WDN - July/August 2012

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Wisconsin District neWs July/August 2012

Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 wdn@wisconsinupci.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: - Open Section 4: Frank Ritchie Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. John E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. John Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. Charles Welch Section 2: Rev. James Booker Section 3: Rev. Ed Herman Section 4: Rev. Rufus Parker Section 5: Rev. Paul Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. Rick Keilley Deaf Ministry: Renee Strand Ladies Ministries: Sis. Barb Hilderbrand Sunday School: Rev. Dale Pace Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. Michael Hook Multimedia Ministry: Rev. Scott Jacobs Men’s Ministry: Rev. Steve Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.


July/August 2012

Bro. J. E. Putnam WI District Superintendent

I PETER 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: 10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. REVELATION 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, 6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. In the last couple of years the monarchy of Great Britain has been emphasized in the news. The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, and the recent celebration of her majesty Queen Elizabeth’s 60th Diamond year as the reigning Queen, has kept the royal family on the front-page headlines around the world. This Windsor Family of England has been fondly referred to as “The Royals.” For the most part, the citizens of the United States of America really don’t understand the purpose of having a monarchy. Those of us that have stud-

ied history understand that the Declaration of Independence was signed and the Revolutionary War was fought to gain our freedom from the dictates of such a system of governance that places authority and power in one who just happens to be born into the “right” family. In Great Britain and other countries with monarchies, the “royals” remain. The acceptance of this “royal” birthright by the citizens of Great Britain, and their understanding of the necessity of their reign as sovereigns, has over the eons of time, been accepted, honored, and respected, albeit at times, painfully tolerated. Yet they continue to reign as the “Royal Family” to this very hour. Since the death of their mother, Princess Diana, Prince William and Prince Harry have been in the news with articles concerning their deeds. They have acted as goodwill ambassadors throughout the British Empire through various acts of kindness and their military service to their country and to their Queen. Prince William, the firstborn, will (if the Lord should tarry) someday be crowned King. He will inherit the very throne of England just by being the firstborn son of Charles, who is the firstborn son of Queen Elizabeth. William’s birth gives him the “right of destiny” to rule as King! I personally believe that all of us that make up THE CHURCH of the living GOD need to understand that this spiritual body is not governed by a democracy, by the rule of man, but we too have a sovereign KING. And HE is the KING OF KINGS! All of us that are a part of this body called the church have only one way of entering in this eternal royal family, and that is by being “born”

into it! What is exampled throughout the world in families that are called “royalty,” so it is in God’s kingdom; we must be “born again” to enter into the kingdom of God. ( John 3:5–7) There has to be a new birth in the heart and soul of mankind for us to be born into the most important “royal family” on the face of this Earth. And through this “born again” experience, Jesus Christ makes us “kings and priests” unto Himself. (Revelation 1:6) Are there unbelievable blessings that come with this eternal “royal family”? Absolutely! I Timothy 1:17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; The Lord is interested in His children being blessed, and in those blessings He desires that we be appreciative and thankful, thus He has given us “richly all things to enjoy”! Timothy goes on to say…. I Timothy 1:18 That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; 19 Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal


As “THE” Royals, we must understand that with our position of blessing and authority comes responsibility in helping and serving others. It is only when we are willing to “serve” that we show our true identity as sons and daughters of the King of Kings! We understand that we represent our King; we are His “goodwill” ambassadors worldwide. II Corinthians 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ…. What His Word states and stands for is what we as part of His “royal family” should state and stand for. We should as the scripture points out … “all speak the same thing.” I Corinthians 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. There are no class differentiations in glory! Either one will be a living active part of God’s eternal family or they will be lost; there is no other classification other than being a member of “THE” Royals throughout all eternity! I dare say, what a privilege that we have in being a part of God’s Royal Family!

district Calendar of Events SEPTEMBER 1—Youth Dept—SFC Six Flags Day 3—Labor Day 9—SFC Sacrifice Offering 14-15—WI Sunday School Seminar, Location TBA 14-15—PI- Madison 21-22—PI, Appleton & Eau Claire 28-29—PI—Oak Creek October 1—CFC Kickoff 3-7—UPCI General Conference, St. Louis, MO 19-20-– PI— Appleton, Eau Claire & Madison 22-25—WI District Planning Session, Green Bay 26-27—PI Oak Creek Spanish Ladies Retreat, TBA 26—Section 3 CFC Dinner, Madison, 7 pm 27—Section 4 & 5 CFC Dinner, Thorp Note: Saturday, 11 a.m. 29—Section 1 CFC Dinner, Appleton 30—Section 2 CFC Dinner, Oconomowoc November Nov 1—Adopted Missionary Offering 2 & 3 —Holiness Conference AFC, Racine 11-12—PI—Madison & Appleton Media Missions - Mission of Hope Offering 22—Thanksgiving 30-Dec 1—PI Eau Claire December Nov 30-Dec 1—PI Eau Claire 3-5—District Board Meeting, Elkhart Lake 7-8—PI Oak Creek 25—Christmas

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Psalm 133:1 July/August 2012


BY CAROLE J. KELLER WDN Representative, Section 2

On May 19, 2012, Parkway Apostolic Church in Oak Creek celebrated its 40th anniversary. Parkway began in 1972 from a “cottage meeting” and grew to a size comparable to the upper 1% of churches in the country. Led by Pastor Frank Tamel, thousands were baptized in the name of Jesus, many of whom would go on to oversee their own churches and ministries, including Rev. Anthony Tamel, Pastor of Parkway; Rev. Richard Kielley, Pastor of Abundant Life in Oconomowoc; Rev. Genevieve Miller, Missionary to Greece, Singapore and China;


July/August 2012

Rev. Michael Jadrnicek, Senior Pastor at LifeSource Church, Wellston, Ohio; Rev. Don Rogers, Pastor of Pentecostals of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Rev. Randy Cameron, Pastor of Jesus Alive Ministries, Racine; Rev. Gerry and Darla

McLean, Missionaries to Nigeria; Rev. R o b e r t Kurz, former Administrator of Parkway Christian A c a d e m y, Counsellor and Evangelist; Rev. Henry Choconta, who started a bilingual service at Parkway and now pastors Ministerios ALMAS of Milwaukee; Rev. Marshall Newble, Pastor of Apostolic Worship Center; Rev. Gary Dornbach II, Pastor of Refuge Church in Liberty, Mis-

souri; Rev. Rob Jadrnicek, Pastor of LifePoint Church in Mukwonago; and Rev. James Schumacher, Pastor of Apostolic Faith Church, Racine. They saluted their former Pastor with recollections of his integrity, humility, friendship, and hard work. One pastor called him the “Lombardi of Pentecost.” Another said, “He taught me how to fish…one of the greatest men I know.”

Parkway’s Success

What was the success of Parkway Apostolic Church? Bishop Tamel would be the first to downplay his role, for he always gave glory to God. His dynamic leadership and, more importantly, his captivation by and reverence for the truth of One God, laid the foundation for what Parkway would become. He was unreservedly committed to preaching the truth of God’s Word and humbling himself to serve in any capacity. Parkway’s continued success over the years was in no

small part due to the contributions of Bishop Tamel’s son, Pastor Anthony Tamel. He served in many capacities and leadership roles in preparation for his appointment as Senior Pastor in 2009. His energy and vision were instrumental in birthing many of the new ministries, capital improvements, and daughter works. The mantle has now passed on to him and his helpmate, Lady Di, as she is affectionately known. Under their leadership, Parkway has entered a new chapter in its history, one that will build upon the legacy set in place 40 years ago. In the keynote address, Rev. John Putnam, Wisconsin UPCI Superintendent, traced Parkway’s heritage to the birth of the Church in the Book of Acts. Though acknowledging Bishop Tamel’s “living action” of his faith, Rev. Putnam said we should never “be blinded by previous success.” Neither should we “underestimate the value of the anointing” as the birthing agent for success. The woman who had only a pot of oil did not know the value of the oil in her house (2 Kings 4:2). But we have the oil of the Holy Spirit in our house, and it shall never run out, he said.

God has given all of us an anointing; the fruit comes as we pour ourselves from vessel to vessel. This, he said, is the legacy of Bishop and Angelina Tamel. There has to be an anointing that flows into service. Then, following the service, pastors and leaders were served an elegant dinner by members of the church in gratitude for their service. The following Sunday, Pastor Tamel took Parkway’s 40th anniversary to the next step as he encouraged saints to write the remaining chapters of the Book of Acts. He said we now will write our own story. And so the story of Parkway is to be continued. The two-day celebration concluded with a tasty luncheon and a Family Day for Parkway members. Photos by: George Szozda and Donna Barbian

July/August 2012


BY BARBARA HILDERBRAND You could feel the excitement building by the minute in the lobby of Appleton’s Radisson Paper Valley Hotel. On a beautiful Thursday afternoon in May, ladies from all over Wisconsin -- and beyond -- began to arrive with their bags and belongings, stopping at the front desk to get their room keys and greeting old friends with happy hugs. Ladies’ Retreat 2012 was here at last, and from beginning to end, it was a Retreat to remember. It being Wisconsin District’s Thirtieth Annual Ladies’ Retreat, we expected a large crowd – and indeed, when is the camel,” she explained, “the vehicle all the registrations were counted, we had that brings us to our own Bridegroom, the largest attendance ever! Jesus.” It was the perfect introduction to this Ladies’ Retreat where prayer, and specifically praying through “The Blessing of Asher” (from Deuteronomy 33), was the special focus. In other pre-service sessions, Sis. Pam Parker and Sis. Barb Hilderbrand taught from three different parts of “The Blessing” to amplify and demonstrate prayer for anointing, spiritual authority and blessing. Our special guests – Sis. Nancy Grandquist and her daughter, Sis. Heidi King – both ministered powerfully in music and the Word, The Retreat officially began Thursday delivering mesevening with Sis. Jane Schumacher’s key- sages straight note address. The 2012 theme was “In- from the Lord vest” … and the overall emphasis was on that touched our prayer. Sis. Schumacher set the tone for hearts. What the Retreat when she delivered a power- a treat to have ful and insightful message from the story this energetic of Rebekah. Using an interesting anal- mother/daughogy, she compared prayer to “the beast” ter duo – each that Rebekah rode to meet Isaac. “Prayer complementing


July/August 2012

the other, and even tag-teaming at times to produce a spiritual feast of solid Truth, exhilarating music, and just plain fun! On Thursday evening, Sis. Grandquist surprised us when she sang, “The Rooster is DEAD!” Before long, she had us all singing it!!! … with the realization that the cruel enemy of our soul, that wants to “peck” at our minds and destroy our joy, has been conquered and rendered powerless by the intervention of our loving Father, Jesus Christ! On Friday evening, Sis. Grandquist ministered effectively about “SALT” after whetting our spiritual appetites with several brand new songs she had written. There was a

mighty move of the Holy Ghost and a life-changing spirit of anointing throughout the service and around the altar afterward. Sis. Grandquist’s daughter, Sis. Heidi King, brought her own unique ministry and perspective, singing songs and speaking from her heart in a way that seemed almost like a oneon-one conversation with each of us. On Friday morning, she shared from her garden experiences in “Daily Digging,” and on Saturday morning, her message “Don’t Settle For Less” included a fascinating “Prince Charming” tale from her own life. She communicated well with women of all ages, and it was refreshing to see her taking significant time to talk to, and pray with, individual ladies after each session. Many ladies benefited greatly from the diverse and complementary ministry of this dynamic mother/daughter team. Throughout the Retreat, the Spirit of the Lord filled the “house” where we were sitting, standing, and praising God – souls were refreshed,

spirits lifted, and during the course of the four services, at least eight ladies received their personal infilling of the Holy Ghost for the first time! (All of the messages of the main speakers, as well as the pre-service prayer sessions, are available in both CD and DVD format from Wisconsin District Media Missions.) A new Retreat feature introduced this year was a designated 24-hour Prayer Room, where the ladies could come at any time of the day or night and find a place of power and peace to pray with other sisters in the Lord. For many, they said their visits to the Prayer Room – even in the middle of the night – were a highlight of the Retreat. The spiritual refreshing is what we all come for, but we also look forward to the casual times when we can relax with friends, unwind, and … SHOP!! We had such beautiful weather during the Retreat – many ladies took advantage of the sunshine by shopping and strolling in Downtown Appleton in their free

time. They also enjoyed shopping at the big PPH Bookstore display … AND at our bigger-than-ever, filled-to-capacity Sale Room where “Proverbs 31” women from all over the District were on hand to market their special wares. Shoppers found custom clothing, accessories, and other gift items – everything from glitzy hair bows to creamy handmade soaps to luscious room fragrances … and much more. The Sale Room was continually packed with enthusiastic vendors and Continued on page 12

July/August 2012


BY MELISSA TAYLOR Five out of the six years that I’ve attended Wisconsin District Youth Camp, I have been a camper. However, this year, being my seventh year (Year of Jubilee from being a camper), I was a dorm mom for the first time (cue: dramatic music). Actually, it wasn’t that bad. My eighteen dorm-daughters were fantastic. To all the pastors and parents of the young ladies from New Berlin, Madison, Green Bay, and Watertown, keep up the good work. Your girls were a pleasure to “parent” for five days. Speaking of a pleasure, it was a pleasure to be at Youth Camp 2012: Go 100! Every year when I leave camp, I think, “This was the best camp ever!” 2012 was no exception. The Wisconsin Youth Ministries team, led by Bro. Tim Vik, pi-


July/August 2012

oneered the campers (and their dorm parents) through a great adventure of prayer, Ultimate Games and life-altering ministering of the Word. The morning speaker was Bro. LJ Harry from Ohio, and the evening speaker was Bro. Luke Levine from Missouri. Pastors, if you have not yet contacted Bro. Jacobs from Prairie du Chien to get a copy of ALL (and I seriously mean ALL) the services, then I highly recommend that you do. In all my years at camp (camper: 2001 – 2005; staff: 2010, 2012), never have I heard the Word delivered in such a practical and empowering way. Both speakers recognized in their messages that campers forget their moments with God and experiences that occur at camp. They were not afraid to admit this, but proactively gave the students godly advice and tools of the Word to not only inspire, but also to sustain the anointing and revival in the hearts and minds of the campers. The Wisconsin Youth Ministries team was also in the proactive state of mind. The early morning prayer, organized by Bro. Rick Bailey,

taught the campers how to pray in a “hands-on” way. After prayer, small groups discussed the messages from the previous day, reinforcing the messages’ impact. On Thursday, the youth team set up a Q&A session, where campers were given the opportunity to ask the visiting speakers questions about how God calls you to a ministry, oneness, witnessing and many other topics. And when campers weren’t praying or listening to life-changing messages from the speakers, they were having fun. Bro. TJ Heidenreich led the camp in the Ultimate Game (no, it’s not like the Hunger Games – close though). At registration, campers were randomly assigned to a team color. In the after-

noon, the red team, blue team, yellow team and purple team combated each other in fierce games of capture the flag, basketball, dodge ball, soccer, tug-o-war and volleyball. At night, the same teams continued to “duke” it out at the “Twilight Zone” in eating contests, photo scavenger hunts and large group games. Thursday night was the perfect ending of a victorious camp that included FREE ice cream and an outstanding firework show directed by Bro. Avery Ritchie. But don’t let this article fool you into believing that now you know exactly what the campers from your church

experienced at Youth Camp 2012: Go 100! I took hours upon hours of video, so that you could see and understand what your campers do and experience at camp. Watch the videos, share with the pastors, parents and youth at your church, and be absolutely sure that you send your youth to Youth Camp 2013. Watch Youth Camp 2012:

Scan this QR code with your smartphone or visit youtube.com/ wiyouthministries on the web July/August 2012


BY SIS. APRIL PECKHAM Marshfield is rich with Oneness Pentecostal heritage, beginning with the tent revival held by Bro. Benjamin Urshan in 1939. From here many received the gift of salvation, as the seed of truth was sown by many pastors, evangelists and missionaries as they passed through the streets of this beautiful Wisconsin city. Among those with ties to Marshfield are Sis. Valerie Demos, Bro. and Sis. Monte Showalter, Rev. Samuel Hardt, and our beloved Sis. Jennifer Opheim. Though Satan has tried to silence the Apostolic message in this city, God has proven that His Word will not return void and that the gates of hell will not prevail against His church! In 2003, we were contacted by a family who had a desire to restore the Apostolic church in Marshfield. We started with twelve people in


July/August 2012

a Home Bible Study held at a mobile home. Outgrowing the accommodations, we began to meet at a hotel until 2006, when a storefront became available for us to rent. In 2011, God made a way for us to purchase a building at 201 S. Maple Avenue, right in the heart of Marshfield. With the help of our Section 4 churches and the Wisconsin District Home Missions Department, we became the owners of our first church building on April 29, 2011. This beautiful building is everything we had been praying for, right down to the fully furnished basement, which allows us to provide guest quarters for our missionaries and evangelists! In 1939, Bro. Benjamin Urshan most likely fell to his knees many times in prayer for the city of Marshfield, as he labored to reach souls for God’s kingdom. I wonder

if he ever prayed the words, “Lord, let a truth-preaching church be established right here on this very ground,” for that is exactly what happened! Seventy-three years later, Riverside Apostolic UPCI purchased the very lot where Bro. Benjamin Urshan held his tent meetings! This fact has been established in a book dedicated to the history of Marshfield. A newspaper article is quoted in this book, stating that Bro. Urshan pitched his tent in an empty lot across the street from City Hall, which today is named Tower Hall, and is located right across the street from our church building! It is exciting to know

that we own the very property where tears of the repentant and hungry were poured out, soaking the soil and creating holy ground for God to establish His church on seventy-three years later! Many times we feel our prayers go up in vain as we wait impatiently for them to be answered, but in Marshfield we are reaping the harvest from prayers that began in 1939. God is drawing the hungry, the broken and the lost once again, to the exact spot where it all began almost three-quarters of a century earlier. Thank you, Bro. Urshan… we count it an honor to carry on the work you started.

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Ross’s Novel Mirrors Biblical Drama BY STEPHANIE HINTZ

and welding. For Ross, his dedicated career at Walker Forge will mean 15 CLINTONVILLE - For loyears with his employer this June. cal resident Tony Ross, believing in Equally busy with his hands in yourself is one of the most important writing, Ross’s creativity continues to elements to becoming a successful aushine with his latest published work, a thor. Ross, 39, from Caroline, has been novel named Victor. Victor is a thriller writing since childhood, dabbling in with a Christian viewpoint, set in 2040 the creative power of word. Ross be- A.D. The novel is set in a fictional city gan exhibiting an interest in writing in where everything is legal, and all behigh school. He recalls one teacher’s liefs, attitudes and lifestyles are welencouraging words, “You have one as- come. It questions the ability of socisignment this summer - get published!” ety to live with complete freedom of As a young man, Ross kept writing to choice, and how life would be without keep his skills sharp. limits. Ross said, “The concept makes While working at a McDonald’s, readers think, ‘Do we really want to go Ross met his future wife, Jamie Whit- there?’” man. After seven years, Ross went on Victor is based on a character, to work at Walker Forge, where he still Mona, whose conscience catches up works today. Ross works second shift as with her while working for a corrupt a lead man in the tool room and makes employer. Her employer sets Victor, and uses all the dies, working exten- an intense assassin, to track and kill sively with hand tools, drill machines Mona. Mona gets help along the way from a local detective, who acts as her protector. There is an explosive, climactic confrontation at the end where as Ross puts it, “The stakes are higher than simply life or death.” Ross is proud to say his novel does not contain profanity, excessive descriptions of gore, or sexual connotations. He says his novel has a Christian viewpoint that can be compared to the drama, action and adventure found right in the Bible which, according to Ross, could also in many ways be construed as a thriller. Ross said, “There is no denying the moral degeneration of the population of the people of Sunlight City in Victor and the fact that the people have made themselves willing prisoners on the island to continue to live in freedom.”

Ross attributes so much of his success to the support of his wife, Jamie. Ross shared that while a young man, many years ago, he was facing a downward spiral of depression and addiction. Jamie invited him to go to church with her, and as Ross put it, “I had nothing to lose, so I went. I was really in bad shape, and it was really amazing how God came into my life and helped turn me around and heal me.” Ross has spent time as part of the ministry team at Calvary Apostolic Church in Clintonville. He and Jamie enjoy country living in Caroline and are dedicated to homeschooling their five children who range in age from five to thirteen. Victor is actually not Ross’s first published novel. In 2010 Ross selfpublished his book, The Ugly Duckling’s Revenge, a brief autobiography and testimonial on how God helped Continued on page 13

July/August 2012


Ladies Retreat

Continued from page 7

bargain hunters … and lots of happy chatter! On Friday evening, we took time to celebrate another significant milestone at this Retreat – honoring our District LM President, Sis. Jane Schumacher, for her 23 years of faithful leadership of the Wisconsin District Ladies’ Ministries. She announced her decision to step down as President at the WI District Conference in March, and Ladies’ Retreat was the perfect time to officially transfer the leadership to the newlyelected President, Sis. Barbara Hilderbrand. Bro. Putnam was on hand to express the appreciation of the District for Sis. Schumacher’s years of service; Sis. Turner gave a touching tribute and presented Sis. Schumacher with carefully chosen gifts; and a beautiful video tribute was shown as a chronicle of this elegant lady’s long and faithful service. All of the Ladies’ Ministries Commit-

tee members, as well as all the District ladies as a whole, appreciate Sis. Schumacher for her grace, strong focus, and capable leadership – she will be missed and will always be dearly loved. One of Sis. Schumacher’s last duties as President was to officiate the annual Mother’s Memorial offering on Friday evening of the Retreat. The ladies have always responded generously to her invitation to “INVEST,” and this year, when the offering was all counted, they had given over $8,400 -- an incredible response to a worthy cause. On Saturday morning, the service

was alive with the excitement that had built over the last 44 hours, and we were sent home with a shout of victory singing “For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever and ever!! AMEN!!!” From those first excited hellos on Thursday afternoon to the last tearful goodbye on Saturday, it was a day-and-a-half of heaven. Ladies Retreat 2012 is now history … but the blessings, refreshing, and anointed ministry we received and shared will be savored for years to come. Photos by: Wendy Roseky

http://www.wnop.org/ 12

July/August 2012

Ross’s Novel

Continued from page 11

Ross heal. “It’s a very short, easy read with honesty and humor,” Ross said. “I’d recommend it to anyone who’s feeling hopeless or trapped by their circumstances, because if God can turn me around, He can do it for anyone.” Ross has also recently begun writing the sequel to Victor, and says his first draft is about one-third done. “I begin by writing notes and the first draft in a five-subject notebook,” Ross explains. “Then I type out the second draft.” Currently, The Ugly Duckling’s Revenge is available for sale from Ugly Duckling Productions, by writing to PO Box 124, Caroline, WI, 54928 or emailing Tony at tonywrites29@yahoo. com. Victor can be purchased through

Ross as well, and is also offered on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble. com in both paperback and hardcover. Ross got the final urge to publish when he was in Family Christian Stores, a bookstore where he saw a brochure where he could send in for a free guide to publishing through Westbow Press. Westbow Press eventually published his novel, Victor. Ross is quick to give advice to aspiring authors. “One, read,” Ross encourages. “Two, write, and write often. Three, be true to yourself. Four, surround yourself with supportive people. Five, don’t ever give up. Writing is who you are. If you want to be a writer, go after your dream. If no one else believes you, believe in yourself and your Godgiven gift. Don’t ever stop believing.”

CDs and DVDs of all district events can be ordered by contacting Media Missions

http://www.wisconsinupci.org/ media/media-order-form-4

Article was originally published in the Clintonville Chronicle. Used with permission.

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July/August 2012



July/August 2012

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