Wisconsin District neWs June 2013
Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 wdn@wisconsinupci.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: - Open Section 4: April Peckham Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. John E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. John Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. Charles Welch Section 2: Rev. James Booker Section 3: Rev. Ed Herman Section 4: Rev. Rufus Parker Section 5: Rev. Paul Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. Rick Keilley Deaf Ministry: Renee Strand Ladies Ministries: Sis. Barb Hilderbrand Sunday School: Rev. Dale Pace Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. Michael Hook Multimedia Ministry: Rev. Scott Jacobs Men’s Ministry: Rev. Steve Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.
June 2013
When remembering our roots, the first things that come to my mind are the American explorers and pioneers of our history, people who braved the wilds of the land. They faced problems never before faced by their fathers. Many died without making it to their land of hope. Where they fell, others took up the torch and continued to blaze the trail. Some examples of our roots from the Bible are found in the “Hall of Faith Chapter” in Hebrews chapter 11: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses. These were men of great faith! Other men and women from Bible times faced the unknown and unpredictable: Esther, Ruth, Elijah, John the Baptist, Peter, and Paul. These, in the face of fear, stepped out and did what was best, regardless of the obstacles put in their way. Not only should this give us courage to face our own challenges, but it should also give us pause to thank God for those who have gone before us and made our walk with God a little easier. I thank God for my family heritage. I have Apostolic/Pentecostal
roots on both sides of my family: on my father’s side, Grandpa and Grandma Lundt (see my Grandfather’s testimony on page 16), and on my mother’s side, Grandpa & Grandma Hawks (see excerpts from my uncle Bob Hawk’s book on page 17). My wife has Pentecostal ancestors from both sides of her family as well, starting with her great-grandparents on both sides (Fredricks and Groves). Our children have a legacy of hope, and it is my hope to continue that legacy for them. I Peter 2:9 reminds us, “We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, THAT we should show forth the praises of Him, who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (emphasis mine). This issue is focused on our heritage, but I’d like to extend an invitation to you to share your heritage as well. If you would like to share your story with us, send it via e-mail to editor@wisconsindistrictnews.org. Blessings! Your WDN Editor, Craig Lundt
WI District Superintendent
I CORINTHIANS 9:16 For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel! 17 For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me. 18 What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel. 19 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. 20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; 21 To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. 22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 23 And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you. This issue of the Wisconsin District News is focusing on “Remembering Our Roots.” The emphasis is about our history and where, as a group of
believers, we came from. Across the great fellowship of the UPCI, you will find many and varied testimonies of how God brought each of us out of traditionalism…sinful bondage…and spiritual pride, into the truth that has changed our lives forever. As an organization, our roots stem back to the holiness movement of the 1800’s. Through various God-appointed events, eventually the “truth” of God’s Word was restored to what the original message was, preached on the first day of the Christian church (Acts 2:38). Throughout the centuries, God has led spiritually minded men and women to grow further in their knowledge and understanding of the scriptures until, once again, this “born again” message was proclaimed and embraced. Your spiritual belief system may have led you down many paths that eventually led you to the restored “apostolic truth” as taught by the Apostles in the second chapter of Acts. For myself and my wife, our spiritual quest began with the faith of the Presbyterian, Baptist, and Methodist; then to the Charismatic where, at a Full Gospel Businessmen’s Prayer Gathering, we both received the gift of the Holy Ghost. We continued on the journey to receive the revelation of the mighty God in Christ, and were water baptized into the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of our sins. The scripture is clear (Matthew 7:16) that we will know the genuine by their fruits! Their lives will speak loud and clear of what they really are inwardly. I’m also convinced that we will understand people by their “roots.” We are dealing with souls that have been spiritually, emotionally, and physically abused! Souls that know little of God’s Word, yet believe that they know
much about the “feel good” approach to their salvation. It is only through understanding their background, their “root” system, that we can truly comprehend where they are coming from in their belief system. It is in understanding these hurting people that we begin to place ourselves in the spiritual position to minister to their spiritual needs and desires. How important it is for all of us that have our fellow man’s best interest at heart, to share with them the “TRUTH.” We need to be careful not to promote someone’s personal teaching about theological issues, but we need to teach and expound to them out of THE BOOK… THE BIBLE…that will endure the longevity of heaven and earth, and will never pass away. Why? So that all who are spiritually reaching are rooted and grounded in the “Truth”! This is what the apostle Paul was referring to in his writing to the Corinthian church. He recognized that there were many teachings about many issues that confronted his day. So, what did he do? He took them on further from the known spiritual “root system” that they stemmed from. Paul said… I Corinthians 9:22…I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. The apostle was willing to make wise and strategic approaches in doing his best in reaching out to those that he was trying to see saved! Paul was trying to reach souls and, through his passion and love for those people, he was willing to approach the Gospel in such a way that those people could understand it and be convicted by it. He understood them by their “roots.” Continued on page 21
June 2013
BY DAVID K. BERNARD In 2013 we celebrate one hundred years of the restoration of water baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We find examples of this practice throughout church history, but key events in the early twentieth century led to the greatest revival of this message since the third century. The Jesus Name message was renewed in the modern Pentecostal movement, which originated with a Bible school in Topeka, Kansas, in January 1901 led by Charles Parham and with the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, California, from 1906 to 1908 led by William Seymour. Based on the examples in Acts, some early Pentecostals began to baptize in Jesus’ name, including Parham (1901), some in Los Angeles during the Azusa Street Revival (1907), and Andrew Urshan, a Persian immigrant in Chicago (1910). The practice did not yet have strong doctrinal significance, however. Two notable events led to the development of the Jesus Name message as a distinct movement: the Worldwide Camp Meeting in Arroyo Seco in April 1913 and the rebaptisms of Frank Ewart and Glenn Cook in April 1914. The Worldwide Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting was organized by R.J. Scott and George Studd and held at Arroyo Seco near Los Angeles, on a campground used by the Azusa Street Mission. The month-long meeting began on April 15, 1913, and perhaps two thousand people attended. The main speaker was Maria Wood-
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worth-Etter, a well-known Pentecostal evangelist. Expectations were high, and 364 people received the Holy Spirit. Many miraculous healings occurred as Woodworth-Etter prayed “in the name of Jesus.” At a baptismal service Robert McAlister, a Canadian minister, explained that single immersion was the proper mode for baptism, not triple immersion. As proof he cited the baptismal accounts in Acts. The apostles baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; they never baptized using the words “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,” as triple immersion requires. McAlister’s observation planted a
sion in Los Angeles founded by William Durham. Ewart had been studying the name and oneness of God for some time, so McAlister’s comments were especially intriguing to him. Ewart invited him to his home, where they discussed the theological implications of using the name of Jesus in water baptism. They concluded that when the apostles baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, they properly fulfilled Christ’s command to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:19). After the camp, Ewart began working in Los Angeles with McAlister and Glenn Cook, a noted evangelist who had
seed in the minds of several people. A man named John Schaepe was so inspired that he spent the night in prayer. Early the next morning he began running through the camp shouting that he had received a revelation of the power of the name of Jesus. Quite a few campers were greatly stirred as Schaepe fervently explained his newfound understanding. Another man who was deeply impressed was Frank Ewart, originally from Australia, where he had been a Baptist bush missionary. In 1903 he immigrated to Canada, in 1908 he received the Holy Spirit in Portland, Oregon, and in 1912 he became pastor of a Pentecostal mis-
been the full-time business manager of the Azusa Street Mission. These men continued to study the name of Jesus and the doctrine of God. After several months McAlister returned to Canada and shared their thinking with ministers there, particularly Franklin Small. At some point they also included in their discussions G.T. Haywood, a ministerial friend and a prominent African American pastor in Indianapolis. In November 1913 at a convention in Winnipeg, McAlister preached the first sermon on the name of Jesus in water baptism. Small had charge of the baptismal service and baptized thirty new con-
EDWARD HERMAN - Section 3 verts in the name of Jesus Christ. These were the first Jesus Name baptisms to result from the Arroyo Seco meeting. Back in Los Angeles, Ewart and Cook concluded that, following the apostolic pattern, water baptism should always take place with the invocation of the name of Jesus. They also concluded that Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not three distinct persons but three manifestations of the one God, and Jesus is the revelation of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The reason why there is such power when believers preach, pray, and baptize in Jesus’ name is that the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Jesus. To proclaim this message, Ewart and Cook pitched a tent and began meetings in Belvedere, California, just outside Los Angeles. On April 15, 1914, Ewart preached his first sermon on Acts 2:38. He proclaimed that the full message of salvation consists of repentance, water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost; and he associated Jesus Name baptism with the oneness of God in Christ. Then Ewart baptized Cook in the name of Jesus Christ, and Cook baptized Ewart. This action—the first rebaptisms in the name of Jesus Christ—decisively identified Oneness Pentecostalism as a distinct movement. As the Jesus Name message was preached, a great revival broke out in Los Angeles. Many were miraculously healed and many received the Holy Ghost in the waters of baptism. Soon the Jesus Name message began to spread around the world. David K. Bernard is the general superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International. This article was originally published in January 2013 on upci.org and has been adapted from David K. Bernard’s book A History of Christian Doctrine, Vol. 3. See this book for documentation.
WDN: Tell us about your background. BRO. HERMAN: I was born in Green Bay, WI, on June 8, 1965, and promptly given up for adoption. At six weeks old, I was adopted by a great couple that raised me, along with two brothers, as their own. I grew up in Appleton, WI, where I eventually met and married my high school sweetheart, Paula. Immediately after getting married, I went into the U.S. Air Force and was assigned to Holloman AFB, New Mexico. It was during this time that I began attending the University of New Mexico – Alamogordo. Sis. Herman and I had every intention of staying in the Air Force (we considered New Mexico our home), but God had other plans. While I did well and enjoyed the military, I had one major problem: alcoholism. During our time away, my brother-in-law, Rev. Bob Boettcher, was faithfully praying for us to come home, so we could be witnessed to. It was a miracle, but God turned our hearts back to Wisconsin, after we thought we’d never return. My drinking problem peaked in January, 1990. Sis. Herman was desper-
ately searching for answers in her own life and began attending Fox Cities United Pentecostal Church (now Pentecostals of the Fox Cities) in Menasha, WI, which was then pastored by Rev. Mark Lemke. I had extreme reservations about tongue-talking, Holy-rollers, but desperation drove me to search in places I never thought I would look. While going through Exploring God’s Word Bible study, I was baptized in Jesus’ name on May 13, 1990 (the same night Sis. Herman was filled with the Holy Ghost). Then, I too, received the Holy Ghost on June 24, 1990. Once born again, we never looked back, and have endeavored to do whatever we could for the kingdom of God. Even while I was finishing my degree in criminal justice at UW-Oshkosh, we immediately got involved in youth work, Sunday school, and anything else we could lend a hand to. God began to deal with me about a calling to preach, during the time my second pastor, Jack Yonts II, was fighting a lung disease in the late 1990’s. Eventually I received my local license in April, 2001. In June 2005 I began pastoring TurnPoint Pentecostal Church in Wisconsin Dells, WI. We now have daughter works in Reedsburg and Portage. WDN: Tell us about your family. BRO. HERMAN: Sis. Herman and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary on December 28, 2012. She has been my best friend for 30 years now, and there’s nobody in this world I enjoy being with more than her. We have two children (boys). Jordan is 20 years old. He graduated from Indiana Bible College in December 2012, and has recently taken a position as Youth Pastor for Pastor John David Putnam at Pentecostals Continued on page 22
June 2013
BY LORETTA LUNDT Sit down and enjoy as I ‘delight’ you with details from Ladies’ Retreat 2013. The ladies “retreated” on May 9-11 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, where 948 ladies gathered to “enjoy the presence of the Lord,” refresh, rejuvenate, and have some “grown-up girl
June 2013
FUN!” From the prayer room, to the Treasure Chest sale room, to the PPH bookstore and local authors’ tables, there was plenty to do between services. Sis. Barb Hilderbrand, WI District Ladies’ President, started the retreat out with encouragement to meditate on the Word of the Lord, ap-
preciate the goodness of the Lord, and anticipate what the Lord is about to do for you! After Bro. Putnam, District Superintendent, greeted the ladies, Sis. Aloma Turner was honored for her 43 years of service with the Ladies’ Ministries in Wisconsin. We were delighted to have Sis. Mickey Mangun for our main guest speaker. She blessed and ministered with songs and messages. “Don’t get hung up on yourself,” she said. “You’re the only person you have a lifelong relationship with.” She shared from some of her own experiences
and encouraged us to listen to, speak to, and be there for the body of Christ. At one point in her life, so many difficult tragedies occurred in succession, she felt lost. During this time, she realized the importance of the body of Christ. “When we resist listening to the body, we suffer. We hear God’s voice through others, even if they are not speaking.” The Lord moved mightily, and we praise God for the seven ladies who received the gift of the Holy Ghost during Ladies’ Retreat! Friday morning brought a first to Ladies’ Retreat: two
main morning speakers plus focused breakout sessions, including Family Balance, Making the Best of Your Marriage, Vintage Vessels, Young & Committed, and Single– the Power of One. Speakers for the breakouts were some of our own Wisconsin ladies, and seating was limited. But simultaneously, hundreds of ladies gathered in the main sanctuary for the first general session to hear Sis. Putnam teach on “The Ugly Duckling.” She taught how God is our image-maker. “Experts can change the outside, but only Jesus can change the
inside,” she said. “Don’t believe the lie that self worth = performance + the opinion of others. Instead, believe the truth that self worth = Jesus Christ.” During the second general session, Sis. Mangun spoke on the difference between a do-it-all ‘myth’ mom and a real mom. She told about the “pleasing pyramid” from Dr. Kevin Leman’s book, “Women Who Try Too Hard,” which lists ten things to do to help with this. Some of these included: prioritize, simplify, and have alone time with God.
Sis. Jelaine Lumpkin was unable to come, so Saturday morning, Sis. Wanda Fielder, author of “Tea-Lightful Inspirations,” ‘delighted’ us with a message on “When I Can’t, God Can.” She talked about overcoming anxiety. “We don’t need self-confidence, we need God-confidence: You can’t do it, but God can!” She
said, “The facts are not always the truth: Daniel should have been eaten in the lions’ den, a few fish should only feed a few people, a fiery furnace will kill the people thrown into it, water doesn’t become wine when you drink it, etc., but when God is in the mix, all things are possible!” .
Photos by Barb Bognar
June 2013
BY MICHAEL D. HOOK On April 6th, True Life Church of Waukesha was privileged to dedicate a new church facility, located at 1615 Silvernail Road, in Waukesha. Numerous pastors and ministers from across our district attended our dedication service. A special thanks goes to District Superintendent, John E. Putnam, for his message, and Bro. Dan Batchelor of St. Louis, for his dedicatorial prayer. The new church was a former outpatient health clinic with 22,000 sq ft, seven acres of property, and 200 parking spaces. God miraculously allowed us to purchase
June 2013
this property for 1.2 million that has been appraised for over three million dollars. True Life Church is visible from Interstate 94, at exit 293 in Waukesha. God’s miraculous hand was in the financing and renovation of this building. We are happy to report that the following week, on April 11th, we sold our Merrill Hills location, for which we give Jesus all the glory. We also want to report a miracle for Pastor Hook. While in the hospital, on May 9th, the doctors were amazed as they did a heart catheterization and found no blockages, which were evident in 2004 from a previous catheterization. The doc-
tor told Pastor that if he wasn’t an atheist, he would become a Christian, seeing what had happened in his arteries. They found no evidence of any blockages, whatsoever. We also want to thank you for the many prayers for Sis. Hook over the last 14 years, while battling many afflictions. This past week, Sis. Hook has been walking almost a mile every morning. What a miracle from two years ago, when she spent four months in the nursing home, unable to pick up her feet, lift her arms, or even walk. We give God all the praise and believe that great things are in store for the Wisconsin District. We are the “Word Made Flesh” in our daily lives. May we continue to see signs, wonders, and miracles in 2013!
district Calendar of Events July 22-26 JR Bible Quiz National Finals, Branson, MO Spanish Family Camp—Dates TBD 29-30—WI District Board Meeting, Janesville August 1- SFC Scholarship Deadline 7-9 Nat. Youth Congress, Louisville
Wisconsin District Ladies Ministries May 11 via mobile
Jesus moved in a mighty way in last night’s service. We know that in the first wave of the moving of The Spirit SIX ladies were filled with the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit of God gave the utterance. PRAISE THE LORD!
“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7 June 2013
PENTECOSTA vention rist (PAJC) Con tern h C s su Je of ssemblies Midwes ota (and other e Pentecostal A es th n at in n M ke d ta an as n tr y. ve w from Wisconsi on of the coun gi le p The photo abo re r eo p ou y an om m fr pioneers It shows back in 1939. the Pentecostal of ’ ot tify the sh ap n ‘s t grea ct to help iden je ro p a g in states) and is a d d hea d has marked an adie Hardt, is an S s n d io an ct el se u ve am fi photo into of the late S pages. has divided the e Jon Hardt, son H o. the next three ot h p on s d te ou d os p en e em ar tr e tified. Thes people in this have been iden at th s al u id iv e rest of d listed in ke to identify th li ld ou w e W .’ n. re row and positio h ‘the big pictu it by w ed p fi el ti h r en u id yo e e first We need son can b on the left, so th photo. Each per is ts ar th st in n le io p it eo os p p the and the nd person on the bottom as R1/1, the seco d ke ar m is The rows start w ro means is mark (?), it ft in the bottom th le e e se th u on yo n so en per c. W h you recogrow is R1/2, et is unknown. If e am n e th in the bottom of ail at g e or the spellin tact Jon via e-m n am n co s o, n’ ot so h er p p e e th om th tified people fr nize any uniden in jshardt@itol.com I)… was formed l (UPC rch Internationa hu C al the Pentecostal st co te en ted P corporated and In h rc hu C al Note: “The Uni st co ger of the Pente 1945 by the mer ci.org up ” t. sus Chris Je of s ie bl em ss A
June 2013
Row 1: There are no individuals identified, 1/3 and 1/6 have been suggested to be daughters of Linkenjo (?) family; Row 2: 2/1: (?), 2/2: (?), 2/3: George Dainty, Spencer, IA, 2/4: (?), 2/5: Ben Urshan, Duluth, MN, 2/6: Wife to be of Richard Davis (?), 2/7: (?); Row 3: 3/1: Lady (?), 3/2: (?), 3/3: (?), 3/4: (?), 3/5: (?) Linkenjo (?), 3/6: (?), 3/7: (?), 3/8: Alice Lentz Urshan, 3/9: (?), 3/10: (?), 3/11: (?); Row 4: 4/1: (?), 4/2: (?), 4/3: Charles Dunham, Auroraville, WI, 4/4: Emily Dunham, 4/5: Mother Clark, Marshfield, WI, 4/6: M. S Wasko, River Falls, WI , 4/7: (?) Ellis, 4/8: (?), 4/9:Virgil Clark, 4/10: (?), 4/11: Robert Clark June 2013
Row 1: 1 – 4, Non Identified; Row 2: 1 – 12, R2/1 – R2/9, R2/10: Wallace McKeehan, ABI; Row 3: 1-17, 3/1: (?) Peterson, Clintonville, WI; Row 4: 1 – 10, 4/1: - 4/3, 4/4: George Bye, St Paul, MN, 4/5: Maria Peterson, Clintonville, WI 4/6: (?), 4/7: John Peterson, Clintonville, WI, 4/8: Fred Schmidt, Auroraville, WI
Row 1: 1 – 8 Non Identified; Row 2: 1 – 15 Non Identified; Row 3: 1-11 Non Identified
June 2013
Row 1: 1 – 21, Non Identified; Row 2: 1 – 25, R2/1 – R2/4, R2/5: Harry Rubin, Milwaukee, WI R2/6 – R2/15, 17, R2/16 & 18: The S. J. Norris’s ABI, St Paul, MN, R2/18 – R2/25; Row 3: 1-11, 3/1: (?) Resbee, Milwaukee, WI, 3/2 – 3/11
Row 1: 1 – 9, R1/ 1-7 Non Identified, R1/8-9 (?) Witherspoon; Row 2: 1 – 12, R2/1 Warren Monte, R2/ 2- 7 Non Identified, R2/8 Pastor Jim Peterson, Clintonville, WI, R9/ 9-12 Non Identified; Row 3:1-4 Non Identified June 2013
BY ALAN & VALERIE DEMOS 2013 has been a productive year so far, working in the vineyards of the Lord. We are so busy doing the work, that time is short to report on it. We hope this double-page newsletter will let you know that YOUR PROVISION, coupled with OUR LABORS, are bringing forth fruit that remains. Jesus said, “I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” Beginning late last year and going through May of this year, we have min-
June 2013
istered in Croatia, Spain, France, Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, the Czech Republic, and Germany. We have been in preaching points, a Bible School, homes and churches doing Marriage and Family Seminars, giving Home Bible Studies, training future ministers, preaching/ teaching the wonderful Word of God, worshipping and enjoying fellowship with God’s wonderful people. There is no rest for the righteous! God is our Helper and Strength in all things. We could do none of this without YOUR faithful support! A return visit to Athens in March
was a grand reunion with The Crossroads we founded in 1975. After fifteen years under appointment to Greece, we felt led to move on to Germany, but left behind this evangelistic center in revival in 1989. It was wonderful to team up with Missionary Sim Strickland, to rejoice over the ongoing outreach this headquarters’ church has achieved. There are now branch churches in other parts of Athens, reaching Greeks and internationals. Many of the original converts are now UPCI pastors and workers in many lands around the world.
BY BENJAMIN & VICTORIA SMITH God is so wonderful! We have been traveling in the US for two months now. During that time we have preached in the states of Wisconsin, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Mississippi, and we are currently in Iowa. We will be preaching in different parts of Iowa for about a month before we head to Minnesota, then back to Wisconsin, where we will join them for Family Camp, and will return to Antigua on July 12th. Recently, we got to work with Bro. and Sis. Borlik, children’s evangelists from the Indiana district. (www.bruceandjami.com) During that revival, we saw at least four people get the Holy Ghost, and three children were baptized in Jesus’ name! Then, when I was down in Mississippi for three days, we had a wonderful service, and a gentleman was baptized following that service. We followed that up with two days of outreach and saw God meet many needs on the street, including a gentleman that wanted to come off the street to be baptized in Jesus’ name! From there I traveled back to Kentucky on Friday, picked up Victoria, repacked the car, joined our friends for their daughter’s graduation, then left Saturday
morning for Iowa. In the first service we preached here in Iowa, we experienced God coming down in a mighty way, as many people were touched by the hand of the Almighty. For one young man, it was his first time in an apostolic church. During that service he received the gift of the Holy Ghost and, after the service, he was baptized in Jesus’ name! He also shared with some of us that during his life he had visited many churches, but this was the first time in his life that he felt the presence of God and had a desire to come again! Can we give Jesus some praise? My wife preached for the ladies at Spirit & Truth in Marion, Iowa, this past Tuesday. God swept in and moved in the lives of many precious sisters from that church, as well as surrounding churches! Please pray for these requests: We just found out the son of a friend of ours has a broken back. Also, keep us in your prayers as we travel around the states. God bless you all and many blessings in Jesus’ name, Benjamin & Victoria Smith, AIM Missionaries to Antigua
June 2013
As a young boy, I had a fear in my heart for my wrong doings. I remember when I got ready for bed, I would pray that old familiar prayer. “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” I was brought up in a very good home, where standards of holiness were practiced. We read the Bible, prayed, and had a lot of LOVE. We had very little of today’s pleasures. We really didn’t know any difference, if we were rich or poor. Everyone was in the same situation. We were a family of eight children (five boys and three girls). As we were old enough, we left home to make room at the table for the rest that were at home. I left home at the early age of 15 and began traveling down the road of hard-knocks. I was not shielded by Mother and Dad any longer and, at this young age, I had to live a more adult lifestyle. I really wasn’t ready for this type of responsibility, but I soon learned it well. I did not have very many friends and didn’t know the Lord Jesus Christ. I would say I was “between a rock and a hard place.” As I grew older, things began to change. The standards I had kept at home gave way to temptation. Soon, I was just like my so-called ‘friends.’ Drinking, smoking, and all kinds of bad habits followed. Soon I became interested in girls. At the age of 20, I married one of them. Again, I was not ready for this kind of responsibility. It was like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Soon we were raising a family. This sure was different from what I was used to. It was two days before our first wed-
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ding anniversary, when I was drafted into the armed services. After serving my time, I was discharged and, again, I had to start a new life of responsibility. The war was now over and unemployment was running high. I worked wherever I could find a job, mostly low paying. In a few years, our family grew to four children. By this time, I was doing better in handling the role of father, provider, and husband, but still didn’t know Jesus as my Lord and Savior. The neighbor lady talked to us about church. She said, “You need those children in church and Sunday school.” I agreed. We started to go to Grace Lutheran Church in Bear Creek, but I soon found out that what I was really searching for was not there. We moved out of Bear Creek into a farmhouse in the country. I was out of work, so I had no income. I needed a job and the Lord Jesus Christ. I prayed in earnest that night. The very next day, my brother-in-law came and told me I was to come to work at New London Plywood, because they had a job for me. My hunger for Jesus grew in my heart. I read and read all the Christian papers and books I could. I listened to a broadcast on the radio of testimonies of men and women that found Jesus. This caused my hunger to grow for knowing the Lord. At this time, I had a brother named Allen who had recently been discharged from the Army. He came to see me and told me about what he had experienced while in service. He had attended a few Pentecostal meetings and said he had found a church in Clintonville that was somewhat like the meetings he had attended. He told me to come and see, and that is just what I did. I
hadn’t expected what I saw and heard, but my Lord knew just what I needed. It wasn’t long until I got my wife to come with me. In the fall of 1953, I came to know Him in the fullness. I was 30 years old. It was a joy to bring up my family to know the Lord Jesus also. Both my wife and I received the Holy Ghost and were baptized in Jesus’ name. Soon after that, the scripture was fulfilled in our family; “For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” (Acts 2:39) All seven of our children were filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus’ name. We were not just members of some church, but we belonged to the family of God. Oh, what a joy and peace and hope we have! We had the blessing of God in our home. Now that we sought first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all other blessings were added unto us. Many healings were ours and we were able to own our little farm in Bear Creek. God blessed us greatly, and blessed me with a job at Four Wheel Drive Corporation, where I worked and retired after 30 years. In December of 1990, I had a massive heart attack. God marvelously healed me and saved my life and lifted me up. I thank Him and praise Him, for His mercy endureth forever. In my recent illness, he is again restoring me back to my health. Oh, how wonderful is our God. Life is hard, at its very best, but we read in Romans 8:18, “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” We live in a community which has
been influenced by football; the Green Bay Packers, that played together for the ultimate goal, the ‘Super Bowl’ victory. This team had to discipline themselves for the task put before them, but after the big win, it will soon be forgotten and shortlived. “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.” I Corinthians 9:24-27. As life goes on, we need to be determined, whatever comes or goes, to remember the words found in Matthew 10:39, “He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” Philippians 3:1314 says, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I Continued on page 21
Here is a sampling of writings by Grandpa Allan Hawks. He wrote them in a notebook before he died (in 1969) and they were given to his daughter, Aunt Shirley. They have been compiled into two chapters published in Uncle Bob Hawks’ book, “As It Was in the Days of Noah, So Shall It Be.” One chapter is “Who is Jesus?” Jesus said, “For if you believe not, that I am he, ye shall die in your sins” ( John 8:24)… Jesus was speaking to a people that were acquainted with the Word of God, and boasted in their knowledge and religion. They were His own people that He came to save, but they knew Him not, because their minds were carnal ( John 7:5). Like the people of today, they are self-righteous, and believe in the god of afar off, after somebody’s theories, heresies, and opinions of men, but not after God – there is one Lord, one faith and one baptism… The second chapter is “The Just Shall Live By Faith.” Every so often, the thought and Scripture arises about faith. It is dealt on very briefly because we have so little of it, at least not as much as the Lord wants us to have. For in Hebrews 11:6, he says, “But without faith, it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” So we must really know Him and love Him, before we can have confidence or faith in Him. The better we know Him, the more faith we will have, and the more works we will do. When we read of the great faith the apostles of old had and what great things were done through faith, I think we should think more on this matter, as to what God expects of us today. Perhaps we should ask God, just what is faith? In Hebrews 11:1, it says, “Now
faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Faith is having a picture or blueprint of what you are asking for, and also a satisfied picture or blueprint in your mind knowing what the result will be. I think too many, when they ask God for protection for some trial, think God should keep them for the trial, but that isn’t faith. Maybe the trial is supposed to be, but He will answer and make a way, or give you victory, in the trial. And again, if you ask something of Him, He will tell you what to do to get it. He will try your faith, before the answer comes. Believing and faith go hand in hand. The more you believe or know God, the more faith you will have. Think what faith Noah had, but look how long he labored building that enormous ark up on a mountainside, where it never had rained, to prove his faith, which was not in vain. We read about a heathen army officer named Naaman… we could move to the beggar that was born blind…the prophet Joel…Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego… Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. He Continued on page 21
June 2013
BY ANNE NEY “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.” Unity has always been a key to the power of God’s Church, but His people sometimes need a reason to come together and experience it. Fortunately, the leadership of Section 2 had the wisdom to schedule a Unity Service this past May 19th, on Pentecost Sunday, and blessings followed. It was a night at Parkway Church in Oak Creek, WI, that recalled the common doctrinal roots of all in attendance, both those representing UPCI churches, and brethren from other apostolic congregations. Unity is not merely for the sake of peaceful co-existence. It is, as Rev. Jim Booker, WI Sectional Presbyter prayed, for the “furtherance of the Kingdom of God.” After the beautiful corporate worship, and a creative historical video on the ministry of G.T. Haywood, District Secretary E. A. Kaske talked about the vision to see our fellowship double in size – “not for numbers alone, but to reach this world.” Bro. Kaske said that this movement
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has always “been characterized by a desire for truth and to welcome back our Lord Jesus Christ…God’s vision,” said Bro. Kaske, “is greater than our district’s vision. He’s pouring out His Spirit on all flesh.” The congregation agreed with the preacher, that we “want to be part of that.” Then, the evening’s main speaker was introduced. Bro. Mike Easter was a primed pump of Holy Ghost excitement. He began by reminding us that we are the people of God - “There is no other group like us - we are the salt and light of the earth. We’ve got the Spirit, the Name, and the Word. The thing that makes us stand out is that we are the people of the Name.” Bro. Easter read Colossians 2:8-10, which is a warning not to be misled by deceits and philosophies of this world, but to follow that wonderful, saving truth, which is: “For in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power.” Then Bro. Easter told us the story, from John chapter 4, of the “Seventh Man.” Jesus came to Samaria, a place most Jews of Jesus’ day avoided.
But this unconventional God-man, who is no respecter of persons, came specifically to see a woman of bad reputation. A woman of the streets, she had gone to the well at the hottest hour of the day, probably to be alone and not have to suffer the scorn of other women, for she had had five husbands, and was not married to the sixth man with whom she was currently living. This day was going to be life-changing for her, because the Seventh Man had come to ask her to draw water. “Then saith the woman of Samaria
unto him, ‘How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.’ Jesus answered and said unto her, ‘If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.’ “The woman saith unto him, ‘Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?’ “Jesus answered and said unto her, ‘Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.’” Here is the essential point: if people really knew who Jesus is - if they knew the Seventh Man, their attitude, their desires, their lives would be forever changed. Let’s open our hearts and our doors to all who need Jesus and let them also experience their own personal Pentecost.
BY STEVE ROGERS God greatly used Bro. Johnny Hamby, from Boca Raton, Florida, at Elim Tabernacle, May 24-26. Three people were particularly blessed on this occasion. It was the first time each had ever been in a Pentecostal church. One man who came that day was baptized. I’ve known Dave for more than eight years, and he has walked with a cane for all of the time I’ve known him. He was able to leave his cane with us, since God healed him and he no longer needed it. He actually helped with another woman. She, too, left her cane, because she was healed as well. She displayed her healing by walking all over the church, thrilled and smiling. Much to her surprise she found herself walking without her cane due to the healing she had come for, but wasn’t really sure that God would give to her. God healed her anyway. Another lady was given her eyesight. She had to be led into the church, but walked out on her own, amazed that she was seeing for the first time in years. Many other healings took place, and many lives were restored. It was so much fun to see God express His love to people in ways that absolutely surprised them.
June 2013
SHAZAM! Apostolic Life Church in Onalaska hosted the Section 4 Youth Connection on Friday, May 3rd, with Evangelist Tim Greene as the guest speaker. Bro. Greene preached from John 3:1, “See Him & Be Like Him Get Into Position.” The Youth Connection was part of Apostolic Life’s “S.H.A.Z.A.M.” weekend, where seven were filled with the Holy Ghost and three were baptized in Jesus’ name! God is doing great things in Wisconsin!
June 2013
That I Might Gain The More Continued from page 3
I Corinthians 9:19 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. 20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; 21 To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. 22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. My wife retired from teaching school last year. She taught “Special Education” for over 35 years. She saw
Oliver Lundt
Continued from page 17
do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” My dear brother and sister in Christ, I hope I haven’t painted a picture of life too hard and too difficult to obtain. Remember life’s trials and tests and blessings come one day at a time. “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (Eph. 6:10) “For I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Phil. 4:13) “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword...Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” (Rom. 8:35,36) “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I
students coming from all different perspectives and levels of educational abilities. Do you think that she could just take a broad swoop and effectively teach each of her students the same way? Even though the subject matter remained the same, her approach in reaching each student had to be “special” and “unique” according to their ability to comprehend. She just recently told me about one of her students that she had from the time he was in first grade until the end of his junior year, when she retired. After several years of struggling and failing class after class, he one day told Mrs. Putnam… “I HATE THE COLOR RED!” “Why?” my wife asked. He said, “Because all I ever get are papers marked all over in red.” In this young boy’s educational “root system,” all he could ever see was failure emblazoned in “RED.” My wife told me that after he made
his statement of hating “red,” she no longer used red ink to grade papers. She said, “I changed to purple ink.” That young man graduated last week as a winner, not a failure, simply because a loving spirited teacher realized that this boy’s greatest need was a sense of success. He needed somebody to no longer paint him as a red, but a growing and advancing “purple.” I wonder, brothers and sisters across Wisconsin, could it be that many that we are trying to reach for Christ are struggling with the fact that they are nothing but failures, because that is all they have been taught? Perhaps God is calling you to change to “purple,” so to speak, in approaching that individual in a brand new way, by being sensitive to their need. By not only “talking,” but also by “living” this glorious truth of Christ in us. The hope of glory! Why? SO, THAT WE MIGHT GAIN THE MORE!
have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but
unto all them also that love his appearing.” (2 Tim. 4:6-8)
Allan Hawks
Continued from page 17
had a blueprint of how he wanted this world to be, and a picture of how it did look when finished… The just shall live by faith. So there has to be someone to tell others what He has done for them… God knew this and made a way for it in Genesis 1:26, when He said, “Let us make man in our image and after our likeness.” …In Genesis, the Spirit of God speaks, and this world is created… All things were made by the word of His power: the Spirit of God and the Word of God, but not two gods. And so here is the same Spirit of God saying, “Let us (the Spirit and the word)
Note: This article was written in 1997 and Oliver went on to his heavenly reward in November 2007. make man.” …So He made man after His image… but the “likeness” comes when we hear and obey the Word of God. The plan of salvation makes us new creatures in Christ Jesus, after His likeness. Praise our God forever! (Excerpts compiled by Craig Lundt)
June 2013
Meet Your Presbyter Continued from page 5
of Sheboygan County in Sheboygan Falls. He is an excellent musician (we miss him very much at TurnPoint!) and is becoming a very good preacher. Jonathan is 18 years old and currently works for a local manufacturer as a welder. He graduated high school in June and is planning to move to Appleton to attend Fox Valley Technical College for welding. Jonathan also intends to go to Purpose Institute. We have two little, white, fluffy dogs that rule the house! Frisbee is the smallest. He is a purebred Bichon Frise, with a personality that reflects his breed—an arrogant, little Frenchman! Boomer was a street dog that we got from the pound. They said he is also a purebred Bichon, but we are sure he’s got some Poodle in there. We call them “the mayor” and “chief of police,” respectively, because they like to sit out on the front porch and bark at everybody going by on “their” sidewalk. WDN: Do you have any interests/hobbies? BRO. HERMAN: I love to golf, bow hunt, play softball, read, and write. (None of which I seem to ever have enough time to do as much as I’d like!) One hobby I do make time for is barbecuing. Two years ago, I bought a ceram-
ic grill called the Big Green Egg. Since then I’ve become absolutely hooked on smoking meat. It’s a great way to relax, be creative, and detach a bit from the demands of the ministry. I like to create my own techniques for slow cooking brisket, pork shoulder for pulled pork, and ribs. I’ve created some recipes for spice rubs and sauces that keep us busy feeding friends, family, and church members! There’s nothing like cooking great food for great people! WDN: Have you ever witnessed a miracle? Please tell us about it. BRO. HERMAN: Oh, have I ever. Forgive the self-reference, but the greatest miracle I’ve ever seen was the one God did in my own life. In an attempt to heal my marriage I had sought help for my alcohol addiction while I was in the military. After some rehab and numerous attempts to quit (all of which ultimately failed), I had almost given up by the time I moved back to Wisconsin. Even when I was sober, the desire to drink was so strong that I was absolutely miserable. Sis. Herman was baptized on April 24, 1990. I had been drinking most of that day, yet something powerful compelled me to go to church with her that evening. It was that night, during her baptism, that God completely delivered me from the grip of alcohol—all this, before I was even baptized or filled
with the Holy Ghost! It came at a time when I needed to truly know that the God that Apostolics had presented to me was real. I remember praying, “God, if you’re real, and your promises are real, then prove it to me!” It has now been 23 years without alcohol, but more importantly, without the desire! And since then, I’ve been privileged to see many miracles, signs, and wonders. It’s always humbling to see the power of God made manifest before your very eyes! WDN: What do you enjoy about being presbyter? BRO. HERMAN: Two things stand out. One, it has been such a blessing to have a role in licensing our newest ministers. I have been so amazed by the quality of men and women that have entered into the ministry in the six years I’ve been on the board. It is, by far, the best part of this position. We have a wonderful district. Secondly, I have enjoyed the personal growth being on the board has brought me. At the time I was elected, I had only been pastoring for two years. I told our Section Three ministers that day, that I would probably get more out of this position initially than I would be able to give. This statement has largely been true. It was incredibly humbling, not to mention frightening, and I determined at the start to listen more than speak. I have served with some incredibly wise and experienced men. Perhaps without knowing it, each one has sown much into my personal and spiritual life. It has helped me to be a better leader, pastor, and person. I won’t always be a presbyter, so I cherish this time and attempt to learn from every experience. There is no way I could ever repay the blessing I’ve received from serving in this position. WDN: What is your vision for Wisconsin? BRO. HERMAN: I feel my responsibility is to support the vision set forth by our District Superintendent, John E. Putnam. The facilitation of SOAR
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within our district, promotion of Purpose Institute, and the methodical approach to starting daughter works, preaching points, and churches have proven to be highly effective in sustaining growth and revival within Wisconsin. My vision is to continue to help train up qualified people for the work of the ministry as an instructor at Purpose Institute, promote the sharing of our human and financial resources with each of our sections, and to foster and maintain the exceptional unity we are so often complimented on by visiting ministers that come to our district. WDN: Please share with our readers a nugget of wisdom. BRO. HERMAN: I’m reminded of the progressive revelation the Apostle Paul
seemingly has about himself as he ages, throughout the writing of the epistles in the New Testament. In I Corinthians 15:9, he refers to himself as the “least of the apostles.” In Ephesians 3:8, he calls himself “less than the least of all saints.” And in I Timothy 1:15, Paul writes with the wisdom of years when he instructs young Timothy, and refers to himself as “chief ” of “sinners.” Like Paul, the longer I live for God, the more I come to realize the depth of my shortcomings and the greatness of what Jesus Christ has done for me, a sinner. I’m reminded also that the kingdom of God is not about me, but about HIM! The only time it was ever about me was when the Mighty God humbled Himself, “took on the form of a servant,” “in the likeness of men”
(Philippians 2:7) and paid the ultimate price for my salvation, because He loved me and wanted me to have eternal life ( John 3:16). Now that I have participated in this glorious gospel by being baptized in Jesus’ name and filled with His Spirit, it’s no longer about MY life, MY ministry, or MY will; it’s all about HIM. He must increase, but I must decrease ( John 3:30) It is good to remember that achieving greatness in the kingdom of God begins with servanthood (Mark 9:35); to be strong first requires we become weak (II Corinthians 12:10), and without Him, I can do nothing ( John 15:5). Interview conducted by April Peckham, WDN Representative Section 4
£ £ £¤¢ ¤
Family Camp
June 30 30-July 5, 2013 Morning Bible Teacher
Evening Evangelist
ƌ͘ :ĂŵĞƐ >ŝƩůĞƐ :ƌ͘ St. Louis, MO
Rev. Jason Sciscoe,
£ £ £¤¢ ¤ ¢ ¦ ထ Shawano, WI
'ƌĂĚƵĂƟŽŶ ĞƌĞŵŽŶLJ Evening Services Sunday—Friday Sunday, June 30, 7 p.m. ZĞĐĞƉƟŽŶ ĨŽƌ ŐƌĂĚƵĂƚĞƐ Θ ƚŚĞŝƌ families to follow evening service.
Morning Prayer 7 a.m. Monday—Friday Morning Bible Class & Kids Classes Monday—Friday
Traveling Bookstore
Choir Practice following morning message Monday—Friday
Dallas. TX
Children’s Ministry Evangelist…
Rev. Shannon Peacock, Covington, GA Choir & Music Director, Darlene Boyte with the WI District Music Ministry Team
June 2013