cold War. We should look forward to the rapture, not be afraid of it (Matt. 23-25). Sis. Sciscoe touched the hearts of every woman there. She ministered in areas of need for everyone. “God, Did You Forget About Me?” I Peter 12:14. She taught us about why we are where we are at our times of trials and seasons. Life happens to all of us. She ministered about purpose and hope, seasons of our lives, and looking to the word of God for answers - accept His assurance. God is the only one who can move us to our season in life. We can’t hurry God, but we can slow Him down. God lets us remain in our season until we are equipped and

ready to go on. Five things we need to know: 1) Be thankful for what we have. 2) Forgive. 3) Give yourself time to grieve. 4) Accept loss as God’s will, and 5) Remember the good times - they will return. When our winter season is over - winter holds the promise for another spring! Everyone was ministered to in every service and blessed in their souls! We are grateful to Pastor and Sis. Paul Bennett for hosting Mid-Winter Camp and to Pastor Michael Hook for his hard work arranging it - it is truly appreciated! It was another year of hearing “This was the Best Mid-Winter Camp Ever!”

MWC - South by Carole J. Keller WDN Representative, Section 2

The 2011 Wisconsin Camp (South) was held February 3-4, at Parkway Apostolic Church in Oak Creek. The opening session unfolded with a powerful message by Rev. Jason Sciscoe, entitled “Living in the Glory!” He took us to the story of Joseph. Joseph, who lost the affections of his family and would restore it, had the key. God gave Abraham a promise and nothing would abort it, not even a famine. The covenantkeeping son sold into slavery would be the vessel for a great deliverance and preservation of the promise. God gave the Church a promise for Apostolic revival and neither a recession, a people’s revolt, or a falling away of the faithful will abort it. Though we may be tossed like a wave at sea, the promise will not die. What must die, if we want to press through the present-day barrenness, are our selfish expectations, so that we can take on a greater identity, one that is much larger than ourselves. The question is, how can we break the barrier between the prophecy for world-wide revival and its fulfillment? What will it take to cross over? Several things must happen. First, we must hear from God ourselves and not be dependent upon one man. The patriarchal system raised sons who were dependent upon the patriarch and, had it not been for Joseph, who was unnaturally separated from his family and became dependent upon God, they would all have perished. Bro. Sciscoe said that rejection can be a blessing. Second, we must realize the answer to our long-held promise for revival will never come in a neatly wrapped package. Rather, it may come like Joseph’s answer came: in the form of a famine. Could it be that God may be preparing us, through adverse circumstances, for a “quantum

leap” and transition to a dimension of influence on the world stage just like Joseph? If so, our delay in crossing over may be in the similitude of Joseph, so that God can change our character to give us the mentality and mindset necessary to get to the next level. If we hold firm to the keys to the storehouse, when the rest of the world does not know what to do, there will be a one-God covenant saint that will say, “I have the answer.” He said, “We must plug into the dream and realize the current unrest in the world is a fulfillment of the promise.” Third, the Church must not reflect the same emotions as the world. If the world is afraid, we cannot be; otherwise, we surely will lose our potential influence. We must change the way we talk and start leading. We will gain influence with the world when we speak faith. Fourth, we must apprehend a greater understanding of brotherhood. Before God restored the dream, there was a restoration of the brothers. They passed their test when their love for their brother, Benjamin, matched the father’s love for Benjamin. Bro. Sciscoe said that forgiveness is the truest measure of maturity and was the turning point for the brothers to possess their destiny. The parallel is clear: We, too, must see our heavenly Father’s love for our enemies and restore them before we can walk in alignment with God and fulfill our individual and corporate destiny. Before we can be the answer the world needs to be restored to the one true God, there must be a restoration among the sons and daughters of God. Fifth, we must let go for the future to be released. It was when Jacob released Benjamin that he was revived. There is

Just a few days before Mid-Winter Camp, the Milwaukee area was hit by a historic blizzard. The first night it was bitterly cold outside, but there was a fervent fire inside. The praise of the people stirred up the Spirit of the Lord. another parallel: like Jacob, God will revive the elders at the same time He puts a fresh anointing upon the next generation. If we do these things, God will move the church into a greater dimension of the Spirit so that we can live in the glory when God brings down the fires of revival. On the last night of Winter Camp, Rev. Wayne Huntley gave another inspiring message to push us out of our comfort zones into greater service and excellence. He said that the greatest growth restricting factor is that we give God less than our best. The “sinister” sin is that we do not want to change. Therefore, we must resist mediocrity; we must resist with every fiber of our being the temptation to say, “Let me alone.” Rather, we need to say, “Preach to me, stir me, do something to me.” Preachers must not be afraid to confront the status quo. The fire fell when Bro. Huntley made an astute observation: The devil’s nightmare is not what we have been, or even what we are, but what we will be! Powerful, hopeful and true, as it is written, “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is” (1 Jn. 3:2). March/April 2011


MWC - South

(Cont.) by Loretta Lundt

WDN Representative, Section 1

Friday morning, Bro. Putnam taught on Nehemiah in his message entitled “Commissioned to a Mission.” Nehemiah was a “regular guy” living in a “corrupt nation,” but he had a desire to rebuild what the enemy had destroyed. Nehemiah’s mission was “the result of the driving force of his burden.” We need to repent. As Bro. Putnam stated, “We have all been a part of the problem and now we need to be a part of the solution.” As a state, we need to have unity of purpose. Don’t get distracted by programs. It’s about reaching people. We need to “work together until the day is done!” Bro. Sciscoe then blessed us with a message from Ezekiel titled “Lifestyle Evangelism.”The people had been taken captive to Babylon and had the mindset

that if they were outside of Jerusalem, God’s hand was not with them. We need to be careful not to have the “spirit of Babylon,” which is to accept that it will never be like it was: to join the city and embrace its culture and religions or assimilate to the culture around us. While great moves happen in our churches, the greatest move will happen outside of the building. God told Ezekiel to speak to the dry bones and

they lived. “God has us look at the situation for what it is – beyond us,” but it is not beyond Him. “God has a plan and knows!” Ezekiel prophesied restoration until it happened. We need to preach the Word until it happens. We can’t judge our future by our past. As Bro. Sciscoe stated, “The Word is not subject to our mentality; our mentality is subject to the Word.” First we need to “prophesy to the body until it is restored - then we can prophesy to the wind,” and watch what God will do. The men and women then went to their split sessions. Sis. Hook encouraged the women to take up “Our Harps of Praise.” Remember the good God has done and praise Him even in the midst of your struggles. Bro. Huntley encouraged the men to always “Be There” for their family and their children. Stay faithful, grow in maturity and be consistent. Photos by: Kathy Fry, Frank Ritchie and Craig Lundt


March/April 2011

ignite rally The Meadowbrook Church in Green Bay hosted an Ignite Rally for Section One on Friday, February 25. Bro. Tim Duffy of Green Bay was the speaker and reminded us that the youth are not the church of tomorrow; they are the church of TODAY! Afterward, there were activities for the youth at a nearby YMCA. Bro. Duffy taught on 2 Cor. 10:35 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”

“What do you feed on every day? What you put in 24/7 is what comes out.” The Holy Ghost is what gives us the power to know when God is at work or the devil is at work in our lives. Addictions are not of God! The parting of the Red Sea and the wall of Jericho coming down were examples of the power of God. God has power when His people believe

and obey His voice. Bro. Duffy concluded by challenging the youth to make a difference in their schools and communities. “Have faith in God!” He said, “Get a hold of God with everything you’ve got!” Say to yourself, “God, it’s not going to be me, it is going to be You in me! March/April 2011


Pastor SP


Honoring the Soto FAMILY

Calvary Apostolic of Clintonville honored the Sotos for 23 years of ministry on Sunday, January 16. After the service and a special dinner, anyone who wanted to could reconvene in the sanctuary to honor the Sotos by sharing how God had impacted his/her life through their ministry. In January of 1988, Pastor John and Rose Soto brought their family from Dubuque, Iowa, where he had been Associate Pastor. He brought with him a


March/April 2011

sweet spirit, musical talent, and a vision for reaching out to the community. Pastor’s vision for a new church became a reality on Easter Sunday, 1997, when the first service was held in the new facility on McKinley Ave. His son, Aaron, copastored with him for a few years and an expansion was made to the church building. Now Pastor Soto has passed the baton into the capable hands of Bro. and Sis. Sylvester Narlock.

Pastor SP


Introducing Pastor Endris

LEE & DEANNA ENDRIS About three years ago, Pastor Chuck Welch felt led of the Lord to transition his church to a new leader. Little did he know that God was starting to speak to Bro. Lee Endris about a change in his life as well. “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, and he delights in his way.” (Psalm 37:23) Bro. Endris was born and raised in Gary, IN with a five-year stint in Arizona. His ministry started in Kendallville, IN, where he was a youth and assistant pastor for 15 years. This is also where he met his wife, Deanna. God was directing his steps. Bro. Endris was a builder and had hurt his back. He knew the church they were building would be his last project for the Kendallville church, and it was to the very day. He knew that he was going to go into full-time ministry under a man of God for a time and

then would become a pastor. The day after the church building project was finished, he received a call from Gary, IN. He became the youth pastor and stayed there about two years before he received the opportunity to come to Green Bay. As the Lord opened each door, he and his family just walked through them. Pastor Endris is excited to continue the vision of Pastor Welch. The people of Meadowbrook Church are strong doctrinally and live holy before their God. As Pastor said, “you can see it in their faces.” He wants to continue the tradition of starting preaching points and daughter works. “I want to lead on and go forward with Bro. Welch’s vision,” explained Pastor Endris. He has some great ideas he hopes to implement in the near future. He would like to start a 2nd shift church within the local church, since there is a strong need for that in the Green Bay area. In December, Bro. Timothy Duffy joined the ministry team full-time as outreach director. When he preached a revival for Meadowbrook earlier in the year, nine were baptized, three received the Holy Ghost, and they saw “miracles like crazy.” One lady had both hands healed of arthritis. Bro. Endris also hopes that the current church can serve as a training center for those desiring to enter the ministry. Let’s continue to watch for exciting things to happen in the Green Bay area!

March/April 2011


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! I am writing this letter to thank you for the initiative that was taken in providing a Bible College student to help us out in Waupun this past summer. Bro. Alex Feustel is an outstanding young man who loves the Lord with his whole heart! Bro. Feustel was extremely helpful to us and very willing to do whatever we asked him. While he was helping us, I noticed that his prayer life and Bible reading took precedence in his life. During the time he was

with us, Alex helped by completing the following tasks that we requested of him. We had some water damage and Alex removed wet carpet and drywall and cleaned up all of the mess. He also did some painting and construction work for us. Almost every day, as weather permitted, Alex was out knocking on doors and doing outreach for us. Every Wednesday evening, we had him speak in our youth service. He also met with our young people for some fun

activities at a local park. Alex also helped me out at home with some projects that took an extra hand. While working at my job, it would have been difficult to accomplish all that was done. Whether it was outreach, ministering, or getting his hands dirty, Alex was ready and willing to help, and his attitude was

exemplary while doing so. We are very thankful for the blessing that he was to us and would recommend that this initiative might be repeated for other Home Mission churches in our wonderful district. Again, our thanks to all those involved in making this happen!

Sincerely, Pastor Christopher Schmidt Cornerstone UPCI - Waupun, WI


March/April 2011

March/April 2011



March/April 2011

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