Wisconsin District neWs September/October 2011
By John E. Putnam District Superintendent
Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 editor@wisconsindistrictnews.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: - Open Section 4: Frank Ritchie Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. J.E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. J. Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. C. Welch Section 2: Rev. A. Tamel Section 3: Rev. E. Herman Section 4: Rev. J. Sindler Section 5: Rev. P. Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. R. Keilley Media Missions: Rev. S. Jacobs Ladies Ministries: Sis. J. Schumacher Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. M. Hook Sunday School: Rev. W. Rehbein Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers Men’s Ministry: Rev. S. Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Deaf Ministry: Renee Thomas
Sister Putnam and I are presently living in Green County, where every summer it lives up to its name. This area of Wisconsin is known as “Cheese Country,” where you see dairy farms just about everywhere you look. When our family first moved to the area, we lived in the country for those first twelve years. We were surrounded by farms, only to wake up many a morning with that smell of “dairy air.” Every spring, I watched our neighbor prepare his farmland in anticipation of planting the seed that would produce food for his dairy cattle. He would ride his tractor and plow his field from sunup to sundown for several days straight. Over this period of time, I would witness large clumps of clay and deep plowed ruts turn into relatively smooth rich soil as the farmer would go over the field day after day. Then I would see our neighbor out once again planting the seed for the needed crops and, after the seeding was finished, I didn’t see him as frequently throughout the rest of the summer. But what I did see was the change that took place in the field that was prepared and
planted. The farmer did what he could do, and then had to leave his effort up to what God does through His principle of sowing and reaping. The Word of the Lord states... James 5:7.... Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. I believe all of us do what we can do.... teach Home Bible Studies, witness, pray, and befriend the lost of our areas, but then there comes a time in this total process whereby we must “trust” and “wait” on the Lord. As Americans who are conditioned to expect a “press button,” “instant lifestyle,” it becomes difficult at times to wait, and to do so patiently, for the desired results of effort. Jesus said... Luke 21:19 In your patience possess ye your souls. I think all of us believe that we have enough “patience,” so that we can endure the waiting for the believed harvest in our ministries, but the truth of the matter is, we never know until we have to endure that waiting process. I often think about our Home Missionaries who go out into uncharted areas, where the true gospel has never been preached, and there they set out to establish a beachhead. How many hours, weeks, months, and years,
FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.
September/October 2011
they patiently wait for a suitable harvest of souls to begin to come in. They keep working the field, and they keep sowing the seed of the Word, but there just doesn’t seem like much is happening, just like in the natural harvest field where there is that period of waiting. It is during this period where it seems to be the most difficult. It’s during the wait where the enemy would like to come in like a flood and make his mental accusations about you and your ministry, and bring condemnation for your “obvious” lack of success. But it is also during this time that the “seed” is germinating and changing below the outward surface, and eventually, one by one, God begins to bring forth the long anticipated “fruit of the harvest.” It’s amazing that we judge so much by “numbers” when God is always looking at potential possibilities. All of us can count the number of acorns on an oak tree, but only God can see the potential for multiplied forests inside each “acorn!” Be patient, Brothers and Sisters, revival is NOW, whatever state you’re finding yourself in; the harvest is in the field. We just need to be able to believe God and patiently wait for it! Keep preparing, and keep planting!
Tour De Lakefront By Tim Vik What began as a solo journey last year resumed as a group bike ride along Milwaukee’s lakefront this year. Six brave souls ventured out into the wild confines of Milwaukee’s Henry Aaron and Oak Leaf trails on only two wheels a piece. Separate bike seats, but a singular purpose - answering the question “Why?” With each pedal along this 50 mile trek, we responded to this question by knowing “1 Lost = 2 Many.” Sheaves for Christ’s (SFC) theme of “Why? Because 1 Lost = 2 Many” conveys the heartbeat of everything SFC supports. Why host a SFC car wash? Because a foreign missionary needs a vehicle to spread the Gospel. Why host a SFC walk/bike relay? Because a home missionary needs a church building to call their own. Why sell pies, fill coin banks, or host a brat fry? Because sec-
tional youth rallies, Youth Camp, Winter Youth Convention, and HYPHEN events impact hundreds of WI students throughout the year! Wisconsin Youth Ministry’s (WYM) SFC goal is $100,000 this year. Through the six bike riders’ efforts, we are $2,500 closer. Will you help us reach our goal? For info on WYM, go here: www.wisyouth.org. For info about SFC, go here: www.sheavesforchrist.com.
ART) September/October 2011
By Loretta Lundt What an unprecedented year of excellence! General Superintendent, Rev. David Bernard, and former Wisconsinite, Rev. Jason Sciscoe, brought us the anointed teaching and preaching of the Word. Wisconsin is grateful to these men for allowing God to use them in such a mighty way. Family Camp 2011 started off with the graduation of last semester’s Purpose Institute graduates and continued to build momentum as the week progressed. This first kick-off evening service was also translated into Spanish. There was a special treat prior to Wednesday evening’s main service. What an honor to have our general superintendent at camp to conduct the ordination service for Pastor Aaron Soto. Bro. David Bernard taught foundational truths and restoration of them. He challenged us to stand on these truths, no
September/October 2011
matter how unpopular they may seem at the time. Living for God is the only thing worth living for. Whatever you do in your life should lead toward living for God. While salvation is FREE, discipleship will cost you everything. Be willing to give all to God. He also advised us to pay attention to the little things – the little bad things and good things. Don’t allow little foxes to destroy a great harvest. Bro. Bernard concluded the week by challenging us to have an experience and testimony that match our doctrine. We need Apostolic identity, Apostolic unity and Apostolic revival! Bro. Jason Sciscoe released faith and healing and empowered us to move ahead with confidence in God. He taught us to decide what we believe and stick with it. Don’t walk around confused. On day two, he preached “Remember Me,” or “Re-member Me,” meaning: put me back together, put our churches back together. As the week progressed, Bro.
Sciscoe taught on releasing the power of agreement, putting action behind the prophetic word in our lives, and burying the bad experience of religion and focusing on a relationship with God. He closed the week with a prayer of blessing on our state. During the adult camp sessions, the children were blessed with their own services. The morning evangelists were the Livengoods, and the evening evangelists were the Olivers. The children ages 3-5 were with the Franclses. Sis.
Kay Rehbein reported that 75 children received the Holy Ghost. “The power of God fell so hard the kids just lingered at the altar and…wept and cried. One young lady was… speaking in tongues unaware of what was happening around her way after the time of dismissal.” She ended up being carried back to her parents after everyone else had left. “It was an awesome time with Jesus and many of our children were touched!!!” Thanks to everyone who helped make family camp week a great success!
Healing Testimony
My name is Sister Gerrie Dempsey. I am a foster parent and the little girl, Lilly, is two years old and didn’t walk. I went to family camp Sunday night and wanted her to be prayed for. There were so many people up by the altar, so I grabbed my two sons-in-law, Rev. Scott Huse and Rev. James Moses. They laid hands on her and prayed. Monday, she took three steps. Tuesday, she took seven steps. She is still wobbly, but is walking all over the place. Thank you, Jesus! Praise God for the miracle!
September/October 2011
By Vicki Leonardson On Friday afternoon as I was packing for camp meeting, I decided to take a break. I made a cup of coffee and sat in my favorite chair in my favorite room, to chat with my very best Friend. As I began to worship God, my thoughts and prayers turned, as they always do, toward my son, Dayn. Suddenly I heard the still small voice of my Creator say, “The prodigal is coming home next week. Home to Me, and also he will move back home right after camp meeting.” I was completely shocked, even though this is exactly what his dad, Scott, and I had been intensely fasting and praying about for more than two years. God’s presence was thick as I cried and worshiped. I called my mom, and we wept and rejoiced together. On Thursday night as Jason Sciscoe was preaching, I was a bit discouraged. I knew Dayn would be leaving to go home right after the service. God spoke to me again. “Listen to what the preacher is saying!” So I listened intently as he explained how God had given him a word for the church. I carefully noted the three points that Bro. Sciscoe articulated so eloquently. When the call was given for the church to come forward, I went back and sat by my son. I repeated, as best as I could, the message to the church, only I personalized it. I said, “Dayn, religion has not worked for you. Religion has been oppressive in your life. The time has come for you to have a funeral for religion, bury it, and focus on RELATIONSHIP! RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ!” I then repeated the rest of what the preacher said. “The rain will come, the harvest, and then you will be a giant slayer in the kingdom of God!”
September/October 2011
I watched as his eyes began to fill with tears. I sat beside him and travailed as he repented. Bro. Hanthorn (the pastor in Germantown, Wisconsin with a mind-blowing testimony of healing and deliverance) came over and laid hands on him and prayed fervently. Scott prayed on his left side, and I sat on his right. Dayn’s grandparents, along with other dear friends, gathered around us and began to travail. It was as if the sanctuary became a delivery room, as my son was reborn into the kingdom of God. As we all continued to pray, my friend and mentor, Darlene Boyte, came and stood in front of Dayn, gripped his hands, and rebuked by name many evil spirits and commanded each one of them to leave. Dayn decided to stay for the remainder of the week, and at the Friday evening choir practice, evangelist Mark Showalter called him aside and gave him a button-up shirt to wear so he could sing in the choir. After church,
he counseled Dayn at length about his own personal experience as a prodigal son. On Saturday, Dayn’s dad received a text from him. “Is it ok if I move back home on Sunday?” Scott and I had tried everything. When we quit begging, pleading, crying, lecturing, and yelling, and began fasting and praying like never before, God moved in and worked a mighty miracle of healing and restoration! I am so grateful to Pastor Grant and my church family for their many prayers, love and support. “…bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: and bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it: and let us eat, and be merry: For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.” Luke 15: 22-24 Continued on page 16
Glorious Miracle! Sis. Rosemary’s Testimony
One classmate wasn’t with us for finals for Purpose Institute in fall of 2010. She returned for her final semester in Spring 2011. Here, Bro. Chad Williams and Sis. Rosemary recount what happened that kept her from finals that week.
Bro. Williams starts us off… [Rosemary] is a great student. I don’t know that she is even allowed to get anything below an A. I’m pretty sure, in her own mind, she doesn’t allow that anyway. I don’t think I’ve seen anything below an A. She loves P.I. and she loves the Lord and she’ll tell us a little bit about that, but Sis. Rosemary…so will you share with us what happened and we can talk, and we’ll fill in the details together… Now this happened, I believe, back in November… You were concerned about finals and the family coming over for Thanksgiving dinner…. That’s what she told me. She said, “You have to get me out of here [the hospital]; I have to get ready for my finals for P.I.” After I picked myself up off the floor, because she was so worried about it and it was funny, I was like, “Sis. Rosemary, you’ve got to calm down. We will give you plenty of time to take the finals”… The funniest comment she said was… she had me rolling… she had broken ribs and we’re laughing… She literally was out for many minutes… She said, “I know, I am just praying that the Lord will help me, because I don’t need any more brain damage.” I almost passed out, we were laughing so much… Share with us what all happened… Sis. Rosemary: First of all, thanks for coming to visit me and… for reassuring me…
It was November 5, I guess it was about 3:30 in the morning, because I’m not sure about that, because I wasn’t there. My two dogs started barking and they wouldn’t relent, and Howard, my husband, came down to let them out and he thought, “Why are they doing this? She usually lets them out when they need to go out.” So he let them out and went back to his bedroom, and they would not relent. They ran through the house and were barking and clawing at the door, so he came down. Then he thought: well, something must be wrong because they just won’t relent… He went into my bedroom and found me there and called 911, of course… They tried three times and could not revive me. So they just took me to the hospital. They did not have the siren on and they did not hurry, and my daughter was at the hospital when the ambulance came. She said, “Well, my mother is coming to the hospital, but that ambulance just drove up and it isn’t even in a
hurry or anything.” When they brought me in… they said, “We’ve tried to revive her three times and she is gone… She just ran in there then and they said, “You can’t go in there.” And she said, “I am. That’s my mother.” He said, “We’ll try one more time,” and he did. …I do not know how long I was out actually, but I do know that when I got the bill I had a CAT scan on my head and my body, to make sure I didn’t have a stroke…. When I did wake up, I just remember the doctor leaning over me said, “This is a miracle.” He did say that… It was. It was just a glorious miracle. There is something that is really neat. When I started this P.I., I said, “Lord, please let me live long enough to accomplish this, and to use Your Word as a testimony in my life how I can ~ to work for you,” and I said, “Just don’t let me die.” And I did. I prayed this. “Don’t let me die before I finish P.I.,” and I really truly believe that He fulfilled that promise to me. All the prayers and all the wonderful support that I got from Bro. Williams, I’ll never forget it, because he would come in and smile and, like he said, we would laugh, but, ahh, it wasn’t easy to laugh, but he was a tremendous support for me …always encouraging me that I could do it… I praise God for all the help that I’ve gotten and, to Him, for giving me this opportunity to finish and to go on and do what He wants me to do… I have a picture of my dogs if anyone would like to see them. Bro. Williams: So she obviously has the picture of those dogs because those dogs were part of the process of saving her life ~ Continued on page 16
September/October 2011
By Tim Vik After prayer and much consideration, the Youth Camp 2011 theme came into focus - UN. We wanted WI students to: do the UNexpected and have Christ-like character, realize the UNlimited impact of displaying the fruits of the Spirit, learn how to exercise the UNreal gifts of the Spirit, and be an UNcommon leader. With an almost capacity campground we anticipated a God-centered Youth Camp. In all aspects of WI Youth Camp, 2011 was epic! • We raised over $500 at our SFC dunk tank. • (Optional) morning prayer was packed every day. • The music team and choir, led by Sis. Darlene Boyte, was amazingly anointed. • Every AM breakout session was informational and empowering! Thank you, Andrew & Christina Grant, Rev. Williams, Rev. Pace, and Rev. Heidenreich. • Each morning session speaker was impactful! Thank you, Rev. Bridges, Rev. Newble, and Bro. Birt.
September/October 2011
• The evening services were Apostolic to the core! Rev. Omar Jolly (NY) preached powerful Apostolic messages and the students responded! We look forward to Youth Camp 2012 and anticipate a full crowd, so fill out your registration forms right away!
September/October 2011
RECON – “Dare to Dream” was this year’s theme for Junior Camp 2011. It was held July 18-22 for children ages 9-12. The week brought some extreme heat to our state and our ‘RECON’ youth found themselves ‘battling’ the high temperatures, but it didn’t stop God from moving. A lot of talented people worked together to make this an excellent, successful year for our children. Bro. Putnam encouraged the children, “Don’t let
anyone kill your dream.” All watched with the air of expectation and childlike faith the story of Joseph as written by Bro. Bath. By the end of the week, there were 19 children who had been filled with the Holy Ghost. After many years of service, Bro. and Sis. Rehbein have decided to say farewell as head of the children’s ministry. Thank you, Rehbeins, for all you have done and will continue to do to further the gospel in our state.
“And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:18 (KJV)
September/October 2011
Prayer @ Home By Craig Lundt On Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at about 9:30 p.m., our two girls were already sleeping, when our son, Caden (age 9), came out of his room and said that he felt like he wanted to pray. My wife and I said that would be fine. We asked him if he would like us to pray with him or if he wanted to pray alone. He wanted to pray alone and found a spot kneeling by the couch in the living room. He prayed for a few minutes on his own, then we asked if he would like us to pray with him. He told us that he wasn’t sure if he had the Holy Ghost, so Loretta and I encouraged him to pray until he knew for sure. We were both speaking in tongues and crying as we prayed with him. He was praying and really getting a hold of God. I told him that he was doing well in his praying, but I encouraged him to ask God to forgive him of specific things (lying, etc.) and to repent of his sins. Within about 15 minutes, he was speaking in tongues. We all turned from crying to laughing. It was an incredible night in our home, one we will never forget. Now we look forward to doing the same with our girls someday. September/October 2011
Men’s Camp 2011:
An Astounding Move of God By Frank Ritchie
erfully on Saturday, challenging us to be Every year the men from all over “Men of Truth,” able men, who hate covthe Wisconsin District get together for a etousness, and fear God. Both men were time of fellowship, good food, and great very anointed by God for those services. This year the Men’s Dept. took their preaching. Men’s Camp is a great time. part of the service and, rather than proFor one Friday and Saturday each summer, we golf, fish, play horseshoes, disc mote any sort of program, opened up golf, to name a few, but more importantly, the service to the moving of the Spirit every year we get great men of God to of God. There was an earnest desire for preach for us and we are blessed by God’s God to meet needs and fervent prayer presence. The money and time are well was offered up by men on that Saturday spent. This year, however, was a little dif- morning. The altar was packed with men ferent; certainly we want to put on a good praying for each other, at least three men “show” and make each year better than were filled with the Holy Ghost, and oththe last, but this year it seemed everyone ers were touched and blessed in ways that wanted to try to get away from the “show” only eternity will tell. and experience a demonstration. We serve a miracle-working God Bro. Stan Gleason was phenomenal as our featured speaker, preaching both who is willing to demonstrate His power Friday night and Saturday: “Two Guys to people who desire a powerful move of Went to Church” and “The Goal of Bib- His Spirit. Next year our Men’s Camp lical Manhood.” Bro. Gleason challenged special speaker is going to be Bro. Jeff us to stand eyeball to eyeball with Jesus in Arnold. Men, please come expecting anthe full measure of the stature of Christ. other powerful move of God. Our own Bro. Rufus Parker spoke pow-
September/October 2011
A testimony from Bro. Hanthorn:
Wanted to let you know that I received a call this evening from the gentleman that was prayed for at Men’s conference. His name is Armando and he is a new convert who has been with us for about a year. He was recently diagnosed with Sclorosing Colangitis, a very rare disease. His diagnosis was certain and they informed him that he would most likely be needing a liver transplant sometime in the future. Today they conducted an invasive procedure to see what stage he was at. Their preliminary diagnosis last week put him at about a 2 or 3 on a scale of 4. After the biopsy and testing, the doctor says there is no Sclorosing Colangitis and that his liver is perfectly fine!!! God is still healing.
September/October 2011
Bringing Church to the People
by Heather Poland
Many people are intimidated by attending a new church. The idea of driving to a new neighborhood, meeting new people, and experiencing a radically different worship and preaching style can be daunting. So, August 21, Apostolic Truth Church (ATC) in Appleton brought church to the people! It was months in the planning, and the entire church family needed to pull together to make Praise in the Park a success. A 25-person planning committee was assembled to represent the various ministries that would have a role at Praise in the Park. The departments and teams that were involved were: KidzConnect, Surge Student Ministries, music, promotions, care-groups, ushers, greeters, sound, media, the kitchen staff, the bulletin team, security, set-up, clean-up, and guest follow-up. To further set the stage, a 24-hour prayer chain was followed by a personal contact campaign launched by Rev. Aaron Soto, the lead pastor at Apostolic Truth Church. The concept was simple:
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people respond to a personal invitation. The execution, however, was a bit more complex. The components of the campaign were comprised of: • flyers designed and printed; • personal contacts written down by congregation members; • contacts prayed over; • contacts invited. In the personal contact campaign, over 1,000 flyers were distributed! In addition, approximately 55,000 people were reached by ads in the Post Crescent. As the weeks turned into days, anticipation was building for what God was going to do! Three days prior to the actual event, evangelist Kris Dillingham arrived to help the church prepare. Over Friday and Saturday, the neighborhoods surrounding Pierce Park were inundated with over 2,000 flyers, promoting everything from the morning service and concert, to the give-aways and free chicken dinner! Kris Dillingham also taught an altar workers’ seminar. When Sunday finally arrived, expectations were high, but God exceeded
everyone’s expectations! The weather couldn’t have been better and there were nearly 500 in attendance throughout the day. The best part? Nineteen people were filled with the Holy Ghost and four were baptized in Jesus’ name! 800 pieces of fried chicken were enjoyed at the free dinner provided for those who attended the morning service. Apart from free food, Apostolic Truth Church was able to bless the community by giving away 14 great prizes, including two children’s bikes, a netbook, an mp3 player, and gift cards. Completed prize registration forms served as a contact list for guest follow-up. In the afternoon, there was a concert featuring some of the best music ATC has to offer! The Sanctuary and Silver Owls Choirs sang under the direction of Sis. Darlene Boyte. Seth Boyte directed the Surge Choir, and Tiffany Hartzheim directed Kidz N Hymn, the children’s choir. The Choral also sang. In conclusion, ATC couldn’t have asked for better results. Ephesians 3:20 states in the NIV that God ‘is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” However, we need to do our part. Vision, church unity, dedication, strong leadership, prayer, and fasting were key components that allowed God to move in a mighty way.
district Calendar of Events OCTOBER 1– CFC Kickoff 12-16—UPCI General Conference, Louisville, KY 14-15-– PI— Appleton & Madison 21-22—PI Eau Claire 21-22—Spanish Ladies Retreat, ALMAS 24-26—WI District Planning Session 28-29—PI—Oak Creek 28-29 WYM Mosaic Conference, Wausau 28-Section 3 CFC Dinner, Madison, 7 pm 31—Section 1 CFC Dinner, Appleton November 1- Adopted Missionary Offering Kick-Off 1—Section 2 CFC Dinner, Oconomowoc 3—Section 4 CFC Dinner, Thorp 4—Section 5 CFC Dinner, Eau Claire 4 & 5—Ladies Ministries “The Gathering” Minister’s wives retreat, Location TBA 6—Daylight Saving Time Ends 2 a.m. 6—All Nations Sunday 11-12—PI—Madison & Appleton 18-19-PI, Oak Creek & Eau Claire Media Missions Mission of Hope Offering 24-Thanksgiving December 2-3—PI, Eau Claire & Oak Creek 5-7- District Board Meeting, Elkhart Lake 25-Christmas (Sunday) 29-31 Winter Youth Convention Paper Valley Hotel, Appleton Dec 31-AMO final offering
September/October 2011
My Prodigal Son Continued from page 6
P.S. Notes from the prodigal’s dad... By Scott Leonardson As I was driving up to camp alone on Thursday, I was overwhelmed by an amazing presence of God! I was driving down the road, weeping and speaking in tongues much of the way. Here’s my Facebook post from that morning… “On my way back up to camp… there is a spirit of expectancy upon me…just you watch what my God will do!”
Glorious Miracle Continued from page 7
getting the attention of Bro. Hahn… there were lots of contributors there… Even the doctor… as a handful of people, who knew this was happening, were praying… [The doctors] had fulfilled their responsibilities, but something moved on him to try one more time. She has a great doctor and he has an incredible spirit. And I remember him telling me the next morning… “She would not be here without the Lord.” I met some other doctors and they said, “We are making this a part of our conference lectures. This is something that has never happened. This is a miracle and we are going to tell people about this.” This all happened because of diabetes and they were once again trying to regulate her diabetes, and they couldn’t get it right for a while… There is a rea-
God began to show me a picture of a concrete block wall that was beginning to crumble…I could see the mortar falling out and the wall moving. God said, “The wall is coming down today!” At the end of the service, when Dayn was going to leave camp and go back home, I could not see the wall coming down…I was discouraged. I was on the praise team during the altar call and I could not see any evidence of a response from my son. I felt impressed to just close my eyes and worship God in spite of what I could see. When I opened my eyes, Dayn was doubledover in the pew weeping! I ran down to where he was seated...Vicki was on the
pew next to him, groaning in travail. I put my arm around his shoulders and felt the great-heaving sobs of a soul in deep repentance. I looked up and saw all of my brothers and sisters in the Lord gathered around weeping and praying for my son. I felt such love emanating from their prayers! I deeply appreciate ALL of the family of God! In these perilous times, we need the support of each other. When I looked into Dayn’s eyes afterwards, I was looking into the eyes of my son again…not the eyes of a cagedanimal, as it had seemed for so long. To me, this was the greatest miracle I have ever witnessed! Thank you, Jesus, for my son! He, who was lost, has come home!
son why they couldn’t regulate it after they brought her back. Tell us about that…
Sis. Rosemary: I almost forgot… I had renal failure… and the doctor said if you could just get 75% back they would be so happy… I have 100% back of my kidneys… God is so tremendous.
Sis. Rosemary: Oh, this is so amazing. I have been on insulin for over 30 years and other medication and they couldn’t get my blood right. They were trying all types of medication. Finally the doctor said, “You don’t need insulin anymore…” And I am just on oral medication and that’s ridiculous, because all of my relatives: my sister, my daughter, all my aunts… they have always died of it. God is GOOOOD! Bro. Williams: That was so cool. I mean, it was all awesome, but they were trying to regulate something God had already taken care of. It took them a while to recognize that…
Locations in Wisconsin:
Appleton • Eau Claire • Madison • Oak Creek Find out more information or register now for the next semester
September/October 2011
Bro. Williams: …There’s no question. She was gone. Her body had changed: the temperature, even the consistency of her skin… This lady is sitting here with us today. What is also very profound is the fact that she is sitting here in her right mind and also recovered. This lady was potentially gone for 10, maybe 20 minutes. And if you know anything about the mind, two or three minutes of no oxygen and it’s over, so it’s tremendous and an awesome display of God’s power. He is an awesome God. Hallelujah! This is a great example of how God is not a respecter of persons. He places value on every life and has intent and purpose for everyone… and He has a lot planned for Sis. Rosemary. She said, “God saved me so I could finish P.I.” Since the time of this interview, Sis. Rosemary completed her four-year degree program at Purpose Institute and participated in P.I. graduation at Family Camp in July. To God be the Glory!