WDN - March/April 2012

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Wisconsin District neWs March/April 2012

Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 editor@wisconsindistrictnews.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: - Open Section 4: Frank Ritchie Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. J.E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. J. Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. C. Welch Section 2: Rev. A. Tamel Section 3: Rev. E. Herman Section 4: Rev. J. Sindler Section 5: Rev. P. Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. R. Keilley Media Missions: Rev. S. Jacobs Ladies Ministries: Sis. J. Schumacher Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. M. Hook Sunday School: Rev. W. Rehbein Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers Men’s Ministry: Rev. S. Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Deaf Ministry: Renee Thomas FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.


March/April 2012

BY DON ROGERS The Pentecostals of Wisconsin in Milwaukee were involved in a 21-day Daniel’s fast, ending Feb. 19th. Over one hundred people participated. The goal of the fast was to: seek the face of God for more unity for evangelism, to gain a greater burden for lost souls, to break personal strongholds in our eating habits, and to seek God for the fulfillment of Daniel 1:17; an increase of wisdom, knowledge, strength and vision. There were some very powerful dreams that some of our saints experienced from this fast. We are also in the process of carrying out a vision God gave us for partnering with a major business in Milwaukee for soul-winning. 1. The Figueroas received two cars. 2. Seven people have received the Holy Ghost.

3. Three people have been baptized in Jesus’ name.

4. Six people have become members of POW.

5. VCA received 15 new students for enrollment from word of mouth. Some of our classrooms are nearly full for next year.

6. There has been an increase of unity in VCA that has been measurable with regards to “spirit week,” teachers working together, and the anointing upon the morning devotions and chapel services. 7. God has opened a door of favor between Pastor and the Milwaukee Bucks to market the church and school with their team. 8. Sis. Keosha received great favor with her financial aid. 9. Sis. Emily successfully made it

through her doctor-ordered bed rest for having a child, after losing several other pregnancies.

10. God has healed a woman’s knees and another woman’s back problems. 11. Three people received new jobs.

12. Chris Neuburg has been chosen to the dean’s list at UWM.

13. God sent Bro. John Russell, from the Pentecostals of Alexandria ministries, to unleash a very powerful anointing on our congregation concerning the mercies of God and having a clean heart. Our young adults and teens were impacted in a powerful way with walking in the holiness of God.

14. There were 15 people who made permanent eating habit changes due to the Daniel’s fast. They became more health conscious from their time of fasting.

15. Our Hmong church using our building has asked our church to attend their services to pray people through to the Holy Ghost. This is the first time in over seven years this church has asked us to help them. These are tenants that used our building. We baptized 43 of their people in Jesus’ name several years ago in Lake Michigan. This church has become hungrier recently for holiness and asked Pastor Rogers to join them to pray for their people to receive the Holy Ghost. 16. Pastor Rogers successfully completed, for the first time, a colonoscopy without any traces of cancer. 17. Sis. Rogers’ mammogram came clean with no threat of breast cancer, after doctors found spots in her chest.


with the Almighty is knowing when to WI District Superintendent speak and when to listen, and getting to know and recognize that still small Deuteronovoice of His. my 5:24 And ye I certainly understand that there said, Behold, the are those that use the phrase, “God told LORD our God me” very often in trying to justify their hath shewed us course of action or belief system. They his glory and his “think” that what they are now believing greatness, and we or doing is from God when, in truth, it have heard his may contradict the very Word of God voice out of the that is already written. In such cases, midst of the fire: we have seen this day that God doth you can be assured that it was NOT the voice of God that they heard. That is talk with man, and he liveth. 25 Now therefore why should we why it is so important for all of us to die? for this great fire will consume us: have a relationship with the Lord, that if we hear the voice of the LORD our His voice is very recognizable! The children of Israel were standGod any more, then we shall die. ing before Mount Sinai and suddenly, 26 For who is there of all flesh, that hath heard the voice of the living God out from the top of the mount, they speaking out of the midst of the fire, as heard a voice speaking. They were terrified! Deuteronomy 5:26, “ For who we have, and lived? 27 Go thou near, and hear all that is there of all flesh, that hath heard the the LORD our God shall say: and voice of the living God speaking out of speak thou unto us all that the LORD the midst of the fire, as we have, and our God shall speak unto thee; and we lived?” They didn’t believe that they were qualified to hear God’s voice, so will hear it, and do it. 28 And the LORD heard the voice they turned to their leader Moses and of your words, when ye spake unto me; paraphrasing, they said to Moses, “You and the LORD said unto me, I have listen to God’s voice, and then tell us heard the voice of the words of this what He has said.” They were fearpeople, which they have spoken unto ful of having direct contact with the thee: they have well said all that they Almighty. God told Moses that the people’s request was spoken well. The have spoken. 29 O that there were such an heart Lord, of course, knew that at that time, in them, that they would fear me, and His people needed to follow a leader, keep all my commandments always, not just get a personal direction from that it might be well with them, and their own minds, thinking it was God with their children forever! and then go astray thinking that they were following God’s direction. Quite If there is anything that I have frankly, the same is very true today! The church of the living God needs learned and experienced in these last 41 years of living for the Lord it is that… to know and hear the voice of God “GOD KNOWS HOW TO TALK.” in this present hour, for God has not God has a voice and His voice is recog- ceased speaking to His people. He is nizable; as a matter of fact, Jesus said in not silent concerning the direction and John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice, welfare of His body, THE CHURCH. and I know them, and they follow GOD IS STILL TALKING, IF WE me…” The key to having a conversation ARE WILLING TO LISTEN.

The Lord still speaks to His anointed leaders, and He still inspires messages and thoughts that He wants prepared, taught, and preached to His Church. I believe that our God is very serious about each of us listening to “what saith the Lord,” and then acting upon that which we have heard. I remember God specifically stopping me in my tracks while walking up a city walking mall in Germany, and He gave me direction to go to another area some seven miles away to talk to an individual that had not been in service in several weeks. “Is that God or me?” I thought. But I obeyed and went right away, and as I entered that military PX, it was just moments until I ran into that individual coming down the steps. I had no idea that they would be there, but God did! And that meeting changed the individual‘s direction in serving the Lord. What all of us must understand is that God really does want to use us, He wants to work through us, and He will speak to us, if we will be sensitive enough to recognize that it is Him speaking. The only way that we can develop a sensitive ear in listening for the voice of God is by having a personal relationship with Him on a daily basis. That relationship is constantly developed by having a consistent prayer life - a life where we meet with Him on a daily basis, and we open our heart, soul, and mind to Him, and allow Him to speak into our spirit, in giving us our marching orders for the day! God knows how to talk! What could happen across this Wisconsin District if each of us would just learn how to listen, and then obey what He has spoken to us? Keep praying…. keep seeking….keep asking…. and keep listening for the voice of the Lord. He just may be talking to you RIGHT NOW! March/April 2012


Mid-Winter Camp North was held at Pentecostal Assembly in Eau Claire on January 26 and 27. The same speakers were present for the Wisconsin Camp South. What a blessing to have camps in two areas of our state.


WDN Representative, Section 2

The 2012 Mid-Winter Camp South was held February 2-3, at Parkway Apostolic Church in Oak Creek. We heard powerful messages on Satan’s desperate, last hurrah and the power people of the Name possess, to be the head and not the tail. Every message flowed with revelation and anointing.

Awaking Out of Sleep On the opening night, Rev. Terry Black preached a message about Satan’s desperate war against Truth, a war designed to distress the people of God and dishonor the name of Jesus in the earth. Satan is moved by the fact that his time is short. He said the Church needs to take a lesson from Satan’s sense of urgency and asked, “Shall the devil be more eager to destroy this generation than the Church is to change it?” Brother Black’s message was that it is high time to awake out of sleep. Thus, the Lord is getting us ready for the rain. We must be stirred in the Holy Spirit, full of flaming eagerness. For that, there must be a “transformative event” in our lives that activates our zeal, such that it surpasses Satan’s zeal to seek and destroy. We were not designed to be intimidated and sit passively on the sidelines; we were designed to be courageous.


March/April 2012

The Church must arise with its senses quickened. Then it will hear the sound of rain.

Wonderful Secret of the Name The next morning, Evangelist Mike Easter delivered a powerful message on the name, using Joshua 13:18 as his primary text: “And the Angel of the LORD said to him [Manoah], “Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful?” The Angel of the Lord seemed to say that the secret of the name is so wonderful because it is beyond man’s grasp to discover it. What is it about the name that makes it so powerful? When we have the revelation of the name, we have all the power of God at our disposal—the Father’s name, the Son’s blood, and the Holy Ghost’s power. There is revelation in each one of these dimensions that glorifies the power of God, but Brother Easter focused on one, the heritage of the blood. As a background, he mentioned two important factors to help us connect the dots: first, blood cells are contributed by the father, not the mother; and second, sin is transmitted through the blood. There is only one human being who did not have

defiled blood, only One, therefore, who did not have to die. There is only One who could save a condemned world from eternal punishment, and that One is the begotten Son of God, who inherited His name from the Father, Jesus, the Anointed One. Because Christ received His blood stream by supernatural conception, it was not tainted with sin. So it is when we plead the blood for salvation, deliverance, healing, or protection, we are calling upon that name, because the blood of atonement cannot be separated from the name of the One True God. Jesus is both: the Root (Father) and the Offspring (Son); the High Priest and the Sacrificial Lamb at the same time. Therefore, it will be the revelation of the name of Jesus that will spark the greatest revival, and it must come, because God is going to restore the ancient landmarks, and they are built upon the foundation of the one true God. I hear the sound of rain…

When we KNOW who we are, then comes the MIRACULOUS Following Rev. Easter, Rev. Terry Black spoke on the power of knowing who we are in Christ. He was funny, serious, and provocative in his presentation,

leaving one unmistakable mandate: we must follow Christ, and Christ only, to fulfill our purpose and experience personal revival. When we know who we are, there is a sense of purpose that flows from that revelation; and when we live in purpose, there is an expectation of provision; and when there is provision, there is authority and power and a dimension of the miraculous. He asked, “Why do we want the miraculous in our midst?” Do we want the miraculous to compensate for our weaknesses? Or do we want miraculous provision, authority and power for a greater cause, one that is beyond us, that being the will of God? If it is the latter, we may have to suffer reproach for a season from those who do not understand our journey. We long for validation when we do not have to, if we understand who we are. We are Christ’s bride, here to be His help mate to accomplish His purpose on earth.

Revival Praying Then there was Rev. Flo Shaw, International Prayer Coordinator for the World Network of Prayer. Drawing from her own trials of faith and revelation, she

presented her passion for prayer and, in particular, prayer for the ministry. The one element necessary for revival - unity - is an outgrowth of prayers that go up to God for our leaders. When there is unity between the leaders and the people, God commands the blessing, noting that the anointing flows from the top to the bottom as with Aaron’s garments (Psa. 133). We can be instruments to lay the seeds for this unity through intercessory prayer. When we pray for our leaders, we become their armor bearer. An armor bearer accompanies his leader into battle to shield him from injury or death. Sister Shaw pointed out that, when Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ hands, they provided strength and spiritual support. When his hands were held up as he stretched forth God’s wrath of authority, Israel prevailed against the enemy in battle (Ex. 17:12). Sister Shaw noted there is a definite correlation between lift-

ing (or bearing) up our leaders in intercessory prayer and the gates opening up with the King of glory coming in. “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in” (Psa. 24:9). The word “lift” means to accept, advance, bear up; and “head” means chief, forefront, ruler. When we lift up our leaders, the King of glory shall be ushered in. Leaders are strengthened to do the work of the ministry through our prayers, and we become recipients of the same blessing. The anointing from His presence breaks yokes, as He clears the spiritual atmosphere, fights our battles, heals our diseases, and delivers us from spiritual oppressions. Are these not the spoils of victory through prayer? In the evening, Sister Shaw taught on specific weapons of spiritual warfare alongside intercessory prayer. Before a territory can be conquered, she said the gates controlled by demonic powers must be defeated. The gates of hell are walls of fear that paralyze us, resulting in bondage to doubt and unbelief. Behind the gates, Continued on page 10

March/April 2012


Elevate Youth Rally Report BY REV. DON ROGERS On Friday, February 24th, Section 2 held their Elevate Youth Rally at the Cudahay YMCA, where over 235 people were in attendance. Nine people received the Holy Ghost, with a tremendous freedom of worship and prayer. Young people from various churches sought God in a 21-day Daniel’s fast prior to this event, for God to direct them. There were young people seeking after God for over an hour at the altar as the service concluded. Numerous visitors were slain in the Spirit as they were filled with the Holy Ghost. Young men gathered in groups, weeping and wailing after God. Churches brought out many visitors as they responded to the love of God and the preached word of God. The rally theme was, “SHOCK THE CULTURE.” The focus was on reaching after young people through building faith in promoting God’s destiny for them, and how God has made them royalty. Speakers ministered on how God desires to awaken those who spiritually sleep to a great outpouring of His Spirit. Sis. Vyon Rogers, Amy Keilly, and Cecelia Rodriguez all ministered with anointing and sincere transparency. In unity to the vision of availing much through intercessory prayer, the February theme for the entire district has also been, “UNITY AND WORKING TOGETHER.” Bro. Bailey and Bro. Vik were in attendance, helping to promote unity and working together at this event. We saw over nine churches in attendance for this event. We give Jesus all the glory for manifesting His presence in a very special way for this Elevate service. Thank you, Bro. Bailey, for your leadership, and our district fellowship for its unity and vision for youth evangelism.


March/April 2012

district Calendar of Events Photos by: John Paul Grecco JP

April 6 – Good Friday 8 – Easter 14 – WI District Music Fest — Cornerstone, Fond du Lac 14 – JR Bible Quiz, AFC, Racine 16 – Section 4 SFC Kick-Off, WI Rapids 17 – Section 3 SFC Kick-Off, Madison 20-21 – Purpose Institute, Appleton, Eau Claire, Madison & Oak Creek 21 – Section 2 SFC Kickoff, Location TBD 26 – Section 5 WEST SFC Kick off, Location TBD 27 – Section 5 EAST SFC Kick off, Location TBD 28 – Sr. Bible Quiz #4—Waukesha 30 – Section 1 SFC Kickoff, Appleton May 5 – Young Ministers Conference, TBD 10-12 – Ladies Ministry Retreat, Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, Appleton 13 – Mother’s Day 14 – SOC Ends 14-16 – WI District Board Meeting, Wisconsin Dells Spanish Men’s Conference, Dates & Location TBA 18-19 – Purpose Institute—Eau Claire 19 – Jr. Bible Quiz, Parkway, Oak Creek 26 – Senior Bible Quiz #5— Location TBD 27 – Pentecost Sunday 28 – Memorial Day 31 – Mother’s Memorial Final Offering

“By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” Hebrews 10:10 March/April 2012


YOUR TRE E By Russ Walbrun

The Bible is richly replete with the use of trees throughout the Old and New Testaments. Everyone is aware of the first tree in God’s word, because Adam and Eve affected all of us by the decision they made relative to the tree they were told not to partake of. In the book of Genesis, the words “tree” and “trees” are mentioned more than in any other book in the Old Testament. Psalm 1:3 and Jeremiah 17:8 almost echo each other, with the main point being a tree prospering in the yielding of fruit. The major prophet, Isaiah, spoke of trees many times, with the final verse about trees coming in Isaiah 61:3, which reads: “To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.” Bad things happen with trees. In I Corinthians 15:19-22, Paul’s epistle to the church of Corinth says: “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” Adam brought death to man, through eating fruit he wasn’t supposed to take. For man to be redeemed, Christ had to lose His physical life on a tree. Christ’s resurrection was acclaimed by Paul as being the first fruits. Good fruits were revived at Calvary, so humanity had a future hope. Man was re-linked with God as a result of Calvary. Nothing good can come about by something bad done by finite man. Only through an infinite God can something bad happen, and bring a good result. The founding of Christ’s church on the day of Pentecost began the New Testament redemption of man by God. Only by obeying Acts 2:38 is there a start to a new life in man. Receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit must happen before fruits of the Spirit can evolve in one’s life. In Paul’s epistle to the founded church at Galatia, in chapter 5, verse 22, he wrote: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” I am so glad Paul ended this verse with“against such there is no law.” That little phrase says a lot about the need for man to be unlike the world around him. Real Christians cultivate the fruits of the Spirit daily. What did Christ say about being like a tree? In John 15:48, He said: “As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except you abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing… If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” We abide in Him by striving to be like Him in our everyday living. Prayer and submissiveness to the Holy Spirit in our hearts help us to erect our own tree in Christ. Being soaked in prayer will produce true spiritual fruits on our tree. Are you determined to grow a bountiful tree of fruit for the One who gave His precious blood for you at Calvary? Our tree must be rooted in being selfless towards others; we must strive to imitate Christ in our rapport with others. We must always be mindful of producing the fruits of the Spirit continually. Friend, don’t delay, get started on your tree today!

By Debra K. Smith “Unto the women he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children” (Genesis 3:16). The Curse! We know and understand the first part of this curse, but we don’t mention the second part very often. “Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” With this curse in place, can we celebrate being a woman? In China, each couple could only have one child. Of course, they all wanted a son! Many girl babies were killed, so a couple could try again for a son. I wonder how many women they have in their country now, compared to the number of men. Do they have wives for their sons? They should have read this story in Judges and realized the importance of women in society! This story in Judges has always captured my attention. There was a vile sin among some men of Benjamin. When the Israelites learned about it, they were angered; they went unto the Benjamites, asking them to hand over these vile men, so that they could rid Israel of this evil. But the Benjamites refused to turn them over, therefore, civil war broke out in Israel. As it turns out, all of the Benjamites were slain, except for six hundred men. Now these men did not have any wives, and the Israelites had vowed not to give them any of their daughters. What were they to do, since all of the women were destroyed out of Benjamin? The men of Israel devised a plan. They realized no one had come to the battle from Jabesh-Gilead. So they sent twelve thousand men of valor to slay all

the inhabitants of this place, except for the virgins. They brought back four hundred virgins. However, they were still short two hundred women. Then they remembered a yearly feast that was celebrated in Shiloh, where the daughters of Shiloh came out to dance in dances. They informed the remaining men of Benjamin to hide in the vineyard, and to come out and catch for himself his wife from these daughters. The fathers would not be guilty, because they did not give their daughters unto them. (I often wonder, if they lived happily ever after). So! How important is it to be a woman? Important enough that they massacred a whole village, just to get wives for these six hundred men! That is how necessary it is to have women in our societies. Too bad China didn’t realize this importance. We can celebrate being a woman. Muslim nations do not honor their women either. I have read the book, Burned Alive, The Victim of the Law of Men. If a woman dishonors a man in any way, even by mere suspicion, she may pay for it with her life. They do not value the life of a woman. It is common for them to beat and mistreat their wives, and the woman has no recourse. Women there do not celebrate being a woman. Here in the United States, we can celebrate being a woman. Even though, even here, there are men that beat or mistreat their wives. But the woman does have avenues of escape; there are deterrents in place to protect their lives. You can tell which God a man serves, by the way he treats his wife. The Muslim god, or any man who thinks of himself as a god, suppresses women.

But our God, Jesus, requires men to love and respect their wives. “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it” (Ephesians 5:25). “Husbands, love your wives and be not bitter against them” (Colossians 3:19). “In like manner, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered” (1Peter 3:7). We can celebrate being a woman here in the United States, with good Christian-minded men. However, here in United States, we have taken our celebration too far. We now want to be men! True men never want to be a woman. One way to insult a man is to call them a girl. I remember a story about my son, Raymond, when he was about five. We were walking through the woods when we came to a large puddle; the girls and I walked around, it but not Raymond; he walked right through the middle of it. “Raymond, why do you have to act like such a boy?” I asked. His instant reply, “It’s better than acting like a girl!” He was right; I do not want him being like a girl! It is an insult for a boy to act like a girl, but it is not an insult for a girl to act like a girl! If we are true women, we do not want to be like a man. However, there are women who feel it is their right to do anything a man does. We have all Continued on page 12

March/April 2012


Mid-Winter Camp Continued from page 5

Satan detains the lost, and those held in captivity by sickness, carnal habits, addictions, and poverty. We have authority in intercessory prayer to pull down strongholds so that captives can be set free and recover themselves from the evil power that so easily ensnares them to do his will. We exercise our authority through faith in the weapons conferred upon us by our inheritance: the Name of Jesus, His blood, His Spirit, and His Word (e.g. binding and loosing as taught by Jesus in Matthew 16:19; casting down imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God as instructed in 2 Cor. 10:5). Sister Shaw gave a riveting personal testimony of

how she narrowly escaped death at the hands of a demon-possessed attacker determined to take her life. She emerged victorious through the intervention of angels, who literally froze her attacker. He could not take his eyes off the angel. Her testimony released an outpouring of praise to God as His glory filled the house of God.

Get Going Church! Finally, Rev. Easter concluded the conference with a message entitled, “Time to Get After It.” When we discern the Spirit moving, we need to get up. It is time for new opportunities; it is time to get up from disillusionment. He said, “Do something you are not use to doing; do something you never did before.” And let the rain fall.

Photos by: Frank Ritchie and Craig & Loretta Lundt


March/April 2012


Continued from page 9

seen women that look more like a man than a woman, by their manner of dress and the length of their hair. Sin is a progression. First you get the sexes to look alike, gender distinction becomes blurred, and, eventually, it will lead to the acceptance of homosexuality. This is not acceptable, because women are very different from men. In every aspect of our make-up: our feet, our hands, our bodies,

and even our brains are different. Men have more blood and more strength. Therefore, there are some things a man can do that a woman is not capable of doing. We must be careful not to get our roles mixed up either. It is the man’s role to pursue, to protect, and to provide. It is the woman’s role to nurture and support. It is how God created them and us! We need to rejoice and celebrate the fact that we were created differently as men and

women! I am glad I am in a church that celebrates being a woman! “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her” (1Corinthians 11:15). And there is something about a skirt or a dress, that makes a woman look feminine. One time we were Christmas shopping, and, as dairy farmers, my husband wanted to buy the grandchildren toy tractors. So we went to an implement dealership. While we were looking at their toy display, I noticed one of the employees knock on an office door. Shortly after, he came out with another man, who inquired me about how my shopping was going. I then looked around the store and it seemed to have gotten very busy. There were a few more men about the room, all appearing to be busy. Then it occurred to me. They all had come to see the ‘lady’ in a skirt! Are our men so starved to see a feminine attired woman? A lady dressed like a lady! So let us get back to the subject of our curse according to the New Testament, “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory

of God; but the woman is the glory of the man. (Our long hair, our glory, is the symbol that we are under our husbands and that we accept this God given position) For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. For this cause (a woman being under her husband, as stated in Genesis) ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels” (1 Corinthians 11:8-10). Now I want to say that with a curse, there is a promise, and our promise is in verse 10. It is because we are under our husbands, ‘this cause,’ that we have ‘power (authority/strength) on our head because of (“denoting the channel of an act; through”) the angels’. It is God’s protection for us; we have a promise of strength (maybe even endurance) through the angels. Not because of our hair, but because we accept the God given position of being under our husband. Because we have this protection from God and the promise of strength, we can celebrate in the curse and celebrate being a woman!

WI District Summer Camp Dates - 2012 june Junior Camp – June 18-22 (Ages 9-12) Youth Camp – June 25-29 (Ages 12-21)

Go to www.wiladiesministries.com for a downloadable registration form or contact your local ladies leader


March/April 2012

juLY Family Camp – July 1-6 Speakers: Rev. Daniel Seagraves, Rev. Jerry Jones Men’s Camp – July 27 & 28 Speakers: Rev. Jack Yonts Sr. & Rev. Bob Boettcher

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