WDN - September/October 2010

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Wisconsin District neWs September/October 2010

Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 332 Waupaca, WI 54981 editor@wisconsindistrictnews.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: Simon Chappell Section 4: Frank Ritchie Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. J.E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. J. Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. C. Welch Section 2: Rev. A. Tamel Section 3: Rev. E. Herman Section 4: Rev. J. Sindler Section 5: Rev. P. Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. R. Keilley Media Missions: Rev. S. Jacobs Ladies Ministries: Sis. J. Schumacher Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. M. Hook Sunday School: Rev. W. Rehbein Prayer Force: Rev. D. Meyer Men’s Ministry: Rev. S. Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. Brian Michael Deaf Ministry: Renee Thomas FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.


September/October 2010


Acts 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. Acts 4:33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. The Lord Jesus has called and enabled His church to be a powerful body of believers. We, as children of the King, are not to mope around as others that have no hope. We are not to hang our heads as if we were without strength. God has called each of us to be powerful power-cells that should make an impact on our world. The Lord emphatically told His followers that they would receive “power” after the Holy Ghost came upon them. Make no mistake about it, the very Spirit of God that resides in us is the very power source of this universe. It is God in us! The scripture tells us that God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. As Apostolics, we cannot limit the Holy Ghost in our lives just to a good feeling. The Holy Ghost is Christ in us, the hope of glory. It is God’s power source for the body of Christ, the Church. This “power” within us should be an explosive power, a transforming power, and a miraculous power residing within. Some of you at this point could be thinking, “Well, if I have this great

power, then how come I feel the way that I do? I’m always struggling, I’m always treading spiritual water to keep my head above drowning in the muck and mire of this world. How come I don’t feel powerful?” If those are some of your thoughts, please let me give you an answer that is relatively simple to understand. The reason why some do not feel powerful is because they don’t believe that they really are! The problem with too many of God’s people is that they are always focused upon themselves, rather than being focused on Christ. They see this so-called “power” through weak eyes and forget that, not only has God given us “Great Power,” but He has also given us “Great Grace.” I don’t believe that our Lord looks at us through our weaknesses, but He sees us through what we can be in and through Him. Remember that being a Christian is not all about us, it is all about Him. Ephesians 2:5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: 7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. What the Lord is looking for is a willing vessel that is head over heels in love with Him! What brings “Great Power” and “Great Grace” is our relationship with Him! In the third chapter of the book of Acts, the apostles, Peter and John, are on their way to the temple to pray. These anointed men of God understood that, if they were going to have the power and

grace that they needed, then “prayer” had to be an essential in their spiritual walk. The vehicle of prayer is the only way to keep a close relationship with our Lord and Savior. This is how we keep the power intact in our lives; it is literally stirred up when we pray and seek the Lord with all of our heart and soul. I have been very encouraged by what Bro. Steve Rogers is doing at Elim Tabernacle, exercising and making “prayer” the vital tool for the growth of the body in the Milwaukee area. I get several e-mails about prayer meetings that he is hosting and is inviting others to join in this very worthy cause. And I know that all over the Wisconsin District spiritual leaders are leading their people to a relationship with God through prayer. Consequently, they are experiencing “great power and grace” upon them as individuals, and collectively as a church body. When Peter looked at the lame man at the gate Beautiful on his way to prayer, with powerful boldness he stopped and said...”Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I unto thee, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” Peter knew that he had the answer to this man’s dilemma. He recognized his need and acted upon what he knew that God could do through him. In the name

of Jesus Christ, rise up and walk! Do you realize that you possess that same Spirit within you, that same power? You know that the name of JESUS CHRIST is above all others. You know that, at that name, He is able to do exceeding above. Here is the key: the Apostle Peter had a great Holy Ghost filled relationship with Christ and, because of that earnest relationship, he had “great power and grace.” If there was ever an hour in which we need this greatness in regards to power and grace, it is NOW! Don’t let the enemy of your soul discourage you with his deceiving ways. Our trials and tests will come and go, but I’m convinced that God will see us through. We just need to take the “bull” by the horns and take a spiritual stand. Stand in faith, stand in His grace that He has given you, and stand by His power! Matter of fact, why don’t you lift up your hands right now, and let God do what He does best, be your God and your strength. He has already given unto us great power and grace to overcome! Go forth and allow God to use you... GREATLY!

district Calendar of Events October 1– CFC Kickoff Sept 29—Oct 3—UPCI General Conference, Houston, Texas 11-13—WI District Planning Session, Manitowoc, WI 15-16– PI— Appleton & Madison 21-22—Spanish Ladies Retreat 22-Section 3 CFC Dinner, Madison, 7 pm 25-Section 1 CFC Dinner, Appleton 6 p.m. 26-Section 2 CFC Dinner, Oconomowoc, 6 p.m. 28- Section 4 CFC Dinner, Thorp, 6 pm 29-Section 5 CFC Dinner, Eau Claire, 6 p.m. 29-30—PI, Oak Creek & Eau Claire November Nov 1- Adopted Missionary Offering Kick-Off 7—Daylight Saving Time Ends 2 a.m. 5 & 6—Holiness Conference, AFC, Racine Speakers: Rev. & Mrs. Paul Mooney 7—All Nations Sunday 12-13—PI—Madison & Appleton 19-20-PI, Oak Creek & Eau Claire 25-Thanksgiving December 6-8- District Board Meeting, Elkhart Lake 25-Christmas (Saturday) 28-30 Winter Youth Convention Paper Valley Hotel, Appleton

“He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3

September/October 2010


Wisconsin District 2010 Graduation

Pastor Brian K. Michael God is doing great things in the Wisconsin District and around the world through Purpose Institute. It was at our 2010 Family Camp this year that the graduation celebration occurred. As we celebrated our independence as a country on July 4, 2010, we also came together as the church to celebrate our dependence on Jesus Christ and to honor our graduating class of 2010. There were approximately 1,000 people in attendance. The ceremony began with Pomp and Circumstance as 46 of the 49 graduates walked down the aisle to the applause of everyone in attendance. What a joy it was to watch as family and friends came together to be a part of this graduation. Bachelor and Associate Diploma recipients, feeling their call to labor in this vast endtime harvest, marched down the aisle to take their place in the choir loft. We were honored by the presence of the Founder and President of Purpose Institute, Bishop F. J. Ellis, as the com-


September/October 2010

mencement address speaker. Our student speaker was Trinidad Ysquierdo, graduating with a Bachelor Diploma. The congratulatory line began with our District Superintendant, Bishop J. E. Putnam, handing out the diplomas, followed by Bishop F. J. Ellis and our deans and administrators. We thank God for the visionary leadership of our Bishop for bringing Purpose Institute to Wisconsin. At the conclusion of the service, there was a reception for the graduates, along with their family and

friends. We enjoyed a time of fellowship and food, with over 225 people in attendance. Since our small beginnings in Madison, Wisconsin with one campus in 2004, we now have five campuses with between 125 to 150 students enrolled in any given semester. We have graduated over 110 students since 2006 and realize that this is just the beginning of what God is doing in Wisconsin through Purpose Institute. We give Him all the Glory and Praise!

2010 men’s conference Bro. Frank Ritchie Once again, the power of God filled the Tabernacle in the wilderness; the campground was the place where God met with men during Men’s Conference 2010. This year commemorates the 50th anniversary of the campground, where the power of God has been visiting services for every one of those years. “Dominion” was the theme of this year’s Men’s Conference: dominion over self, sin, circumstances, and Satan. The question was asked, “What if it could all be different? What would happen if we really took dominion over these aspects of our walk with God?” Bros. Harold Hoffman and Bob Kurz were the featured speakers for the two days of fellowship and anointing. Brian Lang promoted “Church in a Day,” with the vision that men right here in Wisconsin could build a church in any city in a day. Bro. Lang gave testimony of his own experience with “Church in a Day.” Bro. Hoffman, in his own unique style, preached to men, challenging us to be passionate about serving God and being men of God. “What we do is who we are: do I pray, do I read the Word? Receiving the Holy Ghost is not a place to stop and stay, but a place to begin…DO the Word and be led by the Spirit.” Bro. Hoffman preached dominion in a number of areas in a man’s life, and encouraged us to be overcomers. “Jesus knew Judas was a thief, but allowed Judas to carry the money; Jesus gave Judas an opportunity to overcome.” He still does. Bro. Bob Kurz dug deep with the Word and spoke powerfully about our hearts. “The heart has always been the problem, it is wicked.” “No more excuses, be a real man of God.” “God is

a jealous God and does not tolerate flirting”(with the world). “I do not possess the power to overcome the world: I need God.” Bro. Kurz’ message on dominion over our hearts is a must-hear; every man who calls himself a Christian needs this. Very powerful, very anointed. Altar services, both days, were strong with encouragement and conviction. On Saturday morning, each Sectional Men’s Rep. spoke briefly about dominion over each aspect of our walk with God based on the Dominion Bible Study, after which we prayed for each other, spoke blessings into lives while placing a towel on each other’s feet…essentially giving each other the authority and blessing to walk in dominion as men of God. Awards were given out for the various contests and competitions that the Men’s Department sponsored this past year. Awards were given for horseshoes, this past winter’s Basketball Invitational, the Bass Fishing Contest, Golf Outing, and Biggest Buck Contest. Plans are already underway for next year’s Men’s Conference with Bro. Stan Gleason. Contact Bro. Scott Jacobs for media from Men’s Conference: remember, “Dominion over the Heart” by Bro. Kurz is a must-hear as well as “The Ephod and the Ouches” and Saturday’s “Just Talking To Men.” Men’s leaders, get the CD or DVD, and get some men together and listen. If you are willing to be involved in the vision cast for “Church in a Day,” contact your Sectional Men’s Rep. or Bro. Steve Rogers. I already have the names of guys from Section 4. Get involved with what GOD is doing. If you are interested in the Dominion Bible Study, you can order copies at: DominionBibleStudy.com. September/October 2010


Passing building we purchased from Lyle and Jen Gibeault, and renovated inside and out over about a two year period March, 1987 – 2002: served as Wisconsin District Home Missions Director for 15 years May, 1990: church started in Oneida by Dan & Joyce Fritsch; now being pastored by Juan & Glynis Alicea, some of the first converts; they moved into their new building a few years ago

Bro. & Sis. Chuck Welch

July, 1973: while preaching a four week revival in Stanley, God began to deal with me about going to Green Bay to pastor a small group of people who had had no pastor for about 3-4 months; went to Green Bay and spent a week fasting and praying, while walking and driving through the city, as God reconfirmed His calling to me; was voted in and became pastor of the United Pentecostal Church of Green Bay in early August of 1973; while teaching the morning session of Indiana Youth Camp, received a phone call that I was hired to work at Northwest Engineering in downtown Green Bay, which I worked at to support my family for about 5 ½ years, until the church grew to the place where I was able to pastor full-time in March of 1979; served a while as Sectional Youth Leader on the Wisconsin Youth Committee, then became the Sectional Home Missions representative, serving on our District Home Missions Board under Bro. Kaske; we adopted our second daughter, Kristin, on May 18, 1978 (3 ½ months old) Fall of 1978: church started in Marinette (now in Peshtigo) by Dale & Barbara Welch, who had assisted in Green Bay; God is giving them a good harvest, as their building is filling up September, 1985: moved from the original building at 1101 East Mason Street, where we had baptized 158 in three years, with at least that number receiving the Holy Ghost (at one time, we had 18 college students in our church), to our new location at 1708 N. Irwin Avenue, a


September/October 2010

August 25, 1990: Rebecca married to David Honkanen July, 1993: church started in Two Rivers by Scott & Val Stevens, as a daughter work out of Green Bay; God is giving them good increase, as they will need to add on to the beautiful building they built near Lake Michigan August 22, 1993: our first two (twins) of eight grandchildren born, during 20 year Pastoral Anniversary service May, 2000: Spanish church started in Green Bay by Federico & Marie Sotillo, a daughter work soon to be autonomous; they moved into their beautiful new building this past year and are presently at work finishing a new sanctuary that will seat over 500, that they hope to move into by the fall of 2010; God is blessing September 15, 2001: Kristin married to Matt Gallagher 2002 – present: serve as North Central Home Missions Regional Director (13 Districts) with the UPCI General Home Missions Administrative Committee August, 2003: moved into our new facility in Howard at 701 Hillcrest Heights 2006 – present: serve as Section 1 Presbyter on the Wisconsin District Board; taught in Purpose Institute June 13, 2010: on our 40th wedding anniversary, Lee and Deanna Endris were voted in as new pastor of Meadowbrook Church; beginning in July, one month short of 37 years as pastor in Green Bay, Bro. & Sis. Welch will help Pastor & Sis. Fraser in the church in DePere, and Bro. Welch will travel part-time in ministry

What a blessing to honor Pastor Chuck Welch at his self-proclaimed “reFIREment” party! Celebrating 37 years of pastoral ministry, Meadowbrook Church in Green Bay held a special commemorative service for Bro. Welch on Saturday, July 31. Bro. Welch’s daughter, Rebecca, gave us snapshots of moments in time through song. She played and sang songs that her dad may have sung at that particular moment, or at other special times in his life. Pastor Stevens spoke on how the church in Two Rivers began as a daughter

the Baton

work from Green Bay. He was thankful for the “kingdom-minded” ministry of Bro. Welch, which made it possible for him to have a congregation of 150 in another city.

voice as he sang “The Lighthouse,” and the Meadowbrook Trio graced us with a beautiful a capella version of “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”

Continual reference was made to Pastor Welch’s focus on building God’s Kingdom, not his own. J. D. Shatswell blessed the assembly with his strong baritone

The special guest speaker, Bro. Putnam, our Wisconsin District Superintendent, gave credit to Bro. Welch for running the race well and handing off the

“…He who sows bountifully, will also reap bountifully.” 2 Cor. 9:6

baton while maintaining momentum. As Bro. Putnam said, “The strength of the race is passing the baton.” Bro. Welch was still running strong as he did this and is still moving forward. “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain” I Cor. 9:24. The service ended with a video presentation of church and family members paying tribute to Pastor Welch. Then everyone was dismissed to enjoy a wonderful reception that had been prepared by the church members. September/October 2010


Pentecostal Assembly Church By Jennifer Vorpahl & Jill Hoff

“Changing Lives with the Unchanging Message...For 90 Years.” With this statement as the focus and theme of their celebration events, Pentecostal Assembly Church, located in Eau Claire, commemorated their 90th anniversary on August 14th and 15th, 2010. Pentecostal Assembly was incorporated on January 20, 1920, with Joseph P. Rulien as pastor. A storefront property in downtown Eau Claire was purchased and was known as “Jesus Saves Gospel Mission.” In the 1940s, a new structure was built at PAC’s present lo-


September/October 2010

cation. After Pastor Rulien’s death, Pentecostal Assembly was pastored by Richard S. Davis, and then by Kelsey Griffin. In January of 1971, John

Tandberg (present Pastor Emeritus) became the new pastor. During his service as pastor, New Hope Christian School was established and several construction projects were undertaken, including a new sanctuary addition. In July of 2005, Paul Bennett, who was pastoring Lighthouse Pentecostal Church in

Wausau at the time, became the senior pastor of Pentecostal Assembly Church. PAC’s most recent construction project, the addition of an administrative wing, was completed in 2006. Pastor Bennett and his wife, Julie, continue to faithfully serve Pentecostal Assembly Church. PAC’s 90th anniversary

h Celebrates 90th Anniversary

celebratory weekend began with an open house held at the church on Saturday afternoon. Those who stopped by were able to browse tables featuring picture displays, history, facts, and memorabilia from each decade. They also had opportunity to view a media presentation, which included photos and personal inter vie ws. Ref reshments and tours of the facility were also provided. A heartfelt spirit of gratitude was evident in the worship that filled

the sanctuary during Sunday morning’s service. The church rejoiced as they witnessed another life changed in the waters of baptism, and was inspired and c hal lenged by a message given by Bro. James Booker, entitled “A Safe Haven.” The Sunday evening service fea-

tured “Through the Years in Worship,” a powerful medley of worship songs through the decades, presented by PAC’s mass choir. The nearly two dozen cardboard testimonies that accompanied the choir’s final song deeply moved the congregation and further fueled an atmosphere of

thankfulness and praise. The church was blessed by another dynamic message, this time delivered by Bro. Aaron Soto, who spoke on “Marvelous Mercy.” It was a fitting end to a highly awaited and memorable weekend. Pentecostal Assembly Continued on page 10

September/October 2010


Author SP


90th Anniversary Continued from page 9

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Church is very thankful for and blessed by the rich history of faith and personal sacrifice that is their legacy. While they have taken this time to celebrate their incredible heritage, they now look forward with great anticipation to the future. PAC will persist in boldly proclaiming that Jesus is the Light of the World, and in endeavoring to see lives changed, until that great and glorious day when we are caught up to meet the Lord in the skies! “Changing Lives with the Unchanging Message... Until Jesus Comes.”

You can find Pentecostal Assembly Church online at www.pentecostalassembly.net



September/October 2010

September/October 2010



September/October 2010

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